#on another note i'm so glad people are playing the game :DD i'm very happy you like it hehe
prismartist · 6 months
4 and 8 for the assassins ask game :O
favorite song (bonus: favorite ballad)
i do think these have the same answer actually: ballad of czolgosz :D i just loooove the way it's structured and how "head of the line" gets recontextualized each time it's said, plus it's boppy and the choreo tends to be so fun. it's fun to sing too. it's also interesting to me how the balladeer uses nicknames for the other two ballads which i always took to be condescending, but he just uses leon's surname implying a modicum of respect? that's neat if so. plus czolgosz and the balladeer are my faves ^^ i really wanna do an animatic of it
a concept or direction you'd like to see
oh no i'm not smart enough for this why did i write this JDKEJDEK
hmmmm ok you know what i'm stealing @.pealeii's answer LMAO having sets really leaning into the Creepy Hell Carnival would be very cool. it's like one of the main reasons why a hypothetical movie adaptation, for me, would be best animated
and also...... i dunno, balladeer being more of a bitch? esp in the context of him turning himself into lee harvey oswald like in 2021. just this absolute menacing, righteous mofo underneath the whole paragon country singer persona. because to me the american dream is always prone to corruption; it's a flawed concept in general, and i'd like to see more productions lean into that. where it was always inevitable he'd turn, whether he does so to prove a Point (like he tries to prevent the assassination through some wibbly wobbly ghost quartet shit), or he's just fully swayed to the assassins' side. also i'd really enjoy a judgy balladeer that's sort of full of himself. i don't know if any of that made sense @.@
this is long already but i just wanna leave this ballad of guiteau that basically does what i'm talking about and i love a lot (esp before the last verse where the balladeer grips guiteau and points at the scaffold stone-faced oughguhgo)
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candicewright · 4 years
I'm new here and I love your blog. But I keep seeing stuff about a necklace? Maybe not here but other places keep mentioning an ox-head necklace and that it's significant?
Hello, and welcome! I am so glad you enjoy my blog and I hope you stay for a while.
I am going to put the explanation for this under a cut, so if don't like looking into the bjyx side of Tumblr, stop reading and move along, keep scrolling.
This is one of the first theories that sold me on bjyx because it explains more than any alternative explanation.
For those of you who have never heard about this before, this is the necklace in question:
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(I have all of these pictures saved. If you know where they come from please tell me so that I can give credit.)
It's a Gucci necklace that represents dd's Chinese Zodiac since he was born in 1997, the year of the ox. This is significant for a few reasons.
First, dd has never been particularly superstitious or the kind of person to seem interested in these things. Gg, on the other hand, is. We have seen him wear that red bracelet his mother gave him for good luck, for example. Dd has never done something like this before.
The second reason is that dd doesn't endorse Gucci at all, and yet he wears it more than any other piece of jewelry. That is, we have seen him wear it nonstop since 190619 (exactly one year and one day after their dragon boat festival date on 180618), being last seen during SDoC. He wears it more than the feather necklace and the ring he got from Han-ge, who is like family to him, so it must be extremely special for him.
Third, gg does endorse Gucci, and yet this is not the kind of thing that would be sent to him. This was an exclusive item being sold in only two physical stores in China and gg just so happened to be in one of these cities at the time that it was being sold, so he definitely has the opportunity to get it.
When fans started noticing that he was wearing it, rumors about how he got it started coming up. In my opinion, there are a two options:
He got it himself, which wouldn't explain why it seems so important to him. However, a staff member said that dd himself told him he was the one to buy it. Keep in mind however that this wasn't someone in dd's team and therefore it's not unlikely that dd lied to avoid any relationship rumors (I'm saying this from the top of my head, it may not have happened like this. If so, anyone is free to correct me).
Someone really important to him or a s/o got it for him. But again, Han-ge is very important to him and you don't see him wearing the feather necklace or the ring all the time.
I have explained above a little bit of why people seem to think it was gg that got it for him but when I first saw it, I wasn't convinced. It seemed like too much of a stretch.
What sold me on this theory was the Happy Camp episode (which could be a post by itself). During this, they were playing a game where they were grabbing each other to keep the other team from going through some kind of hoops (?) and having something around the neck was potentially dangerous. And it was because dd did get hurt, he scratched his neck with it. Why wouldn't he have taken the necklace off when it was that dangerous? It must really mean a lot to him.
But what's startling is gg's reaction to dd getting hurt (around 5:50). Everyone else who approached him seemed worried, but gg looked mad, which if you know gg at all you will know is extremely ooc. His public persona is very kind and calm, so this really must have affected him if that was his reaction. According to fan lip readings, he then tells dd to take it off and only then dd does.
There's also a lip reading of yu bin asking dd if gg got it for him and dd nods.
Another significant detail is that while he still wears it, he started hiding it after rumors started getting out of hand. Now he'll often wear it under his clothes, but if you pay attention you'll see that it's still there.
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(You'll see it if you zoom in enough. Also, a bit of an aside, note the shirt with the 'blue sky and white clouds'.)
If he bought it himself or a friend got it for him, why hide it?
This is just a summary of it and there are people way more capable than I am of explaining this since I just fell down the bjyx rabbit hole, but I hope this is enough to answer you question.
*Edit: both of these pictures are from Uniq Official's Weibo. Sorry for being an absolute mess that can't remember these things.
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