#one of my goals for this year is to consume less & mindfully
southernsolarpunk · 9 months
Still on my plastic free soap journey- I’ve heard about olive oil soap that’s popular in the Middle East and I found a Palestinian co-op that distributes soap from Nablus!
They have more than just soap btw! I encourage y’all to check out their products!
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bookcoversalt · 4 years
A+ youtube video! I feel like this is a dumb question, but what other sources, exercises, etc would you suggest for a writer wanting to get better at, like, everything you do in that video? I feel like I'm just not intelligent when it comes to writing and reading. I slap down whatever seems fun and I'm sure it makes for a bland story full of stupid plot holes and everything you talked about, so how does one get better at dissecting this stuff and...writing/reading intelligently?
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Thank you so much!! There’s a tendency to consider analytical people just “smart”, as if the observations they make come naturally to them. But that super isn’t true: being thoughtful and critical about media, like drawing or writing or playing a sport or learning an instrument, is a skill that you pick up by absorbing reference, learning the language of the art form, and then practicing replicating it through your own perspective.
My two biggest critical inspirations are Lindsay Ellis, a video essayist who covers film and culture, and Film Crit Hulk, a screenwriter and movie critic, and I’ve been consuming their work since I was 15. (I’m 25 now! that’s a wholeass decade.) I've picked up many, may other sources along the way: other video essayists, pop culture commentators, TV critics, spirited roasts of 50 shades of gray, actual “writing craft” books and blog articles, long goodreads reviews of books I thought I had a pretty good grasp of the flaws on, funny booktube reviews, even “anti” posts. I read “how the last season of game of thrones went the fuck off the rails” articles til my eyes bled, not because I cared about game of thrones, but because there was so much good, insightful reporting being done on How And Why A Story Fell Apart.
Not all of this is good or useful. There’s a lot of bad faith or shallow criticism out there. The cinemasins clickbaity style of nitpicking “plot holes” or penalizing a work for the mere presence of tropes without regard for broader artistic intent and cultural context is particularly insidious and should die. The people who think twilight is stupid because it has sparkly vampires are missing the point. A LOT of people critique YA in particular from a place of bitterness or bias or misplaced expectations (and so did I, to some degree, for a long time. I’ve worked really hard to grow out of that, I hope). But the point is to seek out content in this vein-- not what I consumed necessarily (I would not wish that many GOT thinkpieces on anyone), but stuff that interests you. The more of this you mindfully consume and the more perspectives you collect and compare, the more context you’ll have for what’s being discussed and the more you'll naturally start to form your own opinions on it. You will learn, slowly, by osmosis, to pull what strikes a chord with you from the noise.
The cool and fun part is that to some extent, your brain will start doing this on its own. You’ll read a book and you'll just notice more. You’ll call plot twists faster, or be more cognizant of the pacing, or connect dots you might not have otherwise connected. You’ll see the logistic scaffolding in your own work more clearly and you’ll be more aware of choices you’re making subconsciously. You’ll recognize thematic hypocrisy or worldbuilding inconsistencies and have the language to name them.
And you’ll also have the tools to explore your less clear-cut, more emotional reactions to art. And this is the most important but “hardest” part of this: sitting with vague feelings and unformed thoughts trying to suss out what’s at the heart of them and why, using your hard-won critical “training” and your contextual knowledge.
I like to frame them as questions:
Why did the end of [book] feel disjointed? Why didn’t I connect with the main character in [book]? What really resonated with me about the plot of [book]? Why does [character] appeal to me more than [other character]? Why does [book]’s use of [theme] make me uncomfortable?
Sometimes it comes down to just preference or subjective taste, and that’s fine and good to know. But more often than not, you’re reacting to something concrete that can be identified: 
The ending of HOUSE OF SALT AND SORROWS feels disjointed because it comes out of nowhere and has nothing to do with our heroine’s efforts in the larger story. I didn’t connect with the main character in HEARTLESS because within the context of the worldbuilding, her choices didn’t make sense. What really resonated with me about the plot of UPROOTED is its thematic coherency. The Darkling appeals to me more than Mal because the villain romance power fantasy aspect of the series is better fleshed out and ultimately more rewarding to read than the love story of two flawed teenagers. ACOWAR’s use of trauma and recovery makes me uncomfortable because it ceases to be a sincere element of anyone’s arc or characterization and becomes yet another tool to make Rhys look like the best and coolest and wokest fae boyfriend.
Pulled from an old Captain Awkward article, this is something I have in a sticky note on my desktop as sort of a criticism guide: 
One of the things we try to do is to push past “I liked it”/”I didn’t like it” as reactions to work. What is it? What is it trying to be? Is it good at being that thing? Was that a good thing to try to be in the first place? Did the artist have a specific agenda? How did it play with audiences at the time? Does it play the same way now? What stereotypes does it reinforce/undermine?
Even if it’s only for your own personal growth rather than intended for an audience, I recommend putting burgeoning critical thoughts or questions you’re trying to “work through” down in writing somewhere: goodreads reviews! tweets! blog posts! spamming your group chat! Even just a private word document. The synthesis of thoughts into written content forces you to identify and choose a specific articulation of your idea(s). If it’s in a pubic or semipublic forum, you’ll also be able to see which of your ideas resonate with other people, and that can (isn’t always, but CAN) be useful information as far as having an external barometer for when you’re onto something.
And then..... you do that a bunch of times in different ways for many years, with a lot of different books and movies and games and whatever else. Like any other skill, you will get better the more you do it. (Again: I have been doing this for ten years now, and it still took me three months to write that video script. Forming nuanced, informed opinions and then articulating them coherently is hard.)
As kind of a footnote tip, seek out peers who have the same goals and feelings, and try to connect with them! Lots of my current internet friends found me back when I was posting on my personal blog about problems i had with THE SELECTION or RED QUEEN and we bonded over having similar opinions and being in similar places in our writing/ reading/ careers. These people now beta read my scripts and posts and help me brainstorm or refine ideas. I strongly believe that creatives (and critics) do their best work and grow the most within a network of support and feedback.
But also, in regards to creative writing in particular, i want to be clear that having fun is the most important thing. I absolutely think creators need analytical skills to improve their craft, but without the enjoyment of doing the thing at the core of it, there is no craft at all. If you have to choose between the "smart” thing and the fun thing, choose the fun thing. Tbh, if you’re worried your work is bland, analysis probably isn’t the solution--  figuring out how to have more fun is the solution. And letting yourself lean into the stuff that’s wild and awesome and so incredibly you that it sets you on fire to write is a skill of its own :)
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kellylanesvault · 4 years
How To Easily Lose Weight Without Dieting
Restricting what you eat and how much you eat will not always work in your favor. Many studies have shown that restrictions of any kind are bound to fail in the long term. So, if you had previously gone on a strict diet and had some success but then bounced back to your fat weight again in a matter of weeks, you’re your own proof that restrictions don’t work!
But, fret not. You can certainly still lose a ton of weight without restrictions—all you have to do is make a few tweaks to your lifestyle. The following list of 16 simple ways will help you to lose weight without any forms of restriction. Imagine stepping on the scale and seeing your desired number pop up without depriving yourself or cutting out your favorite foods—and best of all, these terrific tips and tricks will help you achieve sustainable, long-term weight loss.
Carb Pairing trick burns 2 pounds of belly fat per day ? Click <<
1. Don’t Skip Breakfast
Contrary to popular belief, skipping meals doesn’t help you shed pounds. In fact, it’s the other way around! Skipping a morning meal causes your blood sugar to drop, making you feel hungry and sluggish throughout the morning. You’ll be more likely to binge on carb-rich or high-fat meals later on. Eating in the AM also gives your metabolism a nice boost, so you burn calories at a faster rate throughout the day.
2. Don’t Snack at Night
Do you snack when night rolls around? This destructive pattern can pack on the pounds. Your metabolism drops as you get ready to hit the pillow and catch some ZZZs. Breaking the habit can help you lose weight because you’ll end up consuming less calories throughout the day. Reduce your PM munchies by keeping your appetite under control and eating small, wholesome meals at regular intervals throughout the day. It also helps to brush your teeth after your final meal!
3. Drink More Water
Beverages besides water might taste great, but they often contain calories that add up throughout the day. These empty calories don’t affect hunger levels, so you’ll still eat as much as you would otherwise. Instead of drinking your calories, opt for good old H20. Sticking to water hydrates your body and helps it work efficiently while boosting your metabolism and curbing cravings.
4. Eat More Fruits and Vegetables
Fruits and vegetables contain tons of nutrients. Fresh produce can melt pounds by supplying you with essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber your body needs to feel fully satisfied. Thanks to their high water content, these volume-rich foods take up room in your stomach and make you feel full. Fruits and vegetables also curb your cravings for carb-laden, sugar-filled snacks, and can prevent you from mindlessly munching. Instead of filling up on meat, eat more fruits and vegetables!
5. Eat Foods Loaded With Fiber
Your ticket to a slimmer figure is fiber. Your body doesn’t actually digest fiber. Instead, the nutrient passes through the intestines, latching onto fat and calories as it leaves your system. Fiber also removes toxic waste from the colon while balancing acidity in the intestines. It also acts as a bulking agent and allows food to move through your digestive track quicker. Never underestimate the fat-burning powers of filling fiber!
6. Eat Until You Are Full
Losing weight comes down to burning more calories than you eat, which leads us to portion control. Granted, this doesn’t mean consuming teeny tiny portions of food. It involves eating just enough to feel satisfied and fully nourished. Monitoring what and how much you’re eating will tip the scales in your weight loss favor. Begin portioning your meals according to the amount of calories you should eat per day.
7. Set A Fitness Goal
Give yourself a goal of taking at least 10,000 steps per day, or running a few miles a week. Goals like these will force you to sneak more exercise into your schedule. Once you start achieving your goals and feeling victorious, you’ll likely start including them in your routine and live a more active lifestyle. There are apps you can get on your phone that count your steps.
8. Eat More Protein
Protein tames hunger and curbs cravings, keeping you feeling full throughout the day. As a result, you’ll eat less and trim calories from your menu. The slimming powers of protein work soon after leaving your plate and entering your mouth. Protein-packed foods take more energy to digest and metabolize, meaning you’ll burn calories by simply eating them!
9. Eat More Salad
Never underestimate the slenderizing powers of a nutritious salad! The leafy dish, especially when packed with fibrous, filling vegetables and lean protein, can hook you up with essential nutrients and help you achieve rapid weight loss. Keep in mind that numerous dressings are rich in calories, ultimately defeating the whole diet-friendly purpose of salad. Reach for clean, healthy vinaigrettes and dressings. Olive oil and vinegar tastes delicious and serves as a healthy alternative to store-bought dressings.
10. Keep Temptations at Bay
When it comes to weight loss, the out of sight, out of mind rule serves you well. Rid your cupboard of fatty, overly-processed snacks and keep unhealthy indulgences out of reach. For example, if that leftover birthday cake is calling your name, then pop it in the freezer or bring it to work. Keeping temptations away will keep cravings at bay.
11. Manage Your Stress
Stress can wreak havoc on your hormones, causing your body to enter fight-or-flight mode. During this response, your body releases cortisol, which stimulates insulin release and throws off your blood sugar levels. The result? Your body will latch on to every calorie consumed and your appetite will increase. Higher hunger levels and a slower metabolism don’t mix well when it comes to losing weight! Banish stress and stay calm and collected.
12. Stay Out Of Boredom
More often than not, mindless snacking comes from pure boredom. When there’s nothing to do, scoping the kitchen for something to munch on seems enticing. Instead of taking your boredom out by stocking up on calories, distract yourself by reading a book, calling a friend, or going for a walk. Research shows that cravings pass within ten minutes, so banish these cravings by using that time to do something productive!
13. Keep A Bowl Of Washed Fruits
Have fruits pre-washed and handy at all times. This will make them easier to access in times of extreme hunger! Readily-available fruits that don’t require any meal prep whatsoever will be calling your name next time you’re dealing with a grumbling tummy. When it comes to satisfying hunger while losing weight, nothing will help you slim and trim more than nutrient-rich veggies and fruit!
14. Get Enough Sleep
Sleeping at least seven hours a night helps you lose weight. Sleep deprivation triggers a series of unhealthy choices. You’re more likely to reach for that latte, turn to takeout, or skip exercise. A lack of sleep will boost your hunger hormones, eliciting intense carb cravings and the likelihood of overeating. If you want to see the numbers on your scale drop, make sure to catch enough sleep.
15. Eat Slowly
When you eat slowly, you’ll pay more attention to when you’re full. Research shows that slowing down and taking the time to enjoy each bite of food will have you consuming less overall without feeling deprived. Drink water between bites, chew mindfully, and listen to your body when it says it’s full!
One last thing… you should try this super simple morning ritual that burns 1 pound of belly fat per day…
“All this by a morning ritual?” I asked.
I met an old friend for lunch last year and I was super impressed with how she lost 72 pounds in 3 months.
She said, “It’s not so much about the the so called ritual but more about how it releases fat-blasting molecules that signal your brain and body to burn off pounds and inches of trapped fat quickly and naturally.”
Even though I was skeptical, I’ve been struggling with my weight over the last few years, so I gave it a shot and watched the same video she did.
Well, it’s only a couple weeks later and you know what they say about how “you can’t transform your body overnight”…
They’re right — it actually took me 14 days to lose 19 pounds.
Now it’s my girlfriends asking ME what I’M doing differently
Imagine your body being beach ready before Memorial Day.
Imagine enjoying the foods you love: pasta, wine, or even a dessert — completely guilt-free.
And imagine feeling good and living your life without obsessing about every single calorie you eat…
All while knowing your health is being protected by one of the most powerful natural healing rituals ever discovered.
Click here to see the super simple morning ritual that helped me melt away 19 pounds in just 14 days
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betterfor4-blog · 5 years
My Pursuit of Happiness Manifesto
--- In a nutshell (to take the time to read or not): This post gives context to my life, why I have started this blog, the clear goals I have set for my family and how I am going to manage it. ----
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Dear Universe and the Human Race,
The Context of My Life
Thank you for my life.  Through nothing else but chance and luck I find myself truly blessed (in a completely non-religious way).  Even if I didn’t intend, plan or pursue it, I find myself in my late 30s with a beautiful old-fashioned, very-not-cool nuclear family.  We could be the poster family for hetero-normative, white, 2 young kids and a dog in an average brick house.  Please don’t for a second though think that I believe or promote this as the only way as being.  This is the context for my life, however, I am open-minded and supportive of all the different kinds of ways that family and love exists in this world. 
I acknowledge that I live on this planet in a way many cannot or will never get the opportunity to.  I acknowledge that the way I live is because of the toil of many who will never have my privilege.
Completely off life-plan I married my first love who I met when I was a teenager.  He is intelligent, gorgeous, compassionate, funny, loyal and simply a good person (if not sometimes a little too ‘linear/pragmatic/black and white in his thinking).  We both had opportunities to become well educated and ambition to form our own independent careers.  We both trained and work in the Sciences; I am an educator.  We lived exciting lives with lots of travel and friends and then 3 years ago we welcomed our first lovely daughter into this world (Miss C1).  Late last year our family was completed by our second lovely daughter (Miss C2).
The Reason For This Blog And What I Want In This Life
I am genuinely happy, 8/10, like Scandinavian happy (those guys have it all worked out).  I know who I am and I am very clear in my mind about my goals, values and ambitions for myself and my family.   I have prefaced and contextualized my life in this post however, as my problems are slight, though they still exist an I am in pursuit of  happiness (9 and 10 numbers).
I want to live meaningfully in this life and raise my girls consciously and with clear intent.  I want our family activities, daily life and conversations to be ‘rich’ in the holistic manner of the word rather than the dollars and cents version.  I want for a lot and have some clear goals/thoughts:
1. MINIMALISM - I want to live better with less...
-  I want to spend less on the stuff we don’t need.  
- I don’t want to waste things (especially food and other such resources). 
-  I want every item in our home to bring joy, be useful and used frequently. 
- I wish to invest in family experiences more than things.
- I don’t want to get caught up in the fast fashion cycle, buying my girls $2 t-shirts that last 3 washes and are thrown away at the cost of both environment and people.  
- I want high quality goods that are fixed or re-purposed rather than just thrown away.
- I want to our modest block of land to be productive for 
- I don’t want to spend my life cleaning or battling with storing stuff making our home and lives less enjoyable.
- I want a clean and organised house that I don’t have to feel burdened by maintaining but I am not ashamed by unexpected guests.
2. Experiential Based Family Life - I want our daily lives to be rich in conversation and experiences.
- Less Screen time or maybe more meaningful screen time for everybody.
- More games and playing.
- More travel and family experiences more frequently.
- More nature in our daily lives.  More getting outside.
- Ensure my girls get the best education possible by exposing them to opportunities and educational experiences.  Peppa Pig is not nearly educational enough (read severe sarcasm).
3. HEALTH - A Healthier Family
For us health comes in 3 pillars: sleep, food and exercise.  To be honest all are crumbling a little at the moment...
- I am overweight and have been my entire adult life and I want to rectify that for the most important reason in the world; it gives me the best chance to be with my family for the longest amount of time.  I’ll blog about this later.
- I want my family to eat well and diversely.  I want my girls to have a good relationship with food where no food is forbidden.  I need to create strategies and structures to allow and develop this.
- We need to be working towards 8 hours of sleep a night, the girls need more.  
- We need strategies in our lives than ensures that Mum and Dad are getting at least 10,000 steps a day and some cardio (I would love to know how far Miss C1 goes in a Day).
4. IMPROVE MY IDENTITY CAPITAL - be the best Mum I can be.
I think for the first time in my life I am ready to live by the wisdom of ‘taking care of yourself before others’ (the old apply your oxygen mask in a plane emergency before helping others).  I am tapped out, my cup is dry... whatever you want to call it.  
Basically, I am a stay at home Mum with 2 girls under 3 and I am TIRED.  Not just sleep deprived but emotionally exhausted.  I feel like junk and everywhere I look I see work to be done.  Worst thing yet, I just returned from a holiday super relaxed.  Which was good, because it reinforced to me that I am more than run down, I am depleted.
I want more ‘arrows  in my quiver’.  In short, as my husband would put it I need more diverse identity capital.  I need to my life to be filled with hobbies and activities and people to recover some of my energy and zest for life.  Yet at the same time I feel the Social Media Direct Messenger culture of 21st Century melts my mind a little. 
Previously, my job consumed me and that is the way I liked it.  I have chosen however to sacrifice my career in order to give my girls the best chance (see goal 2-5).  Staying at home was not an emotionally easy choice, but an easy logical one.  I am an educator.  This is what I do.  The idea of returning to work (when I didn’t have to) and allowing someone else to raise and educate my girls at this early stage seemed like insanity.  I am also lucky that the system I work for holds my job for me for about 6 years.   But back to the point, it left a career sized hole in my life that of late has been harder to fill. 
My mind is a fog of fruit pouches, nappies and nursery rhymes.  Yet, I know that this time of my life will pass faster than I will in retrospect have liked it to.  Before it does though I need to write in full sentences on a regular basis.  I need to stretch my mind.  I need to model to my girls how you can work towards a work-life balance.
Vainly, I am also in desperate need of a Mum makeover.  I need some Mum style before my girls start school.  B.C. (before children) I had work clothes and a few casual pieces.  2 pregnancies and no work later I am adrift in my new life, at least style wise, and it has left me feeling fairly invisible.
5. WEALTH - I want us all to be grateful for what we have and show that.
This one really doesn’t need dot points.  My family are privileged and that is not a crime, but to become entitled or not appreciate our good fortune, well that is.  I want us to not waste and give back where we can as often as we can. 
As for our actual finances.  I figure if we live more mindfully with less we will spend less.  The money we save will be able to fund our experiences and travel.  It is the old “take care of the cents and the dollars will take care of themselves” approach.   I will be exploring this later though.
So on rereading this, two things I note.
- I sound far more ‘hippy-dippy’ than I feel I am, but the list is accurate.  I wonder if this resonates with other 21st Century slightly left-leaning Mum’s out there?  Where is my tribe?
- I am WAY daunted by this list.  To set an appropriate mental image I am sitting at my dining room table eating a carrot as the baby bashes her drink bottle on her highchair pulverizing crackers into dust (now on the floor) and the toddler is talking to me asking constant ‘why’ questions.  The latest question was “why do doctors say you can’t jump on the bed?” referring to the song ‘5 little Monkies’.  Both of these things are an improvement from 30 minutes ago where they were both competing to press any buttons they could on my laptop.
How Will I Achieve This?
Don’t know in short.  But I know this... I cancelled my gym membership recently because getting there with the two girls was near impossible and ridiculously expensive once I paid for the creche for the both of them.  I felt like I had lost something too.  Like the cards were proverbially stacked against me and my fitness goals as a stay at home Mum (CHAINED TO THE HOUSE I TELL YOU).  On the way home though I questioned why I honestly needed the gym, more specifically an instructor telling me to ‘sashay’.  I decided on two reasons.  The first, the group environment means I won’t quit as I would never give in when being observed by others.  The second, because the instructor had the knowledge.   
It occurred to me on that trip home that I could replace those classes with YouTube and a blog.  A blog to keep me honest and check in (even if no one reads it) and YouTube for the knowledge.  The internet is a global community of ‘DIY knowledge’ and all I had to do was harness it.
So that is the strategy for this blog.  I am going to use the power of the internet to learn, share and record my improvements.  
How Will I Measure Progress And What Is The Timeline?
I am going to have to research that on the internet (LOL).  I think I am going to need different tools for different aspects of my life.
I am going to start by posting Mon, Wed, Fri and tackling a different aspect each time:
Monday - Health
Wednesday - Minimalism
Friday - Experiences
I am writing this to no one in particular and everyone in order to keep myself honest and on track in the way I am going to change our lives. 
The purpose of this blog and particularly long post... I’ve got to be better for the four of us.  I have to live my best life to honor this extraordinary life I have been gifted.
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I pretty much disappeared from existence for a few months there due to some personal circumstances that derailed my life significantly. Of course, the start of a new year is a natural beginning for a lot of people, and I’ve recently become very aware that I desperately need to reset and re-focus on my health.
I have gained back all the weight I lost when I was focused on my healthy habits. There have been many photos of myself taken recently due to the holidays that I find extremely unflattering and disheartening. I have struggled a lot with my self-esteem, which isn’t good for my mental health either.
This post is a beginning (again). I will be getting married in 10 months and I need to look and feel my best, not just for the wedding, but it is a good motivation to get my booty in gear.
My goals stay pretty consistent, but I wanted to take some time to write out how I am going to achieve each one so I can get a game plan started.
Drink plenty of water - I have a big cup that holds 24 oz of water. I will start keeping track of how many I drink each day and make sure I have at least 3.
Get enough sleep - this one is tricky because we just got a new puppy, but I will continue to go to bed at 10:00 each night and try to wake up at a consistent time (my goal right now is around 6:45-7:00). I’m currently writing this at 3:00AM as I just took the pup out for a potty break, but I will find what works for me and go from there as I adjust my sleeping schedule to accomodate. I do need to be better about getting ready for bed earlier so I am in bed by 10:00 instead of just starting my nighttime routine then, so I will start getting ready for bed at 9:45.
Eat healthy, maintain a net calorie intake around 1,500 - this one is my biggest struggle, it is (of course) a weak point for me. First, I need to work on portion control. I will measure out my servings more carefully and focus on eating slowly and mindfully. Second, I need to be sure I am incorporating lots of fruits and veggies into my daily intake. I will keep fruit on hand and eliminate my access to less healthy options. I am pretty consistent about serving veggies with dinner, but I need to find a way to incorporate them at other points during the day as well. I’ll have to think on this as it’s not something that comes naturally, but I will find a way to make it happen. Lastly, I need to significantly reduce how often we go out to eat/consume alcohol. Right now, I am planning to have a few glasses of wine for New Years Eve, but no alcohol before that. On occasion, I will allow myself one serving of alcohol if my calorie budget allows, but I will avoid binge drinking (duh) and I will not have more than one serving of alcohol in a single night more than once a week. As far as going out to eat, I will not eat a meal that I did not make more than twice a month (once every other week). This goal is incredibly difficult to enforce because my fiancé often suggests that we go out to eat rather than cook at home and it’s hard to tell him no. It’s more expensive and far less healthy (and more challenging to track/control) than eating at home and honestly when I consider the toll it takes on my body and mind, it’s not worth it. I probably need to have an open and honest conversation with my fiancé about this so we can come to an agreement about eating out. He is always so supportive of me, I just have to tell him what I need.
Exercise - I have gotten back into doing home strength workouts, which I have been loving. I use the NTC app often, and lately I’ve been creating my own workouts sometimes as well, which feels great. I need to get back to the gym to do cardio, which I will discuss a plan with my fiancé tomorrow to get back into that. We have a hard time fitting it into our day, but it is important to me, and otherwise the membership is just a waste of money. In the meantime, I will also work on teaching the puppy to walk on a leash so we can go for walks together. I need to be sure I am getting at least 6,000 steps per day and I am strength training at least twice per week (I will aim for three, but twice is a minimum).
Alright, I think that about covers it. I have a plan to accomplish the big four aspects of physical health: movement, hydration, nutrition, and sleep. I need to go back to sleep now. Maybe I’ll make a similar post like this for my non-fitness goals. It is nice to have them written down somwhere rather than just rattling around in my head. Anyways, goodnight!
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neetu-uplifts · 6 years
Man, I love this word. It runs deep for me. When I hear or think “oneness”, something inside my mind releases and my heart warms. I feel connected to everyone around me, even if just for a few seconds. My ego and the dualism that it creates (me-them, me-her, me-him, us-them) weakens just by saying “oneness”. It’s such a powerful word. It speaks to the ultimate truth about life and all living beings. We are all connected at the core. We all emanate from the same source - the life force that runs through our bodies and keeps us breathing, walking and talking. Our false egoic identities create divisions among us. We’ve slapped labels on ourselves and on each other, creating conflict, separation and hate, when truthfully, underneath all that, we are one.
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Ego: Public Enemy #1
Eckhart Tolle drops the mic when he reminds us that “You are consciousness appearing as a person for a little while”. Read it again, slowly. You are consciousness appearing as a person for a little while. And so is every other living being around you. We are all consciousness in different bodies (costumes) for a short while. We are souls having a human experience. Ultimately, there is no difference between you and me. But we think we’re different from each other because of our ego (false identity). It’s interesting to think about this in the context of someone who we intentionally want to distinguish as very different from us. For example, when I think about a Republican Trump supporter who makes racist and/or sexist comments, I need to separate myself from that. The stories around what that person is and how they think create an image that I could never associate myself with. But I need to remind myself that we are all suffering from the same mental phenomenon of being stuck in our false identities (Liberal, Conservative, Jewish, Sikh, Christian, Muslim, Atheist, Black, White, Brown, etc) and we operate from those respective vantage points. Underneath all that, the essence of our truest selves is the same. At the core, (soul level) there is no difference between me and that Trump supporter. We are both pieces of the same infinite light. When I think about it that way, I don’t hate on or judge the Trump supporter as a living being. I lose interest in thinking about them as a Trump supporter. The labels fade away. I can and will absolutely call out garbage behaviour, condemn social ills and stand against unjust ideologies. But I don’t have to attack the individual; it’s about attacking the twisted ideologies, which stem from the pathology of their ego. We’re all suffering from our ego - just in different ways or to different extents.
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Sadly, maintaining a oneness mindset 24/7 is incredibly difficult as the ego is incredibly powerful. We have spent decades being conditioned by the ego, building and believing our false identities and the labels and stories that come with them, as well as the labels and stories about others (I’m Neetu and this is my story and these are the things that define me and my life….blah blah blah….those Republicans over there are so whack….). The more we watch our minds and practice awareness the more conscious we will become and the weaker our egoic selves will become. The ego is false (it’s not you) but it basically controls you because you’re so identified with and attached to it and the thoughts and emotions it creates. It’s like we’re asleep and consciousness is the cold bucket of ice water that will wake us up. Once we stop identifying with our stories and our thoughts and feelings, which are created by your ego, we become way less judgmental. We see no value in defining ourselves or others. We define others in reference to ourselves (i.e. that person is younger, smarter, fitter, more accomplished, calmer than me, etc). Remember, ego is anything we’re identified with. As we navigate this human journey we’re on, it’s helpful to have a name, some material possessions like clothes, a home or a cell phone, and loved ones who we recognize as our family members, etc. Let’s enjoy these aspects of this human experience. It’s when we get lost in these things and derive our sense of self from all of the labels, possessions, achievements, suffering, attachments and addictions that we’re stuck. The goal is to be like the lotus flower, in the water but not consumed by it. You’re in this world (human form) but not of this world (you realize who you really are is the deeper soul). Once we give up attachment to defining ourselves, we won’t have a reference point against which to define, compare, assess or stack others. We will just see consciousness everywhere - within and around us. There is no false identity to protect, validate or defend. Thoughts and emotions emanate from the ego; they are not the truth of who you are. Who you are is a permanent state of being or “is-ness”. Neutral, non-reactive, at peace, connected to everything. Getting there however requires us breaking out of our deep egoic slumber. And that, my friends, is not easy to do. But it’s ultimately the point of this human life and the best thing we can do for ourselves and for each other.
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Mantra: Give-up Defining Yourself
Sometimes throughout the day I’ll repeat a mantra to myself. When I’m lucky and get brief glimpses of awareness, I’ll catch or notice my ego operating e.g. “that was such a great idea, people probably think I’m pretty cool” or “damn, just killed that last set of squats, so strong, look at that guy, he’s looking at me shocked that I’m lifting this much, yeaah boyyyy” or “why doesn’t she or he make an effort to keep in touch with me?” Ego is present both when we think we’re the shit (high on our story) AND when we feel like shit (low on our story). Any attachment to story = ego. In these moments, I’ll literally say to myself: “give up defining yourself, Neetu”. It’s like slamming the breaks on the ego. I experience an immediate and intense state of presence. I hard stop on the egoic story of Neetu and step outside of the chatter and content of my mind, even if just for a few minutes. I don’t feel bad about the egoic thoughts because I know those thoughts aren’t me. I laugh at my ego and how pathetic it is. This (at least for me) is one of the most powerful and effective little tricks to spotlighting my ego and disidentifying from it (and doing that weakens it), even if just for 30 seconds or two minutes. Try it out! Even just mindfully watching your thoughts the way you would watch a toddler who’s roaming around the house can be very effective. The more we practice awareness the more we weaken our ego. The ego is a tricky bastard though - it will show-up in the subtlest of ways. Ego can develop if we think we’re suddenly “conscious” and “enlightened”, ridding ourselves of our ego, unlike all the other ‘peasants’ out there. Watch for that too. It’s another form of self-definition and story-making and dualism in the mind. The ego is so slithery dude.
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Replace Labels with Love
I grew up in a Sikh family. I respect Sikhism but I am not a religious person. I am definitely a spiritual person. What’s the difference? I see religion as man-made. To me, religion is the outcome of centuries of “interpretations” slapped onto the ONE truth, which was shared by several different enlightened prophets - Jesus, Guru Nanak, Ibrahim, Buddha, to name a few. This truth in its purest form was meant to unite people through their oneness, not divide them. But the layers of interpretation and “tweaking” over hundreds of years have resulted in religion being a source of grave divide and hate among humanity. Spirituality on the other hand, honours that single source of truth; the truth of God, who exists in every living being. This was the core message that all of the prophets of every religion were trying to communicate. If you read the Bhagavad Gita, Old Testament or the Sri Guru Granth Sahib, and you break down what they’re all saying, at the deepest level, they are pointing to the one same truth. Their message just got distorted along the way through the dogma of organized religion. Spirituality helps us discover the truth of ourselves. It connects and unites us. It is all about oneness. A beautiful excerpt from Eckhart Tolle reinforces this: “It’s not what you believe (religion) that matters. It’s your state of consciousness that matters.” Don’t ask me what my religion is, look instead at how strong my ego is. Look at how much compassion and kindness I practice. My state of consciousness will tell you where I am on my inward journey home. Home being your soul, a state of oneness and bliss. Also, I recognize that following a particular religion doesn’t automatically mean you are lost or that you “hate” people from other religions. Religion can definitely be a valuable path to community and inner peace. My concern with religion is when it becomes the basis or narrative for hate and separation. Whether that’s the belief that “my religion is the only path to God and liberation” or “people of that religion are all extremists”. If we all just let each be wherever we are, with whatever we see as the helpful path to peace then religion is fine.
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Insanity of the Ego
Eckhart Tolle talks about the pathological nature of ego, which causes suffering of various degrees to the self and others. He goes on to talk about the ego having a “fear and distrust of other people, [and a] tendency to emphasize the “otherness” of others by focusing on their perceived faults and [it] makes those faults into their identity”.  I think about this in the context of the senseless and tragic mass shooting at two mosques in New Zealand earlier this week that left 50 innocent people dead. Look at the damage being done through mental labels. Children were among those 50. It’s unimaginably sickening. Tolle explains: “any mental labeling we attach to others desensitizes us to the humanity or the truth of who that person is”. White supremacy, Islamophobia and terrorism - they are all the disgusting outcomes of severely unconscious, insanely pathological egos governed by extreme “otherness”. I love the statement below from Hasan Minhaj in response to the New Zealand shootings - he’s pointing to Oneness.
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Earlier this week, I had the opportunity to attend a powerful talk by Pardeep Singh Kaleka and Arno Michaelis. During the 2012 Sikh Temple shootings in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, a white supremacist entered the temple and fatally shot 6 people. The Sikh temple leader, Satwant Singh Kaleka, was among the victims and also Pardeep’s Father. The shooter was a member of one of America’s largest white supremacist groups, which Arno (who had since left that life) had founded. I found the conversation between Arno and Pardeep so riveting because it’s a striking example of how two men, who could hate each other, came together to conquer hate through love. They founded Serve2Unite, an award-winning, international peace building and educational initiative that works with youth to break stereotypes and overcome hate and violence through art and social good projects. They also wrote a book called The Gift of Our Wounds. Their friendship and brotherhood, which was visibly genuine, shows us all what’s possible through kindness and compassion. As Pardeep said on Tuesday night when asked where he found the strength to befriend Arno: “pain will do 1 of 3 things: it’ll transform you for the better, consume you or you’ll transfer it to others”. I’m so moved by both Pardeep and Arno’s intentional decision to transform themselves into better, more loving beings, despite the pain and suffering that initiated the connection between them. 
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In a recent Headspace meditation I did, they key takeaway was “The extraordinary-ness (soul) in our ordinary-ness (human form) is what connects us all”. We are no different in our extraordinary-ness, which is the best and truest part of us. We all belong to one another and it’s when we forget this that we suffer. I see the future generations as holding more promise in this regard. Last weekend, my 7-year old nephew was making a birthday card for his friend’s birthday party, which he was attending later that day. My Mom, out of curiosity, asked if his friend was “Indian, White, Asian or Black”. My nephew thought for a few seconds and as I watched his facial expression I could see that he was struggling to answer the question (and this kid is really smart). Finally he responded to his Grandmother: “Ummm, I don’t know”. I realized in that moment that he doesn’t see colour. And my hope is that neither do any of the people in his generation. May love protect them from the social ills of racism, religious divisions and discrimination.
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Look at people who you consider fundamentally different from you and realize that they are you and you are them. You are one. It’s hard to realize or feel that because our short-sighted egoic mind doesn’t allow us to see past the labels we’ve created and attached. When we break free from the labels we’ve attached to ourselves and to others, we see, think and feel from a place of deep love. How different would the world be if we operated from that mindset? Oneness is about love and connectedness - a connection that’s not dependent on selfish outcomes. It’s like I forget who I am (false self/ego) and so I forget who you are (labels created by ego) and I just see ONE (truth/consciousness). Or as Mooji says: “I know who you are because I know who I am”. That’s the dream state. That’s liberation for the soul.
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steamishot · 6 years
I took birth control pills for a month, starting December sometime when we didn’t use a condom and I thought there was a slight slight chance I could become pregnant. Then as my period in January was approaching, I stopped taking them again. After my period ended, I started feeling pretty moody and down. I talked to Matt about it saying that my moodiness may be a result of my inconsistency with the ocp and he told me that I don’t have to take them if I don’t want to and he’ll just use protection. So I took him up on his offer because I didn’t wanna deal with that. Starting 3 days ago, I started spotting. I had just completed my period the week before. I started spotting, and then I started full on bleeding as if I was having my period again. I was mildly freaking out because I’ve never experienced that before (and it wasn’t the first time I was on and off the pill). I ended up bleeding more during my second “period” than my actual period. He and my nursing school friend said it seemed normal and that it was fine, as long as I wasn’t experiencing symptoms of feeling weak/lightheaded etc. So I took their word for it and now my second period is almost over lol. Emotionally, I feel better this week. Last week was just a mess—I left work on two days feeling super anxious/stressed and like I needed a glass of wine to relax. Granted, work was crazy, but I don’t have to let the craziness affect me to that degree. I was also being weird about my relationship as evidenced by my last post. I’m taking this Monday slow to ease into the week.
I haven’t been having penetrative sex for very long. I believe it’s been around 2.5-3 years since my first time ever. With my last partner, I didn’t really understand why it was enjoyable sometimes and wasn’t other times. And actually, it wasn’t that enjoyable like 70% of the time with him. 70% or more when he inserted, it was an uncomfortable feeling. At first, I thought it might have been the size difference as to why it doesn’t hurt with my current partner. It seems pretty common sense but I just learned that the more lubricated the sex is/the more wet I am, the better it feels for the both of us and that sex shouldn’t be uncomfortable if I am wet enough. My current partner literally stops when he senses that I’m not into it or that I’m bored, because he feels “rapey” if he continues. He gets off on me getting off. We’ve communicated about sex before and how so and so times were the best. We deduced that when I’m the most relaxed/not thinking ahead about our day/being present with him, I’m able to enjoy myself more and therefore he does too. And because we talked about it, I try to be mindfully present when we’re in that space. It’s really helpful because then I enjoy having sex too. I think our goal is to have me reach orgasm naturally, because I was never to with my last partner during penetrative sex. We improved so much from our first night together lol.
I feel like I almost rely on alcohol to let down my inhibitions so I can communicate with him more freely. As he becomes more comfortable with me (this and he acts different when he’s sick), I think he tries less to be a good listener. He told me he thinks he has ADHD and in the beginning I thought he was only joking, but by hanging out with him more and more, I can see how it might be true. I feel like these past two hangouts when we’re talking, I have to compete with him for the “spotlight” and naturally, I don’t like to talk when I know people aren’t listening or feel rushed to speak again. I’m usually pretty quiet, even with my friends, and I talk more when I know they are good listeners. But a lot of the times, I prefer not to talk as well. There were three different instances in the past two hangouts we’ve been on (he had a cold both times so that may have something to do with it) when he communicated with servers/hosts where he was super spacey and like all ADHD’d out. I thought it was kinda endearing/cute and ended up laughing at him all three times but this is not a positive trait in a partner. I wondered why it was so easy for me to talk to my previous partner about my issues and such, but then caught myself comparing communication in a 3-year relationship to a 4 month relationship. I was like oh wait, we’re still getting to know each other and in that stage of opening up. However, my last partner was definitely more in tune with female feelings than Matt is. That was a double-edged sword because I didn’t like that because of that, he had a lot of female friends and not enough strong male figures in his life. With my last partner, I didn’t really feel the need to talk to my female friends as much for “girl talk” because he probably provided enough of that to me. I think I just have to work around it and it might be healthier this way that my partner doesn’t enable my crazy feelings. There are boundaries and I maintain a relationship with my female friends as well.
Another update, we celebrated Chinese new year with my family yesterday. Due to family drama, I haven’t seen my favorite nephew in a long time (1 year) before my brother’s wedding. When I saw him/hungout with him during the wedding, it was really nice. He’s growing really big and fat but he still has that lovable personality. He messaged me yesterday saying Happy early Chinese new year and it meant a lot because he hasn’t initiated conversation since the family drama happened. I thought, why not pick him up and bring him to my family gathering like the good old days? He lives a little further away now ~12-15 min, so I won’t be able to do it often because it’s time consuming to pick him up and drop him off. But we hung out with the family, and he’s still my little buddy. I made him run/jog 1.5 miles while I worked out. I asked him if he had any song requests. Half of the songs I played were from my playlist, and he chose the rest. In the car ride back home, he asked me what the names of two songs were that I played. It was really cute and nice because he used to do that when he was younger as well. He also revealed to me that he was scared of not getting taller, thinking that overweight kids do not grow taller. I assured him he will grow taller and his fat will even out. It’s a sensitive topic because I know he gets told he is fat a lot. He handles it well and doesn’t really show that he is bothered by it. And in the snap of a finger, the kid that I used to babysit is as tall as me now and weighs 1.5 my weight.
Another incident I wanted to write about before I forgot was me losing my wallet and not even knowing it. On Wednesday night, I stopped by to get gas near my house before going home. When I got home, I just went inside my house and got some food (no one was home that day as my parents and grandma went out for dinner). As I was eating in my room, someone rang the doorbell twice. I was conditioned to not open the door if I was home alone so I just ignored them lol. I heard someone open the gate and then they left. The next day while I was trying to pay for my lunch, I realized my wallet wasn’t in my backpack and thought to myself, oh it must be in my purse or something. Thank goodness for apple pay. Then my day goes by normally. On Friday morning as I was leaving my house for work, I saw my wallet on the floor tucked away behind a pillar. My first instinct was to take a picture of it and I thought some crazy Gloria shit was happening to me (as she tends to have odd experiences). I tried to connect this incident to the weird vibes I was feeling in the hotel room the weekend before and was trying to come up with evidence that paranormal activities are real haha. However, when I got into my car and started texting Matt about the situation, I thought it out and the sequence of events (with the doorbell ringing) made sense. I put two and two together and realized that I was probably clumsy and not paying attention after I left my car to go home on Wednesday night. My wallet was probably still out of my backpack and I accidentally dropped it on the floor. It was already dark too so I wouldn’t have seen it. And a very kind neighbor returned it. Everything was still there-- I had almost $300 in cash and many credit cards with nice limits haha. I was so impressed by humanity that day and felt very fortunate. Our CNY celebration just passed and my mom was like why aren’t you wearing red? I said I’m already lucky and she proceeded to tell my family about how crazy/lucky I am that I dropped my wallet and had it returned to me. And my wallet was out on my porch for two nights and a day before I even found it. My dad joked that I probably did some good in this world and good things happen to me. Thank you world. 
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andrewdburton · 5 years
The virtue of thrift
When I was a boy, we lived in the country. That is, we lived five miles from the nearest town (Canby) and 25 miles from the nearest city (Portland). We were surrounded by farmland. Life was quiet. Pastoral. Bucolic.
The road we lived on was especially quiet, with very little traffic. Even from a young age — five or six, I think — I was allowed to walk the quarter-mile to visit my grandparents. (My father's parents lived “next door” to us, but next door was across a large field.)
Visiting grandma and grandpa was fun. As quiet as life in the country was, life at their house was even quieter. There was a stillness in their place unlike anything I've experienced since. Their home seemed stuck in time.
Part of this stuckness stemmed from the things they owned.
They lived in a little white farmhouse built in 1920. My grandparents moved there in 1943 — two years before my father was born — then remodeled the place. Sort of. (Like all Roths, they left the job undone — for more than forty years!)
During the 1970s, when I was young, they still owned and used many of the things they'd purchased when they moved in.
They still had a big, white Kelvinator refrigerator, for instance, with a moving door handle and hardly any space inside. They called it the “icebox”.
They listened to hymns (sometimes) and radio sermons (daily) on an imposing wooden console “hi-fi” system as big as a couch.
They owned a long pink-ish, purple-ish “davenport” with scratchy, well-worn fabric on which grandpa would nap every afternoon after “dinner” (which was lunch).
They used a black bakelite rotary telephone on a party line.
My grandparents themselves were very much like the things they owned. They were old. (They were in their seventies when I knew them.) They were calm. They moved slowly during the day, and even more slowly at night. One of my fondest memories is sitting with them in the evening, watching as they sipped “sanka” and played Scrabble while a fire roared in the nearby woodstove.
For children, time always moves more slowly, but it seemed to me that nothing every changed in my grandparents' world. Their home was frozen in time. It was stuck. It was still. It was silent.
It was comforting, and I liked it.
Changing Times
My life is not still. It is not silent. It's more peaceful than most, I suppose, but it sometimes moves at a frenetic pace.
At this very moment, for instance, I am writing to you via a wireless internet connection on my laptop computer. I am sitting in a small room on a big boat — a cruise ship — that is plying its way through the Ionian Sea, just off the shore of Greece. On my wrist is a watch that isn't really a watch. It's actually a small computer with more power than those that were used to land men on the moon.
This morning, I've communicated instantly with friends in Maryland, Oregon, and Alberta. I've checked up-to-the-minute news stories from the United States. I've sent a dozen business email messages. I'm making plans for a big conference in Washington D.C. next week.
Mine is not a pastoral life.
Too, I am a consumer in a way that my grandparents never were. As much as I try not to be, I'm deeply entrenched in our materialistic culture. I am a Material Boy.
A large part of the problem is that I expose myself to advertising. I don't watch much TV or listen to the radio, but I practically live on the internet. I'm bombarded by web ads. Worse, I deliberately allow myself to visit sites that promote consumption. Yes, Wirecutter is cool and all, but it's also a ginormous gateway to desire.
At the same time, our world today is different from the world my grandparents inhabited in the forties and fifties. (Today is the 18,410th day of my life. That day for my grandfather was 22 February 1953.)
Advertising and marketing were certainly a factor for them, but they weren't as pervasive as today. When my grandfather was my age, just over a third of American households owned televisions. (He never owned one his entire life.)
Meanwhile, modern appliances (and other consumer products) are designed around planned obsolescence. They're deliberately not built to last. They're difficult or impossible to repair. (Thus the rise of the “right to repair” movement.) Or they're made to be stylish rather than timeless so that when tastes change, consumers feel motivated to replace them.
Technology adds another layer to the problem. Tech changes quickly. Some of this is merely a result of progress, of course. Our computers are smaller and more powerful than they were five years ago. Or ten. Or twenty. We all keep our machines as long as we can, but at some point we run into a wall. We want to do something and we can't. When that happens, we're faced with a decision: Upgrade or not?
Recently, I sold an old computer to my niece. She paid me some nominal amount for a 2009 iMac. Before I gave it to her, I wiped the hard drive and updated the operating system. But I could only update it so far. Beyond a certain point — 2014? 2016? I can't remember — Apple stopped supporting that computer. It still runs great, but now it's frozen in time. Eventually, new software won't run on it.
My Life as a Consumer
Kim believes I buy too much. She may be right. But when I started writing this article, I was ready to hold myself up to be pilloried. I was going to mock myself, then let you join the fun. Turns out, I'm not as bad as I think I am.
When I look at big items around our house, I have to give myself high marks (with one big exception, which I'll explain). For the past fifteen years, I've done well at choosing quality over price.
My Stickley furniture was expensive when I bought it ten years ago (even though I got it a deep discount), but it ought to last a lifetime. Plus, I still own a chair that Kris and I bought soon after we were married in 1993.
I deliberately buy top-quality tools with the idea that I never want to replace them.
As much as I've been pining for a new car lately, I'm fine with the two I already own: a 2004 Mini Cooper and a 1993 Toyota pickup.
So, on the big infrastructure stuff in my life, maybe I'm closer to my grandparents than I thought.
I'm not so good at smaller consumer items, though, and I know it. I buy a lot of books. I buy a lot of clothes. (It doesn't help that my weight and waste have fluctuated so much over the past twenty years: up and down, up and down.) And, especially, I spend a lot on technology. This is the big exception I mentioned above.
Because I live online, it's important for me to have the best available tools at my disposal. (Or maybe I'm just rationalizing?) I've upgraded every device I own in the past twelve months, and I know it. I'm now going to see how long I can make them last.
Eat It Up. Wear It Out. Make It Do. Go Without.
My grandparents embodied the virtue of thrift. Whether consciously or unconsciously, they followed the old New England proverb: “Eat it up. Wear it out. Make it do. Go without.” (Nowadays, that's more commonly seen as: “Use it up, wear it out, make do, or do without.” It's the same thing.)
This simple mantra is powerful. It encourages you to:
Don't buy things until you need them. Use up your current supply first. When you're out, make a note of it, and replace the item next time you're shopping. Don't replace it before you're finished, though, and do not stock up on case of it from Costco. (I'm bad at this, I'll admit. Low on ketchup? I'll buy a case today!)
Make the most of what you have. If it's not broken or depleted, don't replace it. This is especially important when it comes to clothing and other items subject to fashion. If your old jacket still sheds rain and keeps you warm, don't buy a new one simply because the old one is out of style.
Be creative and resourceful with the things you already own. Yes, sometimes you'll need to buy specialized tools. I learned that last winter when replacing our kitchen faucet. I didn't want to buy a basin wrench, but I needed a basin wrench. Many times, though, you can make do with something approximate. Or something less than perfect.
Finally, and most importantly, recognize that you can't have everything. It's okay to live without some of the things you want. It's good for you. It builds character! (Wow. I sound like my grandfather…)
I'm pleased with the changes I've made to my lifestyle during the past fifteen years. Yes, I'm more materialistic than my grandparents, but I'm getting better. Yes, my life moves at a faster pace than theirs did, but I've made choices to slow things down.
And while I probably will never embody that New England style of thrift, I do make deliberate decisions that are aligned with this mindset. I try to choose quality over price. When possible, I avoid items designed for planned obsolescence. I've reduced my exposure to advertising by avoiding radio, television, and magazines. (I still see plenty of ads on the internet though.) And I don't give a whit about keeping up with the Joneses.
Honestly, it doesn't make sense for me to expect to live like my grandparents. I live in a different world than they did. I have different priorities, different goals. But in my own way, I can work toward a life based on the virtue of thrift. It's all about making smart purchases, about spending mindfully in ways that are aligned with who I am and what I want out of life.
The post The virtue of thrift appeared first on Get Rich Slowly.
from Finance https://www.getrichslowly.org/virtue-of-thrift/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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brokerplanet10-blog · 5 years
Presenting 2018's Strangest Health and Wellness Trends
CBD Oil? Goat Yoga? Presenting 2018's Strangest Health and Wellness Trends
Some health trends — like intermittent fasting, charcoal everything and infrared saunas — have been bubbling up for a few years now, but in 2018 we saw them explode beyond New York and L.A.’s healtherati circles. While some of these oddball health and fitness fads are rightfully going mainstream, others — like...umm goat yoga...appear to be more fluff than substance. To separate the strange but effective from the strange but insane, we turned to some of the country’s leading health experts. 
Here’s a look at some of the most notably weird (for better or worse!) health and fitness trends of 2018.
Goat Yoga
“Including live animals in any workout routine seems a tad problematic. With goat yoga, playful goats will wander around your mat and even climb on your back while you’re mid-yoga pose. It’s meant to keep you focused, grounded, and connected with both yourself and with nature. I like time-efficient, effective and fun workouts and my gut tells me that goat yoga may only hit on one of these characteristics — no matter how adorably cute those goats really are.” — Brian Zehetner, Director of health and fitness at Planet Fitness
IV Therapy
“Even the needle-phobic are rethinking their aversion now that IV drips and shots are becoming a popular way to hydrate, boost immunity, increase energy, and cure hangovers. No doctor or prescription required.” — Amanda Freeman, Founder/CEO of SLT and Stretch*d
Drinking Mushrooms
“This year mushrooms popped up on the ingredient list of beverages in the form of powders and elixirs. The health-conscious are now relying on mushroom varieties like reishi, cordyceps, chaga, and lion's mane to solve all of their wellness issues, including focus, immunity, and relaxation.” — Amanda Freeman, Founder/CEO of SLT and Stretch*d
Face Fitness
“When you think of workouts, you think of your abs, legs, arms, even obliques, but you likely don't think of your face. Until 2018 when Face Gym, FaceLove, and other facial exercise-focused businesses came onto the scene to convince you that you should spend five minutes a day massaging your face or buy a face roller or, better yet, get a personal trainer for your face.” — Amanda Freeman, Founder/CEO of SLT and Stretch*d
Cold Workouts
“The sweat addicted have been flocking to hot workouts for years, but 2018 marks the introduction of cold temperature workouts. Benefits of working out in the cold include increased calorie and fat burn in addition to increased energy and stamina to get through a workout.” — Amanda Freeman, Founder/CEO of SLT and Stretch*d
CBD Everything
“CBD, the fully legal part of the cannabis plant, is unquestionably this year's it-ingredient. CBD oils, vapes, creams, and edibles are the number one selling product at Stretch*d. People are turning to CBD to help them sleep, relax, focus, and reduce pain. It's a miracle worker.” — Amanda Freeman, Founder/CEO of SLT and Stretch*d
Pea Protein
“For years, consumers have been trying a variety of dairy-free protein alternatives; everything from almond to oat to hemp to whey has had its day.Pea is the protein of the moment, thanks to it being high in protein, low in sugar, and nutrient-rich. It's not only easily digestible and highly bioavailable, but also aids in muscle development and recovery.” — Amanda Freeman, Founder/CEO of SLT and Stretch*d
Celery Juice
“No, drinking a bitter cocktail of pure celery in the morning will not propel you to realize your wildest health dreams nor will it ‘detox’ your organs, which are already doing so quite well, on account of your natural physiology and anatomy. Celery is indeed a nutritious vegetable and may have antispasmodic effects on the bowels, but juicing it loses the satisfaction factor of mastication and compromises fiber content. While it's probably not harmful to drink celery juice, there is no incredible benefit to juicing anything.” — Monica Auslander Moreno, MS, RD, LD/N, nutrition consultant for RSP Nutrition
Cauliflower Gnocchi
“I've seen a meme that says that when you turn 30 in 2018 (which I did), everything you love turns to cauliflower. While I am ALL about people increasing their vegetable intake, I'm a little sad for the great Italian master chefs who must be depressed seeing their gnocchi craft reduced to frozen balls of cauliflower. I think we need to stop thinking so 'black and white' and maybe indulge mindfully and occasionally in REAL gnocchi or do a half and half cauliflower/real gnocchi split, and well-portioned.” — Monica Auslander Moreno, MS, RD, LD/N, nutrition consultant for RSP Nutrition
Dousing Goods with Coconut Sugar
“Coconut sugar may be mildly more nutrient-dense and mildly less likely to spike blood sugar than plain white sugar, but nothing significant enough to impact your health. Sugar = sugar = sugar; your body recognizes coconut sugar the same. It's not a health food, it's not something to use with reckless abandon, it's just a little less refined.” — Monica Auslander Moreno, MS, RD, LD/N, nutrition consultant for RSP Nutrition
Eating Charcoal
“This still baffles me. Activated charcoal is something I used to see used when I worked in a hospital as an emergency detoxification treatment for severe alcohol/drug overdoses. Yes, it does bind to toxins in your body — but healthy, normal people eating food need to know that food is not a toxin! Eating charcoal will just cause you to mal absorb vital nutrients and it can mess heavily with medications and supplements.” — Monica Auslander Moreno, MS, RD, LD/N, nutrition consultant for RSP Nutrition
Intermittent Fasting
“Intermittent fasting is essentially timed eating: a fasting window of 12 hours is practiced for benefits such as weight loss, mental clarity and energy. While the fasted hours are flexible as long as the period is at least 12 hours, most followers generally consume their meals between noon and 8pm at night. In fact, intermittent fasting can be extremely flexible and can be adjusted to each individual’s lifestyle. However, fasting is not appropriate for everyone — particularly pregnant women and those with health conditions such as diabetes. Calorie control and quality of foods still play a large role in the success of this diet.” — May Zhu, a dietitian with Lifeway Foods
Alkaline Diet
“The Alkaline diet focuses on consuming foods that fight acidity and lead to an alkaline state in the body. The diet is based off the idea that our bodies function at the most ideal between a pH of 7.35 and 7.45, leaning towards the alkaline side. Essentially, it’s a form of the elimination diet and excludes foods such as alcohol, grains, conventional meats, eggs, processed foods, and refined sugar. Dairy is limited to yogurt and kefir, mainly for the probiotics. Followers claim that benefits include lowering inflammation, boosting immune function and enhancing metabolism. While there are definitely positive associations to regular consumption of alkalizing vegetables such as kale and brussels sprouts, there are also other benefits to consuming foods that are high on the acidic list, such as nutrient-rich eggs or certain nuts. Bottom line: eating a variety of real foods and limiting heavily processed foods can have just as much of a positive effect, without going too extreme.” — May Zhu, aa dietitian with Lifeway Foods
Appetite Suppressing Lollipops
“These low-calorie candies claim to suppress appetite and kick cravings, but upon closer inspection of the ingredient list, the first items listed are two different forms of sugar, which are nutritionally void of true nutrients. The star ingredient is a patented saffron extract meant to increase satiety and, as a result, reduce overall food intake. However, it’s currently not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration and future research is necessary to provide concrete statistics. When it comes to weight loss, anything that claims to be an appetite suppressant rarely provides long-term results.” — May Zhu, a dietitian with Lifeway Foods
Shoes Off While Lifting
“The storyline of feeling more connected to the ground has been bought into leading to all the shoeless feet across gyms. I don’t disagree that over time shoe wear contributes to weakness in the arches, toes and ankles, however taking off the support to lift and wearing them for the other part of your workout and/or the rest of the day, much like dress shoes, is counterproductive and just makes a scene on the gym floor. The hard-core look and goal of ‘foot feel’ while lifting is trending upward this year and I expect to see more shoeless hard bodies in the new year.” — Joanna Stahl, founder of Go2Practice
The Sweat Stick
“Still one of my favorite Spin Class sightings: a woman applying a stick that looks like a circular deodorant across her arms, shoulders, core, and calves… pretty much everywhere she could reach that wasn’t covered in activewear. Why was she doing this? Sweat sticks create a sauna-like environment for your skin by clogging your pores with the promise to make you sweat more and quicker to enhance your workout.” — Joanna Stahl, founder of Go2Practice
Infrared Saunas
“Infrared saunas are now everywhere. Touted benefits range from detoxification, sore muscle relief, joint pain reduction, clear and tighter skin and improved circulation to weight loss and better sleep. All very similar to old-school sauna benefits, but these higher tech glowing boxes provide effects in less time with less heat and more comfort thanks to new technology.” — Joanna Stahl, founder of Go2Practice
“Collagen is rich in amino acids and helps protect our tendons, bones and joints. Collagen also helps our nails, hair and skin grow faster and look healthier. It’s estimated that in 2018, Americans spent roughly $122 million on collagen supplements. While the research is not strong or high quality, I have seen my nails and hair grow faster and experienced less aches and pains since using it (it’s tasteless in coffee, tea, or smoothies).” — Kristin Oja, founder of STAT Wellness
Chocolate Milk for Recovery
“Chocolate milk is by no means a perfect recovery drink. Training tears down our muscle tissue and so we want to build back up with premium fuel that does the least amount of damage. Chocolate milk gives you some carbs, protein and fat (which millions of other foods can give us), but it also gives us a nasty cocktail of hormones like estrogen, testosterone, progesterone, and cortisol and contains saturated fat, which clogs our arteries and slows down blood flow.” — Dotsie Bausch, Olympic cyclist and founder of Switch4Good.com
Fluid Stretching
“Unlike the stretching of the older days, where you hold the stretch for eight counts, the non-static stretching concept is to stretch, move through the stretch to the next stretch, and then repeat the stretch movement for several reps. The belief is that static stretching is too harsh on your tendons and muscles. I would equate it to a ballet-like warm-up rather than what you would consider typical stretching. The guru for this type of stretching is Miranda Esmonde-White, a Canadian fitness trainer and former ballerina with the National Ballet of Canada.” — Dr. Robb Akridge, health expert and co-founder of Clarisonic
Vitamin Supplements
“The concept of taking vitamins to improve your health is not new to anyone, however, how these vitamins are derived and concentrated is a big trend. There are companies like 8 Greens that create sugar-free, gluten-free and dairy-free effervescent tablets, which can be dropped into your water and are packed with vitamin C, B5, B12 and more. Other companies like Olly create vitamins in the form of gummies. Creating vitamins that are more bioavailable has also become a big trend, as this looks at how quickly products or vitamins are absorbed into your system. There are so many different options these days, which makes it really easy to hop on the vitamin bandwagon.” — Dr. Robb Akridge, health expert and co-founder of Clarisonic
Supplements in Food
“Supplements are no longer restricted to that smoothie you get at the gym bar; now you can add supplements into your food and use different protein- and vitamin-rich powders in your at-home recipes. For example, Vital Proteins creates Bone Broth Collagen Powders, which you can cook with — using it in the broth of soups, as an additive to almond flour to make breaded chicken, mixed with seasoning, sprinkled on your steak…” — Dr. Robb Akridge, health expert and co-founder of Clarisonic
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Source: https://www.askmen.com/sports/bodybuilding/strangest-health-and-fitness-trends-of-2018.html
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Stories - Entrepreneur Q&A: Eco-Bags
Sharon Rowe is an activist, author, and business owner -- she's also the creator and CEO of Eco-Bags Products, the really first line of recyclable shopping bags in the U.S. and an early addition to Excellent Business.
We had the pleasure of speaking to Sharon just recently and seized the day to discuss her new book, The Magic of Tiny Service, and what it resembled to be a such an
early pioneer of the no waste and sustainability motions. Excellent Companies: What inspired you to begin Eco-Bags Products?
Sharon Rowe: It was 1989, and every time I went shopping I was disgusted by all the single-use plastic bags. Years earlier, when I remained in Europe, I discovered that everybody brought their own bags to the store and I just thought, "Why does not any person do that here?" I
started searching for recyclable bags however there truly wasn't anything in the marketplace. That was the initial stimulate of motivation: I wanted to stop the overwhelming quantity of waste that I was producing which I saw on the streets of New york city.
GC: This was method prior to that kind of reusable, sustainable thinking had gone more traditional-- what was the reaction like when you introduced?
SR:We were developing a business for a market that didn't exist, but for a need that I thought was compelling; there was a lot of going door-to-door initially. Our very first huge break came when we got a vendor's permit to cost this Earth Day Event. For whatever factor, we sold [the bags] hand over fist and offered out in four hours!
The major juncture came when my partner was at the regional natural food shop in our area (this is pre-Whole Foods), and began speaking with a man dumping a truck about what we were doing. The guy says, "Interesting, let me bring it back to business." As it ended up, corporate was Still Mills, the biggest supplier of natural products in the nation at the time.
All of a sudden we were operating in the B2B wholesale market rather than selling to consumers; integrate that with the growing New York City greenmarket movement and we had our course to success. It was among those minutes when we were right on the pulse.
: How did you integrate your values into the company itself?
SR: From the really starting we made a tidy supply chain one of our core worths. We didn't wish to fix an issue producing another one; I didn't want the items to be made by anyone who wasn't being fairly compensated for their work.
That developed as we grew-- we in fact had supply chain details on our hang tags for many years, but at one point we thought of taking it off. In the 2000s, no one actually appreciated fair wage or reasonable labor. It wasn't even a conversation yet. Naturally, it's a big conversation now.
GC: Can you tell us about your production procedure and materials?
SR: Around 1992, we moved our production to India. When we began, we utilized natural cotton, and then we switched to Certified Organic cotton around 2000-- we presented it in the United States and took a lower margin on it due to the fact that the U.S. [market] didn't get it yet.
We wanted sustainability ... we desired it to be authentic. Now, we have a mix of standard, recycled, and natural [products] It's my personal goal to get more organic and recycled out there than virgin cotton. There are a lot of concerns around cotton, however it's 100% recyclable.
: You've pointed out several possible hurdles to your development; what would you state has been your single greatest challenge given that you introduced in 1989?
SR: I deliberately grew [Eco-Bags Products] according to the amount that I wanted to put into it every week and in alignment with my individual values: sustainability, accountable production, prioritizing my household over working 24/7. It meant occasionally stating "no" to growth since I desired to keep it within my specifications, and simply doing that was a challenge.
In terms of blocks to our development, I 'd state the top thing was access to capital. We were self-funded. Equity capital wasn't as much of a thing then; the simplest way to get financing was the bank, however in the 80s and 90s they wanted you to protect whatever with your own possessions.
It's challenging to be in a consumer items classification with something that's long lasting. It's not like somebody states "I want among these!" and then the next day gets another one. I've had individuals who have had [these] bags for 20 years, but the important things is that obsolescence is constructed into the American service design, which is why we're handling so much waste-- if you develop something that's durable and lasts, there's less interest in it, less funding, because it's a much slower turn on the cash.
GC: That's an intriguing point-- has that mindset changed at all? Are investors today typically friendlier to more-than-profit business than they were in the '90s?
SR: Not so much. I believe in durable goods, it's still harder; "properly made" is still harder for financiers. It might be simpler to discover partners, however not financiers. I do not actually traffic in investors, however, so I don't understand.
I prefer the Generating vs. Scaling design, which I also talk about in my brand-new book, . The idea is if you set an excellent example other individuals will wish to begin services like yours and the more the merrier. It produces a much better general service environment and culture, rather than having enormous services scale and dominate the market. GC
Tell us more about your book-- it was released this previous May, correct? SR: Yes! My primarypoint in the book is that if you set out to do something intentionally, you can build an extremelyprofitable, right-sized service that will permit you to live a really abundant life. You don't have to compromise one for the other, however it needs that you understand what your worths are and what you desire. GC: What was your inspiration to write it? SR: I had people telling me" Look, you've got an effective company, and you triggered an international motion, you created a market. "They saw
a message that wasn't just about a bag, but a habits. The behavior causes you an awareness, and the awareness grows, and now look at what's out there! The concentrate on the oceans, plastic, litter, reusable products-- the concern levels have actually gone way up, the advocacy has actually gone up, the involvement has increased, which's pretty cool. That's why I wrote the book: to demonstrate that organisation can be a currency for ideas, and you do not have to wreck your life to do it. You can construct an organisation knowingly, mindfully, and intentionally. That's the"tiny organisation"thing; you just have to be scrappy and resourceful.GC: We 'd presume as to say the presence of Excellent Business is evidence favorable of exactly that point! In regards to what's out there, which companies are particularly amazing to you? SR: I enjoy ECOlunchbox and I understand Sandra, the creator, pretty well; she's doing for food product packaging what we finished with bags. I enjoy
Klean Kanteen, and I believe S'well is quite cool; they have actually made it a way of life product, which actually required us to look at ourselves and say"okay, we're not simply recyclable bags-- we're aneco-lifestyle accessory."Eileen Fisher is doing a terrific job, they're aiming to truly clean up their supply chain, and are working with the International Organic Textile Standard (GOTS)and going to partners overseas and to make sure everything is. GC: You've been called by B Corp as"Best for the World."How do you feel about the work they're doing? SR: I think B Corp is really important. I understand that they're discussing how to expand their brand so that people recognize it the way they do USDA certification; how to turn it into a family name, a seal of approval example. It's a genuine challenge. It's so competitive out there, and logos and certifications tend to lose their importance when there are too numerous. How do you choose one to trust? B Corp comprehends the worth of the niche brands and the specific niche markets and complies with the missions and the standards of those companies since they comprehend that they're using not only aspirational values however a larger market. A great deal of that market is part of
that millennial motion due to the fact that those kids are basically my kids, and that's what they have actually grown up with and anticipate. They're working actually difficult to make their cash, so why toss it out the window on wasted electrical power and single-use products? GC: B Corp notoriously needs its member business
to register as a public advantage corporation when they go public, or retroactively register upon signing up with if they're already public. There were reports that Etsy backed off of that commitment when a brand-new CEO took the helm in 2015-- do you think B Corp's PBC requirement is feasible in the long-run?
SR: Absolutely. For us, we're actually a licensed B Corp, not a signed up B Corp, because we're an S Corp and I own 100 %of the shares. In the larger structure, though, I understand that Unilever has handled a variety of brands and wishes to stay with [B Corp], and that Danone has simply become a member this year. Natura is a worldwide company and a B Corp, and they're succeeding with it. As long as you can prove that it has a market price, then yes, it's feasible. I do believe
takes re-training the marketplace. The understanding is that more sustainable items cost more, however as the demand for versus even 5 or ten years earlier-- but nothing is going to completely change up until financing changes. If the market value can be proven, that's where it's at. GC: What piece of advice would you offer yourself now, if you could return to 1989? SR: The suggestions I 'd give myself is really in my book, which is: Remain on the course of what you think in and what you desire and how you desire your life to be, since you wish to grow this thing, whatever it is, with your health. Keep your eye on revenue, because without profit you can not proceed. I did a great deal of things in seclusion, so I 'd likewise tell individuals to discover your neighborhood. It's ideal out of Seth Godin's playbook:
find your people. In your people, you build relationships, and in order to develop an organisation, you need those relationships to promote and develop other businesses and develop a community. It's not about being the very best all the time, it's about producing a healthy, balanced environment. You've got to comprehend that 20 %of the time, whatever goes to shit no matter what you do. GC: Amen! Before we cover up, do you have anything else to share? SR: So much of what goes on in B Corp, Social Endeavor Network, Financiers Circle, and other groups I'm
a part of feels like an echo chamber; there's not an increase brand-new of individuals. For the economy to do real, great we need to stop talking to ourselves and talk with everybody else, too. There are a lot of people out there who would be really interested to understand that you can choose a viable path doing this, that you can be an entrepreneur without stressing out, but it's not what they have actually been taught. It's not what I was taught! I was not from the environmental movement, I
was not associated with organisation for great, I wasn't part of any social motions. Nevertheless,I did go to Clark University, and our motto was Obstacle Convention, and that'swhat I have actually tried to do. You can grow things in a healthier, more conscious way and effect the market even if you're not substantial. To quote Seth Godin once again, "tiny is mighty."That's the culture shift that requires to occur, and I see it in all the micro-businesses that are opening up, as people start to recognize that doing great actually can be good for service.
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Working Literature
I went into the celebration along with some doubts - it was actually difficult for me to conceive a piece of equipment that was similar to an elliptical machine yet that provided you the ability to stride out like you were operating outside or on a treadmill. see it here and midwife mentioned not to panic if you consume right and are actually energetic considering that everybody is actually different. The topic of footwears is regularly a warm topic and I simply read about a research that incorporates much more energy to the fire. You will assume the leg strength I receive from squatting will translate to faster running opportunities however ...! Baffled in order to the implication from the numbers, she talked to an individual in the specialized operating shoe retail store she resided in. The purchases colleague's response was the higher varieties have a much deeper gouge on the sole of the footwear using additional flexibility. I have swung my Sooty stick (certainly not to be confused with a fairy wand according to Taking a trip Hopefully but 'pah' to her) and also magicked up a set of running footwears thanks to worth as much as ₤ 90 to be given away to one lucky Janathon participant that has been actually hardcore sufficient to exercise and blog daily. Also on a side details, I won't be able to make the WS Training Work on Memorial Time wknd. Doing work in the interpretation market/ Cardiac arrest in 2004: made a decision to start running to keep medical professionals (and their surgeries/pills) out. For a 4 hr marathoner, a 5% renovation sheds 12-minutes off your opportunity, mading you in the below 3:50" nightclub. Eventually, I will really love to operate both methods Tuesday-Thursday along with Monday mornings as well as Friday nights being actually committed to taking fabrics to as well as off job. From overall health and fitness to marathon instruction, Thad can easily assist you reach your physical fitness as well as running goals. I don't understand if that is true for every person, however that is quite suitable to me. Anything under 3 miles and also I'm merely obtaining heated up (physically and also emotionally), however one thing regularly clicks around 3.5 miles and this little dance celebration goes off in my scalp and also I start to delve the run. I am arranging a 5k collection intended for amateurs which are going to be focused on 1. Aiding to increase funds for our club as well as 2. Feature mainly novices off local area FIT4LIFE. This weblog is concentrated on responding and will help you quit merely thinking about going out there as well as as an alternative actually begin running. I guess I'm thinking out loud concerning the means social networks has impacted our jogging. Yet as one from the best energetic race control organizations all around, our experts often create our personal ideas regarding exactly how points must operate, and also it may be bothersome to impossible to individualize other people's deal. When you perform certainly not depend on orthotics and movement management footwears, let's view just what takes place to the foot. Yes, you need to watch striped for apparent indicators from wear on your footwears, however so long as your footwears still believe pleasant during the course of an operate, and you may not be believing any nagging little pain or achiness, your athletic shoe are actually perhaps still suitable for a couple of additional miles. Prior to I was actually pregnant I was actually working 5 kilometers 5-6 days a full week and also I proceeded functioning 4 miles 5 times a full week throughout out my 1st trimester. I manage the WS canyons all the time, as well as I would claim Diablo is a comparable challence, possibly more so. There isn't a lot on the WS course that is as high as a number of the Diablo segments. By mindfully applying ChiRunning concentrates to running technique, runners may certainly not just find alleviation yet learn how to stay clear of the reoccurrence from these troublesome concerns. I call these my feet addresses mostly since I just use them on 2 affairs: 1) for a lengthy run/race or even 2) after a long run/race when I'm enjoying a beer or ... a number of. This ended up being quite handy for two factors: first, there were actually much less stones in comparison to previous years, helping make operating easier, particularly when you operate on the beyond your foot.
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Diet plan Reviews.
Obtain lasting weight loss blood sugar amounts should stay balanced, excess blood sugar is actually ultimately stored as fat in the body system. Though Paltrow performs not have a have to reduce weight-- she has been actually considered Queen of the Cleanse"-- she lately posted about her yearly deep purify." Her yearly diet plan is composed of three foods and one treat and concentrates on freing your body system of toxins in your system. Analysis reveals that one of the most prominent and also well-known diet regimens all cause really reasonable weight reduction. After carrying out Yogalosophy, adhering to the Alkaline Diet, having sunshine chlorella supplements, incorporating seaweed to her diet as well as going wheat free of charge, we need to ponder what else Beckham may try. While fat burning must be the goal if your BMI starts to achieve unhealthful degrees, also having steps to sustain your body weight accomplishes a lot, due to the fact that that avoids your body system coming from getting utilized to that greater set point" weight that might soon become its metabolic standard, Roseberry included. Many of the metabolic remodelings observed listed here could be replicated with loss from 30 extra pounds (13.6 kilograms) over 12 full weeks using any kind of realistic diet. Have to admit after a thyroid problem created a 30 pound weight increase in six weeks, I adhered to the Dukan diet along with excellent effectiveness yet find it a little bit boring since I do not have the amount of time to intend adequately right now. When carried out, weight all those unopened deals with as well as drinks right into your auto as well as give all of them to the local area food items pantry. To find the impact of a certain food items or food on sugar amount, examine that one or two hours after eating. As an alternative, she started developing low-sugar, gluten-free recipes and All Time I Fantasize Regarding Food items was born. First off, do not have diet tablets unless you possess a notable volume from weight to lose! It would certainly be similar to various other programs like Slimfast or even Medifast Dieters eat less fats by changing dishes along with dietary drinks and also soups, which in turn assists them to drop weight, but simply if they keep using the items to replace their foods and discover how to change their parts. However, http://healthywalks.info/ of this diet plan is actually that my partner will right now be around for a number of years! If the database I described already existed, physicians could possibly inspect to view if folks which have magnesium mineral supplements, or beverage considerable amounts of Diet Coke, possess fewer allergic reactions. The man likewise informed him concerning others in his loved ones likewise on the diet and also their effectiveness stories. A lot more mindfulness: The plan advises you to become much more helpful concerning the options you make going ahead.
You can easily burn fat as well as boost blood glucose command along with reduced-calorie diets-- whether incredibly low-carb or high-carb-- combined along with a physical exercise course. Total i think the health and wellness advantages, reduced cholesterol and also consistent launch of sugar in the body for every person would certainly be actually of advantage taking into consideration the diet plan from a lot of the uk particularly the north east where i am actually off!! For nearly one full week, I have consumed a Paleolithic (Paleo) diet-- essentially, I am mimicking the eating habits of our long-ago ascendants who consumed only just what they could possibly quest and gather. I possess no aim for body weight to hit and also I do not care if my end weight is actually appropriate or otherwise according to the BMI index. But a few of the other prisoners consumed penitentiary food as well as they became a little plump from that, relying on your genetic makeups. As well as there is actually an amusing video recording to accompany this Don't disregard this one due to all of the advertising hype - behind all the blasphemy are sound, delicious vegan recipes that will likely become your following much-loved dish. Depending upon just how much body weight you need to shed, Atkins has a strategy that will definitely benefit you: Atkins TWENTY, the initial plan that has you eating 20 Web Carbohydrates a day or Atkins 40, where you eat 40 grams from Web Carbohydrates a time and a total series of food items possibilities. Due to the fact that it decreases their appetite, Science claims that peanut-eaters drop weight also though they eat fatty peanuts. This could be oh-so-hard to also consider achieving a quiet partnership along with food due to the fact that unless our company at the very least check out the main reasons for body discontentment. For the majority of us aiming to slim down, our team have actually traded 1000s of excess calories, fried oily foods as well as glucose for veggies, slim meat and entire wheat or grain breadstuff. Testimonial the specifications from the effective weight loss program with your youngster, as well as be particular that any type of one you opt for supporters a slow-moving, sensible weight management from 1-2 pounds each week, with an emphasis on creating a healthy way of life selection. There was actually one hutch organic food store that I had to comply with around Los Angeles due to the fact that that always kept relocating areas. While top quality rest is actually certainly not the only aspect that influences our weight as well as well-being, this participates in a vital part in both. In uncomplicated high blood pressure, I typically do not encourage a reduced sodium diet plan - simply a frequent salt diet plan. Attempt Eating Your Meal Mindfully-- Reduce, eat thoroughly and relish your meals as well as the knowledge versus rushing through your meal. Furthermore, over-consuming healthy protein, which the Dukan Diet requires, could be risky. Then having a tidy diet plan that matches your fats out (this changes for every person, but if you do not intend to matter, simply be sure you are eating your healthy protein as well as carbohydrates and also emotion total after foods, however significantly enjoying your body.) then you will definitely certainly not lose or gain weight. With Club Subscription prices you may lastly get off the yo yo diet programs curler rollercoaster achieve each one of your weight-loss objectives. Yet beware: observing an unrealistic, restrictive strategy, one that removes whole healthy food teams, is actually certainly not the greatest lasting method to health. I recognize considerable amounts of individuals that thinks vegetarian as well as vegetarian individuals just eat lettuce, or eat on a daily basis the same, so u mut certainly not adore, or even appreciate your food items to be a vegan ... This's really irritating often, thus i assume like this they might observe that there is actually a great deal of various and actually tastefull dishes in a vegan diet. When you can not adhere to that, and also our team have not even started to chat about the psychological effects from continuously going on a diet regimen simply to experience like you're the failure. Performing http://healthywalks.info/ in and out (and I provided for 20 years) is actually increadibly confidence-eroding. Counting on results in favor from the wearable tool, the researchers discovered that people wearing the health and fitness tracker lost a lot less body weight compared to those which were weight loss typically. For long term, maintainable weight loss, eat when you are actually famished however concentrate on dishes that will help you to experience full, like those high in fibre and healthy protein, without stressing over the calorie material. If she has actually reduced all junk off her diet and do not reduce weight any longer this is actually given that she consumes excessive for her demands.
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zillowcondo · 7 years
3 Key Crucial Components to Acquiring New Habits in 2018
“Success is sequential, not simultaneous. No one actually has the discipline to acquire more than one powerful new habit at a time. Super-successful people aren’t superhuman at all; they’ve just used selected discipline to develop a few significant habits. One at a time. Over time.” —Gary Keller & Jay Papasan from their best-selling book The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results
What is written on your list of resolutions? How many new habits are you trying to welcome into your life?
Perhaps you want to drink more water, watch less television, go to bed at a different time, get more done in the morning before you drive to work. More than a few years ago, one of the habits I attempted to bring into my life was daily meditation. Never the only new habit I was doing my best to incorporate into my daily routine, it never quite became what I did on a regular basis. It was never placed as a priority and so other new habits would receive my attention and the meditation habit continued to remain a hope.
It was with much relief, appreciation and validation that upon reading The ONE Thing, I discovered a couple of reasons why my attempts had been futile and were not destined to be successful. First, I didn’t practice them long enough to acquire the habit, and second, I had been directing my focus to more than one thing.
Now initially, the concept of focusing on one thing in order to acquire success appears limited and unnecessarily simplistic, but keep in mind, Keller and Papasan are not suggesting only and forever focus on one thing. Rather, focus on one thing at a time until it becomes engrained in your life or you accomplish your goal and then you are able to move on to the next one thing you want to focus on.
Back to the idea of acquiring habits. In order to attain success, we must “choose the right habit[s] and bring just enough discipline to establish [them].” But that is all we need to do. While initially it will take focused discipline, once the habit is precisely that, a habit, discipline isn’t needed, the behavior occurs pretty much on cue which enables you to focus on another habit or task.
The next question that we must know the answer to is, how long does it take for a habit to become a habit?
On average, the authors found it took 66 days for a behavior to be come “automatic”, and thus a habit. Depending upon the difficulty, the range may increase or decrease regarding the number of days.
Now neither of the two components shared matter much if we aren’t choosing the right habits. And this is where living simply luxuriously comes into play. The focus on habits of quality over acquiring many habits will determine the success any of us are able to attain. Why?
The book makes the case that when we focus on the right habits, in other words, focusing on what is most important to each of us, “everything else is easier”. 
In retrospect, start with the third component first and ask yourself,
Based on what is important to me, what are the right habits I need to acquire to live a life of true contentment? 
Then ask determine which habit to accomplish first, and give yourself approximately 66 days of disciplined focus to attain it.
Since we’re talking about habits and qualifying right from wrong, what might be some “right” habits to focus on? Ultimately, the specificity will be determined by what you envision your life to be when it reaches its full potential, but I thought I’d share a few below to spark a idea or two of what you may want to focus on for the next 66 days and then the next and then the next, so to speak.
1. What is Important:
—Steady progress toward your goal
A habit to try:
Check in on your progress each Sunday: journal about what you have done, what went well and what you can improve, share concrete outcomes and measurements. Set mini goals as you begin each week.
2. What is Important:
—Spending mindfully, rather than frivolously
A habit to try:
—Sit down to reconcile your budget each week: Make it an occasion, pour a nice cup of tea in a beautiful cup and saucer, set up a system that simplifies the process – either an Excel spreadsheet, Quickbooks or select an app from this list, schedule an anticipated event afterwards to celebrate such as a walk, a movie, etc.
3. What is Important:
—Improve the food you consume
A habit to try:
—Refrain from snacking in between meals: plan healthy, satiating meals, bring water with you wherever you go, tally each time you do not snack when you think you want to and give yourself a reward of something not food related when you reach 3 or 5 tallies (be honest with yourself).
4. What is Important:
—A strong, optimistic, helpful mind.
A habit to try:
—Meditate daily: download an app with a voice you enjoy and discussions or music you look forward to hearing, begin with 3 minutes before you begin your day (or get dressed for the day), come to understand that meditating is not shutting your mind off, but recognizing where you mind goes, noting that you do know where it goes and you can bring it back to focus on your breathing or the present moment when you want to.
We all can acquire the success we seek as we begin 2018 and set about pursuing our resolutions. The key is to choose the right habits, focus on one at a time, and be patient until they require little to no discipline as they then are incorporating into our daily way of life.
And so back to my attempts at meditation which up until last May were unsuccessful. It wasn’t until I became more settled into my new life in Bend, when I had the other habits that had taken priority set in place, that I had the ability to place meditation as a priority. And once it became a priority, it took, for me, a full three months for it to become a habit without the need of intense discipline. It has now been going on seven months of daily meditation, and while my time practicing each day is only 3-5 minutes on average, it is daily and it has made many other aspects of my daily life far more peaceful and enjoyable.
So which habit will you be welcoming into your life? Whatever you choose, I know you can do it.
~15 Everyday habits to Live a Life of Contentment, episode 93
~4 Healthy Habits for Continual Self-Growth, episode #17
~11 Tips to Cultivate Good Habits
3 Key Crucial Components to Acquiring New Habits in 2018 published first on http://ift.tt/2pewpEF
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albertcaldwellne · 7 years
She Lost 215 Pounds With This Mantra: ‘Weight Loss Isn’t Linear’
As if being a mother of twins wasn’t hard enough, Roxanne Crozier was finding it harder and harder to make time to take care of herself. At the beginning of last year, she was knee-deep in looking after her 4 year olds and paying less attention to her own health as her habits had slipped. At her peak, she weighed 350 pounds.
Everything changed when a big health scare prompted her to hit the reset button.
One day, in January 2016, the Springfield, Missouri-based stay-at-home mom noticed a strange rash on the back of her hand. After Googling frantically to identify the cause, she quickly became convinced that it was a sign of diabetes, which runs in her family — her father and maternal grandmother have Type II diabetes, as did her late uncle. Crozier was 28 at the time and was afraid she would be diagnosed next. That was enough of a scare to make a change.
Her strategy was to consult the internet for the best food-diary apps, and most of the resources she found identified MyFitnessPal as a favorite. So Crozier took the plunge and understood the benefits immediately. She quickly found herself in the habit of logging her food intake. It wasn’t easy — and she knew her eating habits would need a rethink — but she used that as tool for daily motivation and focus. She began entering her own recipes, which allowed her to know, with relative certainty, how many calories were in each of her meals.
“Once I had my standard meals loaded in the app, I didn’t have to worry about tracking the math,” she explains.
As Crozier started making smarter decisions about her food, the weight started to come off, but the bigger challenge was making changes to her habits, which she admits were the cause of her weight.
One was accountability. Whereas she really had no system at the outset, she made a decision to crowd-source her choices to keep her honest. She began to take photos of all her meals and posted them in various Facebook groups.
“Arranging my food on the plate, mindfully, in turn makes me eat mindfully, and really [makes me] put thought into what I’m eating and how much,” she explains. “You eat with your eyes first. I’m able to really slow down and think about the nutrition in the food I’m eating, since I eat to live instead of live to eat. It helps lessen my stress because I’m not left with charting after I eat or accidentally going beyond my calorie range.”
Her husband also helped keep her focused, going so far to diet with her (and losing 90 pounds of his own) and playing “guinea pig,” and she puts it, with the recipes she tweaked to make them healthier.
Another new habit was committing to exercise. For the past nine months, she has enlisted the help of a friend as a workout buddy, which has helped keep her going strong. For Crozier, it’s as simple as walking. She says she started by “hobbling down the driveway and back, and now a friend and I walk 4–9, or more, miles twice a week.”
“If the scale says something annoying, I just stick my tongue out at it and go about my day.”
Finally, she took control of her urges. Whereas previously she would give in to her cravings, she developed a new strategy to control the hunger.
“If the need to binge comes over me, I remind myself how far I’ve come and how much I do not want to [be at] my previous weight,” she says. “I also remind myself that it’ll be ‘a minute on the lips but longer on the hips.’”
If she has any calories left to consume, she might indulge in a cookie or a little ice cream, and it hasn’t derailed her yet. She also keeps healthier versions of snacks around for when those moments arise.
Today, Crozier has lost 215 pounds and recently hit her goal weight of 145. She’s gone from a size 4X to a small in less than 18 months. It’s been an amazing journey (which she has documented on her Instagram account), but not without its obstacles. Her biggest challenges came on the days when she stepped on the scale and her weight went up, not down.
“I’d put so much work into balancing my food and exercise, and that little number might still be bigger on weigh-in day,” she recalls. “Instead, now I go by how my clothes fit and I feel, and if the scale says something annoying, I just stick my tongue out at it and go about my day.”
Crozier considers herself lucky to have had support from family, local friends and the remote pals she’s made on social media. MyFitnessPal was just a part of it — she credits it with helping take the guesswork out of keeping a food diary. But the big revelation was that losing weight isn’t a zero-sum game.
“Along the way, I realized that weight loss isn’t linear,” she says, “that there would be ups and downs, and that I shouldn’t put so much stock into what the scale says.”
If you’re wondering about the rash, that ended up fine, too. Crozier got herself checked out and it turned out it was just a skin irritation from cold air. “I’m glad I was paranoid enough to think it was something worse, though,” she says, “or I wouldn’t be where I am.”
Where she is today is her biggest victory: She’ll turn 30 this month, and she’s in the best shape of her life.
The post She Lost 215 Pounds With This Mantra: ‘Weight Loss Isn’t Linear’ appeared first on Under Armour.
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