#omnipoint!Twilight Sparkle
omnipointmuses · 9 months
"Mmh~ You know little Sparkle, I've always thought about crushing you though the great and gluttonous Trixie must admit, I'd never thought you'd enjoy it as much I would~" The massive unicorn huffed as she sat straddling Twilight's torso, her immense stomach covering the smaller mare's modest chest and neck while her eyes looked up at her captor with a mix of apprehension and arousal even as she reached down and gripped her horn with her pudgy fingers to force the lavender gal's face firmly against her flab, filling her ears with the sounds of guttural churning a sound that reminded Twilight how much her once self-proclaimed rival's hunger had skyrocketed sending a pang of fear up her spine coaxing her to pull away for a moment only to be pressed more firmly against the oppressive gut. "Ah ah ah little Sparkle, you must learn to appreciate Trixie's magnificent gut, or do I need to give you the same inside tour I gave your friends?~"
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omnipointmuses · 1 year
"Now then Trixie thinks you have two choices, fir-uurrrsstly you can either help save your precious princess Sparkle," The tubby unicorn belched out as she gripped her teal gut by one of it's folds before giving it a hearty shake, causing it's prisoner to let out a grown that was heavily muffled by the surrounding flab before leaning forwards to whisper into your muse's ear. "Or, you can help Trixie and hump my gut until she's pulverized into pulp, your choice~"
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omnipointmuses · 9 months
Feeding Twilight into a blob was all apart of Trixie's master plan to take her place as Equestria's greatest magic user and magician, now she can take her time and study up... after Twilight's fifth dinner... and her sixth and seventh... can't forget her dessert buffet too.... of and of course she needs to oil up and give Twilight's belly a nice rub down.... and then it'll be time for bed so she'll need to give her some goodnight smooches and snuggles... and other lewd things....Hrm... maybe she didn't think this through. Ah well, she'll have loads of time to figure this out... after breakfast of course.
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omnipointmuses · 1 year
"You wish to talk to Princess Sparkle? Very well..." Trixie puffs before pulling up her stretched sweater revealing her flabby gut allowing it to bounce free following the sound of it's sloshing contents along with a heavily muffled moan as faint imprints of a pair of hands and face dotted her teal gut for a moment, the sound of which made the showgal smirk with smug satisfaction as she crudely scratched at her tenting crotch. "Better get on with it, and say your goodbyes as well, Trixie is getting into a mood and I doubt she'll be solid afterwards~"
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omnipointmuses · 6 months
"Gee Trixie, how'd you get so good at survival games?" Twilight asked coaxing her fellow unicorn to slowly push herself away from her computer with bags under her eyes and stare at Twilight in the eyes, and then her pudgy gut she gained from Trixie's "spelunking" before pulling herself back in front of her monitor while taking a sip of her energy drink.
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omnipointmuses · 2 years
“Twilight Sparkle? Oh she had to go out of town for a few... errands.” Trixie hummed as she stood in the doorway of Twilight’s library while drumming her fingers along the top of her heavy blue gut before raising a hand to swallow back down a belch that was shaken loose when a suspiciously hand-shaped bulge appeared on the chubby unicorn’s stomach. “Hrrrrp~ She should be back sometime after Nightmare Night but Trixie wouldn’t be surprised if she was kept busy for a long long time~”
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omnipointmuses · 9 months
Trixie but she's a waterbed sized blob and also lying ontop of you.
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omnipointmuses · 2 years
POV Twilight is gonna feed you an obscene amount of food...for science of course!
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omnipointmuses · 2 years
POV Fluttershy is mega stuffed from all the science food. OOUURRAALLLPPPP~
Twilight hums happily as she nuzzles and smooches Fluttershy's science stuffed gut before pulling out a recording device. "Audio log, super stuffed guts of cute girls are indeed hot, will need further testing, perhaps with more live subjects in place of food~"
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omnipointmuses · 3 years
When Twilight arrived to Ponyville for the first time the first thing she did was head over to Sweet Apple Acres to see if there was enough crops for the celebration, however someone should've warned her how casual a pred the farmpony was. As soon as the unicorn was in arms reach the southern belle scooped her up with her muscular arms and casually crammed her down her gullet and swallowing and sealing her behind walls of muscles with practiced ease. Unable to move she could only barely twitch and squirm as she heard the muffled words of the farm pony gladly say how she was just about to run out of fertilizer before her prison seemed to come alive and melt her into mulch
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omnipointmuses · 3 years
MLP but Twilight is an uber preyslut that gets gurgled as soon as the series starts
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omnipointmuses · 3 years
Cue Trixie humming casually as she reduces Twilight into a blushing. babbling mess as she show pony lightly nibbles on the latter’s horn while having her arms wrapped around her torso to keep her pressed into her light-blue blubber gut. “Trixshie hopesh you remember our deal Twilight, you pash out, and Trixshie getsh a meal~”
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omnipointmuses · 4 years
twlight but she can shift back and forth between her unicorn and alicorn forms
she just stays in her unicorn form in public due to not being quite used to the size(the height, the fat tits, the wide ass, or hung cock) of her alicorn form
in private though...~
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omnipointmuses · 4 years
"Oh Applejack have you seen Trixie, I need her help to run some...tests." Twilight began to ask the farm gal who looked up slightly guiltily, a crumpled hat adorned with stars in her grip in a hand that hovered over a pile of other discarded bits of clothing somewhat hidden in one of the back corners of the barn, those combined with the pudgier gut AJ's overalls did an admittedly decent job at hiding for the most part and then all the pieces clicked withing Twilight's head and soon she was giving the farm gal a stern look from behind her glasses.
"Riiiight ah, she's helpin' me out by....fertilizin' the fields." Applejack answered with a small guilty chuckle as she scratched the back of her neck while her stomach grumbled noisily as if to share her slightly guilty sentiments though that just seemed to make the unicorn's face just a bit sterner.
"Applejack, you can't keep eating people and using them as fertilizer! It's nearly impossible to find their remains and revive them and we've already lost...." Twilight began to ramble on a lit of complaints but at this point AJ began to space off slightly, half-listening to Twilight and waiting for a signal that she was done with her rambling, that's when her rumbling gut gave her an idea. With a smirk she stepped forwards closing the distance between her and the shorter unicorn and curled her strong arms around her waist and pulled her close and off the ground with a small yelp from the librarian who began to squirm in her tight but not painful grip, her arms trapped against her own body and the farmgal's softer form but Twilight knew well enough already there was still quite a bit of muscle under that new layer of flab. "A-ah Applejack what are you-Mmf!?"
Applejack opened her mouth wide sending a pang of fear up Twilight's spine that was replaced by confusion as the farmgal closed her mouth over her muzzle, over her own mouth and nose, coating them in saliva while the noises of a familiar rumble began to fill her ears. Then it happened, Applejack belched, if anyone was in the room with then they would've said it wasn't that loud but to Twilight was deafening, forceful, thick and... arousing, the acrid gas filled her nose, lungs, fogged up her glasses and carried the blueberry yogurt scent that Trixie carried upon herself naturally. By the time the flow of noxious air stopped Twilight was lightheaded and blushing, a fact that made Applejack chuckle softly after she pullses away and wiped the slobber from her lips while the unicorn slowly came back to lucidity and immediately reached down to push down her tented skirt while AJ seemed to loom over her.
"Ah...Listen Twi I gotta do some work around the farm but if you wanna meet me back here in a few hours I'd be happy to show you where I dropped Trixie off~" Applejack offered her friend who looked up and pouted before nodding softly, soundlessly until Applejack gave her perky rear a smack as she walked around her. "Great! See ya then sugarcube~"
With that Applejack headed for the barn's exit, eager to work but as she licked her lips the taste of vanilla and lavender made her eager to help her friend afterward.
"Her glasses are gonna look real cute on the top of the pile~"
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