#omg whyyyyy
kairukitsuneo · 10 months
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I just discovered spark flowers is not what it seems (⚆_⚆)
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cr3zynotf0und · 7 months
What if Ocean had a little sibling too, like a sister or something?
What if she was like 5-6 and she doesn't fully understand the concept of death so she starts to get worried when Ocean doesn't come home for a few days and her parents kinda have to be like
"Hate to break it to you but yeah your sister's dead"
And then when she finally realizes, she says "Will I ever see her again?"
"I'm afraid not for a long time"
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hippolotamus · 1 year
Thanks (but no thanks???) for the tags @panbuckley @monsterrae1 @mysteriouslyyounggalaxy @spotsandsocks to do this sorter game. WTF this was so hard! Ack! Like, how absolute dare!
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I'm catching up on tags so I don't know who else has done this. I'll (no pressure) tag @this-is-bwr @stereopticons @shortsighted-owl @alyxmastershipper @elvensorceress @littlebitofdiaz @jesuisici33 @apothecarose @911onabc @heartbeatdiaz and an open tag for anyone else who wants to
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delphi-dreamin · 2 years
Ok this one is dumb but I had too 😂
@leavesandflowers @sassykattery @pandasfoxes05
I'm sorry!
Oh ffs...
F: @sassykattery , because I gotta have the end of Love, Eternal
M: @leavesandflowers , 🙄 even though you're making me do this rn
And I'm so sorry @pandasfoxes05 ...how about we interpret K as kiss in this instance?
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x-littlemoth · 2 years
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aquarifiend · 7 months
Downloading cc and all I have to say is… why on earth am I having to click through three or four different sites to get to the download are you getting paid for every link clicked????
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steelthroat · 3 months
for the astrology ask game taurus, sagittarius aaand 9h ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ
Okkk let's see:
-Taurus: mhh sushi and pizza....but I love fruit more than anything. Especially that kind of super sweet grape used to make wine *smuah* and apples. And lemons, I love lemons.
Also jelly, it doesn't matter which kind of jelly I just love it a lot... God I want some jelly now whyyyyy
Hmm idk I love food it's one of the best pleasures in the world. So yeah idk I love all the food ✨️✨️ I will be the joy of your grandmas, I will never deny them.
- places I'd like to visit in the future:
Ireland and Scotland: please they're beautiful and so rich of history and things to see and the nature and and-
France: I love France a lot... and admitting this just made me lose my Italian citizenship. I also hate it for its politics and many other stuff... but God isn't it beautiful.
Mexico! I've wanted to go there since I was little! My parents went there for their honeymoon, I fell in love with it when I watched the "Beverly hills chihuahua" movie (you can laugh ahshfhfhfh) and the culture and places look so interesting and beautiful to me! And I know about all the problems etc but still a beautiful place that deserves to be seen and treasured imo
Japan: I am very curious about it. More than the cities I'd like to visit the countryside, the semi-forgotten spots, because I've seen some pictures and it's absolutely breathtaking.
Greece: THE HISTORY! THE ART! THE CULTURE! THE ISLAND WITH THE CATS! Please I could finally see all the things I studied/am studying!!!!
Spain: I'm going there just for "casa batllò" and anything touched by Gaudí, because my love for that man is endless.
Whatever place has more examples of brutalist architecture. I love brutalism. Talk to me about brutalism. Best architectural style ever and I'm dying on this hill.
9h- what languages would you like to learn
ALL OF THEM. No seriously, I love learning new languages and unlocking new thinking patterns (it comes with the package!!!). Atm I can speak fluently Italian and English and with a bit of practice also Spanish (I haven't practiced it for the last 2 years and I'm a bit rusty with the speaking, but reading and listening I'm fine).
But also I want to learn French and German, they're my top priorities.
If I get the occasion I'm going for Russian, Chinese and Japanese too! Haaaaah if I hadn't chosen Art (and writing) as my main passions I would have chosen to study Languages and Etymology!!
ALSO SIGN LANGUAGE (idk which one but the feeling is there)
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bunnihearted · 7 months
im like that ugly troll living underneath the bridge fr
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someone1348 · 11 months
It's too late at night for a lee mood right now, especially one where my body knows what area I want tickled, anyone else get those, were they feel it for a certain tickle spot more than the others, normally it's my main tickle spot but nope my lee brain decided it's my knees tonight, asdfghjknxlml-
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blackcatanna · 9 months
I remember being excited when Fire Emblem Awakening came out back in 2012 because, although I couldn't afford it and knew I wouldn't be able to for a while, I thought that the price would go down eventually and I had loved Radiant Dawn so much (after picking it up second hand at a game store) that I didn't mind waiting. FLASH FORWARD OVER TEN BLOODY YEARS AND THE PRICE STILL HASN'T DROPPED AND ALL THE OTHER GAMES ARE ALSO ABSURDLY EXPENSIVE (not that I even have a Switch, just my beloved 3DS). SIGH. At least I still have my Wii and copy of Radiant Dawn for when I need to get my Fire Emblem fix... I CERTAINLY CAN NEVER PLAY THE FIRST PART OF THE STORY (Path of Radiance) LEGITIMATELY THOUGH BECAUSE PEOPLE ARE NOW SELLING IT FOR £200 ON EBAY X_X Good for them, I guess XD Maybe it's time to finally try making an emulator work...
#complaining about the price of games these days#BACK IN MY DAY YOU COULD JUST GO TO A STORE AND RUMMAGE THROUGH A BARGAIN BIN TO PICK A GAME BASED ON HOW EDGY AND ANIME THE CHARACTERS LOO#this is why the last nintendo console I bought was my 3DS#I have wanted a Switch for ages but the games are so expensive X_X#and I still have other games calling out to me on other devices...#Fire Emblem hits differently though#Playing Baldur's Gate 3 made me want to play Radiant Dawn again#IT BREAKS MY HEART EVERY TIME SOMEONE DIES BECAUSE OF MY TACTICAL CHOICES AND I LOVE IT#IT HURTS SO GOOD#I play very conservatively XD#I appreciate what BG3 did so much but now after 200 hours of that I hunger for SQUAAAAAARES!#(and the threat of permadeath)#Maybe my friend will let me play Three Houses on her Sweetch (that's how I pronounce Switch because I think it's cuter)#But I play shit SLOWLY XD and obsessively so I'd feel bad going to someone's house to do it#WHEN I AM RICH I SHALL BUY A SWITCH AND PLAY MORE FE GAMES AND ALSO THE ONES ON 3DS#But for now I am very poor XD#Omg just looked on eBay and someone's selling Path of Radiance for £2000! Wtf XD#OMFG I FORGOT THEY MADE A FIRE EMBLEM WARRIORS GAME (as in DYNASTY WARRIORS STYLE) XD WHYYYYY?#HNNNNG MAYBE I WILL BUY AWAKENING FOR MY BIRTHDAY#I COULD BUY A DODGY LOOSE CARTRIDGE WITH GERMAN WRITING ON IT FROM EBAY FOR £10 BUT THEN I WILL SPEND THE WHOLE PLAYTHROUGH STRESSING#AND BLAMING MYSELF FOR BEING CHEAP IF ANYTHING IS BUGGY OR CORRUPTED#Gonna make sure my 3DS is still working properly first though...#It's been a while#I mostly only boot it up these days when I get a Samurai Warriors urge...#It's in my apartment somewhere (I haven't used it since I moved over a year ago)...#(my Wii is still at my Mum's house down South so I will have to wait until the end of October to play Radiant Dawn again#but my brother says he has no interest in our consoles except the PS4 so I will probably take it back to my lair after that 3:)#It can be reunited with the PS2 and my DS Lite and 3DS!#THIS HAS BEEN A GOOD 4AM RAMBLE#talking to myself and making IMPORTANT GAME DECISIONS
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pepprs · 1 year
god FUCKING DAMN IT i turned off automatic app updates and yet i still awake up and the stupid fucking shop button replaced my blog button. about to throw my phone out the window
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I was freestyling a small(ish) scale jedi temple in minecraft, just doing whatever felt nice and telling myself that i absolutely shouldn't look at refs because i'd be really disappointed by my build, but then i got really excited with how things were going and i wanted to make a good layout for the interior so i looked at refs and now i hate the whole thing because the real temple is so much bigger and prettier and mine is never going to look like that 😅
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weirdcat1213 · 3 months
My 1st potential client wanted me to edit a book generated with ai I'm gonna cry and go to nasa and get on a rocket and live with the aliens
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thedepartments · 7 months
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x-littlemoth · 2 years
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apolloslyrics · 1 month
Hi yall! I'm just letting you know I'm signing off for the night 💖🫶 I'll get to the asks I have left tomorrow! I'm soooo tired lol
Take care of yourselves!
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