#ona battle is a baby
eimids · 4 months
nsfw alphabet for ona batlle?
finally for my baby ona <3
this is like switch ona cause i feel like she isn't a top haha
NSFW Alphabet Ona Battle <3
almost all letters
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Ona needs cuddles and closeness. Weather she has been receiving or giving, she needs to feel close to you and touch every single part of your body.
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
On you, she loves your fingers. Somewhat for sexual reasons but also just holding your hands or playing with your fingers and the rings on them.
On herself she loooves her muscles. She is quite short and having muscles gives her more confidence on and off the pitch.
C= Cum (Anything to do with cum basically)
Ona gets often shy after she comes. She will be all blushed, but what gets her even more shy is when you make her squirt. She tries to hide her face as you assure that it was hot. (thanks to the anon <3)
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Uhh ona likes being tied up hehe. She likes when you use some pretty robes to tie her up to the bed and just being under your mercy.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Ona knows what she is doing. She is young but has had a lot of practice with other women. She is very experienced with her fingers especially, she just knows how to find those perfect spots inside you immediately.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Hmm she loves to please you at the same time that she is receiving. So like 69 is always good or fucking you with a strap that has a little vibe on her clit so she can feel good. She just loves to cum at the same time with you.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
She is more serious but giggles from both of you can be heard during the night. Between breaks she loves to be more humorous but during the moment more serious.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
She shaves often and likes to keep herself tidied up. Sometimes she even waxes like everything off.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
She is an intimate person. She loves to fuck you slowly while giving you kisses, she loves when she gets to lay on your chest while you finger her. She loves being close to you in every way possible.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
There is a little vibrator with her wherever she goes. She uses is a lot and loves to send you videos of her using it to tease you. She likes to get on your nerves because she knows you will fuck her good whenever you see her again.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Mommy kink which she is very secretive about. When she is in a subby mood she loves to call you mommy.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
In the bedroom tbh. It's comfortable and she can cuddle you all she wants after. And she can just fall asleep after .)
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Literally anything. You can be cleaning the house and she will get turned on. She might be at practice running around and randomly get turned on. She is just a horny girl.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
She would never wanna do anything publicly. She want's you all to herself and wouldn't risk anyone seeing or hearing you. Also being a public figure, she has to be careful.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
She preferences receiving. She just loves to have your head buried between her legs and just pressing your face closes to where she needs you.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
She is up for a quickie almost any time. If you need a quick orgasm before going to somewhere, she is happy to give it to you. She doesn't love being the one receiving during a quickie. She needs her foreplay and aftercare.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Once again I say this, but she is an athlete so her stamina is good. She needs her breaks but can go for all night.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
She has her little collection of toys hehee. She owns some straps, vibes, robes, anal plugs too. She uses them on you but also you use them on her. She loves her little collection.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
She loves to tease you and be a little brat. She will send you some very unholy photos of herself while you are at work. She sends you videos of her touching herself but then tells you not to touch yourself. But she also loves when you punish her for being a brat ;)
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
She isn't that loud but loves to draw every single moan out of you. She could get herself off by just hearing your beautiful noises.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
If she isn't wearing some sports bra and comfy strings for practice, she is most likely wearing some fancy looking lingerie so you can take them off of her anytime you want.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Really depends, sometimes she can go like a rabbit every day all day but she can also go for a couple weeks without needing anything really. It usually correlates to her cycle.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Cuddling you and getting her goodnight kiss = she is asleep
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hoe4sports · 2 months
Two blossoms on a single branch.
Ona Battle x reader
Triggers; Post partum anxiety. Angst.
Summary: After struggling with a crying baby for months and 100s of doctor appointments, you finally realise why the baby is crying.
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Ona was always very clear on that she wanted to be a mom. She wanted kids, multiple of them. A family, a golden retriever, an suv: the whole shebang. The process from you getting pregnant through ivf wasn’t very long, you got lucky and it sticked on the first try. Or, she sticked. Your sweet daughter, Sofia was born on her duedate a bright sunny day in July. She was the most perfect newborn: she slept through the night fast and would only cry if she was hungry. She was all over just a very happy baby.
That lasted until she was 3 months, and let’s just say; hell broke loose. Your normally happy daughter had started crying at every chance she got. She would only be quiet if she was being rocked in her stroller or if she was being bounced back and forth. Sometimes, bouncing wasn’t even enough. You had spent hours upon hours each night trying to calm her so that Ona would get her sleep as her restitution was a part of her job. Being one of the best footballers in the world had its benefits.
You were pacing in the downstairs living room while walking back and forth between the couch and the kitchen in hopes that it would calm Sofia down. The now 1,5 year old was crying even after food, diaper, cuddlesand bathing. Nothing seemed to help. Her high pitched screaming was awful, and you knew that Ona had been developed postpartum anxiety that she was still working on. It was normal for partners, especially female partners to develope it as they naturally would fear that the baby wouldn’t connect. Ona hadn’t felt connected to the baby since the era of crying had begun. Every time Ona stepped into the room while she was crying, it would only get worse and you wouldn’t be able to calm her down. You were trying your best to support her, but sometimes you wished that you could have some support as you were running on 3 hours sleep every night for the last 9 months.
“Shh, baby, come here, you are okay. Mamma is here, princesa” You shushed as the high pitched screaming started just five minutes after you had put her down sleeping in her stroller. The stroller was where she usually slept best leaving you to have an inside stroller and an outside stroller. The little blonde was red from crying, her icy blue eyes full of tears as she grabbed your arm. You stood up and started rocking her again. Her crying was only escalating, and you were just hoping that Ona wouldn’t wake up. “Baby, mamma dosent know what’s wrong” You said as you tried to adjust her position to a more upright one. You had done everything we could; taken her to a bunch of doctors, chiropractors and therapists. Nothing was wrong with her, she was just fussy. You brushed her hair back from her face as it was drenched in tears. “Ai, mamma wishes she could understand you better, preciosa” you said as you walked towards the kitchen hoping that she was wanting her bottle. It was more of a comfort than a source of food as she was getting older, but she was still taking it. You pressed the baby brezza. The machine buzzed as the milk was mixed and warmed at the perfect temperature. You grabbed the bottle and tested it on your arm before taking it with you to the living room. You sat up in the big larger chair and supported your daughter on a pillow as you offered her the bottle. She thankfully accepted it as she kept drinking making the cutest whines you could ever imagine a baby making. Everytime she stopped crying, you were reminded of how sweet she was and how much you loved her.
The clock was now 6.30 and Ona entered the living room. You quickly gestured for her to not talk as Sofia had finally settled down. When Sofia would finally sleep, you wouldn’t dare to move. “Hi” you whispered as she shoot you an apologetic smile while slipping into the bathroom. You frowned. You missed your wife. You missed how she kissed you on your forehead, how she could hug you, how she would hold you and how she would cuddle you when you went to bed. Life hasn’t really allowed for any of that lately. Sofia wasn’t at a place where you could bring her to the trainings as she only cried. You loved being a football player, but you loved being Sofia’s mamma more so going back to work was paused.
After some time, Ona reappeared from the bathroom as she was fully dressed to go to work. “No breakfast, grabbing something at the arena” she said as she kissed your forehead and walked fast towards the door. “Baby?” You asked as she stopped with her back towards you holding tightly on to the door handle. “Mmm?” She responded, not turning around. Almost like a deer in the headlights. Sofia then woke up and turns her head towards her mami while blinking slowly. “Que, mi-» Ona started before she looked at Sofia in horror. “Ai, no-“ she said again as she was cut off by the familiar sound of Sofia fussing while she was looking at her mami. Her little lips forming into a pout as her feet was kicking and her hands were reaching towards Ona. Ona quickly walked out the door before saying “sorry” as she left. When the door closed, Sofia was once again screaming. “Ai, mi princesa, what’s wrong” you cooed as you tried to cradle her in your arms. It didn’t work as she only became more wiggly, and you were forced to put her down to give yourself a minute to breathe. She had been walking for a few months, so as soon as you, put her down she shot up while launching unsteadily towards the door only to fall on her butt when she tried to reach the doorknob. “Mama” she said as she started crying. You sighted and walked towards her to pick her up. “NO, Mama! Mama!” She screamed as she tried to throw herself backwards. “Baby, I’m here, mamma is here” You said as you catched her and leaned her body into you and she grabbed your sweater with all the might that her tiny fists could hold. “Mama” she cried as you stood confused while bouncing her back and forth in the living room. You stopped in front of the window to see Ona pull out of the parking lot in her Mercedes. You could hear Sofia fumbling with something behind your back as if she was playing with the shelf. “Baby, be caref-“ you said as you shifted her position to sit on your hip. Except she had something in her hands. A frame of you and Ona before Sofia was born. Ona holding your waist as you laughed together. Your absolute favourite picture of you together.
The little girl pointed to the picture as she sniffled. “Mama” she said as she pointed and hugged the frame into her body. You sat down with her in the couch and grabbed the picture as you held it up infront of her. “that’s Mamma” You said as you pointed towards you. “And that’s Mami” you said as you pointed towards Ona. Sofia sniffled as she wiped her nose with her hand before pointing towards Ona. “Mama” she said as you took a look at her and realised that she was trying to talk. “Mamma” you said as you pointed to yourself. “Mami” you said as you pointed towards Ona. “That’s mamma and Mami” You repeated as she sniffed. “Mami” she mumbled as you started at her in shock. “Yes Sofia! Mami, that’s right! Estas mami!” You said as you cheered, Sofia almost immediately clapping for herself. It was the first time that Sofia had been able to separate mamma from mami and you couldn’t be more proud as I wished that Ona would be here for it.
Later that day you tried to feed Sofia lunch after her midday nap. She wasn’t having it throwing the soft boiled paprika to the ground before the potatoes and the carrots followed. She cried, and cried, and cried and cried and cried. You let out a sight as you picked her up. “Preciousa, mamma knows that you are hungry” you said as you looked at her while she was crying. You closed your eyes and let out a sighed before taking a couple of deep breaths like the therapist had advised Ona to. “Okay preciousa, how about mamma make you some porridge, si?” You said as you reached over to the little girl and picked her up. She was still crying, but not as bad as before. It had probably something to do with the smell of the familiar porridge spreading around the house. It was one of the few things she liked, and it was the same porridge Ona had grown up with. The smell of milk, oats and cinnamon was wrapping your house in a feeling of bliss, comfort and familiarity. As the porridge was done, you buckled Sofia into her chair again before feeding it to her. She was luckily eating this time, but you could see that the exhaustion was taking its toll on her. You picked her up and got her all cleaned off as you headed towards the living room. Originally, you had wanted to keep her toys in her playroom but motherhood was rough and toys were now in every room. You sat Sofia down as she reached for her train. It was a blue train that Ona got her for her first birthday. She loved the train and would always bring it to bed when you tried putting her down for the first time at night. After a good 20 minutes of Sofia playing soundly on the floor giving you some well needed time to refresh your mind: the lock in the door clicked. Your eyes shot up as you immediately got scared. Ona was at practice and all of your family were busy. You grabbed Sofia terrified of whoever was behind the door. You held Sofia close as she looked up at you and was feeding off of your nervous energy. Your hand searched for your phone to be ready to dial for help as you gulped. The door-handle suddenly twisted and Sofia started her high pitched crying when she saw the face behind the door. It was Ona that had been told to go home early as she seemed exhausted. Sofia cried as she screamed and Ona looked like she was about to fall apart in the middle of the hallway. Sofia screamed as she reached her arms out and threw herself back in your arms trying to wiggle loose.
Then it hit you like a brick. Like a train. Like a trailer. As if the sky had just fallen down. Sofia wanted Ona. She wanted mami, not mamma. She was missing mami, and her little heart was longing for her mami’s warm touches. Sofia and Ona had a good relationship before the crying started, and you were just now able to put two pieces together. You sat down Sofia on the floor as you stood up and looked at Ona. Ona gulped as the toddler was stumbling towards her terrified of what would happen and her hand instinctively reached for the door. “Ona, stay.” You commanded as your daughter made her way towards Ona. She reached her front and stood at Ona’s legs trying to be picked up as she cried. Her little arms reaching up to Ona as she wanted to be close. “Mami,mami!” She yelled as Ona closed her eyes and took a breath while once again, looking like she was about to break down. She took a step a side causing your daughter to fall on her butt making her cry even louder. “She wants you” Ona said as she ushered towards the staircase and your master bedroom. You sighted as you picked up Sofia, and just as you were about to try and soothe her; you decided that it was time to try something new.
You walked after Ona with the screaming baby in your arms. Ona was sitting on the bed, her face in her hands while she was sobbing. Sofia stopped crying as she looked nervously at you. “Mami” she said as she pointed towards Ona. “Si princesa, estas mami, Mami is feeling sad. Maybe you wanna give her a cuddle, si?” You said as you slowly moved towards Ona scared that she was gonna leave again. You sat down next to her on the bed as your daughter sobbed. “Ona, what does Sofia call me?” You asked as Sofia sobbed in your arms. “Mamma” Ona responded still with her face hidden. “Si, and what is she saying?” You asked as you tried to console Ona. “Mamma” Ona said as she looked up at you, eyes red from crying. Just as you were about to continue your rambles, Sofia reached her arms for Ona and got out of your grip leaving her to bolt at Ona. “Mami, Mami” she cried as she grabbed the fabric of Ona’s sweater tightly, like she was scared that she would leave again. “She’s saying Mami” you said as you looked at Ona who wasn’t able to put the pieces of the puzzle together even thought you were basically giving her all the clues. “Mami” Sofia muttered as she frowned and sat down on her butt after not getting any attention. Ona’s eyes lit up as it finally clicked. She looked down at Sofia and instantly grabbed the little girl holding her close like she did when she was a baby. Sofia’s big blue eyes met Ona’s and a small smile formed on her face as she closed her eyes and relaxed. “Ona, she wants you. That’s why she’s crying. She wants her mami.” You said as you rubbed Ona’s back. You could see tears forming in Ona’s eyes as she studied the little girl suddenly seeing how eyes were icy blue, just the the most beautiful glacier she had ever seen. How her skin felt like the most expensive silk she had ever touched. Her finger traced her noce as she saw the little ski jump nose already making its mark on her face. The roses in her cheeks making her look so vulnerable. “Baby, mami’s here. Mami is so so sorry, but Mami is here now. Mami is never gonna disappoint you again, princesa. Mami is gonna get better, for you and for mamma.” She said as Sofia’s body finally relaxed and drifted off to sleep. You looked at Ona who looked like she had just discovered oil. She looked over at you as tears were forming in her eyes. “I’m sorry, mi amor. I’m so sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I’m gonna take the week off, and we can have time together as a family. I haven’t been the best mami, but I’m gonna try to figure this out for you, for us. I’m sorry for diss-“ you cut her off with a kiss knowing this was finally it. Ona was finally ready to try to connect with her daughter again.
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muffinpink02 · 2 months
Alexia Putellas
Its Not What You You Know, It’s Who You Know Smut 18 reader
Alexia Putellas
Taking Your Crown Smut 18 reader
Taking Your Crown part 2 wip
Alexia Putellas, Lucy Bronze, Mapi Leon, Ona Battle
Guess Who Smut 18 reader
Alexia Putellas
A First Time For Everything Smut 18 reader
Alexia Putellas
Hands Smut 18 reader
Lucy Bronze & Alessia Russo
Like A Virgin Smut 18
Lucy Bronze & Leah Williamson
Co-Host Smut 18
Co-Host Part 2 Smut 18
Co-Host Part 3 Smut 18
Co-Host Part 4 Smut 18
Lucy Bronze & Ona Batlle
Bronze Is Better Than Gold
Bronze Is Better Than Gold Part 2
Bronze Is Better Than Gold Part 3
Bronze Is Better Than Gold Part 4 Smut 18
Lucy Bronze & Ona Batlle
The Big O Smut 18
Lucy Bronze & Ona Batlle
Many Shades Of Green Smut 18
Lucy Bronze
The Last Puzzle Piece Smut 18 reader
WIP’s below
You Taste Like Vanilla - ft Jenni & reader - Summary - You piss off Jenni, so she takes it out on you in smut. Half way to finishing. Smut 18
Queen Of Hearts - ft Alexia & reader, Ingrid, Mapi, Lucy, Ona - Summary - it's 1700’s times (think game of thrones)  you’re a princess, Ingrid's your bestie. Alexia is a spanish acquaintance, (also a royal)  she's a bit of a player but you want her, she maybe wants you and lots of drama. I've started it but it might be a big story so it will take me a while. Smut 18 
Bronze is better than gold - if you know, you know. smut 18 
Taking your crown part 2 - Summary - reader goes to Barcelona, meets Alexia and….I don't want to give too much away. Got a bit of this done, just under half way. Smut 18 
Coffee** shop - ft  Mapi & reader - Summary - You get a job with Mapi, she's a big flirt, your current partner is a dick, does Mapi sway your mind? Some appearances from the Barca girls. Got a lot done but a lot more to go. Smut 18 
Cancellation - ft Mapi & reader - Summary - you and Mapi make a double booking for a cabin. Smut 18 halfway finished.
Hands - Alexia & reader - Summary - not much, just you loving Alexia's hand and what she does with them. Smut 18. Nearly done 
Baby Putellas - Alexia & reader - Summary - reader is pregnant, Alexia is protective, cute and all that fluff. It's more me trying to work on my fluff. No smut. Nearly done. 
Truth Or Dare - reader and barca girls, but mostly Alexia - only got the title but smut 18 
Paddle Board - anon request - nearly done! may be out today tomorrow, maybe a day later... smut 18
Stories I havent started but will…
Like a Virgin part 2 
Guess who part 2 
It's not what you know, it's who you know part 2 
My request - I have a request in my inbox that i really want to do (Lucy and reader captain armband) I love it and I really want to do it, but I know I’m taking a long time so please let me know if you want to ask someone else, I won't be annoyed! 
The request for Lucy and Alexia - (champions league final one, Lucy under pressure) again love it, may actually start this one soon, because i'm a slag for these two women and really want to try to do these two sooner than later. 
I have another request in my inbox Lucy and reader (black slit dress) again really want to do this, I could maybe be quicker with this one but not sure when i'll start, but again if you can't wait and want to ask someone else let me know.
With request I wont know when I can get these done, as you can see I’m a bit of a serial jumper to different stories. So for now I can't promise to get any future requests done. But feel free to jump in my asks, sometimes it helps me when I see a new story. Also guys I'm a slow writer, I don’t like rushing, and when I do I never like the end product so please bear with me.
And also thank you for all the love on here, I love hearing what you guys have to say, always feel free to jump in for a chat or any questions,
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prettyforwoso · 4 months
Lay Back Baby
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Lucy Bonze x Ona Batlle smut
Summary: Ona is staying home from training with the cold, yearning for Lucy's touch, she pushes the the whole day without, the second Lucy gets home, she knows what she needs.
a/n: Based on the large amounts of requests for this one !! hope you enjoy :) requests open
Ona awoke with a heavy sense of lethargy, her body feeling like a battleground between fatigue and discomfort. The room around her was dimly lit, the soft glow of daylight filtering through the curtains casting a muted atmosphere. As she blinked away the remnants of sleep, the realization of her sickness settled in, a weight on her chest that matched the heaviness in her head.
The air in the room felt stale, and Ona's groggy mind struggled to focus. Her and Lucys room, once a haven of comfort, now seemed foreign, as if the familiar surroundings had transformed into an unfamiliar landscape in the course of her nap. She gingerly sat up, her limbs protesting with every movement, and the blankets clung to her like an extra layer of fatigue.
Ona's nose was stuffy, her throat scratchy, and a persistent ache echoed through her body. She reached for the tissue box on her bedside table, a comforting ally in the battle against her symptoms. Each tissue she pulled out seemed to absorb a small part of her misery as she blew her nose, the soft sound a pitiful reminder of her unwell state.
Her gaze drifted to the window, where the outside world continued its oblivious hustle. The play of sunlight on the curtains formed patterns that danced in a rhythm detached from her own discomfort. Ona sighed, the sound a mixture of resignation and frustration, as she contemplated the tasks and responsibilities that awaited her beyond the confines of the couch.
She remembered how Lucy always took care of her when she was unwell – making tea, giving forehead touches, and saying comforting things. Ona scrolled through pictures of them together, smiling and happy. She sent Lucy a text, telling her how much she needed her right now.
Ona: missing you baby…
Wrapped up in her blankets, she waited for Lucy's reply, hoping for some comfort. When Lucy's message came, it was like a virtual hug. Lucy promised to be home soon, and Ona felt a bit better just thinking about it. With the idea of Lucy's return from training in mind, Ona relaxed, knowing that love had the power to make her feel better even when she was at her sickest.
She peeled her body off the couch and headed for their bedroom, hoping to find a change of clothing, clinging to the idea that it might make a feel better to freshen up. She pulled out some sweat shorts and one of Lucys jerseys, desperate for anything from her, even just her smell.
Her legs led her to the kitchen, where she found herself making some toast, too exhausted for any sort of creativity if it included any sort of hard work.
She’s been sitting around all day, occasionally moving location to follow the days sunlight, but no amount of light would satisfy her intense craving for the touch of Lucy. Her mind wandered, the idea of Lucy laying her down and having her cum over and over, all she needed was for Lucy to be inside of her, and any kind of way, Ona was not feeling picky.
Her sudden burst of energy came when she heard Lucys keys in the front door. Her body was lifted from the bed out of excitement, her feet skidding on the floor as she ran to the door, jumping into the arms of her girl.
Lucy didn’t even have time put her stuff down, having to drop it to support Onas tiny frame, wrapped around her waist.
“Hey baby” Lucy says, gently placing her down.
“Lucy, I have missed you so much today” Ona says looking up at her, with the strong grip on the centre of Lucys shirt, scared by the idea of letting go.
Lucy leans down and presses a kiss on Onas soft lips, not worrying about getting sick, if anything, it would give them time off together.
Ona raised herself onto the tips of her toes, desperate to get the most of out Lucys mouth. She wraps an arm around her neck, pulling her closer.
“Oh, you really have missed me haven’t you little thing” Lucy says, breaking the contention.
Ona simply bites her lip in response.
“No baby, you are sick and need rest” Lucy tells Ona with the stern tone. Ona is in her lap, getting more and more needy by the second.
The pair have been on the couch simply making out for a while now, Ona in Lucys lap, as per usual, desperately grinding small on the tiny seem of Lucys pants that are rubbing on her needy clit.
“Lucy please” Ona begins the whining. “You can’t leave me alone all day, them come home and refuse to fuck me” she finishes with a mumble.
“I can when you are sick darling girl” Lucy delicately fights back.
“agh Lucy please, I’m all wet, and you’re the person I want to share that with” Ona begging is something that could almost get Lucy on her knees for the small girl.
Lucys body has a physical reaction to Onas words. A long deep breathe escapes her mouth and her eyes soften. “Your all, wet baby?” she says, trying not to give in to her racing mind when she quotes Onas words. “I don’t want to hurt you sweet girl”
Ona is quick to reply “You’re not going to hurt me Lucy” she says franticly trying to get the words off her tongue. “Just please open my legs and fuck me” She shoots Lazers into Lucys eyes “Please Lucy”
“Stay here for a second” Lucy says, lifting Onas frame off her and on to the couch, leaving the room and leaving Ona alone. She isn’t sure is her begging had worked out in her favour or not, but alas, she did as she was told and stayed on the couch.
Lucy is soon to return to her good girl. A strap in one hand, and a small dildo in the other. Ona has never been the type to be able to take anything big, and Lucy has never wanted to push her too hard.
Ona makes space for her on the couch and Lucy lays her body down, motioning for Ona to straddle her waist once more. Ona places her body weight down and leans into the lips of Lucy. Lucys hand wraps around the back of her neck not allowing her to leave the kiss until she was finished.
Lucy pulls Ona by the back of the neck away from the kiss “Baby my face” she begins “Come onto it okay”.
Ona doesn’t have to answer, she quickly pulls herself Lucy and starts to undress. “keep the shirt on pretty girl” Lucy instructs, referring to the ‘Bronze’ jersey that Ona wore loose on her shoulders.
Ona doesn’t need to be asked twice. She knows the way Lucy just gets weak in the knees at the sight of Ona in her jerseys. Something the possession it holds. Her name, on Onas back
Lucy manhandles Onas body to the way she wants her, before pulling her onto her face. Ona breath hitches at the sudden friction of Lucys nose on her clit. Onas bare bottom half finds itself begining to grind back and forth on the face of her girlfriend. With Lucys slick tongue exploring its way around Onas’s hole, Lucy finds that its just not quite enough for her. Lucys arms wrap around Onas spread thighs, digging her nails into her ass and pulling her down, forcing her to put all her body weight onto her tongue.
It usually takes a lot of reassurance to get Ona to fully place herself onto Lucys mouth, always being hesitant that she will hurt her somehow, but Lucy is always quick to deny that idea. Sometimes even having to go as far as holding her down onto her face with all her strength. Lucy fucking loves it. Onas’s thighs around her head, her slick dripping down her chin.
Onas getting good use out of Lucys noes, feeling the texture of her skin on her most intimate parts. Lucys tongue is venturing in and out, occasional pressing flat on her hole, catching all her leaking goodness, swallowing it with pure bliss.
The mix of Lucys mouth and her strong eye contract from beneath her, has Ona beginning to spiral. She knows she doesn’t need to communicate this with Lucy. Having been clearly aware due to the speed in which her actions were getting too. Lucys grip on Ona was pulling her even further with each second that pasted. Lucy could barely breath underneath her, something that hardly worried her, knowing how fast she could get to Onas high.
“Agh, yes Lucy” Onas frantic pleading has Lucy smiling against her. “Yes Lucy” her pitch gets higher at the end of each statement. Her eyes roll to the back of her head, telling out a smooth hum of a moan as she lets herself go into Lucys mouth, shaking her legs and squeezing them around her head.
Ona steals a breath from the air, moving herself off Lucys face and sitting on her clothed stomach. Lucy being fully clothed with Ona bare wasn’t a completely uncommon practice in the household.
“Ona darling help me put this on”. Lucy breaks the silence, referring the strap in her hands, passing it to Ona. She moves down Lucys body and kneels between her legs. She picks it from Lucys hands, fiddling with the harness and getting it around Lucys hips, covered by her boxers.
“You think you can take this one baby girl?” Lucy double checks, the strap is small, but so is Ona, and the last thing Lucy wanted was to push her when she was sick.
“Yes, ill be good” Ona struggles to get full words out, due to the pure bliss she feels, just looking at the toy in front of her.
Lucy takes the answer, tightening the harness to her waist before pushing Ona further down. “I was you back to face me while you ride my cock” Lucy says, in a gently demanding tone.
Onas bottom lip is swollen from all the bitting, Lucys voice and demanding tone, not helping the situation. Ona grabs a hold of Lucys thighs for balance, turning herself around and putting her legs over Lucys waist. Onas’s ass sits on Lucys stomach, Lucys hands find it almost immediately. She lifts herself up with the help of Lucys grip and hovers over the strap, nervous about letting herself fall.
Ona suddenly feels tired, worried she might do this the wrong way. She stays hovering for more than usual and Lucy begins to wonder the expression on her girlfriend’s face.
“Can you take it sweat girl?” Lucy asks again, in an almost teasing tone this time.
Ona doesn’t reply, beginning to squirm in her position.
“Darling, do you need help?” Lucy asks, caressing the skin of Onas soft ass.
“Lay back for me” Lucy pulls her back. “Come on, nice and comfy”.
Ona relaxes into the precents of Lucy, legs spread wide and open. Lucys hand sneaks under her and onto the toy, lining it up with Onas’s cunt.
“Look at me” Lucy says, turning Onas’s face to look her in the eye as she thrusts herself in, so slowly, so soft.
Ona’s gentle moan has her snuggling into Lucys grip. Lucys hands now holding Ona’s legs open as she slowly thrusts in and out, causing Ona to whine in her hold.
“Shh baby girl. I know you can take it” Lucy places kisses all over Onas red face. Her pace starting to speed up, much to the overwhelming pleasure of Ona.
“yes, yes lucy” Onas words come out more breathy and pathetic than intended.
Lucy legs go of one thigh to hold Onas’s face, looking down into her eyes, Ona looks like she’s been to a whole new level of pleasure. Eyes watering and checks red.
“Are you going to cum for me like this?” Lucy asks, already knowing the answer.
Ona can’t get words out, simply humming in reply as she begins to shake in Lucys grip. Lucy responses by going deeper, getting a yelp from Ona, who now finds refuge in the neck of her girlfriend.
“Let go baby” It’s all Ona need to hear before she is riding an absolute high, legs shaking and hips rocking, she floats to the point of pure stimulation, no longer feeling anything around her but the warm embrace of Lucy, who, without Onas’s knowledge had completely pulled out of her.
“Good girl, shhh baby, you’re okay” Lucy says, helping Ona gain control of her breathing and come back to the room, her mind elsewhere.
“sh sh sh, deep breaths” Ona’s breathing returns and she is turned over, chest to chest with Lucy who takes her hair in her hand, stocking her scalp with nothing but pure love.
“My good baby”
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if you don't mind, can you show us your WIPs? 🫶🏼
Honestly, there's too many to count. I'm the master of starting then never finishing them!
Here's a glimpse at a few of my more recent WIPs
USWNT x adhd!reader part 6: The honeymoon and life after marriage
New love (CP x reader): Reader dating again after the loss of her wife
USWNT x Reader: Reader gets insecure when a new player joins the team, feeling like she's being replaced. The team reassure her.
Sick day secret: Reader is Ali's sister. She's sick, Emily/Tierna (Undecided) looks after her. Get's caught by Ali.
Are you sure they like each other? (Alyssa Naeher): Alyssa and reader are together, but very stoic and not affectionate in public. Think the team know they're together, apparently not. Start to question if they even like each other. Alyssa and reader turn into soft, love sick people when alone.
Alyssa x Reader: Alyssa and R already have a child and they are adopting another one. just a cute family baby proofing the house and preparing the baby's new room and including the older one (that's still little) in everything because the mommas don't want they feel left out.
And something completely new that I thought I would give a try after recently becoming obsessed,
Ona Battle x Reader: Ona and reader fall in love. Friends to lovers?
These are my main WIPs at the moment. Let me know what one you might want to see first!
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wosobronze · 3 days
ona baby please give me a selfie of you, your battle scar, narla and coco it would really lift the mood xxx
batlle with the battle scar x
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cheese1kitty · 1 year
Lava fan fiction: two lovers apart
First of all im sorry fir all the spelling mistakes. English is not my first language.
Warning kissing
im not a great story teller so im sorry for that
im not sure is Wu dead or not so im going to pretend he isn't
This is placed in season 17 Dragon rising after the 10 episodes
Kai is trying to find the missing ninjas Cole, Jay and Master Wu. He hasn't had any luck. Going town to town, searching for them. Asking have people seen them.
He decided to go back to Bounty to sleep, he is very tired. He just falls to his bed. Hes disappointed and frustrated, because he hasn't heard anything from the other ninjas.
He starts to cry, hes so tired mentally and physically. Hes thinking of Cole and where he is. A thought comes to his mind, what if Coles dead?
Hes starts to cry even more. Eventually he falls a sleep.
Kai finally wakes up. its now 12.16 PM, Kai freaks out when he sees the time. His alarm was set to 10.00 AM, but he pressed snooze.
He starts the bounty. He heard a night ago a rumor about a jungle, "Anybody that goes to the Snake Jungle never comes out".
He needed an adventure and this is what he was looking forward to.
He goes to the Snake Jungle. the deeper he goes the more snakes there is. "no wonder its called the Snake jungle" Kai says to himself.
He hears dragon roars and battle sounds. He starts to run to where the sound is coming from. He sees imperium soldiers trying to capture source dragons.
He notices a baby source dragon, Kai realizes that he can't fight them alone. He starts to walk away, but he feels anger and sadness for the baby dragon.
He remembers what was like to grow up without parents and he wasn't gonna let that happen to the baby source dragon.
He runs to the battle, in anger without thinking a second. He knocks out most of the imperium soldiers.
He starts to free the source dragons. Without Kai noticing a guy sneaks up on kai on knocks him out.
He wakes up in The Imperium sells. He realizes where he is and starts to freak out. He takes a minute or two to calm down.
He starts to think of a plan. He notices an air vent but its screwed.
A guard shouts "meal time" and opens the door and puts the food to the floor, there was three guys pointing a gun to Kai so he couldn't escape.
They gave Kai a plastic fork, Kai starts to screw the air vent with a plastic fork and the fork breaks.
He waits a week to collect enough of forks to escape through the air vent. He falls to his stomach outside of the sell, they forgot to screw the air vent.
"Im free im finally free" Kai yells, then he realizes he has to be quiet.
"is that you Kai"? somebody yells from a sell. Kai teaks a couple of seconds to realizes who that voice belongs to. "COLE IS THAT YOU!?" Kai shouts exited.
"Yes its me" Cole answered with happy tears in his eyes. Both have waited for this moment.
"Get me out of here" Cole says. "It needs a key card, im gonna get ona be right back" Kai answers while running to get one.
He sees a guard, starts to fight with him. The guard calls for back up. Kai kicks his walkie talkie out of his hand and crushes it with his foot.
He sees guards coming towards him and starts to run. He stops running and starts to fight them. He takes a key card from one of the guards while fighting. He starts to run again, trying to lose them.
He eventually loses them. He realizes that hes lost. He sees a locker room and changes to a guard outfit, so nobody notices him.
He starts to navigate back to the sells to free Cole. He finally finds back to the sells. Kai frees Cole, Cole jumps into a hug followed by a long kiss. "Its so great to see you" Cole says. " I missed you so much" Kai replies.
"No time to chat, lets get out of here" Cole says taking Kais hand and starts to run.
Its now dark and they move in the shadows, they find a sewer. "iu it stinks in here" Kai says. "Well do you have a better plan" Cole replies.
They find there way back to the Bounty. They both take a hot shower. After it they talked the whole night whats been happening. Kai realizes its 4 AM.
They both go to bed and kai takes his shirt off. Cole starts to kiss him in the lips and moves to the neck. They start to make out on the bed. After they start to cuddle to sleep.
I know its not the best fan fic and its kinda boring but its my first fan fiction.
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woso206 · 1 year
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Ona Battle, my sweet baby
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katelynnwrites · 2 years
Ona Battle being protective on the field over het gf ? Really just anything with Ona 🙈
pairing: Ona Batlle x f!Reader
warnings: blood and injury
word count: 1477
summary: your girlfriend’s had a bad feeling all day and when you get injured on the pitch, she realises why.
a/n: been a hot minute since i’ve written anything but im back now, anon i hope you like this :)
Bad Feelings
‘Hey. Are you okay?’
You put a hand on Ona’s thigh, halting her restless bouncing that hadn’t stopped since you’d pulled out of the driveway.
She sighed, looking out the window.
‘It’s nothing.’
‘Ona come on. What’s wrong?’ You’re worried because this wasn’t a big game. Just a home game against Birmingham City. The last team meeting had been full of confidence but your Spanish girlfriend had been jumpy and anxious from the moment she’d woken up. She was rarely nervous before games so the sudden change in her behaviour was troubling you.
‘You’re going to think it’s silly but I can’t seem to shake the feeling that something’s off.’ Ona admitted, fidgeting in her seat.
You stop at a red light.
‘Look at me.’
Ona hesitates before doing so and you kiss her gently.
‘You’re going to do great. The team’s gonna do great. We’ve practiced and we’ve trained hard. You’re amazingly talented and all we’ve got to do is play well like we always do okay?’
Ona nods, some of the uncertainty in her brown eyes fading away as she meets your gaze.
The light changes and you continue driving with Ona’s hand resting on top of yours, all the way to the stadium.
Her hand doesn’t leave yours and you rub soothing circles onto it as she finishes getting ready for the game. You knew her unusual clinginess was due to her needing reassurance and you were happy to provide it.
You notice her biting her lip anxiously and you tug on her hand.
‘Relax my love. You’re going to be brilliant. I know it.’
Pulling her into a tight hug, you play with the baby hairs at the back of her neck knowing that it never fails to calm her down.
As you had predicted, Ona relaxes into your touch, mumbling a quiet ‘Thank you.’ into your ear.
The first half comes and goes pretty easily, you’d scored, Alessia had scored and Ella had scored twice, giving United the clear upper hand as Mary had done well to keep a clean sheet.
Marc had given his half time talk and Ona had stayed glued to your side the entire time.
As you prepared to walk back out, Ivana caught you by the arm with a concerned look.
‘Is Ona alright?’
‘Yeah she just has a bad feeling about this game.’
The Brazilian frowns in confusion but you rush out a brief apology as you realise Ona is coming back up the tunnel towards you, probably wondering what was taking you so long.
Ona’s eyes follow you as you walk back to your position, the fake smile she’d plastered on her face to reassure you fading. That feeling of impending disaster had come back in full force now that you were back on the pitch. She hadn’t told you earlier because she couldn't bring herself to worry you but the bad feeling was not for her. It was for you.
You didn’t quite know how it happened but one second you were running and the next you were on the turf, blinding pain radiating through your body.
Ona heard the collision first, heard you scream in pain before she saw you fall. And then she was sprinting across the length of the pitch till she was at your side. She’d never felt so much panic before.
You were crying. All you could do was cry as someone gently turned you over.
The voices above you were muffled, ringing as you sobbed in pain. You couldn’t see where you were injured but it hurt. It hurt so bad you could barely breathe.
‘Breathe baby.’
Ona’s familiar Spanish accent was the one thing that could cut through the fog you were in.
Your girlfriend grips your hand tightly and you whimper.
‘Breathe for me. Come on, you can do it.’ Ona’s voice cracks with worry but she tries her best to keep you from seeing her panic.
Someone’s yelling for the medics and you can hear people arguing in the distance but Ona helps you block it all out by gently lifting your head into her lap.
‘Breathe with me. In and out. In and out.’ She coaxes and you focus on her instructions instead of the pain.
Her hands are light and soothing as she brushes your sweaty hair off your forehead.
‘Ona it hurts so bad.’ You gasp out, squeezing her hand tightly.
‘I know bebé but the medics are on their way and you’ll be okay.’
No sooner had she said that then the trainers were surrounding you, taking one look at you and calling for a stretcher.
You cry out again as they lift you onto it, the sound making Ona’s heart break.
‘I promise I’ll be with you as soon as I can.’
Ona presses a kiss onto your forehead, squeezing your hand one final time as she watches you get carried off the pitch.
It’s only then that she turns around, storming up to the Birmingham player who had tackled you and punching her in the face.
‘That was a dirty tackle and you know it!’ She angrily shouts, fighting Ivana as her best friend tries to pull her away.
Players from both teams rush to break up the fight but Ona wouldn’t relent, screaming in Spanish as she struggles to get free of Ivana’s grip on her.
Eventually the referee blows her whistle and manages to get both teams to separate.
Without hesitation, she shows Ona the red card and the Spanish fullback gives one last glare to the Birmingham player, feeling grimly satisfied when she sees that her nose is bleeding profusely. The normally calm and sweet girl throws a dirty look at the referee before walking off the pitch.
She’s made to wait outside the medical room though. No matter how much she argued with the medical staff, she wasn’t let in.
That left her to sit outside, angry tears making their way down her face.
When the match ended, Ivana came and gave her a hug which only made Ona cry harder.
‘I knew I had a bad feeling about the game and I didn’t warn her. Now she’s hurt because of me.’
The door to the medical room opens before Ivana can say anything and Ona rushes into the room, pushing the medic aside.
‘Hey.’ You weakly smile at her from where you’re propped up on the bed and Ona exhales in relief.
She takes you in, noting your bandaged leg and dried tears tracks on your face.
‘How bad is it?’ She asks cautiously.
‘It needed some stitches and they think it’s fractured. I have to go to the hospital to get it checked tomorrow.’ you explain, voice wavering at the thought of not being able to play the sport you loved.
‘Mierda! I should have broken her ankles.’ Ona swears and you frown, for the first time seeing her bruised and swollen knuckles.
‘Ona did you hit her?’
‘She hurt you!’ Ona lets out a frustrated sigh, running her hands through her ponytail.
‘Come here.’
‘I don’t want to hurt you.’ She argues, sighing again when you pout.
She could never resist when you did and just like you knew she would, she relents, going over to the small bed and sitting beside you.
‘You need to calm down because I’m fine.’ You begin saying only to be met with a glare.
‘Okay not fine but I will be. I’ll probably be out for a few months but it’s not like you won’t be there to help me every step of the way right?’
‘I will be there. You know that. Te amo.’
Then in a whisper so soft you almost miss it, she murmurs, ‘It’s my fault you’re hurt anyway.’
‘It’s not. It’s the game Ona. It could happen to anyone?’
With a confused expression, you gesture for her to explain and she hesitantly does.
‘The bad feeling wasn’t for me. It was for you. I knew you were going to get hurt and I didn’t stop it.’
She sniffles and you reach for her uninjured hand.
‘Listen to me love. You couldn’t have known. It’s not your fault you understand?’
‘No buts-’ You firmly say and she nods, seeing in your eyes that you meant it. The guilt that has weighed her down ever since she heard your pained scream eases off somewhat and she finds herself with a small smile on her face as you poke her side.
‘I know I got hurt and all but you didn’t have to punch her.’
‘I’m Spanish. I’m allowed to be hot headed.’
‘I don’t think that’s how it’s supposed to work love.’
She laughs and you grin.
‘I bet you looked really hot though.’
Ona winks at you before carefully curling up beside your body and kissing you delicately.
Spanish Translations:
bebé - baby
mierda - shit
te amo - i love you
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43 with Marcus Moreno
A/N: I asked for this but YOU’RE the one who told me about this evil plot! I hope you like it. Thanks for the request! Thank you for reading, reblogging, commenting, and liking! 
Pairing: Marcus Moreno x F! Reader
Warnings: 18 + ONLY NSFW (Oral F! receiving, vibrators, multiple orgasms, some language, squirting, fluff) 
My Masterlist 
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The Perfect Day 
Missy reached into the back of the SUV for her backpack and sleeping bag, and you come around the end and open the trunk, the teen bounding over to you and taking the paper bag overflowing with snacks and carbonated drinks from your arms. She gives you a one-armed hug, and you kiss the top of her head. “Thanks, mom,” she smiles, “you’re the best!” She runs off, leaving you standing there, mouth open. You look around to see if anyone caught that before smiling to yourself. 
You get situated behind the driver’s seat and click the button on your bracelet to call Marcus. He picks up on the second ring, “Hey honey, Missy, off at her friends, okay?” he grunts, and you look puzzled down at the watch on your wrist. 
“Yeah. She is safely off at her friends. Where are you? Was that an explosion I just heard?” 
“Oh yeah, that was just Lava Girl; she blew up a gas truck,” he says it so casually you laugh. “I should be finished up here, and then we can finally have our night alone. No kids.” 
You sigh and pull onto the main road, and head towards the house. “You always say that, Marcus, but something with the heroics always comes up. I hope you don’t think I’m complaining; I know what you do is important; I just miss you.” 
He lets out another grunt, “Honey, just let me finish this, and I swear I will go down on you until you cum at least three times.” You pull the car over with a screech, and his voice is concerned, “Honey, what was that? Are you okay?” 
“Yeah,” you cough, “Yeah, I’m fine. You just can’t say those things to me while I’m driving Marcus!” He laughs and lets out a relieved breath. 
“I’ll be home soon. And honey?” you let out a breathless yes, “leave the panties off.” He ends the call, and you sit in the vehicle as cars pass you by. Flipping on the radio and turning on the news channel, you pull back out into traffic. You follow along to the battle with the Heroics until you pull up to the house. Going upstairs into the bedroom and flipping on the TV to catch up. You watch as Marcus flies through the air, his arms bulging in the black t-shirt, katanas strapped to his back. 
“And the Heroics keep the planet safe once again…” the voice of the announcer trails off, and you turn off the TV and strip, going into the shower and freshening up. When you come out, you pull on a silk nightgown and go to the kitchen to start dinner. Marcus always loaded up on carbs after a fight, and you knew he would be famished. You boil the water and stir the alfredo sauce, peeling the shrimp and seasoning them. 
You don’t hear the door unlock or the boots trek across the floor. Letting out a yelp as gloved hands slide across your waist—the hard shell of the bulletproof vest pressing into your back. “Marcus,” you are breathless as his nose runs along the hollow of your neck and his hands dip lower below the hem of the nightie. 
“Did you listen?” he coos, and you shiver as the leather of his gloves moves against your slick folds. “Ah yes, you did, good girl. He turns you in his arms, and you snake your arms around his waist as he kisses your lips passionately, consuming you. You hear the click of the stove and turn to see everything off. He leads you by the hand up the stairs to the bedroom. Flicking off the downstairs lights with a twitch of his finger. 
He pushes you back, and you fall against the bed with an oof. “Take off your clothes,” his voice is deeper than usual, and you tremble to reach for the edge and to pull it over your head. His eyes take you in appreciatively, trailing over your breasts, tummy, and glistening cunt. “You are a work of art, honey.” 
He drops to his knees, and you sit upon your elbows, watching him. His hand reaches out and pulls your ankle towards him and settles your thighs over his shoulders, eye level with your pussy. “I swore,” he places a soft kiss on one thigh and the other. “I swore at least three times,” your hands clench the sheets, and he licks a broad stripe up your folds. “Let’s go for five.” 
Your head drops, and you let out a loud moan as he flicks his tongue up and down on your clit. Moving slow and then fast until you are shaking beneath him. He takes pity and slides one finger inside the leather of his glove, pressing against your soaked folds. His mouth latching on to your clit and sucking it into his mouth. He spends the next hour between your legs sucking, fingering, and fucking you with his expert mouth. When you scream out the third orgasm, he finally drops your legs from his shoulders and leaves you panting. 
But the moment is quickly forgotten as he walks over to the dresser and pulls out the vibrating wand. “Marcus,” you whimper, and he chuckles before dropping between your legs again.
“You have a couple more in you, right, honey?” He flicks the switch on the lowest setting and presses it to your clit. Your hips shoot off the bed, and he pushes them back down, smiling at you from between your legs. He’s still wearing his whole uniform, and you can’t help but admire how fucking sexy he is in the bulletproof vest and gloves. Your belly tightens, and he flicks the vibrator up higher until you are screaming his name, gushing all over the place. 
When he moves his mouth down to your pussy and licks up your pleasure while he keeps the vibrator, you feel pleasure more intense than before and push his head away. Screaming in pleasure and hips lifting off the bed, you squirt all over the bulletproof vest; his hand replaces the vibrator with his hand and rubs your clit. You almost pass out from the overstimulation, and he notices hands coming off you and letting you calm down. 
Your breathing is erratic, and your trembling so hard you are moving the bed. He stands up and goes to the bathroom and gets a warm washcloth coming back and cleaning up the mess between your legs. He tosses it in the laundry and strips down to his boxers, running downstairs, coming back with a bag of chips and a glass of water. 
“Here,” he pulls back the sheets and moves you under them, pulling you close and handing you the water. Your voice is hoarse from screaming, and he kisses the top of your head. You share the bag of chips between you, and he sucks the seasoning from your fingers. “Are you okay?” 
You chuckle, “more than okay, today has been pretty perfect.” 
“Yeah? Did something else happen besides the five orgasms?” he teases, and you suddenly remember sitting up eagerly and smiling at him. 
“Yes! Something really exciting happened! I dropped Missy off at the sleepover, and she...she called me Mom.” His eyes light up, and he kisses you softly, bringing you in for a hug. 
“That’s fantastic, honey! She really loves you, almost as much as I do. You’ve been the piece we’ve been missing in our lives. I know you make my life better every single day. I love you so much.” You smile and kiss him softly. 
“I love you too, Marcus Moreno.” 
“Do you like my last name?” he asks out of the blue, and you pull away to look at him. 
“Yeah, I mean, it’s a pretty basic last name baby, I don’t think I dislike any last name.” 
“Would you want to have it too?” You sit up straighter and look at him before nodding slowly. His hand reaches over to the nightstand, and he pulls out a black velvet box. “I planned to do this a few weeks ago, but as you said, something with the Heroics always came up. Shit, I should get down on one knee,” he goes to stand, and you pull him back, tears streaming down your face. 
“No, no, this is perfect. Do it here? Please…” he smiles and lets out a small laugh before clearing his throat. 
“I love you, my mother loves you, and most importantly, my daughter loves you. You’ve filled the hole in our hearts and filled it with so much love and laughter. Will you do me the great honor of marrying me?” 
“YES!” you shout and throw your arms around him; he pulls back and slides the ring onto your finger before pulling you in for a kiss. “Okay,” you giggle, “Now, this has been the perfect day.” 
He falls back into the bed with you, entangling yourselves together as you fall deeper in love with your own personal hero. 
Taglist: @josepedropascal @mrschiltoncat @mrsparknuts @ghostwiththemostbitch @zannemes @xjaywritesx @oldstuffnewstuff @yespolkadotkitty @heythere-mel @justanotherblonde23 @artsymaddie @anetteaneta @lunarthoughts @aellynera @lucifer- @houseofthirst @phoenixhalliwell @chicken-ona-stick @agirllovespancakes @amberembers @theatricalbride @jedi-mando @lycheemi @idreamofboobear @aerolanya @rebelliouscat @demoncrypt1066 @goalpostnerd 
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eimids · 2 months
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look at ona she is too cute😭
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cadopan · 2 years
Which other footballers do you find cute?
Haha this is a rare kinda question for my blog (usually about the more serious side of footy) but I like it 🤭
Hrm well, to name a few: Mana (obviously), Guro Reiten, Jessie Fleming, Chelsea's new baby defender Alsu, our new defender Laura, Klara Buhl, Ona Battle, CGH, and so on...
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prettyforwoso · 4 months
Last updated: 21/1/24
First updated: 18/1/24
Total works: 6
Lots to come !! Requests open :)
Barcelona Femeni x Reader
Help Us Understand (fluff)
Summary: Talented 16-year-old footballer "La Princesa" battles adolescence's harsh realities, concealing self-harm scars and eating disorder. The team supports her recovery journey.
Dancing juice (fluff)
Summary: teenage reader has a little too much to drink on a night out with the team, but all the girl wants to do is dance.
Alexia Putellas x Reader
Pretend I'm Not Here (smut)
Summary: Soft needy smut, dom!alexia, sub!reader, Oral, r receiving
Leah Williamson x Reader
Blossoming (fluff)
Summary: You and Leah share tears and joy as the pregnancy test reveals our long-awaited dream: a baby.
Lucy Bronze x Ona Batlle
Lay Back Baby (smut)
Summary: Ona is staying home from training with the cold, yearning for Lucy's touch, she pushes the the whole day without, the second Lucy gets home, she knows what she needs.
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calpops · 3 years
the cookies | c.h.
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You and Calum make cookies then cuddle up to watch Christmas movies with your daughter. 
1.1k words
Day 7 of 12 dates with calmas | dates with cal masterlist
Copyright © 2020 calpops. All rights reserved. This original work is not allowed to be reposted on any platform in any format (translations included).
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Christmas music fills the kitchen. Scents of sugar and cinnamon linger in the warmed air and Calum hums along with the tune that’s only marginally familiar to you. Mila rests in her reclining high chair at the edge of the kitchen where your eyes can be on her and she can be in on the cookie making fun. She tracks your motions with her eyes and smiles, wiggles her tiny hands and feet whenever anything remotely amusing happens. She’s happy in her high chair, Calum’s voice always enough to bring her joy, the warm and fun atmosphere brings her mood to something bubbly and overjoyed.
You take a sheet of sugar cookies out of the oven and place them on Christmas themed potholders on the counter. Calum stirs up homemade icing and turns to Mila with a wooden spoon dripping with the sugary topping to sing a line of Last Christmas. Mila erupts into giggles that make your heart flutter with warmth and happiness; no matter how many times you hear her laugh it will never grow old. It propels you back to her days in the hospital, to the very moment she was born and the silence that accompanied her arrival. You revel in every little noise she’s able to make. Even her cries are music to your ears; they mean she’s still here.
“It’s her first concert,” Calum jokes with a smirk as he turns back to you, spoon as microphone still in hand leaving small drippings on the floor.
“Love, you were singing to her when she was still in my belly,” you remind and he blushes with modesty and gives a shrug. “You sang to her in the NICU and have sang to her every day and night since.”
Calum flicks the spoon lightly and icing dashes across the counter with the motion. “Okay, it’s her first Christmas concert,” he cracks and moves for you, leaving a sugary trail in his wake. One finger swipes some icing and darts to your nose before you can realize what’s happening.
Your mouth drops open and a little gasp leaves you at the playful antic from your husband. “You did not just do that,” you say around a disbelieving laugh.
Calum softens and discards the spoon back into its proper bowl. He wraps his arm around you. “Lemme get it off,” he says with a sincere voice but a glint in his eyes. He pulls you to him, kisses the tip of your nose then proceeds to rub his face against yours as you fall into laughter and icing gets smeared across both of your faces, Calum giving up his own safety in the plight of playful battle. Your laughter echoes around the kitchen and at the sound of it Mila joins in, amused by the giggles and the display of silliness in front of her. You try leaning back and away from him but his arms are strong and sweet kisses come back to you, making the mess worth it.
“What’s wrong? Don’t wanna give your husband a kiss?” he asks, tone light and airy but teasing and pleading all the same.
You shake your head and feel another round of little kisses pressed from your cheek to jaw. More icing joins the fight from your fingers to his cheeks and lips. Instead of fighting over it Calum just laughs and falls back, licking off the remnants he can reach and wiping away the rest with a smug smirk on his glowing face. You fall into laughter, your own hand wiping off what’s left on your skin and your eyes finding the bowl of depleted icing, the drippings all around the countertop and floor as your eyebrow arches.
“I’ll decorate the cookies, you can clean up,” you suggest and Calum throws his hands modestly in the air as if to surrender and abide by your ruling. “And get Mila in her pajamas while you’re at it.”
“I’m on it,” Calum promises and gives a mock salute to elicit another little laugh from you, Mila still watching the exchange with amusement and agreeable noises. “We’ll meet you in the living room for movies in ten,” he continues after wiping up the aftermath of battle and carefully lifting Mila into his arms from her high chair. “And bring the cookies.”
You watch with a light heart as Calum strides down the hall with your daughter in his arms, bouncing her slightly in the way that makes her grin as he goes. He talks to her the entire time and once he’s behind the nursery door you’re sure that if you put on the baby monitor he’ll still be talking as if holding a proper conversation with the five month old. You grin to yourself as you finish putting what’s left of the icing on the cookies and add little snowflake sprinkles in red and green to the tops. Calum’s endeavors to make this Christmas season your best sparing no activity.
After the cookies are done and Mila is dressed you reconvene in the living room, Calum gently gives Mila to you and then opens his arms for the both of you to settle into. He puts on a Christmas movie you’ve never seen but he promises you’ll love it. You both quickly realize it becomes nothing but background noise and light as whispered words and snuggles are more important. Mila sleeps against your chest, your arms wrapped right around her. You lay against Calum’s, his hold on you settling with one arm around your waist and one hand playing with your hair. Your eyes soften and though you’re tired and content enough for them to slip closed there’s nothing that will take this moment from you.
“I wish we could stay like this forever,” you whisper. When Calum expresses the same you continue. “I don’t want her to grow up anymore, I want her to stay just like this, right here in my arms.” You give Mila a few small kisses and stroke her back, gently so as to not wake her but enough for her to feel and know she’s loved.
“She’ll always be our little girl,” Calum reminds you. “We’ll always have our arms open for her. No matter how big she gets.”
You feel content with that fact. All of your fears of your own upbringing by distant parents melting away at the reassurance from your husband. You’ll be better than them. You’ll always be here for her. You’ll always give her the love she needs and deserves.
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u-hobbs · 4 years
My most memorable highlights: Manchester Derby
- got so excited for tc vs rose/sam; turns out rose is not playing ugh
- MORE EXCITED FOR BRONZE AND PRESS sorry but i love crack ships and they are my ultimate one right now
- the georgia vs ona is the most frustrating battle there is
- early goal for man city? "goodbye lead"
- i think this game made me understand why lucy is regarded one of the best in the world, her pace is incredible
- georgia was also incredible
- chris and tobs once again having so much chances, i am now begging for a preath goal
- 2-0 halftime i lost all hope
- hanson entered halftime btw and is always great, idk why ppl are ignoring her
- lol i suddenly remembered that tobs and lucy went to unc together when they were having a 1v1 around 2nd half
- turns out chris is injured and i panicked a lot a little but she's gonna be fine, i think
-so much kneeling players in this game, man city wants to kill my babies 🥺
- broadcast wont share my needed post match uswnt content 😤
- its a draw but, MANCHESTER IS STILL RED
MNU 2 - MCI 2
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thorkizilla · 7 years
Hi, I just found your blog and I really love it :3 Could you please recommend any fic where Thor and Loki are little kids in Asgard? Thanks
Hi!  I’m glad you’re enjoying the blog!!  ♥  And I can definitely help with that, I LOVE KIDLETS IN ASGARD FIC.  :D  Some of these will be tagged as Thorki, but much of the time it could be gen just as easily, so keep that in mind if you’re not here for Thorki but don’t actively hate it.→ Five Crimes in the Name of Brotherhood by freakylemurcat, thor & loki + other asgardians, fluff, kidfic, 4.5k    5 times Thor and Loki had moments of Epic Brohood, and 1 time they had an Epic Bro Sulk together because Odin caught them at something and made them scrub the latrines. → Look to the Future by cest_what, thor/loki, kid fic, 1.2k    Loki's worked out why Odin brought him here. (An AU set in the growing-up-in-Asgard era.) → Once Upon a Jotun by jeansouth, thor/loki, kidfic, fairy tale, 1.9k    Once upon a time, there was a small blond prince, in a faraway land of sweeping spiral castles, rainbow bridges, and wishes that came true. Prince Thor was a believer, thanks to his nursemaid Ona, and believed that if he wished for something hard enough, he would be lucky enough to get it. → Child's Play by pluiedunord, thor & loki, kidfic, fluff, ~1k    Young Thor and Loki play in the forest, and Loki wanders off. Big Brother Thor to the rescue. → The One You Must Protect by fallintosanity (yopumpkinhead), odin & loki & thor, kid!thor + baby!loki, 1.4k    Odin takes his two small sons to play in the garden.  Then he loses them.→ My Son, My Joy by fallintosanity (yopumpkinhead), odin & loki, baby!loki, 1.3k   Odin might be king, but he can still find time for his younger son.  (Odin character study.)→ On the Care and Feeding of Sorcerers by fallintosanity (yopumpkinhead), odin & baby!loki, 1.5k   There are a lot of things Odin hadn't considered about raising a Jotun runt as his own - such as why Loki was so small in the first place.Odin and Loki character study.→ The First Hunt by fallintosanity (yopumpkinhead), thor & loki & odin & frigga, kid!thor, kid!loki, 5.2k   Thor is a great warrior, even if he's only just starting to lose his baby teeth, and he needs a good battle to prove it. Slaying the famed dire bear Iofur sounds like just the right challenge.→ To Strengthen The Other by fallintosanity (yopumpkinhead), thor & loki & odin & frigga & asgard, 5.8k   What’s an Odinson to do, when his brother does everything right and he’s not the favored prince?Or, Loki gets to go to Alfheim. Thor gets jealous.→ I do not want what I do not have by AmunetMana, purplecho, thor/loki + odin/frigga + good!laufey, jotunn!loki, baby!loki, kid!thor, 3k    "He’s going to marry Laufey’s son one day." Frigga had known right from the beginning how it would all turn out between her son and Laufey's. Getting Odin and Laufey to see it her way might take a little longer. → Fangs and Frost Giants by MintySquirrel, thor/loki (pre-slash), kid!thor + kid!loki, ~1k    A thunderstorm in Asgard has an infant Loki clambering to the safety of his brother's bed, seeking the comfort of Thor's storytelling. → little lion man by Mira_Jade, thor & loki, kidfic, 1.8k    "Brother, don't you want to be king?" → Tales of the Storm: Ephemeral by Lizardbeth, loki + thor + frigga + odin, kidfic, animal death, 2.2k    A hunting accident teaches young Loki about mortality and loss. → Variations on a Theme - Chapter 3: Loki & Thor - Gen by proantagonist, kid!thor & kid!loki, ~1k   This one is pretty short, but it's squishy with brother feels so I like it. Written for a request for non-destructive, happy Loki. Which, you know, meant I had to take him back to the age of diapers.→ First Steps by Lizardbeth, kid!thor & kid!loki & frigga, ~1k  Thor's earliest memory of his little brother→ Tales of the Storm: Poison at the Feast by Lizardbeth, kid!thor & kid!loki & frigga, 3k  When they were young, Thor believed Loki's food sensitivity was a choice to get attention or because he was strange. It was much more serious than that.→ what follows by Lise. kid!thor & kid!loki & frigga, hurt!loki, 1.6k  In any childhood, there are always accidents.→ Five Times Thor Comforted Loki and One Time Loki Comforted Thor by ravenbringslight. thor/loki, ~1k  What it says on the tin. :)→ Baby Brother by Velvedere, odin/frigga & baby!thor & baby!loki, 1.5k  Odin has a surprise for his wife.→ Thor Wants A Sword by Velvedere, kid!thor & baby!loki & frigga, 1.2k  Thor gets his first sword.→ Young Thor and Loki are up to no good by Niobium, kid!thor & kid!loki & asgard, 14.4k  Stories set well before the events of Thor (2011), ranging from Thor and Loki's childhoods to early adulthoods.→ Bringer of Storms by ladymacbeth99, kid!thor & kid!loki & frigga, 2.7k  A young Thor discovers he has power over thunder and lightning–-but he has more trouble controlling it than he’d like.→ Queen Mother by ariadne_bee, kid!thor & kid!loki & frigga, 2.9k  The boys were due at their lessons in thirty minutes, and the same shenanigans were taking place that drained her patience every day.And while not them in Asgard and only Thor is a kid, I feel I would be remiss in not recommending one final one, because I LOVE IT SO MUCH:→ Godchild by griseldajane, de-aged!kid!thor & loki, 39.5k  When Loki finds a de-aged Thor wandering alone on the battlefield, Loki takes the five year old child in and resolves to figure out how Thor was transformed and why...
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