#omgbarbiegurls and I 's
renee-writer · 1 year
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The Contractor Chapter 45 Fergus' Graduation
“We are so proud of you.” Claire says to eldest son. He is graduating with all level A’s. His plans are to be a lawyer representing people like him.
“There aren’t enough deaf lawyers. To be fighting for your children, your freedom, and need a stranger in the room to interpret for you, it isn’t right.” He explained to his parents.
A mate of his got his girlfriend pregnant and had to fight for his parental rights. That situation sealed his decision.
“You will make a fine barrister.”  Michael agrees, “You sure know how to argue.”
The lads have an excellent relationship. They were concerned, with the age difference and Fergus ‘ deafness, that they wouldn’t. Fergus took to Michael with all his heart.  Michael, in turn, idolizes him.
When Michael had his first crush, it was Fergus he went to.  When some of the neighborhood lads bullied Fergus, William stood up to them. All of his seven year old self against a group of teens. Jamie stood and watched, ready to take up the cause. There was no need. They left.
“I can’t believe this is the same Fergus that I was doing kangaroo care with just seventeen years ago.” Claire says to Geillis.
“Aye,” she smiles watching Michael and Aggie play. They are kicking a football around, waiting for the graduation, “and look at all that came from it.”
The house that was needed to bring Fergus home too, the contractor, needed to fix it. Her husband, her best friend, their sons.
“Thank you for that suggestion.” Claire hugs her mate.
“You’re welcome Claire. My life changed because of it, as well.”
Geillis is thriving in her marriage and Angus is a different person then the grumpy man she first meet. Aggie is wonderful and Michael’s best mate, outside his brother.
“It is time.” Jamie says. “Come lads, into the car with you.” The twelve and thirteen year olds climb in the back of the SUV. Fergus takes the middle. Geillis and Angus, as well as Murtagh and the rest of their families are meeting them there.
The hall is full. Inverness School for the Deaf doesn’t have a large graduating class but all their families and friends which to support them.
The graduation march has a strong bass, so the students can feel it. The enter the hall as teens on the sharp edge of adulthood. They will leave as adults.
Claire feels chills of anticipation. Her baby is a man. How did that happen? She looks over at Michael, getting taller every day. He too is leaving childhood behind. It all goes to fast. Meeting her husband ‘s eyes, she sees the same bitter sweetness reflected. She finds his hand.
“Fergus Henry Fraser, graduating with high honors.” The headmaster says and signs. A whoop goes up from Murtagh, who is unable to hide his pride.
He walk across the stage, grins at his family, who are waving their hands high, those not taken pictures, and then moves his tassel to the other side.
The end
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virtie333 · 22 days
Well, I guess thank you to @omgbarbiegurl for reading and commenting on Ask For the Moon before AO3 went down. The only comments I got on my drabble were on FF.net, but my Moon Knight story isn't on there. If anyone is really desperate and wants to read it (like anyone is that desperate), I do have it posted on my personal site. I've been fighting a migraine all day and I have to work both jobs tomorrow, and the depression is working on me, so I'm going to bed. I hope.
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bugheadsecretsanta · 5 years
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Happy Holidays, Bughead fans! 🎄 It’s 2019 and the 3rd Annual Bughead Secret Santa sign ups are currently open! While we were pulling out our Santa hats, we realized we didn’t post a masterlist for 2018′s 2nd Annual Bughead Secret Santa! To get in the spirit during sign ups for this year’s round, and stuff our stockings with excitement and anticipation, we made a list of all the festive content that was made last year! 
Don’t forget to check out our event post and sign up to send and receive your very own Bughead Secret Santa gift this December! We will be closing the applications on November 20th. Become a Santa today! 🎅
Check out the very festive ho-ho-holiday Bughead content from 2018’s Secret Santas under the cut!
christmas (through your eyes) by @bugggghead 🎁 fic for @lovedinapastlife
Christmas Proposal & Something To Ask by @endlesswritero3 🎁 edit for @elizabethjonesiii
Walking in a Winter Wonderland by @sweetbettycooper 🎁 fic for @endlesswritero3
in the quiet of winter by @laurelins 🎁 edit for @paperlesscrown
Bughead under the Lights by @jemmablossom 🎁 gifset for @reinhartmendes
The Meaning of Christmas by @typing123 🎁 fic for @theheavycrown
Partners in life by @the-darkesthour 🎁 edit for @catthecoder
Seeds by @paperlesscrown 🎁 fic for @jordansconnor
where i found you by @bestofus222 🎁 fic for @the-darkesthour
i’ll keep you warm in december by @wolfandthief 🎁 fic for @sullypants
London, 1886 by @sullypants 🎁 edit for @bugheadfangirl
First Christmas with Baby by @zalfiesherlock 🎁 edit for @sunshine-seb
‘Tis the Season (Not to be Alone) by @cooperandjonesinc 🎁 fic for @elizabethbettscooper
The Good News by @elizabethjonesiii 🎁 edit for @buggedhead
December to Remember by @captain-kookabughead 🎁 fic for @jemmablossom
Secret Santa by @findmeinpops 🎁 fic for @bettycooper
maybe this christmas by @chic-cooprs 🎁 fic for @exmachina187
that (maybe not) so stupid twig by @catthecoder 🎁 fic for @writeraquamarinara
Christmas Wishes by @mysweetjughead 🎁 fic for @lizzybuggie
keep on waiting (underneath the mistletoe) by @elizabethbettscooper 🎁 fic for @whisperilllistentohearit
Two Days Before Christmas by @darknessaroundus 🎁 fic for @stonerbughead
A Core Four Christmas by @lizzybuggie 🎁 fic for @redcirce
Traditions by @lovedinapastlife 🎁 fic for @captain-kookabughead
(Do You Hear) What I Hear by @shrugheadjonesthethird 🎁 fic for @tory-b
Nancy Drew Who? by @tory-b 🎁 fic for @satelliteinasupernova
Princess Bride Bughead by @satelliteinasupernova 🎁 art for @jughead-jones
Christmas Surprises by @bugheadfangirl 🎁 fic for @sweetbettycooper
Bound, Forever and Always by @exmachina187 🎁 fic for @bughead
betty, it’s legitimately cold outside by @stonerbughead 🎁 fic for @bestofus222
Happy Holidays & sarcastic!Jughead by @oryoucouldstay 🎁 gifset for @shrugheadjonesthethird
A Court of Beanies and Ponytails by @miss-eee 🎁 fic for @laurelins
The Old Familiar Faces by @omgbarbiegurl 🎁 fic for @zalfiesherlock
Ain’t no guard (in my house) by @writeraquamarinara 🎁 fic for @cooperandjonesinc
Instagram Winter by @jordansconnor 🎁 edit for @judgejuggie
Silent Night by @sunshine-seb 🎁 fic for @omgbarbiegurl
Bughead and the Howling House & The Final Summer by @bettycooper 🎁 edit for @miss-eee
Christmas Eve Wedding by @redcirce 🎁 edit for @mysweetjughead
A Blue and Gold Christmas & Favorite Bughead Quotes by @cooper--jones 🎁 gifset for @noorakardemmomesaetre
Muse by @noorakardemmomesaetre 🎁 fic for @gellsbellshead
Happy Bughead Christmas by @whisperilllistentohearit 🎁 art for @darknessaroundus
suddenly, i’m in love with a stranger by @bughead 🎁 gifset for @bughead-is-riverdale
Merry Christmas by @reinhartmendes 🎁 gifset for @oryoucouldstay
Kiss Me At Midnight by @gellsbellshead 🎁 fic for @typing123
today’s another day (to find you) by @jughead-jones 🎁 gifset for @bugggghead
Even though I love you madly (it seems I love you more) by @bettsc 🎁 fic for @nothollywheeler
We’ll Be Home for Christmas by @bugheadjones-the-third 🎁 fic for @chic-cooprs
soldier you gotta let things go by @buggedhead 🎁 fic for @wolfandthief
According to Plan by @theheavycrown 🎁 fic for @cooper--jones
Cottage Christmas by @queenofteacups 🎁 edit for @findmeinpops
New Year, New Man by @bughead-is-riverdale 🎁 fic for @bugheadjones-the-third
Meet the Parents by @nothollywheeler 🎁 for @cacti-evie
when the day met the night by @bugggghead​ 🎁 for @bettsc
Thank you, Bughead Santas, for all the gifts you doled out last year! They really brought the spirit of the season. 
Don’t miss out on your chance to take part THIS year. SIGN UP NOW for the 3rd Annual Bughead Secret Santa gift exchange! 🎅🎄
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renee-writer · 8 months
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Loved Her First Chapter 111
They head to the portal. Joe is holding his breath. It isn’t that he doesn’t want his grandson to be with Mercy. He just doesn’t want him to be with her in a time and place where he would be considered a slave.
“I know pops,” he is dressed in as period appropriate clothes as they could find. One of his pockets contains the freeman paper. He also carries a letter for Mercy, an idea from pops. If he can’t  travel, he hopes to send it through to her, “ I have faith it will work as it is supposed to.”
“I pray so.”
They know from Mercy and Faith that he will hear buzzing, like tons of bees, if he can travel. As they draw closer to the portal, he feels his heart beat faster. It is both anticipation and fear. Fear of going and fear of being unable to.
“Do you hear anything?” Joe’s heart is in his throat. Ever since his grandson was born, he has held his heart. With him moving to Boston to attend university and being close to his pops, they are even closer. The thought of…
“No. I hear nothing.” Joe’s heart leaps in relief before dropping at the sadness in his voice.
“I am sorry.” They stand there, the strange wind that seems to be made by the cave itself, echoing around them.
“The letter, maybe I can still send the letter.”
“Yes.” They can’t hear the call but the wind shows the portal is active. He slips it out, kisses it, and offers it to the wind, “Find Mercy. Find my heart.” He lets it go and it disappears. They stand there another moment before turning and heading home.
“I need to go to the lake,” Mercy says to her grandsire, “There is something there for me.”
He has learned to trust her instincts. If she says she needs to go, she does.
“Alright. Shall I go with you?” Ian was busy helping Faith with wee Joe.
“Thank you.” They head to Ocracoke Island.
He rows them out to it. She sees it right away. The whiteness of the paper stands out in the darkness of the vegetation. She picks it up.
‘My dearest Mercy,
I tried to go through to you. Pops thought me insane, a black man traveling to your time, but I didn’t care. I only cared about seeing you, being with you again. The portal wouldn’t let me through or  would be holding you right now.
So, this letter is the best I could do. In it contains my whole heart. I miss you dearly. If you can, return to me soon. I understand what I am asking you. Your family is there, your life.
Please return to me. I know I shouldn’t put such pressure on you but, you took my heart with you.
                     All my love
She is weeping. Jamie takes the letter. After reading it, he utters a Scottish noise and draws his granddaughter to his side.
“So, when do you wish to return, lass?”
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renee-writer · 9 months
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Loved Her First Chapter 109
A/N @omgbarbiegurl and I apologize for the tardy update.😁❤️💓
Ian paces back and forth. “This Adam character must have someone he trusts he would have told where he took her.”
David watches nervously. No, the man isn’t mad at him, has in fact, thanked him for all he has done to protect his daughter, still… Faith tried to give him a reassuring smile.
“Yeah, err yes, there might be someone.” He looks through his phone contacts, “Jason, Adam is fairly close to him.”
“Can you get this Jason here or direct me to where he is?”
Again David swallows but nods. A few texts later and Jason is on the way.
“I understand your frustration. Mercy is quite dear to me too. Just don’t harm the boy, to much. He isn’t  Adam.” Joe says. Ian nods.
“Aye, I shall not. As long as he is honest with me.”
“Jason, this is Ian and Faith Murray, Mercy’s  parents.” David introduces them.
He turns immediately pale and they know. Ian stalks over to him. “Where has he taken my daughter?”
“I didn’t think he would go through with it. Thought he was just…”
The man’s hands grip the front of his shirt. “Where?”
“There is a cabin his folks own. It is…”
Address in hand, they head off, David driving. Joe can’t even reassure the shaken man that his friend won’t be harmed.
Mercy holds the shard from the broken plate in her hand, ready for the first opportunity. She has no hesitation about using it to harm him if it can help her get away.
He returns, face red with rage. “Listen, you are going to…” Close enough. With a quick thrust, she stabs him in the chest. There is no waiting around to see the state she has left him in. She is up and running towards freedom.
David pulls up and Ian jumps out of the strange horseless carriage. His wife and David aren’t fair behind.
The door opens before he can open it. His daughter runs into his arms.
“Mercy!” She looks up and into her daddy’s eyes.
“Daddy!” she bursts into tears.  He holds her close. Faith wraps her arms around them both. David, weak kneed at seeing her alive and whole, looks for Adam.
He stumbles out bleeding. Both man sense him at the same time. Ian leaves Mercy with Faith and turns towards him. At a nod from David, “That’s him,” he punched him in the face. He drops like a stone.
“He had been following me. No amount of rejection deterred him.” Mercy is saying. She holds tight to her mama’s hand. The police officer takes notes. Two others are interviewing David and Ian. Adam was loaded into an ambulance for the trip to the hospital. He is cuffed to the stretcher and has his own police escort.
It is easy enough to tell her stabbing of him was in self defense. The police interview was for the official record.
When they are finished with them and Mercy is cleared by the paramedics, the group heads back to Joe’s. Now Mercy can find out how her parents ended up here.
“I knew something was wrong.” Faith says. They sit in Joe’s living room. She sits between her parents with Joe and David on the other side of them.
“I didn’t ken if I could travel but, I needed to try. Whatever danger ye were facing, weel I needed to be here.”
She rests her head on his shoulder. “I am so glad you are, daddy.”
He kisses her head. “Aye, as I am. Though ye has it well in hand.” She grins.
“You, granny, and grandsire taught me well.”
“Thank God they did. I was frantic with worry. He could have badly harmed you.” David still shakes with adrenaline. He is glad Ian knocked him out, though he would have liked to do it himself.
“He could have. I feared being bothered,” at her daddy’s look, she quickly adds, “I wasn’t.”
“He was working his courage up to do it. Men, Nae, boys like him are cowards at heart.”
“Amen Ian. That they are.” Joe agrees. “Now what? Are you two going to stay?”
They share a look. “Nae, us three are going home.”
2 Days Later
David stepped out to the porch where Mercy was standing.
“I don’t want you to go.” He said softly.
Mercy smiled at him. “Because you are so happy taking care of me?”
David swallowed. “Because I-I hate to see you giving up your education.”
She smiled gently and touched his face lightly. “Perhaps I will come back. Perhaps you will be waiting for me.”
She is about to say more when the door opened. Her Mama, Daddy and Joe stepped out.
Her Mama smiled. “Time to go Mercy.”
She smiles, hugs David, and then Joe before walking down the steps.
David and Joe watch as the threesome walk out to the road toward to the stones.
Joe patted David’s shoulder. “Don’t worry lad, if you love something let it go. If it’s truly yours, it’ll come back to you.”
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renee-writer · 11 months
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Loved Her First Chapter 108
This chapter is all by the brilliant @omgbarbiegurl 😁
Mercy wiggled against her bonds, desperately trying to figure out where she was.
She jumped when she heard a door unlock, and then open.
The echo told her they were in a small space, perhaps a cabin? Footsteps tapped against the floor before the blindfold was pulled off.
She took a quick glance at her surroundings. She was right, they were in a Cabin, sparsely furnished. Not any weapons she could see, but she could make a few on the run if needed.
She moves her gaze to the captor and almost wants to laugh.
Of course, it would be Adam, like the idiot Browns, morons never give up.
“Hello Adam.” Mercy said politely. 
He looks surprised, like he expected her to be hysterical or some other nonsense.
She was raised in the wilds of North Carolina; had witnessed death, pain, childbirth, and Hope nearly being raped.
She had also witnessed a murder, but she was sure no one knew what she had seen.
Modern things would always make her nervous, but villains that kidnapped were nothing new in her world.
“Well you seem fairly calm, I expected you to be hysterical.” Adam said.
“Why would I be hysterical? That would slow down my ability to escape.”
Adam blinked, and then started to laugh.
“Please Mercy, we are miles into the woods-”
“Boston doesn’t have woods, well they do, but no place a person can have a cabin.”
“Well perhaps we are a little away from Boston then.”
“You wouldn’t go far, you like having access to things.” 
Ian had changed into some new breeks and a shirt that David had given him. They were close to the same size and while strange, he liked them.
David had not been able to tell them much, just that he had been hysterical enough that the Police had been called by Campus Security when David found Mercy’s things messed up.
“She is very studious; she is never one to just leave her books scattered around.”
Faith nodded. “Do you have her things, maybe if we look through them, we can find something.”
David handed her parents her bag. Faith and Ian went through it very slowly, sifting through the items.
Faith smiled at the picture of herself that Joe had taken with his camera, but she was startled by a folded-up piece of paper next to it.
She unfolded it, and her heart stuttered.
It was a realistic drawn picture of Ian, eyes warm and welcoming, lips parted in a smile.
She showed it to her husband, fingers trembling.
“She kept a Likeness of me.”
“Clearly she missed you more than she let on.”
He nodded, tears in his eyes. “We are going to get her back.” He said firmly.
He turned to David. “Now tell me everything of this Adam.”
Mercy rubbed her wrists. Adam had finally untied her, and left again with an order for her to make some food.
There were cold cuts and some bread. She could make sandwiches, if he was expecting a full meal, he was not going to get it.
Before she started, she did a quick cursory look for something sharp. There was nothing, not even a fork, just spoons.
“Damn.” She muttered the curse under her breath, but grabbed one of the spoons from the drawer and tucked it into her pocket. She grabbed another and set to work making some sandwiches.
Her thoughts of what to do were startled as the door opened.
Adam appeared with some firewood.
The pair looked at each other, before Adam spoke. 
“I have some contacts in Boston, ears to the ground as it were. Apparently, your parents have come into town.”
Her hand faltered, but she steadied it.
“My Daddy is quite the hunter; he learned from an actual Native. He will find you, and he will kill you.”
“Please, I have covered my tracks well.”
She turned to offer him the sandwich on a plate. “So you think.”
His face contorted, and he slammed his hand down onto the offering, which caused it to crash to the floor.
“So I know. You think anyone is going to rescue you? Be able to find you? Please.”
Mercy said nothing, merely dropped to her knees and started cleaning up the mess on the floor.
Adam stomped off, not noticing when Mercy stuck a shard of the broken plate into her pocket.
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renee-writer · 11 months
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Loved Her First Chapter 107
“I would feel better if I could go with her.” He confesses to Auntie Claire.
He understandably frets over Faith traveling pregnant.  She feels some of the same trepidation herself.
“Maybe you can.” She says as it comes to her head. Crazy, she thinks right after the words leave her mouth. Ian comes from Jamie’s side and he can’t travel. “Sorry. That was…”
“A grand idea.” Her nephew and son-in-law lights up. He begins to pace around her surgery. “As Mercy is in danger, it is best I be there anyway. “
“That may be true but…”
“I ken that I may not be able to but, it is worth a try. That can’t hurt.”
“No,” she admits, “it can’t. The time, it will be something outside your experience. Vastly outside it.”
He waves this off. “If Mercy can handle it, I can.”
Jamie and Claire take them to the Stones. She bites at her lip and he drums on his thigh as they approach it. Their other children, brothers, sisters, and all the bairns had said goodbye that morning.
“You go make sure Mercy is alright.” Hope said, holding her papa tight.
“And take care of Mama.” Grace added.
Both promises will be easily kept if he can travel. His uncle and auntie wait with baited breath.
They approach the Stones and, with one look back, touch them and disappear.
“Joe?” He is startled to see Faith and even more so to see the man with her, “this is Ian Murray, my husband. What has happened with Mercy?”
They headed straight to Joe’s after Ian came to. The trip, despite his wife and auntie’s warnings, took the wind and all awareness straight out of him. The sight of his first car, not to mention, the ride, almost had him going under again.  It is only the thought of Mercy that keeps him focused.
Now they stand at the door of Joe’s demanding to know what has happened to her.
“Forgive my wife and I, good sir. It is just we have traveled quite a distance to see to her.”
Joe shakes himself. He has no idea how they found out, three hundred years in the past, but, they are here and need answers. His own can wait.
“Please come in.” They follow him inside where Ian gets his first look at a modern home. “Have a seat. Can I get you anything? Whisky, Mr. Murray?” The man looks frazzled. He imagines a trip through time would do that.
“Aye please.”
“Water or tea for you Faith?” he sees she is in a delicate condition.
“Water would be wonderful.”
After fetching the refreshments, he takes a seat across from them. “I won’t ask, yet, how you knew. Let me just tell you what  we know.” He starts with Adam’s  strange obsession, the stalking, the steps David took to keep her safe, the disappearance,” The police  found lots of pictures of her in his dorm, pictures of David with his face blacked out. They are taken it seriously.”
Faith sits, water glass clinched in her hands, shaking her head. “I knew something was wrong.”
Her husband, “I will kill him! String him up, cover him with honey and let the animals take care of his corpse.” He takes another big gulp of the whisky.
“I understand your feelings. The police are doing all they can to find her.”
“We need to speak with David.” Faith, though shaken, is calmer then her husband. She places one hand on his arm.
“Of course. I will call him.”
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renee-writer · 1 year
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Loved Her First Chapter 103
She misses her terribly but the everyday strangeness of her new life is a distraction. She is learning about so many new things.
“See,” David’s hands guide hers, “you just type in what you want to know about and,” they press the search button,” it will show you a list of responses.”
Her eyes grow wide at the list on her little cell phone. She had asked him how to find information on Fraser’s Ridge.
“So much.” It is overwhelming.
“Yes, let’s start with the North Carolina history first.” He guides her to open that link. She reads as he watches, his eyes full of love and pride.
Neither notice Adam, watching them from behind a stack. They sit in the library. Yes, there are books on the history of the Ridge but, David wants to make sure she can use the Internet. There is no reason for her to be more out of place. She stands out enough. It concerns him.
“Hello Mercy. What are you doing?” he completely ignores the other man. His entire focus is on her.
“Oh hello Adam. I am looking up some family history. My grandparents, ah, many times over, founded Fraser’s Ridge in North Carolina. David was just…”
“Interested in learning about my friend ‘s family.” He smoothly inserts. He keeps his body close to hers, making it clear to Adam that his presence isn’t welcome.
“So, what have you learned.” He takes a seat, uninvited, on the other side of her.
“Ah just…” she is uncomfortable, not liking the other man being so close. It is different with David. She trusts him. “You wouldn’t be interested.”
“Try me.” He places his hand on the back of her chair.
David has enough. “Mercy, don’t you have a study group?” She doesn’t but…
“Right.” He stands and takes her hand, helping her away from Adam. “Goodbye Adam.”
She nods politely and David escorts her out. Adam watches with cold eyes.
“Thank you. I didn’t feel comfortable. He makes me nervous.”
David nods. “Guys like Adam, they can be possessive. He gives me bad vibes too. Try to avoid him, if you can. I will keep close to you.”
“There was a man in Brownsville, near Fraser’s Ridge. He was like that. They hanged him.”
They are passing by several other students. Most turn and look at her.
“We are discussing a novel.” David tells them. Mercy flushes.
“I’m sorry, I…”
“It is alright.” They enter the quad and he sits her down, taken a seat across from her, close enough to touch. “You needn’t worry about Adam. I will not let him harm you.” He takes her hands. “How about we see what we can about your land?”
She smiles and he has to catch his breath.
“Yes, let’s.”
Adam seethes. He lied just to take her away. We will see, he thinks, in the end who will have the girl.
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renee-writer · 11 months
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Loved Her First Chapter 105
“Sir, just because your friend wasn’t in the quad doesn’t mean something is wrong?”  The security guard says.
“You don’t understand. She is… ah, quite ordered. She wouldn’t change her routine like that! And what of her books being scattered across the table. She wouldn’t leave them that way. Mercy isn’t your typical college student. She is special. She honors her education. She just wouldn’t …” his breath is coming to fast and he starts to feel dizzy.
“Please take a seat David.” The scene didn’t disturb the guard but the young man’s reaction did. If he was this upset, maybe he needs to take this more seriously. “Start at the beginning. Tell me about this Adam.”
Meanwhile a few hundred years in the past.
Faith sits straight up. Her heart is pounding and her breath comes short. Ian studies her.
“What is it?”
“Something has happened to Mercy.” She knows. The bound she shares with her children knows no time or distance.
She struggles to get free. He has her bound with something. In the dark, she can’t see what it is. Her face is still partially numb from whatever he used to knock her out.
“Do not panic,” She orders herself, “think. What would papa do, granda? David?”
What does she smell? What does the air feel like? What does she hear?
Faith and Ian
He doesn’t ask if she is sure. He doesn’t need to. If she says their daughter is in danger, then, he believes she is. The question know is what to do about it.
“I know we didn’t what me to travel while pregnant but…”
To risk one to save the other, that was the question. Yes, David and Joe are there. They can handle whatever is happening but …
“You must go. Our child has need of you.”
“So you see, he has been stalking her and now she is missing.” He prays his urgency is getting through.
The guard nods. “I shall contact campus police. We will get a warrant to search his dorm.”
David breaths out in relief. A start.
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renee-writer · 1 year
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Loved Her First Chapter 104
It is strange being without her mama. She keeps close to Joe  and David. Though she lives in the house that her granny and Joe provided for her, she spends a lot of her free time with David and Joe.
There is a safety found in their presence. This new world, as much as she is adapting to it, is still strange.
To her relief and David’s, Adam seems to have gotten the message. They see him in the background but, he hasn’t approached her. They don’t know that he is biding his time.
He has his own dorm room, a good thing, as any roommate would be concerned at his behavior. His obsession with Mercy plays out in the picture of her that he has printed out and taped over his walls. It plays out in the ones of David, faces slashed out, that hang beside the others. In the writings that litter his desk, creepy manifestos that discuss his plans for them both.
His classes are ignored. Only the ones in relationship to Mercy and David’s does he bother to attend. He will flunk out, not that it matters to him. The only thing that does is her, getting her.
He knows her schedule. There is only one time that she is alone. That is the time that he will act.
She looks around. David has taught her something called Situational Awareness. To know her surroundings and be aware of who’s around her. She steps into the quad. This is her study hour. Not that she doesn’t study other times, it is just, this time, in the middle of the morning, helps set up the rest of her days classes.
Taken a seat at her favorite spot, she starts to lay out her books. She never sees him coming.
David walks into the quad. He meets Mercy there and they have lunch together. A quick look around and he doesn’t see her. He frowns and looks closer. 
Oh, there is her bag and books. Maybe she just stepped into the bathroom. He walks over and is going to wait when he sees her books scattered. She is the most organized and neatest person he knows. Something is wrong.
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renee-writer · 1 year
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The Contractor Chapter 43 Have a Son
“God Damn it all to Hell!” She screams, holding tight to his hands.
“Breathe love.”
“Screw you and your bloody breathes!” She closes her eyes and groans, her hands tightening more as the pain runs through her.
She has been in active labor for ten hours now. They arrived at the birth center at hour five.  Fergus is with Geillis and Angus
They are walking up and down the halls. She stops whenever the contractions start.  His job, to hold her hands, time the pains, and try to keep her mind on the end goal.
“That is one pain closer to our son.”
She nods as she lets a cleansing breath out.  “I am sorry.”
“You have nothing to be sorry for.” He assures her, wiping the sweaty hair out of her face. “I could never do what you are doing.”
“Nope, you couldn’t.” They start walking again.
“Owe! Oh! Bleeding … I need to push!”
The midwife is there. She moves them back to the birth room. Once there, she checks her.  “You are right love. This baby is ready to be born. Push with the waves.” She insists on calling the pains, waves. No one is fooled.
“Ugh!” She grunts and starts to bear down. Using gravity, she holds on to, two straps. Jamie supports her from behind. The midwife kneels in front.
“Good one love. I can see more of his head.”
She thought pushing would be the easy part. At least she is working with her body, after all. She was right about that but not about it being easy. It is the hardest thing she ever did.
Slowly, more of their child ‘s head emerges from his mama. The midwife sooths his passage with warm oil. His mama presses him out more with every pain.
“Here we go. His head is almost out. Pant love.” She does. “Wonderful. One more big push to free the shoulders. Grand job. Here he comes.”
Claire let’s go of the straps and prepares to help catch her son.  She reaches down and brings him up to her chest, laughing and crying. Behind her, Jamie simply sobs. He is here!
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renee-writer · 1 year
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The Contractor Chapter 44 Michael Lachlan Timothy
“Michael Lachlan Timothy Fraser.” She announces. Jamie spells out his name for Fergus. The little boy woops in excitement.  “Michael for you Murtagh, Lachlan for his warrior ancestors, and Timothy as that is the name Fergus picked.”
“It is simply perfect.” Jenny smiles as tears fall down her face.
Murtagh’s smile lights up the room. “You honor me. Thank you.”
Ellen beams as she cradles her son’s  son. “It suits you.” She coos to the baby.  His granddad stands beside her, awash with joy.
“Very good Fergus,” Ian signs, “Timothy is a great name.”
The child beams. He adores his baby brother and is settling nicely into the role.
They came home the day after Michael was born. The next week they bonded as a family. Today, their anxious family are introduced to the baby.
“He is a braw lad Jamie. You and Claire did well.” Rupert says.
“Aggie and Mikey. Perfect.” Geillis is thrilled for her best mate.
“Michael please. I know his name will be shortened soon enough.” Claire laughs. “They will be good mates though.”
“Aye, like Jamie and I.” Angus slaps the other man’s back. “Damn find job Jamie. He is a handsome lad. Not as handsome as my Aggie but…”
All laugh.
“All children are beautiful.” Brian declares as he takes his newest grandson in his arms, “this lad though, he is simply brilliant.”
Everyone agrees.
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renee-writer · 2 years
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Loved Her First Chapter 61
A/N This chapter was outlined by @omgbarbiegurl, who's muse is acting up.
Chaos. Caelen and Ainslie are screaming, fingers in their mouths as the work on those first painful teeth. Germain runs hither and yore with Fergus chasing him, while Marsali, pale and wan, rests against the wagon. Poor Faith is even paler and Jamie doesn’t look to healthy either. Bree nurses Fin, who is going through a growth spurt and seems permanently attached to her. Claire bounces a twin in each arm as Jeremiah, Ian, and Fergus unload their trunks and see them to the stevedores.
“Come Sassanach.” Jamie bravely says, reaching for his youngest daughter, “Let’s get all aboard.”
She smiles and takes his arm, their son settles into an uneasy truce with his teeth and rests against her.
Murtagh reaches for the babies, having seen the last trunk loaded. “Let me see my Godchildren.” He smiles at the fussy babies.
“I warn you Murtagh. They are battling their teeth and in a mood.” Claire says, even as she peels Caelan away from her.
“No worries. I’ve just the thing. A spot of whiskey for those sore gums.”
He carries them aboard sing-songing an old Gaelic tale. Jeremiah, leads his wife and son up next. Fergus, carrying a fidgeting Germain, and holding Marsali”s hand, is next.  Then Ian and a quite pale Faith.
“I believe the lass be sicker then I am,” Jamie comments. Claire has liberally passed out Dramamine but her husband still fears the coming ordeal, “Is she alright?”
“Yes, I just believe she is carrying more then one baby.”
He nods, sagely. She does have the look. He saw the same in Jenny when she was carrying Michael and Janet. “Shall we?” She nods with a smile and takes his arm.
They are meet on the bow by the ship’s captain. “Welcome Lord and Lady Fraser. The rest of your family is safely aboard.” He presents the manifest. Jamie takes the offered quill after paying for their passage,  signs their names. A gust of wind brings a bit of the mighty Atlantic on board and where he signed their names is smudged.
They share a grin and a laugh. “Well, were we even here?”
“I assure you, Lord Fraser, you and your family are surely here and shan’t be forgotten.
A bit away from them, the sounds of the children reach them. Another shared smile. “We shall endeavor not to be to big a bother.” Jamie assures him. He nods, tipping his captain’s hat to him.
“I, in turn, will endeavor to give you a smooth passage to the colonies.”
Jamie turns a bit pale at the idea of anything but and Claire hurries him down below before the ship leaves port.
The modern medicine helps and Jamie has his first sea voyage where he doesn’t feel he is dying the entire time. The same can’t be said for Faith.
Claire, in her role as healer, brings her pregnant patients in to examine them two weeks after they set sail.
“Let’s see how the children are doing.” She cheerfully says.
“I don’t  know about Junior but I am not well.” Faith confesses. Her naturally pale skin is almost see through. Marsali frowns at her heart sister.
“I am quite concerned for her Mother Claire. She can hardly keep anything down.” She, herself is not as sick. More fatigued from chasing her active son then anything.
“Come Faith, let’s see what is about with this pregnancy.” She reclines her on the small berth bed. First she takes her vitals, nothing her pulse is up. Then she checks her extremities, checking for swelling. Finally, she feels over her bump, bigger then it should be at this stage. “Ah!”
“Mama?” Marsali instinctively takes her hand.
“Faith, my darling, you aren’t just carrying one.”
*Twins, I thought maybe…”
“No, triplets. I feel three distinct babies.”
“Lord have mercy!” Marsali crosses herself.
“Indeed! Mama are you sure?” She takes her own hand and shows her.
“Baby one,” up at the top of her bump, “two,” right under and to the side of one, “and three,” laying on the bottom. “It explains your symptoms.”
“Bloody hell! “She calls out. “Mama, what do I do?”
Claire remains calm, despite her own fears. Triplets, on a ship, in the middle of the Atlantic. Heaven help!  “You rest. From now until they are born, I want you doing as little as possible. We can do this.”
Faith takes in and let’s out an unsteady breath. She looks her mama straight in the eyes. “Promise?”
“I do.”
“Mother Claire, I am not sure I want you to exam me. I can’t handle three and Germain.”
She gives her a reassuring smile. “I am positive you aren’t having three.”
She is right. Her examination shows only one, growing as he or she, should.
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renee-writer · 1 year
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Loved Her First Chapter 98
This chapter was co-written by @omgbarbiegurl and myself
David couldn’t take his eyes off of Mercy as she moved around the kitchen, tugging at the pants she was wearing.
“This wool must have come from a sheep that lived its whole life in a bramble patch. So rough!”
David hid his smile behind his hand.
“Um, those are not wool. They’re called jeans, denim is the material they are made of.”
“Jeans? Denim?”
David nodded. “No one wears wool anymore, well sweaters. But it’s been processed so it’s not as rough as you are used to.”
Mercy wrinkled her brow. “Processed?”
“Yeah. It means something being changed, I suppose.”
Faith walked into the kitchen. “Come with me Faith, Joe has given me the key to the house. It’s not a far walk.”
She nodded at her Mama and followed her out.
Joe stepped into the room and looked at David who was watching Mercy and Faith as they walked away.
“I would tread lightly there son. She is a stranger in a strange land, anything you do may upset her.”
“I have never met anyone like her before, I just…”
“I felt the same way about Lady Jane, Claire. Had it been different, we may have been able to be together.”
“But her heart was with another. Mercy is very young, younger than you are, younger than anything in this time. Be cautious.”
“I will Pops.”
She feels it in the stillness. Her grief. The memory of her aunt must be strong here. After all, this is where they grew up together. She thinks of losing one of her own sisters and it brings a startled hitch to her breath.
Faith takes her daughter ‘s hand. “Come, let me show you around.”
Things have changed, been modernized. Still, the core of the house remains the same. The living room still contains the stairs that lead up to where the bedrooms are. They slowly walk up them.
“This was your granny’s room.” She doesn’t mention Frank. No reason to bring him up.
The bed is the same, though she imagines the mattress has been changed several times. The dresser and nightstands are familiar. An addition is the chest like piece of furniture that holds, “Oh, I remember. It is a television.” Startled, she walks up to it. No knobs. The one that she recalls being in the living room, had them. This one is bigger. She will have to ask Joe or David about it.
“What is a television?” Mercy is by her side. She reaches out to touch the strange box.
“It shows moving pictures, ah like portraits come to life. With sounds.”
Her child  steps away. She brings her hand back to herself, cradling it to her chest. “It sounds like magic, bad magic.” She knows what her granny does, the skills she uses from her time, to heal, as a type of white magic.
Her mama laughs. “Oh my love. I believe a lot of what you experience here will seem so. It isn’t, It is just the way life is lived here.”
“Aye mama. But I don’t have to experience this television, do I?”
“I don’t believe it is required.”
They move on to what was, her and Bree’s room. It has just one bed in it now. It is different then the one either lass had slept in.
“My bed was here and Bree’s over here.” She shows her. “When we were young, we would slip into each other’s beds.”
“Like Hope, Grace, and I did.”
“Yes.” Her smile is wistful. “Mama would laugh. I think she always knew when we were faking being asleep. Unless we got to loud, she would let us be, knowing we would eventually fall asleep.” A bittersweet sigh. “When we got to old and big to share a bed, we would still stay up, talking about everything. Who we expected to marry, what we wanted to do with our lives…” Mercy placed her arm about her. “I never expected to outlive her for so long. To watch her son grow up without her. To hold her granddaughter in her place.”
Being in the house where she grew up is both a relief, as it is familiar, and a burden, for the same reason. David helps them get settled. He explains the TV, as it is now called.
The first time he turns it on and Mercy sees the moving portraits, she jumps and covers a scream with her hands, her eyes big over them. But soon, as her age allows, she gets used to it.
Joe urges them to watch it. “To catch up on history,” for Faith and to, “ Learn of the culture.” For Mercy.
Even though Faith knows quite a bit more then her daughter, of this place and time, she is still shocked by what she sees on the TV, the words used that would never be said by decent people, in her time.
“Don’t pick up those phrases and bring them back to our time. Your papa would skin you.”
“Never mama!” a scandalized Mercy replies.
The TV isn’t the only thing they need to worry about. The process of getting Mercy in university is another. Joe and Faith sit down to discuss it in her living room. David has taken Mercy out to show her some of Boston.
“Can I go without an escort, mama?”
She looks to Joe, unsure of the costumes in this time. Joe had reassured.
“It is done all the time. David is a gentleman and will take good care of her, right son?” His stern eyes bore into his grandson.
“Absolutely pops.” He had turned to Faith, “Mercy is safe with me, in all ways. I promise.”
With her daughter in safe hands, she turns to the issue of getting her in school.
“I taught her, was or am,” she frowns, shaking her head, “time travel plays havoc on keeping the tenses straight.” They both chuckle. “I know she has the intellect to do the work.”
“I have no doubt. The issue is paperwork. We can say she was educated at home. It is true enough. She can take entrance tests to show her skills. But, she has no identification. No way to prove that she is Mercy Brianna Murray.”
“Oh. How do I fix that?”
“We do. We fix it. I have an idea. A lawyer who can help make what she needs.”
“You mean forge.”
He shrugs. “It is the only way.”
She is getting used to the horseless carriages, cars. Now, she is less likely to jump every time they turn over.  The clothing still bothers her. For an education though, she guesses she can handle it, for awhile.  David fascinates her. She has never known anyone like him.
From his skin color to the way he treats her, not like the fragile person she is in this time, but like the person he sees her becoming. Like an equal. She likes that, the knowledge that he will let her get used to things while being ready to step in if she needs help.
They walk side by side. He has parked the car a few blocks back. It is a beautiful day and she can see more of the city on foot. He loves who her eyes light up with each new thing she sees. She isn’t afraid, an amazing thing to him, considering when she came from.
“What do you want to study?” He asks as they pass by the Charles River and stop to watch the boats.
“I wasn’t sure but now,” She turns back to face him, “I want to learn how to bring running water to the Ridge.  A lot of the time we lasses spend on chores is fetching water from the wells. If I can bring it straight into the houses, it would be wonderful.” She is smiling, her beautiful eyes alight with joy. He wants to kiss her so bad but restrains himself.
“That would be awesome. So engineering then?”
“If that be what it is called, yes? Do you think I can do it?”
“I know you can do whatever you put that gorgeous mind to.”
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renee-writer · 2 years
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Loved Her First Chapter 70
@omgbarbiegurl 's chapter 💕💕💕💕
Claire sat in front of the large wooden door, and just breathed.
It was so peaceful, but so full of life too.
She was holding her twins in her arms feeding one on each breast. They had been laying quietly in their baskets as she tied her herbs up for drying until they got hungry and demanded their Mama’s attention.
She could see Jamie in the corral with Fergus and Jeremiah. Murtagh had brought him and Marsali from Edinburgh to be with the family. Jamie had planned the surprise, and there had been so many tears.
They were currently working with a horse that had been abused, it was very spirited and watching Jamie work with the horse reminded her of when she first fell in love with him, arm in a sling pretending to be a MacTavish, breaking a spirited filly.
Marsali and Brianna were hanging laundry and chatting with each other. They were actually due around the same time, so the pair had been bonding over their shared symptoms and feelings.
Faith was in the Garden, a large sun hat on her head as she picked herbs for her Mama. She was also picking some Lavender for herself, she needed some for an experiment she said.
Claire sighed and moved the twins away from her breasts; she had everything covered with her apron, so she was able to feed in peace. She shifted them both over her shoulders and started to pat their backs gently.
Once they burped nicely, she laid them down in their baskets and redid up her laces.
“Now you two get some sleep, Mama needs to finish this.”
The babies said nothing, Caelan just sucked his fist into his mouth and closed his eyes, while his sister curled her hands into tiny fists.
She looked up as footsteps tapped against the porch.
Jamie smiled at his wife before gently kissing her lips and then looking at the babies.
“How goes Sassenach?”
“Wonderful. How is the horse?”
“Spirited.” He smirked at her and kissed her lips again gently.
“Sae, you had a look as I approached.”
“Well, it’s called a face for a reason, I often have looks.”
He chuckled and sat down next to her.
“Tell me.”
She puffed out a breath. “I have been thinking lately, that with all the additions…perhaps we should think about the future a little closer.”
“Well, we brought in 5 extra mouths.”
He chuckled. “Two don’t eat anything but their Mam’s milk for the moment.”
“Yes, for the moment. Soon they will be eating other things. Brianna is going to have a baby, Faith and Ian probably won’t be far behind. That’s adding more mouths, taking more room. Jenny has patience, but I imagine it will grow quite thin eventually.”
“I ken it is not ideal, but what else can we do?”
“I think we should leave.”
“And go where? I was pardoned, but the English are a fickle lot.”
Claire reached into her apron pocket and pulled out an odd paper.
“Before we came back, a contact that had been communicating with Frank had sent me some things on Fergus.”
“Yes, because there was no information on you. One of the things he sent was this.”
She handed him the paper and went back to her wee herbs.
Jamie looked over the strange paper, it was a Ship Manifest. It was odd to hold something in his hands that was history to Claire.
He noticed a circled name right away. “Fergus Fraser, Marsali, Ian. Sassenach, they get on a ship, are they leaving us?”
“I thought that at first, that you died, and Fergus left with Ian. I brought it with me and was looking over it this morning, and noticed something I didn’t before.”
She tapped her finger gently against the paper.
Jamie followed her finger and his eyebrows raised. “Faith Murray, Jeremiah MacKenzie, Brianna MacKenzie, Murtagh Fitzgibbons, Infants.”
“I didn’t notice that before because I wasn’t paying attention. Next to Fergus’s name are two names that are smudged out, it looks like by accident. But under the smudge you can see Infants as well. I think we all go. That ship is leaving in 3 months’ time to Colonies.”
“Why would we go to the Colonies?”
“I don’t know. But it does happen.”
Jamie is going to say more when Jenny appears holding a letter.
“Braither, you have received a letter with an English seal.”
Jamie takes the letter and looks at the seal before smiling.
“It’s from John.”
Claire frowned. “John Grey? Why would he be writing to you?”
“Dinna ken, only one way to find out.”
Jamie opened the letter and quickly read it over before smiling a little.
“Seems John wants to come to visit, has something to discuss with me…about the Colonies.”
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renee-writer · 2 years
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Loved Her First Chapter 46
A/N This chapter is completely @omgbarbiegurl 's🥰🥰🥰
Edinburgh 1753
Ian was not sure the right choice had been made.
His Uncle was currently rotting away in Prison, and he was in the middle of a large city when he had never been further than Inverness.
And by some of the looks the other young men were giving him, he didn’t think he would live long enough to make it to the end of the week.
But, he had promised his Mam and Da that he would at least try, so try he would.
The first few days of classes went alright, he was able to write his Mam a lovely letter.
And then Thursday arrived.
When he entered his Mathematics class, he saw a new face.
The young man had a darker skin tone, long black hair, and seemed to be wearing an odd top shirt with beading; over what appeared to be a cloak.
The HeadMaster stepped to his podium in front of the class.
“Good Morning Young Men.”
“Good Morning Headmaster.” They all replied, Ian’s eyes were still on the strange new student.
“As I am sure many of you have noticed, we have a new student in our midst. May I present Young Aksel of Norway. Aksel was brought to us from a Jesuit School, let us treat him as we would any other.”
“Yes Headmaster.” The boys all dutifully said, but Ian noticed several of them eying Aksel with not so nice intent.
And his assumption came to pass the next day when he came around a corner and found 3 of their classmates giving Aksel a beating.
Ian yelled out for them to stop and ran into the fray.
He managed to run them off, but got a black eye for his trouble.
He helped Aksel up and smiled at him. “You alright?”
“Yes, thank you.” Aksel had a bit of an accent, but seemed to speak English very well.
“I apologize for them, they dinna seem to have any good sense, or know how to fight fair. Your lip is bleeding.”
Before Aksel could touch it, Ian pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and handed it over.
“So, what happened?”
Aksel smirked and pressed the handkerchief to his lip. “Apparently my clothing sparked some outrage and when they tried to tell me so, I disagreed. They did…this.” He gestured to his face with his free hand.
“Dirty bastards. Do you wish to go to the infirmary?”
“No, I will probably be alright, I have received worse going against Reindeer.”
“Yes, my people. That is what we do, herd and care for Reindeer. Also eat them, but that is not relevant.”
Ian chuckled and the pair started to walk.
“So you are from Norway, do all Norwegians care for Reindeer?”
“Ah no, that is just Sámi. What my people are.”
“Oh, your um…”
“Indigenous yes.”
“How did you end up here?”
Aksel sighed softly.
“Norway decided quite a long time ago that the Sámi are too wild and free, so we must be tamed. Laws were passed to stifle our clothing, our language, our culture. They forced my parents to send myself and my siblings to a Jesuit School. They beat us, tortured us, cut our hair, and silenced our tongues. But they could not tame us. At night, many of us would sneak out; barefoot in the snow, and pray to our ancestors. Beg for help. And the message we received was Endure. So, we did; and we still do.”
Ian was quiet for a long time, until he finally said.
“Your story is my story. After the battle of Culloden, the English silenced us. We are not allowed our kilts, our songs, our stories, or our language.”
Aksel smirked, and then winced. “Seems the English just can’t let anyone be different.”
“Seems so. Shall we noon?”
It turned out that Aksel was studying Animal Husbandry to help on his family’s farm. That is how Ian met Jeremiah, and the 3 became very close.
It was a sad day when Aksel finished school with them and sailed back to Norway. He did promise to write them, and Ian gave him Lallybroch’s name before he and Jeremiah departed.
Lallybroch Present
When Aunt Jenny had requested some berries for a pie, Faith had quickly volunteered.
The children were helping with Harvest, so school was out for the month, and Faith was bored.
Her chores with the Chickens and ‘Coos’ could only take her so far. And helping Brianna clean her tiny croft house and try to prepare her for the baby had gotten more and more prickly lately. She was starting to feel the same way she did when she turned 16 and Bree was 13. Faith had of course started driving and had gained some freedom away from her little sister. Which had caused Brianna Ellen to live up to her storm like name.
It was happening again, so Faith did as she did when she was 16. She put some space between them so cooler heads would prevail, and they could speak without arguing.
So when Jenny had requested someone go Berry picking, Faith had snapped it up.
“Put yer cloak on, weather is gonna turn at some point. Dinna wander too far, easy to get lost.”
“I will be fine Auntie, I promise.” She pressed a kiss to her Aunt’s cheek and put on her cloak before heading out.
She waved to Ian in the field and waved the basket.
“Going Berry picking.”
He waved at her too and then went back to his work.
Berry picking started off just fine, she wished she had some nice gardening gloves to protect her hands from the thorns and brambles, but it wasn’t anything bad.
She moved deeper into the woods, sure that she was going to circle around the cave and then turn around and walk back towards Lalllybroch.
But the cave never appeared.
She frowned a little sure that she had walked the parallel path that led to the Cave.
“Well alright.”
Instead of turning around, her stubborn Fraser side came up and she kept walking deeper into the woods, sure she would come to the cave in time.
Ian frowned up at the sky, the Sun was starting to set. He handed his basket to Michael.
“Keep picking, I need to run into the house.”
Michael nodded and kept working.
First, Ian went to the kitchen to see if Mrs. Crook had seen her.
“No sir, I haven’t seen her since Mistress Murray sent her off to pick Berries.”
He then walked over to Brianna’s to see if she was there, maybe she had gotten the berries and gone to visit.
But Brianna had not seen her either.
Ian was worried now, so he went to the Laird’s Study to speak to his Uncle and Aunt.
He and his Auntie were leaning over the Ledgers when he walked in, (without knocking for which he would apologize for later).
“Faith went Berry picking earlier, and she is still not back, I am getting worried.”
His Auntie stood upright.
“Are you sure?”
He nodded. “No one has seen her; she should have been back quite a while ago.”
His Uncle’s face went stormy.
“We need to find her before it’s full dark. Ian, rally the men, get torches, lanterns, and supplies.”
Ian nodded and ran out of Study to do as he was told.
Jamie walked across the hall to where the babies were sleeping peacefully, Claire hot on his heels.
“I am going with you.”
“Sassenach, ye can’t. Ye must stay here with the bairns.”
“Jamie, my other bairn is out there, you can’t expect me to-”
“Aye, I do. Because ye ken I will find her and bring her home. Can’t say I won’t beat her arse for this, grown as she is.”
Claire laughed even as tears fell.
“Jamie…what if she-”
He pressed his hand to her mouth. “Dinna say it, she is not dead. She is probably lost, scared, and maybe hurt. But not dead.”
Claire nodded and watched as her husband dressed.
Once he was finished, she made sure the babies were still sleeping, and followed him outside to where a large group of men were gathered.
Ian stood at the front of the group looking grim.
Jeremiah stood next to him with Brianna standing next to him.
“I want to go as well Da.” She said firmly.
“No, a leannan. It’s too dangerous for you and the bairn. I need you to stay here with your Mother.”
“But Da-”
“Bree.” Her Mama said softly and rubbed her arm. “It’s okay.”
She nodded and Jamie kissed them both, before leading the men into the darkness of the woods.
Faith was feeling very, very stupid. She really should have turned back when she had the chance, but now she was horribly lost.
Not only that, but she had also managed to trip over a jutting root in the darkness and fell, hurting her ankle in the process.
She was pretty sure it wasn’t broken, but she was in such pain that all she could do was curl into thicketed area between some trees and hope that help was coming.
“At least I won’t starve.” She muttered as she popped a Blueberry into her mouth. “But I probably won’t want to eat another Berry as long as I live.”
Ian moved through the woods slowly, Jeremiah by his side.
Jeremiah’s eyes were more focused in front of them, Ian was more focused on the ground.
“What are you doing?”
“Tracking, like Aksel showed us, remember.”
“Dinna ken what kind of good that will do.”
Ian stopped suddenly. “Someone stepped here, see how the dirt is disturbed, and this stick is broken.”
“Animal probably.”
Ian picked something off the broken stick and held it up. “Wearing a skirt?”
Ian stood up quickly and pulled out his knife.
“Gimme your hand.”
Jeremiah swallowed hard when Ian looked at him. His face was tight, and his eyes glittered like two hard brown gems.
“Give. Me. Your. Hand.”
Jeremiah thrust his hand out and Ian ran his knife across the skin.
Jeremiah yelped as blood bubbled up.
“Ian what-”
“We use that to remember the trail.” Ian did the same to himself and started walking down the trail calling for Faith.
He and Jeremiah touched every other tree as they walked, leaving smears of blood to follow back.
“Faith! Where are you?”
Brianna paced for what felt like the 100th time, her eyes going to the window every single time.
“Bree sweetie, you need to sit down.”
Claire said gently as she nursed Caelan, while Ainslie slept in her cradle.
“I can’t. What if they don’t find her?” She did sit though because the baby was doing jumping jacks inside of her.
“Your Da, Uncle, Ian, and Jeremiah are prime hunters. They will find her.” Claire said with a firm confidence that she only partially felt.
Because she too wondered the same thing, how long could Faith be out in the woods before if they didn’t find her.
It wasn’t like the modern time they had left where you called for Help and Rescue. This was the 1700s and they only had themselves to rely on.
She switched sides with Caelan and patted his clod covered bum. “Just a little more baby, come on.”
The door opened and Jenny appeared, her face was lined with worry.
“See anything yet?”
Brianna shook her head. “Not yet.”
Jenny nodded and sighed. “Ye must forgive me Sister, this is my fault.”
Claire shook her head. “Jenny, you couldn’t have known. It’s far from your fault.”
She nodded and Claire unlatched Caelan and handed him to Brianna. She partially tied her laces and wrapped her arms around Jenny.
“They will find her, I know it.”
Jamie moved over a few logs and lifted his lantern high.
“Faith Elizabeth! This is your Da, answer me!”
Silence pressed back against him, and he sighed softly.
“Jamie.” Ian said. “It might be wise to wait until first light, we canna find anything in this darkness. We canna chance getting anyone else lost.”
Jamie puffed out a breath. He didn’t want to return to Claire empty handed, but at the same time. The men were his responsibility.
“A little longer and then aye, first light.”
Faith was dozing off a little, her hair tangling in the thick branches around her when something jolted her awake.
What had done it? Was there an animal? Oh God she would give her life for a flashlight.
She swallowed hard, trying to peer into the darkness to see what it was.
Suddenly a voice called out, very close to her.
She gasped softly and ignoring the pain in her ankle, she threw herself forward onto her knees.
“I-Ian! Ian!”
Ian held up his hand for Jeremiah to stop.
“I heard something.”
He listened, listened so close.
And then he heard it. A small voice gasping out his name.
“Faith! Christ!”
He looked around, sweeping the lantern left and right as Jeremiah did the same.
It was on his fifth sweep that a pair of eyes caught the glow of the lantern.
Familiar eyes.
He fell to his knees and started pulling apart the branches of the thicket in front of him, Jeremiah did the same until they had it opened enough for Faith to spill out in front of them.
“Oh Ian!” She burst into tears and clawed her way to get to him.
He beat her to it and scooped her into his arms, and with Jeremiah’s help got to his feet.
“Can ye walk?”
She shook her head. “My ankle.”
Ian nodded and looked at Jeremiah.
“You run ahead, go to my Mam. Have her give you some oil and gunpowder. Put it on an arrow, light it, and fire it into the sky.”
“Would ye just do as I say ye numpty!”
Jeremiah nodded and ran ahead of them, following the marked trees.
He shifted Faith in his arms and started to walk. She was warm, alive, and whole. That was all that mattered now.
Jamie and Ian had just turned. They had agreed they would call the men in, get a few hours sleep and start again at first light. He was sure Faith would be okay through the night, his girl was tough.
But he didn’t want to face the whiskey eyes that waited for him back at the house.
Suddenly a large explosion appeared in the night sky. Followed by another.
Ian frowned. “What in God’s name?”
“Dinna ken, let’s find out.” He sounded a whistle, high and clear, sure the men would be following the explosions as well, but just in case his whistle would call them in.
Jenny, Claire, and Brianna were gathered around Jeremiah.
Handing him arrow after arrow to fire into the sky.
After the 6th one, Men began pouring out of the woods, Jamie at the lead looking confused.
Claire ran to him and threw her arms around him.
“Ian and Jeremiah found her; Ian is bringing her out.”
Jamie let out a whoosh of breath and chuckled.
“I might have to retract my statement of her being pure when they marry.”
Claire smiled and hit his chest at his bad joke.
5 minutes later, Ian came out of the darkness, carrying Faith in his arms.
Jamie and Claire ran toward him, and pulled them both in for a hug.
“Her ankle is hurt Auntie.”
Claire nodded. “We will see to her right away. Jamie, can you bring her upstairs for me?”
He nodded and took her from Ian’s arms. He paused for a moment and smiled at him.
“Ye did well. Very well. I owe you.”
Ian flushed and nodded.
Later, Faith was settled in a warm bath with her ankle propped up on the edge, wrapped in some stiff cloth which covered the Ace Bandages. Claire had declared that it was just a sprain, not a break. Faith would have to rest and stay off her foot for a time, but she would be fine.
She apologized to everyone and promised not to do it again. And her Da told her if she did such a thing again, he swore he would wear her ass out even though she was 18 years old.
And then he hugged her so tight.
She heard the door open behind her and turned to see who was coming in.
And her mouth dropped open when she saw Ian.
“Ian! What are you doing? If Da catches you in here, he will throw you out the window.”
He smirked. “I have permission to be in here, but I am not to do anything untoward.”
She laughed softly and he walked over and kneeled next to her.
He couldn’t see anything for all the bubbles, but he was young, and his imagination was strong.
He was so lost in his thoughts; he didn’t hear her question at first.
She laughed and rubbed her hand across his face. “I asked if you would comb out my hair for me.”
He nodded and grabbed the comb from the table before slowly moving it through her curls.
“In case no one has told you, you scared the hell out of me today.”
“I know. I scared the hell out of myself.”
“Dinna ken what I will do if you do it again.”
“Da already said he would spank my ass for it.”
“I can appreciate that, and might have to get a few licks in myself.”
She snorted and shook her head.
“I am not going to do it again, at all. In fact, if I go Berry picking again, it will be too soon.”
He chuckled and moved the comb so he could tilt her head back.
“Faith, I want to tell you, if you ever doubted it. I love you desperately.”
“Me getting lost confirmed that?” She asked as her eyes sparkled at him.
“Aye, and if I can talk Uncle into it, would you marry me sooner? Like maybe next month?”
She smiled gently and touched his cheek gently.
“Any particular reason since I am not pregnant?”
He swallowed hard. “Life is too short, I dinna want to wait for you to be my wife.”
She closed her eyes to fight the tears, but when she opened them, she smiled.
“Yes. Though I think this little incident will probably make him hold on to me tighter.”  
“I am patient.”
She laughed softly and lifted her head to meet his lips with her own. 
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