#on a scale of 1 to 10 is that super duper extremely weird? maybe like a 15. yeah. ok and?
ikyw-t · 2 years
well well well in tonight's incredibly boring life update, i saw a spider moving very quickly in the downstairs bathroom whilst watching tv and by the time I got back with an appropriate weapon it had run to the corner so obviously my only recourse was to go upstairs and take an early shower but now i want to get a snack and also watch a movie and i can watch upstairs if i need to but it is so upsetting to me that it is still there. like bro this is a major disadvantage of being home alone it is so extremely uncool. literally will not be able to use that bathroom until it is killed. i have never known peace a day in my life
#at the top of list of things i am very paranoid and afraid is spiders. i dont love bugs in general#but it is smth that i cannot help thinking about constantly especially now that I've been home alone for weeks#i have been dreading this day. i killed a spider that was on the kitchen curtains which was actually 10x worse and uglier#and now i have simply been avoiding that corner of the kitchen. im not rly going that far out of my way. i doused it in bug killer#but it is so ugly i simply have not been able to muster the nerve to actually look at it again to vacuum it#also if i vaccum it then ill eventually have to clean the vaccum cleaner too. god i just hate it all i cannot.#like who can i hire to come take care of these two spiders. anybody. mutuals can you just let me know if youre in the area?#... yeah ik i have problems. yes ik. every day is a struggle man this is just the tip of the iceberg#but anyway when im no longer sick and my friends come over in like a week maybe ill ask them to take care of the one in the kitchen#on a scale of 1 to 10 is that super duper extremely weird? maybe like a 15. yeah. ok and?#i have some strengths but this is simply not one of them. they care about me they know me theyll help me out#anyway. like i said extremely boring life update. this has all been a way to delay going downstairs obviously. if you cant tell#i think im just gonna go douse the entire downstairs bathroom in bug spray. and then try to watch tv downstairs. yeah... ok. good talk#thanks for listening everyone. cheers. wish me luck
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sagesspagesblog · 4 years
Hahaha No. Results
What is funny now? Sure, Tumblr is its own brand of hilarious, but let’s be real. Jokes, being funny, and all comedy in general is subjective, and what some people find funny others don’t. 
So I asked my friends, what’s funny to them? Here are some of my favorite answers to some questions I asked. 27 people answered, and hopefully the more I do these, more people I reach out too, more will! So here it is:
Q Do you think you're funny?
37% Yes
29.6% Maybe 
7.4% No
“My jokes are like a broken pencil, they are stupid and they have no point” (okay, someone must’ve googled that)
Q On a Scale of 1-10, how funny are you? 
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Q What do you think your style of humor is? 
“Dark, sarcastic”
“Like weird but basic weird like little things like the shape of phineas’s head make me laugh cry” (they mean Phinneas from Phinneas and Ferb) 
“a darker more specialized humor, with the basis of ambiguous terms used in conversation.”
“I’ll laugh at the dumbest things but I also understand real humor, like Lele Pons humor is (the gross emoji)”
“I think my style of humor is weird. I sometimes say things that I think is funny but no one actually understands it. My dad also told me I have a dry sense of humor.”
Many people said dark humor, which I thought was super interesting, because all the people who answered are all “gen Z” and we, as a generation, are known for that sense of humor.
Q Do you make fun of others? If so, does it go well? 
“depends on how close we are,, if we are then yea it’s usually a 2 way thing where we both jokingly insult each other”
“Never over anything serious, that might be an insecurity, or that isn’t a choice they’ve made”
“Only the closer people (like I’d call you out on your socks not matching) it goes kinda well”
The thing is, I think we make fun of people too much, that’s why I asked the question, I feel like we underestimate how we make fun of people, and I’m no saint too. There were a lot of people who said, sometimes, yes, or maybe and didn’t explain why. (You can’t win em all.) But I think that’s them underestimating what they think of their humor. But lmk what you think. 
Q Do you think trauma and comedy are tied together? 
Many people said yes, but I like this one person. They said: 
“It just depends on your viewpoint” I think that’s true in regards to comedy. And in the eyes of the viewer, anything tragic can be funny, but when does it go too far? (Crap. That was an awesome question I didn’t write down. Maybe next time?)
“I thinking it’s a destructive sense of coping, because the self deprecating humor comes at your own expense and more serious issues a person has the worst it feels.”
“I think it is better to be able to laugh about something than allow it to get the better of you and traumatize you. Of course their are some things that just simply aren’t funny but if you can see the bright side of it then I think you should make it funny.”
Q Does some dark humor make you feel uncomfortable? 
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(Those two were on the bottom page) 
Q If it makes you uncomfortable, explain why. If not, explain why not.
“I usually get uncomfortable when it’s someone of privilege making fun of something that didn’t affect them (white kids making racial jokes, a catholic cracking about the holocaust, gay jokes from cishets, etc.). Something about making fun of someone else’s struggle rubs me the wrong way“
“Being super duper sensitive to topics to the point where say you can’t say the word gun in front of a person or they’ll freak out and go on a whole rant of why gun control should/shouldn’t be a thing gets very irritating and isn’t the greatest way to live life”
“Sometimes if a person is using dark humor just to be edgy and not to actually make a good or relevant point, it makes me uncomfortable because they just end up being an asshole who can end up making fun of something they don’t understand for easy laughs”
“If they’re taken too far, obviously they’re not jokes any more. If they’re surface-level jokes, they’re fine and funny”
“anyone has the right to say what they want about those things”
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(Thanks, guys. )
Q How do you feel about comedians making jokes about race/ethnicities?
“I feel like you shouldn’t make degrading jokes about an ethnicity/race that you aren’t a part of, but like the joke “no one will ever feel more loved than when a black grandma rubs your back and says ‘it’s okay sugar’” or something like that where it’s light hearted and in a way complimenting that race it should be fine”
“I think it’s common for everybody to make fun of their own race or in the city however it becomes a sensitive topic when they target a different race or ethnicity. it’s the sense of you don’t know so you don’t have the right to talk about it.“
Q Do you feel like there should be restrictions on what we make jokes about today?
Many many people said no to this one. I think its because they make jokes like these too. If you’ve ever seen the Marvelous Mrs. Mazel, you know it was BAD in the olden days. 
“I don’t think regulating humor is productive. People who make jokes in ill taste often do so because they don’t understand its wrong, and policing them could do more harm than good by pushing them into more extreme and hateful social circles. I’m a full supporter of civil deprogramming and explaining why something is hurtful”
“no, everyone has their sense of humor and an audience that will enjoy it just because it’s not your sense of humor does it mean you need to demean Or restrict them as long as they’re not oppressing other people.”
“I think as long as the joke is respectful and you know who you are saying it to and to what extent you say it, it is better to live in a world where we laugh than and learn than cry and learn.“
“Hmm not restrictions I just think sometimes people should have a little more respect??? Yk like not making fun of disabled people and such.”
“Yes, there are some restrictions when it comes to race and gender politics”
“Yes but very loose restrictions”
I also got some yes’s too. It’s pretty divided through and through. LMK what you think. 
And Finally. Q So, since it's about jokes, tell me something funny! Or, roast me if you so dare!!!!
“a hispanic magician tells the audience he will disappear on 3. He says “uno, dos-“ *poof* and disappears without a tres”
“My grandma found my tik tok account and sent all of my videos to her friends.” (This one KILLED ME)
“Gonna take this time to say that John Mulaney’s stand ups are on Netflix”
“Dude I’m only funny in person. Can’t help here”
And with that. That’s my “HAHAHA. no.” Survey. I hope you liked my answers and if you reached the end, let me know what you think, as well as other survey ideas. I love doing these so so much, and I hope you do too!
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