#on MULTIPLE fronts
haha sorry what did you say i was thinking about how your back would feel under my palm and nails. scratching you and wrapped up around your legs not giving you a chance to slip out. clutching at you for dear life as my body writhes from the feeling of you inside me.
haha sorry can you repeat that again i was wondering how you’d react to my noises and how my breath hitches with each thrust
sorry one more time i—
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kendyroy · 17 days
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Ketchup & Mustard looking at each other
(Part 1/?)
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dykemd · 8 months
the best thing about having a little pet in ur house is that one day u will do some random silly thing w them without knowing it will become their favorite thing n now u have to do it everyday otherwise they get upset
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fridgevespidae · 2 years
made a sideblog and waited a few days before posting and posted a few things today bc its easy to post abt interest but none of them are showing up in tags i thing :( traagic 1000000 injured 2 milion dead....
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darqx · 1 year
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Aren't you tired of being nice?
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gingermaple · 2 months
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have another cuteguy :D
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oldbutchdaniel · 1 month
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interview with the vampire, "and that's the end of it. there's nothing else." // succession, "all the bells say"
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otlwoozi · 10 months
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tio-trile · 2 months
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Some of the photos I took of the cast and showrunners at the Chaos Theory panel yesterday : )
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a2zillustration · 8 months
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You know what, Araj might be tied with Orin for "people I wish I didn't have to see again"
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[[ All Croissant Adventures (chronological, desktop) ]]
[[ All Croissant Adventures (app) ]]
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marzipanandminutiae · 13 days
get in loser we're trying to figure out the original layout of the 1890s house I live in (based primarily on real estate listing photos, for the other unit)
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puyopuyo · 26 days
Idk if you still take these messages- but happy penis Friday!!!!
i do! im just not online that much, so i have been missing penis friday p bad l8ly. wishing u a v happy penis friday tho! and that any/all the 1's i missed b4 this have been just friggin delightful, dunky hot coco 4 u (^w^)
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wingedcreaturecomics · 2 months
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An Introduction to Plurality (1/2)
(text: Hi everyone! Quinn here. This comic is going to be the first in a series about plurality, which is a fascinating and extremely misunderstood topic, and one very close to me. So, without further ado... Title text: "What is Plurality?" Plurality is the phenomenon where multiple self-aware entities are housed in one person's brain. It is often conflated or grouped with schizophrenia, but the two are unrelated. This is very important! If someone is plural, it does not imply that they are schizophrenic whatsoever! Not that there's anything wrong with being schizophrenic, though! A person who's plural is called a system, or collective. They often use the pronouns we/they, but of course anyone can have any pronouns, so ask them if you don't already know theirs. You can think of a plural system like a group of roommates. Except instead of an apartment, they have a body. [Panel shows woman with a house inside her. One person is sleeping in a bed, the other reading a book.] Individual members of a system, or headmates, can often communicate with each other by thinking, like an internal telepathy. Others may write letters to their headmates, or make voice recordings. It's simply a matter of what works best for them. They can also take turns being in front -- that is to say, being in control of the main body. This is why a plural individual can seem to "switch personalities" at certain times and seem like a different person. They objectively ARE a different person. In fact, it can be problematic if you DON'T treat your own headmates like real people. [Panel shows headmate crouched, thinking "Am I even real?] They can struggle with emotional issues just like anyone else! If they are denied from expressing themselves, they can exhibit anxiety and depression, which will be felt among the whole system! [Panel shows the host's hand reaching down to the headmate and saying "Yes you are."] Therapy for systems often involves the host talking to their headmates, taking them seriously, and allowing them to have time in front so they can learn about themselves.)
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edandstede · 6 months
ed and stede would not fuck izzy hope this helps <3
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vickyvicarious · 1 month
This morning I am horribly weak. My face is ghastly pale, and my throat pains me. It must be something wrong with my lungs, for I don't seem ever to get air enough.
It's never stated exactly where on her throat the "pin-pricks" are, but though Mina claims they started out tiny, by the time a week had passed they'd gotten a bit bigger/more noticeable. Now, she did say she'd call a doctor about them if they didn't heal up soon, and then didn't seem worried about them when she left Whitby, so it seems likely that they healed up fairly soon after Dracula left town. Lucy knew they were there because Mina expressed worry over them, and she dismissed it.
Lucy also had a habit of looking at herself in the mirror from time to time. If the marks went away and then returned I feel like she should have noticed, instead of just attributing everything to her lungs with no mention of other possible causes for throat pain. So, it leaves me three options, all of which feel deliciously creepy:
She no longer looks in the mirror. (May not think anything of it, may just feel ill and not have the impulse - however, even more things that she doesn't understand are going on with her now. It would be a perfectly reasonable time to try and stare at herself, take in how pale she looks, how tired, try to figure out why. To practice a cheerful smile for Arthur. If she's stopped entirely, I feel Dracula is responsible.)
She sees them in the mirror but doesn't think anything of it. (Observing relevant details but unable to connect them or notice the significance. Definitely could be an effect of Dracula feeding on her. Somewhat supported by a future scene.)
She looks in the mirror but doesn't see the marks at all. (Even more explicit/deliberate hiding of evidence from her eyes. They're vampiric in nature and just as vampires can't be seen in mirrors neither can the marks they make. Very fitting with how Dracula tries to gaslight/confuse his victims about what's happening to them. Also would be a nice creepy moment in a visual adaptation.)
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Can you please drop the name of the KJ Parker book involving contracts? A (brief) browse of his works didn’t make it obvious but my silly paralegal heart is intrigued…
So the KJ Parker novellas I'm talking about are primarily Prosper's Demon, Inside Man, and Pulling the Wings off Angels. However, while I did enjoy the others, Pulling the Wings off Angels is my favorite---it should shock no one that I love infernal/heavenly deals, moral arithmetic, and trying to out-lawyer god.
(The other series I'm looking into is published by Parker's alter ego, but still sounds up my alley.)
However, maybe you're asking for the other series that ties legalese to magic---in which case, I would look into the Craft Sequence from Max Gladstone. Admittedly, I haven't read all of it, but Three Parts Dead/Four Roads Cross is one of my favorite duologies, and I could have read about Tara Abernathy, her first job out of law school, and all the headaches (and power, and conniving, and history, truth, fellow feeling) she encounters there, for much more than two books.
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