#omg it's v v v v beautiful
intr0verted-weird0 · 4 months
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i97l0-1 · 3 months
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Kim Taehyung
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cyn-bot · 5 months
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the cannibalistic, skin stealing, eldritch abomination ROBOT is a LESBIAN!!!
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Oh my! Now this is a LOVELY piece of fanart! The details you added are absolutely stunning! I adore the hearts you added.
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You definitely got my good side, dear.
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dilutedbeanibeans · 11 months
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oh hes.
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baeshijima · 1 month
its the way like,,, half of sundays section in the pinterest board is just outfit inspo for him as a duke bc there is like no art of him as one and i am going insane with all the possibilities he could have
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darcyolsson · 5 months
on one hand i want to see to see genuinely satisfying character arcs in which characters get to grow and learn from their mistakes but on the other, larger, hand i think it's sooooo boring when characters stop flushing people's blood pressure meds down the toilet whenever they get mad because theyre experiencing 'personal growth' or whatever
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soapcan18 · 1 year
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grassbreads · 11 days
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It's here it's real I can hold it in my hands!!
I'm genuinely so hyped about this holy shit
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eritvita · 1 year
continued from x ;
Blessed art the Schools of Known magick to keep the creaks and slips of wood betwixt his walls and doors quiet and sealed and tempered from the moans and outright growling of his sacred copulation with his Goddess; blessed art the myriad of stamina potions riddled within cupboards nearby, and with the littlest bits of leaf and root to keep and chew to borne Roland’s willpower back onto viable, audible cues.
But that streak of fear hast his borne blood to blue ice whence a familiar knock … and then a familiar voice comes through that cracked door before the White Beauty barrs them from truly seeing inside Roland's College room. He shoots up from his nest of blankets and comforters, littered in bruises and tender marks of sharpened teeth, and gently lethargic aside the creases of his eyes for this pleasant, common coupling.
He gawps openly. And then crows and chokes for an amiable calling. "Onmund!" calls he, shuffling quickly; falling from the bed in a great 'thud'; bobbing palms for pleasantries of his physical health. "What is the matter?"
He mouths 'keep him there?' with an endearing tilt to his eyebrows, as he leaves that desperate warmth of the bed to find his trousers; to mind those slicks of covetous blankets and furs what threaten to cling at his ankles. “Is there a fresh Lesson? Hast J’zargo burnt the kitchen once more?”
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broke-on-books · 6 months
Happy poetry month! In the spirit of the month, what's your favourite poem? I'm not an avid poetry reader but mine is We Only Want the Earth.
Ooooh I'll have to check that one out, I don't think I've read it!
Hmmm as for favorite poem, there's a few I throw out as my top poem with frequency, but here I've got to say The Bridge by C. Dale Young. I just adore its positivity and the way it isn't afraid to be in love with the small details of life. That's just a feeling I relate with so much in my life and the whole poem is SUCH a vibe. Think I called it my idea of the world's greatest love poem in an essay once (which is def A Claim which idk if I'd fully back up now but the vibes are there) because it isn't just a poem about being in love with someone, it's loving everything they do and everything around you and loving just the world as a whole and how you see it everyday. Its such a vibe fr
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Just- THIS !!!! ^^^^^^
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cyberpawn · 2 months
this is how vale sounds when they hang out with other mercenaries
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stardustbee · 2 months
Hi I am still alive 💙🤭 just obsessed with my silly little videogame and obsessed with the little protagonist who, how it appears, to have a better hair routine then me and runs around with beautiful, long and blue hair.
To anyone waiting for answers on messages, sorry for being not so active. It surely comes back anytime soon but currently I just want to play, day dream and plan my vacation.
Hope you all have a beautiful summer!!! Love you all 💙
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i97l0-1 · 1 month
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gearchronocle · 1 year
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ruri :3 she's so beautiful........ princess core
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milflewis · 2 years
Pierre&Arthur and sth about Monaco or yachts
happy birthday bestie !! (threw in some background sebchal for you) hope you like it <3
“Hmm?” Pierre refuses to open his eyes, stretched out along one of the couches on the deck of Charles’ yacht. He arches his back a little, feeling it pop pop pop.
“When are you going to fuck me?”
It takes a second for the question to register but when it does, he sits up so quickly his head swims, black spots blurring the edges of his vision. Arthur is sitting on the floor a few feet away from him, lying back propped up on his elbows. Pierre tries to not stare at the wide sprawl of his legs, how his shorts rise up, the pale skin of his inner thigh obvious. Arthur is watching him, head titled, mouth red from the strawberries he was eating earlier, as if he didn’t just nearly give Pierre a heart attack five seconds ago.
“Um, what,” he asks, stalling for time, trying to half smile in an attempt to begin to laugh off whatever joke Arthur has come up with. Because it must be a joke. It must be.
Arthur just stares at him, unusually serious, and Pierre’s stomach goes cold. “When,” Arthur starts, “are you going to fuck me?”
Pierre blinks once, twice, and pulls at the hair on his thighs to see if he’s dreaming. He’s not.
“Um,” Pierre says, and somewhere Yuki is laughing at him but doesn’t know why, and he swallows, throat clicking.
Arthur raises an eyebrow, curls glowing light at the edges, hair long around his ears. There’s still slight pink marks along his jaw where he had been napping up until a few minutes ago, body loose and easy with sun warm sleep.
“Listen,” Pierre starts and then stop when he realises that actually he doesn’t know what to say here. Arthur keeps watching him, eyes blue and lashes long, mouth a little tight in the corners.
Pierre blinks. When are you going to fuck me, Arthur had said, like he had been expecting it, like he had been waiting for it, like he was desperate for it and couldn’t wait any longer.
Charles had given him a two litre thing of sunscreen yesterday, after they had eaten dinner and played cod with Lewis online. He burns very easily, Charles had shrugged, but he always forgets to put it on. He had rolled his eyes then, nose and cheeks pink with the sun. Pierre hadn’t said anything. Make sure he puts it on after swimming, yes, Charles had insisted. And any other, ah, activities where you, um, sweat. Pierre had just laughed, taking the bottle, a little confused but mostly fond of how Charles tries to take care of Arthur even when he can barely take care of himself. Charles had grinned at him, the skin on his shoulders peeling slightly.
When are you going to fuck me.
Not if.
Yuki is probably choking on his laughter at this point. Arthur is very very still on the deck below him, fingers curled into the wood.
He could laugh it off, he knows, and part of him really really wants to. It’d be easier in a way, less complicated, if he does. But he would lose him. He would lose Arthur if he turns this into a joke, in a way where he never lost Alex or Daniel or Yuki. Arthur, with his Lorenzo and his Charles and his bone deep knowledge of how beloved he is and the solid uncertainty that comes with being a Leclerc, would walk away from Pierre and his shame if he tried to make it Arthur’s. If he tried to make it theirs.
I am surrounded by bravery, he thinks, not for the first time, and not for the last time, wishes some of it could rub off on him.
He thinks of Lewis, always always smiling at Valtteri and Valtteri who never fails to look right back, even when he’s looking up. He thinks of Seb, who grinned at him, years ago, when he caught him watching a sweaty champagne drenched Lewis a little too closely and just winked, and the way he stands still in a sport so fast and waits for Charles to catch up.
He looks at Arthur, at his bitten down fingernails and light blond hair dusting the tops of his feet and thinks, I want to be brave for you. I want to be brave for us.
Pierre leans back into the couch, legs slipping open, and watches Arthur breathe in deep, shuddering only slightly, as Pierre says, “I could do it now if you like.”
Arthur pauses for a second before getting to his feet, swaying with the boat, all long limbs and skin. He’s heavy and warm when he climbs into Pierre’s lap, knees either side of his hips. Pierre runs his fingers through the hair on Arthur’s thighs, dragging his nails a little, watching as his skin goosebumps.
“I like,” Arthur says, eyes bright and brilliant and unforgiving. Arthur is the youngest of three, grew up watching all the places where Charles would falter and fall. He is softer than Charles, more present in a way Charles will never be, but meaner. There is a harshness in him that Charles never allowed himself to have. Pierre worries for him less.
“But do you like me?” Arthur asks, eyes still bright, hands in Pierre’s hair, fingers running along his left ear.
Pierre is finding it a little hard to think properly, with Arthur Leclerc sitting on him, miles of warm skin and muscle under his hands.
“Yeah,” Pierre says, even though he kind of wants to run away and never look back. Even though he never wants Arthur to stop looking at him. “Yeah, I do.”
Arthur melts easily against him when Pierre tugs him in, pressing his mouth along Arthur’s jaw. He tastes of salt and sunscreen and Pierre groans as Arthur pulls him up by the hair to kiss him properly, sharp and insistent. He swipes a thumb over Arthur’s cheek, fingers curling along his jaw.
“Easy, easy,” Pierre murmurs, trying to slow them down, Arthur’s breaths coming in fast and fluttering.
“Easy,” Pierre says, licking into Arthur’s mouth, kissing him slow and deep. “I want you. We got all the time in the world, baby.”
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crabbarts · 8 months
what if I clothing-swapped LL anisa and claymore anastasia,, thoughts to be thunk
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