#at the top of list of things i am very paranoid and afraid is spiders. i dont love bugs in general
ikyw-t · 2 years
well well well in tonight's incredibly boring life update, i saw a spider moving very quickly in the downstairs bathroom whilst watching tv and by the time I got back with an appropriate weapon it had run to the corner so obviously my only recourse was to go upstairs and take an early shower but now i want to get a snack and also watch a movie and i can watch upstairs if i need to but it is so upsetting to me that it is still there. like bro this is a major disadvantage of being home alone it is so extremely uncool. literally will not be able to use that bathroom until it is killed. i have never known peace a day in my life
#at the top of list of things i am very paranoid and afraid is spiders. i dont love bugs in general#but it is smth that i cannot help thinking about constantly especially now that I've been home alone for weeks#i have been dreading this day. i killed a spider that was on the kitchen curtains which was actually 10x worse and uglier#and now i have simply been avoiding that corner of the kitchen. im not rly going that far out of my way. i doused it in bug killer#but it is so ugly i simply have not been able to muster the nerve to actually look at it again to vacuum it#also if i vaccum it then ill eventually have to clean the vaccum cleaner too. god i just hate it all i cannot.#like who can i hire to come take care of these two spiders. anybody. mutuals can you just let me know if youre in the area?#... yeah ik i have problems. yes ik. every day is a struggle man this is just the tip of the iceberg#but anyway when im no longer sick and my friends come over in like a week maybe ill ask them to take care of the one in the kitchen#on a scale of 1 to 10 is that super duper extremely weird? maybe like a 15. yeah. ok and?#i have some strengths but this is simply not one of them. they care about me they know me theyll help me out#anyway. like i said extremely boring life update. this has all been a way to delay going downstairs obviously. if you cant tell#i think im just gonna go douse the entire downstairs bathroom in bug spray. and then try to watch tv downstairs. yeah... ok. good talk#thanks for listening everyone. cheers. wish me luck
0 notes
venomous--fics · 5 years
everything i wanted CH1
It’s a Date.
Relationship: Peter Parker x Robot!Stark!Reader
Words: 4.4k
A/n: The pacing seems kinda rushed, but trust me, it’ll work out. This chapter is setting stuff up. Feedback is appreciated! Requests are open! Shoot me a message if you want to be in the taglist for the new chapters!
Being a teenager was hard. It was even harder when you were never allowed outside of the famous Avengers Tower. You’ve been stuck here for 15 years. Every time you asked to go out and do anything relatively normal, your dad always shot you down. He almost seemed paranoid, like the very second you left, a meteor would fall from the sky and crush you.
Implausible, you thought, but not impossible. You haven’t brought it up in a while, because you knew your dad must’ve been getting so tired of hearing it. But you just wanted to go outside…. You can always see kids walking home, or to a deli shop with their friends and backpacks. They always looked so happy and looked like they were telling good stories. 
You wanted that. You wanted friends, but all you had was an old tattered rabbit named Cuppy. You loved him, and he’s been with you since day one, but, sometimes… His silence was harsh. 
You were told to stay out of Tony’s lab, especially today, as he was going to be showing the new recruit the rope, and talk serious business… But you were growing agitated in your room. You pushed yourself off your bed and marched your way to the lab, knowing full well that your dad has strict rules about you being in there, even if there was no important business to attend to. 
Somehow, you had mellowed out halfway there, and froze in front of the door. Should you really be mad at him? He only meant well. You froze when you heard voices coming into the living room area, and you panicked, not wanting to confront anyone anymore. You meant to move yourself to sit on the couch, but amidst your anxious state, you tripped over the coffee table and fell face first into the floor. 
“Are you okay?” a shocked voice asked, rushing over to you.
“I’m okay,” you said sheepishly.
You turned and saw the prettiest boy in the entire world. Of course, he was the only boy you’ve ever seen your age, but boy, he was still so pretty. You didn’t need a mirror to tell you that your eyes were probably wide and shining, mouth hung open in awe.
He was wearing Edith, the glasses you helped your dad design. You could still tell that behind the blue lenses, his eyes were brown, and his hair matched. he looked like a deer in the headlights for another moment while he helped you up, and then a smile spread across his face. You weren’t sure what was going on, but you felt warm inside. Almost like there were butterflies. 
You blinked a few times before looking over his shoulder at your dad, who just had his hand covering his face. Disappointed or in shame, maybe even embarrassment, you weren’t exactly sure.
“I haven’t seen you around..Are you new?”
You stared back at the boy, who was still awkwardly holding your hand, you looked down at your hands before looking back up at him, “N-no, I.. Uhm, I…Live here. I’m.. Uh, Y/n.”
“Oh!” he chirped, “You’re Y/n? I’ve heard so much about you!”
You smiled again, feeling your insides freak out. Golly, he was adorable. People from the outside must be cute, but this boy, holding your hand, looking so gosh darn attractive in those silly glasses… Was the cutest person in the world. Would it be weird to say that? To his face?
“And you are..?”
The boy seemed confused, almost like he didn’t hear what you said, before snapping back to reality, “Oh! I-Yeah, I’m.. Parker- PETER! My name is Peter. Parker. Peter Parker.”
“Nice to meet you, Peter..” You said kindly, almost like you were an old computer having to reboot. Funny.
Peter realized he was still holding your hand when he heard Tony clear his throat. He immediately retracted them and held them at his sides, and you could’ve swore you saw his cheeks turn red.
“Well, Parker, think it’s time for Happy to take you home?”
“Yeah, right. Of course.” Peter stammered, bumping into the same table to you had just tripped over a moment ago.
“I’ll..” you looked at him, “See you again? Peter?”
He just met you, but he liked how you said his name. It was cute.
“Sure! I’ll be back tomorrow.”
“Okay.” you smiled.
You watched Peter leave and you ran to the window up front to watch Happy pull away in the dark car. You were already wondering if Peter was looking at you from the window. What was his favorite snack? Favorite hobby? Does he have friends? 
And much like the romantic movies you had stolen from your mom, you rested your cheek on the palm of your hand. This was the part in the movie where the love interests meet. 
Tony, who knew too much, and knew how this would play out, had to do everything he could to keep you away from that kid. For your sake. What would Peter think if he found out the truth about you? You didn’t even know what you were..
“So, are we reenacting Romeo and Juliet now?” Tony asked, sarcastically. “Original or Leo DiCaprio?” you asked, not tearing your gaze away from the window.
Tony thought for a second. He furrowed his brows in confusion for a moment before he just said, “No.”
“Come on,” Tony hesitated, what do normal parents do in this situation?
“Well–….Peter is just…Look-” Tony sighed, he’s never done this before… If that wasn’t obvious enough, “Now, listen.”
“Peter needs to focus on this internship thing.”
“Being Spider-Man isn’t an internship. It’s a full time job.”
You turned to look at your dad, “Dad, c'mon, how long did you expect me to play dumb? I know everything around this … house.” You paused, “I guess, technically, to me, it would be a house.”
“What do you mean by that?”
“Dad, we live here. I’ve never left here..” You thought about it, “Guess it’s more like a prison.”
Tony crossed his arms, a bit offended. The tower wasn’t a prison. It was a safe haven. He had it built for everyone he cared about to take refuge in. 
You turned your attention back out the window, crossing your arms on the window sill and resting your chin on them. You looked down at the lights and winding streets below with longing. Why couldn’t you be where all the normal people were? Why did you have to be some sort of caged bird?
Tony opened his mouth to say something, sarcastic probably, but you cut him off, “Am I sick?”
“What? Heavens, no.”
“Is there…Something wrong with me?”
“Then why can’t I go outside and be normal? Why do I have to stay in? Or on the Towers yard? That’s not very fair…”
Tony knew this was going to happen. Yet, even knowing that, he hadn’t prepared himself to handle it. He was hoping you’d just never actually question why. What the hell was he supposed to say? 
“It’s complicated.”
“You always say that.”
Pepper, to everyone’s surprise, stepped in, “What he means is..”
You glanced at her when she took a seat next to you and fixed your hair, “He’s just afraid of you getting hurt.”
You huffed, “That’s normal, though.”
“Maybe so…But, doesn’t mean we want it to happen.”
You figured the conversation was going to go in circles. It always did. You’d beg to go outside, into town, something. They’d promise you that they’d tak about it, but they never did. Rinse, repeat. Your mom took your silence personally this time.
She never said it, but it always hurt to have to pretend like she didn’t know why you couldn’t be normal. Part of her wanted Tony to just DO something about it. Even if his choice would hurt. In all honesty, you were never meant to stick around this long, but everyone got so attached… Tony was so proud of what he’d done, but now, Pepper seemed to be regretting it. She loved you, and that was the problem. 
It felt wrong, almost. It felt so cruel to string something as innocent as you along with their cruel game of house. She and Tony played the roles of mom and dad, even though, deep down, they knew that it couldn’t stay that way forever. How would they explain what was happening when they were old and dying, and you remained 15? 
How were they supposed to explain that you weren’t even a real kid? They figured you’d realize when you remembered that you’ve never eaten anything before. You’ve never gone swimming, obviously… But you always chalked this things up to different excuses. Some super powered alien. A special human who just never gets hungry.. Always something.
Pepper would lay awake at night, wondering if…You knew what you were, and maybe you were playing your part too. She wondered what it was like for you. Had Tony programmed you to actually love? Or were you just a super computer that just… Knew what to do. How awful this life turned out to be.
A life was created out of nothing, to fill a huge void, when in reality, they should’ve just adopted. But Tony knew that would’ve been wrong as well, seeing as the name ‘Stark’ would’ve pushed them to the very top of the list, moving parents who’ve been on the waiting lists for God knows how long. And Tony thought he’d humor himself.
There was no way he could make an AI THAT advanced. He swore he’d never do that again after the whole Ultron incident. But Tony has never kept his word, so, it was easy to go against it. It started as a joke, but then he stopped sleeping for days at a time. He became obsessed with finishing what he started.
He thought about all the things he’d do with the child he created. He’d take them to the park, to the library, hell, to the moon if they wanted to go. But all that changed when he actually finished the thing. What if someone who wanted to destroy him got a hold of the code? 
It could be the end of the world. Maybe people would think Tony was some sort of freak for playing God and creating life from digital files and spare parts. He wound up deleting the code after everything was complete. No even saving it to a back up drive or anything. You were a one and only type of deal. If anything were to happen to you, it would be permanent.
So he kept you inside. Nobody would hurt you. Nobody would use you. You couldn’t get broken… You’d be okay. You’d be just fine, he thought. Guess he was wrong. That’s a first. 
Both of them were so lost in thought, that they hadn’t notice you leave the room. You had gone to your bedroom, almost like routine. You crawled into bed, thinking about everything. 
You remembered the one time you overheard your Aunt Natasha and Uncle Bruce talk about the fair that was down at the pier. They were talking about it to Steve and Bucky, who had never gone to try any of that type of thing. They had left in the evening to go, and you remember watching from your bedroom window. 
You remember the big wheel with lights. It looked so small from where you were, but you were still hypnotized by it. You could see the rides that spun and carried people up in the air.. You wanted to go. You wanted to know what real fun was like.
You recounted another time of disappointment. You dad had promised to take you to Europe, because him and your mom had business there, so they promised that Happy could take you sight seeing. He even bought you a camera. But they left without you. You remember asking why you couldn’t go… “Change of plans, kiddo.”
And what about the time they had to fight Uncle Loki and the aliens? You helped as much as you could, and you had even showed off the mini iron suit you had built in your free time. What did you dad say? “No, you have to stay put.”
You remember destroying that suit. What was the point in having it if you couldn’t put it to use? Why did they always do this to you? Normally you’d let it go, but, after meeting Peter, you wondered why you couldn’t be like him.
You shut your eyes, forcing yourself to just cut it out. They weren’t bad people. They obviously loved you. They wouldn’t keep you around if they didn’t. You relaxed a little and everything just kinda slipped away as you fell asleep.
The weeks were passing rather fast, but that didn’t seem to bother you anymore. You had a friend now. You and Peter had started a new, exciting routine. 
Everyday, even if he didn’t have “intern” work with your dad, he’d find himself in your room. Activities changed from day to day. Some days you’d talk about what Peter did at school, or you’d help him with his homework.
Much like the cliche’d movies you loved so much, you found yourself wanting to be with Peter as much as possible. He never ceased to make you smile.. He always laughed at your jokes, and you laughed at his. It felt right.
“Oh!” Peter exclaimed, pulling his beat up phone out of his pocket, “Ned and I finished our lego Death Star set yesterday.”
“Ned?” you tilted your head like a confused puppy, “Lego?”
“You don’t know what Legos are?”
“The..” you paused for a moment, “Building blocks?”
“Yeah!” he smiled so sweetly, “Don’t tell me…you’ve never been allowed to have a lego set.”
You looked around your room, “I’ve never had one, no. Pretty sure my dad would think it’s a waste of time.”
“I’ll bring you one tomorrow. We can build it together!”
Together? A real project..?
“That would be really,” what did the cool kids say, “Groovy.”
Peter let out a little laugh again, “Groovy!”
You peeked over at his phone, “So, who is Ned?”
“Oh! He’s my friend! I’ve known him – Since forever, really.“ 
“That’s a long time.”
“You’ll have to meet him sometime.”
“I’d like that. Could always use more friends– N-not that… You’re not enough. You’re plenty- I mean, you’re…” you rubbed your arm nervously, “I mean you’re pretty cool.”
Peter put his phone away and lightly elbowed you, “Thought you’d say I was groovy.”
“I sense that you’re making fun of me. Does..Is groovy even a thing anymore?”
“It is now.”
You weren’t sure what to bring up now, so you shuffled through your mental index cards, but you came up with nothing. You two sat in a surprisingly comfortable silence while Peter shuffled through his text books and skimmed his notes. 
“Sorry that I don’t have much to talk about,” you said in unison.
You both looked a bit surprised and flustered at each other, your cheeks turning red as you both giggled. 
“It’s fine,” again, you both said, “Sorry.”
You both laughed. How silly this must seem to both of you.
“That doesn’t normally happen,” Peter smiled at you, “It’s alright. I don’t mind if it’s quiet.”
You moved closer to him and looked at his notes. his handwriting looked just as cute as he did. That didn’t surprise you at all. Peter got his phone out again and put on some music.
You’d never heard most of the songs he listens to. There was the occasional Led Zepplin, Queen or even AC/DC in the mix, but some of the songs were newer. Outside what your dad blares over every speakers in the tower, so his “creative flow” doesn’t get interrupted if he leaves his lab, you didn’t really bother with music. Of course, there were the rare times where you’d sit with your mom in the living room area and you enjoyed her music while she read. She was much more of a classical music type of woman. She enjoyed Tony’s music, but would often complain that it’s too loud, or it’s just noise. She did it just to rile him up a bit, mostly.
“Don’t mind most of these. Ned likes to add to the list.”
You’re learning a lot about Ned through the songs he’s obviously picked. You slumped against the side of your bed and looked at the ceiling. Peter noticed and immediately went rummaging through his backpack.
You were a bit startled when a light, papery item was dropped into your lap. You looked down at it. 
“What is.. it?” you asked, innocently.
“A comic book.” he replied, “C'mon… Really? You haven’t read a comic book?” You looked at Peter, and then down at the thin book, picking it up and opening it. Covered was much too dark for your tastes. Batman? Seemed a bit too…gruesome, didn’t it? Half man? Half Bat???
“I’ve heard of them, but, never got to look at one.” You said, flipping it open and reading over the first page.
“Well,” Peter started, setting his book aside and taking one side of the book, “This is about a guy named Bruce Wayne, but he’s actually Batman.”
Peter adjusted your hand, and you weren’t sure if it was intentional, but your fingers were touching, and you were no longer staring at the book, or even hearing what Peter was saying. You were looking at him.
”-And that’s why he became Batman- But, I mean, if you want to read about it, I have the rest at home. My Uncle Ben collected them, so I have boxes full.“
“I think I’d like it.”
Peter had never looked so thrilled in his life. You wondered if that meant something, he was Spider-man after all. You still had so much to learn, but, a chime from his phone let him know that it was time for him to leave for the day. It got harder and harder watching him go, knowing that you had to stay behind. You felt like a lost puppy in that aspect. Everything became so mundane without him around, and that’s saying something.
You days were now spent waiting at the window for Peter. You learned the schedule. Based on what the internet told you, most schools got out at 3:15ish. And depending on how Peter gets here, it takes anywhere from 15-30 minutes. So if he arrived later than 4:00, you worried a little
But, much like clockwork, you saw the boy arrive right on time. And just as promised, Peter brought a lego set and more comic books the next day. It almost felt like Christmas. He welcomed himself in and the two or you went to your room, again, much like routine. 
You eagerly took the lego box from him while he set the stack of comic books on your computer desk. He watched you examine the box, and he had to be honest, it must’ve been a little weird, but.. He liked you. You were pretty cool. Most girls think the stuff he likes is weird or stupid or childish.
“A rocket ship?” you turned the box over and sat on the floor, “How exciting!“ 
Peter joined you a moment later, helping you carefully open all the little packages. “Yeah, Ned and I never got around to this one. I was planning on getting rid of it, but, I figured you’d enjoy it.”
You looked at all the little pieces that were scattered on your floor. You felt so.. Happy. You were so excited to finally do something normal.
Peter picked up the instruction booklet and opened it, “Now, this is going to take awhile, but let’s start at step one.”
“What is step one?”
“Find this piece.” Peter showed you the picture, “And it looks like we’ve made a mess.”
You looked at the picture again, and then at all the pieces, and almost as if it was an automatic response, you over excitedly snatched the correct piece off the floor, “Found it!”
Peter, who looked a tad bit afraid at your enthusiasm, chuckled weakly, “Good job! Now the next piece.”
“And we just keep doing this?”
“Yep. We find the pieces, then we snap them together until the rocket is done.”
“This is the greatest thing I have ever done.” you whispered in amazement as you looked for the next piece.
Peter snorted and helped you put the pieces together. The cycle repeated until half the rocket was done and Peter decided it was time for a break. He shimmied over to your desk and took a comic book off of it. 
You crawled over and joined him, “Is it the Batman again?”
“Of course.”
“Why is he called that, he’s not even a bat…Seems, incorrect to me.”
“Because he hates bats.”
“Why would he name himself after something he hates?”
“Well, technically, he’s afraid of them. So, he wants people to fear him.”
“Oh,” you said, “I get it.”
You didn’t get it.
Peter handed you the book, and you decided to actually read everything and not just skim it. You had to admit, whoever drew it did a pretty good job. You could already tell there was going to be a lot of drama.
“And if you can’t stand the books– There’s some movies too.”
You didn’t lift your eyes from the papers, “You think we could watch them together?”
You then remembered the bits in the movies where that would be an invitation to a date.
“I mean like.. You could.. Tell me stuff about.. Things.”
“Sure!” Peter replied, “I’d love to-” he started laughing, “Tell you stuff about things.”
“You’re making fun of me again.”
“That’s what friends do, Y/n.” he couldn’t stop chuckling.
You had figured you two were friends, but you couldn’t have been sure. There were always people in the movies would who pretend to be nice.
“Yeah, we’re friends. Aren’t we?”
“Kinda surprised you’d want to be friends with someone like me,” you two had, once again, said in unison.
“We got to stop doing that.” Peter said.
“Why are you surprised?”
“Well, I mean, you’re you and I’m.. Me.”
“You’re so cool, though.” you said softly, lowering the book, “Like, you know all this cool stuff! And, hey, you like hanging out with boring ol’ me.”
“I don’t think you’re boring.”
“Nah.” he replied, looking over at you, “If you were boring I’d be taking a nap.”
“Hey,” you chimed, looking away from the comic book and over at him, “Do…You think.. We could …”
How would you ask the rest? Could we hang out somewhere else? Not like the living room, but.. Outside? Your place? Is that creepy??
You awkwardly looked down at the comic book, “Ah, it’s dumb.”
“I won’t think it’s dumb. I swear.”
“I was going to ask if maybe.. You’d want to hang out somewhere else. Like.. The park? I…I’ve never been to a park before.”
“You’ve never been to a park?” Peter didn’t seem to think you were serious, until he realized that every time he has seen you, it’s always been here. It wouldn’t seem so weird to anyone who knew you, this was your home after all. But he also realized that you’d never once asked to go somewhere else.
“Oh,” he said after a minute or two, “Yeah! We can totally go to a park!”
“What’s a park like, anyways?” You look at Peter, “All the movies I’ve seen make them seem like… Fun places.”
“Guess you’ll find out tomorrow, huh?”
“Yeah! After school, of course!“ 
Oh boy, you didn’t have a lot of time to ask your parents. You knew your mom would definitely let you, but your dad? Whole ‘nother story. You could also just messed with the security system a bit and sneak out.. Because you’ve never told anyone, but you rewired a few security features back to your room. You had found a "super secret’ panel behind your bookshelf, so using your Stark brain, you may have broken a few of your dads rules.
It’s nothing major, just…Y'know, you have the ability to disable the cameras, Friday, JARVIS, and the alarms in just your room. Needless to say but you had thought about running away just to be able to get out, so, maybe you can just skip asking your dad and be spontaneous for once.
"What park would we go to?”
“Uuuuh…” Peter looked around for a piece of paper and a pen and he gathered some, scribbling down a name, “It’s near where I live- Few blocks, actually.”
He handed you the paper, and your fingers had touched again, so you were convinced that he was doing it on purpose. You felt that fuzzy feeling again.. Maybe you were getting sick. Was that bad? That’s never happened before. Peter looked at his phone, “I should probably get going! But, hey- Uh, if you want..”
You over to him again, “Yeah?”
“Maybe, again, if you want, I could take you for a swing around New York too.”
“Sight seeing with Spider-Man?”
“Sure! If you wanna call it that…” Peter began to ramble, “I mean, it’s more like your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man doing a favor for a–”
“Like a date?” you cut in, tone laced with curiosity and innocence. You felt oddly brave for some reason.
you watched as Peter clamped his mouth shut and his face turned bright red as he tried to find the right words to use. He just looked over at you and nodded shyly. 
“Like a date,” he said quietly after a moment of thinking.
You both chuckled about it, Peter’s more out of nervousness than anything else. You stood up with Peter and walked him to the door, seemingly talking about nothing and everything all at the same time. 
“So… It’s a date?” he asked, sounding like he needed confirmation that he wasn’t dreaming.
“It’s a date.” you replied sweetly, leaning on the door as he walked outside. He waved to you with a huge grin, and you waved back, like a love sick puppy. As soon as you shut the door, it dawned on you that you just did that. You asked Peter B. Parker on a date. After talking about being friends, you jumped the gun and asked him out…Technically, you literally asked him out- But.. Oh boy, you’ve really out done yourself this time.
You turned around to go back to your room, and you jumped when you saw your dad standing a few feet away, arms crossed. He didn’t look happy. 
“A date… Huh?”
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honeylikewords · 6 years
Anon Asked: Ok so i’m curious: if you can, could you rank your favorite Oscar boys from least to most boyfriend material? they all seem very charming and sweet but i can’t figure out who the cream of the crop is!
First of all, THANK YOU, I  L O V E  making lists of my favorite things. You guys know that. Listicle formats are, like, my lifeblood. Thank you for enabling me.
Second, I’m going to rate these on MY personal scale. Now, I also should point out that “husband” and “boyfriend” mean two different things to me, and that I instinctively value “husband” material more than “boyfriend” material. The “husbands” are going to be the winners of this list, because I can see them having long-term, fulfilling, happy and mutually beneficial relationships with their partners. So, without further ado, here is my list, from LEASTboyfriend-able to MOST husband-able.
1. The Unmentionables Category.
These boys don’t even get to be part of the discussion because in their roles they are either misogynistic, evil, assaulters, or something else to prevent them from entering the race. A little villain apologism here and there is okay sometimes, but only to certain degrees, and these boys exceed it. Blue Jones, Nathan Bateman, En Sabah Nur/Apocalypse, and John, King of England all exceed my limitations. Begone, thots. You’re disqualified for the Boyfriend Campaign Race. (I do still like them as characters, though, or for Sexy Oscar Gifs, but they’re just… un-boyfriend-able!)
2. The Low Tier Boyfriends.
These boys are boyfriend-able, but come with some problems. Can we sort them out on here and make them into better boys on this blog with careful re-writes? Maybe! Are we doing that in this list? No! We’re just taking objective looks at these Oscar-boys as they stand. So, here are the low tier boyfriends.
Laurent LeClaire: He’s sexy, but he’s also, like, a murderer. And a bit of a playboy. Could we make him better on this blog? Absolutely! But, as before, we’re just looking at them as they are. So, sexy French boy or no, he’s a pretty low-ranking Oscar for the murders and the philandering.
John “Jack” Johnson: Kinda dirty, kinda rude, also a murderer, but nice to dogs and pretty darn intelligent. He’s sure somethin’. Only slightly higher on the list than Laurent simply because I liked him and he made me laugh, and he was good to a dog, so I suppose that’s a tick for him!
Bud Cooper: A bit of a sneaky boy! I like him a lot, but his trickery and sneakery place him lower on the list. Still, points for looking good in a weird mustache, and points for being clever!
3. The Middle Tier Boyfriends.
These boys are much more boyfriend-able, but still have baggage. Could you work around it? Hypothetically, sure! But we’re still just discussing canon behavior, so let’s rock and roll.
Llewyn Davis: Llewyn is shockingly low despite how much I like him, but he has a LOT of issues. Besides his inability to hold a stable job and the couch surfing, Llewyn struggles with attitude problems and relationship issues, apparently having to deal with the issue of terminated pregnancies with two women. We could certainly gloss over that for a more romanticized Llewyn on this blog, but I think it’s important to address that while he holds a place in my heart, he’s a difficult person and a little hard to love, maybe because he doesn’t know how to love others or himself yet. So, he’s higher on the list because at least he isn’t a criminal, but he’s low-ranker because of his life issues. Maybe if he sorted himself out more…
Basil Stitt: Basil’s got problems. I mean, just… a lot of problems. But I like him, and I like his scars, so I think we can work with him. Having a paranoid breakdown after sustaining an injury isn’t the worst thing that a person could do, right? We’ve all been there; scared, alone, afraid. I think, with time, Basil could really make steps in the right direction and be quite a cute boyfriend.
Shiv: Shiv’s a sweetheart. He’s doing his best in a world not inclined to allow him the freedom to do so. Sure, he’s a criminal, but he has a heart of gold and wants to make his son happy. He wants to do better. He’s kind, if misled, and a little dumb, but, hey, morosexuals stand up, ya know? He’s a cutie, even though he’s involved in some shady business. With a cleanup and a fresh start somewhere else, who knows? Maybe he could be a much better boy and end up in the husband range!
4. The High Tier Boyfriends.
Oh, now, these are some boys. These are some cute boys. Oof. Yeah. Let’s see these boys!
Rydal Keener: Poet, dancer, thinker, and sometime scam-artist, Rydal is a Grecian romance just waiting to happen. He’s not perfect, but he’s passionate, he’s sweet, and he’s doing his level best to try and get himself out of a sticky situation. He’s young; let’s find him some young love!
Standard Gabriel: Oh, Standard, how my heart beats for thee. I love Standard, and the only reason he’s lower on the list is because he’s got a lot going on in his life that makes it hard for him. Cheating wife, creepy people following him around, prison sentence sitting on his shoulders from the past; things are hard for our baby. But he’s resilient, he’s loving, and he’s loyal. And if given a new chance in a new place, I fully believe that Standard would be a great boyfriend, and, someday, a great husband.
Reeves: Sentimental, sweet, and a sumptuous songwriter, Reeves rings of a great boyfriend. He’s soft and tender, but firm when necessary, funny, relaxed, and witty. This guy has it all, and when he finds love, he hangs on tight. Ten plus years, tight, apparently; he’s still chasing the girl he had a crush on in high school! How sweet is he?! A beautiful boyfriend, no doubt.
5. Husband Tier.
These boys are the peak performance. These boys bring it. These boys aren’t just boyfriends, they’re partners, fiancés, and, one day, husbands. These are not just boys… they’re Men.
Kane: Loyal husband and dutiful soldier, Kane’s endured a lot, but still did his best to come home to his wife, even if it wasn’t “him”. Kane deserves to be a husband with a woman who will love and appreciate him as he loves and appreciates her (which I assert is NOT Lena. Lena did NOT appreciate that man). The only reason he’s lower on this list is because of the unfortunate nature of his storyline, and because he’s part-alien now. Actually, that last one isn’t that bad. He’s a cute alien. We stan.
Santiago Garcia: This man has been through so much, and I want him to be happy. He’s kind, great with kids, funny, generous, protective, and strong. I would rant and rave about him, but then this post would be a mile long. I love you, Santi. Brave boy. Husband.
Orestes: Orestes was in love with the same woman since he was a young man and advocated for her freedom and equal status in society, trusting her as his sole counsel consistently through his years as a public servant. The dude took a stone to the head for defending her. He went on stage to declare his love and play her a beautiful two-flute solo, for God’s sake! This man is husband material.
Mikael Boghosian: Actual angel. Has endured the depths of hell. Deserves all the love in the universe. My words are not enough for his goodness. Please, someone, fill this man’s life with joy and light. I am begging. This is a husband.
Abel Morales: I would fucking die for Abel Morales but he’s so good a man that he would never let me. My love for him is as boundless as the stars and twice as bright. May God’s light shine forever on his perfectly coiffed hair. Holy angel of the heating oil industry.
Miguel O’Hara: SPIDER-MAN, SPIDER-MAN, DOES WHATEVER A SPIDER CAN! FILLS MY HEART, UP WITH LOVE, AT OUR WEDDING RELEASE SOME DOVES! LOOK OUT, I LOVE YOU, SPIDER-MAN! But in all seriousness, the guy’s great. A goober, yes, but nevertheless, his fangs have pierced my heart and I am paralyzed with love for him and also venom.
Poe Dameron: I betcha all knew he’d be at the top of this list. I betcha knew. He’s… Poe Dameron, you know? What can I say that hasn’t already been said? We know he’s wonderful. He just is. He carries his mother’s ring, searching for his future spouse. This man is a husband. I love him. I will not change my mind.
6. Honorable Mention Husband.
Peter Malkin: Since Peter Malkin is based on a real person, I feel hesitant to talk about him. However, since the movie was juuuuust enough divorced from reality and his character changed juuuuustenough to call it fictionalized, I’ll include him. I love Peter Malkin. He’s a good good Jewish boy who visits his Mama for Shabbat and wears his kippah and that man is a primo husband. N*zi hunter, loving son, honorable soldier. We have chosen to stan forever. And wed, when the time is right. Mazel tov!
There are some other boys who didn’t make the list simply because I didn’t wanna go too overboard and make a too overwhelming post, but here’s my general take on the order from least to most boyfriend-able, and then husband-able. This list also shifts around depending on my mood, and the order in which some of the husbands are categorized can change from day to day. I love them all! I will not be silenced!
I hope that helps, and if anyone is curious about where a non-mentioned boy falls on the scale, lemme know and I’ll either add him or explain his spot in a separate post!
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getmespidey · 6 years
Baby Steps 3.
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part 1.|| part 2. || MASTERLIST
You looked up and Peter’s eyes were begging for you to say anything and you wanted to, but the reminder of your own fears would choke you on your tears every time you opened your mouth. He kneeled in front of you and pulling your hands into his you left the test still hidden. His face was nothing short of scared and you knew that after the week your relationship had he had every right to be. Now seeing you sitting on a cold tile floor bathroom crying your eyes out, even you would be concerned.
“Talk to me.” he whispered loud enough for you to hear above the crying.
“I can’t.” you said after a few long seconds. “I want to, but I can’t.”
He grabbed your face once he could hear the fear in your own voice. You didn’t know if he figured, but you had been drowning in your own fear for the past week and all you wanted was him, forever, but maybe you just couldn’t have it. So that made you push him away, that way you’d be able to hold it off a little longer.
“You don’t have to be afraid of me. Whatever it is I am here.” He pulled his face closer to yours. “(y/n), do you hear me? I’m not going to leave you. Ever. Just please, I can’t take this. I need you to talk to me so I can help.” his own voice covered with a concern you’d never seen before.
You cried harder wanting so bad to latch yourself to him. To every word he was saying.
“Are you hurt?” he asked and you shook your head.
“Is it your classes?” you shook again.
“Is it me?” he whispered that question and you just looked up.
Holding your hands to his face you mirroring what he was doing to you, you traced his features. You could never forget his face. A sad smile creeped it’s way to your lips and your tears went back to falling fast down your face. You could imagine a life without Peter, this was not the first time you thought you could lose him, but it was the first time things became so real you couldn’t breathe. He was the person that followed you to your choir rehearsal and was there first row all your performances. The one that would walk you home almost everyday. The one that showed you how to feel loved.
You didn’t want to doubt him and honestly you didn’t. You doubted yourself.
“I don’t want you to go.” you said in the smallest most soft voice you could.
“And I promise you, right here and now, that I won’t.” he said drying your eyes.
You pulled the test from behind you very slowly still not sure of the choice you were making right now.
“Last week I started getting a little sick and I noticed my period was very much late. I was paranoid last week and that’s why I was avoiding everyone. It took me a long time to figure out if I even wanted to know the truth, but then I bought a bunch of tests to try them out and I never had the courage to go through with them. But tonight was our first night together after a very awkward week and I really couldn’t lie to you or myself anymore so I took the test. I took the test, but I didn’t look at it and now I’m scared.” you said it all really fast afraid you’d back out any second.
“Wait... You think you’re pregnant?” he asked and a small part of fear showing in his voice. You just nodded.
His hands found yours that held on to the test upside down.
“Do you hate me?” you asked. You knew this wasn’t your fault, but you still had to make sure he wouldn’t blame you, even if deep down you knew the person Peter was and that meant he’d never blame or hate you.
“Never, love.” he said kissing your forehead. “Turn it around so we’ll be sure what we are dealing with.”
He slowly turned your hand and the small stick showed a small red plus sign and you looked up unable to see Peters face. This was the confirmation you dreaded from the start.
“So we’re having a baby.” he said sitting next to you and staring up at the ceiling like you were. His hand found yours and you interwind your fingers. you laid your head on his shoulder and he pulled your intertwined hands up so he could kiss your hand. “We’ll be okay. I’ll make sure of that.”
“We’ll make sure of that.” you said smiling.
“It’s late. Do you want to go to sleep?” he asked standing up and pulling you with him.
You shook your head and walked out of the bathroom putting that test back inside a pocket. Heading towards the kitchen you started making hot chocolate for you and Peter.
“How do we tell everyone?” you asked as you grabbed the mugs Peter handed you.
“Let’s first let the news sink in. We don’t have to tell them right away.” he hugged your middle and you didn’t know if it was a conscious choice or not, but he was making small circles on your belly. The weight that this small gesture lifted was so big that you stopped what you were doing to just hold him near you.
“I love you, Peter.” you said leaning your head back gaining a small peck on the lips.
“I love you too.” he said.
After you had two huge mugs filled with hot chocolate you sat down in the TV room and chose to watch Brooklyn Nine-Nine again.
You woke up in the TV room laying down on the couch by yourself. There was a blanket on top of you and by the light coming through the windows you knew it was way past the time you and Peter sat down.
Stretching you felt a little sore and decided to go out looking for either Peter, Happy or Tony. You found them by the training center and they looked more like they were having fun then sparing. You filled their water bottles and sat down messing with your phone while they were playing around.
“Hey, (y/n) we have an assignment from S.H.I.E.L.D. to look after. Just a simple prisoner transfer for later this afternoon. We should be back before dinner.” Tony said sitting next to you.
“Who are you guys transferring that S.H.I.E.L.D. needs to ask for your help?”
“Let’s just say it’s confidential, but it’s also public knowledge that he stole some things from them and ended up killing over 30 people somewhere near Fresno. They just need to take him to a safe place and they don’t want to take their chances. It’s not like S.H.I.E.L.D. is having their best moment.”
Tony stood up and walked to the door. He needed to take a shower and change before they lunch. After that he and Peter would have a meeting to discuss their plan for the transfer. This afternoon you’d be able to focus on some of your tutoring classes you had planned for the next week. The high school needed some help and you needed extra credit, so you obviously volunteered to help.
It would only be about a month, two days a week. Nothing that would require too much of your free time you guessed.
“Hey, so maybe Tony figured something is up with us.” Peter said after he got out of the shower. You were caught off guard by that.
“You know that can mean a lot of things. He may have noticed we’re a lot better than last week, or he could have heard us last night, he may have a hunch on the real reason... But the last one is the most unlikely of all of them.” you said closing your computer.
“Guess so.”
“Don’t freak out in front of him. He’s very in tune with you so if he grills you, just be chill.” you said.
“What’s with everyone telling me to be chill?” he asked putting on his clothe and throwing his cold towel at you.
“You’re a bit of a nervous wreck when it comes to big things. Maybe even the small ones, but the big ones are where you get all messed up.” You smiled up at him. “A whole afternoon of Tony Stark on your nerves. You’re gonna spill the beans and I will bet on it.”
He raised an eyebrow and you laughed at his funny face. Moments that were this light were really the base of your relationship and it seemed like it was forever ago since you guys had a moment like this.
“You’re on, babe. What would you like to bet?” he laid down next to you.
“If you spill the beans you don’t have a say on the baby’s name. If you can keep it a secret you have last say on the baby’s name.” you say smiling at him. There was a really small chance of him winning this thing.
“Are you seriously putting the baby’s name on the table like that? Doesn’t seem very fair.” Peter grabbed a pillow and threw at you.
“What’s not fair is you throwing things at me all the time.” you threw a pillow at his face and hard. “Take that.”
“I will win this bet and I will name our baby Juliantopos or Annelian.” You felt suddenly afraid.
“You wouldn’t dare.” you said laughing hysterically. “I may just have to have a talk with Tony before you leave. I don’t think Tony would let you do something like that.”
A cough came from the door getting both your and Peters attention. Tony was standing there looking his most beautiful self as always.
“What wouldn’t I let him do?”
“Well, the list is actually very long. But you’ll just have to grill him during the transfer.” you said running out of the room with Peter groaning behind you. You even heard him yell “You know that is not fair!” but oh well.
“Anything is fair in love and war... Or something like that.” You yelled right back at him running into the kitchen.
Tony had some people from the kitchen downstairs prepare a huge meal for the three of you and boy were you glad.
“I’m starving!” you said as you sat down and waited for Peter and Tony to make their way into the kitchen.
Lunch was just the best time. You didn’t feel sick so you were able to eat more than normal, but Tony didn’t even mention it. He spent most of lunch really quiet watching you and Peter interact.
After that you were left alone while the boys were having their briefing. You had most of the material organized so you decided to just freshen up and study a little so you could be more than ready. It took you a while to focus since you kept day dreaming of Peter and you together with a mini version of you or him... Maybe even a perfect mixture.
“Love, we’re heading out. Be back later.” Peter walked inside and kissed you deeply. No matter what he was going to do, when he left as Spider-Man he kissed you like it was the only thing that mattered.
“We’ll be here.” you smiled up at him. He looked back with the biggest smile. It was sure going to be a weird and hard road ahead, but with him by your side you didn’t really feel very scared. At least not now anyway. You’re the happiest you’ve been in a whole ass week.
He kissed your forehead and left one Tony appeared all smiles on your doorway.
“We’ll be back in no time, (y/n).” he said as he stepped inside and kissed your head too.
They left pretty fast after that and you went back to your day dreaming. 
You didn’t even notice when you fell asleep. You were watching some youtube class on how to teach teens and you suddenly fell asleep. Maybe step one was, don’t try to study in bed. You connected your dead computer to his power source and went outside. The dark sky meant that Peter and Tony should be back by now or at least on their way.
Your phone had been off silent like it always is when Peter is out so if that didn’t wake you up it meant that Peter nor Tony had tried to contact you. In a way to pass the time you decided to take a long hot shower.
Stepping out of your room a whole half hour later the compound was still dead silent. You tried to ring Peter, but no one answered. Same thing with Tony and Happy. Somewhere inside you, you knew something was off, but you pushed that aside. They were running late. Maybe Peter had let the cat out of the bag and now he was sitting in a rooftop with Tony having a real deep conversation. There were many reasons as to why this was happening. You didn’t need to worry like this.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y. is Happy here?” you asked the A.I.
“Mr. Hogan has been called to a field extraction.” her voice came from all around you.
Field extraction?
“F.R.I...” you didn’t get the chance to respond as loud noise came from the elevators, but it wasn’t on your floor. You pulled up to the surveillance footage and turned on the sound. You took a few minutes to find their exact location, but there they were on the med bay.
You could see Tony still in his Iron Man suit without the mask running after a lot of people. Happy was behind him on the phone. There were a lot of people running around.
Your phone started to ring. It was Happy.
“Happy?” you asked.
“(y/n), can you meet me and Tony at the med bay?” he asked a little shaky.
“Happy, are you telling me...” but before you could finish talking the bunch of doctors spread and for the first time you saw Peter laid down on a gurney. His body covered in bruises and cuts, even a really bad burn to his left leg. He looked a mess.
“(y/n)?” Happy asked again.
“What happened to Peter?” you asked shaking with anxiety, fear, anger... it was just a lot really fast.
“I’ll come up.” he said as he hung up the phone.
You sank down on your knees in front of the TV in front of you showing the med bay. You couldn’t really make out what they were saying, because everyone was talking loud and fast. But you felt like there was too much for you to take in that even if someone tried to talk to you right now you wouldn’t be able to focus enough to actually understand what they were saying.
Happy came out of the elevator and found you staring at the TV. He looked at you like he was about to break your heart and he would rather jump out the window than do that. Coming next to you he tried calling to you, but it was like you were somewhere far away. You were cradling your stomach and swinging back and forth.
Your world was near perfect a few minutes ago and now it seemed like it was slowly crumbling right in front of your eyes and you could do nothing about it. You wanted to run to him, scream at someone. Anyone. But most of all, you wanted desperately to wake up from this nightmare.
taglist:  @derekxsammy @littlefrota @iris-suoh @moonsword17 @electraheart-3174 @olliekookie @emma641 @iamwarrenspeace @charles11700 @justmesadgirl @thatfishontheleft @squirrellover1967 @h0-h0-h0micide @darling-lazari @optimistic-failure @oonai-trash @sockywell @smexylemony @dangerousluv1 @daringbanshee @tom-parkers-girl @beautiful-holland @softboy-holland @tiny-friggin-human @catstielanddeanthedog @cuethebeatdrop
forever taglist: @embrace-themagic 
If you want to be added to any of those taglists just let me know!​
if your tag is in bold and italic that means that for some reason I can’t tag you. If I missed you I’m so sorry. Message me if you can. Thanks!
I didn’t really double check so sorry if there are (and I’m sure there is) any mistakes.
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phantomlim · 8 years
Err can I ask 1-50 for the cute asks?
Of course!!!! I love a lot of these questions. Thank you for asking!.
1. Do you have any recurring dreams? What are they?
Not that I know of or that I remember. 
2. What is your favourite kind of fruit?
Strawberries or oranges
3. Sweet or savoury?
I need both. If I eat something savoury, I have to have something sweet to balance it out and vice versa. 
4. What is your smallest/pettiest fear?
Compared to everything else I’m afraid of, spiders seems pretty petty, but spiders give me the worst anxiety, so its not really small at all. 
5. What is your least favourite vegetable?
Out of everything I’ve had, probably celery. 
6. What is your favourite art movement?
Man I can do history eras but art eras never stick with me.... Probably impressionism. I love how the colours blend together, yet everything is still very abstract and colourful. 
7. Do you drink milk?
Yes, it’s good. 
8. What was the last line of the last book you read?
“The three extra days were for leap years.” One Day In The Life of Ivan Denisovich by Alexander Solzhenitsyn
9. Do you like bitter food?
No, not really. 
10. What is the most significant event in your life so far?
I don’t really think anything in my life has been significant. Probably finding out that I would finally be going to Europe. 
11. What is one thing (a book, movie, etc) that has greatly affected you?
Honestly, Rammstein has affected me in more ways than one. They’ve helped me through suicidal thoughts and depression and they’ve helped me discover my identity, and so much more. 
12. What is your favourite breed of dog or cat? 
Husky - Shepard mix. They look like wolves. 
13. List your top 5 favourite turtle names.
Does this mean like. Names for turtles or names of turtles? I’m going with the former. 
Frank, Henry, Tim, Turtwig, Torterra
14. What job would you have if you could have it without going through all of the school or experience that is required?
Probably an environmentalist, or any field that requires me going out into the wild and preserving parks and what not. 
You would’ve thought I would say historian, but I really do want to learn all everything to become a historian. 
15. Are there any names that you dislike so much that you would dislike the person with the name? What are those names? 
No, I don’t like to reduce a person to something that they’re not because of their name. However, I really don’t like the name Brittaney or any of those variations I guess. Every Brittaney I’ve ever met has been a huge jerk. But if I met someone name Brittaney, I wouldn’t keep it against them. 
16. What is your favourite letter?
17. Are there any instruments you wish you played?
I’d love to play bass. 
18. List your best friends.
This is a callout post. Sid, Madi, Ellen/Chase, Jake, Ollie, Liz, Tia, Taylor, Victoria, Brooke, Mihail, Ariel, Lu, Elisa, Samya. There’s probably more but I’m a terrible person and I can’t remember. 
19. Would you rather be a skeleton or a ghost?
That’s tough actually. Maybe a skeleton. But in Skyrim, skeletons are weaker than a rabbit, so probably a ghost. 
20. Do you prefer fish or lizards/snakes? (as pets)
21. Art or music?
I love both of these! I can only enjoy music and I’m not able to create it though, so I’ll probably say art for the sake that it’s something I can actually make.
This question is kinda redundant considering music is a form of art. 
22. What is your favourite type of flower?
All of them. It really depends. I really like zephyranthes because the name is RAD. 
I’ll say forget-me-nots because they’re very beautiful and colourful flowers despite their size. The name is also extremely striking to me. 
23. Soup or salad?
24. Are you good at keeping plants alive?
Yes and no. When I have plants I’m very passionate about them and I want them to last forever. But at some point, I’ll forget to water them and everything goes downhill from there.
25. Do animals tend to like you?
Dogs, yes, because I have a dog myself. Cats, sometimes. 
26. What is the worst book you’ve ever read?
Twilight probably.
27. Do you collect anything?
Photos of paul landers on my phone. Plants
28. How many pillows do you sleep with?
29. What is the latest you’ve ever woken up?
1 pm. I hate waking up late.
30. How many pictures are on your walls?
None. Unless drawings count.
31. What age did you stop keeping stuffed animals on your bed?
I’m almost 18 and I still have a stuffed animal on my bed, are you kidding me?
I’ve had a lot of mental anguish in my life and that stuffed animal has helped me sleep so many times it deserves to stay there. 
32. What is your favourite candy?
Um. I don’t really eat candy that often. Probably skittles? They’re not TOO sweet so they dont give me migraines. 
33. What is your favourite baked good?
Y’know those brownies that are fused with chocolate chip cookies? Yeah those. I also love those frosted cookies.
34. Do you have a camera? If so, what kind?
35. Do you wear jewelry?
I have a necklace with a dragonfly pendant on it that I haven’t taken off ever since I got it when I was 15 honestly. 
Sometimes I wear my class ring from my high school, but I’m too scared that I’ll lose it. 
36. Sunrise or sunset?
Sunrise. There’s something magical about the world lighting up at sunrise that sunsets don’t really have. 
37. Do you like to listen to music with headphones or without headphones?
Depends. If I want to be left alone, then with headphones. If I’m just somewhere hanging out, then without headphones. 
38. What was your favourite show as a child?
Heck if I can remember. Spongebob probably. It still is my favourite but whatever. I stopped watching tv when I was like 7. 
39. Describe your favourite spot in your house?
My windowsill. On it are 3 plants, one is a succulent, one is a type of flower which i can’t remember the name to, and the other is a small container of assorted flowers that my mom got me after we had to put our dog down. There’s a little toy Blastoise on there that I’ve had for a long time, and a dragon statue that’s used for incense. 
40. Do you like to be warm or cold?
Both. Cold is nice because I like bundling up. I hate the cold because my hands get dry and bleed a lot. The warm is nice because you can wear light clothes and be comfortable. It doesn’t make me bleed. I don’t like sweating though. The minute I start sweating I feel obligated to shower. 
41. The best joke you have?
42. Whats the weirdest thing that you’ve seen happen in a public place?
I can’t remember. 
43. CD or digital?
Both. CD’s feel really genuine. My copy of Sehnsucht is older than I am, so I have a lot of sentimental value for it. I don’t mean to brag, but it also has the rare track “Stripped” on it. But because of todays age, digital is probably my preferred choice because I can take my music with me where ever I want. 
44. Who do you miss right now?
I really miss my dog, Roosevelt. It’s almost been a month since he died, but it still hurts a lot. I’ve been seeing a lot of yorkies and it makes me miss him more. I wish he was still here. 
45. If you could combine two places in the world, which two places would you choose?
Um. I’m not sure actually, I’ll get back to you on that. 
46. Describe the worst substitute teacher you’ve ever had.
OK so in biology junior year of high school, our biology teacher had to quit because of really bad family problems, totally okay not his fault at all. HOWEVER, we had a substitute for the rest of the year, and we couldn’t do ANYTHING. We were forced to work on worksheets and nothing but that when we go to a school where COLLABORATION and PROJECTS is how we learn. It was awful. 
47. Do you believe horoscopes?
I try not to. I’m paranoid, so I often look at them and worry about the truth behind them. 
48. Are you spiritual?
This question can mean several things. Am I religious? No. Do I believe in the power of my own spirit and soul that can allow me to do certain things? Yes. 
The reason I’m not religious is for that reason alone. I don’t believe there is a deity that is stronger than I am. I don’t think there should be a deity who tells me what I should and should not do. I’m strong enough to make decisions on my own and without the help of anyone. If I do something, its because of my own will. 
49. Describe your pets.
I only have one now, but I want to describe Roosevelt too.
Roosevelt was a really small boy. He was very thin and nimble, especially as he got older. He had HUGE ears that were bigger than his head. We called them his Satellite ears. When he would get a hair cut, he would kind of look like a rat, so I called him Rat Boy.
Phin is a really sweet boy. He’s a big-ish dog, but not BIG big. He’s goofy and he really likes to play. When he’s really playful, his eyes get wide. When he was younger, his tongue had black spots, but they don’t now. His fur is really oily and greasy which is kinda gross, but my face gets really oily so I can relate. He’s really anxious, but he’s such a sweet boy 
50. Are you good at getting over mistakes?
No. I’m paranoid, so of course I can’t. It stays in my mind until someone tells me that it’s okay and until things get fixed. 
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