#omg this took so loooong
panic-flavored · 8 months
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am I too late for this, or...?
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pinkhyojin · 2 years
I'm gonna make playlists out of your ranking to get myself to listen to more svt and victon lol I love rock with you, mayday and what I said so maybe I'll agree with the rest of your ranking. Apparently I should definitely listen to nostalgic night.
Can you do ace (next or whenever)? It's fun to see your reasoning for the placements.
omg that’s so fun, it’ll be interesting to see if you agree with my ranking!!! and yeah sure i’ll do ace!!:))
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becauseimanicequeen · 2 months
RANDOM THOUGHTS: Unknown ep. 11
I’m just going into this episode wanting Qian and Yuan’s first kiss. That’s it. That’s all. Now, hit me with it!
Qian grabbed Yuan’s wrist. It was all the confirmation Yuan needed. I have a feeling that he will be even bolder now than what we’ve seen so far. And I love it.
Well, damn! That went from 0-100kph really fast. Yuan was starving, and I don’t blame him. He’s been starving for a loooong time. Even dreaming about it at night, it seems.
I love that Qian took the first step with the kiss. Yuan was straightforward and honest about his feelings and what he wanted (to be more than a brother, to be someone Qian could rely on, to be with Qian for the rest of his life, etc.). But Qian took the first step with the kiss. He’s finally “in his feelings” rather than trying to think it through or analyze it.
One thing I have to say I didn’t quite like about this scene, though, was the editing. I don’t mind the flashbacks (as in the flashbacks of some of their past moments) because it shows their story and adds emotional weight to the whole scene. I love that. But the buildup wasn’t there since the sequence of Yuan making his feelings clear and the kiss was chopped up and strewn here and there. For me, it would’ve been much more effective if it happened in chronological order (or if the confrontation from the previous scene had been in the same episode). The editing here fell a bit flat for me and it’s such a shame considering the potential it had of being an incredible climax of the whole series, that they were finally together. Ahhh, I don’t want to feel disappointed…
Look at them being cozy in bed! It’s Yuan’s neck kisses that do it for me…
Btw, this is probably the first time Qian has smiled when anyone has mentioned Lili and San Pang in the same sentence.
The way Yuan sneaked into his own room… lmfao!
The way I CACKLED because of Lili’s bonkers story.
A dating game? I’m getting Our Dating Sim flashbacks.
Here’s Qian, in the middle of a meeting at work, getting flashbacks of his night having sex with Yuan. 1. Absolutely understandable. 2. He’s completely whipped. So, again, understandable. 3. There’s no doubt he wants to have sex with Yuan again. And again. And again. So, once again, understandable.
The way he hit that figure and caught it before it hit the floor… Qian was clearly rattled by his daydream. And who can blame him? My legs would be shaking. (But this is not about me…)
So… The Doc and Le are fucking, right?
You know, Le is damn fine… when he doesn't look like a crazy person. Eh, who am I kidding? He’s sexy as hell when he looks like a crazy person. (I know, it’s a me-problem…)
OMG! Their date. The way I fucking laughed through the whole scene. Yuan accusing Qian of not being romantic, Qian proving the opposite, Qian’s reaction after the kiss, Long being funny as hell with the candle. Every moment was fucking golden! Excuse me as I rewind that a handful of times.
Of course, Qian’s trauma would come back up again at some point. It’s not like he’s dealt with it or been magically “healed”. I’m honestly wondering how the series will deal with his trauma (both the trauma around his childhood and his head trauma) considering there’s only half of this episode plus the next one left.
It doesn’t surprise me one bit that Qian went to the hospital by himself. I get that he doesn’t want to worry Yuan. But he isn’t even giving Yuan the chance to choose for himself.
Hitting yourself on the head won’t help…
It’s come to a point now that Qian has to tell Lili about his health. I mean, surgery seems to be the only option to get better, but the risks are too big to keep it secret.
Qian is talking as if he’s already set on dying. This is so unlike the fighter and survivor he used to be. And, of course, Yuan notices that something’s off.
Seriously, hasn’t Qian learned his lesson about not keeping something like this from Yuan?
I usually love miscommunicating (or non-communicating) characters because of the misunderstandings and drama it usually stirs up. And I love the misunderstandings and drama (in fiction, not real life, btw). BUT! This is riling me up. This is about Qian’s life. His health is in serious danger. Is it in line with his character? Yes, to a certain point. But how many times has he shown how important his family is to him? MANY! Practically the whole series so far. Why would he not want to prepare them for the possibility that he might not be around much longer? This isn’t the time to stay silent. This isn’t the time to avoid the topic. Come on, Qian. Don’t do this to Yuan. Or Lili.
Did you hear that, Qian? The Doc said to discuss it with your family.
The stress Qian is under has made him hide in an ally and start smoking again… If that blood clot in his head doesn’t kill him, the stress surely will.
Excuse me as I weep for a minute or two…
I only have one thing to say about that moment in the alley… Qian is so fucking lucky to have Yuan in his life. We’ve often talked about how lucky Yuan was that Qian found him (which is more than valid because he most likely wouldn’t have survived without Qian). But Qian is just as lucky to have Yuan in his life. Yuan single-handedly reignited the spark in Qian and brought the fighter in him back to life. And Qian needed that. He needed it to at least have a possibility to survive this.
I know I said I only wanted to mention one thing about that scene. But I have to mention Yuan biting Quan’s wrist as well, for the reason that I loved that detail. And because biting is my kind of kink. Not that this was kinky. But it does show that biting can prove a point at times.
Lili is so fucking sweet. And that hug at the end, between all three of them…
I really liked this episode, even though I felt disappointed with the editing at the beginning. But, they’re finally together and Qian has gotten his fighting spirit back.
Now there’s only one episode left and it feels bittersweet. I really don’t want this series to end…
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chanderlona · 3 months
great follow up news everyone I HAVE DOWNLOADED THE TUMBLR APP 💥💥💥💥💥 (yes i've been using the website all this time lmao
i also recently have finished artttt it will be my first here after the deletion of my previous ones from a LOOOONG time ago
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after being in my head for MONTHS she's finally here <3333 Marble Cake Cookie !!!!
yeah i intended of making a silly lawyer partner for Langue but also an older sibling of Marble Bread cause he deserves more content /silly
and uh Marble Danish suddenly appears sooo ‼️‼️‼️ he's the dad <333
LOREEE TALK uhm i still need to expand more buuut she's used to be in one academy as Langue which is basically how they met (i LOVE LOVEE old friends to lovers). though Langue graduated earlier than her so they lost contact for a while,,,, until one day they met again and it was like
a rainy day. Langue took a taxi to go home from his office (someone'a gotta take care of his parents /lh /pos) and the rain was sooo bad that basically its hard for everyone to find a ride home. then uhh someone was like "hey hey can i please please ride too?? i dont want to get too soggy..!!! /lh" and the driver was like "get in miss and i hope you dont mind my current passenger"—btw uhm Langue was already prepared for something like this. and then when she got in and looked at Langue and uhh
then they chatter until Langue made to his destinatiom,,,, plus they finally get to share contacts :333
AAHAHHSHS OKAY THATS ALL WHOOP— maybe in the next post i can rant about an oc i ship with xylitol nova /silly
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ahem bonus image <3333 silly lawyers i'm going to jail /JJJJJ
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This one took so loooong omg, made the drawing, decided I hated it. Redrew the entire thing:P but I am glad I dit cuz it turned out really cute:)
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elithilanor · 7 months
33. ‘picking them up’ hugs | Oldest Brother™ Haldir and elfling Orophin 👀
Adorable Omgs I literally can’t
I have a sad version in mind, but I'll just post it another day. So, in the meantime, here's a fun one!
Hanar = big/elder brother
Honeg = little brother
"Adar! Naneth! I'm home! " Haldir's voice called from behind and Orophin startled from where he was watching the starlings just in time to see his brother coming up the path.
Immediately, Orophin burst into movement and threw himself off the stump he had been leaning over. He raced down the path, his small legs stumbling over branches and his voice loud in the air.
Haldir dropped his bag to the ground and caught a speedy Orophin just as they were about to collide, swooping him into his arms and twirling them in circles to reduce momentum.
Orophin shrieked and held on to Haldir, clutching at his dusty cloak. "Hanar, you're back! You were gone a really really really loooong time."
Haldir laughed and hugged his brother close. "Only a week, 'Phin."
Orophin grinned brightly, "Exactly! A long time!"
Haldir gasped and tapped his brother's nose. "You've lost a tooth, honeg. Where did it go?"
Orophin nodded seriously. "The fish took it. Rú had to fight it, but he lost."
Haldir laughed and scooped his knapsack onto his other arm, starting back toward their family's home. "You'll have to tell me the whole story."
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Mag 24
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First of all, amazing opening to the statement. Thank you Leannne, you're a treasure. Secondly, it's weird that she seems to be basically immune to the Stranger, considering her family history. She doesn't necessarily have to take after her grandfather, but still, you'd think she'd have some reaction to clowns other than indifference.
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Haha, I get it, he was a 'strange' man who played 'strange' music. Very funny Jonny.
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I wonder what his plan was here. The statement implies that Grandpa Nick's death wasn't a shock, and yet he made no plans regarding the contents of the loft. Did he think his granddaughter would keep it locked forever? Or did he want her to find it, and maybe take over as organist? Then why lock the basement at all? If it was to keep Nikola inside, why not warn her that it was up there?
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I knew Nikola took her father's surname, but I didn't realise she'd taken her other father's first name! That's oddly endearing... or it would be, if not for the larger implications of a Stranger taking someone's name.
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Okay, so Nick was part of the circus and obviously had some kind of relationship with Nikola. Why did he lock it away inside of his loft? Because it killed Gregor Orsinov? Seems that like that happened a long time ago, though. Maybe the lock was a relatively recent thing, only installed after Nick got too sick to care for himself and Leanne moved in? Prior to growing too unwell, Nick might have just been chillin' with Nikola, playing sick beats on the calliope and letting it rip people's jaws off whenever it wanted. The lock could have been to keep Leaane out, not to keep Nikola in. But he left Leanne the house, clown and calliope included...
I dont know. There's unanswered questions here.
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Okay, nope, 'thick layer of dust'. Nick hasn't been up here for a loooong time. He definitely just locked Nikola away, with seemingly no plans for what to do when she eventually got out. Maybe he got sick of the #circuslife and thought that if he just left her alone for long enough she would either die or stop pretending to be alive.
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Okay, this might just be my automatonophobic ass, but I swear to god if I found this in my house I would immediately burn it. Maybe that would be a bad decision, but I figure I already fucked up by opening the locked room and releasing the spirits of the broken dolls, may as well destroy them all immediately before they have a chance to come alive while I'm sleeping.
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It's probably been evident from my commentary thus far, but I subscribe to the theory that this clown doll is Nikola, in one of it's many forms. Which makes it hilaroous that the first introduction we get to one of the primary antagonists of the series is a doll that is immediately called ugly and almost thrown out as garbage.
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Omg hi queen!!! It's so nice to meet you!!! Though in hindsight, I really wish your first on-tape appearance hadn't been in a Stranger statement...
But still, iconic to have your first line of dialogue be both interrupting and correcting the Archivist. Get his ass.
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🥺 They were friends. He praised her, and they joked around with each other at work.
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warringwarrioridiot · 10 months
"OMG you just copy and pasted Nezuko/Daki"
Bitch first of all
-Spoiler for Taiga Lore-
(TW/CW: Survivors Guilt, Murder, goofy insults, potentially graphic deaths, verbal abuse, toxic friends, OC content, etc)
Taiga's BDA existed LOOOONG before I read the MT. Nagatumo arc, AND she has a completely different backstory too!
Her best friend, Irene O'Brien, was brutally slaughtered by Muzan in front of Taiga's face, causing her to grab her metal bat and landing a blow to Muzan's back.
The blow wasn't severe, this is the Demon King himself we're talking about.
He didn't expect her to be brave enough to not only attack him, but also call him a Preppy Rich Bitch Wannabe Billionaire Bacon Bits Bitch and attempt to attack him again, though she didn't land anymore blows after the first one.
He found this intriguing and thought her loyalty to her now deceased friend would be a good tool. So, he turned her into a demon. Or so he thought.
She took the saying "Mind over Matter" to a whole new level.
Her brain could sense Muzan's cells, and managed to destroy some of them, leaving her only half-demon and hungry for revenge.
"But Taiga doesn't eat people!"
That doesn't mean she won't hurt or even kill them, she hates people.
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She was betrayed by her 'friends' multiple times AND verbally abused by her parents a lot.
Gonna make a part two, feel free to submit genuine questions and/or writing/drawing requests!
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rpbtgirl · 1 year
Now I’m kneeling there, buck naked, waiting for the next guy but now they’re discussing or arguing about who’s next. I told them they had to the count of 10 and if they didn’t decide I was leaving. Took until 4 and the second guy was sitting in front of me only this time he was still fully dressed. I told them this is the only one and not to waste my time expecting this to be all romantic and to be ready. He got undressed, cock number 2. This was short lived because he could get hard, I stroked him, had him in my mouth, no dice. He got frustrated, got up and walked away. They listened, cock number 3 was in front of me. OMG, this guy was a beast, this thing was huge and hard. I got to work, I had to take breaks because it was hurting my jaw and had already been working on 2 others, during one of those breaks I hear guy number 2 saying he wants another shot. I said yes, well I guess he didn’t want to take any chances and sat down on the couch. While I have cock #3 in mouth something comes over me and reach out and grab cock #2 and start stroking him, seemed like the porno thing to do. That got more cheers. All this got to me, I wasn’t thinking at all, just got cock fever lol. At this point I am so horny I can feel my pussy leaking and it’s running down my legs and they see it too. Cock #3 is ready to blow, I can feel it and taste it, and it happens, this thing starts pumping shot after big shot, took everything I could to keep it in my mouth…..but I did. Almost immediately I moved over and started on cock #2, this time he was rock hard and ready to go. Now my pussy is aching, I have to, I start playing with myself and this sets them off. Neighbour who still hasn’t had his turn and his buddy tell everyone what happened the other day, they go nuts. Cock #2 is taking a loooong time and I’m getting tired, knees are getting red from kneeling. Tell we have to switch it up, so I lay on the couch, he kneels and fucks my mouth. He asks if he can touch me, took his cock out of my mouth and told him fuck yeah, then put his cock back in my mouth. I don’t know if it was me being so horny, this guy had mad skills or a combination of the two, but this guy made cum so many times I lost count. He just kept going and going and didn’t seem any closer to cumming, he just kept playing with my pussy. I don’t know how long this was going on but I could hear the voices getting closer, comments about it’s been long enough and I was so worn out by this time I was basically just laying there twitching with a cock pumping in and out of my mouth.
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aliasrocket · 1 year
i came from ao3 to say ty for the rocket content you have been providing LOL .. i esp love the last one and the the "bad" ending of it XD its SOO in character of him to be non committal/wishy washy/however you could say emotionally not ready. i will def be rereading x10 as i hve your other ones . i liked the acknowledgement that they had their own issues to work out, i dont think hed be the best person to be in a relationship with with unresolved issues (his refusal to acknowledge stuff/move on from past events and the abrasive attitude that comes with him, also his solo comic arc is about all his manyy ex girlfriends wanting to kill him lol) hes def a glacial slow burn of a person if you ever get an inkling of a chance and probably not a good person at a surface level. sorry for the weird rambling but as a starving rocket fan of many years you are providing 5 star wagyu (*μ_μ) the character exploration pet names and angst of them all -ω- i really look forward to more of your writing !
This is the fic being discussed in this ask btw! :
Okay hey sorry it took me a while to get back to this aaahhh this hit me but
thank you so much for your support! It may be a silly hobby of mine but it’s what keeps me going, and making others happy with my work makes me happy too!
I’m glad you liked the ending! Including you, half of the people who’s commented their opinion of the ending have said/implied that it’s good to have left it that way, and the other half felt strongly about needing a sequel with a supposed happy ending? And now I’m kinda torn gahh! Sadly, I do agree with you about Rocket being more on the non-committal side, which is exactly why last (friday) night ended the way it did!
Also, seeing this made me visit his comics haha! Which issue is it, the 2014 one or 2016 one?
Sorry it’s just really flattering to see that you, a rocket stan for 5 years, liked my fic when I’ve only gotten to like him after seeing vol. 3 (because of his backstory, omg) that’s just so insane to think about. I can’t believe you think of my fics as 5 star wagyu!! Thank you!! XD <33
Will definitely be working on the many other prompts I thought of for Rocket/Reader fics and solo Rocket fics, and since angst is my strong suit, there won’t be a drought on that for a loooong time. In fact I think it only gets worse from here, so buckle up!
Thank you so much for your kind words about my work and for sharing your opinions!! This was fun to write :DD
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lady-of-tearshed · 3 months
I would like to hear your review on Acotar series, I have read it and just want to talk about the book.
Hello there! 💕
So, my review on the Acotar series...
I started reading the first book in 2020, but I had stopped because Feyre was giving me the icks in the first book. 😅 I started reading it again last year because of the hype it got on Tiktok, and I was like, "Okay, I'll give it a chance. Might not be that bad." And GOD, I'm glad I did !! The end of the first book felt a bit rushed though, I wish the UTM scenes would've been more detailed.
Then I started the second book, and at the beginning, honestly, I was a bit confused about how Feyre seemed so... traumatized? Like, she didn't seem that bad in the previous book, but that's just my honest opinion. 😅 I grew to like Feyre in the second book. She really had a good character development. There really were beautiful scenes in book two, the starfall scene, the inn scene was quite hot too, and the Suriel, omg. I loved this scene. It kind of bugged me, though, because of Feyre's reaction, but hey. Chapter 54 really made up for the lack of UTM information in the first book, and chapter 55 was hot, too, lol. But again... like the first book, I felt like there was a bit of action at the end of the book, which hold a looot of information, but it felt... rushed.
Third book... Lucien broke my heart in this book, like, my boy needs happiness. And if Elain doesn't take him, hell I'll do it! 🤣 I loved Bryaxis scene in this book. I don't have much more thoughts about this one book though... lots and lots of war strategies and all.
3.5 book is SO UNDERATED! GODDAMN I LOVED IT. It honestly was my favorite one for a loooong time!! But ACOSAF took the first place in my heart after reading it, lol. I feel like Rhysand and Feyre relationship really settled in this book, honestly. A lot of domestic sweet moments.
And book 4... honestly, I think it's the best. The only thing I have to "complain" about is how some characters felt... off. Rhysand felt off, Cassian felt off, Azriel felt off in the bonus chapter... Especially Azriel. Like, okay, maybe he is pinning for Elain, maybe the Cauldron is wrong or wathever... but in book 3.5, Cassian wanted to bet that Lucien wouldn't be attending their Solstice festivities, and Azriel was like "No, you wouldn't like someone making those kinds of bets on you." Like... I thought he had more respect for Lucien than that... than kissing his mate. Anyways. Love Nesta, love the valkyries friendship... Love this book. I often see posts like "Nesta was such a bitch" yeah. She was. When you're hurting, and healing, it sometimes happens, to act like a bitch. Some people have... really bad coping mechanisms. But they're not bad people for that.
Anyways! Feel free to come and chat in private if you want to! Usually, I don't bite. 🤔💕
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sixosix · 6 months
Heyo! :D Just another fan of Thawed! WHICH BY THE WAY- *mwah* IMMACULATE. Anyways! I could go off on a loooong tangent about how this series AFFECTS mE- I've literally found myself daydreaming on multiple occassions on imaginary situations about the reader and the twins. One of which I do want to propose! You know how some characters summon a sort of animal during elemental attacks? Like Lyney's cat ult and Razor's wolf god ult? (I'm butchering this so bad but hear me out! TvT) For the reader- Since we're keeping cryo in mind- What if hers was a sort of artic wolf? But all raggedy and a bit torn in some fur spots and some scars from battle? :D And you could even go on to say its the only wolf thing she'll summon cause its a lone wolf just like her- Dependent on nobody but itself. IDK I RAMBLE-ADFLHfj
TvT Forgive this silly goober but she had an idea and wanted to set it freeeeee
hello omg!!!!!!! its always so nice to receive asks from u guys ahh 😭😭😭❤️❤️ and omg!!! yes im hearing you out
THATS SO COOL!! ive never explicitly written what reader would be like in terms of ingame gameplay bc ive always kept it a little vague for these chapters exactly for reasons like these: your imagination fits in the pieces!!! the lone wolf concept is so neat i like that ‼️‼️‼️ you took in consideration readers personality 🫶🫶🫶 imagining an ult like that WHOAAA thank you for sharing it with me!!
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koumeowkami · 1 year
Lyn hii !
How's your life been ? We've not talked in so long omg
Dude I just had the busiest week ever, school is being a bitch and my body decided that it's the perfect time to get sick. (Today was a kinda good day tho dw. I had some banger chocolate oatmeal and wrote a 1000 words for a wip)
Anyways, what I wanted to tell you that i met this girl who's kinda into kpop. Stray kidz is the only group she stans apparently. She made me listen to a bunch of songs and one of them was S-class by stray kidz. Dude that song is so fucking good like omg
She made me listen to a bunch more stray kidz and told me a lot of trivia abt them
I'm gonna list'em out you tell me if I'm right or not
1. Some Australian guy called Felix exists in skz (look ! Ik there acronym !)
2. He has a fucking range. Like apparently he can go from demon voice to kinda cutesy anime girl voic
3. He can also hit something called a fullsetter (idk what that is ?)
4. S class was their recent comeback song
I made her listen to freakout by bae and she really liked it and immediately added it to her Playlist, so that was pretty cool
This ask is so long. Here have a song rec as a treat
Signing off and probably going to sleep
hihi lira! i'm so happy to hear from you again 🥹 and oh no you even got sick :( i hope you're getting to rest a bit after this awful week. sending you lots of positive energy!! 💗
i'm currently feeling lowkey horrible cause i have the second part of my japanese exam tomorrow and i'm absolutely terrified... i feel like i'm not even able to say konnichiwa lol i keep revising everyday but my mind is just too tired from studying constantly for a month so i can't study well anymore, the info gets in one ear and right out of the other. i just really wanna cry a lot and let all this repressed anxiety out but i can't... hah, i think this is gonna be a loooong night.
back to your ask, YOU MET A STRAY KIDS STAN ?????? THAT'S AWESOME OMG. everything in your trivia is true :D felix is even my second fav member! he's SO GOOD his voice is something i've never heard before and his dancing skills are insane. if you want more recs i made a post in which i compared the paralive groups with skz songs (that post took me forever istg)! you can also ask me more about them and i'll be super happy to answer so i can properly turn you into a stay (skz's fandom name) >:D
thank you so much for this huge ask <3 i'll listen to the song you recommend me later! and sleep well :3
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jesterwriting · 8 months
I believe in you with the crocheting! It took me a few months too to actually start and I have loooong pauses before I pick things up again as well but it's actually really nice and not that hard once you get the hang of it :D
If it has any motivational value for you: I'm currently crocheting one of my comfort characters and the doll turned out really big which I personally find awesome. You can do so many things with crocheting!
OMG HI!! thank you for the motivational words hehe! tbh one of the things that attracted me to crocheting is how repetitive and simple the movements look, and itd be a lot better to be doing something with my hands rather being on my phone all the time. plus there really is so much you can do with it. i didnt know you could make dolls though!! thats so cool that youre crocheting your comfort character. finally you can squeeze them irl >:3
id probably want to crochet blankets or something like my grandma did before she passed. she won awards for hers and she used to crochet everyone gifts for holidays and birthdays! its be really nice to be able to do the same, i just gotta. *clenches fist* start. ooooough or i could crochet little hats for my cats. thatd be so cute.
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4kominato · 1 year
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A/N: OMG SORRY I TOOK SO LOOOONG TT-TT .. i hope you enjoy this! i tried my best to create a plot that included quality fluff AND smut (youre also my first daiya request ever on this blog so i feel totally sh*tty that im so late erghshshd) also, sorry if the aftercare is too realistic that its not cute anymore :') ~kuri
@cxffeeshxts Request: May I request fluff/smut scenario of kawakami norifumi :0 If so, thank you very much! 
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Pairing: Kawakami Norifumi x F!Reader
Genre: Fluff, Smut (M) - SEXUAL CONTENT
Word Count: 2.1 K
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It's a beautiful day out. The winter air is dry and cold, but the bright sun in the sky and thin layer of clouds helped to comfortably balance out the potentially frigid weather. Despite being home for the first time after a long semester of university in America, you told your parents you would be seeing Nori first, since you didn’t get to spend a whole lot of time with him in the summer before you left, due to Seido’s advancement to the summer tournament.
Nori is your boyfriend of three years, the two of you having met in junior high when you were a third year and he was a second year. Despite his shyness and insecurity, he was always so sweet and caring toward you, and the more you talked, it felt like you guys just… clicked, so it came as no surprise when you found yourself falling head over heels for him. Knowing he probably wouldn’t make the first move and that you couldn’t let someone like him just slip away, you asked him to be your boyfriend at your junior high graduation so that you guys could make things official before you went off to high school. You refused to tell him which high school you would be attending because you wanted him to choose for himself where he wanted to go, but somehow fate brought the two of you back together, Nori having picked Seido to join their prestigious baseball team.
With Nori being on the first string, you got to know some of the others in his grade as well, and you’d gotten them on board with helping you surprise Nori at the dorms. After catching the train to your house to drop off your luggage, you walk to the school to meet Kuramochi at the entrance so he can lead you to the retired third year dorms, where Shirasu is keeping Nori occupied until your arrival.
“Do you think Nori will follow you to university in America too?” Kuramochi jokes, as the two of you walk down the hall toward Nori’s room.
“I’m not sure. He hasn’t really mentioned it much to be honest,” you start, taking a moment to think before continuing. “I think I’m not as reluctant to the idea of him going to the same university though, because doing long distance from a different country was pretty tough with the time differences and all.”
“Yeah, and you guys can’t get all lovey dovey,” he snickers.
“I mean yeah… that too.”
You’re about to keep walking when Kuramochi stops in front of one of the doors and whips his index finger up over his lips, gesturing for you to be quiet. Then he proceeds to knock on the door.
A soft, “Come in,” sounds from the other side of the door, cueing Kuramochi to open the door.
“What’s up?” Nori asks curiously as Kuramochi enters the small room, simply standing right in front of the doorway.
“I have a surprise for you,” he replies before turning towards you and gesturing for you to come in. You can’t wipe the dumb grin off your face when you walk up to the doorway and see Nori’s face light up.
“Oh my god!” he exclaims, sitting up from his bed and running up to you, “What are you doing here?!”
“Surprising you, obviously,” you laugh as he lifts you up in his arms and spins you around.
“I missed you so much.”
“But I missed you more–”
“Aaand we’re leaving now,” Kuramochi interrupts and heads toward the door with Shirasu following suit. “Use protection! Hyaha!”
“And don’t forget to lock the door,” Shirasu adds, and with that they exit the room, shutting the door behind them. Finally alone, the sexual tension between the two of you multiplies tenfold. It’d been nearly half a year since the two of you had gotten to be intimate with each other, so even just the initial hug you shared  upon your arrival had your gut churning with desire.
“So…” you draw out suggestively, simultaneously taking Shirasu’s advice and locking the door.
“So…” he responds in a similar fashion, the two of you obviously having the same thing in mind despite both of your reluctance to say it. Instead, you walk up to Nori, reaching for his hands as you press your forehead to his, then your nose, and finally your lips, at which point he resorts to slipping his hands around your waist.
The feeling of him growing hard against your thigh sends heat rushing downward, and in no time, you can feel your arousal drenching your panties. Nori’s hand moves up to your neck, pushing your hair out of the way to place his lips there and gently trail kisses along its length and down to your collarbone.
“May I?” Nori nearly whispers, tugging at the hem of your top.
“Of course,” you reply with a smirk before assisting him in removing the garment. You can see his hungry eyes dilate at the sight of your lace adorned breasts, and just as he reaches up to cup them, you decide to throw him a reverse uno card, cupping the bulge in his pants and gently massaging it before he gets the chance to do anything to you.
He gasps in half surprise, half pleasure as you continue to palm him over his sweats, his hands faltering on your breasts at the feeling. You take the opportunity to capture his lips once more, and slowly guide him to the bed where you proceed to straddle him.
“I want you so bad already,” you whine, rolling your hips on his now fully hard member, eagerly seeking any friction you could get against your aching clit. “I’m soaking.”
“God, you’re so hot,” he moans breathily, his eyes fluttering shut as you continue to grind against his needy cock. “I want you too… but it's been a while. Are you sure you’ll be okay?”
“I’ll be fine. I need you,” you demand as you rip off your bottoms and fling them aside. “Don’t finish too quickly, okay?” you tease as you pull down the waistband of his sweats and briefs in one go to free his throbbing erection.
“Wait–” he barely manages to say before you take him, “Use a condom.”
“Nori…” you whine. Normally it wouldn’t have bothered you, but with how deprived you’d been the past four months, your patience is running extremely thin.
“Especially since it’s been so long I might not be able to pull out in time. I don’t wanna take any chances.”
“Ugh, fine…” you give in with a frustrated groan, but he did bring up a valid point, so you couldn’t really argue further. You return to the bed after fetching one of the foil packages from his dresser and tearing it open. Climbing back on top of him, you quickly pinch the tip of the thin rubber disk and roll it down his firm length, eliciting a soft moan from him that further tested your patience. “Are you ready now?” you ask almost aggressively as you position him to your entrance.
“Ye–” he barely starts to say, but before he can finish, you lower yourself onto him, easing him into your wetness and completely interrupting his train of thought. “Oh, god–” he groans, throwing his head back at the feeling of your wet walls encompassing his girth.
“Ah, Nori, you feel even better than I remembered,” you sigh in relief at the feeling of finally having him inside of you. As much as you would’ve loved to draw it out and take your time with him like you normally do, you don’t have the self control to do so this time; for the duration of your three year relationship with him, this is the longest you’d ever been abstinent and obviously, it’s taking a huge toll on you.
Placing your palms flush against his chest, you stabilize yourself enough to rhythmically drive your hips up and down, riding him to your heart’s content. The way he fills you up so perfectly gives you unfathomable gratification, his thickness rubbing up against your tender walls while his length hits just the right spot deep in your core. You don’t remember it feeling this amazing, but maybe the waiting and anticipation that had built up over the past few months was enough to amplify the blissful sensation tenfold.
“Nori, I’m already close,” you pant, forcing yourself to maintain your rigorous pace despite the rapidly escalating tension accumulating in your lower half.
“So am I,” he barely manages to say.
“Fuck…” you whine under your breath as you abruptly accelerate your movements in an eager attempt to chase your high, albeit extremely sporadically.
“Baby, I–” Nori moans through labored breaths, his grip on your hips substantially tightening as he finally succumbs to euphoria, his eyes rolling back whilst his manhood pulsates within you. Wanting nothing more than to reach ecstasy together with him, you begin bouncing on top of him even more erratically, feral almost, until his swollen head is kissing the lip of your cervix, expediting the tingly feeling accumulating in your gut.
After what feels like hours of edging, you’re finally enraptured, sheer pleasure erupting from the heat between your legs and radiating throughout the entirety of your body. You’d been doing a remarkable job keeping the sounds to a minimum… that is until the breathtaking feeling of climax sends you over the edge enough to force a cry out of you. You’re sure whoever is in the room next door can hear you loud and clear, but there's no way you could’ve prevented it.
As you slowly come down from your high, your shaky arms give out and you collapse forward onto Nori’s chest completely winded.
“God, that was so good…” you mumble weakly. “Sorry I got loud at the end though. Your neighbors probably heard me.”
“It’s fine,” he answers breathily, combing his fingers through your hair, “After Christmas, I only have one more term with them anyways.”
“Mm,” you hum, unable to answer in words with how weary you’d become.
“Before you fall asleep, let me clean up,” Nori requests, gently rolling you off of him to get off the bed, “And you should pee first.”
“You’re too responsible, Nori,” you grumble with your face buried into his pillow.
“It’s for your health.”
With your eyes still closed, you hear some shuffling and some tissues being pulled before the bed sinks next to you, followed by the feeling of fingers brushing your hair out of your face.
“C’mon, babe, get up. I’ll take you to the restroom and then you can sleep. Won’t it be worse if you end up getting a UTI?”
“Yeah, I know…” you groan, finally sitting up and wrapping your arms around his waist. With a soft smile, he returns your embrace and leans in to place a chaste kiss to the top of your head.
“I love you,” he whispers.
“I love you, too.”
He only allows a moment more of sitting in silence before he fills the void again. “Okay, now get dressed before you actually fall asleep,” he demands as he retrieves your clothing from the floor.
“Mrgh,” you respond groggily, still reluctant to get out of bed, but regardless, you do as he says. After he shows you to the restroom, he walks you back to his room and tucks you comfortably into his bed.
“You must be tired and hungry from the long flight, huh?” he asks as he kneels at the bedside.
“Mhm,” you mumble, starting to succumb to slumber with how comfortable you are in Nori’s bed, intoxicated by his sweet scent that you missed so much while you were away.
“Well, I’m gonna go meet Miyuki to get some pitching practice in this evening and then I’ll bring you back some food from the cafeteria for when you wake up, okay?” he speaks gently, and though your eyes are closed and you can’t see him, you can feel his loving gaze upon you.
“Mm,” you mumble once more, softer this time but still loud enough that Nori knows you’ve acknowledged his statement.
“Alright,” he responds as he leans in to press a tender kiss to your forehead. “Sleep tight. I love you so much. I’ll be back in a few hours.”
Though you can’t bring yourself to answer in your now very somnolent state, hearing his words fill you with warmth, receiving the affection you’d been deprived of this past semester. You couldn’t have asked for a better welcome home than spending time with the love of your life, and even though he isn’t with you right now, you know he’ll be back soon to share more memories with throughout the remainder of the holiday season.
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lianeiva · 1 year
Hiii love!! Loooong time 🥲 how have you been? Saw that you moved, where are you living know? Are you happy? I miss talking to you 🩵
Haven’t been here a lot lately, too much has happened in my life… spoiler alert i got a job ☺️
i write to this account bc i saw you were more active here :) -S
ohmygooooddd hi babbeeeessssss!!
I missed you so much!
Yes I moved, I'm living in Dublin, Ireland, now eheheh I'm loving it, I already have a job too and I'm hoping to get some dance teaching jobs too (hopefully soon)
OMG so happy you're working!! I hope you're enjoying it and obvs that you're happy as well!!
I took a break from my other account, didn't feel like dealing with some unpleasant messages so yeah I've been hanging more on this side
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