#omi thoughts
kylominis · 1 year
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"I'd be careful around Ominis Gaunt, If I were you. I can't tell where his loyalties lie." [♡]
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floweryomi · 6 months
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all hail Firelord Zuko
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d13t0rt10n · 2 months
Thinking about Omi learning about hobbies.
Kimiko has fashion and gaming, Rai has surfing and Clay has lassoing/cowboy stuff.
We see them teach Omi there hobbies but id love to see him like try all loads of different things to find something that he loves.
With each new place they visit maybe he could pick up a new local sport or activity.
He never finds one key thing he loves like his friends do but he ends up with an amalgamation of skills and knowledge he didn't have before.
Bonus points if these niche hobbies begin to cross over with ones Jack was forced to do by his mum. They can bond over like hyper specific activities lol.
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posting more A3! EN screenshots here since i have to clear out my storage </33 gosh i miss it :((
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fangirlingpuggle · 2 months
Thinking more about it Chase turning Omi to cat is a way kinder version of what happened to him.
He sees Omi and sees himself in him, basically adopting him as his kid (Even if he won;t admit it). He wants him to rule the world with him wants him on his side. Chase knows he'd be better on the Heylin side like Chase himself is.He sees himself as helping Omi, getting his student on the winning side, the side where he can flourish.
Only Omi is like him and how he changed sides was harsh, Hannibal as awful and cruel and Chase went through so much pain. He doesn't want that to be Omi's change but knows it has to be something large, there has to be a catalyst and it's not going to be a small one. He tries to slowly get him to offering him constantly letting him know there's palace for him, there but he knows he probably won't change before a big catalyst.
So switching his chi is the plan, not so much for the side swap but the swearing of loyalty he knows the chi can be reversed but he has the foothold the swearing something that means Omi can't go back. He has Omi on his side.
Then he changes him into cat form, changing him into a form that is different to his own stuck i it, like Chase was. Only no feral instincts no losing himself no pain or lessons Chase is kind and slow trying to convince Omi to switch sides fully. Not forcing Omi to do anything just slowly building up trying to get him sued to it. Knowing he has all the time in the world.
He wants Omi on his side but knows it will be a process knows Omi is to mcuh like him for it not to be but he still wants Omi to be Omi, doesn't want him to suffer like he did.
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osamusbigtits · 10 months
we need more cringefail sakuatsu and less sexy sakuatsu
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I may have just binged Xiaolin Showdown- I’m not quite at the finish line yet, but I am screaming. First of all - the main four embody their elements so well!
Between Clay’s down to earth attitude, but at the same time - being a strong, hard-to-take-down opponent. As a dragon of earth, I was definitely in awe the entire time. I enjoy his character so much, and the Texan sayings he says? Count me in!
Kimiko? Her fiery attitude matches being the dragon of fire so well. She has a free-spirited energy, and can’t easily be tamed even by the wildest of evils. She has an immeasurable, headstrong way of directly taking things on. She’s grown more as a character, but because these characters are likely no older than 13 - they still have a lot more to learn.
Raimundo. Dragon of Wind. He’s the most unpredictable of all of them sometimes - he has an energy which cannot be tamed, and won’t be held down by anything (even if it almost became his door fall). Though in the end, he came back around- deciding he couldn’t abandon his friends…
And then there’s Omi. The Dragon of Water. With his strength, athleticism, and optimistic personality make him perfect for his element- his cheerful but bold attitude are a wonderful mix and I cannot wait to see more from him and the rest of the cast! Though I only got to episode 25, and I’m purring like an idiot- Omi’s characteristics are mirrored as if it were water. He almost seems to go with the flow, but in the end - like a tsunami - he will always protect the ones he cares about.
But now- I get to talk about what I was itching to focus on grrr.
Our villains…
Jack Spicer is certainly the kind of villain who serves as comic relief, but even then- he’s a genuine good fodder to the four monks that stand against him. At times, we’ll see him team up with them for a shady cause, and I find this almost charming. While he isn’t the most terrifying of villains, and he simply functions as the filler for the monks to handle, I’ve grown quite fond of his character!
but ho boy, then we have Wuya and can I just say- she might not have a physical form but even then - she makes for a great opponent. The episodes in which she gained physical form were done so well, and I found myself being drawn in more and more. Her cunning and trickery make her a hard enemy to beat- and I am curious to see where else this series takes us.
BUT there’s another character that has me frothing at the mouth: Chase Young.
Previously on the side of good, Chase Young turned evil on the promise of power and youth- he has his army of Fallen Warriors to guard him, and well, if the fact he’s immensely powerful. Not to mention, he’s incredibly strong and has been around for, say, a while (?). He’s already caught my interest and I can’t wait to see more of him… also his interest in Omi from episode 25 “The Evil Within” has my metaphorical tail wagging because holy- I’m already seeing the vision: Chase attempting to sway Omi onto the side of evil…
Also, the Fallen Warriors being cats while Chase Young has slitted golden eyes (and yes, I know that secretly the mf is reptilian-) is extremely ironic and I live for it- nonhuman Chase for the win because, well, that is what he is! I can’t wait to continue seeing more of his character-
Of course, this is hardly helping my case at all…
Xiaolin Showdown and Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja would be such an interesting crossover- like, I do have a couple ideas cooking in my mind but at the same time… I need to develop this a little more! And if it happens to be influenced by the whole First Ninja and Chase Young dynamic, no it isn’t - whatever do you mean /lh
My tail is wagging
More to come soon! Because mrrr- I am ever so slightly hyperfixated…
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robowilofficial · 17 days
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So I finished up Season 1 of Xiaolin Showdown, and also watched the first S2 episodes. Things are definitely picking up overall and I'm also enjoying this show a lot more than I thought I would- Also there's a LOT of funny facial expressions in this show I've seen thus far.
And bit of a random note, I've noticed the episodes animated by Digital eMation seem to have the characters be more expressive than in the ones Lotto Animation did. One noticeable example being that Raimundo's eyes are shown with white sclera more often.
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So yea. Just my thoughts thus far. Def interesting to see the direction this show goes next.
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gravity-what · 11 months
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Option #2 for future Omi (option 1 here) and the one that I am imagining fits a little better with the OG Omi/is the ‘happy’ outcome (at least for this point in his life…). And definitely the one I have thought about the most (lol look at all the notes!)
He’s grown in a lot of ways (less hard on himself, more willing to acknowledge faults, has found a good balance between letting himself be himself and being loyal to his friends) but in others he has maybe…well, not ‘regressed’ but decided to actually be a little more selfish. He’s less looking for others approval and more ‘realizing I actually am good enough to exist without approval that will never come and appreciated those who do see me for what I’m worth’. Which is a bit of a tricky place to be since it definitely has led to him not being willing to listen to criticism that he should definitely be listening to from the other Dragons.
It has led to a bit of distance between them all, especially since Omi is also in a stage of his life where he is being a bit more serious in his academics (I know he has always been serious but it’s a difference between childish seriousness and actual full investment in a project) even if he is having more fun in the battlefield. (He is definitely creating and testing out new martial arts moves left and right and is becoming quite prolific with it. At the rate he is going his martial arts moves are going to out-number Dashi’s Wu count!).
When push comes to shove though Omi always comes through to help the other dragons and has never left them high and dry (ha!). Still, there are worrying cracks that are hard to ignore…
Additional note: Omi’s hair is definitely a byproduct of a wu that he decided to keep~
Anyway happy Halloween 🤣
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omi-boshi · 5 months
it's the way iizuna's injury was such a pivotal moment for kiyoomi.
prior to that, kiyoomi had a very streamlined, and in my opinion, naive way of thinking; hard work ensures success, that he'll get the results he wants if he puts in the work and if the result is unfavorable, then it simply means he wasn't prepared enough.
however, by the end of ch.394, we come to learn that kiyoomi grows out of that rigid mentality, factoring in luck and hard work instead of just the latter. now, instead of working hard to get an ideal result, he was working hard so that when his time on court does end, when he runs out of luck, he can leave knowing he put his all while he was still capable. it wasn't a matter of winning or losing anymore. it was a matter of being content, about self-satisfaction.
but when did that click for him?
i think that his change in mentality was a gradual thing, culminating to a singular moment.
we can see the manifestation of his ideals in ch.215 when he confronts kageyama about shiratorizawa's loss. he was in disbelief and immediately assumed ushijima was just not in good condition. he interrogates kageyama afterwards because what could have possibly gone wrong when ushijima was just as, if not more, hard-working as kiyoomi?
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then in ch.394, it starts with ushijima telling kiyoomi how his capabilities were a product of both hard work and luck.
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his is when the idea of luck working together with hard work is introduced to kiyoomi verbally (that i know of).
i'm sure that this was met with skepticism, especially if one has such a fixed way of thinking. i don't think kiyoomi was convinced from that conversation alone but i feel that it did get him contemplating.
then, he learns ushijima doesn't make it to his last spring tournament; he watches hinata collapse mid-game and karasuno lose to kamomedai; and his own team loses when their captain, iizuna sustains an injury.
for all the hard work ushijima puts into volleyball, he was just unfortunate enough to have lost.
in hinata's case, it is inevitably his lack of regard for his health that puts him out of the court but he was lucky enough to have been able to play the match for so long.
both situations showing that preparation and luck go hand-in-hand.
and it all culminates to the exchange kiyoomi has with his captain.
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that's when it finally clicks for kiyoomi.
hard work and preparation can only take you so far, and that's why it hurts more when something that you've put your heart and soul into slips away from your grasp simply because fortune did not favor you.
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kiyoomi already understood that there will always be regrets if you don't put in the work, but is only now realizing how bitter that regret is when you know you don't deserve it.
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his exchange with iizuna not only cements that hard work and luck are intrinsically connected, but it also makes him think of the future, of what his final game would look like.
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and the conclusion he comes up with is that he wants to leave the court with no regrets.
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he will put in the work and do as he's always done and when his time is up, he can leave content and grateful to have been on the court for so long.
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beetlehoven · 1 month
I will NOT be listening to the next ep now that my fav Herr Vogel is gone. Absolutely unlistenable. Vogel carried. I am now boycotting. will miss you Herr Vogel fly high (in the rafters)
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Omi: Change is inedible.
Raimundo: Don't you mean inevitable?
Omi, spitting out coins he took out of Rai's wallet: No, I did not.
Omi: Change is inedible.
Chase: inevitable? Oh, yes you finally understood that! Are you ready to join me? Because that's inevitable as well...
Omi, spitting out coins: I know what I said. Get off of my behinds!
Chase: you meant 'back'?
Omi, irritated: oh, shush!
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carcassarkis · 20 days
ok so it’s a few months late but my grandma and I watched Star Wars together and it was her first time seeing anything but ANH. Her reactions were very silly and I wanted to share (in the order we watched). I did my best to avoid spoilers for her. Green text is me.
Original Trilogy
-“wait so does he [Luke] not know his dad is Darth Vader”
-“Oh wow! Those two little robot guys are so cute”
-“NOO C3PO!!!” (in reference to when he fell off a cliff)
-“oh he’s going to die, isn’t he” (said about Obi-Wan and Biggs, separately)
-“this music is so good, I didn’t realize how good this was”
-“I thought she [Leia] liked Han Solo?” “she does, she’s just being silly” “well I know that”
-“His hand!!! why would you chop your sons hand off!!”
-“THEYRE BROTHER AND SISTER?!?!” (most shocking discovery for both of us. I thought she already knew)
Prequel Trilogy
-“oh, he’s cute 🥰” (about Obi-Wan)
-“who’s that little boy”, “WHAT DO YOU MEAN HIS ACTOR GOT BULLIED 😭😭”
-“oh, he’s scary 😱” (about Maul)
-“that’s not the Queen because it’s not Natalie Portman 😐”
-“what’s his name? Jar Binky? I like him”
-“oh it’s ok if they die, because they’re not really people [in reference to the clones]” “Omi no, you’re falling for the Scheme”
-“oh no, did she just die? Poor Anakin!”
-“oh, this is so sad 😔😭 (gasp) I can’t believe he would do that! What about his wife Natalie Portman and their baby?” (in reference to the younglings being killed)
-“I just can’t imagine them fighting each other!” (about Anakin and Obi-Wan)
Sequel Trilogy
-“oh, she’s cute!” (about Rey)
-“oh, he’s cute!” (about Finn)
-“oh, he’s cute” (about Kylo Ren)
-“oh no, did that guy just die? The guy with the droid?”
-“Han Solo! And Chewie!”
-“he is not cute anymore! He is ugly!” (about Kylo Ren)
-“oh he’s sad 😞” (about Kylo Ren)
-“she’s a Palpatine? why is that important”
-“oh yay, Princess Leia!”
-“this is so sad 😞”
-“oh, he’s cute again! Yayyyyyyy!” (about Ben Solo)
-“oh he’s going to die, isn’t he”
-“this story is really sad 😔”
anyway I thought she was silly and I hope (in light of recent occurrences) she will continue to be able to be silly.
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thedarkjotun · 2 years
ok this needed to be posted bc i haven’t seen anyone mention it on here and i just saw someone on tiktok talk about it for the first time
because who in the blue fuck is this????
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this was one of the first pics i found of him online when i started playing (it’s from the wiki) and like bro who what where when why is this 12 yr old ??????? apparently this is used for his owl post icon too, my brother in christ they’ve done him dirty again
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crownconstellation · 6 months
so with this year’s April Fool’s event, which is themed after the Chinese Zodiac, A3! has given almost every character confirmed official birth years depending on what zodiac clan they were assigned to! these are as follows:
?????? - Guy, Azuma (they were assigned the cat, which is an unofficial / excluded zodiac sign. clever move, Liber.)
1987 (Rabbit) - Sakyo
1991 (Ram) - Homare
1992 (Monkey) - Chikage, Hisoka
1993 (Rooster) - Tsumugi
1994 (Dog) - Tasuku, Itaru
1995 (Pig) - Citron
1997 (Ox) - Omi
1998 (Tiger) - Misumi, Kazunari
1999 (Rabbit) - Tsuzuru
2000 (Dragon) - Banri, Juza
2001 (Snake) - Sakuya, Tenma, Taichi
2002 (Horse) - Masumi, Kumon
2003 (Ram) - Yuki, Muku
2004 (Monkey) - Azami
(Izumi got assigned Rat, which would be 1996, but based on canon statements about her age (her knowing Sakyo as a kid + her being the same general age as TaTsm), she’s presumably a 1992-1993 baby & she got put in Rat solely bc no one else filled that slot.)
#a3#a3! act addict actors#listing all this has made me realise the way a3 labels ages is…. interesting.#bc of how it does things people who may be only a few months apart in age will be listed as an entire year apart#because based on these birthdays it lists everyone as the age they’re turning within that act (going april to march)#so say… tasuku who’s only a few months older than itaru is listed as a year older than him bc he turned 23 right before act 1. whereas itar#turns 23 at the start of it. and then tasuku turns 24 in february. and then for acts 2 on the ages just tick up one#so even tho for most of the year they’re the same age tasuku will be listed as older#this is the same for masumi & kumon and sakuya & taiten#this makes a lot of age assignments for the students Interesting also bc they seem younger than they should be?#maybe i got too used to how enstars does the age stuff but 15-16 for 1st years 16-17 for second years 17-18 for third years…#but a3 has the third years turn 17 During their third year & etc. sakuya turns 17 at the very end of the school year#and it can’t be the march birthdays being the start of the year loop bc then sakuya would be a 2000 baby and masumi 2001#i think i’m overthinking this LOL. well anyways!#i also saw someone point out homare is three days too early to be a goat so LOL i don’t think they thought this through past general year#on that note is it goat or is it ram. i see people use them interchangeably. well anyways#bri.txt#omi literally only five (5) days younger than me…#also i just realised. tsuzuru being assigned rabbit LOLLLLLLLLLLL he is never getting past the white rabbit
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So I just started a new show...
I figured I might as well give this show a go! I've yet to get past the first episode so I figured why not share my first impression.
First, the show's known as Xiaolin Showdown, following four students who are warriors and have to retrieve different items known as the "Shen Gon Wu", all while trying to defeat great foes. We're introduced to our short but well-spirited main character Omi and this kid is definitely sheltered but I have to enjoy his dedication- he strives to be the best. I'm not entirely sure how to feel about his character, so we'll just have to wait and see!
Then we have Raimundo, a young boy who I believe is Hispanic (?) - he's the prankster of the main four; he doesn't seem to be as concerned with what is happening, but this is just based on a first impression! I'm quite curious to see how he grows throughout the series.
Followed by Kimiko, and arguably my favorite so far, she's the only girl of the group and always seems to have a new electronic device on her person. While she does seem particularly tech-savvy, Kimiko appears to have a heart of gold and seems very free-spirited (much like the next character in point!). As before, I hardly anything about her but I'm curious about her heh-
Last in the party is Clay- a young cowboy turned monk. He's the most down to earth of all of them and honestly, is pretty chill. I can't say too much because he didn't fully have a lot of screen-time but he certainly represents his element well!
All four of them are to become the Xiaolin Dragons and protect their home while making sure these various magical artifacts can be protected and brought back to the temple in which they live. The animation of the show seems ever so slightly shoddy, though that might just be because I had to use a different site to watch it heh-
However, the lore is already proven interesting and the background characters (though especially the dragon - unfortunately I can't remember his name) are also pretty fun!
Unfortunately, the villain seems rather generic but who knows- perhaps they'll expand on his character a little more... as the series progresses because I just finished watching the first episode and am about to start the second one. Honestly, it's off to a promising start, but I still need to get a feel of the show to say the least!
The other title villain known as Wu Ya definitely has more promise than wannabe Jack Spicer but we'll see where this continues- now that I've hopped the train of warrior-ninja based shows, I cannot seem to stop but so far, the series that continues taking the lead is Randy Cunningham pfft though what's the harm in one more? We'll see where this takes me!
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