#omi and raimundo brotp
Clay, holding Omi in his arms: :) Raimundo, starting to sing: I wanna see my little bro~ Kimiko: (starts recording it on her phone) Rai, repeating himself: I wanna see my little bro! Clay, smiling: Here he comes, Raimundo bubba! Raimundo, taking Omi from Clay's embrace: I wanna see my little bro!~ Omi, hugging Rai: (sniff) Are we really brothers? Raimundo, grinning at Omi: YES! :D
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Kimiko and Omi are my brotp and i like never see anyone talk about them so can you list 5 things you like about them for me
Sure, I can do that! Here's some off the top of my head in no particular order.
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Kimiko hugs Omi so much. Despite the one-per-customer rule, she gives him the most hugs out of anybody.
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When the Chameleon bot replaced Kimiko, Omi was the only one who knew her well enough at that point to immediately recognize it as an imposter and know something was up, even when Clay and Raimundo assured Omi that he was imagining things.
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Omi was so frozen in fear from the giant squirrels in the Land of Nowhere that he couldn't dodge their attacks to save his own life. But he pushed past that and leapt in to save Kimiko while she was in danger from one, even though Omi is still so scared that he faints afterwards.
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Omi was the one to reach out and comfort Kimiko while she was in tears over whatever was wrong with her father in the Return of Pandabubba. She was devasted and confused, but Omi was able to make her smile and give her a bit of hope.
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And at the beginning when the team was still new to each other, Kimiko and Omi were the first to warm up to each other. Kimiko even connects with Omi by teaching him about the technology of the outside world, and they have so much fun playing games and taking selfies together.
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writerkatsblog · 2 years
What are your top 5 Omi BrOTPs? Mine are:
Omi & Chase Young
Omi & Jack
Omi & Jermaine
Omi & Kimiko
Omi & Dojo
(Honorable mention to Omi & Shimo Staff)
For me I'd say in order it probably goes
Omi and Kimiko
2. Omi and Clay
3. Omi and Jermaine
4. Omi and Raimundo
5. Omi and Jack Spicer
I don't quite count Omi and Chase because they're more mentor and student than bros to me.
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srnileytrashbag · 7 years
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I can’t believe I haven’t drawn them in months
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helipackjack · 5 years
jack, raimundo and uuuuuu idk pearl from steven universe
send me a character and i’ll list:
Jack Spicer
favorite thing about them
The genuine good he has been shown to have despite simultaneously being a jerk.
In terms of writing, how his self-esteem issues are strikingly accurate to real life.
least favorite thing about them
His whinning I guess, although it has taught me to see and fix my own whinning problem
In terms of writing, how his potential as a character was thrown away and he became complete comic relief
favorite line
"I show up at all the battles that I'm certain to lose." and "It's good to have enemies you can count on in times like this."
Jack and Omi, there is just so much about their enemy/sibling/friends relationship, and how Omi always sees the good that Jack denies to have, and how Jack seems to have a soft spot for Omi too. And they have quite a few parallels.
I actually don't romantically ship him with anyone
Any Jack/adult ship for obvious reasons, but aside from those, I guess none
random headcanon
I have a ton, but I'll put one I haven't written about yet. Jack's robots won't intentionally try to do lethal damage unless Jack gives them a special command (annihilatify), because Jack once got his foot shot by a robot and it only destroyed his shoe and burned his foot a little, and a lethal gun would do way more damage, but in the season 1 finale, his robots destroyed a rock monster with relative ease while the monks couldn't do much damage at all, while the monks usually defeat Jack's robots with ease, so things wouldn't add up unless the weapons Jack uses on people were non lethal alternatives. Jack could actually kill off the monks with relative ease, but he doesn't want to, he just doesn't seem like that kind of person to me, so all his usually lethal weapons operate under a safety protocol.
unpopular opinion
Idk what really counts as an unpopular opinion. I guess it's that I headcanon him as an albino.
song i associate with them
I don't have any vocal songs, except for maybe this one song I'm planning on using for a really angsty post-series AU animatic, but I won't spoil.
Instrumental tracks include "Vs Susie" from Deltarune and the fanmade Undertale-themed track "Fear", basically anything that sounds kinda edgy
favorite picture of them
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This icon made by jxckspxcer, the blush was added, but it's so cute
I'll do the other characters later
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sleepdepravity · 7 years
For the salt, Xiaolin Showdown: ALL the questions.
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?*
a lot of the XS ships I do understand it’s just that i hate them. like, it’s super hard not to look at chack or chomi or whatever and not get what’s going on there. and i hate what’s going on there. 
i guess if there’s a ship i absolutely don’t understand at all...........KimOmi exists, right? (there’s also one person who is wild about KimDojo......)
2.Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?*
3. Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion?
i barely follow people in the first place. if i unfollow someone it’s either over a non-fandom opinion, or they’ve been silent, or they started getting into something i’m not and i don’t want to see it on my dash.
4. Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?
i’m not sure how to tell if i have a notp, mostly because i barely have a clue how to tell if i have an otp because i barely have an idea on how to tell if i ship something. but i guess here’s some pairings i’ve seen that i react to with distaste
chack. chomi. chai. chimiko (wow that’s. a name.). salmundo. omi/jack. fem!omi/jack. kimdojo. 
(there is no clay pairings here because nobody ships clay with anybody.)
5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
answered. the other pairings there wasn’t anything to ruin.
6. Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?*
i don’t think i ever went from h8 -> gr8. but i did go from “clay and jack?? that’s weird....” -> “i want them to be best friends”
7. Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?*
raimundo, though it’s not i can’t stand him. it’s more like as a little malkling, he was my favorite character and now i resent that he gets all the attention
8. Have you received anon hate? What about?*
9. Most disliked character(s)? Why?
chase. overrated.
10. Most disliked arc? Why?
saving omi arc. chase. too smug for someone who basically went like ‘i’m gonna seduce omi to the dark side’ and then tricked him into dropping his good chi.
11. Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
clay.................................................gets no attention....................
12. Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
there’s not really a lot of arcs in XS so i’m not sure what would count. here’s an unpopular episode that i like i guess, uh.
i don’t know what episodes are unpopular.
i like night of the sapphire dragon.
13. Unpopular opinion about XXX character?
okay DN you may have overlooked something here because i kinda need like, a character you want to know an unpopular opinion of.
unpopular opinion about clay: i fuckin loved him before allya jumped on the r!Clay shit just because he got,,,,,,, darker, i , guess. you’re weak. 
14. Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
it sucks.
15. Unpopular opinion about the manga/show?
it’s not that brilliant.
16. If you could change anything in the show, what would you change?
Give Clay An Actual Character Flaw You Cowards
17. Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen…
i woulda made fuckin sure that kimiko and clay didn’t get left behind in the fuckin dust you cowards
18. Does not shipping something ‘popular’ mean you’re in denial and/or biased?
i don’t understand this question. i mean yeah i’m biased. i dunno why that means anything.
19. What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?
everybody’s horny for chase.
20. What is the purest ship in the fandom?
21. What are your thoughts on crack ships?
i don’t know what sort of crack ships there are. now clack ships, i have thoughts, and my thought is if you only do r!clack then you’re weak
22. Popular character you hate?
Jack. Chase.
23. Unpopular character you love?
jermaine. When Will He Return
24. Would you recommend XXX to a friend? Why or why not?
unsure. it’s not exactly something i imagine my friends would enjoy, compared to the way more story-driven animes
25. How would you end XXX/Would you change the ending of XXX?
Clay and Kimiko get to show off why they were chosen leader in their respective timelines even as Rai shows off leader chops without being dismissive of their leader skills.
26. Most shippable character?
clay my boy
27. Least shippable character?
i would have said omi but now it’s probably chucky choo.
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weirdwyvern · 7 years
good(-ish) things about XC, episode 2
yo if you can’t tell by now my new year’s resolution was to be more positive about stuff lmao
Willow jumps like a cat??
aight but I’m convinced she’s learned most of her agility stuff from Chase’s cats
“Stay tuned, and find out – and be as surprised as me! Even though I already know.”
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I know it’s just stylized but the more I see stuff like this the more I want Willow to have green sclera & white irises/pupils
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“Nuh-uh, you first.”
“It’s time to show you my specialty.” HER SPECIALTY IS MANIPULATION
proof Willow is evil: drinks sparkling water
Willow’s nails are sharp enough to be used in place of a knife
“I must check in on Ping Pong. Perhaps he is in danger of being eaten by a wooly mammoth!” ???? ??? was that even slang???
Kimi just fuckin sets the basketball on fire
further proof Willow is evil: doesn’t offer to share food with the other monks while the circle children train
Willow bein’ nice to Omi when he feels bad (like I know it’s manipulation & Omi doesn’t really deserve it but like…it’s still kinda sweet)
“Who’re you calling a little guy?!”
Kimi 100% remembers the last 2 times blondes have attempted to join the Temple lmao
Dojo s a s s
ok so part of Willow’s shirt didn’t get colored correctly here and she honestly looks? better like this??
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Kimi’s keepin’ a lookout for her annoying circle friend
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further proof Willow is evil: is mean to Ping Pong
new unnamed shen gong wu: Multiple Misshapen Gold Blobs
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Willow is Suffering
if it weren’t for the end of the first ep I feel like this would be part of Willow’s supervillain origin story
honestly tho Willow’s manipulation act falls So Flat here. who’re they gonna choose to be the next apprentice??? not the petty one that’s for sure
Kimiko & Ping Pong brotp
“Greatness often comes from doing manual labor.” more like “Greatness often comes from working together” my dude, ur wise saying game is slipping
is this why y’all ship them
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i just need a moment here ok i can’t believe the blue eyes thing made it into xc
yeah this is why y’all ship them
Clay’s allergic to Willow’s bullshit lmao
am I about to watch some Politeness Judo go down here
at least it’s not a giant teapot like last time huh Kimi
“I learned from the best.” okay is it me or do they both know the other is attempting to be manipulative. She knows Kimiko knows she’s being manipulative and Kimiko knows this. This is a level I was not expecting stop the ride i cant handle this
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Unnecessary Flips
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Does Shadow secrete toxins through her tongue? That rat is hella dead
“Kimiko has proven an unnecessary distraction also.” I’m taking that in the gayest possible context and absolutely no one can stop me
Omi pretty much admits that he’s got a crush on Willow
it’s a good thing you have water b/c y’all are Thirsty
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“Uh oh, Master Fung’s gone fortune cookie on us.”
The Fungster Is Out
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Rai is a true bro
Jack’s attempted kill count: 2 (tries to run over Omi & Ping Pong)
“What kind of sick people are you?!”
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“Using Things That Aren’t Surfboards As Surfboards But With Air Instead Of Water” a guide by Raimundo Pedrosa
RAI IS FUCKING D E A D oh wait nvm he’s ok
his element is water guys he’ll be fine
Shadow confirmed for just as Extra™ as Chase
“I did it! I did it!!”
Raimundo’s silence in response to Dojo’s question
Chase is proud of his rib child
“Jack the Varmint”
“We’ve all had an off day. Except me, of course.” RAIMUNDO PEDROSA YOU SHUT YOUR LYING M O U T H
Dojo’s callin’ u out son
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Omi u ain’t one to be making short jokes lil pardner
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loosescrewslefty · 7 years
Xiaolin Showdown, Miraculous Ladybug, and Star vs.
My favorite parent-child relationship; Kimiko and Toshiro. They’re so adorably close in Showdown, and Toshiro is such a good father (aaaand we’re ignoring the monstrosity that is Chronicles)
My favorite sibling relationship; Clay and Jessie. They fight, and drive each other nuts, but they still care about one another and want the other to be happy.
My favorite family relationship (other); Jack and Wuya, actually. XD Their interactions are always so funny to watch, and Wuya makes an excellent Straight Man for Jack.
My favorite friendship between two people; Omi/Jermaine, if it’s JUST gotta be two people. that friendship was formed fast, but it was a great bond that really helped Omi grow as a character, and I REALLY wish we could have seen more of that.
My favorite friendship between a group; OT4 4 LIFE!!!!! XD Raimundo, Omi, Kimiko and Clay have great chemistry, both in battle and out, and it’s great to watch them interact. Especially on the rare occasions they get to goof off.
My favorite mentorship; Chase and Omi. Their relationship is like dancing on the edge of a knife, which makes it thrilling to watch. Chase teaches Omi so many things, and Omi is obviously conflicted about Chase, hence his longing for him to be good again.
My favorite rivalry; Jack and the monks. He might have been reduced to slapstick material once the big guns showed up, but Jack is hands down the most tenacious rival the monks had, and I appreciate that.
My favorite hatred/antipathy; Chase and Hannibal. 
My favorite potential relationship between characters who never talk in canon; Dyrus and Wuya has a lot of unexplored potential, if you ask me…—MIRACULOUS LADYBUG
My favorite sibling relationship; Adrien and Chloe. Yes, they aren’t related by blood, but they did grow up together and I think their relationship is healthier and HAPPIER on the rare occasions we see them acting like siblings instead of Chloe aggressively trying to get into Adrien’s pants.
My favorite family relationship (other); Marinette and Sifu Cheng. I REALLY hope they bonded during his visit and kept in touch when he went back to China. Him helping Marinette with her Chinese, helping her get more in touch with her mom’s culture, teasing her about the cute Chinese-speaking friend of hers… XD
My favorite friendship between two people; Marinette/Alya. OTP, BroTP, ALLTP. I LOVE seeing these girls on screen with one another, they’re just- ‘flails around like a loser’
My favorite friendship between a group; Again, the OT4. Adrien, Alya, Marinette and Nino. Though Marinette, Alya, Juleka and Rose is precious and has a LOT of good potential, too.
My favorite rivalry; To the surprise of no one, since I got at least 5 new followers from the post I made on the subject, it’s Chloe and Marinette.
My favorite hatred/antipathy; Hawkmoth/Miraculous Duo. Keep trying, dude.
My favorite potential relationship between characters who never talk in canon; Juleka/Nooroo, based on me personal headcanon that Juleka will get the Butterfly Brooch once they rescue Nooroo from Hawkmoth. Not only does she have the right color scheme for the job and fit with the Elemental aspect I posted about forever ago, but Juleka is the ONLY person who regards the Akumas fondly instead of freaking out because monsters. I think Nooroo and Juleka would be good for one another, and really have my fingers crossed that that will come to pass.—
My favorite parent-child relationship; Star and Moon. It’s not perfect, but they both try and there’s love there.
My favorite sibling relationship; …I… don’t think there ARE any sibling relationships in Star Vs… I guess the closest would be Marco and Jeremie.
My favorite family relationship (other); The Diaz’ and Star. ALL THE YES.
My favorite friendship between two people; If you haven’t figured out by now that I am Starco trash, then I have failed as a human.
My favorite friendship between a group; The girls. Star, Janna, Jackie, Ponyhead and StarFan13. They were a BLAST to watch.
My favorite mentorship; Star and Glossarick.
My favorite rivalry; Tom and Marco, though I don’t like the way the fandom goes OEMGEE YAOI!!!! over them -_-
My favorite hatred/antipathy; Toffee and the Royal Family. There’s history there, and I’m dying to know what.
My favorite potential relationship between characters who never talk in canon; TECHNICALLY Toffee and Moon haven’t spoken yet in canon, sooooo….
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me, a couple of days ago: yeah, Jack and Omi are like Tom and Jerry
also me: (sees potential for other characters to fit into some Tom and Jerry screens) Welp, now I can't unsee this.
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Raimundo: Dang it, we lost Clay and Dojo! I'll fly to the highest building and- Kimiko: don't worry. I might know how to make them find us. Omi: Really? How? Kimiko, yelling at the top of her lungs: Look! That man has just opened his barbecue stand! And he gives off his hot dogs... FOR FREE!!! Dojo, almost immediately landing on a random lady's head: WHERE? Clay right behind him, charging at the crowd: INCOMING! poor people jump out of the cowboy's way Raimundo: Calm down or no food for you! Clay: he he, sorry we got a little bit carried away~ Omi: Good. Because there is no hot dog man. Clay and Dojo: :( Kimiko, trying to cheer them up: I'm so sorry big guy, little dragon guy! I'll buy you some hot dogs later! Dojo: (sigh) Thanks. Clay, now happy: Much appreciated!
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Up to this point, I gathered a small list of XS friendships, which remind me of characters from other franchises. So far I compared:
Omi and Jack's friendship as something Tom and Jerry have going on. Sometimes I envision they switch to being like Lilo and Stitch to each other. There's also a slight resemblance in the way Omi tries to reform Jack to the way Steven Universe teaches Peridot about the wonders of Earth.
Jack and Vlad's duo as a mix of Megamind and Minion (Megamind) and Wendell and Wild.
Megan and Jack are like Dexter and Dee-Dee (but heights are reversed haha). Also in my au, they try to move towards the friendship Cedric the Sorcerer and little Sofia have. (Sofia the first). As for aesthetics, this lovely duo reminds me of Poppy and Branch (The trolls- dreamworks)
Kimiko and Raimundo give off slight Soul and Maka vibes (soul eater)
For Kimiko and Omi - I don't have the exact match but I do like the friendship between Enid and Ko (Ok ko let's be heroes) - there are some similarities so it's almost fine by me
Omi and Chase are so unique it's quite difficult to compare them to any other cartoon duo, however, the best pick would be Professor Venomous and KO (again Ok ko let's be heroes). In both shows, the adult person is very much interested in the potential of the kid and it turns out they have more in common. The trope of making the kid go to the dark side? Check. Mutual respect throughout the series? Check. Is the adult acting like a dad/is the dad for the little protagonist? CHECK. (for some reason, these parallels make me very happy)
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Jermaine comes with a visit and Omi wants to surprise attack him but he's waiting for the right moment Jermaine: I'm so glad to be here guys but where is my homie Omi? Raimundo, lying for the cause: Oh, we don't know! Clay, playing along: He's been busy all day! All we can say, the little fella is preparing something for you! Jermaine: No way, for me? Clay: AFFIRMATIVE! Jermaine: Hmm... I'm gonna look for him anyway. Raimundo, winking at Omi hiding in the shroud of shadows: lol good luck a couple of minutes later Jermaine: Ok I've checked EVERYWHERE. He must be planning something big Clay: Well, if you want we can tell you how we with Omi during the hide-and-seek! Jermaine: That could be helpful! Raimundo: You have to sing ✨THE S O N G ✨ Jermaine: ... What song? Kimiko: Haha, let me fill you in (she shows him all of the videos featuring Omi reacting to many variations of 'I wanna see my little boy' Jermaine: And you expect ME to pull that off, too? Clay: Yup! Kimiko: Absolutely. Raimundo: YOU MUST. Jermaine: Nah, I'm not calling Omi 'little boy' He's a fearsome warrior, after all! But I have even better idea!
Jermaine, singing loudly: I wanna see my Omi-dough!~ Omi, peaking at Jermaine from the temple roof: 👀 ? Kimiko, already recording: (giggles because she sees Omi creeping down the roof) Jermaine, already knowing by Kimiko's expression Omi is somewhere near, ready to attack: I wanna see my Omi-dough! Omi, jumping from the roof, intending to land on his friend: Hayiiiiiiaaa!!!!!! Jermaine, catching the monk in his arms: Gotcha! Omi, hugging Jermaine tighter: Your tiger instinct got waaay better from our last encounter! Jermaine: Nah, you're just sorta predictable my friend Omi, pretending to be angry: Hey! Quit it or else I'm disappearing for real this time! Jermaine: Oh no sorry have mercy HAHA! Omi: For you, I can make such an exception. Jermaine: Thanks buddy, missed ya so!
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Teeny tiny Omi wearing other peoples' clothes even though those clothes are way too big for him 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Oversized clothes only add to cheeseball's overall cuteness.
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I bet he likes longer sleeves because his first non-monk piece of clothing was intended for someone a bit higher/older than Omi. This gives me an idea: maybe Omi's clothes that Jermaine gave him once belonged to him but he grew out of them!? That would be so sweet of Jermaine to share with his Omi-dough something so personal, ok?
This may not be related, but I'm a sucker for 'other monks+Jack lend Omi their clothes/accessories' trope. There was somewhere a comic in which Omi by mistake threw Raimundo's white hoody from s1 into the wrong laundry bin and as a consequence of washing white material with red ones the hoody became pink. Omi with tears in his eyes reported the accident to Raimundo but he said: it's yours.' I find that extremely adorable.
And maybe one day I'll attempt to draw Kimiko giving her wigs to Omi during video chats with Keiko, Omi trying to act like a cowboy warrior with Clay's hat.
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(I hope Clay's hat isn't as big as that hat found at Bailey Farm because I don't want Omi to struggle with his surroundings)
Aaand last but not least - Omi stealing Jack's goggles and trenchcoat for funsies.
Oh, and you know what would be so adorable even Chase Young could almost faint? Omi trying out Chase's armor. The catch is - the chest armor is as tall as omi, so Omi while wearing it - he has to stretch his neck so his head would be visible to others. Just imagine. You have the top of the armor, short arms dangling from the sides, and from the neck-hole, a round head tries to peek out of its 'metal cage'. I'm not suggesting anything but Chase would completely lose it and start laughing so loud his jungle cats would be confused. After all, it's very rare for Chase to burst a laugh, especially a genuine not evil one.
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Cling cling Rai and Omi brotp
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You have no idea how much this means to me.
Just imagine Raimundo mentioning he used to play with his siblings in such a manner and Omi wants to try this out. Also, they bring that to the next level, using their elemental powers. Omi with his water control abilities tries to make the bubbles not pop so quickly and Raimundo summons a light breeze so the bubbles could dance in the air much longer <3
If you want to take a peek, there are two more pics under the cut.
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Which minions from Xiaolin Showdown are your favorite? Chase's fallen warriors, Jack's jackbots, Katnappe's bioengineered kittens, Wuya's stone golems, Pandabubba's goons, etc?
Even tho Chase's warriors have diverse, culture-accurate designs, I'll go with jackbots as my no1 favs. They need a hug. I feel strongly sympathetic toward them mostly because they're being destroyed in every episode 😭. Other characters should give them more slack but I guess it's impossible due to the fact they're programmed this way - their main purpose is to fight/ protect Jack.
I like these little touches throughout the series when they behave more human-like. Like when they're aware of their surroundings and don't want to destroy buildings.
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Shoutout to that particular Jackbot, which instead of breaking the window- opened it. These robots know some manners!
Oh, and when they agreed to play with Megan. Extra cute of them
In addition, that cowboy-jackbot, which picks up the flowers always makes me smile. What a gentle robotic bandit.
All of Jack's creations in general have cool designs and have more depth than it seems at the first glance. So, that's why they're stars of the show alongside the main cast.
As I said, I love Chase's warriors almost equally. I love that scene in which they all thought together in their human forms. However, I'm kinda salty that it's all we got (well there is also that showdown for Omi's freedom but y'know I would love to see more content with them).
Katnappe's bioengineered kittens are nu-uh for me. As Raimundo said once: 'hey! watch the claws'. Encounter with them is rather painful so I would prefer not to get too close to them.
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But I am impressed with Ashley's knowledge and skills in that field. She even managed to teach them how to walk on two legs and hold trays.
As for Wuya's golems - they're probably in the 3rd place on my list. They seem indestructible, so they're formidable threats. BUT! When they're not told to fight they're so goofy I love that. The way they were interacting with Raimundo can be summed up with the statement 'they're trying their best but they have no idea what they're doing' and I appreciate all of their (failed) efforts to entertain Raimundo.
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Just look at them. They're excited they could play with Rai <3
However, there is one particular Rock Creature, which stole my heart.
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Baby. Baby boy. Polite and full of joy. Little guy with a cute diaper. Also deserves a hug!
I really respect Pandabubba's goons for some reason. They learned there are artifacts that grant magical superpowers and quite quickly adjusted to them.
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Maybe the other reason I like them lies in the fact that for the majority of the episode they appeared to be serious and competent and THEN that image is destroyed (in the scene in which they show their boss the fake wus). I stan the brotp of the black and white suit guys.
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On top of that, it seems they really do like their boss. That was very considerate of them to cheer on Pandabubba during the showdown.
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What a pity they're only one-episode characters. They're silly but they have their own charm to them. Determined to get the job done and more importantly they can tell when they should act more professional or enthusiastic, depending on the situation.
Anon didn't mention Cyclops. He also has a special place in my heart. Fella oblivious most of the time but thanks to him there are nice comedic moments in the show. Big red baby man <3
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