#one must imagine aventurine with joy in his life
ironunderstands · 7 months
SPOILERS FOR hsr 2.1 (I don’t know how to do the cut thing I’m so sorry
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What if this was my last straw. What if hoyoverse :(
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bitterchocoo · 4 months
Platonic Boothill with a male reader who is like Arlecchino from genshin impact
Male reader is Boothill's long lost brother
The Water is Fine
Boothill | M. Reader as Arlecchino [Genshin Impact] (Platonic)
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"Blood runs thicker than water.."
The children gather in one room as they hear their mother's story. They all look at her in awe, she had told them the story multiple times, but it never gets old. Their mother's story was always wonderful. Once she finished her gaze scanned the children before furrowing her eyebrows. "Where's [Name]? Didn't he want to hear the story?"
"'Scuse me, mother! He's doing a funeral for his spider!" One of the children raised her hand, answering her question. She lets out a sigh at the child's words, her expression showing her concerns. "That child... maybe his curse is flaring up again."
Meanwhile, [Name] crouch down in front of the makeshift grave he had for his beloved spider. How sad.. he looks at it with a blank expression until suddenly someone put a hand around his shoulders. "Hey, [Name]! I bought us cake!!" The other claimed, grinning from ear to ear. In his hand was a box filled with two slices of cake. It looks delicious. "You must know spiders don't eat cake.." "Of course I know that!"
The days spend in the orphanage were always nice, peaceful, quiet. One of the siblings favorite activities were playing tag in the garden. The trees makes great terrain for free running and parkour. Always trying to one up the other. The younger was always full of energy, seemingly excited to explore the world, while the elder was reserved, cold, maybe even cruel but he will have a soft spot for the younger.
Stealing cake from the kitchen, picking fruits straight from the tree, playing tag. Life is.. simple.. fun. The world felt so big..
"Look!" He pointed at the shooting star from their window. His eyes seems to sparkle with joy, his gaze never leaving the starry skies. "One day, we're gonna explore the universe! Travel through the stars! Just you and me!" He says happily, hugging his older brother's arm, the two gaze upon the stars with hopes and dreams. What a beautiful sight.. the sky looks so mesmerizing. The world felt so vast and filled with the unknown. "The two of us could be like Rangers through the vast space! Exploring the universe and upholding justice!"
The elder can't help but smile at the other's words. It's sweet. The though is certainly wonderful. To explore the stars with his younger brother. That truly sounded like a dream. "Yeah, we could do that." "And we could find something for your curse too! Oh just imagine what we could find!"
A child's dream..
..is always so sweet..
So... sickly... sweet..
"Run! And don't you dare look back!"
He ran.. he ran as fast as his legs could carry him.
He run and run.
Like the gingerbread man...
Why are they fighting..? And for what..? For the title "King"? What is that for? It's just a title. But it seems it means more than that... with his older brother's words. He run.. run as fast as he could. He's fighting isn't he? He's fighting the others isn't he? Why.. why must this be their reality..
He doesn't know what to do.. he wanted to stay with him. But he can't.. his brother told him to run and to never look back.. it's like a game of tag isn't it? Run as fast as you can.. and try not to get caught.. it's just a game.. a simple game... and yet.. and yet...
"The Knave.. may I know why you're at Penacony?"
"I heard Aventurine had caused quite the trouble.. so I'm here to make this up with the Family. Though it could officially be considered a diplomatic conference, I prefer to see our meeting today as an ordinary tea party. I assume you see it the same way, Mister Sunday?"
"Right, of course. It is an honor to have you here.. Mister Knave.."
"Please.. call me, Arlecchino."
"What in the cosmos are these kids doing here?" The question come out as harsh, his accents sounded thick as he dodge an attack from one of them. Those three children.. fighting for what? Father was it..? That's who they're fighting for? What a load of Wubbabbo.
"Careful now.. you can't reason with an outlaw.."
A man steps out of the room, his gaze is cold, carrying himself in an elegant way that just screams absolute authority. Their gaze locked on each other for what felt like an eternity, a sense of recognition wash over them, until finally..
"You.. why are you with them?"
"Why? I thought you already know.. leave Penacony. The dreamscape is not meant for outlaws like you.."
Gritting his teeth, the other look at the man with betrayal in his eyes. How could he.. how could he side with the enemy? After what they've done... how could he just.. he could shoot him.. he could shoot him now.. he could kill him now.. and yet.. he can't... he can't just..
Even if he sided with the enemy.. he's still.. they're still..
"Come you three, our work is finish."
'Yes, Father."
The days spend in the orphanage were always nice, peaceful, quiet. Stealing cake from the kitchen, picking fruits straight from the tree, playing tag. Life is.. simple.. fun. The world felt so big..
The House of the Hearth...
.....that was their home...
..until it wasn't...
...it all happened at the same day...
where his older brother...
.....was crowned as "King."
Blood runs thicker than water...
..is that why it felt heavy when he saw his older brother walk away with three children by his side? One he had turned into soldiers for the House of the Hearth? For the IPC? Because ultimately....
They too once stand in those three children's positions.. soldiers.. unknowingly, that is..
And now... the "King" is continuing the cycle..
His own flesh and blood that he had looked up to.
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ollieolliewrld · 7 months
HSR Men in Relationships 1.5 (SFW)
Relationship headcanons for Aventurine, Gallagher, and Sunday <3
0.7k words
❥A relationship with him is a slow-build 
❥Everything is a game to him and he will always win
❥When he meets you he is trying to get you to join in on one of his plans 
❥He sweet-talks you and offers a big payout if you join him but you refuse
❥Usually, he would call it a loss and move on but there was something about you that he couldn’t get out of his head
❥Aventurine knew he had to try again so a few days later he came back to you with a new approach
❥When he saw you again his breath got caught in his throat, his usual cool-headedness was gone, and for the first time in forever he was nervous
❥He didn’t want you to say no to him and he did not want this to be a business interaction
❥Instead, he wanted to know your middle name and how you liked your eggs
❥Looking at you from a distance he caught himself imagining a world where you were with him laughing and holding him 
❥You approaching him pulled him out of this as he now had to face the music
❥To his surprise you had your own business offer, one he couldn’t refuse
❥Since then you two have kept a playful and loving relationship where he treasures you and places you as a priority over any level of money or ICP business
❥You are his reason for living 
❥This man would steal the moon for you
❥You have brought so much light and joy into his life that he wants to find a way to repay you
❥He is a very classic boyfriend, you have not opened a door for yourself since you met him, and you have been given your own supply of his clothes
❥Gallagher takes the best care of you as he views you as an extension of himself 
❥What bothers you bothers him, any issue you have no matter how big or small will be dealt with 
❥Making you as happy as possible is what he aims for and nothing makes him happier than seeing you safe 
❥He’s the type of lover that will see you upset one day and come back with a puppy/kitten
❥ADORES cuddling with you (bonus if the new pet is there too) 
❥He comes home so drained sometimes that being able to enjoy lying with your head on his chest fixes everything
❥At night you like to trace the scars on his arms
❥You have never asked where they came from but you can imagine
❥You coming into his life is the best thing that has ever happened to him, he truly could not see a world where you two were not together
❥Life for Sunday has always been very work forward trying to keep up the family’s image at all times
❥When he started to court you he drew out clear boundaries 
❥Never would he put you at risk and you were never to be involved in the family’s business
❥While he wants to share everything with you there are too many secrets that could hurt you so he keeps them to himself
❥With everything Sunday does he looks out for your safety 
❥No matter what is going on he remembers the little things like your favorite type of tea that can only be bought at a tea shop once every season
❥Everything must be perfect and you are perfect to him, he is going to do what what needs to be done to ensure your happiness and safety
❥He does not think you are helpless but why would he ever let anything happen to his love?
❥Sunday really enjoys planning dates with you
❥Any opportunity he can get to shower you in affection he is going to take 
❥Dates with him range from casual and meaningful to highly detailed and elaborate 
❥No matter the location or activity he puts his heart into it making sure you know how he feels about you
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revserrayyu · 6 months
2.1 Penacony thoughts [part2]
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**Spoiler warning** Covering up until we switch to Acheron’s POV alongside Welt (not their first conversation but actually playing as her, hence the cover photo), so be kind to yourself and look away if you haven’t reached that point yet. Brace yourself once more; I’m going to ramble.
First things first, this whole shrinking down scene where we traverse through a model of Penacony was so odd. Poor Ratio had to be rolling his eyes so hard just watching a tiny Aventurine run around like that.
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I feel like we didn’t learn much about Sunday last patch, but hearing him speak about how orderly and presentable we should be at all times really fits his personality. The pretty boy certainly knows how to look good and leads me like him even more..
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But only for a moment as he then uses some Harmony trickery against Aventurine so he’s forced to answer his several questions truthfully, or at least that’s the feeling I got from watching this interrogation. Seeing this was quite interesting to me because there’s this anime call No Guns Life where a character by the name Tetsuro has an ability called “harmonie” which allows him to control other extends (robots basically) and they way the anime shows it looked very familiar with all the color.
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Moving on, Sasuke Uchiha vibes are coming in strong with our gambler being a potential sole clan survivor, not to mention Aventurine admitting his love toward his family is something he values more than himself. Also, I don’t like this bird.. sitting there, keeping an eye on everything, even during Aventurine’s chat with Sparkle later on. I know the Family has a big Nightingale theme going on but still. Big Brother (or in this case the Family) always watching hm?
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NOPE. Any small hope I had for Sunday being someone we could safely trust has flown straight out the window with this sinister smirk of his, no matter how handsomely good it makes him look here.
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I love that no matter what is going on or who he’s talking to, Ratio always manages to mildly insult others without a care in the world.
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So stuff about the Cornerstones gets revealed, how all Ten Stonehearts have one of their own and how very important said stones are to them, so what on earth was Aventurine doing with both his and Potaz Pazto Topaz’s? Also found it interesting how closely hers resembles Qlipoth’s body when she isn’t a Preservation unit like Aventurine is.
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Sunday then gives Aventurine only 17 system hours to live and he has to spend it solving Robin’s case with little to no outside help or hints on where to begin. Talk about immense pressure. Let my man gamble in peace!
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And if all that wasn’t enough to make me start feeling bad for our fancy man, we get a sad backstory featuring his sister and even learning how both their parents died! Because OF COURSE they’re setting me up to get upset about him for some reason later on in the story and now I’m so terrified because if I learned anything from anime it’s that these kinds of flashback are major red death flags.
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The feeling of joy came back to me though upon seeing Topaz show up. Despite Aventurine being around and all the mentions of the IPC, I honestly wasn’t expecting her to visit Penacony at all, but I’m very pleased to see her again! She definitely grew on me after that one quest in Belobog and even though she doesn’t have access to most places on Penacony like her coworker currently does, it’s nice she’s willing to lend a helping hand to us.
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It doesn’t settle well with me that none of the Bloodhounds know who Gallagher is. Ain’t he supposed to be top dog around here and in charge?
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Oh red text, why must you haunt me so easily? Imagine how different all of Penacony would feel if we had the option to completely turn off subtitles. People would definitely have various opinions regarding Acheron if they knew of her ominous words or not.
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I wanna chalk this up as a HI3 reference, but I can’t be sure as I’ve never played. If so, I love how they can toss in hints about Welt’s past like this.
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And hers.. I imagine bits and pieces would line up with her past one way or another too.
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A little while after that, we cut back to Black Swan and y’all, we FINALLY get some sort of Boothill interaction in the story! Only audio for now but I’ll take it!
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Hearing about bullets, him getting annoyed about Acheron being a “galaxy ranger” and the Hunt path are wonderful ways to confirm who it is and I can’t wait to eventually see him in game.
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Seems like he isn’t too thrilled with Acheron though and of course, he too knows of her Emenator status. There goes my brief hopes of them being in friendly terms and seeing them work together I suppose.
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This item that Ratio gives Aventurine before he suddenly disappears (again) and how it features one of his voicelines.. hilarious. It’s like it was spoken specifically for Aventurine and no one else.
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I may be a little stupid.. do we know who the other mute is? The one dead is clearly Robin, but surely the other can’t be Sunday right? He spoke perfectly fine. I’m thinking back to all the Penacony characters we’ve met and they all sound fine, aside from Sam but he’s robotic so naturally he would sound a bit different yea? Maybe we haven’t met this other mute yet, I dunno. The “again” part of Sparkle’s line makes me feel like we have met them at least once.
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Sweetie, how the fuck did you manage to sneak such a dangerous device into Penacony?? Even Aventurine is concerned about how the Family doesn’t know of it.
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Okay.. so the whole flashback with Aventurine being bought as a slave and used to gamble for his master is tough. I know many people speculated what the mark on his neck said, and majority did think “slave” was written, but man, the hint didin’t make this story any easier to hear. Being blessed with luck ain’t always a good thing hm? Hearing the guy say “all or nothing” and learning from Topaz about how that phrase is now Aventurine’s mantra.. oh boy.
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Siobhan is gorgeous and if she was playable I’d definitely pull for her.
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SERVAL MENTION HUZZAH! I’m aware they mentioned my girl during the livestream and how they’re both the rebellious ones in their respective families, but Siobhan actually wanting to meet her? Oohhh~
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Okay but the fact we’re encountered so many deaths, during the many story and side quests, in a short amount of time shouldn’t be normal. The way he seems so indifferent about it too.. “so what?” like sir, people are dying.
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Oh, we did indeed receive one as well. That was the invitation, wasn’t it? I thought the music box Acheron stole from Duke was something different and special for different reasons. Nevermind.
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I seriously need to check back into the creepy dream we experienced last time after Sparkle knocked us out, where we encountered that memory zone meme and listen to all the shouting we heard of this Mikhail guy. I figured he had to be someone important, but the Watchmaker and betrayer of the Family? Oh dear.
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I bet you anything it’s Misha. Working behind the scenes in the hotel this entire time would definitely be an effective strategy, and his technique outside battle literally stops time and that seems like the perfect kind of ability for someone named “Watchmaker.”
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Gallagher wondering if this certain person is real or not is another reason I think it’s Misha because apparently no one notices his presence at all. During that one scene with us, Firefly, Acheron, Misha & Clockie last past, the girlies didn’t acknowledge Misha at all. Only us and Clockie spoke to the boy. In return, Clockie is only seen by us and Misha as well. So that’s just strange.
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For a moment I wonder if Misha is actually like.. a ghost of sorts and we’re just going insane seeing visions of people and cartoon characters everywhere. But that’s all stuff I shall find out later. Hopefully. If the story decides to answer my many concerns.
(originally written on 3/28)
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