#bully brainworms
omnipointmuses · 10 months
"Now then Trixie thinks you have two choices, fir-uurrrsstly you can either help save your precious princess Sparkle," The tubby unicorn belched out as she gripped her teal gut by one of it's folds before giving it a hearty shake, causing it's prisoner to let out a grown that was heavily muffled by the surrounding flab before leaning forwards to whisper into your muse's ear. "Or, you can help Trixie and hump my gut until she's pulverized into pulp, your choice~"
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baselicoc · 1 year
i know that atsv and spiderverse in general is probably not including Gabe for various reasons and therefore when Mig took his alt selfs place he wasnt actually leaving anyone behind. he said something along the lines of “i found a universe where i was happy” which kinda screams that something was fucked up with his home one, i’d like to think more than usual because the other explanation is that he just left like all his family behind. Which is extremely messed up but also on the other hand a little funny
like imagine being gabe here. Imagine your older brother fucks off to another universe because of his depression and comes back with even worse depression ranting some shit about canon events. You have to be told where he went by his AI because god knows your brother has all the communication skills of a rusty spoon. Have to be told he fucking left with no intention of coming back
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artheresy · 6 months
Okay listen, I got sick while at work so I’m in a bit of a delirium idk the word for it whatever, this is what I get for thinking about Blade. The brainworms impacted by immune system /j
Anyways, I’m wondering again about the extent of his immortality and healing. So we get in his hairpin relic lore that his body is perpetually healing wounds that are far too gone to actually be healed, like his hands. We get this line “sharp and distinct with phantom pain” and then this entire paragraph describing it “Like the incessantly flowing stream of a mountain spring, his long black hair never ceased growing. His flesh twitched and throbbed beneath his skin, like river carps flipping and swarming... Fascinating powers ceaselessly reconstructed his body, bringing an everlasting pain of bones and tendons rupturing and healing. As countless phantom agonies and torments tore through his body, his shattered past was also beginning to come together...”
And yet we still see him like die from injuries so clearly, it’s working very very slowly in his body to repair him. Perhaps when he actually fully dies, that power within his body redirects the focus it uses to just generally keep him alive and heal parts of himself that cannot be fully healed to bring him back to life. Hence why he wakes up so far even if there is a pause, a moment of actual rest and peace before he is alive once more.
Now, again we’ve only seen him die via stab wounds and I have that whole other post wondering the extent to which one of Ren’s body parts would theoretically be cut off and how exactly his body would heal that, whether it heals before the limb is entirely cut off so its at least somewhat connected thus making the entire healing process occur properly even with difficulty or if it would literally grow him a whole new arm like a restoration/regeneration type of situation, or if (this wasn’t in the post but) if the injury is treated so he doesn’t die from blood loss which would be the fatality more som would he just like… be without an arm forever? Until he dies next and his body fixes that? I mean I think in terms of non fatal wounds he seems to have a slower healing like I said and then when he’s actually dead, the body focuses on healing the exact area in which he was fatally wounded. And yeah yeah we won’t get this explored much because Hyv is gonna keep things PG-13 and won’t show us any blood anyways
My actual wondering is, I wonder how poisons specifically affect Blade especially just given how different poisons can act. If it’s a slow acting poison, can his body just filter it out with its already slow healing rate? Would he still die if he was slowly poisoned and only then will his body be cleansed of it? Surely he would actually die from something super fast acting right? I mean we already established that Ren’s body slowly heals him and only speeds up when he’s dead. If he has a poison that acts instantaneously, surely he would die and then come back from it after his body has cleansed it from his system with its whole abundance thing.
Or theoretically, does that Abundance power already cancel out poisons working at all and it has to be an intensely violent way that he dies? Perhaps even in his special case, he’d be an exception where it would affect him and then he’d be healed since we know he’s not like on 100% the same level as the marastruck soldiers we fight due to whatever else is causing his immortality (probably the dragon heart or whatever it is) canceling it out so that they both work in tandem with each other. But anyways yeah like, I need to know so badly the different ways Blade’s power (and in general the power of the Abundance) works when faced with all kinds of different methods of killing him.
Also, I wonder how his body is with substances that aren’t lethal in smaller doses but then can be fatal in bigger amounts, things that when they get to that level are considered poisoning like Alcohol and alcohol poisoning and stuff. Could Ren hypothetically get drunk if he drinks a lot? Would his body just clean it out of him overtime naturally getting him sober, presumably at a faster route than normal people? Would he even be able to get drunk? What I said about his body getting him sober faster, would that even happen if its a non-fatal amount of alcohol or would his tolerance to alcohol be solely based on his build?
I dunno there are stupid questions that will literally never ever ever come up in terms of HSR’s story, we won’t see any of this stuff at least answered on screen but doubtfully at all. I’m just so interested in the way Blade’s healing works and I hope I get some kind of idea in order to explore it at some point.
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kishigo prompts? AIGHT I've got idols or idol/bodyguard, snow white au where Quiche was supposed to kill Ichigo but couldn't, more bg3 isekai nonsense, this other nonsense idea have of like fae!patron Quiche and warlock!Ichigo (I blame The Deal)
these are all over the place I'm sorry lol
it’s almost unfair to have you in here giving me prompts sakia you know me too well lmao
I love all of these obviously, but warlock!Ichigo especially has me thinking, esp when you say that you were inspired by The Deal for that concept
Also you can’t come in here and tell me “bg3 isekai nonsense” when you ALREADY STARTED writing that YOURSELF 💀
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ASH! There is no one like you. Your art is so BOLD and creative and genuinely awe-inspiring. I admire all the slutty, slutty things you make Ed and Stede get up to, while also making them look so pretty and colorful. So glad we have you in this fandom. 💕
I seriously don't have words 😭😭😭😭 have some memes instead 😭😭😭💖🧡💚💙💜💖
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Thank you so much marianne!!! 😭💖💜💙💚💛🧡❤️💖😭
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tiredassmage · 20 days
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I tripped and made her three outfits before she's even finished Korriban >.>
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wri0thesley · 1 year
Happy early valentines💕💖💕💖💕!!! Hope your day is going good!
Give you and your moots a blind date (with a yandere twist!)
ahh i love seeing other people do this but i fear i will suck at it so so bad!!! but i will try fgjnkbjngf. if we are moots and you are not included it is not because i Hate you it is either because i do not know how you feel about yan content or i am Scared and Afraid that we are not friendly or close enough or anything for me to actually tag you in a post!!! <3
anyway let me start with someone who i know will not give two hoots if i tag them, my beloved @hazgojo. they keep discovering little handmade chocolates on their windowsill in inazuma; and on valentines day, naturally, thoma asks for the day off to be able to take them around inazuma city, his arm around their waist tight and a warm smile on his face - and the reminder of everyone they meet that thoma is a much-beloved face around inazuma, and if somebody were to hurt his feelings . . . well. it would not end so well for them.
jade @daydreamslug is Accidentally spending valentine's day with tighnari. a trip out into the avidya forest in order for them to reference the plants growing there in their sketches and an hour spent far too close to a plant with hallucinogenic properties (for the art, you understand - they knew perfectly well what it was, but sometimes getting something right is more important than one's own health) . . . and a certain fox-eared forest ranger found them passed out and decided to take them home and take pity on them. a certain fox-eared forest ranger with a warm heart and a sharp tongue, who found himself growing very very fond of this artist he'd saved the life of, and all the more determined not to let them go when he discovered they didn't have a 'proper' home to go back to.
toast @bucciaratis-titty-window has caught the eye of a certain cavalry captain who always seems to know where she's going to be. he says it's just to do with his keen senses, but if one were to ask around the mondstadt taverns at night, they might find out that captain kaeya is always very very interested in her comings and goings, all carefully veiled in him being concerned for her as a citizen of mondstadt and nothing to do with any personal reasons. whilst he's here, though, in her favourite shop for imported liyue tea blends . . . perhaps she'd like to tell him all about them? tonight? at a restaurant he absolutely didn't already have booked for two?
gray @mydiluc is spending valentine's day with someone who really doesn't understand the buzz around the fourteenth of february. it's a day like any other, surely? but even though alhaitham thinks that there's nothing to be excited about, he'd be lying if he said that watching gray giggle and plan outfits and daydream about the colours pink and red didn't make that little beast he knows is jealousy rear up in his chest. so, despite the fact that he can't help but think that logically valentine's day is just another day . . . he makes up his mind to sweep her off her feet, just so nobody else can swoop in. and perhaps he already knows her favourite colour and her favourite foods and her favourite haunts in sumeru city, but . . . well. that's what a good boyfriend (future boyfriend) does, isn't it? in which case, he'll simply use valentine's day as an excuse to set his plans into motion.
lamb @nanamimizz is by their own admission, baby lambish . . . and there is one resident of liyue who feels it is his duty to guide those who might need a little help, to . . . fuss over them and coddle them and spoil them. this valentine's day, then, lamb finds that the wangsheng funeral parlour consultant zhongli is at their side and taking their arm and smiling, speaking to them in a soft low voice that he hopes they don't mind, but he's noticed them wandering liyue harbour these past few days (weeks. months. lamb doesn't need to know all of that), and he'd love to take them on a tour, if they're amenable to it? it's terribly hard to say no to zhongli, and before lamb knows it they are lost in his low sonorous voice and a near-perfect memory for recalling history and who knows how long it has been since this tour even began, because the sun is setting--
@scaranya naturally couldn't spend valentine's day with anyone other than wanderer, right? well - they could try, but they'd hardly fancy their chances. wanderer might not have very many ties to the world, but when he finds one - as he has in ada - he's not going to let them go. it's not a traditional valentine's day by any means - he won't spoil them with presents and gifts, he finds that kind of thing difficult to understand and fully commit to - but . . . ada will notice that he sticks close to them. that he speaks sharply to anyone else who seeks to engage them in conversation (this is a day for lovers, is it not? therefore, it is a day for them to spend together, and not any other human who has no right to monopolise ada's time). that he ends the night with a short sharp kiss with his cheeks reddened and his teeth grit - and that, to him, this is all as akin to a great romance as he can manage. whether they agree with it or not.
thats it im too shy to assign anyone else a yandere im sorry fgbnkjfgkjn
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starleska · 2 years
For the ask game, if it's still going: I'm curios about your thoughts on either saltbaker, bully maguire or spamton (or all of them if you feel like it, hehe). Those are the only ones I know from your list 😅
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earthy i am foaming at the mouth THANK YOU for giving me an excuse to gush about the absolute stupidest f/o crush i've ever had: Bully Maguire 😳😳😳 i don't know what overcame me. i avoided Marvel for so long, had so little interest...yet i was pulled in by Doc Ock back last year, thirsted appropriately, and promptly forgot about Spider-Man for another year. until i switched on the third Raimi movie one day...and saw him. him, and his stupid floppy emo hair and his bright, calculating eyes and his goddamn ridiculous dancing- i was gone. he's such a menacing little asshole whilst also being such a dweeb. that is an intoxicating combination imo 😖💖 like i already thought Tobey Maguire's Peter Parker was very cute (already a socially oblivious, smartdumb nerd), but ooooh. making him a condescending prick cosplaying a supervillain really got me. i swear, i made this AMV in a fugue state 😂 i could babble for ages, he's just an awful freak and i am going to pretend Spider-Man 3 was written better to enjoy it more. it's not just me, right? he is genuinely hot?? or am i losing it? 😭😭😭
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[ask game]
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the-messenger-hawk · 2 years
Khun: Hrmm...
Shibisu: God, just because it wasn't your plan doesn't mean it was a bad plan!
Khun: I didn't say it was a bad plan!
Rak: You made a noise.
Khun: I did not make a noise.
Wangnan: You did too!
Khun: I didn't make a noise!
Hatz: You know, we really think it's disrespectful–
Khun: What is up with everyone and noises?!
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merge-conflict · 10 months
V to Johnny when they're alone: Where's Kerry? How's Kerry doing? Do you think he likes me or is just putting up with me? Stop being a dick to Kerry. You think if I killed his old manager he'd like me? Do you think Kerry is happy? I'm going to kill you if you if I see you being a dick to Kerry. Where's Kerry? Do you think Kerry's happy?
V to Kerry: Of course I want to sleep with you, but it's okay that you don't like me. :)
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aveloka-draws · 10 days
from what we've seen of him we can safely assume cerva is at the very least HARSH as a loyalty enforcer, most likely just kinda downright mean when doing his job.
(actually is he a loyalty enforcer??? I might have dementia hjkihsfa)
I'm curious, what does he do for followers with the "Coward" trait? In game, if you're too harsh on a Coward, they literally just sit in the corner and sob, so how would he try to avoid this? Would he just ignore them, or would he try to reassure them until they aren't scared anymore, like the other option in game?
also I'm posting this ask at about midnight. goodnight, sleep tight, don't let the brainworms bite ❤️
He can be strict but hes not gonna bully new followers if they are scared, he'll try to show them they are safe in the camp. For those who dissent after its a different story
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vibatu · 3 months
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[ "Why did you save me?" ]
CW - Mild blood and an almost dead Lukas on the first page lol
★ Textwall with my thoughts will be below the comic pages, enjoy! <3
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What started off as a "What if the warmth MC feels when they pass out after the Soulless cuts their arm off is actually Kuras' body warmth" transformed further into madness of the likes of "hh..g..g.gfng Kuras carrying MC across the wastes... Safe and sound in his embrace" and, here we are lmao.
I really enjoyed making this! Along with bullying Lukas and making him look miserable. It had been a while since I opened up the game to get reference material and to remember how the scenes went to get as "accurate" as posible.
I really really want to indulge my brainworms further and create more stuff like this, but it will take me some time
Maybe I'll even draw another idea I got which is Ais/Kuras/Lukas-related.
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gremlingottoosilly · 4 months
hello👋 not the same anon as the one from here:
but would König be open to his wife using pictures of him in her scrapbooking things? like what if she makes him look really cute with certain aesthetics in her projects that it just warms his soul that she would make him (considering that he might have a negative perception of himself) look like a wonderful piece of art?
you don't have to respond, just wanted to get this brainworm out of my head. love your writing💌
He would be very reluctant at first. Maybe more chill if you're using the pictures of him in a helmet and the hood - although it's pretty funny, considering the cutest style of the scrapbooking you're making. Just some dry flowers, little stamps, and cute stickers - and a photo of a guy covered in blood with a weapon in their hands. It looks weird, but he likes that you can adore that part of him. He finally found someone who is willing to accept him - to take him as his lover and not just some part-time enjoyment. He would collect the art pieces, smiling every time you managed to either snatch a photo from a base photographer - they soon learned to just give you a copy, the colonel's wife deserves everything in the world after what she's been through with a husband like this - or to just snap a polaroid yourself. Konig bought you an instant camera and a couple dozens of photo paper bundles - now he is feeling like a celebrity, with his wife always trying to snap a secret picture of him in a pajama or without anything at all. He is way more reluctant about using photos of him without his face covered. He is just...he doesn't understand you, truly. Why would such a perfect creature like you even want to look at him? He is more than willing to wear the mask around the house to spare himself from looking at the scars and the face that earned him years of bullying - but you pepper him with kisses, cover him with lipstick stains, and then snap a picture of him, dazed and high on your kisses. You're a vile creature who is taking advantage of how whipped he is by you - how much control you have over him. You love love love making him into art - using the tickets he learned to save so you could make a postcard with it and his photos, giving you flowers that he dried between the pages of some dumb book he was reading on deploeyment. Konig is slowly learning to love the man on the photos - after all, if he has such a devoted wife...
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feywildfox · 5 months
Extreme unpopular (but 100% correct) opinion that jason todd and dick grayson fucking nasty style is not incest and the brainworms the dc batfam fandom has aquired that run so fucking ridiculously deep is actively ruining creativity and comfort in the fandom.
Y'all think UNRELATED foster/adopted kids who know each other either a little bit or a lot a bit is INCEST. Please please please for the sake of yourself and everyone around you go actually speak to a therapist or pending that, PEOPLE WHO EXIST IN THE WORLD.
The puritan mindset is killing your joy and wonder and connections to other people. Sure it /could/ be a little weird if THEY WERE REAL PEOPLE but theyre fiction for one, and two you do know this sort of thing happens in real life right. Like you know there is no such thing as black and white thinking. You know that real human experience is so varied and vast that to condemn something you personally find morally repugnant is just making you like not only childish but also like a complete asshole. You know that right?
Im not saying you have to like it! I am not trying to force it down your throat ! You do not need to agree with me that jaydick is a good ship!
But using your personal dislike and squick at the ship, and other batfam ships, to bully and condemn people who DO enjoy those things, into renouncing those things bc they are afraid of getting dogpiled is like, an OBJECTIVELY shitty thing to do.
Anyways jay fucks dick nasty style on top of bruces desk all day yall go check out my character study on jason todd and his reaction to "what would happen if the joker killed someone jay cares about in front of him" called drowned dogs and chain fences on ao3 much love stay hip keep on enjoying what you like and dont be afraid to enjoy it xoxoxo
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ryttu3k · 4 months
Baldur's Gate 3 fanfiction recs
Ongoing list of Baldur's Gate 3 fanfiction recs. Sorted into oneshots, complete multi-chapters, and in-process multi-chapters, otherwise listed alphabetically. Italicised titles are absolute favourites.
Mostly Astarion-centric because the brainrot is real.
This is not including the approximately three dozen fics I have bookmarked to read later god help me.
A Helping Hand by rjestudioarts. Astarion/Halsin, 2.2k. Astarion goes to Measures to do something for his lover.
a social forced choice question and answer game by unsungillumination. Tadpolycule, 1.5k. The gang play FMK.
ascendant, alone by atomjenkins. Astarion-centric, 3.3k. Astarion begins his new life as the Vampire Ascendant.
anything? choose to live by alwaysyourqueen. Astarion-centric (minor Astarion/Wyll), 4.7k. Astarion sees a familiar face amidst the newly-freed spawn.
Best Unspoken by Asidian. Wyll/Astarion, 4.8k. Wyll learns, through painful lessons, about minding his tongue.
caught between the dark and the dreaming by Raayide. Astarion-centric, 18.9k. Astarion is dosed with klauthgrass; he and his companions deal with the consequences.
chaos construct by birthright. Astarion/Dark Urge, 4.9k. Astarion offers the Dark Urge his devotion.
Come Hell or High Water by Udaberri. Astarion/Karlach/Wyll, 606 words. Karlach returns to Avernus, but this time, she's not alone.
Concessions by Ancalime1. Astarion/Gale, 3.6k. Gale takes Astarion on a date to the stars.
Dagger to the Heart by trashmaven. Developing Gale/Astarion, 1.3k. Astarion finds an interesting book in Gale's tent.
Deadwinter Warmth by Asidian. Astarion/Karlach/Wyll, 4k. A few times Astarion is kept warm.
Did I Think That Out Loud? by SomeoneNamedGem. Mildly tadpolycule, 3.4k. The tadfools versus thought-sharing brainworms.
fill me from the crown to the toe top-full of direst cruelty by solistrix. Aurelia and her siblings, 6.8k. Aurelia reflects on being the eldest sibling.
Fool Me Once by cyranonic. Karlach, Gortash, and Astarion, 6.9k. Karlach and her history with Gortash.
Five times Wyll spill the jug (and the one time Astarion does) by Yinello. Astarion/Wyll, 2.3k. Astarion vs Wyll's puns.
folie a deux by binder. Astarion/Gale, 8.3k. Astarion, a college student, starts having some peculiar dreams.
Four Sonnets and a Death Threat by HigharollaKockamamie. Gale-centric, 1.3k. Gale writes poetry.
Friendly Fire by Asidian. Karlach/Astarion, 5k. Astarion gets into a spot of trouble, Karlach comes to his aid.
Happiest Place on Earth by partingxshot. Astarion/Wyll, 8.8k. Wyll meets a Handsome Stranger trying to jump the line at Disney World.
Hedonism by ushuaz. Wyll/Karlach/Astarion, 4.1k. Astarion sort of stumbles into a relationship with Wyll and Karlach, and decides to teach Wyll hedonism.
Howl by menzoberranyr. Shadowheart-centric, 2.4k. Werewolf Shadowheart agenda lives!
if we put our worms together by corviiid. Gen, 1.9k. Short collection of modern AU microfics.
It's the Thought that Counts by Sephiius. Omeluum/Blurg, 3k. Omeluum attempts to make breakfast for Blurg, with 'attempts' being the keyword.
jackrabbit by tomorrowsrain. Astarion-centric, 15.6k. Astarion slowly develops a friendship with the others.
Jergal's Guide to Surviving a Mindflayer Invasion (And All of the Tadpole Sex That Comes With It) by falco_c. So many, 1.8k. Withers sees All (and lowkey wishes he didn't).
Just a Touch Pathetic by patster223. Gale/Astarion, 4.6k. Modern AU, explicit. "Or, two men try to bully each other into having self-esteem and then have sex about it."
Laborious Love by BhaalsDeep. Karlach/Astarion, 6.9k. Astarion makes a gift for Karlach.
Let's pray to the stars (for another chance) by Astralia. Astarion/Gale, 12.4k. Gale, born 170 years earlier than in canon, visits Baldur's Gate, and is seduced by a pale elf.
Like A River Flows by smallhorizons. Wyll/Astarion, 4.3k. On the eve of their departure for Baldur's Gate, Wyll considers his past and Astarion attempts sincerity.
Loopholes by starkraving. Wyll/Astarion, 5.3k. Astarion tries to work out the details of Wyll's pact. It backfires somewhat.
Melted Snow by Asidian. Karlach/Astarion, 3.3k. Cuddling for warmth!
noble pursuits by arcanefoxx. Astarion/Gale, 3.3k. Gale ascends. Astarion does not.
no one will love me like you again by FlowerCitti. Karlach/Astarion, 2.6k. Karlach regains the ability to touch.
perennial by weatheredlaw. Astarion/Halsin, 1.9k. A newly-cured Astarion experiences the seasons at Reithwin.
Repairs by Asidian. Karlach/Astarion, 1.4k. Karlach approaches Astarion in his tent.
restless all night by hermitized. Karlach and Gale, 2.2k. Karlach and Gale commiserate over their fates.
Say you, say you, say you love me by God_I_Love_Butter. Gale/Astarion, 4.1k. Gale uses a Wish spell.
Seven Minutes in Avernus by cyranonic. Astarion and Karlach, 3.5k. Astarion and Karlach get trapped together.
Shar's Blessing Upon Ye by ushauz. Astarion-narrated but Brainworm Squad-focused, 11.3k. Shar gives the Tadfools a parting gift. Naturally, they all cope terribly well.
Snakes & Ladders by Nivasi. Pre-Astarion/Gale, 6.6k. Cazador sends Astarion to steal a valuable artefact from the Archmage of Waterdeep. It all goes hilariously... right?
Soak It In by shinymailbox. Karlach/Astarion, 3.8k. With time running out, Karlach and Astarion go for a swim.
Some Culinary Advice by Asidian. Astarion and Gale, 1.8k. Astarion attempts to cook.
surprise, surprise by foxflowering. Wyll/Astarion, 3.7k, explicit. Wyll has a surprise. Two of them, actually. Also some beautiful character study for them both, but yes, two... surprises.
Taters by OrangeChickenPillow. Karlach-centric, 1.6k. Karlach finds new speakers for her language.
temporal displacement by PurpleCatGhost. Wyll/Astarion, 4.8k. 20-year-old Wyll Ravengard meets a stranger who definitely seems to know him.
That Blasted Dog by Asidian. Astarion-centric, 3.8k. The camp gets a dog. This is absolutely positively not a problem at all.
That old honey and vinegar by wearethewitches. Isobel and Thisobald, 1.4k. Isobel summons her brother for a first and last talk.
the cure to growing older by combat_jorts. Gale/Astarion, 8.3k. Gale buys a house! Great! It's haunted! Not great!
The Dead Shot by anonymous. Gale/Astarion, 2.1k. Modern AU. Astarion discovers new advances in photography.
the ghost of elturel by Raayide. Astarion and Zevlor, 4.5k. Astarion and Zevlor have a conversation. There are metaphors.
the hollow houses and vacant lots (and the shattered windows and splintered doors) by perhapsitiswitchcraft). Wyll/Astarion (pre-ship), 16.3k. Wyll meets a monster hunter in a swamp.
Thermostasis by TheGoldenGhost. Karlach/Astarion, 7.9k. Thermoregulation as a love language.
Trial by Fire by monsterkiss. Karlach/Lae'zel, 3.7k. Lae'zel has… some fascinating flirtation techniques.
Uncrossed Lines by Asidian. Astarion-centric (with Wyll, Halsin, and Karlach), 1.9k. Astarion's friends defend his boundaries.
Upon Reflection by ellnick. Astarion/Gale, 2.7k. Astarion makes Gale have some realisations about his past relationship with Mystra.
We Happy Few by geometea. Wyll/Astarion, 30.1k. Fifteen years ago, Wyll saved the world, and all it cost him was his soul. Fourteen and a half years ago, Astarion disappeared.
well received by howeverlong. Astarion and Scratch, 1.3k. Astarion is Befriended(tm).
Words by darthiir. Astarion/Gale, 4.5k, explicit. Astarion has a strong reaction when Gale speaks to him in Elvish.
Multi-chapters and series
And All I Get Is The Gift Of Growing Old by Hatigave. God!Gale/Ascended!Astarion, 14.4k, explicit. Astarion and Gale are tremendously bad for each other.
Attrition by theneonpineapple. Wyll/Astarion, 62.9k. Prince Astarion of Larian vows to use his arranged marriage to Prince Wyll of Ultania to find a cure for the vampirism he's been cursed with.
burning bright by floralprintshark. Wyll/Karlach/Astarion, 9.9k. Technically an ongoing series, but all the individual parts are complete oneshots. Wyll, Karlach, and Astarion work out assorted aspects of their developing relationship.
damned in loving fatherhood by ushauz. Wyll and his daughter, Wyll/Karlach/Astarion, 31.1k. Wyll has a daughter.
Glass by ZiGraves. Wyll/Astarion, 38.7k. A Cinderella retelling.
Hells Escape Pact by ushauz. Wyll/Karlach/Astarion, 17.6k. Wyll is a devil, Karlach has been in hell for thirteen years, and Astarion was sacrificed. They meet in Avernus and decide it's time to get out of Avernus, tyvm.
how to escape the torment nexus by ushauz. Astarion/Wyll, 33.2k. Not many of the party survive the Netherbrain. Astarion does, and decides Wyll will be another.
love what is mortal by weatheredlaw. Halsin/Astarion, 36.6k, explicit (but not a main focus). Astarion decides it's time for a family reunion.
Monster Support Group by ushauz. Astarion/Wyll, Shadowheart/Karlach, 57.1k. No tadpoles, but they come together nonetheless.
Old Breaks by Asidian. Halsin/Astarion, 8k. Astarion has chronic pain from Cazador's tortures, Halsin looks after him.
Perceived Impressions by Acinonyx1. Halsin/Astarion, 45.3k, explicit (not a main focus). Astarion is captured by the goblins, and thrown in the cage of a surprisingly non-hostile bear.
Sharing by Asidian. Tadpolycule, 6k. Everyone is a polycule; people communicate.
shout love at the heart of the world by partingxshot. Wyll and Ansur, Wyll/Astarion, 10.2k. Wyll meets the Heart of the Gate.
The Baldur's Gate ABCs by improbable_archivy. Gen, 2.9k. A spectacular collection of poems!
The Cure by BlackwaterVial. Astarion/Raphael, 48.7k. Raphael ends up on the receiving end of a clumsy seduction by a newly-turned spawn and decides, hmm, he can do something with this.
What Drifts on the Air by Letterblade. Tadpolycule (and Halsin), 41.1k, explicit. "*slaps roof of orgy* this baby can fit so many feelings in it!"
Who's the goose that's on the loose? by JustPoro. Mild Astarion/Tav, 8.8k. Is that your sandwich? Not any more.
Multi-chapters - in process
Mausoleum of Memories by QuantumFeat72 and Yennoodles. Gale/Astarion, currently 26.9k, 9/25 chapters posted. A god finally hears Astarion's pleas.
Seen by ayvaines. Gale/Astarion, Cazador/Astarion, currently 127.7k, 37/70 chapters posted. Astarion joins his fiance Cazador's Dungeons & Dragons game, and finds something in the game's charming DM, Gale. (Content warning: may be triggering for those in/who have been in abusive relationships.)
Silhouette by cozzybob. Durge/Astarion/Halsin, Gale/OC, currently 73.5k, 13/35 chapters posted. Figures from both Astarion and Tav's past strike back.
snare by parsnipit. Astarion/Halsin, eventual Astarion/Halsin/Dark Urge, currently 48.9k, 11 chapters posted. Fresh from helping save the world, Halsin makes a discovery in the depths of the Czarr Palace.
Something Lonesome and Wild by passing_lives. Astarion/Gale, currently 125.9k, 23/30 chapters posted. Cazador's ritual requires his spawn to have spawn. Astarion is captured by the mind flayers with one in tow.
The Last Will and Testament of Cazador Szarr by AbigailMoment. Astarion/Gale, currently 42.2k, 14 chapters posted. New vampire lord Gale inherits a spawn.
The Season by Linnetagain. Gale/Astarion, currently 229.3k, 20 chapters posted. Dancing On Ice AU, where Astarion is an ex-Olympian figure skater and Gale is a famous musician.
The Smallest Changes Have The Largest Ripples by Hyrulehearts1123. Dark Urge and Jaheira, Dark Urge/Astarion, currently 30.1k. Multi-part series, all individual parts complete so far. Jaheira adopts a strange child.
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drunkenannie · 2 months
Another brainworm.
What do we think König’s real name is? Have you any thoughts to lend my little mind?
Good question. Very good Question.
Maybe he has a middle name even, a lot of people in Germany have them (not me 😔 but my SO for example) to honor a family member or just because the parents couldn't decide (mood)
Also English-names are pretty popular here too, so it's not totally unusual to find someone who's name should be pronounced English (and then your teacher's don't and gosh golly did people I know get bullied by getting their name mispronounced)
Thinking about pretty basic Names made me think of things like Felix (like the catfood brand), Noah, Karl, Johannes, Lukas, Ludwig, Tim (this one is just so common, I know like 5 people named Tim and I don't know many people)
Honestly goofy aaa name but one of my favorites for him could be Leopold. It has a certain harshness but you can also easily shorten it for a nickname. Could def. see his as his first or middle name.
Family name wise I gotta admit... I have no idea, I'm super bad at family names.
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