#one day im going to be head hunted for comics or cartoons or something
I saw bones doing this and thought it looked fun, so I wanted to try it with some stuff I came up with off the top of my head.
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weeb-writor · 4 years
Babysitting Aizawa’s 6... no 10 Nieces and Nephews
Hey There! Today we have the second part to the Aizawa fic I posted a few days ago! It can act as a stand alone so don't worry if you haven't read the first one! Ill try to post it here but I'm new at this. Also isn't much Shouta x you in this, just domestic fluff! More a set up for the loving in the next work, I hope you'll still read it anyway. Reader is neutral and I hope you all enjoy!
Aizawa Shouta x Reader
Aizawa’s mom goes into the hospital for an emergency surgery and all his siblings turn to you to watch their kids, but you don't remember there names let alone their kids.
Words: 2610
Part One  Part Two  Part Three  Part Four  Part Five
You look a bit of mess currently. You were sitting at home in your pj’s with about 20 pictures scattered around you and 20 pieces of paper. You looked like one of those crazy conspiracies theorists. When in reality you were only trying to learn your boyfriend's family’s names and likes, in preparation for Christmas of course. It was not going so well all you could remember was Saika was the eldest sister but which sister was she exactly? You looked between the two pictures on the table. None of the Aizawa’s age so that didn’t give away and you couldn’t remember if she had the long hair or the bob. 
“God help me.” You mumbled with a sigh as you threw your head back. By some great miracle a phone call pulled you from the task. Surprised to see it was Aizawa you picked it up with a smile.
“Hey baby.” He said
“What’s up love? Aren’t you in class?” You said a tiny bit concerned.
“Should be but my mom’s going in for some emergency surgery, so me and my family are going up there.” 
“Oh, are you alright?? Do you want me to come?” You rushed out to him
“No, and I’m fine. It’s a fairly low risk surgery from what I’m told. There is of course something you could do for me.” He said lowly
“And that would be?” 
“My siblings need someone to watch their gremlins and I had the perfect person in mind.” He said with a light chuckle. You knew right away who this mysterious person was. Part of you wanted to say no because it was a lot of young kids but the other part of you knew you were gonna say yes.  Even if he didnt say so, Aizawa was worried and he didn’t need to be stuck watching the kids, none of them did.
“Yes, of course! Tell your siblings to bring them to my place. I got a few toys from babysitting years ago.” You said getting up to get ready.
“You're a lifesaver.” He said fondly
“Says the hero, I love you babe, everything is gonna be fine and of course be safe.” You told him
“Love you more, kitty cat. You’ll be great, see you when I get home.” He said hanging up. Well now you were panicking. How many kids were there again? What about their parents? You couldn’t even remember their names. How are you supposed to greet them? Holy shit what did you get yourself into is all you could think as you rushed to clean your house. You were barely finished when the first knock came, you opened the door with a small smile.
“L/N!” A tall black haired man said. He looked like Shouta no doubt but he had an undercut and was taller.
“Please call me Y/N.” You smiled at him.
“Aww, you're too sweet! Seriously, how did Shouta end up with you?! Anyway, This is Haru and Jun, they are gonna be good little boys for you, right?” He paused as the boys nodded. “Thank you so much we should all be back to pick the kids at 10!” He said as he started to leave. You waved him off and showed the boys in.
“Alright! So I’ve got a few toys and I think i've got all the cartoon channels. I want to make sure we get all your cousins here first before we do something really fun.” You said to the little boys who immediately went to sit on your couch and watch the cartoons that were playing. You let out a huge sigh of relief. It was done prematurely as a knock at the door was heard. You opened it to reveal his two sisters which was which you didn't know.
“L/N you sweet little lifesaver! This is the rest of them except Rei, Daisuke, and Maki. They all walk together from school, we let them know to come here so don't worry about walking to go get them. Also, only two of them are still in diapers so you should be fine! Thank you so much, love.” The shorter one rushed out before she left, pulling her sister with her. You looked done at the baby that had somehow got into your hands.  Alright this one was obviously in diapers, the one grasping on to your pant leg barely standing up was probably the other one in diapers. Okay you were now surrounded by um.. 6 six kids, maybe more you weren't sure. 
“Okay, now that we're all here, wanna play a game? It's really fun I promise.” You said with a cute little smile but you were lying. You only wanted them to introduce themselves and say who their parents were. You had no idea how to make it fun.
“What kind of game?” A little girl asked, wait you knew this one! She was the only young girl when you first met all the siblings, it was Nozomi, right?
“A umm…. A… A scavenger hunt! Yeah! We're all gonna introduce ourselves and then get into groups by who your Mama's and Papa’s are and see who can find all the treasures first! Whoever wins gets a super cool prize.” You said hoping they didn't ask too many questions about the game you just made up. Which they didn't they all were giggling and saying incoherent things excited to play.
“We’ll go first since we're the oldest. Im Haru.” The tallest one with his hair pulled back into a ponytail said. “I is Jun! Our papa is Shiori! Can we play now??” The cute little blonde one said. Okay 2 down, Tall and hair pulled back is Haru, Small and blonde is Jun, they are both Shiori kids. 
“Oh us next, us next! I'm Tetsuya, that's Umi, my lil sister, and Yukio is the one on your pants. My mama is Shizumi!” The boy said. He was a cute pudgy boy with black hair that covered his eyes. Umi, the little girl had her dark blue hair in two pigtails on top of her head.  Lastly the little boy holding on to your pants also had black hair but it was super curly.
“L/N, Oni-chans at school and Taiyo is too small.” Nozomi said with teary eyes. Okay so the one in your hand is Taiyo, another one of Saika kids. Okay you got this. You made it through all 7 kids, you would worry about the 3 at school later.
“Its alright me and you can be a team okay?” You said as she beamed up at you nodding. Alright with that you went to place the sleeping Taiyo on your bed. You left the door open so you could hear if he started to cry or moved around too much. You took a sheet and made a makeshift sling for… Yukio, right! 
“Okay so there are 3 hidden treasures around the house! One is a pink treasure chest filled with jewelry and prizes. The other is a huge blue fluffy whale, be careful it may bite! Lastly, there are 2 little lions wandering sound, we gotta catch. I'm gonna get you guys nets of course! First one to get all of these things and show me them gets a super cool prize!” You said as they erupted into cute tiny roars!
“Okay here are your nets! May the best team win!” You smiled at them as they took off. You felt a little bad for the Aizawa cats you had just set up to be chased but something told you they wouldn't mind. They were always so attention hungry this would probably please them.
“Okay then, lets go Nozomi!” You said grasping the young girl's hand. You knew where everything was of course so you just followed her around. Only helping her when you heard kids getting close to the hiding spots or helping her try to catch the cat. You guys had been playing for about an hour now, only needing to catch the cats who caught onto the game and were running for their lives.
“Kitty cat c’mere!” Jun said as he chased the gray cat around.
“Yeah! We jus wanna win.” Haru said following his brother. You laughed as the cat gently pawed at boys. Now that you were thinking about it there were so many boys in this family. Only 5 girls out of all these boys, Aizawa’s genes were strong for boys. You didn't get long to think before you saw a flash and heard a camera click. You turned to see 3 older children one with a camera.
“Oh man, Uncle Shouta is gonna be so happy.” The girl said with a smile. She looked to be about 12 and was blonde, if you had to guess she was Jun and Harus’s older sister. There were two boys next her one was probably the oldest of all the kids.
“Sorry for letting ourselves in, we were just knocking for a while and you didn't answer.” The older one said as they bowed.
“No no it's quite alright! Sorry for not answering, my hands are a little full!” You said as you had Taiyo still slung around your back and Umi squirming in your hands. 
“Yeah, we can see that!”
“Daisuke! Rei! We gotta catch the kitties so I can win a prize.” Nozomi said, rushing off to her brothers. You made a mental note of who was who.
“Oh no problem! Uncle sho’s cats are easy to catch.” Rei said and he was right, you just had to know how. He went over to the counter and got the cat treats and sprinkled a few on the floor. The cats came running and began eating as fast as they could. He then took the blanket/net and put it over the 2 cats and picked them up, they compiled so easily it was almost comical.
“Oh! Yay! I wins right?? I get the prize!” She said dancing around you.
“Yes you do! I should go get dinner ready but you can pick anything you want to take home.” You said booping her nose. She did a little gig before taking off like she knew what wanted.
“Alright, who wants to help with dinner!” You called to the kids you roared with agreement, racing to the kitchen
“Oh you three would you mind helping and introducing yourselves?” You asked as you took out a few different ingredients.
“Oh yeah! No problem! Im Daisuke, the eldest of all the Aizawa’s cousins. First year in high school actually! This is my little brother Rei, he is a middle schooler. Then the girl snapping pictures is Maki-chan she’s the closest to my age! Oh, Saika is my mom and uncle Shiori is Maki’s dad. What can we do to help out.” He said with a smile.
“I think they said introduce yourself but whatever.” Maki mumbled kind of chest fallen. You only laughed and pointed out what they could do while you helped the kids and before long boom, dinner was done. You might have to convince Aizawa to have kids soon cause they were actually helpful. You all set the table and sat down to eat, almost forgetting about Nozomi.
“Can I have this!” She rushed to you holding a black cat plushie that had red eyes. Aizawa had given it to you when he went on a mission that pulled him from home for a month. You gave a small smile to her.
“Of course! I said you could have anything you wanted, I meant it. Let's eat right now then you can go snuggle and lay down.” You said moving to pick her up and help her to the table. Your table of course wasn't big enough so the big kids were in the living room, the younger kids ate with you and the babies you fed first were now napping. You let out a breath, it was 7:30. They should be done by 10:00 at the latest and the younger kids would be asleep by 8:30, so you could say you had this in the bag. Dinner was peaceful to your surprise and now you were all washing up and laying down on the makeshift beds you made in the living room. Maki was taking pictures as you had put all the younger children into your shirts, it was quite a sight to behold.
“Alright everyone lay down!” You yelled as you grabbed the youngest and began rocking him back and forth. 
“We is ready” Umi said as she snuggled into her blankets
“Ready for what?” You asked cautiously.
“When we visit uncle Sho’ta he tells us ‘tories at nighty time.” Tetsuya slurred to you.
“Oh, okay then…. Um. Once upon a time there was a pretty Pink cat, who lived in a kingdom full of all kinds of cats. One day he got curious and left the safety of his kingdom. He went into a forest and everything was fine until he bumped into a big huge black wolf. He wanted to run back into the safety of his kingdom but the icy glare of the wolf kept him still. The wolf slowly opened its jaws…. Showing off its rows of bone crushing smile. The pink cat thought it was over for him until the Wolf smiled at him. ‘Your a little far from home, huh? Its okay I get lost sometimes! I can take you home.’ The wolf said, her tail starting to wag. The cat didn't know what made him say yes but he did. He continued to say yes time and time again, long after they had become friends. He said yes so many times to the cat he thought he might run out of yes’s to give. But when the wolf asked him to leave the safety of his kingdom behind and run around the world with him, though it frightened him. He said yes again without hesitation. And that's how the pretty pink cat learned to fly.” You said, it was a cheesy story with no real plot but it worked. You looked around to see everyone sleeping even the bigger kids. You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. You looked at the lot one more time before you went to work on something you had been meaning to all day. You continued to work on it even as 10 o’clock hit and you said goodbye to the kids one by one. Only stopping when a familiar set of hands wrapped around your waist. 
“What’s this, kitty?” Aizawa asked as he kissed your neck sweetly.
“Ahh, nothing much! Just a family tree with pictures and the things about your family.” You said as you stated proudly at your work.
“Oh that's sweet. I saw the pictures Maki took and that you let Nozomi have your cat, I know it was special to you.” He said nuzzling further into your chest.
“It's fine, I told her she could have anything and to be honest, I'm wrapped around every single last one of them’s thumb and I would do anything for them so it really was nothing.” You said playing with his hands.
“God, I love you, how did I end up with you? I mean god I just love you. Let's get in bed. I wanna cuddle you, Right. Now.” He said turning you around and picking you up.
“Yes, sir.” You said clinging to him like a koala.
“Oh and babe, you got Shizumi and Saika mixed up.” He said into your hair.
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hailing-stars · 5 years
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blankets and brain melting fevers 
Remember when I was all, all my irondad bingo fics are going to be post-endgame fix-its?? well this one is pre-infinity war, because I never know what im talking about 
Summary: Tony jumps into dad mode when he figures out Peter stayed home from school sick and tries to take care of him. 
Whump: Fever
Read on AO3
Peter was lying face down on his bed, buried in covers, burning up but also shivering, when Mr. Stark started knocking on the front door. He knew it was Mr. Stark, without a doubt, from his frantic, erratic heartbeat, and from the way the pounding got louder and more demanding the longer Peter tried to ignore it.
He groaned, crawled out from under his pile of blankets, and tossed his legs over the side of the bed, losing balance and almost faceplanting into the carpet as he did. He steadied himself, stood up, then dragged his feet out of his room and through the hallway.
Mr. Stark had been in mid-knock when Peter answered the door. He paused, then dropped his hand, eventually using it to support the brown paper bag he had cradled in the opposite arm.
“Hey Mr. Stark,” said Peter. His voice came out raspy and weak, and his throat ached with every syllable. “What are you doing here?”
He held up the brown paper bag. “I got an alert that you weren’t at school today, then aunt hottie told me you were sick, so I brought soup.”
Mr. Stark blew past him, entering the apartment without permission, and leaving Peter with his hand on the door, staring dumbly into the empty hallway and trying to figure out how and why Tony Stark got alerts when he didn’t show up to school.
“You made soup?” asked Peter, turning. Mr. Stark put the bag down on the dining room table and took out a few steaming containers.
“I boughtsoup.”
Peter forced himself to move across the apartment again, but he collapsed into a dining room chair the first change he got. He watched with achy eyes as Mr. Stark arranged bowls and utensils, and he hoped Mr. Stark didn’t plan on forcing feeding him. Peter definitely wasn’t eating that stuff on his own, no matter what fancy restaurant Mr. Stark had got it from.
The smell made him want to gag, and if there was anything left in his stomach, he was sure he would have lost it the second Mr. Stark took the plastic lid off one of the containers.
His eyes snapped back up and found Mr. Stark’s eyes. The edges of his face blurred.
“The door,” stated Mr. Stark. Peter blinked up at him. His face came back into focus, but Peter still didn’t understand why he was saying door. “Jesus, kid, the door, you left it open.”
He turned in his chair and saw the door to his apartment, standing wide open, exactly like he left. Slowly, and with effort, Peter started to stand, but Mr. Stark pushed him back in the chair with a hand on his shoulder.
“No, stay there, I don’t want you passing out on my watch,” said Mr. Stark. “I’ll get it.”
He marched across the apartment, and when he came back to the table, pressed his hand against Peter’s forehead.
“You’re burning up,” said Mr. Stark, as he pulled back his hand and took something out from the inside pocket of his suit jacket.
“I kn-“
A thermometer was shoved in his mouth.
He leveled a glare at Mr. Stark, but clamped his mouth shut and put his tongue over the end of the thermometer, anyway. It felt like hours until the thermometer started beeping and Mr. Stark popped it out of his mouth. He squinted and frowned at whatever numbers he saw printed across the small screen.
“I don’t like how high that fever is.”
“I’m sorry?”
“You need to see a doctor.”
“What? No – no, I don’t,” Peter stammered. “I need to see my bed.”
“I’m gonna take you to the tower and have the medical staff look over you.”
“Mr. Stark…” He made his eyes big and wide. He tried to look more pathetic than he already did, but still, he could see it on Mr. Stark’s face. His dreams of going back to sleep were about to be crushed.
“No pouting,” he told him, tugging him up and out of the chair by his elbow. “Puppy dog eyes will get you nowhere if you’re dead. Come on, I’ll help you get your shoes on.”
Peter let Mr. Stark drag him back down the hallway and towards his bedroom. He complained the way. It was just a virus. It wasn’t a big deal. Mr. Stark didn’t seem to hear him. His protests fell on deaf ears.
Mr. Stark lowered him onto his bed, then looked around Peter’s messy bedroom.
“How do you find anything in here?” asked Mr. Stark. Peter replied with a shrug. “Where’s your shoes?”
He stretched out his arm and pointed towards his closet, sending Mr. Stark on his hunt. As soon as he had his back turned, Peter laid back down and burrowed under his favorite blanket, or at least, his favorite blanket to use when he was sick.
It was soft and warm and was the same blanket he’d clutched between his tiny fingers the day his parents dropped him off at Ben and May’s that time they never came back. It was the same blanket he sobbed into the night Ben took his last breath. It was red, gold and printed with a flying, cartoon Iron Man. It was safety cloaked over him, and Peter didn’t even have enough energy to care about the consequences of Mr. Stark finding out his childhood comfort object was Iron Man merch.
“Really kid?” asked Mr. Stark. He shook one of Peter’s feet. “Sit up.”
“I don’t need a doctor.” His face was smashed against his sheets, and he doubted any of those words were recognizable to anyone except him.  
Mr. Stark released a breath, then Peter felt his bed dip with his weight. Before he could do anything to stop him, Mr. Stark slid his socks over his feet for him. Next came his shoes, and without much warning, a hand gripping his arm and pulling him into a sitting position.
And that was when Peter learned Mr. Stark was truly crazy, that moment he came at him with his winter coat.
He leaned back on his hands and dodged him. “Oh my god, Mr. Stark. It’s September.”
“I wouldn’t care if it were July. There’s a chill in the air and you know you don’t handle the cold well.”
A chill.
Tony Stark was standing in his bedroom, losing his mind, over a chill.
“And you’re sick,” he added.
Peter glared at him again, held out strong as long as he could before realizing Mr. Stark wouldn’t let him rest until they got this unnecessary trip over with. He stretched out his arms and let Mr. Stark help him into his coat, and that would have been enough, if it were anyone except Mr. Stark, but he wasn’t happy until Peter was wearing a hat, gloves, and a scarf.
“There,” he said, and patted his head. “Now we’re all set.”
Peter tried to deepen his glare, to turn his pathetic into something threatening, but from the way Mr. Stark’s lips twitched, he didn’t think he was very successful.
“Alrighty, let’s go get you better,” said Mr. Stark. He pealed Peter up from the bed. Before he could guide him out of the bedroom, he circled back for his Iron Man blanket. Mr. Stark gave him a raised eyebrow but didn’t make any comments.
Happy waited for them with a car out on the street outside, and once Peter and Mr. Stark were both settled into the backseat, Peter played with the window switch before giving Tony a look.
“Is this kidnapping?”
“I don’t know, I’m being taken against my will, and May doesn’t know where I am. I think that counts.”
Mr. Stark clenched his jaw and stayed silent while the car stayed stalled outside of Peter’s apartment building. A couple of long seconds ticked by, then Mr. Stark made eye contact with Happy through the rearview mirror.
“Hogan, drive,” he said, as he took his cellphone from his pocket and called May at work on her cellphone.
“Well,” said the doctor. Peter clutched the edges of his Iron Man blanket and watched her from the bed as she peeled off her plastic gloves and tossed them into the trash can. “You’ve definitely got a sick kid.”
“What is it? What does he have?” Mr. Stark hovered over him, just inches away from the bed, and his face was comically worried. If Peter hadn’t felt so miserable, he might he laughed, because he knew exactly what the doctor was going to say before she said it.
“A virus,” she deadpanned. “He needs fluids, and rest.”
“That’s all?”
“It’ll pass on its own,” she told him. She stopped by the door on her way out and looked at Mr. Stark. “In the future, Mr. Stark, 101.1 is not a brain melting fever. It’s relatively normal.”
She left the room, off to assist in whatever the Avenger’s medical team did whenever there weren’t any hurt or sick Avengers, and Mr. Stark sunk down on the bed near Peter’s feet. Peter tried to catch Mr. Stark’s eyes, and once he had, he tried to look as smug as he could with watery eyes, a pale face and huddled underneath a blanket.
“Told you.”
Mr. Stark offered a weary sigh. “I guess you were right. I should’ve left you alone.”
“No,” Peter blurted out, the word coming before he could stop it. “Umm, just, I don’t want to be alone.”
He didn’t like being alone, but sick and alone, well that was much worse, and maybe May would’ve stayed home from work if Peter had asked her too, but he couldn’t do that. They needed the money, and he was getting too old to have a parent sit with him just because he had a basic fever.
Suddenly he was thankful for Mr. Stark’s ability to take a virus and turn it into Ebola.
Mr. Stark smiled at him. It looked more like a grimace, but Peter was starting to learn that was the way he smiled when he was trying very hard not to feel things. It was genuine, even if he was putting every effort into making it appear otherwise, and when that failed, he went with a distraction, a change of topic.
He pinched the fabric of Peter’s Iron Man blanket together, made a face, then let it drop.
“What’s the deal with the blanket?”
“It’s soft.” Peter brought the edges up closer to his shoulder and wrapped his knuckles under it.
“It’s ratty,” said Mr. Stark. He pointed to a spot that was a shade darker than the original red. “And stained.”
“Spaghetti O’s.”
Mr. Stark raised an eyebrow at him.
“After my parents died May and Ben could only get me to eat if it was Spaghetti O’s, and I wouldn’t ever let go of this blanket, so May taught me how to wear it like a cap and well, I was a pretty messy kid.”
“Couldn’t be without it just long enough to eat, huh?”
“It made me feel safe.”
Iron Man made me feel safe.
That part went unsaid, but Peter knew Mr. Stark caught it. He looked away and grimaced again and Peter could he struggling and failing in his battle to not feel things. One of these days, Peter was going to break him, but it wasn’t that day. Mr. Stark shook his head a little, then bit out a laugh.
“I can’t believe your aunt fed you spaghetti from a can.”
“You make it sound so scandalous.”
“Because my mother would never allow me to eat spaghetti out of a can.”
“Maybe you should try it sometime, Mr. Stark, you’re all grown up now.”
Mr. Stark frowned at him, patted his knee, and softened his voice. “Let’s get you back to bed. You’re becoming delirious.”
“The couch, not the bed,” said Peter, as he sat up. “And can you get a wheelchair? I don’t feel like walking.” Mr. Stark looked at him like he was about to say no, so Peter continued, “I wouldn’t want to pass out on the way to the suite.”
Mr. Stark went and found a wheelchair and pushed Peter all the way to the living room portion of his and Pepper’s suite in Avenger’s tower. Peter had to only stand up and walk long enough to put himself and his blanket on the couch. It was comfortable. Not more comfortable than the bed in his bedroom at the tower, but decidedly less lonely.
He planned on turning his pathetic to sway Tony into watching movies with him.
“Please, Mr. Stark,” said Peter, after his initial no. “You brought me all the over herein the chilland I just want to watch Star Wars with you.”
“Fine,” he said. “Ask me to make you Spaghetti O’s and I’m drawing the line.”
Peter grinned as Mr. Stark dropped on the couch next to him. He didn’t think he’d be feeling up to eating anything for awhile, anyway.
A couple of hours later, Mr. Stark brought him a Glacier Cherry Gatorade from the freezer, and Peter sipped on the frozen slush through a bendy straw while the opening crawl for the next Star Wars movie played.
He shifted in the cushions, scooting closer to Mr. Stark until he was so close, he could put his head down on Mr. Stark’s chest. He let him rest there, and after a few seconds, wrapped his arm around him. He was better than the blanket, but Peter was still happy he had both.
And if, a few weeks later, Spider-Man crawled up Avenger’s Tower and into Tony Stark’s suite to drop off a crate of Spaghetti O’s and old pictures of Peter Parker wrapped up in an Iron Man blanket as a kid, and if he stuck around on the windows to spy on Mr. Stark as opened the crate, made a can of Spaghetti O’s and gaze at said pictures with water in his eyes, he didn’t tell a soul.
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