jtownraindancer · 10 months
We have much more in common with each other than we once knew. We all desire the same things. To have a home. To be missed. To be understood. Then we learn to share this world, and this is where we finally conquer War for good. And with every generation, we have to hold up a new standard for peace.
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kaityslangblr · 9 months
Japanese Concepts to Live By: Ikigai & Omoiyari
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floodingthemask · 1 year
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anarchistbitch · 1 year
Kishi Bashi my BELOVED
me when our faith was on the edge of our winds:
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Penny Rabbit and Summer Bear • F Delano • Marigolds • A Song For You • Angeline • Summer of '42 • Theme From Jerome (Forgotten Words) • A Meal for Leaves • Violin Tsunami • Annie, Heart Thief of the Sea
Spotify ♪ Bandcamp ♪ YouTube
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speedlimit15 · 26 days
really enjoy the direction the new kishi bashi album went in vs whatever the hell he was doing on omoiyari
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mlleclaudine · 1 month
Artist Paints Striking Portraits of Real Women of Color as Fearless Female Warriors
by Regina Sienra - My Modern Met, August 5, 2024
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“Ebony Obsidian the Unbreakable”
Artist Tim Okamura first heard about Tomoe Gozen, a Onna-Bugeisha or “woman warrior” about 10 years ago, but the story stuck with him ever since. “I think the fact that the female samurai fought alongside men, had the same responsibilities and expectations resonated with me deeply,” he tells My Modern Met. In this figure, he found a creative engine, sparking a powerful series of paintings titled Onna-Bugeisha, where women of color are ready to take a stand and emerge victorious in a dystopian near future.
Okamura felt drawn to depict women from underrepresented communities both due to having grown up with a diverse group of friends and the lack of representation in portraits he saw in the galleries and museums he visited. “I felt called to consciously focus on creating work, specifically portraits based in an academic tradition, of people who were missing from the museums, people of color, whose stories deserved to be captured on canvas, with great care and reverence,” he says.
In his paintings, women don ornate kimonos and traditional garments, but also hold katanas with a defying look in their eyes. The highly realistic approach goes beyond Okamura's proficient use of light and shadow in their expression. He expertly depicts the veins and bruises on their arms, as well as the texture of natural hair. While hands have been a perennial challenge for painters, Okamura appears to depict them effortlessly, even reveling in painting them in different poses.
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“The Northern Emissaries”
The artist shares that he has always loved the challenge of painting faces and putting human stories on canvas, which has in turn influenced his style. “Portraying someone in a way that both celebrates them as an individual and points to a larger metaphor for the human condition has always been important to me. Therefore I've always worked in the mode of realism. I think my technique has developed over time to be more impasto (thicker paint), textured, and with more push and pull on the paint surface, and with more exploration of abstraction, or micro-abstraction, in my backgrounds.”
The women depicted in his paintings are all real women he knows personally and commends for their positive energy. “At the risk of sounding cliché, seeing the inner light projecting outward as an important consideration when choosing my subjects, whether the painting is about them specifically, or whether they are playing a role, such as that of a female Samurai, as in the Onna-Bugeisha series,” Okamura says. “I feel very fortunate that I've found such great alignment with the spirit of the work, and the women who have participated in the process. Having an energetic connection I think is key to creating the best work possible.”
Aware of the threat women's rights are facing around the world, Okamura felt compelled to create this group of fearless heroes. “I believe the role of the artist is to open up avenues to alternate, constructive pathways and to establish new visions through elevated narratives,” he concludes. “I hope the Onna-Bugeisha series will inspire viewers to get unstuck from the muck and mire of discrimination and prejudice and can offer inspiration for a better future women warriors will play a key role in building.”
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“Yaya the Demon Slayer”
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“The Expectant Guard”
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“The Fatal Crane”
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“Lethal Hummingbird and Golden Fox”
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“Conduit _ Conductor”
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“Lighthouse Fire”
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“Laws of Nature”
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“Encouraging Words (Omoiyari)”
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“Eventide (Song of Liberty)”
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“Safe Space”
Tim Okamura: Website | Instagram
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xpuigc-bloc · 4 months
Women Warriors Confront History and Contemporary Issues in Tim Okamura’s Striking Portraits
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“Full Bloom.”
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“Northern Emissaries”
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“Luvvie Ajayi”
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“Ebony Obsidian the Unbreakable”
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“Yaya the Demon Slayer”
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“Fire Walk With Me”
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“Encouraging Words (Omoiyari)”
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slugtranslation-hypmic · 11 months
hi!! apologies for the suddenness, i just feel like i need to personally thank u for translating osaka big up. i've been hoping somebody could take it on ever since release day cause i understand how agonisingly difficult their style of comedy can be to translate, so imagine my joy when i got sent this and saw it was your work ;; you always translate and localise sasara and rosho's manzai in such a fun and playful way, and reading the TL notes are such a treat every time! thank you a million times over 🧡
also while i'm here, i'm so sorry, but this has been stuck in my mind for hours now. i need your personal input. is this an innuendo
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Thanks for the nice words! I wasn't aware this hadn't already been given a more conventional translation treatment, so I was a bit surprised when a lot of reblogs came pouring in. It's nice to do something like this once in a while while I... avoid other responsibilities... so I'm grateful that someone requested it.
As for your question... Hmm... I don't think so. I don't claim to know every sexual innuendo in Japanese, but I definitely think I would have seen that by now if it were a common innuendo given the types and quantity of things I work on. Google isn't bringing up anything of note either. This seems like a case where an image was chosen for the wordplay and little else--omoiyari (compassion)/omoi yari (heavy spear) and the verb used with spears, sasaru/Sasara. As for why Roshou's stabbing him with it, I interpreted this as an extension of violent/slapstick humor, like when your friend's being obnoxiously goofy and you jokingly threaten to kill or hurt them for it.
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bluedalahorse · 5 months
Getting to know you tag game
Kiitos and tack to @sflow-er for tagging me! This was fun. Going to answer all my questions below. Maybe people will learn something new about me.
Do you make your bed?
No. It’s a loft bed so it’s sort of difficult to make, and no one sees it so there’s minimal incentive to do much with it. I mostly prefer to sleep in a nest of blankets.
What's your favourite number?
Nine. Odd numbers are fun and it’s three threes.
What is your job?
I don’t like to talk about it on tumblr, but it’s something in the education sector.
If you could go back to school, would you?
I am technically back at school at present, since I’m in a graduate program in writing part time. Honestly, I could just study forever and get paid to do so, without much extra strings attached, I would just go to university forever and major in a thousand different things while studying a thousand more.
Can you parallel park?
I cannot even drive, as it happens.
A job you had that would surprise people?
I used to work catering at my college, where I learned a lot about how to chop and prepare different vegetables and similar. The best thing about working catering was getting to take home leftovers. Also, chopping vegetables is a generally soothing thing for me to do when my anxiety is getting the better of me.
Do you think aliens are real?
Sure! Visiting earth seems unlikely (I mean why would you) but scientifically they have to be out there. I used to tell my mother I was an alien when I was a teenager.
Can you drive a manual car?
See above re: parallel parking. I think I’d be a lot more successful with a question about navigating city bus routes.
What's your guilty pleasure?
Hmm as I get older I am increasingly of the opinion that describing pleasures as “guilty” is something I’m too old and tired to do. Like, it would truly be not good for me to put food in this category. There’s also definitely favorite movies and books I have that I view with a cautious, critical eye (Lawrence of Arabia and Jane Eyre, for instance) but I don’t know if “critical consumption” and “indulging in guilty pleasures” are the same things. And I refuse to feel guilty for being an August and sargust enjoyer.
Like… I don’t know. Doll collecting? Is that a guilty pleasure? I currently wish my doll collection was making less a mess in my apartment.
Not for me, but I’m glad for the people who like theirs.
Favourite colour?
Green, generally. For wearing, green again, as well as yellow and blue. (Or as I like to call them together, deconstructed green.)
Favourite type of music?
Gosh, hmm. I was going to say folk and progressive bluegrass, because a lot of stuff I like fits into that category already. (Nickel Creek, Punch Brothers, Sarah Jarosz, Aoife O’Donavan, I’m With Her, Rhiannon Giddens, Jake Blount, etc.) If the songs are murder ballads or songs about shipwrecks or whatever (shout out to “The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald” on the Punch Brothers album Hell on Church Street) all the better. I also realize I like a lot of music with classical/orchestral influences, but not necessarily like… traditionally classical. Today I’ve been listening to Kishi Bashi’s Omoiyari album on repeat and thinking about how Marigolds would make a great song for an ensemble YR fanvid.
I think my favorites will always be the artists who are absolute nerds for music and who will play with genre about it.
Do you like puzzles?
I don’t think I like puzzles, like they’re not always something I seek out, but I promise you that if you put a jigsaw puzzle or a logic puzzle in front of me I will hyperfixate until I figure it out. So I guess I like them.
Any phobias?
Mice. They like to come into my apartment when it’s cold. I would prefer they don’t.
Favourite childhood sport?
Gym class was the bane of my existence, but I also come from a sporty family, so I could kind of tolerate basketball for my athletic mother’s sake.
Do you talk to yourself?
Absolutely. When I was getting my neuropsych evaluation, the evaluator noticed that I was always talking myself through tasks in order to get them done. This is apparently what you need to do when you score 99th percentile on verbal intelligence but 2nd percentile on things like task initiation and executive function.
What movies do you adore?
I tend to be more of a TV and documentaries person than a movies person right now. That said, Greta Gerwig’s Little Women and the 2005 Pride and Prejudice are good comfort watches, as is Pixar’s Luca. I really like the Georgian movie And Then We Danced.
Coffee or tea?
Tea. Specifically, green tea. Coffee is yummy (I like bitter things sometimes) but doesn’t play well with my health.
What was the first thing you wanted to be growing up?
I wanted to be a writer pretty early. That said, the earliest written record I have of “what do you want to be when you grow up” was a first grade assignment where we had to answer that question. The two jobs I named were teacher and artist, specifically an artist who paints murals. (I misspelled the word “mural” because in the Baltimore accent I grew up with, mural is essentially one slurred syllable. Make me say Aaron earned an iron urn, I dare you.)
No pressure tags to: whoever wants them! I have not been on tumblr much lately so I don’t know who’s done this already.
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imasallstars · 10 months
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The cover art for THE IDOLM@STER CINDERELLA GIRLS U149 ANIMATION MASTER 07 ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK album has been released and the album is set to be released on December 20th 2022. This album features various CDs containing the full soundtrack of the U149 anime as well as the full version of Kozue Yusa's and Yukimi Sajo's solo songs from the OVA
Tr.01 U149 Main Theme (M00) Tr.02 Natsuyasumi (M01) Tr.03 Kickoff! (M02) Tr.04 Honkawa (M03) Tr.05 Enjoy Conversation (M04) Tr.06 Ukiuki (M05) Tr.07 Shiawase na Hirusagari (M06A) Tr.08 Ohirune (M06B) Tr.09 Genki Ippai ne (M07A) Tr.10 Waku Waku suru ne! (M07B) Tr.11 Kaerimichi (M08A) Tr.12 Kokoro no Naka (M08B) Tr.13 Choppiri Fuan (M09) Tr.14 Yume no Sekai(M10) Tr.15 Mukamuka (M11) Tr.16 Doki Doki… (M12) Tr.17 Seeno! (M13) Tr.18 Akogaer (M14) Tr.19 Dotabatabata (M15) Tr.20 Doshiyouka (M16) Tr.21 Masui… (M17A) Tr.22 Isoge! (M17B) Tr.23 to you for me-BGM ver.- (M18) Tr.24 Ai no Sanka-BGM ver.- (M19) Tr.25 GEMSTONE - BGM ver. - (M20) Tr.26 ACE - BGM ver. - (M21) Tr.27 I'm A Little Princess ~Ohoshi-sama no Negai~ -BGM ver.- (M22) Tr.28 Romantic Now - BGM ver. - (M23) Tr.29 Akogare Sketch-BGM ver.- (M24) Tr.30 Minna no Kimochii - BGM ver. - (M25) Tr.31 Himawari Mark wo Sagase! -BGM ver.- (M26)
Tr.01 Hontou no Kimochii (M27) Tr.02 Omoiyari (M28) Tr.03 Idol Debut e Omoi (M29) Tr.04 Gamushara ni (M30) Tr.05 Kanashimi no Oto (M31) Tr.06 Surechigai… (M32) Tr.07 Sabishiisa no Sono Saki ni (M33A) Tr.08 Wakuwaku no Sono Saki ni (M33B) Tr.09 Mune no Oku no Fuan, Katto (M34) Tr.10 Hitoribocchi (M35) Tr.11 Mezameyo! (M36) Tr.12 Main Theme -Balled Ver.- (M37) Tr.13 Kira Kira no Tsubu (M38) Tr.14 Takurami (M39) Tr.15 Aseri (M40) Tr.16 Egao de Bye Bye (M41) Tr.17 Shine In The Sky☆ - Piano Ver.- (EX1) Tr.18 Good Day, Good Night - Acoustic Guitar Ver - (EX2) BONUS TRACK Tr.19 Episode 1 Insert Song "Onegai! Cinderella (VOCAL LESSON VERSION)"  Singer(s): Arisu Tachibana Tr.20 Episode 2 Insert Song "Kimi ni Ippai☆ (GAME VERSION)"  Singer(s): Nina Ichihara, Shiki Ichinose, Fredererica Miyamoto Tr.21 Episode 3 Insert Song "Decoboco Speedstar (GAME VERSION)"  Singer(s): Miria Akagi, Nana Abe, Shin Sato Tr.22 Episode 4 Insert Song "Mujuryoku Shuttle (GAME VERSION)"  Singer(s): Momoka Sakurai Tr.23 Episode 5 Insert Song "BEYOND THE STARLIGHT (GAME VERSION)  Singer(s): Risa Matoba Tr.24 Episode 6 Insert Song "Tulip (GAME VERSION)"  Singer(s): Kanade Hayami, Syuko Shiomi, Mika Jougasaki, Shiki Ichinose, Frederica Miyamoto Tr.25 Nightwear(GAME VERSION)  Singer(s): Kanade Hayami, Syuko Shiomi, Mika Jougasaki, Shiki Ichinose, Frederica Miyamoto Tr.26 Episode 7 Insert Song "I’m A Little Princess ~Ohoshisama ni Negai wo~ (GAME VERSION)"  Singer(s): Koharu Koga Tr.27 Episode 8 Insert Song "Sing the Prologue♪ (GAME VERSION)"  Singer(s): Tsukasa Kiryu, Chie Sasaki Tr.28 Episode 8 Insert Song "Atashi ga Rule (GAME VERSION)"  Singer(s): Tsukasa Kiryu Tr.29 Episode 9 Insert Song "SUN♡FLOWER (GAME VERSION)"  Singer(s): Arisu Tachibana, Kaoru Ryuzaki, Haru Yuuki Tr.30 Episode 10 Insert Song "Zero to one (TV SIZE)"  Singer(s): U149 Tr.31 Episode 10 Insert Song "Do-Re-Mi Factory! (GAME VERSION)"  Singer(s): U149 Tr.32 Episode 11 Insert Song "in fact (TV VERSION)"  Singer(s): Arisu Tachibana Tr.33 Episode 12 Insert Song "Kirameki☆ (TV VERSION)  Singer(s): U149 Tr.34 Onegai! Cinderella (VOCAL LESSON VERSION) (off vocal)
Tr.01 Tokutoku...toku...  Lyrics,Music&Arrange: Ren Morimoto  Singer(s): Yukimi Sajo Tr.02 Omezamemeemee  Lyrics: Yuta Yashiro Music: Mayu Miyazaki (SUPA LOVE)  Arrange: Yasuhiro Gasa (SUPA LOVE)  Singer(s): Kozue Yusa Tr.03 Tokutoku...toku... (off vocal) Tr.04 Omezamemeemee (off vocal) Tr.05 Tokutoku...toku... (GAME VERSION) Tr.06 Omezamemeemee (GAME VERSION) BONUS TRACK U149 OPENNING&ENDING THEME Tr.07 Opening Song "Shine In The Sky☆ (TV SIZE)" Tr.08 Episode 1 ED Song "Yorimichi Little Star (TV SIZE)" Tr.09 Episode 2 ED Song "Minna no Kimochii (TV SIZE)" Tr.10 Episode 3 ED Song "Romantic Now (TV SIZE)" Tr.11 Episode 4 ED Song "Ai no Sanka (TV SIZE)" Tr.12 Episode 5 ED Song "GEMSTONE (TV SIZE)" Tr.13 Episode 6 ED Song "ACE (TV SIZE)" Tr.14 Episode 7 ED Song "Onegai! Cinderella (TV SIZE)" Tr.15 Episode 8 ED Song "Akogare Sketch (TV SIZE)" Tr.16 Episode 9 ED Song "Himawari Mark wo Sagase! (TV SIZE)" Tr.17 Episode 10&12 ED Song "Good Day, Good Night (TV SIZE)" Tr.18 Episode 11 ED Song "to you for me (TV SIZE)" Tr.19 Episode 13 ED Song1 "Tokutoku...toku... (TV SIZE)" Tr.20 Episode 13 ED Song2 "Omezamemeemee (TV SIZE)"
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goingtolebanon · 7 months
hello !! i just wanted to say hi & that ur tags on the no-skips albums post were SO right--i got so excited when i saw the omoiyari by kishi bashi mention bc it deserves it so bad.
if you would ever wanna talk music w me i would love to have someone to chat abt kishi bashi with, he's one of my favorite artists of all-time!!
omg i appreciate this ask so much!!! i would LOVE to talk kishi bashi with you :D feel free to message me any time
do you have a favorite song of his?
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otakunoculture · 1 year
From a Personal Journey to Embarking on a New Mission, Omoiyari, A Song Film by Kishi Bari is....
It's not too late to see Omoiyari, A Song Film by Kishi Bari. After it's New York and Los Angeles screenings, the message and meditation will still go on, and we got a #moviereview of this #musical #documentary and journey at:
For screenings near you, please visit the official webpage. Kaoru Ishibashi‘s goal in Omoiyari, A Song Film by Kishi Bari (his stage name) is not just to reveal where he comes from. Had he announced his new purpose in life while wearing Ray-Ban sunglasses, I’d say it’s one from God. But no, he’s not a Blues Brother. I feel his desire to preach the value of how to do well unto others as you would…
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°• Kiki 🧋 little • twin 🍙 stars •°
Born on Omoiyari Star in the dream star cloud, his personality is curious and a little cheeky. He enjoys star fishing and inventing things. His twin sister is Lala. Source.
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studentofetherium · 1 year
what are some of your favorite music artists's best albums? were you the person who said they liked drone music?
here's just a few because there are many artists i like
hisui (maedasalt) - you were beautiful when i loved you, you were beautiful when i lost you.
the world is a beautiful place & i am no longer afraid to die - illusory walls
godspeed you! black emperor - g_d's pee at state's end!
yes - 90125
owl city - ocean eyes
car seat headrest- teens of denial
kishi bashi - omoiyari
neutral milk hotel - in the aeroplane over the sea
the mountain goats - transcendental youth
jimmy eat world - bleed american
also yeah! big drone fan, particularly Terry Riley or John Cale and their contemporaries, or Jim O'Rourke. as for their best albums, i'd say Riley's is the Bang on a Can version of In C (not really "his album" but so it is with classical), for John Cale i just really like his early work compilation CDs, and Jim O'Rourke's best drone stuff would either be the Live at Japan 2002/9/16 bootleg's rendition of Tracy Chapman's Fast Car, or Shutting Down Here (i wouldn't call him a fave, but i also really love Michael Pisaro's Nature Denatured and Natured Again, which is a fair bit less drone but hits the same appeal)
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variantia · 3 months
BELLUM. a quick rundown on my non-MHA muses with MHA verses bc I am Feral Passionate abt them and willing / ready to throw them at literally any MHA muse
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ELSA NILSEN. “Permafrost” (hero verse, agency focused on villain and criminal rehab and reform) ; “Frostbite” (villain verse, League of Villains associated, kind of a runaway). she/her. 24-25 years old. Norwegian. Quirk : Glacial, a powerful ice-and-snow generator with a ‘dual’ latent power Attune which connects her to nature.
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RILEY ANDERSEN. “Rebound” (runaway verse, not a hero nor villain; mainly League of Villains associated due to being under the care of Jin Bubaigawara). she/her. 11-12 years old. American. Quirk : Rebound, an emitter Quirk allowing her to project an aura of her current emotional state, causing any person within 2 meters of her to feel whatever emotion she is feeling. (note : up until her Quirk manifested very recently, she was believed to be and has lived most of her life Quirkless.)
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FRISK. (birth/legal name Omoiyari Tameru) “Frisk” (aspiring hero/sidekick verse, not yet in training). they/them. 9-10 years old. mixed race, black American and Japanese. Quirk : Determinate, a reality-tearing Quirk allowing them to SAVE and LOAD their life like a video game, creating (and, when they DELETE a SAVE, destroying) timelines and weakening the fabric of reality in the process.
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SNAKE. (no birth name, legal surname Doe but hates it and rarely uses it) No codename (civilian/former circus attraction). he/him. 21-22 years old. English / British. Quirk : Serpentine, a (mainly) heteromorph Quirk resulting in silver scales covering much of his body, as well as giving him the ability to speak with snakes.
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LAPIS HĂIYÁNG. “Riptide Queen” (runaway civilian verse, aspiring hero, no hero training). she/her. 27-28 years old. Chinese. Quirk : Water Wings, a hydrokinesis Quirk which she usually uses for aesthetic purposes, her preferred one of which is to give herself functional wings made of the water droplets in the air, but can be used for combat if need be.
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