#on freddy
freddy-ryland · 1 year
“Remember you’re the one who can fill the world with sunshine.”— Snow White (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs)
Mom was staring her down, examining her backpack and rolled-up overalls, picking at the flyaways not quite pressed down, pursing her lips over the scuffed Converse.
"We can buy you better clothes than these Freddy," the short form of 'we are a powerful House you don't need to dress like a gardener'.
"I'm just going to Diagon Alley, it can get so dusty in the summer." the short form of 'I'm going to meet Q then we're tramping to Li's then finding wherever T is and going for drinks and I don't want to spill liquor on my nice dresses'.
"I'm not so sure Diagon Alley is such a good place to run off too...alone." short form from 'wait for your brother to babysit you, he's off work, he can protect you from your little friends and your little plans and your little adventures'.
"I won't be alone! We're just going to the bookshop!" the long form for 'fuck off'.
"We can buy books from the catalog." short form for 'don't leave this house. we can keep you safe here. there is no reason to leave for no reason nor without protection or to meet your ridiculous friends and we are rich enough to build you a library - just stay home, stay where you're safe.'
"I'm leaving." 'I'm trapped'.
Freddy marched out the door, her puffy spacebuns stirring in the breeze, onto the broad porch and into the front garden. Their house was the largest on the wizarding block, enough home for two families, enough space that a bedridden girl could find solace and peace and solitude. But Freddy couldn't help but feel that a few thousand square feet of various four corners was stifling.
"Patronus me when you get there!" the long form of 'I'll call the Calvery if it pleases me'.
Her parents couldn't do much since she was 17 now, couldn't tell her no, legally an adult, but if they called an Auror to bring her home, they'd get her home. No one could tell a member of the Shacklebolt family 'no' even if their married name was Ryland. Hell, even just the name Ryland would get the Aurors moving.
"Yes, Mom." Because she was dutiful and careful and hated to worry them more than usual. Because she woke up at night with her Mom touching her chest, ensuring she was breathing. Because she found her Dad tapping her awake from naps, so sure she was unconscious. Because Micah and Q and T and Li and everyone else had found Freddy bleeding from head trauma from a fall, curled up into stone corridors, and splayed out on busy streets when the magic decided to poison her own body and send her flying through time and memories and the future. Freddy is just a passenger in her body for a magic rooting and rotting her from the inside out.
But she smiled and waved from the sidewalk, the street built for wizards, apparition points set up in front of homes and in public spaces. A necessity of bygone War days, now the public knew who was coming, had wards set against random entry points, and the Rylands were stringent about watching the comings and goings.
"Just be careful!"
Freddy pointed at herself, "Who me? I'm always careful!" Carefully plotting the days until Graduation, plotting the days until she could escape, find a curse-breaking program willing to take on a girl with counted days and worse chances of survival past 25. Somewhere that wouldn't sneer at the wasted spot could give her all the adventure her fragile body could handle and let her chart her own course. Freddy's life was a map to a swift end, but that didn't mean she couldn't attempt to enjoy every second she breathed - living in fear meant not living at all. Living within the four walls and four corners and four streets and the four sets of eyes following her every move and watching her very steps making sure she didn't so much step on a crack - it was suffocating, and as Freddy spun in place, she couldn't help but feel a choked up relief at seeing her Mom's face fading away, warping and disappearing into the void of her house.
Landing just outside of Knockturn Alley, Freddy let out a huff of air, her magic rocking her body with a deluge of images - monsters and criminals, grimy shadow children stalking the alleys with white teethed smiles, cackles of war and shrieks of laughter. A life lived, and living and living long after Freddy died. Her moments here were short, her rattled lungs sucking in an expanse of air as she stepped from the apparition point.
There, across the way, leaning against the wall, sharing a bottle of butterbeer, they waited. Freddy took in the scent of piss, magic, and cigarette smoke and bounded forward, clenching the straps of her backpack every two seconds getting a bombardment of visions until she was wrapped up in cosmos and ink, nestling her nose into her Beloved's hair and letting the weight of Falmouth fall from her shoulders. Q already chattering away, and the sound fell like rainfall on Freddy's ears, calming and kind in the wall all summer showers were, and they parted, pinkies locked together.
"Hey Nightmare," Linden greeted, Freddy offered them a shoulder bump before whipping out her wand.
"I learned a really fun hex this week!"
A shine of sun bounced off a grimy window as the trio set off, Freddy bouncing along, shifting between past-present-future, her head spiking with pain.
But life moves quickly, and Freddy's would move quicker than the ones at her side. It was her right to experience the sunshine, so she wiped away a bit of blood dripping from her ear and continued forward.
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creelarke · 2 months
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purplepenguintime · 8 months
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Certified dungeon meshi moment
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good-to-drive · 6 months
All this about not getting to see John Lennon on twitter but I think the real tragedy is that Freddie Mercury never had an instagram
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avolan-istair · 11 months
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nikoco11 · 3 months
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finally finished this i’m happy!!!!!! she’s one of my favorite designs in game and my favorite designs i’ve ever drawn wahaahaaaa
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babybluebitchface-blog · 11 months
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those fuck ass animatronics would not have stood a chance against this absolute god
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skipppppy · 11 months
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Something about FNAF 3 and Fazbear Frights taking place in 2023 in our current social media landscape
(part 2)
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theautisticjedi · 10 months
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fnafluffy · 11 months
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hey check this out. *puts him in the fucking microwave*
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freddy-ryland · 2 years
[ 𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐌 ] ― Quinn calms Freddy down from a vision-related panic attack in a loud place
What's holding up her face? Nothing but blue skies Passageways to windows That don't close
There were blasts of green shooting off. The body weaved and ducked, curling beneath and under tapestries. Then a flash of yellow caught somewhere beneath her neck - air what was airairair - the Body was going airborne, eyes finding a portrait, horrified while the oil was slicked over with red so much red paint, like a prank gone wrong.
The crack echoed around in the Body's skull, coming from its ears.
There was something soft beneath the body, all warm and plaint, all covered in fabric and barely stirring. The rush of bodies before them was growing ever larger, piling through the door and meeting giants and flashing spells as they went down down down.
The Body needed to breathe, and as it slid off the body beneath it another spell caught it in the arm spinning it sideways and into the stone wall with a thump lost in the din of battle.
The spine was cracking, bits of bone shooting out of its back and slingshotting. Vertebrae and muscles flaying, skin peeling from its back, a hooded figure laughing as the Body died and faded against the ground. They were laughing.
Pointing and laughing.
Laughing so loud it sounded like joy, crowning, victorious over Freddy's crumbling body and wilting figure. She hit the stone wall with a soft thump, sliding onto the ground with a hushed cry as the Hufflepuff buried a cry into a bitten tongue, long limbs tucking around her body as the coppery tinge of blood filled her mouth. It was pounded in her chest, in her ears, plugged with only laughter and her heartbeat going faster than any hummingbird's wings could.
Hands latched around her palms, pulling at her nails that came free from her flesh with a low painful moan.
"--ars, come back to me sweet one," Freddy felt legs trap her own, slinging around her thighs while her legs sprawled forward, still twitching, feet wiggling with phantom pains while sharp short breaths entered and exited her lungs. But her vision was spotting over, head tilting back to explore the array of black sparkles and blackholes that threatened to overtake her.
"Please," the Voice was close to Freddy's ears, a palm covering one, Freddy could feel their skin stick to her own, blood slick and congealing, "breath deep."
The breath got caught in her chest, and Freddy let out a choked bellow as it expelled out.
It was so fucking hot; Freddy pulled at her clothes, limbs jerking as the fabric stuck against her sweating skin, hair matting behind the knob of her skull. Hands pulled off her jumper leaving it balls onto the floor and tugging down her thigh highs, cool air slinking around sweat-soaked skin like a cat.
But her heart kept going, sharp tictacktiktacktip - faster and emptying into her skull - blaptakcitkkslaptaktiktaack - all wrong and beating - clinktactikptaptaptippptaaack - wrong and ringing against her ribs as she balled up her fists as another sheen of green spells covering her left eye and the right found a swirl of bodies in front of her, dressed in spring game wear. Where was the blood? When was she?
"She's having a fuckin' panic attack!" The cry cut through the mixed-vision-real-life din that was echoing around Freddy/Body.
"Madame Pomfrey--!"
"--with the beater--"
Snips of conversation around Freddy, coming through the screams and curses flung around the body.
"...oh fuck it all then-- 'land get UP!"
Blood was coming from her mouth, dribbling off from her bitten tongue. It was coming from her ear; the delicate inner workings had broken again, the words coming in bursts and slips.
"Stop yelling!"
It was blessedly silent for a few moments, Freddy blinking away the blackhole spots to find eyes, and a voice, lips so close to her own. The sound coming from them so loud and clear it found purchase in the space Freddy/Body carved out into the universe. They hovered, jilting into place as the Voice continued to bark it's orders, and the tiktapsliptaackblahblahtiktaack of her heart was the only sound left as Freddy/Body focused on the Voice, heavy across her thighs.
It lasted a minute as a shouting cry came through the Voice's orders, the vibrations of stampeding feet rushing around the two forms pressed against the wall to avoid them, Freddy twitching incessantly as she felt a hand pressed against her poorly working lungs.
"Listen to my count--" the Voice guided her, a siren, an angel, a chorus, dragging Freddy in and out of the blackhole threatening to swallow her whole, "--ne-- ree-- " the voice was getting caught, as the past came back, with a screech as the wall beside Freddy blew apart, debris crashing into her prone body, pebbles finding a home in her flayed half-corpse not yet dead, "--ive." But the world was slipping apart, in and out, Freddy not quite in either, stuck in the throes of her unstable magic.
"Li-- -arm" The Voice rang through the shattered hallway, above the din of laughter and screams; Freddy blinked open her eyes that she was sure had popped and jellified onto her skull. The spell had been one of flaying and melting, so why was she still breathing? Why did they need an arm?
"Make it quiet -- noise," Freddy's jaw tried to form words even as the body deposited her in the present, but the laughter was still around her, pointing at her prone figure, slaughtered on cobblestone. Sweat soaked through the Hufflepuff jersey sticking to her bones still encased in blood and muscles, and a comforting weight is thrown across her thighs. The vision released her with an uncomfortable pop, but her heart didn't know that as it continued to stutter stop then restart in sharp, unrelenting hard beats. The world was spinning and unsure, but gravity made a person as Voice/Quinn's fingers ground into her temples.
"I'm going to vomit." Freddy attempted to say. But it came out garbled and spluttering as she violently twisted to her side, a cool hand gripping her hair and cupping her chin, as she vomited the rest of her treacle tart, sips of spiked butterbeer, and blood until it washed the stone with bile - yellow-green-red. Deliriously, Freddy thought it needed a bit of blue to round it out.
But as the bile spread, soaking Freddy's skirt she began to shiver and cough through the tremors in her chest while her overworked lungs expanded with oxygen, a headache growing from her nose and spreading across her head.
There were still bodies in the corridor, pounding rushing feet and crowds, but there was silence in the bubble. Quinn's face hovered an anxious few inches from her face, fingers coming up to wipe away the blood and vomit from her lips. Linden was above them both, with T and Des behind their shoulder, standing just outside the silencing bubble's shimmer.
"Can I have some chocolate?" She asked trying to steady her breath, but her heartbeat hadn't slowed still holding the time signature of a rave. Quinn dug some out from a pocket and pressed it between her lips.
"Oh my darling, can you stand?"
Freddy didn't answer, instead locking her shaking muscles around Quinn's shoulders, burying her dirty face into her collarbones, soaking in a heartbeat a tad too fast, the sweet candy melting in the heat of her mouth.
"Can we sit, quiet for just a while?" it came out jumbled, mumbled, and through the blackspots still hovering in her eyes waiting for a moment to drag her beneath again. Freddy held Quinn like a child would a loved stuffed toy, fingers playing with loose strands of hair, rubbing over the knobs of their spine.
"Yes of course my Sun and Stars."
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smoozie · 2 months
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At long last I have created springlock suit from clsssic sci fi game Don't Create the Springlock Suit
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tharkflark1 · 10 months
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It's okay guys! Freddy's just nervous
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Happy 10th anniversary to FNAF!!
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ayo-edebiri · 11 months
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FNAF (2023) + text posts
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tumblydove · 25 days
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