#ominas crowe
overworldstims · 2 years
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Black Mage Ominas Crowe (Bravely Default)
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 (original inaccessible)
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Ominas as in Bravely Default Brilliant Lights (originally from BD1)
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clarislam · 2 years
Surprise! Here’s a bonus fanfic for you to read for the weekend - “The Duchy Of Eternia Plays Among Us,” a Bravely Default fanfic!
I know this is a bit spontaneous for me to post, given that I post fics on a schedule most of the time, but I enjoyed writing this fanfic so much that I wanted to share it as soon as possible. I hope all of you enjoy reading this as well!  
Read the fic on Archive Of Our Own: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45474628
Read the fic on Fanfiction.net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14205575/1/The-Duchy-Of-Eternia-Plays-Among-Us
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rei-does-stuff · 2 years
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bravelyartbooking · 11 months
10 Anni Booklet
So I got the 10th anniversary booklet and it is full of VERY old original concept ideas for Bravely. So old that the characters don't even have names.
Bravely Default seems to have been the project name that they just never changed... as they seem to be doing a lot over in Team Asano. Hahaha.
Copying/pasting from my twitter thread:
The AR movie Agnes IS confirmed to be the Agnes from Ringabel's world.
Airy was originally supposed to have (help) started the Crystal Orthodoxy 3000 years ago. Lester "looks" 20, and Yulyana "looks" 70. Victoria was originally stated to be 10. (Updated/official timeline says she's 17, born the same year as Agnes and Praline.)
Alternis was originally 18, changed to 20. Braev was originally 50, changed to 45. Agnes was made vestal when she was 12 (5 years before the start of the story). In the updated/official timeline Alternis was 7 and Edea was 2 when Braev found him. Also Braev found Victoria 2 years later in Florem, as well.
(There's an official timeline in the book that starts 32 years before the beginning of the game, 2 years before the mountains in Eternia began to move (it starts with Ominas Crow being born). It is so tiny I need to scan the page to be legible.)
(In the confirmation that AR Agnes was from Ringabel's world, it says Tiz was already dead and Edea was being "bludgeoned" to death by Airy while Alternis watched fro the shadows. Also there's a helpful diagram of this event.)
Some country concepts were COMPLETELY different. Ancheim was meant to be a country completely ruled by "time" and "schedules". There was a country of magical/endangered animals. Florem was... pretty bleak. Children were raised in an institution and people lived literally underground. Very few marriages for love. Hard to tell in the google lens translation, but men came to Florem specifically for wives.
Orignal Concept Tiz had a sister, not a brother. Anti-Crystalism was a SECRET. Edea had no idea it was a thing! Eisenberg's conflict was over orichalcum, over swordSMITHS and shieldSMITHS, as in... who wanted the materials.
Official timeline says Einheria, Agnes, Jackal were born in Ancheim. Artemia and Mephilia were born in Eternia though (though we knew about Artemia).
Some bad phone pics as highlights:
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Anyway here's the twitter thread that contains some blurbs in regard to the planning/concept of each game too:
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Seems BS's issues really hurt them.
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silly-name-tourney · 9 months
Silly Name Tournament General Prelims #14
top 3 get in!
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emissary-of-stuff · 1 year
playing Bravely Default and trskdfnkjasbjkl. I was in the fourth world where Ominas Crowe, Heinkel and Barras all fight you at once and oh my god Barras did the move where he attacks everyone, including himself and his allies, and he killed Ominas Crowe!
And then he did the move again and killed himself!
I love this game
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saintarchie · 2 years
Coming Back to Life
Existential crisis, but it’s about someone else’s existence.
The Grandship allows us to go anywhere, which means I’m kind of spoiled for choice now. In theory, I assume the crystals can be done in any order this time, although I suspect in practice it might be best to stick with the same order as before. Also unclear is how much of the other storyline material needs to be revisited in order to gain access to the temples. Come to think of it, the Sky Knights are still in Caldisla, so maybe taking them out of the equation again is a good place to start.
Entering Centro Keep, we find the doors are all unlocked, the building apparently in the state it was after we finished exploring it, having not reverted to its original condition. That said, Ominas Crowe is waiting in the same room as last time, so I guess some things do go back to how they were. Approaching him triggers a cutscene wherein he freaks out at the sight of Edea in the company of the Wind Vestal.
Ignoring his hysterics, Edea asks him when she left the Knights of the Eternian Sky. Ominas responds by continuing to freak out; it seems that even the notion of Edea speaking is too much for him. He insists that she can’t be real, and, in order to facilitate her not being real, decides that he’ll destroy her right now.
He continues to remonstrate as the battle commences, asking if we really hate him that much, and insisting that it(?) was our fault anyway. Not sure what that was about, but whatever. Ominas has considerably more HP this time around, which I can only assume means that he too has been buffed in this timeline. The stat boosts notwithstanding, he’s still not really a match for the party’s current strength, and the battle is soon over. Upon losing, Ominas insists that he did nothing wrong, but doesn’t elaborate on what he means by that before dying.
Afterwards, Edea continues to speculate about where she fits into this timeline, asking the same questions I was earlier, about whether there’s another her already in existence here. While Tiz is willing to accept that some discrepancies between timelines are inevitable, Edea is less content. The fact that Ominas seemed so afraid of her is also concerning. Ringabel wonders if perhaps in this version of events, Edea had already become incensed by Ominas’s actions towards the Caldislans and beaten him up before leaving the Sky Knights in disgust. Edea agrees that this is definitely possible; she had already been contemplating something of that nature last time around.
I have another theory: Upon defeating Ominas, he dropped two items; a turbo ether and an Ise-no-Kami, the katana that Edea started out with. This might be an indicator that he killed this timeline’s Edea and took the sword from her, and that was why he was so terrified when she showed up again. Come to think of it, maybe all four of them are dead in this timeline. That would explain the lack of doppelgangers, and might account for some of the other differences as well. It’s as good as any other explanation I can think of.
Further exploration of the keep reveals nothing of interest, so let’s just press on. Heading north, one of the vampire pillars is there, and can be inspected already. That... can probably wait for the moment. Instead, we return to the Lontano Villa, where, presumably, a levelled-up version of Heinkel is waiting. Like the keep, its interior hasn’t reset to its original condition. Still present is one of those mysterious locked blue chests that have been showing up without explanation in every dungeon thus far. I had thought that they might be openable now, but no such luck.
On the top floor, Heinkel is indeed standing by, along with two underlings. His reaction upon seeing Edea is much less dramatic than Ominas; “traitor” as opposed to “undead(?)”. He implores her to see sense and come back to her father’s side. While this is going on, Agnès and Tiz take note of the fact that he doesn’t seem to have realised who Agnès is, or for that matter, escalated the conflict by abducting the king. Which I guess means Owen hasn’t been killed this time either.
Meanwhile, Edea predictably has no interest in rejoining the Sky Knights, and so Heinkel decides to get violent. As the battle commences, he continues to upbraid Edea for daring to betray her father, especially after he honoured her with a position within the Sky Knights. The fight itself is pretty straightforward; Heinkel’s minions go down almost immediately, and while the man himself hits pretty hard, he ultimately isn’t much more of a threat than Ominas was, and goes down almost as quickly.
Following his death, Edea mentions that he seemed different, but doesn’t really elaborate on how. Returning to Caldisla, we find that Owen is indeed still alive, and, with the Sky Knights defeated, will presumably now remain thus.
With that, there’s nothing really left to do here, so I’ll try going to the desert next.
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Barras: Blue M&Ms are the best.
Barras: What about it? They are.
Heinkel: They're all chocolate inside, you oafs! The colors don't mean anything!
Holly: I like the yellow ones.
Barras and Ominas: SHUT THE FUCK YOUR MOUTH!
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avaloncelsus · 3 years
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Finally finished my pieces for the Bravely collab this year!
Pretty happy with how they came out even if I rushed a little. I especially love the gambler outfit, though both of them fit their new wearers quite well.
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nikolai-nikolanikov · 5 years
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7khz · 6 years
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Bravely Default + @screenshotsofdespair (1/?)
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zephybat · 6 years
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Merry Christmas! Im still practicing on the colorize thing on csp! 
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S-So what if he’s a D'gon–?! Bahamut is my precious frie– no, my precious D'gon friend–! I won’t forgive anyone who speaks ill of Bahamut!
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bravelyartbooking · 6 years
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Art from Twitter - Holiday related
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sewbro · 7 years
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It’s because you’re a whiny sexist crybaby...
But you’re still my favorite.
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