#on its way to join the stab-a-thon
see-arcane · 6 months
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A message to all the assorted unscrupulous undead: Beware the Ides of March.
To everyone else: Grab your kukri blades, your bowie knives, your stakes, your bone saws, and whatever else you have on hand to appropriately accessorize with your new copy of The Vampyres.
The book is out! Loose! Running rampant and bloodstained through the terrains of eBook and paperback alike!
My beautiful little baby, toddling into the literary world to deliver havoc unto the dastardly bastards of the revenant realm. I’m so proud. (And so happy to feel the stress headache finally start to crack.)
Now that The Vampyres is out in the open, a brief FAQ under the cut:
Where can I get the eBook?
Check out the Universal Book Link (UBL) here:
It’ll show you all the places you can grab a virtual vampyre by the throat.
Where can I get the paperback?
For folks in ‘murrica, I’d say hit up Bookshop.org to go and grab it from your physical store of choice:
You can also just search The Vampyres C.R. Kane and see the waterfall of options. Not sure of the exact timeline, but it should be more widely available in the coming weeks. At least hereabouts:
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Pictured: Places to potentially purchase a paperback.
Can I get it at my library?
If you ask for it, yes! You’ll need the ISBNs when filling out your library’s request form, so:
eBook ISBN: 9798218374594
Paperback ISBN: 9798218374587
What’s the status on that paperback cover business?
Current status is still ???
At least in the sense that I’m not sure what version of the book cover you might get at the moment. Original matte? Temporary glossy? Updated matte that’s here to stay? No idea at the moment. My self-publishing page shows the update’s confirmed, but the online stores are still using the first version as the preview image and I’m not sure when that gets swapped out. At least the books are all print-on-demand, so whatever you order, just know it’s not coming from some thrown-away backup heap. It’s fresh from the book oven press.
Anything else I need to know?
First, reviews are extremely welcome! I am running on negative budget when it comes to waving my little flag to announce that I Made a Scary Vampire Book, so I’m really relying on word-of-mouth if I want it to actually get its head above water. Leaving stars and comments wherever you can, be it in the online stores, the Goodreadses or Smashwordses or whatever else, would be a big help.
(Really though, I can and will dissolve into a puddle of relieved ego if I see so much as one (1) Nice Comment on Tumblr, my cesspool of choice.*)
*This is not hyperbole. I can count on one hand how many PROMOTION © ™ posts I’ve made on Twitter and have fingers left over. This novella is tailored to my fellow fiendish bookworms on here.
Second, to those coming by this stuff for the first time and don’t know what all this hoopla is about, a preview of my novella, The Vampyres, is available on my website. Give it a gander if you want to see under-appreciated classic supernatural bogeymen dropped into their own horror story.
Thirdly, lastly, vitally: thank you.
The Vampyres is a beautiful accident that came together out of an itch to rattle something out just for myself; a break from a bloated piece that had turned into a chore which burned me out and threw away the fun of scribbling. A lightweight read that saved me from being crushed by a cinderblock.
By the same token, the people on here have shouldered me up and out of the creative pit of thinking ‘This is all for nothing.’ For all that I talk of how much I’m powered by spite and the desire to Read a Specific Thing only to realize I Have to Write That Thing First, I’d be a liar if I said the kindness and excitement of the folks who’ve been reading my nonsense for (holy hell) TWO YEARS in the wake of the first big Dracula Daily surge didn’t have a major role in getting this thing done.
I did make The Vampyres for me. But it’s for you guys too. For everyone who saw one of my rambles or little fictions and spoke up to say, I love this! I was thinking this! I wanted this! Finally, finally!
When you crack open the cover for the first time, on a screen or in your hands, I want you to know I’m thinking Thank You at you. I hope you enjoy all the horrors inside.
If you want more info on other stuff I'm tinkering with, check out my website here:
216 notes · View notes
for your 300 follower prompt-a-thon (congratulations!): mitsuyuki romance fluff and kiss? ;)
Prompts are currently closed while I catch up. I will announce when I am open! :)
A/N: I tried really hard to figure out which pairing to tag for this and decided I could only tag it as Shirayuki’s Harem. Also, nonny, I’m sorry. I guess. You shouldn’t trust me. No one should, really. XD
The road was long. The obstacles to overcome,hard. And the negotiations leading to this day even more so, but finally, finally-
The wedding is set for autumn.
Among the crisp breeze and the falling leaves,the bride and groom still flower like the first petals of spring. As much Zenhad pined for a spring wedding, as much as he wished for their wedding to be asymbol of the country blooming anew, the reds and oranges of a Wilant fallshower them with their blessings. Shethinks it looks nice, and is befitting; the foliage of Clarines mixed with thecloudless sky of Wisteria blue.
Earlier in the day, vows had echoed off of thechapel walls, weaving between bars of stained sunlight; sighs and laughter andtears, too. And they came together, newly wed, beneath the brides veil to sealtheir union with a kiss that brought the nation to its knees.
Now, here in the candlelight, everythingaflame with color and the music swelling and receding like the waves on theshore, Mitsuhide can’t help rub his watering eyes. Can’t help but smile. Afterso many years watching Zen’s tender heart hide and reveal itself, only to breakapart before mending again, Zen has his storybook ending. Only-
A small arm brushes his, followed by amurmured apology, and Mitsuhide’s smile falters.
-Only it’s not the Princess anyone hadenvisioned.
The lady from Viande is certainly lovelyenough. In the center of the ballroom, her long skirts dragging behind her in awave of opulence, she’s the very picture of a Princess. And, well-
Maybe Izana. Maybe Izana had envisioned this ending.
Dark curls flecked with jewels fall down herback, framing a well-made face with an even finer smile. The two of themare beaming, wrapped up in the moment where they are both the promiseat the center of two Kingdom’s hearts.
“They’re so beautiful…”
Mitsuhide glances back down at the woman athis side, and Shirayuki’s eyes are glassy, a rosy flare fanning across hercheeks as the music dies down and the spectators politely applaud. Zen sweepshis bride from the dance floor and, absently, Shirayuki’s hands come togetherto join them.
He had thought he had witnessed strength,endurance, fortitude. Thought thatperhaps even he had those skills himself. But here, now, he is gutted at justhow much a coward he has become. He wasn’t even able to attend Kiki’sengagement party, let alone her wedding. And yet, here she is-
“Shirayuki,” he says, her name coming suddenlyand without his permission. She starts, nearly tipping into him, and- she’s hadtoo much to drink. Righting her, he smooths his hands down her arm. “Ah, wouldyou like to dance?”
“Oh!” she smiles at him, some of the haze clearing from her eyes. “That would be lovely.Just as long as, ah- Well, you know-”
Mitsuhide laughs,taking her hand and resting it on his bicep to lead her to the floor. “Don’t worry. With allyour practice this past year, I’d bet you’re better at it than me now.”
Lashes fanning across her cheeks, her dimplesstanding out stark when she fails to hide her smile. “I don’t know if Obi wouldtake that wager. He said I almost broke his toes at least three times at our last ball.”
“Obi’s more delicate than me,” he protests,moving them among the other dancers.
When she doesn’t laugh, he glances back downat her and her gaze is wondering the room. Flitting from the band to theguests before finally landing on the bride and groom seated at the highestpoint.
He executes a quick turn as the chords begin andshe- she chirps in alarm when he turns his back to them so shecannot see.
“Are you having fun?” he grins. Hopefully hissmile comes across as charming and not the grit teeth that it wants to be.
“Mm!” she nods, her blush a little deeper. “Theparty is lovely.”
Theparty… She can’t even bring herself to call it whatit is.
“You look lovely tonight,” he offers, pained, nearlycarrying her as a waltz begins. He wasn’t lying – he doesn’t dance often, but heknows more than a country two-step and Obi had warned him how his Mistress wasmore prone to turning an ankle than executing a perfect turn. But still, she’ssmall and easy to distract once a conversation has begun, so leading her iseasy as breathing. He just has to… put a little muscle into it. “Is that dress new?”
“Oh!” she flushes, glancing down, and he turnsthem sharp enough that she snaps her eyes back to his instead of lingering toat her feet. “Yes! Akaibara had it made for me!”
Mitsuhide just barely swallows his grimace.“Oh?” It’s a lovely thing, made of a soft green silk and Viandese lace. Itcomplements her complexion and makes her look… softer. More touchable. Nodoubt it cost a King’s ransom and some harried seamstresses several sleeplessnights to make in time for the wedding.
Yet still, it is a poor recompense for lovelost.
Shirayuki hums, smile broadening and his heart achesfor her more. “She said she wanted to have more made – for our continuedfriendship! – but I insisted on just the one. It’s not like I get invited to royal weddings every day.”
Mitsuhide is not what one would call a cynicalman. Or even a particularly suspicious one. But after so many years walking thehallways of Royal households, one becomes… sensitive to certain turns of phrase. And now bells are soundingan alarm in his head, clanging so loud that his ears ring.
“That’s… very thoughtful of her,” he sayshaltingly. “You’re a good person, Shirayuki.”
Her eyes go round, head tilting in confusion.
“I mean this whole situation,” he elaborates,flushing. “I’m glad there’s no… bad feelings. Between you all.”
“Oh, Mitsuhide,” she smiles, squeezing his arm.“Don’t worry. Zen and I discussed this all a long time ago.”
His stomach drops out. “Really?” he says, throatsuddenly dry. “You were- anticipating this?”
She nods, and beaming up at him. “So don’tworry! We’ll be fine.”
The sick feeling in the pit of his stomachonly grows, his eyes flitting to the happy couple seated upon the dais. They’resmiling, hands tentatively entwined at the pinky. He thought- he thought hetaught Zen better. And he had hoped, with Shirayuki remaining in Lyrias, thathis worse inclinations were banished. But-
Mitsuhide shakes himself, firming his resolve.That’s a talk for another day. Tonight-
Tonight is for putting a stop to this beforeit even begins.
“Shirayuki,” he says, taking a cleansingbreath. “What would you think about going for a walk around the gardens afterthis? Get some fresh air.”
“That would be lovely!” she says, and he’sstruck by how easily she’s dancing now. He doesn’t understand why Obi has suchproblems leading his Mistress. “It’s a full moon and Ryuu told me that if I get a chance, I should visit the night flower exhibit tonight!”
Shirayuki tilts her head and is opening her mouth to speak more when she trips over his foot. Whenshe lands, front flush to his and hands gripping his arms tight, Mitsuhide’slips thin.
Suddenly, everything makes so much sense.
“Thank you, Mitsuhide,” she laughs, lettinghim right her again. The flush on her cheeks looks painful, but thankfully the musichas stopped, the couples departing the floor.
“Well,” he laughs, scratching the back of hishead. “Shall we?”
She beams up at him and takes his arm at the elbow. “Weshall.”
~ ~ ~
The moment they step out the door, Mitsuhide has immediate regrets. There’s a chill in the air that promises afrost in the morning and Shirayuki’s so small that she’s bound to catch cold. Fresh air is one thing, buthe knows how thin silk is. Has handled enough of it when his family traded their textiles for something finer. 
She doesn’t seem to be touched by it, though,years in colder weather making her less delicate than the woman who shivered onthe back of his horse as they left Laxdo. She’s on a mission now, besides, herskirts sweeping through the first autumn leaves as she leads the way.
“I think-” She points one way, then the other.“Hmm-”
Forehead creased with concentration, sheshakes her head. “No, I just- Ah! There!”
She tugs him forward with the strength of asmall dog yanking on its lead and Mitsuhide lurches to keep up with her. She’sstrong… for someone so tiny. And not for the first time, it strikes him howsmall she is. Smaller than Kiki, and without the honed muscle and training thatmakes his partner solid earth.
Shirayuki looks… delicate. Almost birdlike.Her bones fine and easily broken. Mitsuhide looks down at his own hands, and-
“Oh, you were right!” she chirps suddenly, wideeyes glancing over her shoulder. Pressing her free hand to her cheek, she says,“It’s much nicer out here.”
-What is he doing? He’ll break her.
“Where are these flowers you were telling meabout?” he prompts, strained.
“Oh!” Laughing, Shirayuki tugs him forwardonce again, and it’s so easy to follow her. There’s so much of her that’s like Zen. What she lacks in stature, she makesup for by being a gravitational pull that centers everyone to her. “Yes, it’sjust up along the way! I think.”
Casting a furtive glance back at the Palace, hispulse jumps. The windows are getting smaller, getting further away with eachstep, and yet he sees a few eyes watching them. Guilt stabs him momentarily,but- But it’s good. Fine, even. Word will get out fast and put an end to..anything else. That may have happened. Between her and Zen.
Shirayuki pushes them deeper still into thegardens, where firelight no longer leads their way but instead they must travelby feel. “Ryuu told me that these specimen displays are one of a kind,” she hums,head turning this way and that as she tries to reorient them by starlight. “Butthey have to be a little far from the Palace because the ambient light damagesthem.”
“Oh?” His breath has gone short, heartpounding a little harder than necessary, and- and Shirayuki trusts him. She’s his friend, and if this doesn’t work-
“Yes. They only completely open under a full moon. It’s very unique and, oh! Here is it!” she says, suddenly breathless. “Oh- Oh wow.”
Mitsuhide starts, and- and they’re no longermoving. They’ve stopped. Somehow, they’ve reached the center of the exhibit without noticing, the faint light reflecting white and purple and soft bluesoff speckled flowers and plants. The longer they remain still, the less they look at the skies and the more they look into the dark, the more they see, and-
“Wow is right,” he breathes.
Shirayuki giggles, squeezing his arm. “We haveto tell the others.”
Spellbound by the colors, the shapes, the light fragrance in the night air, he says, completely thoughtless, “Zen wouldlove-”
Too late, he catches himself. Too late, heremembers why he’s here.
“You’re right,” Shirayuki says, and it soundslike she’s pleased with the ideawhich is really- the last thing he wanted to happen.
“Ah.” Hecoughs to clear his throat. “Let’s sit. You must be tired.”
“Not real-” Her words cut off with a yelp, her seat planting where he backsher easily into a bench. “Okay?”
He sits down next to her quickly, sweaty palms spread out over the legs of his pants. Keeping asclose to his end of the bench as possible, he frets when he still takes up twice thespace she does. Gods - gods - she’sso tiny. The thought makes him break out into a cold sweat.
“Mitsuhide?” His vision clears, and Shirayuki’sface is pinched in concern. “Are you okay?”
No. “Yes.” He clears his throat, moreconfidently repeating, “Yes. Yes. I just- I wanted to talk to you. Aboutsomething. Something important.”
A frown kisses her forehead.
“You are… very brave,” he manages, voice justthis side of strangled.
Her eyes pulse, frown deepening. “Thank… you?”
Mitsuhide shakes his head like a wet dog,trying to clear it. “What I am meaning to say is- I meant it. Earlier. You are really such a goodperson for standing aside.”
Her lips tremble at the edges. “I didn’t really have much of a choice in the matter,” shelaughs. “It’s not like I could insist on-”
“No.” He shakes his head again. “You did andyou chose to make this easier on Zen. And I’ll be eternally grateful.”
Smiling, mostly to herself, Shirayuki sighs. “I-I’ve always wanted to be his ally, Mitsuhide. It was our goal to be together for so long,but-” She shakes her head, shoulders arching in a shrug before falling. “It doesn’t matter. I’m happy for him. And the woman he’s married to.”
Heart swelling, Mitsuhide pushes, “But- Idon’t- It’s not right that you be left alone. Or be kept as a secret.” He takesher hand and he’s such a horrible person, it’s like it weighs nothing. 
Shirayuki’s eyes pull wide.
“I’m not alone!” she laughs. “I still have Zen!And then Obi and Kiki-”
“No,” he shakes his head. As much as he lovesZen, Shirayuki was not made to be the other woman. No matter how fatedtheir love for one another may be.
“No, I mean- Shirayuki,” he takes that smallhand between both of his, earnest, getting up just enough to come to one kneebefore her. “Shirayuki. Marry me.”
“Don’t become his Mistress. Marry me. Just-” He’s sloppy, unpracticed inthis really, but she’s used to Zen and wouldn’t Zen accompany a proposal with akiss? He dips his head, awkwardly pressing his mouth to hers and-
“Mmph!” She stiffens for a second, one hand comingto his shoulder, but he still has her other in his and she doesn’t pull back.So he tilts his head, opening his mouth a little, and- and all the fight goes out of her. She melts, asoft hum purring across his lips as the hand that was on his shoulder finds hishair.
It’s- Pleasant is a word. Warm is another. Alittle slippery, too. And he really likes the feeling of her nails dragging up his scalp. 
He’s never done this before, not really, but she’s theone deepening the kiss now so he thinks he’s doing a good job. Pulling backjust a breath to change the angle, he reaches one hand to her cheek, and, mindfulof the careful coils of her hair, presses just a little firmer.
Her small hand escapes his, touching his chestjust briefly and sending such a jolt through him that he rears back. Heartpounding, they stare at each other for several panting breaths. Finally, lickinghis lips, he catches the taste of her lingering on his mouth and laughs alittle when he sees that she’s flushed, too. Maybe the marriage won’t be as muchof a burden on her as he thought.
“Um.” Shirayuki says, so soft, touching hermouth.
He takes her hand again, squeezing it. “I takethat as a yes?”
Her eyes widen and she shakes her head. “Uhm,no!” she laughs, a little loud. His surprise must show on his face, and shemust misinterpret it, because she grits her teeth. Tenderly laying her handatop of his, Shirayuki says more gently, “Thank you. I’m honored that you wouldask, but no.”
“But Shirayuki-”
“Mitsuhide,” she huffs. “I’m fine. And I’m not going to be Zen’s mistress.”
“I don’t want you to be single forever,” he presses. “I know you and Zen never- But not everyone else knows that, and-”
She’s laughing again, this time harder. “I’m still not interested in marrying you.”
He gapes a little. “But- but why?”
“It’s just!” She blushes again, and then laughs,embarrassed. “Obi and Kiki both already asked me!”
~ ~ ~
“What happened to Hisame?!” he does not yell, arms firmly clasped at hisside as he does not pace the carpet.
“Riding accident first day of our honeymoon,” Kiki says, so mild.
“Tragic,” Obi adds, not looking the leastamount sorry. “Might never have children.”
Shirayuki sits between them, her hands twisting around a kerchief, face burning. Strange, but she doesn’t look sorry to hear the news.
“Naturally I had the marriage annulled.”
He should have never gone on that trip with Zen to Viande. Never. Not if itinvolved leaving these... troublemakers to their own devices.
“Surprised, big guy?” Obi drawls.
That would be an understatement. “I’m just-”Disappointed? Surprised? Angry? It’s anyone’s guess.
Relieved, maybe? He could still stay at Zen’sside now.
He flinches a little. He thought solittle of his Master- Really, he’s no better than Obi sometimes.
“Close your mouth, you’re drawing flies,” Kikiquips, bringing a champaign flute to her lips.
Mitsuhide straightens, mouth snapping shut.
“It’s just-” Obi’s not watching him anymore.He’s plucking the ruined kerchief from Shirayuki’s hands, and Mitsuhide staresin disbelief. “You?!”
Obi’s mouth drops open, ignoring Shirayuki’ssquawk when she tries to take it back and instead presses it to his chest in offense.“What do you mean, me?”
“Well.” Mitsuhide flushes, gesturing vaguelyat Kiki. “Kiki is just a really good person like that. So I would expect thatshe would- would step in.”
“She has gardens, too!” Shirayuki chirps, sosupportive. It’s one of the many reasons he had hoped her story with Zen wouldhave a happier ending. “Have you seen them, Mitsuhide? I think there’s morespecies than we have even in Lyrias! And Kiki’s already promised to expand them!”
The betrayal on Obi’s face deepens. “Miss,” hegasps. “What are you saying?”
Shirayuki’s eyes widen in momentary panic. “I-I mean-!”
“Well,” Kiki cuts in before she can respond,so smug, and laces her fingers through Shirayuki’s. “That ends that debate.”
“But Miss,” Obi whines, tugging at her sleeve.“You said we were going to live someplace warm next time!”
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This Week in Gundam Wing 6-12 January 2019
Here’s this week’s roundup!
Remember to give your content creators some love! And join in on the events at the bottom!
~Mod Hel
Fanfiction/Snippets/AU Ideas:
Postcard #18 https://disturbed02girl.tumblr.com/post/181956488665/postcard-18-heero-is-still-amused-by-duos
Heero is still amused by Duo’s adventures while he travels Earth.
A String of Moments https://archiveofourown.org/works/17381093
Trowa Barton/Chang Wufei/Duo Maxwell/Quatre Raberba Winner/Heero Yuy
Post-Canon, Canon Compliant, Fluff and Humor, Domestic Fluff, Light Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Slice of Life, Preventers, Cooking, Pet Names, Duo Maxwell Swears A Lot, Missions Gone Wrong, Aftermath of Violence, Card Games, Oregon Trail, Quatre Raberba's Uchuu no Kokoro | Space Heart, Anxiety Attacks, Television Watching, Star Trek References, Sleeping Together, Cuddling & Snuggling, Romance, Polyamory
In the years beyond the Eve Wars, the former Gundam pilots have ultimately settled down into an intimate, cohesive unit. Life is a constant whirlwind of happenings, both good and bad, but through it all one thing is certain: no matter the stakes and whatever the challenge, they face it together.
Gundam Wing Holiday Gift Exchange 2018! Gift for @terrablaze514​
Saturday Snippet https://lifeaftermeteor.tumblr.com/post/181963976776/winner-family-compound-l4-v05001-26-december-210
Winner Family Compound
26 December 210
Snippet Saturday Monday https://noirangetrois.tumblr.com/post/181805037912/snippet-saturday-monday-ive-been-struggling-with
I’ve been struggling with the (many) fics I’m in the middle of, so of course when the writing bug finally bit me, it was for an entirely new fic I’ve been thinking about for a while, but hadn’t yet started to write. My first foray into 3x4, based on my own experiences going to Band Camp growing up. And yes, before you ask, I play the flute. Which works out, given Trowa.
WIP Wednesday https://noirangetrois.tumblr.com/post/181881723387/wip-wednesday
So, anyone remember my fic Of the Sea? The Little Mermaid adaptation with Duo as Ariel and Heero as the prince but with spies and intrigue and such? That I haven’t updated since May due to severe writer’s block? Well, I’ve finally made some progress, so here is a snippet from chapter 6!
Of the Sea (Ch. 6) https://archiveofourown.org/works/12749670/chapters/40950512
Duo Maxwell/Heero Yuy
otp, Yaoi, Eventual Smut, fairytale my way, Meroctopus!Dorothy, Aro!Trowa, more ships on the way, Slow Burn, Multi POV, POV Third Person Limited, merman au, Slash, MerMay, Fantasy Politics, mentions of abuse
Heero Yuy will soon be reaching the age of majority, at which time he will ascend the throne of Wingaria. Before that can happen, though, he must needs choose a bride. But what if there are no good choices? What if someone else has captured his heart?
At long last! I’ve finished another chapter! Woohoo! Hopefully someone will still be interested in a story that hasn’t been updated since last May… until now! An excerpt from this chapter:
They had known that Heero was looking for a bride, and that Mariemaia was one of the two frontrunners - the other being Relena Darlian. What they hadn’t known, however, was how very, very reluctant both Heero and Mariemaia were on the matter. Sure, they both said all the right things, showed the proper courtesies and etiquette, but it was glaringly obvious to Duo that if Heero chose Mariemaia, they would both be miserable. A formidable team, yes, but miserable.
And for some reason, Duo found himself hoping against hope that Heero would choose someone else. To be fair, the mer kingdoms were in agreement that an alliance between Wingaria and the Sanq Kingdom would be more advantageous for them - anything to prevent the chance that Dekim would break faith and allow the secret of the merfolk’s existence to get out - so Duo already had incentive to want a different bride for Heero. But now? Now he wanted it not just for the sake of merkind, but for Heero’s sake as well.
Because not only did Duo have access to the interplay amongst all the players here, he was getting to know Heero Yuy the person, not just Heero Yuy the Prince.
You Hold Our Hearts (Ch. 3) https://archiveofourown.org/works/16992327/chapters/40940870
Trowa Barton/Quatre Raberba Winner/Heero Yuy, Lucrezia Noin/Sally Po, Dorothy Catalonia/Relena Peacecraft, Chang Wufei/Duo Maxwell
Quatre Raberba Winner, Trowa Barton, Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell, Lucrezia Noin, Sally Po, Dorothy Catalonia, Relena Peacecraft, Chang Wufei, Howard, Doctor J, Instructor O, Original Characters
Angst, Smut, Rape/Non-con Elements, Minor Character Death, Missing in Action
It's been a month and still no word about Trowa, until one night.
The North Road http://vegalume.tumblr.com/post/181961315245/title-the-north-road-author-vega-lume-beta
Pairing 1+2
Cliché, thy name is Vel. Warning, tharr be sap and a smidgen of angst here.
After becoming stranded, Duo finds himself in to company of stranger who soon becomes more.
Gundam Wing Holiday Gift Exchange 2018! Gift for @dthjoey​
Relena Darlian/Peacecraft
Duo’s hair
Schbeiker Family Selfie
Relena, Heero, Quatre, WuFei, Duo, & Trowa
Alpha, Beta, Omega - Heero Yuy
Relena - Glory of Losers
Rane’s commentary over a rewatch of Gundam Wing.
Relena, Dorothy, & Zechs
Quatre & Duo
Gif set from “Monsters and Knives” by Katherine Crane
Trowa & Quatre
Heero, WuFei, & Duo
WuFei & Duo
Quatre, Duo, & Heero
Heero & Duo
Duo & Quatre
WuFei & Trowa
Heero & Zechs
FT Relenas >_>
Relena, Heero, Duo, WuFei, & Quatre
Trowa & Quatre
Trowa, Heero, & Duo
Quatre & Trowa
Trowa & Duo
Heero & Duo
Heero & WuFei
Duo & Trowa
GW Girls Text Posts Vol. 1
Heero, WuFei, Quatre, & Duo
A continuation from @incorrectgundamwingquotes​
Dorothy courtesy of @lemontrash​
3X4 Aesthetic
No Idea What To Put This Under:
Radio Meteor Episode 2
Calendar Events:
Cocktail Fridays!
Post responses on Friday, during Happy Hour between 3 & 5 pm in your own timezone.
Here’s the prompt for Friday January 18th! https://gwcocktailfriday.tumblr.com/post/181951147834/cocktail-friday-post-responses-on-friday-january
For those going to Pillowfort, find us here. https://gwcocktailfriday.tumblr.com/post/181733192168/for-those-transferring-their-focus-to-pillowfort
Summer of Zechs 2019 Ideas https://our-summer-of-zechs.tumblr.com/post/181628092091/we-appear-to-still-be-up-and-running-folks
Come let us know how long this summer’s event should last!
What Month is it? https://our-summer-of-zechs.tumblr.com/post/181933097036/what-month-is-it
Come vote on a month for the event to be hosted in!
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ramialkarmi · 7 years
A $15,000 basic income lottery promised free money for a year — then the checks stopped coming
On May 31, 2016, a San Francisco-based nonprofit called My Basic Income held a lottery to find one lucky person to receive $1,250 a month for a full year — a total of $15,000 — no strings attached.
But just over a year since that lottery was held, the winner has only received five out of the 12 checks that were promised, and there is no sign a second lottery will happen anytime soon.
Modeled after a German lottery by the same name ("Mein Grundeinkommen"), the drawing and subsequent cash prize were intended to highlight a niche but trendy model of wealth distribution known as basic income.
People receiving basic income get regular checks — in most scenarios, from the government — to cover expenses like food, clothing, and home repairs. In My Basic Income's case, the group crowdfunded the basic income via Indiegogo, with 201 backers raising a collective $15,585.
"I had put down that I'd save it for a rainy day," said Ed, the 79-year-old retired farmer who won and asked Business Insider that his last name be withheld. "But it just didn't turn out that way."
The failure highlights the challenges of giving people free cash — both in terms of managing the funds and paying them out — even if in theory the idea seems like a simple fix for poverty. It also shines a light on the difficulties of bringing basic income to an industrialized country, where payment methods may be more complex than in the developing world.
My Basic Income's beginnings
My Basic Income's lottery was spearheaded by digital marketer Cameron Ottens and artist Gregory Tippett, who met in mid-November 2015 at a San Francisco basic income hack-a-thon. Michael Bohmeyer — the leader of Mein Grundeinkommen, which has awarded 20 basic incomes via a lottery system since 2014 — took the team under his wing.
Ottens and Tippett quickly launched their experiment on Indiegogo, making the lottery the first of its kind on US soil.
Ed said he came across the project because he and his wife Joyce subscribe to a newsletter alerting them to various contests that award cash and prizes. "I forgot all about it," he said of the My Basic Income lottery. That was in early 2016, many months before the drawing in May.
"My first reaction was 'This is a scam of some kind,'" he recalled. "But the more it went on the more I became convinced it really was legitimate. I remembered signing up for the contest. Then I got excited about it."
A missing rainy day fund
Ed's first check arrived six months after the lottery was held, in December 2016. The next three checks arrived on time, this time from Ottens' personal bank account. The fifth showed up two months later, in late May. A sixth check, sent in June, bounced, leaving seven checks outstanding. The total amount missing: $8,750.
Ottens, who was in charge of disbursing the funds, told Business Insider that a combination of ill-preparedness and sudden family emergencies caused the prolonged delays.
"Basically I took the project on at a time when I really didn't have the time to keep it up and consequently didn't get around to setting up auto pay," Ottens told Business Insider via email. "And have been dealing with making emergency trips to my family's farm ... as my step father has been battling cancer since 2011 and is now in hospice."
Although Ed initially told My Basic Income he'd save the money "for a rainy day," soon after winning he and Joyce ran into financial trouble with their fixed income. Suddenly, the basic income money they'd planned on saving would have to go toward paying off their car.
"I really needed it," Ed told Business Insider of the $15,000. "And I was very thankful for it, but then it never came."
In June 2016, soon after he learning he'd won, Ed spoke on the phone with Ottens and Tippett. He said he was skeptical going into the agreement, which he learned would come with a formal contract, but the two men eventually earned his trust. Neither mentioned the possibility that the checks would take so long to arrive.
Over the next several months, Ed wrote numerous emails to Ottens, asking and sometimes "begging," he said, for Ottens to send the money. He recalled Ottens saying there were some behind-the-scenes complications with the attorney that caused the delay. Ottens recalled running into some trouble with the bank he'd chosen to disburse the funds.
"Part way through the process the bank I'd planned on using required I change that account, which delayed things," he said, "and I'd just not gotten around to setting up auto pay since then."
Ottens' solution was to starting writing checks from his personal bank account. He would then reimburse himself with the money from the basic income account. He said he's never used the money on anything except Ed's basic income.
Learning from past mistakes
Jim Pugh, a basic income expert and cofounder of the Universal Income Project, said Ed's case is a reminder that giving people cash to alleviate their financial woes can still come with a host of logistical challenges — even on a small scale. Advocacy groups should take the time to learn what they'll be up against if they decide to launch experiments on their own, he said.
A handful of groups have already taken a stab at it. Various groups have launched experiments that are either underway or in the works in the Netherlands, Canada, Kenya, Finland, and Oakland, California. Each of them seeks to learn what, exactly, happens when people receive a steady income just for being alive.
Do they gamble or do drugs? Do they go back to school and start businesses?
"As much as we talk about simplicity of cash, providing payments to people regularly is not an easy thing," Pugh told Business Insider. "I think it's unfortunate that the folks at My Basic Income weren't able to either figure that out or work with other folks who had more experience to make sure that was happening."
Pugh added the bungled payments should also serve as a reminder of how young the US basic income movement really is. Researchers are only just now figuring out what unique challenges an American experiment brings, compared to ones in developing countries, Pugh said.
In Kenya, for example, the charity GiveDirectly is running a trial version of basic income with around 200 recipients. Later this year, it will launch a 12-year experiment involving 6,000 people. GiveDirectly sends people their cash via mobile phones. This wouldn't happen in wealthier countries, Pugh said, because people have different kinds of bank accounts that all have their own transfer rules.
That makes transfers more difficult."There's actually more complications around that, somewhat paradoxically, than in developing nations," he said.
Ottens, meanwhile, said he'd still like to fund a second My Basic Income. "I'd love to do hundreds of them," he said, adding that part of the funds could come from donations the organization has received since the lottery.
But the challenge he said he's realized through the experience is that running a full-time project while holding down a full-time job is no easy task. "I won't do a second one without being in a position to structurally, systematically, avoid this kind of headache for the recipient(s) and myself."
SEE ALSO: http://ift.tt/2lCyuvR
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