#omg the unsub in this episode of criminal minds
storiesofsvu · 4 months
Okay I do live reactions for svu so I should do them for evolution too, right? Lol
TO the newcomers: my live watch thoughts are always rather disjointed, unhinged and might not make sense without context, my opinions/thoughts might change on a second glance/second watch through (which i'll do once it's on disney this weekend). anything in my askbox related to this i will wait a few days to reply to to avoid spoilers for others!
Starting off strong with the vic they dressed similar to jj to make us all panic, so that’s out of the way.
Kinda lowkey hate how this is a follow up from last season but starting with shit we have no major connection to HOWEVER, I do like that that’s how the og eps would start so that’s a step in the right direction, right?
“SSA emily prentiss”??!! has she been demoted or was that just an easier way to introduce herself?
OKAY, em not being at garcia’s bday makes a little more sense now if she’s off working a different case, she hasn’t been kidnapped …yet…
“we should eat some cake” tara being the realest here. Where’s my cake? I still haven’t gotten my birthday treat, this is a crime. Someone remind me to pick up cake on Friday before work.
“you’re hot”(screaming cause jj sees what we see) “a hot mess…” yup.. tara is still the realest. Also “mr or mrs right” confirmed pan queen
Jfc Emily looks SO FUCKING GOOD
BOTH OF THEM ARE SMOKING OHHHMY FUCKING GOODDD. It’s a crime that we didn’t get to see either of them actually smoking though, like they were half offscreen, we all know paget knows how to inhale LOL.
It’s voit she’s consulting with, right?
“good book I hope” LOL. Omg luke
And we have our first fuck of the season!
Voit showing off just exactly how good he is and how he would absolutely win over a jury is such a good play and im here for it.
Second fuck of the season.
Also like…yeah.. they’ve got zero concrete proof that voit was/is sicarius. That’s the thing with criminal minds, they NEVER follow past the point of arrest. 90% of their unsubs would end up in mental health facilities or be able to plead not guilty by reason of mental defect. That’s why the show worked so well prior to evolution, we didn’t deal with that much of the political side of it, the team went home and we all just imagined the unsubs went to prison (if they weren’t killed). There would be no way voit would end up charged with this shit unless they had a TON more of evidence.
LOVE rossi & prentiss’ little tiff that’s really just them watching out for each other and making sure they know the other person still has their back.
On the other side, I’m still not sure whether I’m leaning toward Rebecca or tara’s side. I love them both and will forever be made about the killing the gays trope holding up so we’ll see how the season goes..
I am loving how heavy prentiss of an ep this is
JFC. The two with the most heavy trauma lingering from the last season REALLY had to go through THAT???
OKAY THAT WAS JUST LAZY WRITING!!! I KNOW that Emily only said the “didn’t call 911, walked 3 miles…” thing to rossi earlier but to repeat it that quickly in the same episode is…ugh..
“HE” compromised an investigation… uh… that was half Penelope my guy
Ok but now that that whole investigation is no longer a thing and no longer a case whatsoever that was just the easy way of making it not a conflict of interest and now we’re stuck with this awkward love triangle that shouldn’t be a triangle, right? Like, last season it was a little off imo of Garcia, but we’re what? Halfway through episode one and I don’t EVER remember seeing Penelope like this, she keeps saying “I broke up with him” GURL, you WERE NEVER TOGETHER. You kissed twice, you helped him through a public drunk/hangover, you banged and Emily went “dude wtf call it off” and you ended it. She’s acting like a love drunk highschooler who’s been pining after this guy for months…
Rebecca is SO SMOL
Tyler green’s actor reminds me of ryan Reynolds… like… voice and mannerisms? He’s Canadian.. are they like, distantly related?
“he tried to kill me” “but he didn’t” wtf bruh
LOOOL the way rossi stepped in before Emily could end up all “yeah fuck authority, fuck this, fuck you, and fuck your mom. Here’s my badge”
Also can we talk about the fact that we’re into like.. day 3? I think and these babes have not slept…. (day 3 for at least em, tara & pen..)
“I’ll post it on youtube myself” dave… there is no way in hell you know how to use youtube…
Okay. Episode one down. Onto episode two.
 Goddammit there’s no subtitles on ep 2 lol
Tbh. I love clark Gregg, I think he’s a great addition to the cast.
I can’t stop thinking about the thirst tweets and Zach being all “you guys think serial killers are cute? Uwu” LOL
Penelope comparing her like, week long hook up with tyler to tara’s entire relationship?? (yeah I know we don’t know exactly how long they were together but if they were talking about moving it we can assume it was a decent amount of time?). I HATE what they’re doing to Penelope… like..i could turn a blind eye last season and say it was a fluke but not anymore.
FUCK Emily is so goddamn hot
I repeat my last statement oh my fucking god.
Rossi hallucinating is not okay, like…I know a lot of it is ptsd or whatever but like.. man needs to retire
I am REALLY liking getting to see this much prentiss and rossi in the first 2 eps, I saw a tweet or something bout how paget really got to shine in the first 2 eps and that’s so true. HOWEVER, that makes me stressed that she’s got a ton of screen time in the first couple of eps cause of whatever happens to her later on and her being kidnapped/going rogue or whatever happens that has her nearly blown up/injured in the promo shots we’ve seen.
Also okay, listen, Paget’s incredible. She’s been doing this same role for… let’s say 12 years, she’s stepped away to other jobs and come back to CM, the show’s been cancelled and then renewed and she’s still managing to play it perfectly, keep the character the same, her line delivery, her body language, she just slips right back into it and her acting never deviates (unlike some other actors in similar situations). Her talking to that kid was PURE Emily from earlier seasons.
Omg this entire ex gf bickering in front of tyler is HILARIOUS and I am tyler…like, get me out of the car PLEASE lol.
Okay wow… tara that was a little deep cut my girl.
A HOTCH REFERENCE?!?! Also yeesss Emily calling rossi out to say he’d never do it to him. It’s gotta be that awkward situation of being his boss when he’s older, he’s a man, he “should have been the UC before her”, maybe there was a time when he outranked her. trust me, as someone who’s had to navigate that kinda shit in a bar world, that’s awkward enough, props to em for calling him out. Please continue to call men on their crap.
I wanna say thank you to whatever director had Rebecca behind the drivers seat and tara in the passenger seat and the camera angles filming them diagonally rather then Rebecca sitting in the middle for no reason other than angles.
Emily’s hair is going to get progressively more straight/unstyled as the season goes on cause she’s more unhinged/out of control/losing it, isn’t it?
The fact that they really listened and put Emily in blue and red in her first two eps…thank you .. lol
“it used to be hard to get someone to take a life. But now, it’s easy. All you’ve gotta do is go on the internet.. tell em a lie.. a big lie..” the TRUTH to that statement is actually fucking terrifying…
Hate voit calling jj “Jennifer” BUT I also know in previous seasons she’s been  all “my friends call me jj, you can call me Jennifer” it’s just weird to hear lol.
Okay,,, is em hyper fixating and she fucked up by mentioning gold star or are we meant to believe that rn? Like obvi she’s gonna be focused on that cause of bailey’s death and her denial of working with voit and wanting to solve that case but… still.. yup… no gold star.. not totally surprised. HOWEVER would NOT be surprised that the same trope comes out later in the season, that they’re working something else and Emily is second guessing herself/dave gives her a look and she’s all “yeah you’re right, I was wrong last time.” And doesn’t believe herself and BAM it actually is gold star and maybe that’s what draws her into the field on her own or whatever.
Okay… im assuming we weren’t supposed to hear what voit said to luke? Or am I just deaf without my subtitles LOL.
“who’s infected now?”  oooohh kay…. Way to end an episode.
Alright, there we are. ep 1 was better? I’ll likely rewatch when they drop on Disney plus tomorrow/Friday after work, but those are my thoughts so far.
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nereidprinc3ss · 3 months
not sure if you’ve already answered this but what’s your favorite season of criminal minds? & if u have one LOL what’s your very favorite episode? for me like it’s hard to explain but i feel like i don’t really notice the changes going by because it’s so gradual (unless a main character leaves or something) but then like i’ll be on season 10 or something and then come across a tiktok from s1 and just get hit with a wave of nostalgia like OMG DEREK USED TO HAVE HAIR. LMFAO or OMG remember when jj used to present the cases … or OMG the cinematography used to be like this etc etc like 😭 and then i start getting super nostalgic u know?? like i was watching the ep when gideon dies and all of a sudden when morgan and rossi started acting out like “ok i’m the unsub i came in this way and did this because of this etc etc etc” i got so much nostalgia again because i feel like they stopped doing that in later seasons 😭 like that was such a gideon era thing! i love some of the plot lines in the later seasons and i adore some of the new characters too but i do think pretty much every show declines in quality as time goes on even though again there’s lots of new plotlines that i just adore that weren’t there in the first few seasons but sometimes i get nostalgic for the quality of the first few seasons too 😭😭😭 so i always end up not being able to pick
sorry this turned into me rambling like a crazy person i’m not sure i explained my thoughts very well 😭😭😭😭😭 sorry again
i’ve been thinking about this too since i started my second rewatch LMAO the show really really severely declines in quality in every aspect, acting, writing, story, etc like it’s just not as good and it gets soo corny it’s a huge bummer!! my favorite episode is the one with the little girl who goes missing at the mall, i think it’s called seven seconds?? imo that’s one of the best done episodes in the entire show. that and 100 are fantastic in every way!! i think their best season streak was early to mid seasons, like 3-7. its just peak criminal minds vibes, before they lost the thread with all the characters, good stories, yk. and i also noticed that morgan stopped doing the “i’m the unsub” thing which was like his trademark! he’s introduced as the obsessional crimes expert and i feel like that really kinda tapers off and is never mentioned again!
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zhongster · 4 months
omg omg i’d love to hear anything you have to say about hotch from criminal minds!! headcanons or anything i don’t mind i just wanna hear your thoughts
i’ve never seen anyone write for CM before i just got so excited!!
tysm <33
Ugh anon I adore that man to the ends of the earth i would be HAPPY to talk about him. Also i wrote these while watching the infamous “Lauren” episode which was an absolutely insane set of vibes to pair together
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This man is a lot like nanami in behavior, I think
He’s extremely stoic and put together in addition to being a very polite gentleman
He would do everything in his power to avoid burping in front of anyone else, ESPECIALLY his team
He’s supposed to be the leader so obviously he can’t be seen doing something so unprofessional
That being said considering the amount of black coffee this man chugs (and the amount of time he spends with the team) he’s gonna have some issues
His stomach is pretty much always sour and upset
When he has an empty stomach (which is a lot of the time) he’s always muffling these silent gross-tasting coffee burps
They don’t make much if any noise at all but he works with profilers so they’re gonna be able to tell; they can specifically see his throat move when one comes up
A lot of the time he brings a fist to his mouth when these come up anyway, plus he still excuses himself
These ones interrupt his sentences all the time
He’ll be like “and the profile states that *raises fist to his mouth for a sec*… sorry, excuse me… the profile states that the unsub”
Sometimes though this’ll happen and it’ll be a bigger one than he’s expecting, one that actually IS audible or is longer than he’s ready for, and that’s when he genuinely starts to get embarrassed
It’s not super obvious that he’s embarrassed but the tips of his ears turn pink and he starts avoiding eye contact
I feel like whenever this happens, without fail, Penelope will go “good one sir”
He hates it but he won’t chide her for it
His burps tend to get really belchy and earthquakey when he overeats which definitely doesn’t happen often but he has been known to zone out and eat more than he meant to + he’s not a small man so i feel like they rumble pretty deeply in his chest
Whenever that happens his first instinct is to hide from the rest of the team however that isn’t always possible
He spends a lotta time in his office burping inside his closed mouth hiding from the team
I feel like the few times they’ve been around him when this happened they were genuinely floored
Not only is Hotch capable of burping but he’s capable of full on belching!
I think he tends to burp quite a bit right after eating in general but they’re a lot more tame when he doesn’t overeat
Penelope definitely carries tums specifically for him but he hasn’t yet realized that that’s why she always seems to have them
He never asks for them either sometimes he’ll press a few gross burps into his fist in a row and she just taps him on the shoulder and hands them to him
Despite his behavior at work I think he’s a lot more relaxed about it when he’s at home with Jack
He doesn’t really bother muffling them aside from bringing a fist to his open mouth
Of course he still excuses himself though, he has to set a good example for Jack
Speaking of Jack he’s 100% the kinda kid to rat Hotch out to the team like “daddy burped so loud in the car on the way here it sounded like a monster”
And Hotch is like “Jack 😐 Jack why 😐”
I think the only member of the team that has heard him fully let one out without holding back at all is, of course, Rossi
And it’s definitely because he was drunk
There’s a reason we don’t see him drink very often and it’s because beer riles his stomach up
also babes is def lactose intolerant and babes also def ignores said lactose intolerance and eats whatever anyway
his stomach is genuinely always some flavor of upset poor guy 💀
Here’s a video example of what I think his super big earthquakey ones sound like
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peachy-lemon83 · 5 months
Omg the scenes that I think will forever be pieces of my memories from Criminal Minds (and there’s a lot but these two scenes are like the two scenes I always come back to, and they both from the same episode…
The Uncanny Valley S5Ep12 (spoilers ahead obviously..)
And not so great topics with children, like different then death not great topics so be warned if you haven’t seen this episode, tho this topic isn’t something uncommon in the show case wise…
1) Spencer and Rossi going to talk to the unsubscribe Dad, and Reid just kind of in background examining the Dr’s office, more specifically the shelves in the office . Then Rossi is kind of finished “we’re not getting anything from him right now” vibes. And then Reid instead, about to walk-out is like “quick question, why those toys there”. Doesn’t take the easy explanation, more specifically asked why those ones are so high where kids wouldn’t be able to reach them. Then grabs these very unique toys after the Dr says their reminders of children he’s helped. And then Reid brings down 3 toys and the Dr. tells him a name for each child he “helped” and then sways to the topic of how these kids are, two which the Dr gets offended. And Reid just stares at this man so intensely (like it genuinely gives off Reid after S12 vibes if you know what I mean tbh) and says
“Oh I’m not implying anything. I’m making an inference. An inference is an educated guess, then based on that I form a hypothesis. For instance my hypothesis here is that after you [I think we can assume what this word is] your daughter, you submitted her to electro shock treatment to make sure she stayed quite”
Noise of denial from the Bad Dr
“Then out of guilt you bought her toys, more- more specifically you bought her a line of dolls because that’s what serial m*lesters do, they give gifts. So you continued the pattern with your other patients. And then once they left your care you added their toys to the collection.”
Bad Dr. “I’m sorry, you can’t back up your story. Doctor.”
Back to Reid “This is why I love my job, Doctor, bc my lab is a jury of your peers. My tests with [each of the three girls the toy belonged to] the DA will put on the stand and I’m gonna personally bring these dolls and I’m gonna how they react”
Rossi offered him a deal where they’ll tell the DA he cooperated
2) just Reid walks into the room with the unsub (the place where she’s has the victims set up as human dolls). He doesn’t don’t raise his weapon just softly talks to her. Tells her he knows what her father does. And then gives her back her dolls. And I know she’s an unsub but the smile of pure joy when she gets those dolls. And then he gently tells them to let her keep her dolls while she’s leaving (whether to keep her in line or bc he knows she needs them idk not do I really care) it’s such a soft Spencer Reid moment even though he’s talk to an unsub. And then he has like a protective avenger to the dad who’s supposed to be the “innocent” one ig
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an0maly333 · 8 months
ya know that one criminal minds episode where the guys are drowning women in their dungeony pit of water because they thought they were witches. and if they died then they were human but if they survived they were witches and then the unsubs killed them in an even freakier way or smth. im thinking abiout that..
OMG YES I DO REMEMBER THAT!! what a crazy episode i think i blocked that one out
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supercriminalbean · 2 years
Things that made me insane during criminal minds evolution:
Written while I watched so enjoy my bumbling mess. Spoiler alert of course.
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Episode 2:
Penelope dance party epic!!
If JJ and Will break up i will cry, they are underrated
Rossi needs a shower and a shave
Lesbian Tara?!?!?!??! Bi Tara!!?? Omg yesssss. Queer TARA!! Fucking finally some representation in this show. Even tho all the members are so fruity.
Rossi calling the unsub a fuckhead 😂😂🥵🥵.
Penelope calling Rossi instead of anyone else in the BAU when she gets information.
Penelope confronting Rossi about going to thepry.
When Penelope gets nevours and rambles and Rossi just let's her waiting for her to get to the point. He has no patience lately, but for her he will find alittle bit of it left.
Penelope and Dave hug 😭😭😭
Thoes two always have each other forever!!
Also JJ or Rossi saying the word kink makes me laugh and blush not okay.
Rossi meeting Garcia at the elevator and not talking because he knows she needs silent to deal with everything at first.
Fuck Rossi opening the door for her fucking Dilf. Him in black does things to me.
"Do you need my login or password" oh right sorry I forgot its you Garcia. He was terrified after she gave him that look I swear.
Rossi watching Garcia work is my kink.
Fuck Garcia fingers tapping away damnnn.
This episode has alot of Garcia and Rossi and I'm living for it.
I'll do date morning with JJ 😏
JJ trying so hard not to laugh at the fact Rossi said I'm not at the everyone getting laid comment 😂😂
JJ delayed reaction at Girlfriend
Emily saying son of a bitch 😍
JJ trying to get Luke to calm down cos like bro we all know you in loveeee
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notallwonder · 2 years
Okay *rubs my paws together*. Criminal Minds Evolution 16x04 "Pay-Per-View".
Spoilers and nonsense under the cut:
I do miss having some kind of title card/credits. I don't miss the original series title cards because the typography drove me nuts.
So Voit has daddy issues? Or...well, some dude issues.
Oh NO they're gonna make me watch him put down the dog. (offscreen!)
Now THIS is a useful reason for Emily as Section Chief - she's a natural receiver of exposition. She's managing all kinds of people, doesn't have time to keep up with the minutiae of the investigation except by report, or in this case verbal report, even when she's acting unit chief. And so we get a recap of who this guy is that doesn't feel so goddamn forced.
GARCIA. Flashing him that sweet LLAP!
Will shaved! And cut his hair? oh no is that a soul patch. AJ back to not wearing pants - I feel like I'm watching Back Fork again. She probably has shorts on.
Saved by the suit knocking at the door!
ROSSI AND EMILY!! DREAM TEAM. I love them. The joking, the spitballing, the needling. "But will Mom?" oh god i love her.
Why we in Miami now? Oooh. This is a novel and creepy way to introduce a murder. Yikes.
Garcia! Alvez! here we go....oh no Alvez has cat allergy that requires weapons grade meds? ruh roh
Oh the bickering is good. Lmao at Emily's "guys what the hell is going on here?"
Emily feels more natural in this episode. Is it because they let her sit down? Is it because she doesn't have to use so much energy to tamp down her Noodle-induced rage?
Lol at the notion that a cognitive interview will magically give this man his memories back. Convenient as a storytelling device tho!
Okay I actually have been appreciating the extra JJ/Will stuff so far. It gives me a better sense of how they work as a couple, and their chemistry feels more natural to me than a lot of what we got in the previous seasons. But the emphasis on them this episode makes me twitchy - feels like something ominous is around the bend.
I don't know why but I LOVE when tv shows poorly photoshop family vacation photos onto a generic beach background. I swear its always the same beach with palm trees.
oh god I really feel for this guy Tyler. Excellent.
oh hey it's Emily's promo outfit. I will always notice Emily's outfits. Really liked the burgundy set from the Rossi scene earlier.
These two young men murderers don't seem like the "I'm next in line right?" guy communicating with Voit in the previous episode. They don't have $20k to throw around do they?
omg they're DELIVERING THE PROFILE (is this the first scene of this type so far? did they do this in previous eps? can't remember)
I appreciate the victim screaming "Fuck you!" in the unsub's face
Ah, so they are indeed not part of the network. Nice turn. Also shows us the BAU is kinda getting tunnel vision about Sicarius - could bite them in the ass later.
Okay but if I was Jennifer Jareau and William Lamontagne Jr I would choose to keep my front blinds closed at night.
I don't know, I don't think they're going to actually kill him. But scary cancer storyline, put JJ under stress, wring some more emotion out of this
(please please please let her have a moment of support from Emily, universe I am begging you....a brief handhold would not go amiss!!!!!)
This episode was pretty good. The pacing, the tension, the fakeout, I thought it worked well. The dialogue was way less clunky. It had a lot going on, a couple different layers, but didn't feel like a hot mess to me. Not lost on me that Voit was only barely in it. It does feel like perhaps / hopefully CME has decided that it is going to be a character-driven show with a backdrop of heinous murder. A good development imo.
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unamericangirls · 24 days
i looooooove criminal minds omg but every episode makes my heart hurt because what if they don’t find the unsub 😔
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lavenderspence · 1 month
i was also shocked when i saw him!!! mr scratch is also in dharma and greg. ALSO there’s so many dharma and greg characters in criminal minds. in 9x05, the unsub was dharma’s ex finance or boyfriend before greg. abby was in coda, playing as the boys teacher. the unsub who turned people into puppets, the puppet who he saw as a real person was also in dharma and greg. there’s so many crossovers i love it
omgggg!!!! Now you've made me want to go and watch those CM episodes right away omg!
But I also love the many crossovers between CM and other crime shows! like for example, the twins in s8/s9? That guy also stars in The Mentalist! The guy from "hope" is in Castle & one of the interns from Bones was in "middle man"!
I'm like that dicaprio meme from once upon a time in hollywood, catching different stars in different shows😭
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fairytale-of-fear · 2 years
I’m watching the new criminal mind episodes. And yes Lewis is dating a lady??? Yeah queer rep. I hope this continues. Omg, yessssss. Also holy shit the unsubs are running a muck and of course bureaucratic nonsense is at it again.
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storiesofsvu · 4 months
Alright… season finale night! I am sat with my dinner and ready to GO!
I remember the promo for OG looking pretty good, so here’s hoping that sets the scene for tonight!
Okay, this starlet couple is giving taylor vibes… plus she says her fans can get a bit crazy and she’s had a stalker for years? Yeah… the writers are pulling from that here.. esp cause we already know the shooter was going for the DA so it's not like they're pulling from an actual case of the sports guy getting shot... lol
UGH I just remembered this is Kate’s last ep and now I’m sad (oh god I hope she doesn’t die…)
Man… if I’m ever a suspect I’m totally fucked cause I’m always just “uh.. I was at home… alone.” LOL.
Completely unrelated: I am freezing right now. WHY? It’s summer?! Its so warm outside!
Okay, I thought the find my phone app was only for apple? does android have a similar feature?
“we’ll put eddie on the stand first thing tmr.” Yeah that bitch is gonna be dead.
Yup. Called it.
OHHkay, at least they mentioned a safehouse cause I was wondering why tf he wasn’t under protective custody
Can’t they just charge the guy for the murder of the sports dude and call it a day? Like, he’d go down for that for like what? 25 to life? (like, yeah I *get* *why* they want to prove that he was actually trying to kill the da, but like.. still)
Oh hot damn that is some fucking dirty laundry. And let me guess, her dad got the charges talked down….
Okay that wasn’t as bad as it could’ve been
Okay, that opening was actually pretty good and nearly hooked me in but I am making friendship bracelets and listening to swift as it plays so im not really paying attention. Lol.
Okay, affair. Sus.
My dumb ass saw a BTS pic of this opening scene and thought it was from a table read LOL.
“unknown subject” COME ON. You are not criminal minds guys!
K, im loving Velasco and Bruno being paired together, but it is just fueling this thurst…
What kind of person comes home to a dark apartment and doesn’t use their phone flashlight to get around?? Like, candles would not be my first instinct lol
“it’s our unsub” STOP IT! It’s been 25 years and you have always called them “perps” (yes, yes, I know it’s likely a common term among law enforcement –maybe?—but STILL). Like… on cm they have to explain the term to the locals, so this is just a CM fan on the writing team or something and I fucking hate it.
Velasco in yet another sweater that I am definitely stealing.
What happened to Lorraine Baxter? (that was her name, right?) did she step down after her husband died/was linked to a case? Cause I don’t think that was ever brought up but suddenly there’s a new person in her position?? (or was betty buckley just not available for this episode and they went lazy?)
Phoebe being out of town? Fin denied a beer from Velasco so he can go home and play video games all night.
Jfc. It’s been like 20 years since fin’s been shot. Ice out here earning his cheque this week.
Bruh, olivia’s not gonna buy you fake ass story lol.
“if I say yes can I change the subject?” LOL.
Saw this in the promo and still fucking forgot it was going to happen.
All the fans want is some actual family/found family shit WITH THE SQUAD. I don’t know a SINGLE person who has been happy to see any of the times maddy’s come back?
Like, I’m not the person for that ship, but they really have just been bating y’all all fucking season and FOR THAT?!
Oh HOLY SHIT we were actually given a phone call?! Now THAT was unexpected. Like, I GET it, having M or Chris guest starring on the other show would be such a fucking hassle when they have their own shows to run but like, just a hint of them trying to at least repair their friendship now that he’s been back in nyc for what? Like 3?4? years now? And there’s been nothing?? (im likely leaning more into this and being frustrated about it because ive been watching 1.0 again and seeing their dynamic and just how close and in sync they were all the time, like, even 10 years of radio silence there’s gotta be something there. I do get that if one or both had romantic feelings that it would feel like a bigger betrayal that would complicate upon reunion, but like, at the very least have them be besties working diff units please?)
Okay, that episode wasn’t great. It wasn’t terrible, but it wasn’t great. Definitely didn’t feel like a season finale…
OC time…
Eli’s gf has to be pregnant, there’s no other explanation imo
Okay now THIS feels like the start to a season finale!
I FUCKING KNEW IT!!!! I KNEW IT! LOOOL to Bernie just instantly knowing.
Family dinner sounds like a fantastic idea now that eli’s gf is knocked up and Elliot doesn’t know and joe’s running around being a literal criminal. I cannot wait to see this Bernie. (there’s no sarcasm there. I really hope it happens)
Does joe know/realize that elliot’s currently working this case? Like, that both of them could get killed when the fact that they’re brothers gets out? (okay we got through the commercial break, I forgot joe was all “I can be your informant” last ep! Goldfish brain!)
God I love Ayanna so much
Where are the rest of the stabler kids? Lol.
Eli out here seriously 100% following in elliots footsteps. Jeeze lol “family tradition” LOL yeah, having a kid right out of high school lololol
LOOOLL to jet starting to explain what a dm is to stabler lol
 Im pretty sure they’ve got vests on under their coats but I cant actually *see* any of them and that irks me and makes me nervous.
How is there only 5 minutes of this show left?! How are they ENDING a season like this?! Like this is an ongoing story, the main perp is still out there, on his way to CUBA and Joe is ON the plane with them…
Okay, OC was good, it felt like a season finale minus the Joe arc, I liked the summary of Elliot’s journey and how he’s been feeling and him visiting kathy’s grave at the end too to tell her about eli. Also love that he figured it out on his own that she was pregnant cause like.. dude had five kids, he’s bound to know pregnancy symptoms lol.
Honestly.. I think mothership was the best of the night!
Now we go back to season 3 and continue our rewatch over summer hiatus and pray to the gods that svu next season is better than the crap they’ve been feeding us.
Season 26 Wants:
-Curry & Sykes gone. (it doesn’t make sense for the politics/plot).
-Bruno to be upgraded to main cast
-A new female DETECTIVE who they’ll actually keep on for more than a season or two and we’ll get a good character arc out of her (bonus points for her being queer but we all know that’ll be the reason she disappears instantly) (also I don’t want her to be so fucking green. Make it so that she moved from another state/borough and has been working sex crimes for like, 5+ years already, someone that benson doesn’t need to babysit!)
-She could also be the sergeant if they move fin up to lieutenant and I think that’d be bad ass
-Rollins popping up more BUT, as Olivia’s friend, or a consult on a case with whatever her new job is
-More family/found family moments
-Maybe an actual court room scene once in a while, bring back some of our beloved defence attorneys and give Carisi something to DO for once
-Overall a bigger regular cast. S8/9 was PRIME for that kind of shit cause we had a captain, a sergeant, three to four detectives, an ADA, an ME, and a psychiatrist that were in basically every episode. I know that it’s likely a budget issue nowadays, but they could rotate through everyone LIKE THEY ARE DOING NOW, but with less people, it makes no sense. It made sense when there was such a larger cast cause it’d give one character an episode to show off and then they’d be gone or only have 1 line the next, they’re simply not utilizing the cast that they have right now and it’s fucking stupid and fucking sucks.
I think that’s all I’ve got for now lol. We’ll see…
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sea-shelly · 2 years
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ad1thi · 4 years
@omg-just-peachy replied to your post “everyday. every single day i learn something new about the United...”
lmao i live here and i feel that way. it's a simulation for sure
im convinced, like fully convinced that Jeff Bezos owns the entirety of the United States (don’t ask me how, he just does) and he’s experimenting with it as a country by just intermittently introducing random elements into the environment. like the rest of us look at the USA and think ah yes fully functioning country but in reality its owned by Jeff Besoz and its this intricate simulation he’s put together for his own amusement
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peachy-lemon83 · 6 months
Spoilers for
Criminal Minds S14 Finale and just like all of S15 story wise
“I needed to say something to catch his attention… and to catch your attention”
JJ… man was focused the whole time, never once was he not taking in your reaction and how the unsub was reacting to everything. Trust me man was paying atttention. Like he wasn’t just staring it down like in S14 E1 “300” no he was observing everyone and he was planning, not coming up with connections, lost in his own big brain.
(Also not them starting the season with JJ talking to Emily about how Reid asked her on a date and she misinterpreted as a hangout. Her and Emily both laughing bc wow that’s something and really started the trio of JJ, Garcia, and Reid…
And then proceeding to end with JJ confessing that she loves him…. Like what and this messes with their duo so much like whyyyy would you throw out that friendship!!!)
Also I’m not appreciating 1) Dave Rossi going pop off solo in this 2) the fact that Reid was aware to come in and talk to Rossi about their difference of opinions and come to same conclusion while Emily completely shuts Rossi down… especially when he was trying to communicate (when he very well was not doing earlier in the episode…)
Also only Reid double checking on JJ T-T
my heart
Like rough time all around with these two…
Also I feel like this awkwardness honestly takes away from this being a huge time where JJ was injured and on her own with the unsub instead of Reid. And they took a killer agent out of the field by leaving Reid over JJ. Also Reid being so respectful to Will and trying so hard to like you know not have this whole thing effect anything. And immediately apologizing and litteraly just speaking and poor baby Reid doesn’t know how to explain emotion and ahhhh him crying.
“I’m still in love with you” but I turned on the subtitles (LIKE THEY SHOULD HAVE BEEN ON WTF MAN) and he said “I don’t want to lose you” he doesn’t care that her telling him made him hurt, he cares that she won’t leave T-T
Also why tf is Reid being pulled 30 directions like 70% of the time hmmmmmm MGG you got some words for that, was that you to??? (THO I LOVE MY TRAUMATIZED BOI SO I AM ALSO GRATEFUL FOR THE ADVOCATING OF REID JUST SUFFERING AND THEM BEING LIKE YEAH AND ITS SO WELL DONE
also ft fans “Reid suffers so much, like give him so peace please!”
And then fanfic writers go “I’m sorry what? Oh you want him to hurt more! Yeah we can do that!!”
I’m here for all versions suffering and fluffy Reid)
“As precious time for both of us” awwww ma’am I’m gonna you to put more of the good stuff thrown at him plz, just toss that positive vibe/outlook
My heart
Both at Reid wanting to be “selfish” with his mother
And poor Grace (y’all are getting my reactions bc damn I forgot everything but what happens to Reid latter…)
Also I like due at this
“I don’t know who I am in this who if not your son, if I’m not protecting you” just tears
Truly a protector like they said in the “300” (can we tell I love that episode)
“You’re an adult now” “what does that mean” me too man me too
Ahdhfjfjdfj how did I forget this gold mine here!!!
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reidskitty13 · 2 years
Criminal Minds rewatch
Because of the revival news km rewatching the series from the beginning.
1x01-Extreme Aggressor
• Hayley wanting to name Jack Gideon, and Aaron’s extreme protesting.
• Also Hotches hair sits weird to me in this episode
• Baby Morgan and Reid
• I forgot Morgan’s specialty was obsessional crimes.
• Aah the early days before Hotch was traumatized
• Hotch and Morgan are in suits and then there is Gideon
• Morgan not trusting Gideon
• Morgan’s eyebrows seem to be permanently raised this entire episode.
• I’m curious about the timeline of Reid’s education at the beginning of the show he has three PHDs.
• Also Reid’s hair. They stylist for season one needs to be fired. Why’d they do that to my man.
• It’s weird seeing the team without Emily,JJ,Penelope and Rossi. I feel like that group (along with Morgan, Hotch and Reid) were the main team we spent time with. I love Tara, Matt and Luke but when I think criminal minds I think of the team consisting of Morgan, JJ, Emily, Hotch, Penelope, Rossi and Reid.
• Omg I can’t believe I forgot about Elle.
• Morgan is wearing a suit in this episode, but as the seasons go on he ditches the suits. I wonder why they changed his style.
• Morgan just seems so done with everyone in this episode.
• Hotch has said like five words this entire episode
• Penelope finally has arrived. I can’t believe that she was only meant for one episode but they kept her and adding Penelope’s and Morgan’s banter after hearing Kristen and Shemar at a table read.
• I don’t know why but I find Morgan laying on the UNSUB’s bed trying to figure him out hilarious.
• Hotch’s hair looks so shiny like a wig 😅
• Elle being impatient and Gideon being unbothered in the car is funny neither of them look like they want to be in the car together.
• Not Gideon calling the unsub a moron
• aww Morgan and Reid sleeping on the Jet
Not my favorite episode of criminal minds but still good.
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winterscaptain · 2 years
Hi! i hope this is okay…I just rewatched ‘The Bittersweet Science’ in criminal minds s7 and I had totally forgotten about the scene where Hotch takes the unsub to his dying son so he can say goodbye and while he is telling his son that it’s okay to stop fighting, Hotch is in the back of the room crying under the lamplight. I had completely forgotten about it and idk how because it’s almost painfully moving?? and I can only imagine how that felt for him— watching this guy who has beat people to death with his own hands hold his child in his bruised hands— there are so many parallels between him and Hotch’s situation barely 2 years earlier in 100 and watching it I couldn’t help but be curious about what that episode or even just that scene would look like in AJF, especially with the dynamic of a (sorta?) new relationship/new dynamic w/ reader. Any plans to write it? Would love to see your take on this one day or even just know your thoughts about it. As always, love re-reading the whole saga whenever the mood strikes.
OMG bestie I was JUST thinking about this era and it’s definitely on the list. I want to write this weekend because I don’t have anything going on, so I’m hoping I can get back to it.
Thank you ❤️
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