#one anon sources from the office even claimed it got so bad at some point that ze had to step in
the-jam-to-the-unicorn · 10 months
Mendel treated Olena badly? What happened? 🫨
There were rumours about Mendel limiting the access to Vova and his office and being rude to her and stuff like that.
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deanstead · 4 years
Too Close
Pairing: Kelly Severide x Reader, Jay Halstead x Reader (Platonic/Partners)
Warnings: mention of blood/injury, cursing, slight angst, fluff!
Requested by anon: Oooh can I request a Kelly Severide x reader? Reader is a cop in intelligence and her and Kelly have been together for awhile, but get in a big fight. Later she ends up getting held hostage and the building she is in gets set on fire so 51 shows up, chaos ensues and maybe a fluffy ending?
A/N: First Kelly Request is here! Hope this turned out okay, I’m still exploring my Severide writings and I hope that you like it! Feedback is always welcome and much appreciated and it really keeps me going! Kelly requests are open~!
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*gif not mine*
“Morning sunshine.” Kelly called, handing you your morning mug of coffee as you emerged from his room.
You didn’t say a word but smiled and moved in to claim your morning kiss from him. Kelly kissed the top of your head, before gently touching his lips to yours.
You gulped down your coffee, glancing at the clock behind him. “Okay, I really have to go. I’ll see you tonight?” You called, placing the mug in the sink and heading towards the door.
“Tonight? I’m on shift.” Kelly responded absentmindedly, as you froze in your tracks.
You spun around. “Seriously, Kelly?”
Kelly looked at you, confusion written all over his face. “What? I told you I was going to pick up some extra shifts. Besides, the overtime will do us good.”
You felt the anger almost bubbling up inside you. “What the hell Kelly, this is the third time this month you’ve blown me off. Do you even know what day it is today?”
Instead of backing down like he usually did, Kelly seemed to get irritated by your reaction. “It’s just a dinner, what is the matter with you?”
You nodded. “Yeah, just a dinner. Are you sure you’re ready to be in the long haul with me? You can’t even commit to one dinner. One.”
“You knew from the get-go that I’m on shift work. I don’t complain when you get wrapped up in a case, do I? I seriously don’t need this from you!”
You felt your heart clench as you looked back into his green eyes. “If you weren’t ready, you should have just told me, instead of taking the long way to blow me off.”
“I’m not blowing you off! What, don’t you trust me? Or do you want me to call Chief so you can verify my whereabouts?” Kelly’s voice was getting louder.
“You’re missing the point by a mile!” You shot back. “Whatever, I’ll cancel the reservation.”
Kelly turned his back to you. “I can’t even talk to you anymore.”
The disappointment and hurt welled up in your chest in one fell motion and you spun around, marching out the door. By the time Kelly turned around again, you were gone.
You marched up the stairs and towards your desk. You hoped you’d get busy today since that was the best formula for taking your mind off things, putting all your mind and energy into a case.
“Heya partner.” You looked up to see Jay smiling down at you. “Are you clearing out early today? Big anniversary dinner, right?”
The irrational tears that sprang to your eyes forced you to turn your head away from Jay.
“Y/N?” Jay asked, concerned that he wasn’t getting your usual quirky response.
You cleared your throat awkwardly. “Yeah, we’ll see.” You pushed up from your desk and slipped into the pantry.
Jay was annoying when he was worried. He followed you into the room and closed the door behind him. “You okay?”
You poured coffee into your empty mug and shrugged. “Yeah, just a bad morning.”
Before Jay could press you further, there was a sharp rap at the door and Adam stuck his head in. “We gotta go, guys.”
You nodded at him, looking at Jay who was already studying you. “Come on, let’s go.” Jay said, leading the way out of the room as you remembered how grateful you were that Jay picked these things up quickly.
Jay stopped the car a distance from the address you guys were heading for.
You were pretty sure this person was merely a person-of-interest and not guilty of the murder. Jay shared your sentiment but the team had enough probable cause to get a sneak and peek warrant. Which was something.
You got out of the car, both of you moving stealthily towards the back of the house and entering it quietly. You stepped in front of Jay, pointing your gun into the house and entered the first room that you reached, as Jay moved down the hall.  
That’s when you heard it. A click, before you immediately felt the nozzle of a gun against the back of your neck.
“Don’t move.”
You raised your hands slowly as the person holding the gun to your neck snatched yours right out of your hands and pulled you against him, the gun still touching your skin.
“Don’t move!” His voice rose a little in your ear as you heard footsteps approaching.
“Drop the weapon!” Your partner’s voice ringing into the room.
He spun around with you so that you were now facing Jay. “Drop the gun!” Jay hollered again, as he held his gun straight up.
“I will shoot her!” he screamed and you flinched as the gun shifted against your skin.
Jay froze as the suspect pushed the weapon harder against you.
“Get out.” He snarled.
Jay shook his head, “I can’t, you know that.”
You finally spoke. “Okay, everyone let’s take a breath, alright? What’s your name? Or tell me what I should call you.”
“Darren.” His voice trembled a little, you could feel him shake a little.
You took a deep breath. “Okay, Darren? My partner here is just a little nervous because you have your gun to my head, okay? I need you to put the gun down and we can all talk, alright?”
Darren seemed to be considering your words but straightened up again. “No!” His head snapped up to look at Jay again. “If you don’t get out, I’m going to shoot her!”
Jay put his hands up. “Okay, okay.” Jay looked at me again. “You good?”
You moved your head slightly in a nod. “We’re good.”
Jay moved backwards slowly, Darren following him all the way to the door. “I’m out Darren, don’t hurt her.”
Jay’s words were met with Darren slamming the door in his face, leaving you alone in the house with him and Jay alone out on the street.
Jay pulled out his radio. “Sarge, Y/N is alone with an armed suspect. We need everyone here.”
Darren roughly tugged you into the sitting room, pushing you towards a chair that was a distance away from the window. You eyed the window but looked back at Darren again quickly.
“Darren. You’re not a bad kid, come on.” You looked at him, thinking if you could talk him down maybe this didn’t need to end in blood. Darren, on the other hand, was pacing in front of you and you were worried that he’d lose it under the stress soon.
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw more cars pull up outside the house and Jay speaking to Voight urgently, before he headed to the car and pulled out his long-range weapon. Voight was sending Jay to standby for a long-range shot.
This was your only chance to talk him down.
“Darren. Was there an accident? Is that what happened? That changes everything.” You tried to slow your voice down, knowing it might only agitate him further otherwise.
“Shut up!” Darren shouted, his pacing getting quicker, his behaviour more erratic.
You were about to say something more when you heard the sound of sparks and you craned your head to find the source of the sound. In the midst of Darren’s pacing, you saw it. The plug was right behind him, at the entrance of the sitting room, obviously overloaded. One of the only perks of listening to Kelly’s never-ending stories of his day was that you could see this was a problem immediately.
“Darren. Darren!” You raised your voice to get his attention and he pointed his gun up at you again, moving closer and pressing the nozzle to your chest.
“I said shut up.” He snarled.
“Darren. The plug is going to blow. Look at it. Look at the sparks behind you.” You didn’t like this feeling. This whole place was going to go up in flames. You looked to the side again, where a line of aerosol spray cans sat not too far away.
“You need to turn it off Darren.” You repeated, looking him straight in the eye, trying to ignore the fact that he had a gun pointing right at your heart.
“You’re just trying to get me distracted! Cops are all the same!” He shouted, digging the gun harder into your chest.
You weren’t sure how much time had passed, you weren’t even sure what the hell was happening outside and for the first time that day you let the thought of Kelly seep into your mind. Kelly’s smile. The tinkle of his laugh. Even the glittering of his clear green eyes when he looked at you. Kelly.
Just then the phone rang and both of you jumped. You swallowed. “Darren, pick up the phone. My sergeant can help you.”
Darren’s eyes darted from you to the phone, weighing his options, trying to think about whether he should answer the phone or not.
“You have to answer it. Pick it up and they can help you.”
Darren continued to stare at the phone as the ringing died out for the second time. “Darren. Pick it up and tell them what you want. If anyone can help you, it’s my sergeant.”
You could hear the sparks flying behind him and watched in dismay as a couple of sparks flew further, ultimately catching onto the old curtain that was hanging past the window.
The flames danced effortlessly across the curtain. You glanced at Darren who was looking more panicked by the second before you glanced out the window at Voight who was already on his radio, the orange flames visible even from where he was standing.
Kelly twiddled his fingers in his office, still upset from his fight with you this morning. He was distracted enough that he was doing anything except what he was supposed to do - the incident report in front of him that was still blank except for the date.
“Hey.” Casey was leaning against the doorframe of Kelly’s office, watching him.
Kelly turned his chair around. “What’s up?”
“Is this about tonight? We can get a relief lieutenant in. I mean it is your anniversary.”
Kelly’s head shot up. “What?”
Casey shrugged, “What? Gabby tells me stuff.” He watched the expression on Kelly’s face and added, “Severide, you didn’t forget, did you?”
Kelly’s expression said it all. “Oh my god.” He ran his hand over his face. “I’m such an idiot.”
“I had a stupid fight with her this morning, I thought she was overreacting.”
Before Casey could respond, the all-too-familiar alarm resounded through the firehouse. “Squad 3, Truck 81, Ambulance 61, House Fire.”
Without hesitation, they looked at each other and jogged out of the firehouse, pulling on their equipment. As they hurtled towards the address Main had given them, Kelly looked down at his phone, trying to type you a message.
“Lieutenant!” Kelly’s head snapped up and looked in the direction Tony was pointing. A bunch of police cars were never a good sign but Kelly’s heart gave a squeeze as he registered Voight standing there and no sign of you or Jay.
Kelly was out of the truck before it had even come to a complete stop.
“Sergeant!” Kelly shouted, running towards them, Boden also reaching the spot where Voight was standing.
“Do we know how many are inside?” Boden asked as Kelly’s eyes darted around the scene.
Voight glanced at Kelly. “Two. One of our own. It’s a hostage situation, we were trying to get in touch when the fire started.”
The orange flames lapping at the house were no comfort at all.
“Halstead, do you have visual?” Voight asked into his radio.
Jay’s voice crackled on the radio. “Negative, Sarge.”
“Is she in there?” Kelly asked.
Voight nodded. “Just her and the suspect.”
Kelly spun to look at Boden who nodded. “Squad 3, rescue. Truck 81, get this fire under control. Be advised, we have an armed suspect in there.”
“Tony, Capp, back door. Cruz, with me!” Kelly barked as Casey nodded to his team, sending Otis and Mouch to vent the roof and heading towards the main door with Kelly.
You stood up for the first time since Darren had first made you sit on the couch. “Darren, we need to get out of here.”
“Don’t move!” Darren shouted, pointing the gun towards you. The smoke from the fire was starting to fill the room. You could feel the heat all around you.
“It’s a fire. We need to get out of here before it gets worse.” You took a step towards him.
You heard the shot before you felt the bullet pierce your thigh. The sharp pain shot up through your leg as you crumpled onto the floor. “I told you not to move!”
The shot resounded out of the house and Kelly felt his gut flip over in the midst of trying to pry open the main door. The pressure created from the fire wasn’t helpful but Kelly’s muscle memory allowed him to work on the door, although he could have sworn his heart had already fell to his feet.
You groaned on the floor and glanced at the flames that were slowly licking their way towards the aerosol cans. All you knew was that you needed to get as far from those cans as you possibly could, now on one leg. You pressed your hand on your wound and dragged yourself across the floor. The only benefit of being on the floor was that you knew that was where you where you were supposed to be in a fire – low on the ground. Kelly had told you that a million times.
You didn’t know where Darren was anymore but you couldn’t care as you continued to pull yourself away, the smoke starting to get into your lungs, making it hard to breathe.
Just as you were about to lose hope that you would find your way out, you heard it.
“Fire Department, call out!”
“Y/N! Where are you?”
With whatever strength you had left, you called out. “Kel…!” Your voice rasping.
“Severide, over here!” Herrmann called as he guided Kelly towards you. “Y/N!” Kelly pulled you towards him.
“I have another one over here!” Casey called as Herrmann headed towards the sound of Casey’s voice.
“Come on, it’s okay, let’s get you out of here.” Kelly called.
You grabbed his arm. “Kelly, the… there’s aerosol cans… there…”
Kelly’s head snapped around in the direction you were pointing as you felt his arms tighten around you.
“Casey, get out of here. Now!” Kelly hollered before he looped his arm under your knees and pulled you upwards, making quick strides towards the door.
“Casey!” Kelly shouted behind him.
“Right behind you, go!” Casey hollered back as they tugged each other out, rolling onto the lawn as the aerosol cans exploded.
You landed on the grass, wincing, not sure where the pain was coming from any longer but you could feel Kelly’s body above you protectively.
“Y/N. Baby, are you with me?” You gingerly opened your eyes and Kelly sighed in relief, pulling off his mask.
“Don’t worry, they got him, everyone’s out.” Kelly, reading your mind once again.
“Where are you hurt…” Kelly’s eyes fell on your leg mid-sentence and he looked up just as Sylvie reached your side.
“Main, we need another ambulance.” She called into her radio as Kelly helped you up and onto the stretcher.
You reached out for his hand and he squeezed it. “I’ll catch up with you…”
“Severide, go.” Kelly turned to look at his Chief who nodded at him. Casey patted him on the shoulder. “We’ll take care of things here.”
“Y/N!” Jay’s voice getting closer towards you. “Damn, I’m sorry. I…”
“Jay, I’m fine, we’re good. Did we get him?”
Jay almost rolled his eyes. “We’ll take it from here kid, you go get yourself patched up. We’ll see you later.” Voight said, squeezing your shoulder.
“Thanks, Sarge. Jay, I’m fine, okay?” Jay nodded back as Sylvie quickly pushed you into the ambulance and Kelly clambered in.
Kelly sat by your bedside, watching as you breathed evenly.
“Hey Severide.” Ethan called as he slid open the door. “We managed to get the bullet out, no complications. We’re also treating her for the smoke inhalation but her vitals look good, she should be out of here in a few days.”
“Thanks.” Kelly nodded to him as he smiled and left the room.
You stirred and Kelly’s head swung back to you, gently squeezing your hand. “Heya.”
“Kelly.” You breathed, his name the first thing that left your lips.
Kelly shifted, moving closer to you. “You scared me back there.” He whispered, gently running his thumb over the back of your hand.
“Thought you weren’t going to talk to me anymore.” You half-joked, your hand curling around his.
Kelly’s eyes flicked up to yours. “Not funny.” He paused. “I’m sorry babe.”
You tugged his hand a little, asking him to come closer. Kelly obliged, inching even closer to you, resting his chin on your hand, you could feel his stubble against your skin.
“No, I’m sorry.” You whispered.
Kelly shook his head. “No way. I keep thinking about it… If that had been the last thing that I had said to you… What if you really thought I didn’t want to talk to you… If I had lost you just like that…”
You pulled your hand out of his gently, instead placing it gently on his cheek. “But you got me out. My hero.” Kelly sighed, “That was too close. Way too close.”
“Kel… seriously… I only managed to stay calm in there because of you. I was determined to get out of there… alive… I couldn’t let that be our last conversation…” You trailed off.
Kelly smiled, wiping a stray tear you didn’t know had rolled down your face. “I promise, no more walking out the door until we have resolved any argument from now on, okay?”
You nodded back at him as he stood, leaning in once again to give you a soft kiss on your forehead.
“I love you babe, you know that right?” Kelly whispered.
You smiled. “I love you too Kelly Severide, even when you’re an idiot.”
Kelly smiled back at you. “Then I must be the luckiest idiot in the world.”
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themarginalartist · 7 years
Prompt Game Fic
So anon I really liked your prompt but to keep the surprise I’m going to place it in here like this! It was perfect for a Father’s Day thing so I hope you didn’t mind the wait. I’ll be posting to Ao3 later tonight.
Let’s just say Henry is a real dad.
Henry had been prepping to go out with Bendy for a quick stroll around town. The little demon had been cooped up in the studio for the last few days because everyone had been rushing around to meet deadlines and if Bendy didn’t get to play with someone soon he was going to start ramping up the pranks on the studio staff. Bendy leaned over the box of clothes that the studio members had donated to help Bendy with his disguises. Some of the items in the box were a bit too ridiculous, such as the rainbow Afro wig that had been put in, while others better suited the demon such as the tuxedo sweater that had been donated.
Bendy of course was taking his time and messing around with the accessories that people had placed in, already deciding on wearing a argyle print black and white sweater. Since there was a nip in the air he was searching for some winter weather gear. Bendy had grabbed a long red scarf and wrapped it around where his neck would be covering half of his smile. He’d also grabbed a gaudy bright blue beanie with white pompoms that dangled from the sides. To complete the look Bendy had grabbed a pair of bright yellow rain boots. He was a primary colored mess.
"How do I look?” Bendy asked, stifling his own giggles so that he could get Henry’s opinion. Knowing that he was going to change into something way more casual in a bit but couldn’t resist the joke.
"With your eyes.” It was out before he could even think through what he was about to unleash. A small, quiet but delighted snicker came out of Bendy.
"Henry that— That was terrible!” His snickers grew louder. “I can’t believe it!” He laughed a bit harder. “Color me surprised!”
"Can’t you’re supposed to be black and white.” Henry responded without missing a beat. This caused the little demon to snort.
"Henry!” He laughed. “Ya gotta tell me more jokes like that! Oh gosh these are terrible!” Bendy had now fallen to the floor and was giggling like crazy.
"Alright. I didn’t think you’d find these that punny.” Henry smirked. “But I’ll just have to come up with some more.” He had been told long ago that he was not allowed to pun in the studio by Joey who had claimed that the puns he came up with were literally the worst and completely unfunny, but the little devil cackling in front of him made a smirk come to his face. He was going to have fun this afternoon.
Bendy had just run up the stairs to Joey’s office and had launched himself inside causing Joey to look up startled from the paperwork he was looking over.
"Hi Joey!”
"Bendy, is there something I can help you with?” Joey placed the paperwork down as he knew he was going to be distracted from it for however long Bendy remained in his office.
"Yeah! Henry told me that since you and him were buddies that you were ani-mates!” And with that Bendy tore out of the room laughing.
"Hiya Sammy!” Bendy greeted casually.
"What do you want.” Sammy sneered. It was never a good sign when the little devil came into the music department. It usually meant becoming behind schedule and with a deadline coming soon Sammy really was on edge.
"Did you know that a piano is great for opening locks?”
"Cause it has a lot of keys!” And with that Bendy ran laughing as he went elsewhere in the studio.
"Wally whatcha doing?” Bendy had come up to the janitor.
"Cleaning. Like usual. Why?” Wally quirked an eyebrow wondering why Bendy had come up to him.
"I was just wondering… do you swear a lot?” Bendy asked.
"Cause I would think for a janitor you’d have a clean mouth!” And with that Bendy ran off cackling.
"Joey why on earth is Bendy telling all these terrible jokes? I thought the writing department knew better than to put bad puns in the scripts?” Sammy had come in to voice his complaints. Bendy had come up to him repeatedly over the course of the week only to tell him one terrible joke after another.
Just as Joey was about to answer his office door creaked open.
"Hey boss, can I talk to you? Is something up with Bendy cause he keeps telling me terrible puns.” Wally entered the room.
"Well—” Joey was cut off by a stream of the heads of different departments coming in and voicing their complaints about Bendy’s new habit of terrible jokes. When the heads of the writing team had come in all hell had broken loose as fingers were being pointed at them and them adamantly refusing it was them.
People!” Joey tried to call over the chaos. Nobody paid him any attention. “PEOPLE!” He shouted. Everyone froze. “I know the source of this.” Joey sighed. “Follow me.”
"You shoulda seen how mad Sammy got after that one!” Bendy cackled, sitting next to Henry recounting his last couple of pun-and-runs.
"Oh goodness. Looks like you need some more huh?”
"HENRY!” Joey, followed by quite the group of studio members approached them. “Don’t you dare tell him another joke! Those are so bad! I’m so mad at you right now.”
"Hi mad I’m Henry.” And that was when Bendy absolutely lost it. He doubled over laughing and one by one the entire room was filled with laughter. Eventually they all calmed down with the occasional snicker and giggle here and there. “What’s the harm. It’s not like he’s throwing eggs at you, it’s all just yolks here.” Henry smirked. “But we’ll calm down a bit with them. Gotta save them up anyway.” Henry winked at Bendy.
Everyone in the room, while humored by the jokes, were terrified by that statement.
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