#bravely incorrect quote
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Ringabel: I wouldn't die in a glue trap. I would escape. I'd say something like "no... it can't end here...!" and pull myself out while yelling and thinking about women
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justaz · 5 months
*merlins magic gets exposed in front of the knights*
merlin, magic user: oh fuck
arthur, finally taking this opportunity to pretend as if he just found out merlin has magic after agonizing for the past month on how to bring it up: you have magic?
lancelot, merlin defender, already knew of merlin’s magic: no! i have magic
gwaine, merlin defender, already knew of merlin’s magic, lover of chaos, ride or die: no, i have magic!
mordred, desperate for his hero’s approval bc no matter what he’s done emrys just stares at him with distrust and the poor boy is tired and so close to tears: no…i have magic.
percival, raised by druids and bonded strongly with mordred over that and does Not agree with the persecution of magic in camelot, had an inkling that merlin had magic but no proof: no. i have magic.
*leon and elyan exchange a look, elyan, amused and leon, exhausted, elyan shrugs*
elyan, knows how much gwen adores merlin and completely understands her stance bc merlin…is merlin, down to clown and put on a show, really playing up the dramatics: no! i have magic.
leon, exhausted, has known of merlin’s magic since he stepped foot in camelot, knows of his feelings for arthur and arthur’s feelings for him, knows arthur knows of merlin’s magic and wouldn’t harm him, thinks everyone is being absolutely ridiculous:
*the knights stare hard at leon and even merlin looks slightly offended at leon not jumping to his defense with the rest of the knights, arthur hasn’t said anything and is staring at leon expectantly*
leon, sighing: …no. i have magic.
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mycomicbox · 2 years
If you’re a fan of the Bravely series, I have made a new blog: bravely-incorrect-quotes.tumblr.com
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golyadkin · 3 months
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you can trust them, they're super scientists
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incorrect-mighty-nein · 5 months
Caduceus: if you bite it and you die, it’s poisonous. If it bites you and you die, it’s venomous
Fjord: what if it bites me and it dies?
Caleb: then you’re poisonous. Christ, Fjord, learn to listen
Jester: what if it bites itself and I die?
Beau: that’s voodoo
Nott: what if it bites me and someone else dies?
Caleb: that’s correlation, not causation
Jester: what if we bite each other and neither of us die?
Beau: that’s kinky
Caduceus: I give up
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Jesper: Just trust your gut
Wylan: I have anxiety, my gut is literally always telling me to abort mission
Jesper: … Okay, follow my lead then
Wylan: Into a deathtrap Im sure
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(caleb): *falling asleep at the dinner table*
(beauregard): finally. i was wondering when those sedatives would kick in.
(nott): wait, you sedated caleb?
(beauregard): he hasn't slept in like 4 days. what did you expect me to do, ask nicely?
(nott): i sedated him too.
(jester): and me.
(yasha): same. he needed sleep.
(nott): *panicking* alright, anyone who slipped caleb something today raise your hand.
*everyone raises their hand*
(nott): .....well fuck.
(nott): ......caleb, put your hand down.
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feykrorovaan · 10 months
Miraak:"Ah, so the first Dragonborn meets the Last."
Kaidan:"Oh no, I'm not the Dragonborn."
Miraak:*looks at Gore, Taliesin, Inigo,and Caryalind* Which one of you is the Dragonborn?
Taliesin:*rolls eyes and picks up my tiny Breton self*
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Bonus:*Auri starts biting Miraak's ankles, while Lucien starts asking exactly 102 questions about the Merethic era and dragon priests*
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Satoru: no but like imagine how romantic eating another person can be? Like your souls are together forever
Sukuna, flirting: you want to try, Six Eyes?
Satoru, also flirting: I bet I taste so sweet you wont taste anything better!
Suguru and Shoko in the background: what the actual fuck
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toulousewayne · 7 months
Batfam and Batsis Headcannon: Ages 21-23
The headache Y/n felt forming after finding out about Bruce and Talia having a son was painful.
“After all those talks he gave me about protection.” Dick scoffed.
Y/n looked at her new brother who looked like a feral kitten who was ready to claw and hiss at anyone who approached him.
“Tt, I don’t see how you are Father’s Daughter, your mother wasn’t even married to him. Meaning you hold no claim to Father’s company or his assets.” He spat. He was quite smug with himself.
“Listen pipsqueak—“ Tim started but Y/n motioned for him to stop. She turned her attention back to Damian.
“Look I don’t know what you were told but I promise you I don’t want to run his company, hell I’d rather not be heiress to the money either. Bruce is my Father not my atm or trust fund. And if that’s all the things you’ve been led to believe then you’re sadly mistaken.”
Damian lunged at her and quickly moved out of his grasp, she turned towards him and flipped him onto his stomach and pinned his arm back.
Dick and Tim stood there in awe.”I know you’re an assassin kid, but make no mistake I will break this little hands of yours if you try that again.” She left the room without another word and Damian grumbled as Tim chuckled smugly in the corner.
Damian avoided Y/n while she visited the Manor. They spoke a total of two times in the first few days. By day three Y/n figured he’d be more settled into his new home that she could formally introduce herself. She was wrong.
Damian took one look at tried to go in the other direction and she called him but he was too fast for her. She was in her room on a call with Stephanie and Cass who were gutted she wasn’t staying longer, Barbara could be heard in the background on a call with Dinah and Helena.
“You guys know you can visit anytime, besides my roommate when back home to Chicago. So, for the rest of the term I have a whole dorm to myself.” She giggled stuffing some sweaters Alfred had bought for her as he knew winter was approaching and she’d be up late in the library across the campus.
“Well you’ll be back in three weeks for Christmas Break, plus maybe this weekend we can have a day trip I heard Metropolis Mall is having a huge sale for Black Friday!” Stephanie squealed with excitement.
Cass nodded in agreement,she turned her head and looked closely at the screen before speaking.”Damian.”
Y/n world around to find the youngest Wayne in her doorway easedropping.
“I’ll talk to you guys tonight when you stop by before patrol.” They two waved and she hung up turning to the doorway.
“Come in Damian.” Reluctantly he entered her room with a blank expression.
“Wayne.” She replied in his same tone.
He looked down at the ground before speaking,”Grayson talked to me about my actions. I wanted to apologize for comments earlier to you.” He never met her gaze and she placed a hand on his shoulder.
“You’re not the first kid to come in here and feel outraged or confused about your new life Damian, and knowing Dad’s track record I can’t say you’ll be the last. But I accept your apology. Mind telling me what’s behind your back though?”
He handed her a small wooden bird, it was cured and whittled to his shape and it was beautiful sculptured. “Grayson always mentioned your fascination with birds.”
Y/n smiled an took the little bird figure,”thank you Damian it’s very thoughtful of you.”
“I would appreciate if this conversation never made it to Drake.”
“Whatever you say kiddo.” She chuckled. As time went on Damian was less abrasive towards the older woman. Usually when the girls would visit her Damian would tag along, of course he said he was forced to come but that was lie. Or when Dick or Bruce would FaceTime her and Damian would demand to talk to his sister but would instantly just ask her about her studies and when would she be returning home. It was kinda cute.
When she returned for Christmas she wasn’t surprised to see Damian tending to his animals but rather who was helping him. A new kid.
Duke had heard a lot about his new sister from the other boys, from Cass even Alfred talk about her too.
She was able to get to know Duke when everyone was out running errands for Christmas and he was the only person at the Manor.
“Oh Hi Y/n, Alfred asked me to hang up the garland. Did you need something?”
“No Duke, just passing through, I’m surprised you picked the red and gold one, no one picks that one.”
“Really, I think it’s the most festive.” He chuckled and she entered the lounge and helped him. The two crackled jokes and finish decorating the lounge by the time Alfred and Bruce returned.
“I must say you two make excellent choices with decorations.” Alfred commented.
On Christmas Eve Duke wasn’t around lot of the family. When Y/n asked around no one had seen Duke since Breakfast. Y/n found him in the backyard sitting in the snow. She approached him with a cup of hot chocolate made by Jason.
She sat next to him in silence on noise was them sipping on the hot beverages and sounds of clatter and music from the manor.
For a while they just enjoyed each other company until Duke broke the silence. “Do you think their proud of me, with my decision of be Signal and applying to Gotham University?”
Y/n took a sip of her drink once more before replying,”I think your parents are very proud of you Duke, I believe they would not only want you to be surrounded by people who love you. But to also following your own heart, do what you feel is right for your life.”
He grinned to hisself before speaking again.”I guess so my Dad always wanted me to beat to my own drum. I just..I don’t wanna let anyone down, my parents, Alfred, Bruce..you.”
She turned to him,”Me?”
He nodded softly. “Everyone talks so highly of you, even Damian. I was scared that I’d let everyone down.”
“Duke Thomas Wayne! You could never let me down, I’m sister I’m not going to make you feel bad about your decision. Besides have you seen the rest of the family, just finishing High School is enough to make Alfred happy.” The two busted out laughing before the wind and the snow began to fall down.
“Come along little Brother it’s getting cold and so is the rest of my cocoa.”
On Christmas Morning everyone torn into their gifts and after that everyone opened their gifts Duke found Y/n in the library.
“Hey, thank you for yesterday, I just talked to Dick and he helped me finish my application for Gotham University and I may even have submitted one last night Metropolis University too.”
She chuckled,”Aww Duke that’s amazing I can’t want for them to come in the mail.”
Y/n helped Duke a lot with his last remaining High School affairs like signing up for the SATs, applying for other colleges one that were so close to home in case Duke wanted to try something new. She even helped him with his AP homework though she did secretly get Jason’s help with his English papers and Tim definitely didn’t glance over and make notes on his math homework to help him understand the concepts better.
When his letters did come in the mail he was accepted into Gotham, Central City, Bludhaven and even Star City top universities. But Duke was unsure of himself again and called Y/n who had returned to Metropolis to finish her last few weeks of her degree before graduating that spring.
“What did I say before Thomas, don’t sell yourself short. You earned those spots and if they aren’t where you wanna go you don’t have to. Follow your own drum remember.”
He grinned,”Thank Sis, I needed to hear that.”
“Anytime, now before i go will you please tell Dick and Dad that I will call them later, they keep calling and texting me.”
Duke doubled over laughing before telling her he’ll tell them.
Duke was the first one in the car the day before the family went to Y/n’s Graduation, him and his brothers fought over shot gun which was vetoed by Alfred who made them all sit in the back of the car.
By the time the got their the ceremony had begun and a small crowd burst through the auditorium and made their ways to their seats where Clark, Lois, Jon and Diana were already sitting.
“Late again?” Diana chuckled.
“Bathroom breaks.” Bruce replied.
Luckily Y/n was next and the group from her family was so loud that the crowd chuckled and some joined in too.
She was top of her class and even gave the speech for them.
After walking outside she was swept up to strong arms.”I’ve very proud of you.” Bruce said.
“Thanks Dad, but you’re crushing me.” Bruce reluctantly released her but she she immediately hugged by her brothers and sisters.
“You’ve made us so proud little Bat.” Dick practically sob.
“Grayson can you please stop with the dramatic.”
“Well what will you do know, are staying here or will you move back to Gotham?” Tim questioned.
She shrugged,”I dunno I will come home for a bit before I decide though.”
A choir of Yes from Damian, Duke, and Alfred didn’t go unnoticed.
“Well whatever you decide, we’ll be here for you.” Jason side hugged her.
Alder sobbed and received everyone attention,”it feels me with joy to know at least one of you finished college.”
“But Alfre—
“Silence Master don’t ruin my moment.” Bruce rolled his eyes as Clark and Lois chuckled and Diana shook her head before turning to the graduate.
“Well young one you’ve accomplished much today and I think you should be very proud of yourself.”
“I am thank you guys for coming.”
Tim scoffed,”B practically ran half off the inmates into their cells to not miss today.”
Everyone chuckled as Bruce looked aloof and starting walk towards the door,”I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
I hope you enjoyed this miniseries. I will do more with different people in the DC Universe.
Specifically with the other teams next to either the JLU or the titans or all of them in some capacity.
My asks are open so please, leave me any Requests! ☺️
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hxuse-xf-black · 11 months
8-year-old Ron to Fred & George: I just want to be included. Ron, after being included: What the hell and fuck-
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Airy (referring to Ringabel): it’s the fate of all blonde men to die a gruesome peculiar hamster-like death
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fandomnerd9602 · 5 months
Eleanor searches the wedding party for Merida and Y/N...
Eleanor: Fergus! Where are those two?
Fergus: darling they're married. You know what married couples do on their special night. (laughs)
Eleanor blushes...
Meanwhile, Merida and Y/N are actually off on the archery range...
Merida: you missed!
Y/N: no fair! You kissed me right before I fired my bow
Merida: I'm yer wife I don't have to be fair!
Merida laughs as Y/N picks her up and spins her around...
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xjunkriidx · 1 year
Delphine: Would you guys be there for me if I was going through something?
Lucien: Nope, absolutely not.
Inigo: I hope it sucks, whatever you’re going through.
Kaidan: I hope it emotionally scars you for the rest of your life.
Serana: I hope you reach out to me so I can ignore you.
Y/N: I can’t wait to go to your funeral, knowing I could’ve changed that outcome.
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incorrect-mighty-nein · 7 months
Fjord: I drowned, watched my father figure die, and now I owe this evil ancient god my soul
Beau: I have severe daddy issues
Jester: I never went outside until I was an adult
Yasha: my wife is dead because I chose her
Caleb: I willingly killed my own parents
Nott: I was captured from my home, then I was murdered, and I almost forgot my own husband and child
Caduceus: there’s not nearly enough time or money in the world for all of the therapy all of you need
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superbrightbrat56 · 2 months
Jack: People your age are married. Rapunzel's married, even Hiccup is married. Why aren't you getting married?
Merida: People your age are dead. Why aren't you dead?
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