#once upon a time pack
sciderman · 1 month
What’s your favorite snack? Since you don’t have a sweet tooth
If I hear anything about tea and crumpets, I’m coming after you 😤
can’t stand the mouthfeel of a crumpet, and I’ve always been more of a coffee person, so it’s no wonder I’m seen as a traitor to my kind
ive been shamed for my snacking habits without remorse
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mostly I graze on fruits and veggies, like a rabbit
i snack a lot (it’s a stress thing) but fervently avoid processed snack foods unless it’s a special occasion or other such dire circumstances. when im on vacation in a different country i am a bottomless pit of processed snacks. but at home im a saint.
my most favouritest thing is those frozen bags of berries you get for to make smoothies except I don’t make a smoothie. i just shovel the frozen fruit directly into my mouth and cut out the middle man . that’s my favourite . I love the icy crunch.
beyond that i eat a lot of cured meats and a LOT of yoghurt . and it’s no secret im a cheese fiend. and pickles are great, im always craving pickles. and olives. and a lot of avocados. like, daily.
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yourwitchhazel · 2 months
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Colin O'Donoghue in Once upon a time (s2)
By following the source link you can find 769 gifs; these gifs were made by me; you can edit them into graphics/gif icons if you like, but you must give credit – please like or reblog. If you enjoy my work, you can donate me how much you want!
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i swear i have the body of a 50 yr old. i did something mildly active for less than an hour today and my back Aches. who authorized this
#my back: oughhhh im so weak you need to lay down and be still for ten hours#honey i do not have the patience nor the time for that#i am chugging this soup and then im Really Fuckin Crunching The Packing & Cleaning#my mother gets here at like 2 am and i want to get shit done before she arrives#so that i can be told i did a good job for once in my damn life#sorry that was pathetic!#i actually am just a spiteful creature that wants to prove that Hey. maybe i can be relied upon this one time#bet she expects to get here to see an absolute mess w/ not nearly enough packed#JOKES ON YOU FUCKER IM DOIN IT ALL ON MY OWN#i got shit done Without you. ha!#also i want to go whale watching tomorrow#i need to be on the water... i need it.... big aminal please...#rambles from the bog#i feel so. Independent. and tired#took the cats to the vet all on my own. got them a prescription. rode in two ubers and made casual conversation both times#completely fumbled a brief interaction with a really cute girl who was definitely outta my league#me: wants to talk to cute girl. if she offers to get the door for you say Yes#brain: look at the floor. ignore her. say 'no ive got it' when she offers to get the door for you#sobbing and wailing. totally won otherwise lmao#my cats were so good!!! they were so sweet and they Listened!#they stayed on the weighing plate & let their claws be clipped#they were so friendly and nice and WELL BEHAVED WHAT WAS THAT#when i try to clip their claws i get squirmy mc wormie and little miss war crimes#i walk away with new scars and nothin to show for it#but noooo. vets do it and not a peep. not a single wriggle. no hisses or meows. just hangin out#man. at least my cats are comfy enough with me to be up front w their desires#fuckin fakers... beautiful sweet well behaved fakers....#the vets absolutely loved them btw. all three people that were in the room loved how sweet my little critters were <3#i am Proud tbh
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neverscreens · 1 month
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Like or reblog if it was useful, every interaction shows us that we should keep making screencaps for y'all ♡
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newrulesedits · 10 months
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adelaide kane as drizzella layouts.
┋▸ like/reblog if you like/save them.
⁏ ↷ credits to @idgafdob on Twitter.
wait five seconds for better quality.
collage headers aren’t mine, I just added the psd.
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shelbgrey · 11 months
Aesthetic Boards:
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Dr. Lance Sweets:
Dating mood board
My Boys aesthetic
Agent Seeley Booth:
His aesthetic
Dating mood board
Updated aesthetic of my favorite agent
Agent James Aubrey:
His aesthetic
Dating mood board
Dr. Jack Hodgins:
His aesthetic
Big brother aesthetic
Dr. Wendell Bray:
His aesthetic
Dr. Vincent Nigel-Murray:
His aesthetic
Dr. Camille Saroyan:
Her aesthetic
Dr. Arastoo Vaziri:
His aesthetic
Angela Montenegro:
Her aesthetic
Dr. Temperance "Bones" Brennan:
Her aesthetic
Emmett McCarthy Cullen:
His aesthetic
Carlisle Cullen:
His aesthetic
Husband moodboard
Jasper Whitlock Hale:
The cowboy's aesthetic
Edward Anthony Mason Cullen:
The Brooders aesthetic
Rosalie Lillian Hale:
The queen's aesthetic
Esme Ann Platt Cullen:
Mama Cullen's aesthetic
Mary Alice Brandon Cullen:
Her aesthetic
The Denalis:
Eleazar Denali:
His aesthetic
Tayna Denali:
Her aesthetic
Kate Denali:
Her aesthetic
The wolf pack:
Paul lahote:
His aesthetic
Leah Clearwater:
Her aesthetic
Seth Clearwater:
His aesthetic
Jacob Black:
His aesthetic
🗡️Once upon a time 🍎
Robin Hood:
My Boys aesthetic
Robin dating Hooks sister mood board
Killian Jones:
His aesthetic
New aesthetic
David Nolan:
My favorite prince's aesthetic
August W. Booth:
His aesthetic
Dr. Archie Hopper:
The cricket's aesthetic
Ruby Lucas:
The beautiful wolf's aesthetic
Snow White:
Her aesthetic
Dean winchester:
Dating Dean mood board
My angel's aesthetic
Dating aesthetic
Updated aesthetic
Sam Winchester:
The moos' aesthetic
My favorite Angel's aesthetic
Marc Spector:
His aesthetic
Steven Grant:
My baby's aesthetic
Tony stark:
Big brother aesthetic
Scott Summers:
His aesthetic
Dating mood board
Hank McCoy:
My blue baby's aesthetic
Dr. Egon Spengler:
My love's aesthetic
Dating mood board
Ray Stantz:
The sweet boy's aesthetic
Peter Venkman:
His aesthetic
Winston Zeddemore:
His aesthetic
🏍️The lost boys🩸
My favorite vampire's aesthetic
Mated to David aesthetic
His aesthetic
💙Random characters🩵
Ace Merrill:
His aesthetic
Richard Lawson:
His aesthetic
Cliff Booth:
His aesthetic
❤️‍🔥Grey's Anatomy🩺
Dr. Derek Shepherd:
Mcdreamy's McAesthetic
Dating aesthetic
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vasfasan · 10 months
main cast people with siblings:
regina & zelena
david & james
killian & liam 1 & liam 2
emma & baby neal
henry & baby hope
roland & baby robin
baelfire & gideon (?)
the dwarfs (??)
i'm probably forgetting some but out of those, only TWO pairs grew up together if you don;t count the dwarfs.
CONFIRMED main only children (i think): snow, rumplestilskin, archie, august
basically what i mean is ... the show loves giving ppl siblings. and the only two narratives FOr the siblinghood is either "separated at birth" or "30 year age gap between the siblings"
ONLY CHILD REPRESENTATION MATTERS. THERE IS NOT ENOUGH OF IT. but also kinda a lot because like i said most siblings never grew up w each other.
honestly rumple and snow are pretty good examples of an only child's psyche. i mean i would've probably opened up to an adult i view as trustworthy because there IS no one else to open up to really.
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violasmirabiles · 8 months
dear god im sitting on a gbu thought / concept / idea WHATEVER feeling foaming at the mouth level insane and cant even DO anything with it really. or even explain it in a way thats not just the fuckin iasip pepe silvia meme. thought the gbu/tuntematon sotilas crossover was bad but this is a new level of hey ali did you know youre really truly very finnish and this is relevant to no one else but you
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variousqueerthings · 1 year
I’m on the columbo episode that takes place at the military academy, and it’s very satisfying to see them unleash a funky little adhd man onto a rigorous macho (abusive) type of institution
not predicting he’s about to change the whole world, but sometimes all you need is to experience some mild chaos
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martianbugsbunny · 2 years
My North Star (A CaptainCroc Fic)
Hello, friendly friends, I’ve written a one-shot CaptainCroc vow renewal. The only context you need is that they were first married those hundreds of years ago. Actually, that’s kinda mentioned in the fic, so just read it and have fun! 🫰😊👍
Hook couldn’t help staring at the man before him. The early evening light fell on him just so, lighting the streaks of both gold and silver in his mousy brown hair, giving peculiar clarity to the darker brown of his eyes.
Of course, it was more than just a regular day, so he was probably looking through rose-colored lenses. Which was not to say that Rumplestiltskin wasn’t always handsome, to Hook; it was just that they were renewing their vows, and seeing the love on Rumple’s face without any obscurant, for once, was rare. It lit him up in a special way.
Their wedding had been centuries ago, in a small, dirty building with straw on the floor and grimy windows. Since being reunited, after the Dark Curse was broken, Hook had wanted to have a ceremony in a beautiful place, as he thought they both deserved after all the pain their marriage had been through. So here they were, outside, in a stunning forest clearing, the air crisp and the trees bright green. It was everything they hadn’t had before. It was everything Hook had wanted it to be.
His eyes wandered about Rumple’s figure as he spoke his vows. He was wearing a coat with a wide skirt, made of a soft, deep blue velvet and embroidered with silver stars. The moon was stitched in right over his heart. He was rather dashing.
Finally it was Hook’s turn to say his vows. He took Rumple’s left hand in his right, pressing his fingers against the old band of gold on his ring finger. “For most of my life, you’ve been my guiding light,” he said. “Wherever you led, I followed. Whatever I did, I did with you in mind. Even if you went astray, I chased after you, and I’ve loved every moment of it.”
He could see the tears forming in Rumple’s eyes. He was such a romantic. And he rarely felt loved, which Hook would make certain changed now that he was back in Rumple’s life. “I am a seafaring man,” he continued. “The stars are what lead me to my next port. I’ve spent more hours than I can count staring at the night sky. But you, Rumplestiltskin...you are the North Star for my heart. I have spent more days than I can count watching you, and I will spend many more in the coming years. Where your heart leads, mine will follow, and you will want for nothing.”
Their lives had been twisted and turned so many times, by fate, by themselves—by each other. But everything that took him away from Rumple had been temporary, and everything that gave him back was worth it. “I love you, and I treasure you above all else,” Hook said. “And so long as there is breath in my body, we will not be parted again.”
It was moments later the ceremony was finished, with a rather enthusiastic kiss. Hook was already starting to think maybe they ought to do it again after the next three centuries, should they live so long. Maybe three decades would do.
Rumple did look splendid in his finery, but if Hook was to be honest, he preferred the scene of Rumple in his pajamas later that night. He had adored that sight since Rumple was dressed in simple woolen fabric, curled up in the captain’s cabin with a content smile on his face. He would adore Rumple in his silk pajamas, stretched out the four-poster in his own bedroom, until the day he died.
“My true North,” Hook whispered, climbing into bed beside him. He leaned over and kissed Rumple’s forehead.
“Was this day everything you’d hoped?” Rumple asked, settling against Hook’s chest.
Hook didn’t even need a moment to think. He’d finally gotten the chance to tell his husband how deeply in love he still was, how much he cared, and he’d gotten to provide for Rumple the fine day he’d believed Rumple deserved since their first wedding. He didn’t hope for or long for anything else. “That and more,” he replied, closing his eyes. “Today...like you...was everything I desired.”
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xsunnyrain · 2 years
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Elizabeth Mitchell / Margot Fairmont Layout
by: Natilla
*If you use it, i would appreciate the credits on twitter @xsunnyrain*
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randomnameless · 2 years
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*cries in lolcalisation*
Granted, this person most likely didn’t play through THE paralogue where Leigh!Rhea’s all “let me tell you how awesome great Emperor Wilhelm was!”
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Le sigh
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teaboot · 9 months
One time I read that post that goes "once upon a time an adult put you on the ground and never picked you up again" and it made me sad so now I lift everyone. I'm 5'3" and kinda dumpy but the trick is to plant your feet, get 'em in a gable grip low near the hips with your knees bent, and then just tuck in your Elbows and straighten your legs. Gets those fuckers right on up there. I'm the oldest of eight and also the shortest but that sad shit lives with me so I'm hauling around these kids around like it's nothing. My little brother is a hockey player and a full head taller. I carried him around when he was a baby and I carried him around last weekend. My Papa is a 230lb Bavarian man who watches Stargate in a bath robe, he's smoked a pack a day for forty years. You think I haven't lifted him? I have. He said I couldn't do it but I did. God didn't give me social skills but I'm full of love and jacked as hell and he's not here to stop me
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breatheagainpremades · 3 months
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You’ll get 100 PREMADES and a ZIP FILE ($10.00) (Size - 170x220)
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dawnled · 4 months
tag post #5 ( au verses #2 ) !
#au. marked by a l’cie for a greater destiny.  /  final fantasy xiii.#au. divine etro ; go peacefully to your rest. i will stand guard over your legacy.  /  knight of etro.#au. the path you've chosen is paved with the dead. walk it with your eyes open or not at all.  /  final fantasy xiv.#au. protecting the king and my friends ; even at the cost of my life.  /  kingsglaive.#au. forgotten but not lost. i still strive to protect them.  /  once upon a time.#au. magic everywhere ; all that you imagine.  /  disneyland cast member.#au. existing on the edge between the gloss and reality.  /  mirror’s edge.#au. time and disease are our greatest enemies.  /  trauma team / doctor.#au. burn bright as a phoenix ; enrapture the audience in the flames of the stage.  /  kaleido star.#au. greet the dawn with a song to welcome the daybreak ; a pearl promise of protection.  /  mermaid melody.#au. you see cool and calm and strong when you look at me ; who is the ‘me’ that i really want to be?  /  shugo chara.#au. a model and a mew mew ; the lone wolf of the pack.  /  tokyo mew mew.#au. let me pick up your heart ; the crystalline shine of your love for me.  /  sugar sugar rune.#au. i will not forget the promise i made with you ; i close my eyes and the memory clears the darkness clouding my way.  /  madoka magica.#au. an entirely different type of journey ; making friends along the way.  /  pokémon.#au. cool calm and collected ; such is the path of a slytherin.  /  slytherin.
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ozarkthedog · 2 months
𝐚 𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧
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summary: joel secretly watches you shower.
warnings: 18+ mdni. older!joel miller x afab!reader. dubcon -> reader has no idea. reader has a bush but no other physical descriptors. male masturbation. joel is a conflicted, dirty old man but we love him so. w.c: 1.3k
author's note: the title is way too sweet for this. thank you @ghotifishreads for looking this over!
𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭 ⋅ 𝐅𝐢𝐜 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐬 ⋅ 𝐉𝐨𝐞𝐥 𝐌𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭
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Joel is a bad man. 
A very, very bad man. 
Still, he couldn't think of a reason to stop as he gripped the base of his cock and began to stroke while he watched you dance like a sprite under the flowing stream.
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It was a miracle the two of you stumbled upon a YMCA this far from the city. Joel figured it'd be swarming with people or worse, but it was oddly barren aside from crawling vines and small critters living in the alcoves. 
It was even rarer that the water would still be working, but after you begged him with those big doe eyes, Joel checked it out. 
You wait anxiously on a pathway in the center of a large washroom, shifting back and forth on your feet between the shower stalls while Joel stands in one of the less scary cubicles. The room was a mess. Mud cakes the floor and walls; once pearly white tiles are now smeared with dirt. Various tiles and mirrors are splintered and broken. 
"'ere goes nothin'." Joel turns the knob, and the pipes behind the wall make a slew of thuds and loud creaking noises before a rush of water flows from the tap like a waterfall spilling over the edge of a cliff. 
"No, shit." Joel curses in shock and tests the water's temp. "S'ice cold." he hisses before stepping out of the tiny stall. 
You squeal elatedly. Uncaring about the cold, you move closer and cup your hands under the stream. You let out a soft moan at the frigid temperature. The unruly summer days were doing a number on you both.
Joel swallows hard at the sound and shifts his eyes to the floor before spying a few bars of soap a few feet away. He grabs two and tosses you one. "I don't know about you, but I'm taking a shower now," you announce, dropping your bag into the path between the stalls.
"Guess I should, too," Joel says, looking at the other, relatively clean stall across from yours. 
"You definitely should." You quip and playfully wrinkle your nose as you shuck off your shoes.
"Shut up." Joel bites back with a sly grin. He takes a few short steps and turns the shower knob. Sure enough, crystal clear water streams freely from the head.
"See ya when we're clean." you send him a smile before tugging your curtain closed. 
Joel shifts on his feet in the small space as he watches you pile your clothes on top of your bag from behind the curtain. He should keep guard and give you some privacy, but all coherent thought evaporates when he sees and hears you step under the stream.
Sunlight pours down into your stall from a window above, creating a tempting silhouette as you shimmy in the water and let loose an unrestrained moan. The sweet sound echoes off the washroom walls and slithers into Joel's brain. It races down his spinal column, and reaches home in his groin. His cock fills with blood instantly, forcing him to bite his cheek and mute his own moan.
"Ah, what the hell," he mumbles, setting his pack next to yours and closing the curtain to his stall. He's out of his clothes quicker than he remembers moving, chucking them carelessly on the other side of the curtain. His cock stands hard and raging, but he ignores it, choosing to step under the freezing stream with the hope it'll curb his arousal. 
"Fuck." Joel groans when the cold rains down on his sweltering body.  
"Told you." he hears you tease.
Joel shakes his head with a smile. It was by chance that your paths crossed. He wasn't looking for anyone to share in this new way of life, especially after Tommy left, but as luck would have it, you stumbled into his world at the right time, and now he's not quite sure he wants to live without you in it.  
He'd kept his distance over the last few months. He was too old to get caught up in sappy feelings and didn't need the distraction when life was on the line. However, that raw, gnawing need never went away. It took him a while to relax and feel secure enough to get off, but when he did, he was able to let go and succumb to the urges he remembered enjoying so much before the outbreak. 
He scrubs his fingers through his salt and pepper hair, across his broad, hairy chest, expelling dirt and grime from his skin as it swirls down the drain. His erection still hasn't faded; if anything, it's even harder now as your airy singing fills the room. 
He teethes his bottom lip as he succumbs to the urge once more and curls a soapy hand around his twitching length, circling the girthy base with a tight grip. Blood pulses in the crown— a desert sunset red, throbbing and weeping.
Joel knows it's wrong, but he's past the point of caring. With his left hand, he eases the curtain to catch another glimpse of your inviting silhouette but gets more than he imagined.
A breeze from the open window above your stall must have pushed the curtain open without you realizing. It was no bigger than a small gap, but it exposed enough of your body to Joel's prying eyes.
His jaw clenches tight as his deviant gaze travels along the wet, soapy expanse of your body. Water drips from your hairline, over your clavicle, between your breasts, and trickles down your soft belly. A mess of droplets and soapy suds cling to the patch of curls that covers your mound. Joel's cock throbs at the sight of your bush; he always loved the taste of a sweaty, hairy pussy.
You wash yourself, utterly unaware of his stare. The knot in Joel's abdomen twists, an unyielding cramp cinching ever tighter. He swirls his large, slick palm over his drooling tip, expertly moving with the right touch, trying his quickest to get off before the floor opens up and swallows him whole.
His sac tightens, drawing up as an intense wave burns through his gut. He watches with shameless infatuation as you run your soapy hands around your breasts and between your legs before rinsing away the filth. He roughly thrusts into his grip, imagining it's your cunt as it hugs and swirls around him while he greedily fucks into your warmth. He wants nothing more than to feel you under him, writhing from his illicit and soothing touch. 
His spine curves as he hunches over and leans one hand on the wall for support as he comes with a mess of deep, broken grunts. Fingers scratch the tile, body quivering with searing pleasure as thick white ropes splash against the dingy tile; he pictures you gasping for him while he fills you to the brim.
Shame creeps in, swarming hot and fast like the midday sun after a summer rainstorm. He yanks his hand from his cock like he's been burnt when you suddenly appear on the other side of the curtain.
"Are you almost done?" your voice cutting through the white noise of the shower stream. Joel peers around the side of the curtain, eyes piercing yet sorrowful. "Yeah, gimme a minute."
For now, Joel shakes off his shame. He cleans himself up and haphazardly splashes the wall with water, washing away any evidence of his perverted seclusion.
"Here," he hears you say as you hand him his clothes. He opens the curtain a bit and notices your eyes are cast downward. Joel instantly feels the sharp fangs of regret sink into his flesh; you must've heard him. 
"Thanks," Joel mutters. His fingers brush yours as he grabs his clothes, making your big eyes snap to his before they curiously travel down over his bouldering, sun-kissed shoulders. He watches your jaw drop with a silent gasp, and your knees slightly buckle at the dewy sight of him.
"Be out right out," he smirks when you forget to let go of his clothes, forcing you to mumble a mortified apology before he closes the curtain.
Maybe he was wrong.
Maybe he's not as bad as he thinks, and just maybe he might have a chance with you.
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feel free to scream at me -> 💌
reblogs & comments are extremely appreciated! follow @ozzieslibrary for new fic updates!
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