#one of my top minions for dwarves and or elves
theunfairfolk · 6 months
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does this make me a patron of something
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Villain Mingle
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Art by @ragtimebanshee​
Villain Mingle
There are single villains in your area waiting to meet you right now!  Connect with them on Villain Mingle!
About: Former Maiar, Dark Lord of Mordor. Looking for someone smart, fun, and evil to put a ring on it.
Elves need not apply.
About: Former queen of Charn, White Queen of Narnia. Seeking good dependable villain to settle down and establish a malevolent dynasty with.
Ask me if I want to build a snowman one more time.  Do it, see what happens.
Sauron: Hey.
Jadis: Hi.
Sauron: So I was looking at your profile. Very impressive. White Queen of Narnia, huh? Ambitious, I like that.
Jadis: It was no big deal really.  I just went through a portal to another world and staged a hostile takeover using my weather-manipulation powers.
Sauron: Sounds awesome! I’ve staged my fair share of hostile takeovers back in my day and let me tell you, your work is some next-level stuff!
Jadis: Thanks :)
Jadis: So what are some of your interests?  Besides hostile takeovers, I mean.
Sauron: Oh you know, torture, manipulation, a little goldsmithing on the side. You?
Jadis: I’m a fan of manipulation too, I find it relaxes me. That and turning rebels into stone.  What are the torture facilities like in Mordor?
Sauron: Top of the line. Plus the atmosphere is just right for it.  Roaring volcano, ominous clouds of smoke. Of course, I hear Narnia’s got some great evil atmosphere too ;)
Jadis: Yeah it’s lovely this time of year. Very cold, very bleak, I love it. Or, well, it was until I got dethroned. Good triumphing over evil, what are you gonna do?
Sauron: Yeah, I get that. My evil realm went through some…extensive remodeling recently too.
Jadis: How’d that happen?
Sauron: I got taken down by a couple of hobbits.
Jadis: What’s a hobbit?  Is that like a type of bird or…
Sauron: They’re this kind of short humanoid.  Like dwarves, but no beards.
Sauron: What about you, how’d you get vanquished?
Jadis: I was defeated by four English school-children.
Sauron: ?
Jadis: And a talking lion.
Sauron: Wow I suddenly feel better about myself.
Jadis:  The stupid cat was a FRICKING JESUS METAPHOR what was I supposed to do?!
Sauron: Right, my bad.
Jadis: So what kind of minions do you have?
Sauron: Orcs. Millions of them.
Jadis: Just orcs?
Sauron: They were on sale.  Buy 500,000, get 500,000 free.
Sauron: I also have this cool giant spider-abomination.  What about you?
Jadis: Oh you know, a wide variety.  Hags, minotaurs, werewolves.  A dwarf lieutenant.
Sauron: Really? I tried recruiting dwarves way back when but it backfired. Also, minotaurs?  That’s pretty sweet! I wonder if they can be cross-bred with orcs.
Jadis: I’ve got to warn you, they stink horribly. Only get them if you’re willing to have your dark fortress smell like cow manure.
Sauron: I’ve lived with orcs for the past three ages. A little smell doesn’t bother me.
Sauron: Hey so you seem pretty cool (no pun intended). Do you want to maybe meet up sometime? Grab a cup of coffee?
Jadis: There’s this great Turkish Delight place near my house. I’m down for it if you are.
Sauron: How does 2:00 this Saturday sound?
Jadis: Works for me!
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virlath · 4 years
Theories on the Black City and what happens after the veil is destroyed
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No traveler to the Fade can fail to spot the Black City. It is one of the few constants of that ever-changing place. No matter where one might be, the city is visible. (Always far off, for it seems that the only rule of geography in the Fade is that all points are equidistant from the Black City.)
The Chant teaches that the Black City was once the seat of the Maker, from whence He ruled the Fade, left empty when men turned away from Him. Dreamers do not go there, nor do spirits. Even the most powerful demons seem to avoid the place.
It was golden and beautiful once, so the story goes, until a group of powerful magister-lords from the Tevinter Imperium devised a means of breaking in. When they did so, their presence defiled the city, turning it black. (Which was, perhaps, the least of their worries.)
I’ve been pondering some of the foreshadowing/prophecies throughout the DA series recently, and I have some major crackpot theories on the Black city and Solas’ end-game that I just have to get out of my head.
Disclaimer: I always try to back up my speculation with evidence but a lot of this is personal conjecture. This post also contains spoilers from Tevinter Nights.
The foreshadowing
In light of everything that has happened so far, I think it’s widely accepted that Sandal’s prophecy was in fact referring to Solas and his plans.
One day the magic will come back. All of it. Everyone will be just like they were. The shadows will part, and the skies will open wide. When he rises, everyone will see. 
As we know, the Black City is a constant landmark in the Fade. Consequently when the veil is destroyed, we can assume the Black City is what everyone will see, dreamer or non-dreamer alike.
The Black City and the aftermath of the veil’s destruction is further foreshadowed in the Tiniest Cave quest in DAI:
"Pulling back the curtain. Let the light in. Let it burn."
This sounds awfully familiar to the Chant of Light, which we can also use as foreshadowing.
At a touch, the gate swung wide, And the Light parted before them like a curtain Swept aside by nothing. Fearful to touch them. And none saw the black mark Spreading like a sore upon the shining gate Where mortal hand had lain. 
Solas tells us his plans involve restoring “the world of his time- the world of the elves”. If we subscribe to the theory that Arlathan was once the Black City (which I do and will further elaborate on), it stands to reason the Black City, one of the most important landmarks in the Fade, will be at the top of his agenda once the veil is destroyed.
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The Black City = Arlathan
...at the center of the world stood the great city of Arlathan, a place of knowledge and debate, where the best of the ancient elves would go to trade knowledge, greet old friends, and settle disputes that had gone on for millennia.
According to Solas, Elvhenan was the elven empire and Arlathan was its greatest city. Arlathan was thought to have been sunk into the ground by Tevinter magisters after the creation of the veil, but no trace of it has ever been found until recent events in Tevinter Nights. I don’t think this is a coincidence. 
In fact, I presume pieces of Arlathan are only surfacing now because Solas' ritual to tear down the veil has already begun to take effect in the Fade.
In Trespasser, various codices reveal the ancient elves once defeated the “pillars of the earth” and rendered their “land” to the People:
"Hail Mythal, adjudicator and savior! She has struck down the pillars of the earth and rendered their demesne unto the People! Praise her name forever!"
It is also implied the elves took control of the titan’s workers and used them as slaves/minions while harvesting their bodies for materials. The below codex implies Elgar’nan even used the body of a titan to carve a statue of himself:
The pages of this book—memory?—describe a monument made in a single afternoon by a thousand-thousand toiling servants swarming over a lump of fallen stone as large as a collapsed mountain. By the end of the day, the stern figure of Elgar'nan stares down into a valley, carved out from the foothills of the rock. The slaves have disappeared. Light radiates from the eidolon's narrowed eyes and its open, snarling mouth.
"Hail Elgar'nan, first among the gods! Mark his victory eternal!"
I theorise it was the elves’ defeat and subjugation of the titans that truly allowed the elven empire to flourish. The elves took control of the titan’s workers (the first dwarves) and used them to build their statues, temples, and cities. 
The elves’ biggest and grandest city was Arlathan - a city carved from the body of a titan, floating above an underground sky deep underground. Arlathan was "the center of the world” because the elves willed it so. The city was ultimately a beacon of their pride and false divinity.
The pages of this book—memory?—describe an elf approaching a city of glass spires so deeply blue they ache. The city's outskirts are wrapped in lakes of mist, and figures stroll along the pearly, glowing strips as if they walked on solid ground. Groves of trees woven into enormous parks shelter elves in quiet hollows, while other elves walk below a river churning along an invisible shoal in the air.
The scene hums with quiet talk and contentment as the memory's maker reaches the city's gates, already thrown open wide.
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“Imagine instead spires of crystal twining through the branches, palaces floating among the clouds. Imagine beings who lived forever, for whom magic was as natural as breathing. That is what was lost.” - Solas 
This is why Tamlen describes seeing the Black City underground in the eluvian - because Arlathan was originally “underground”- within a titan’s biosphere.
When the veil was created, Arlathan fractured and displaced due to its innate tie to the Fade, much like the Vir Dirthara we see in Trespasser. Despite this, the idea and will that formed its foundation(alongside a potential heart/lyrium spring which I’ll get to later) anchors it in the Fade as a constant landmark - a reflection of the evanuris’ pride.
Since the creation of the veil, no trace of Arlathan had been found in the waking world until a piece of the city was recently discovered by scholars in the Deep Roads in Tevinter Nights:
...Arlathan, the ancient elven capital, had not been destroyed by Tevinter, but by the strange magics that caused the rise of the Veil. ...
...Natural caves and the occasional support beam suddenly gave way to delicate elven carvings, the stone floor abruptly changing to mahogany hardwood. There was no doorway, no planning or joinery. It was as if a pocket had suddenly formed in the rock, replaced by the notion that shelves and reading desks should simply be there. They had turned a corner and stepped into an elven library. When Arlathan “fell,” a piece of it had “fallen” here.
- excerpt from Tevinter Nights, Genitivi Dies in the End
This lends credence to the idea that fragments of Arlathan and other ancient elven locations are still somewhere deep underground, or will soon manifest in the waking world as the Fade slowly joins together with reality. When Solas’ ritual completes, Arlathan will be free to manifest itself completely in its original location (presumably underneath Arlathan Forest).
The Fade version of Arlathan (ie. the Black City) has always remained inaccessible to all beings. I believe this is because Solas hijacked the city’s defenses and used it to imprison the evanuris. Theoretically this plan would work in his favour because the city would always be visible in the fade for him to keep a watchful eye on (thus corroborating legend in a way).
It is simple to say that the laws of nature do not apply in the Fade, but while traveling in the Fade is often confusing for mages, it is rarely so chaotic as to defy description. In fact, while the placement of items may seem random, those items usually operate as we would expect them to in the real world. A book opens to show pages, although the pages may be blank or lined with gibberish. A pen and inkwell let a user write, though the pen may write on its own, and the inkwell never runs dry. Those items that float usually hover at the relative height where they would have sat had the objects meant to support them existed—candles suspended in the air as though held by a phantom candlestick, for example.
Why are the laws of the Maker bent but not fully broken? Why does a book not turn into a dragon, or a statue explode into countless shards of energy? The answer, I believe, lies in the fact that the items we see in the Fade were most often made by the hands of men. A statue is a created thing. The mortal hands that shaped it gave it purpose, and it knows what it is meant to do. The objects that strain against the laws of nature are ironically those that are more natural themselves. Great stones, for example, hang in the sky. No hand has ever touched them, no mortal mind shaped them to purpose.
I suspect, though we may never know, that if dwarves dreamt and shaped the Fade with their own perceptions, the rocks would not float.
—From The Shape of the Fade by Enchanter Ephineas Aserathan
According to the codex above, the more natural an object is, the more it will defy “laws of nature” in the Fade. This is further evidence Arlathan is formed from organic material- the body of a titan. Furthermore, elves depended on lyrium for their magic as it was quite literally the foundation of their empire. Dagna also tells us the Fade and lyrium are linked. 
Because of these facts I infer there is a good possibility Arlathan was built around the very heart of a titan, or they built an endless lyrium spring within the city, acting as a pump/generator. The infinite flow of lyrium fuelled the magic that held the city aloft in the sky as a constant landmark, and that is what made it the “center of the world”. They used the light from the titan to illuminate the city, making it look golden by reflecting light off its gleaming, gilded walls.
“It shapes the Stone. It is the Stone. It sculpts the world within and without.”
The Fall mosaic from DAI also gives us some interesting information on dwarven craftwork, and is further evidence Arlathan was in fact built by the first dwarves.  
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Here's something interesting, though. You've got a hint of pigment and leaf causing some sheen, but there's meant to be more. All of these were painted and repainted at some point, to match whatever lord's three-holer. But there's a type of finishing that you can do, a very fine and time-consuming pass that evens the surface. Do it right, you can get stone as smooth as glass. And that tower, and Beardy's skull, are meant to have it. And only a little is present on the others.
So, the first time this carving was wheeled out, it would have looked like Beardy was the target, so maybe he was first in the door? And the "light," it burns him and spreads to the others. And the polish or leaf would have caught light like a mirror and caused the viewer to squint. They'd have to look down or away, "joining" the magisters in their punishment. Makes them feel part of it.
In DAI, Solas remarks the Temple of Mythal was gilded head to toe purely to impress. Knowing the evanuris claimed divinity, I think it’s likely they used the ancient dwarves’ knowledge and their sheer numbers (thousand-thousand toiling servants) to sculpt their palaces and make them shine like metal. 
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The statue above is a good representation of this in action. Notice the base? It’s rock...that eventually gives way to form a bronze like finish that is "smooth as glass”. The smoothness of the metal here is only paralleled to the gilded statues in the Temple of Mythal, all of which I believe were crafted by the dwarves.
The Black City, post-veil
One day the magic will come back. All of it. Everyone will be just like they were. The shadows will part, and the skies will open wide. When he rises, everyone will see.
While fragments of Arlathan might be currently scattered underground in the waking world, once the veil is destroyed I imagine the city will reform and manifest itself fully within the “sky” of a titan. I presume this would happen underneath Arlathan Forest.
Thus when the veil is destroyed, dreamers and non-dreamers alike would finally be able to see the Black City for themselves (that is, if they delve underground).
According to Avernus, the morally corrupt grey warden mage in DAO, the Black City holds the key to the blight:
There must be some way to refine the Joining. Isolate the true power that is found in darkspawn blood, and leave behind the evil that kills us...
In my dreams, I see the Black City, and I am drawn towards it. There is something there, an answer to what this taint is, this taint that we share with the darkspawn...
Tamlen was also tainted by the infamous eluvian in DAO, which somehow had a link to the Black City. His dialogue and the sound effects from the eluvian makes me think something incredibly powerful and malevolent resides within the city itself.
One of the most important things to know about the Black City is:
Dreamers do not go there, nor do spirits. Even the most powerful demons seem to avoid the place.
This correlates with Avernus’ notes on blight magic:
Blood magic comes from demons; they could counter every bit of lore I possess. But the darkspawn taint, that is alien to them. And it has power.
This effectively means that Solas- the big bad dread wolf with instant KO petrification powers, has a weakness just like the rest of the beings on Thedas, and that weakness is the blight.
Considering his lyrium idol is tainted and the Black City is ground zero for the taint, is Solas intentionally opening himself up to corruption to carry out his plans?
Let’s analyse that mural again:
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The tree branch is reminiscent of the Vhenadahl, a symbol of Arlathan
The big circle motif represents the evanuris’ prisons within the Black City
The lyrium idol and the seven old gods (the semi circles) are the “two factor authentication” needed to unlock said prison
Solas is standing inside the Black City, and it looks like he’s either holding back the tide or about to open pandora’s box 
everything is on fire
This is where we set aside (most) evidence and let imagination take the reigns. :)
The end-game
Once Solas destroys the veil, I think he intends to destroy the Black City and everything within it.
This is what the mural is depicting - Solas, corrupted, alone, standing in fire in the Black City, about to blow the evanuris and himself to smithereens.
I don’t believe the Black City itself is the origin of the blight (another theory for another day) but I think the City itself is fostering the growth of red lyrium in the Fade in the form of an endless lyrium spring/generator within it, as I theorised earlier.
Through events that are currently unknown to us, somehow the Black City became ground zero for the taint as we currently know it. ( I have way more theories on this topic but alas this post is already rambly enough as it is)
This is why we see red lyrium everywhere in the Fade, particularly so in DAI because we are so much closer to the Black City than we have ever been.
Lyrium is a natural material that grows in the Fade, however I believe the Black City itself is corrupting and fostering the growth of red lyrium around it.
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The theme of fire and light is interesting to analyse in this context because it is used in the teaser mural and the Chant many, many times as a metaphor for rebirth and cleansing.
Andraste gives Drakon his destiny I covered my face, fearful, But the Lady took my hands from my eyes, Saying, "Remember the fire. You must pass Through it alone to be forged anew. Look! Look upon the Light so you May lead others here through the darkness, Blade of the Faith!" 
Her touch was like fire that did not burn. And by Her touch, I was made pure again. 
The ninth sacred mountain upon which rests The moral dust of Our Lady ascended Whole into the heavens, to be given high honor In the Realm of Dreams forever. And around it, a chorus of spirits sang: "Whatsoever passes through the fire Is not lost, but made eternal; As air can never be broken nor crushed, The tempered soul is everlasting!"
By using fire to obliterate the Black City, Solas would destroy the false gods and the very system of power he loathes. But to do this, he has to do it alone (even his demon army can’t help him here), and he has to face the corruption and potentially taint himself in the process. Remember his greatest fear? Dying alone.
Tevinter Nights gives us some insight into how his plan would play out, in the form of Dumat’s Folly. 
Dumat’s Folly is supposedly a piece of the Black City itself. 
In Half Up Front, the real Dumat’s Folly is replaced by Solas’ agent with a similar artifact from the same time. The lesser replica is then used to blow up the Qunari’s Darvaarad, which was turned into a floating fortress after the events of Trespasser.
“It is an ingenious device. Not a piece of the Black City, like the true Dumat’s Folly, but taken from the same time. It draws magic into itself. Stores it, and then when it is full . . .” She clasped her hands together and then pulled them apart. The universal sign for something exploding. Yeah. Not good.
With the real Dumat’s Folly, I think Solas intends to use it as a catalyst to destroy the Black City for good. By pairing it with a rune and triggering it from within the city, the artifact would nullify the corruption (like Dagna’s rune for Samson’s armour) but the side-effect is, the city eventually explodes with all the built up energy.
It is possible that if Solas’ orb still existed, he might not need to go to all this trouble. After all, Imshael has knowledge of how to reverse red lyrium growth, and Mythal was seemingly able to nullify it for Andruil. 
But to halt the spread of red lyrium in the destructive state as it is now, destroying the source that is feeding the corruption is necessary.
But will everything go according to plan?
And I looked up and saw The seven gates of the Black City shatter, And darkness cloaked both realms.
There is foreshadowing in the Chantry that eludes to the gates of the City shattering. When you pair this with Eleni Zinovia’s prophecy...
"The prison is breached. I see the encroaching darkness. The... the shadow will consume all..." - Eleni Zinovia
Is this foreshadowing a darkness- an endless night, after the Black City’s destruction? Will Solas fail somehow, or will his plans induce a new blight? Will he destroy the City but free the false gods in the process? Is that why all the teaser images are set at night?
I’m not saying I want Solas to fail or anything, but I admit hearing from another primary source from ancient times would be a nice contrast to Solas and Mythal’s biased viewpoints. Also, if an endless night is on the cards this would be the perfect time for Lusacan/Falon’Din to make themselves known.
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"Bring faith. Bring hope. Bring a dream of life." 
When the veil is destroyed, willpower would be needed more than ever if any survivors are to forge ahead. After all it is sheer will that shapes the fade and creation itself. 
"He'll remake the world to suit his desires. His chosen to reign."
If Solas plans to “remake the world” and give up his life for his cause, who are his chosen to reign? Will the veil’s destruction reveal more secrets from the ancient elves? And if Solas does indeed plan on destroying the Black City, does this align with Mythal’s vision? More things to ponder for another day!
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bogariel-frogariel · 4 years
The Bad Kids Visit Middle Earth Part 2
Part 2 of my fics. You can find it on ao3 as well, just look it up.
Aragorn tensed as Legolas' head spun around. The elf's heightened senses ensured that he was almost always the first of the Fellowship to become aware of anyone approaching.
 "Legolas! What do you sense?" he asked.
 Legolas frowned. "The trees are too thick to see them properly. But they do not look or sound like orcs, and the trees are telling me that they do not bring harm."
 "How many?"
 "Five… no six. I think it is the party that Mithrandir told us about."
 Aragorn nodded, and then looked around at the party. The hobbits had not noticed their exchange, but both Boromir and Gimli's hands had drifted to their weapons, though Gimli was scowling thunderously at them as they spoke in elvish.
 Gandalf was sitting on a moss covered rock, leaning back against a tree trunk as he smoked his pipe grumpily. The wizard had been even more grumpy than usual in the last day but Aragorn did not have time to be watching over him. Honestly, he should have been just about the only member of the Fellowship that Aragorn didn't have to worry about.
 Everyone else was so young.
 He knew, in standard human years, he was not much older than Boromir, possibly younger, but he still had the vaster experience between the two of them. He had seen much more battle than the son of the Steward probably ever would, and he knew he must accommodate Boromir's complicated feelings towards himself, for they were more than justified.
 Gimli was the other of a similar age to him if dwarvish years were translated into human ones. At just over a decade shy of one hundred and fifty years old, Gimli was in his prime. However, he had also spent much of his life protected within Erebor, ever since the dwarves returned there nearly eighty years ago. And, of course, Aragorn would need to manage the animosity that he held towards other species, particularly elves, an attitude of suspiciousness that had been deeply ingrained in him since birth. Only the hobbits seemed to get exemption from his prickly moods.
 Speaking of the hobbits, they were who Aragorn was most worried about. Though halflings lived almost as short a lives as Men, their youths stretched long, with almost half their lives taken up by youthful inexperience. It came from living in such a sheltered and peaceful place as the Shire, an environment that had done nothing to prepare any of them for the horrors to come.
 And then there was Aragorn's dearest friend, Legolas. He perhaps had closer friends in his foster brothers at Imladris, but Legolas was one of the few beings that Aragorn could trust completely. Every time they met, it was as if they had never left each other, and he truly enjoyed the other's company. However, if Aragorn and Gimli were of an age approaching thirty when their respective species were compared to Men, then Legolas was barely over nineteen. The elf was centuries old, having reached his physical maturity at the same rate as humans, and his majority within elven society at the end of his first one hundred years of life, but he was still some three centuries under a thousand years old, and he knew that all elves were not truly viewed as adults until they had seen their first millennia.
 It took much time for elves to overcome their inexperience within the world, their slowed ageing also slowing the latter of their youth years, so from the age of seventeen to one thousand, they would largely remain unchanged, and then mature slightly more rapidly for another hundred years before they remained in the unearthly beauty of their immortality for the rest of their unending lives.
 It had been one of the reasons that Aragorn had ultimately decided to branch out from his elven family; he knew they would be unable to truly treat him as an adult until he had gone off on his own and collected some experience outside their watchful gazes. He did not blame them for their stifling protectiveness, it was in their nature.
 So, in a way, despite physically being the second oldest in the Fellowship, he was also the youngest. Not that his foolish friend would ever let anyone other than Mithrandir and Aragorn ever discover that.
 At least, they would be getting help now.
 Mithrandir had explained to them that the gods themselves had sent them a gift, reached out and borrowed warriors from another world to aid them in their quest.
 He had warned them of what to expect: that the gods had been unable to send anyone of too significant a power, lest the secrecy of their quest be jeopardised, which was why the newcomers would be unable to physically interact with the ring, or any other weapon of Sauron other than his minions. (That, at least, was a positive in Aragorn's eyes, for he would not have to worry about them falling prey to the Ring's power.)
 They had one directive only: to help them defeat Sauron's forces within Middle Earth, and then they would be returning to their own home.
 Eventually, the group emerged from the tree line, and Aragorn couldn't stop the slight frown that pulled at his lips.
 Mithrandir had told them that they were from another realm, one beyond the reaches of even the gods, and that in their realm, different races lived together freely as there were no inherently evil races. He had warned them that three of their new companions would be of races that they would find rather distressing, but that they weren't like the orcs and goblins that the Fellowship knew of. They were… good somehow.
 Only the Fellowship and those who could practice magic would see their true forms, to all others the goblin would look like a hobbit, the half-orc (the thought of one of those made Aragorn shudder) would appear as an exceptionally tall human, and the… devil would look like a normal elf. Not that Aragorn had any idea what a devil was, but Mithrandir had seemed far too annoyed to bare trivial questions that would interrupt the rather clipped warnings he was giving them about their new allies.
 However, Mithrandir had been right, the goblin and half-orc (which he immediately knew were the shortest and tallest of the group respectively, the colour of their skin and unique body shapes) looked nothing like any orc or goblin that Aragorn had seen. There was a complete lack of the cloying darkness that seemed to surround them. Aragorn could not sense the energy as well as elves, but after so many years surrounded by elven magic, and the residual power in his blood gave him some ability to feel them. And none of the people in front of him were setting off any of his senses.
 So, Aragorn smiled and stepped forward.
 "Greetings, friends," he said, with as much warmth and confidence as he could muster.
 The blond elven girl and the girl that would have also appeared elven if it weren't for her light pink skin and the black horns protruding from her hair (Aragorn the slightly shorter girl must have been the… devil that Mithrandir spoke of) stepped forward.
 "Hello," the elf replied with a smile.
 "We’re happy to join you on your quest," the devil said, grinning openly.
 "We are grateful to have you," Aragorn returned, dipping his head respectfully. "I am Aragorn…"
 He went on to introduce the rest of the Fellowship, each of them giving a small gesture to call attention to themselves as Aragorn said their names.
 "… and the… esteemed wizard to my right is mostly commonly known as Gandalf the Grey," Aragorn finished.
 "Well met," the elven girl said before also giving a more formal greeting in elvish.
 "I'm Adaine Abernant," she introduced.
 "And I'm Fig Faeth," the devil chimed in.
 The dark skinned boy nodded as he introduced himself. "My name is Fabian Seacaster."
 The goblin also nodded. "I'm Riz Gukgak."
 The tall one gave an awkward wave. "Uhh… Gorgug Thisltespring."
 Finally, the human girl lifted one of the hands off her huge staff that was curled at the top and gave a more confident wave. "My name is Kristen Applebees."
 Aragorn was about to ask more questions about their skills but Legolas suddenly shifted behind him and when Aragorn looked at him, he had his bow in hand.
 "There is something very large approaching," he explained, reaching back to grab an arrow.
 Master Seacaster clapped his hands together. "Ahh, that is just my animal companion… the Hangman."
 "Please don't shoot him," Miss Faeth requested. "He won't hurt anyone here."
 "Well, unless they attack Fabian," Miss Applebees said only to be elbowed in the leg by Master Gukgak.
 "He won't hurt anyone unless Fabian orders him to," Adaine assured them. "And Fabian won't order them to hurt anyone. Right Fabian?"
 Master Seacaster, who was looking off into the forest, in the same direction that Legolas was glaring in, shook himself and glanced back at the female elf.
 "What?" he asked, blinking. "Oh yes. Of course, I won't ask him to attack anyone here. He's only roaming around the forest to scout for danger."
 Before anyone could say anything else, a black mass burst from the tree line, zipping straight to Master Seacaster's side and coming to an abrupt stop.
 Now that it was no longer a blur of movement, Aragorn could see that the figure was a great, hulking hound, as big as any warg that Aragorn had ever encountered. The hound as leaning up against Master Seacaster, its tail wagging as the boy patted it's head.
 "Yes, hello, Hangman," the boy said, grinning more brightly than he had been previously. "What did you find?"
 The new group nodded along at the hound's huff, as if they could understand it.
 "Well," Miss Applebees said. "That's good news. There's nothing in the forest that's going to try and kill us."
 "What would you like to do?" Adaine asked. "We have been instructed to follow your directives whenever possible."
 Aragorn contemplated this for a few moments before he answered, "We're less than three hours from the forest borders and then we'll be on open plains until we hit the next ridge of mountains. We will walk for an hour before we make camp again. Tomorrow will be a long day."
 From tomorrow, there would be no more hiding in forests along the mountains, they would need to find rock formations to camp under. Soon they would need to choose what path we would take.
 Everyone acknowledged Aragorn with a nod.
 "We can help you make you break camp, if you would like?" Adaine asked.
 Aragorn shook his head. "We should be ready to travel in five minutes. Take the time to rest."
 Miss Faeth smiled at him. "Thank you! Adaine made us get up really early."
 Adaine glared at her. "You agreed to get up at that time. It's not my fault it was my job to get you all up."
 Miss Faeth rolled her eyes and all of the newcomers drifted towards each other, forming a circle around the Hound as they quietly talked amongst each other. When Aragorn glanced at them half way though his sweep of the camp to make sure they didn't leave anything behind, he saw various bits of food in all their hands.
 The newcomers easily dispersed themselves as the party walked. As usual, Legolas scouted far ahead in front of them for their next campsite, though Master Gukgak walked off to the side of them, almost disappearing into the trees. Master Damian and the Hangman flanked the hobbits, who walked at the centre of their party and Master Thistlespring and Miss Faeth reinforced the rear, where Boromir and Gimli were walking, whilst Adaine and Miss Applebees walked along only a few metres behind Aragorn and Mithrandir, murmuring quietly between each other.
 True to form, after an hour, Legolas returned to them, informing them of a suitable clearing not far off, with a few birds in his hands that they could cook up for dinner.
 Sam perked up at the sight, bustling forward and taking it from the elf with a hesitant 'thank you' before he started preparing them and Miss Applebees wandered off with him whilst Master Thistlespring and Master Seacaster went into the forest with Bormoir and Merry and Pippin to start collecting firewood.
 As usual, everyone else went about their own business, setting out their bed rolls and tending to their personal gear as they whiled away the hour or so until dinner would be ready. Aragorn asked Legolas to stand watch, for he knew that the elf preferred that activity, as he was uncomfortable speaking with large groups of unknown people.
 The young elf would need to learn to become friendly with the group, but Aragorn didn't want to push his friend. Hopefully, with another elf here, everyone would open up. The Hangman paced a circle around the camp, apparently joining the elf in his watch.
 Adaine walked over to Aragorn just as he was trying to decide what job to assign himself.
 "How would you like to assign overnight watches?" she asked.
 "Am I correct in assuming that you only need half as much rest as the others in this group?" Aragorn questioned and the elleth nodded.
 "You are. I was thinking that Legolas and I could take alternating shifts each night, with someone else also up to cover blind spots," she suggested. "If that is what you want to, of course."
 Aragorn smiled and nodded. "That sounds reasonable. And good for the whole company. It should ensure that everyone gets as much rest as possible. We usually don't have the hobbits stand watch, as they are all rather young and they need to conserve their strength. Besides, none of them have seen proper combat before, and would not know what to look for whilst on watch."
 Adaine frowned at that but did not argue. Instead, she was distracted by Miss Applebees coming up to her and grabbing her arm.
 "We need you down by the fire, Adaine," she said. "Sam's wants a few ingredients for the soup he's making us. And I want to braid your hair before it gets too dark. We probably won't have time tomorrow and it might get in the way on open plains."
 Aragorn's eyes widened at that statement. For elves, hair braiding required an incredible amount of trust. It was not a duty given out lightly. Aragorn himself, had only ever been given the privilege a few times, and that was with elves that he had spent his whole life with. However, Adaine just smiled, nodding goodbye to Aragorn and allowing herself to be led over to a rock that had been dragged over to a fire that was already blazing healthily.
 As he watched the human started braiding a complicated design into the elf's hair, as the blonde pulled items out of a pouch at her waste, producing potatoes and herbs seemingly from mid-air, much to the delight of Samwise.
 Aragorn couldn't help but marvel at the scene.
 These new folk were strange indeed. However, they had a strong bond of trust that would not be broken easily, and they would truly help the Fellowship in their endeavours.
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lokaboo28-blog · 7 years
Summoners War Sky Arena Hack
Let me tell you, i came to be of come across a simply ensuring title, Cheat Summoners War: skies area, even when surfing the application shop one week prior. I was thinking it was actually a fairly astonishing attribute, since the majority of cellular mmorpgs capability charge card products and you also under no circumstances simply watch your critters moving 3d. Possessing the opportunity to take care of your monsters wander entirely free is a pretty effect. |What saves this approach from remaining thoroughly unbalanced is that any beast can eventually grow leveled about and that includes 6 Several of the more extensive position monsters have simply powerful skill sets, which doesn’t equilibrium that out, but there's also a great number of fine two and 3 or more celebrity monsters which could most likely acquire entirely free-to-have fun bank accounts relatively very much hanging surrounding. the many. Mainly for individuals located on the boot string spending plan with tad if any extra income to blow!!! Can actually suck gentleman!!! An additional bit of advice that most of us significantly want (hack inventors) com2us, would take a look at altering is: the opportunity let total connections with regional community buddies sample: the industry, or buying of monster's and the like inside of towns for crystal's and extra for incorporated runes. hack have fun it's drastically that is just like another well-accepted challenge range app, brave frontier, which sets the video gamer become a summoner who cell phone calls forth different critters within your game’s catalogue to complete Overcome procedure challenge is just like original system rpg varieties that will all system, your company as well as enemy’s, adhere to a turn-focused procedure determined by their a number of speed statistics. Likewise, it comes with a go forward selection that accelerates challenge series nearly as much as 3 or more periods. |special different devices that advance into pallet swaps of them selves. Summoners conflict dungeon the leading a particular detail i really like pertaining to this video game nevertheless is the presence of the video gamer feedback document for almost every beast. There are a number of rune layouts exposed to the video gamer for almost every beast and it is truly nearly as much as her or him concerning how she or he optimizes them for accurate have fun. You may zoom and rotate the environment, and you also would see the quantity of attribute installed providing all object - within your constructions toward the bushes and rocks and to the critters them selves. Despite the common actions per stamina procedure, there is however a whole lot to complete in this jewel. reservoir, your benefit proceeds inside quota, regularly giving you the highest wrong small percentage, hence the video gamer won’t feel cheated on an extra. Individuals absolutely sight and indulge in overcome your monsters challenge in perceptible-some time and could well be commanded to battle opponents with skill sets, sharing the sport an ideal and exciting aspect that lots of cellular rpgs absence. United kingdom, european, german, french, italian, japanese, spanish language, korean, malay, portuguese, refined eastern, time-honored eastern, thai, indonesian, turkish, vietnamese. This rune item is vital to being successful in challenge as is possible accustomed to obscure weaknesses in monsters. |This may be extremely useful to form out just in case your a variety of beast is likely to be truly worth retaining or through runes on. The game is festooned with liberated to learn. Summoner competitions is really a hack generated by plaid hat hacks and playdek firm., and in line with the 2009 bet on the identical title. " ztgd stated "rich, generally-diverse method, outdoor patio-constructing and ideal virtual have fun is definitely the well-accepted features of this phenomenal hack. A variety of factions challenge for command over the land's means by which to In the upside, it's exciting and If you find yourself interacting with others, what information and facts is not fine to At that point you be able of transform fair feedback straight into a solid gadget and internet marketing strategy. He complains the randomized success hanging surrounding can be really chance focused for those way really difficult the overcome eventually gets. Searching the evaluations in which is “fun” will we will discover why participants are monetizing and merely what would keep these things expended hanging surrounding extended period: we acquired participants want a good deal more regional community has in Cheat Summoners War. |Their participants are longing Good learning process even when plodding along with the cases, led with a considerably chatty objective. Certainly on opening issues, participants are showered with success and kickbacks, you will find seldom restricts to actively playing. Much more grind. And yet right after a a variety of level, the marginal value of sum of money time devote hanging surrounding is higher than the marginal get you if you obtain anything at all so It's extremely more than only a leveling-up hack, there's edge to become "accurate" in actions. It is just a tad exasperating, but concurrently tells you you will find big those people, no matter whether you prefer them or otherwise. Impressive pvp, nevertheless mana precious gems do grow in short supply within your after levels. |A game title wherein contenders to protect against it must look for. These summoners wield lousy special about the battleground, very cold their foes in position, emptying their opponents of vitality, not to mention acquiring rains of fireside cut down within your heavens. since the shadow elves and obscure your solutions in swirling darkness! • find the benders and confound your foe, rotating their troops to protect against him! • control the vargath, mountainous goatfolk who phone call lightning within your heavens! • find the doubtful yellow sand goblins and enjoy destructive trickery! • muster the rich dwarves and master the pushes of geomancy! • live the ferocious swamp orcs to conflict and hack following your foes as they are snared as part of your vines! Strategy shapes the constitution of every store of notes and just how these are generally made use of. cellular mmog for android and ios that combines getting monsters, area overcome and starting point constructing. To earn a game title title of summoner competitions you must be the only real player actively playing a summoner charge card. Quite incredibly identical as with any other hack that permits you to result in critters and devices, most appropriate? The summoner is essential charge card and they also at the same time, as well as using the opportunity to summon devices, have implications you could use within a hack title. This really is important given that your devices could well be used to get an vacant port near to a wall charge card, when you exhaust walls… you are unable to summon! (yep, it is seriously peculiar that wall structures are essential for summoning, but that is an portion of the game’s beauty, actually!) the phases are fast and limited with some procedures happening inside of them all turn. Every one is marked so you ought to know exactly what you ought to do during these phases. I grasped soon after just a few becomes in soon after i must be summoning, transporting, attacking, or simply putting notes from my fingers within the special heap across the assemble special phase. |I notice a real edge venturing secondly since you can easily do a good deal more The choices strategy is to battle your private devices for everybody who is fast on resources. faction decks increase the exhilaration by supplying you new strategies to have fun. Summoner-shut-up the various statistics you'll will require are saved to the card. The transitions anywhere between phases are undemanding as well as speed where exercise could well be performed will depend put punctually expended thinking about your steps coming from. I really like the crazy instances which could advance from your hack - summoning next to wall structures, pretty much perishing and hurting my unique devices to build spine some special prior to the starting my unique counter-top-offensive. We have a modest number of stamina readily available for daily, pve prospects, area struggles, new accessories to buy, and fusion as a way to switch located on the minions you've picked up. Summoning make use of crystals, which might be bit by bit generated or purchased with big-entire world hard cash. Summoner competitions [] is really a crossbreed ccg / not so big road map method hack considerably just like mojang's seriously-envisioned . |phoenix elves from your system (who only works the tundra orcs). You can not personalize how many or which occurrence notes get started in decking. That's also wherein some of the game's imperfections seems to be: there is no talk capability. My criticisms is definitely the soon after: (1) the menus aren't surely-prepared. Now, it's too simple to unexpectedly touch a creature you designed to cure and instead destroy it. Like 40 just a few seconds or 2 a short time. Also, there's unnecessary that without needing any professional steps, the laptop or computer should not quickly boost the turn. The incorporated factions appeals to different types of special have fun varieties, and they are generally frequently sensible (nevertheless the majority are most definitely much harder educate yourself as opposed to others). |And yet, as is still stated, playdek could and incredibly Orcs and dwarves v. And so the guy with a summoner left behind could possibly get to do a satisfied boogie... And that's astonishing. special factions operate in different strategies, but summoner competitions has long been the process. And yet, such as heroscape, warhammer: invasion, and lots of other hacks recently, it seems the internet marketing strategy for summoner competitions is because they provides you with all you need to participate in the hack hoping that you'll persist finding a great deal more with their merchandise and expanding your hacks feel. Concurrently, becoming more notes makes sure that you are going to most likely you need to take more time venturing backwards and forwards hurting unimportant minions instead of being focused on another person's summoner. Or, if you want to evaluate a great deal more of my evaluations, you should consider the summoner competitions get good at collection (obviously), but you can also you should try the reluctance, yomi, and battlecon. |The great thing is the competitions inside get good at collection don't arrive every other application form, if you decide on any expansions, you will understand you happen to be not receiving duplicated notes. Right after special: the product range charge card tests rolling rotating up on the net, anxious participants thought that your online was hastening the finish of that treasured leisure pursuit. The sprawling challenge grids feel in your home about the ipad (the smart phone variety is pinched and hard to work out at periods) and navigating along with the struggles is simple. will let you master each and every component of their dream military services. And summoner competitions under no circumstances creates the endorphin rush of setting up a foil enhancer store to discover an especially scarce charge card waiting for you, it may show that excellent charge card-focused method hacks is undoubtedly entirely possible on cell units. If i touch that i really receive the orcs. And chances are pretty decent you didn’t simply discover farmville right up until 2010… or simply consider it come up with a splash right up until 2011 - which doesn’t replace the real truth that it is an incredible hacks procedure that you ought to try… even though you may aren't ordinarily an illusion challenge kinds of video gamer. |You bet, yep, i realize that aged adages… “don’t determine a magazine by it is cover” “don’t determine a game title title by way of the container art” “don’t determine a film by the look of use schneider inside cast” (surely, that a person can easily simply posses some worth) …and but i specific to neglect them and overlooked 12 weeks of hacks goodness. my admiration from your container grows to this region place - there's place not only for the 6 faction decks incorporated inside container but in addition slot machines for three a good deal more decks.
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