#one of the arcade games lights started going off near our hockey table and he swiveled me by the hips so it wouldn'tbe in my line of sight
zazter-den · 2 months
I've got it so bad, guys. Like, it's not even funny.
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The Smiths
The biggest reason for young hybrids to aspire to attend Cassell College was to find their soulmate, the person who was like them, both in pedigree and in riches.  Before classes start, the men have checked out the ladies and the ladies have checked out the men. Identifying the highest ranked students in class narrowed down the candidates, with the highest ranking male students coming out of the 3E being the prized stallions with the lowest rankings hoping to find something in the scraps left behind.
The Smith sisters were no different. Not only with spotless pedigrees, they had hefty bank accounts. In their early twenties, they were already accomplished business women, each one running their own real estate business, but not in housing, but in farmland. Each one of these women owned hundreds of acres where they grew maize which they traded to great success on the commodities market. To them, some rich city boy would likely not understand the importance of their business, thinking farming was a humble dirty practice. But the women, especially Celeste, understood that women like them were the ones who filled their rich bellies at night. 
Now they had come out as Rank A and were fortunately seated next to the Rank S of the class on day one. Of course, they were going to plant their flags immediately next to him. But if the poor leftover stallions of Cassell College thought that they were going to hopefully go after two other sisters as scraps, they were sadly mistaken. There were no ‘scraps’ among the Smith Sisters.
“There! That’s the last of it!” Porsche slapped her hands together as she finished moving the last of three boxes that held Tigre’s meager belongings into his new room. He’d been living in the hospital for so long, but now his one bedroom was larger than even that. It was a spacious open plan with large windows and its own bathroom with a jacuzzi tub. Their dorm was located on the top floor of the newest dormitory building on campus. 
At the first floor was the lobby and recreation area that included its own indoor pool and sauna, huge exercise room with state of the art equipment and a small theater to watch movies. There were arcades full of video game cabinets, ping pong and pool tables, and air hockey machines. There was even a salon and massage parlor. The building sat on a biking and walking trail and was quite near the library.
Porsche sat next to him on the king-size bed and handed him his tablet. “This is the college class registration portal where you choose your classes for the year. You have advanced classes because of your rank where you get the best teachers on any subject so pick whatever you like. First, you have to decide on your major.” She looked up at him with big bright brown eyes.
Tigre felt his heart suddenly skip a beat looking into those eyes, their delicately curling lashes, the rise and fall of her cheekbones. Her skin was perfect, smooth, and even. A rich shade of mahogany. “Major?”
“The direction of your study. You can’t just study everything. You have to pick a specific subject to pursue. You can change it later, but… it will just take you that much longer to graduate.”
Her fingers were topped with French manicures as she swept down to the Majors list. “Pick one.”
There were majors in Theology, Engineering, Chemistry, Alchemy… Tigre sighed. He didn’t know what many of these meant. “Is there one that has to do with fighting?”
He just remembered his vision had a lot of depictions of war. That was what dragons were known for and that’s what he wanted to be, a warrior, like a dragon.
“Fighting? So… you want to major in Martial Arts?” Porsche pulled her face into different surprised expressions. “Alright then. These will be your classes.” She tapped her finger on the screen. 
“Taijiquan, Physical Education, Kendo, Tae Kwon Do, Brazilian Jujistu, Muy Tai…” She listed them off.
He didn’t know what any of these meant! “Yeah.” He said. “Sign me up for those.”
She laughed once. “You can’t take them all at once. They limit Phys Ed to four per year, so you can have energy for your core classes and not hurt yourself. So pick four.”
He had questions about each one but he figured it wouldn’t matter. He just picked the first four off the list. 
“Okay then you have Battlefield training level 1 that all Cassell students have to attend here…” She ticked that off. “And then there’s your core classes. Right here.”
“Core Classes?” He asked, shocked. This was really adding up!
She looked at him reproachfully. “You can’t just join Cassell and be a meathead. You’ll be taking Norse Mythology 101, Dragon Lineages 101, and Alchemy 101.” She made a few more taps of her fingers and suddenly his schedule was lined up neatly in blocks of time on a calendar. “You’re kind of spacy so we’ll need to set some reminders.” 
She now took the tablet completely out of his hands.
“It means you don’t keep track of things well.” She didn’t look up from the tablet. “You have to be reminded or you won’t do what you need to do or you’ll get overwhelmed and forget.” 
“That’s true…” He admitted softly. After all, Toyama had to remind him to brush his teeth. How was he going to keep up with all of this?
She rewarded him with a smile. “Wisdom is with the modest!”
“Porsche…? What’s your major?” He asked her in a meek tone.
“I’m going into Dragon Physiology.” She said easily.
“Fizzy… ology…?”
“I study Dragon bodies.” She hands him back the tablet. “Okay, we’ll be going once we all change.”
“Where are we going?” He looks down at the tablet but she’d set the lock screen back on.
“Shopping, you need clothes and,” She stood up and paused to look him up and down “...a lot more stuff for classes and going out et cetera. Plus, we’re having a party tonight to celebrate our win.”
“We are?” Tigre said, amazed. 
“Yep. We are.” Porsche sighed, wearily. “Ahhh… it’s so tiring, to be having to help you like this. So don’t make things difficult. We’re doing you a favor to help you out so you don’t get lost. Be sure to clean up after yourself and do what we ask alright?”
“Oh, of course! I really appreciate your help!” Tigre nodded earnestly.
She gave him an approving nod. “Good. I’ll be back in a bit.”
A grown man sharing a dorm with three rich single women would raise anyone’s eyebrows, but Tigre walked out of the building with them, not having much of a choice. The girls stepped into a sun that flashed off their ebony skin and crystalline handbags, in midriff baring blouses with low shoulders and jean shorts cut above their thighs. “You have a very hefty stipend but you’ve never touched money before so I’ll hold on to it for you.” Celeste says taking his Student ID card from him. “I’ll make sure you have everything you need.”
“Oh… okay. Thank you!” Tigre nodded.
Ruby glanced over and frowned. “It’s still his money…”
“He’s just going to waste it on something stupid because he doesn’t know what he needs.” Celeste shrugged. “You know how it is with people who get a lot of money after never having any. We, on the other hand, actually know what to do with it.”
A sleek dark blue Miata was parked in front of the building and they opened the door and got in.
“You do know about seatbelts right?” Porsche smiled as she got into the passenger side. 
Before Tigre could answer, he was startled when the whole roof of the car started folding back! Ruby giggled behind her hand. Tigre returned her smile.
“If there’s something you want just ask for it.” Ruby said.
The engine roared to life and the three of them took off, weaving through the shining spires of Chicago. The sweet tones of R&B music played on the radio and Tigre stared upwards up the skyscrapers. The three girls put on dark glasses against the sunlight, their hair blowing in the wind. 
They pulled up to a red light and idled. 
“Hey girls! Got any room for me?” A voice shouted from the corner of the street. A man in a basketball jersey whistled from a jeep.
The girls paid him no mind.
“Oh come on, don’t be that way!”
The three girls all looked at each other in unison and then the light turned green and the car sped off. 
“Does this happen a lot?” Tigre glanced behind him.
“All the time, honey. Get used to it.” Porsche lowered her glasses at him. “ You’re the luckiest guy in the world. Look at where you are. You’re in a car full of cute girls on a bright late summer day! What do you think is going to happen? Everyone wants to be you right now.”
“Don’t give him a big head.” Celeste rested her arm on the steering wheel. “I like him the way he is. Too many guys out there just think they’re entitled to our attention. We’re the ones who choose who we want. Has nothing to do with ‘luck’. We’re all the ‘luck’ he needs.” She looked into the rear view mirror. “You just sit back and relax and don’t mind the peanut gallery.”
They pulled into an upscale mall and walked in empty handed and walked out carrying three multicolored and multi sized bags on each arm. When they got back to the dorm, they started decorating with balloons and banners and bright lights. Bottles of alcohol were lined up on a minibar and glasses were arranged on the table.
These girls didn’t cook, they ordered food from the cafeteria to have it catered.
Ruby leaned over and turned up the heavy bass music and clapped her hands dancing in the middle of the living room. She grinned at Tigre  and invited him to dance with her. He had no idea what to do but she encouraged him to  ‘move to the beat’.
“By the way. Clubs. We’re joining Lionheart.” Celeste suddenly announced from the kitchen.
Tigre stopped mid-groove, hands awkwardly in the air. “We are?”
“Yeah, the people in Student Union are all uppity idiots that need to be taken down a peg. Senior Lu Mingfei is nice enough, but god, the people around him? Gag me. They’re entrenched in their stupid Euro-centric views and have no idea how the world works. But we have the other Rank S. And that’s gonna burn ‘em good.” Celeste crossed her arms. “That means we’ll be able to rise up the ranks pretty quick. It’s a sure win. There’s not enough people in Lionheart who can compete with us.”
She rolled her eyes at Tigre's stunned expression. “I’ll spell it out for you. You saw that fool, Robert. He walked right up to you as assumed you were going to want to lead Lionheart, all the while ignoring the triple threat sitting right in front of him. You’re not the one who is going to lead Lionheart. We are!”
Sure enough, a few hours later, the dorm was full of Lionheart members.
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apex-academy · 3 years
Chapter 5: Caring Is a Hazard to Your Health (#16)
Thankfully I run into a couple people by suppertime, so I get a better idea of what the heck is going on. 8:00 in the arcade. All right. Still don’t know what the heck we’re playing, but my video game experience is limited, anyway. Most of my free time goes to another game.
Still, I can’t find a good enough excuse to turn down the invitation, so I might as well go for it. At least make sure nobody makes trouble.
Because that worked out so well at the concert.
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Can I please stop doing that. Today is today. Yesterday is yesterday. So on and so forth. Just focus on today.
I make my way to the arcade. I’m a little late, but it doesn’t look like they’ve started. Everyone showed up, too, looks like. More than I can say for some of our events. This time we can all easily fit in one room, though.
The overhead lights are off. I shut the door behind me, but it doesn’t disguise my entry.
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“Miss Kogamino!! I’m glad you made it!”
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“It seems most of us haven’t played the game before, so we’ll all have a little time in practice mode to get used to the controls before we start a match!”
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“I didn’t get to ask this morning, but do you play?”
I look to the screen where Mahavir is attempting to steer some blue-suited guy around. It doesn’t look familiar.
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“All right! We’ll make sure you get a little time, then.”
I’m summarily dragged—well, I don’t actually move enough to call it that, but someone sure does take my arm—away by another force.
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“Oh, oh, Kakumi!”
Why are all these cheerful people here.
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Ichiriki bounces in front of the air hockey table. Or, I think that’s what it is. It’s been covered with some kind of board and a tablecloth, and bowls of something I can’t see well in the dark dot its surface.
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“We have snacks while you’re waiting! They’re super good, I promise!”
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“You made them?”
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“Oh, no...”
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“It was me... I’m glad he's excited about them, though...”
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Everyone else has already found conversation partners, so I stick with the table. My eyes are slowly getting accustomed to the distant, multicolored lighting of video game screens, but everything keeps shifting enough it’s still hard to get a good view. All of these kind of look like popcorn, though?
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“They’re all different flavors!”
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Thankfully I haven’t grabbed a paper plate yet, because I would have dropped it.
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“Oh, sorry! Are you okay?”
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“I’m fine. Please don’t jump directly in front of people?”
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“Okey-dokey artichokey!”
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“..............” I really don’t know why I’m here right now.
Apparently that whole ordeal gave Yuki time to catch up.
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“Two are savory, and two are sweet... I can tell you what all of them are...” 
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“...or you can be surprised if you think that’s fun. Hummmmm...”
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“Uh, I’ll be surprised, I guess?”
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Not sure I think it’s fun, but I don’t care enough to make conscious choices here, so. I find the paper plates—bowls, actually, all the better—and throw a couple handfuls of whatever in. Very sanitary.
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...I get the distinct feeling Aidan got first dibs on these and has no intention of getting anywhere near this table again. 
I find myself an empty folding chair and park it. My first shot at the popcorn gets me... I’m not sure what flavor it is, but it’s definitely salty. Didn’t think to grab a drink. Guess I’ll do that at some point.
Somehow, in the dark, a shadow falls across me.
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“I see the dark one has arrived.”
...That’s me. Right. Why can't anyone in this place just use my name?
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“And you’re here, too. Congratulations.”
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“Y’ ready t’ get wrecked, brah?”
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“C’mon, y’ can’t come t’ a competition ‘nd not trash talk.”
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“Tsunyasha doesn’t even play video games, though, so it doesn’t seem fair to rag on her.”
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“Oh, rest assured, my skills are lacking in nothing, whelp.”
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“See? That’s more like ‘t.”
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“I'm not even familiar with the game we’re playing.”
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“Actual skill shouldn’t have anything t’ do with ‘t.”
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“Oh, hey. I keep meaning to ask, is it really okay for Kanagi to be walking around with her ankle hurt?”
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“ ‘m not the boss ‘f her.”
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“Do you know who Kanagi is?”
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“ ‘m bad with names.”
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“Notebook’s in your surfboard.”
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He stoops to go figure that out, again. Tsunyasha looks over him and scoffs.
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“What a strange little farce he maintains.”
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“Do you think he’s faking it, or are you just calling it amusing?”
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“Wouldn’t you like to know?”
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“Yes? That’s why I asked.”
Kaichi un-retreats, notebook in hand, before she can say anything else. As if she was ever going to clarify, anyway.
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“Y’ said Kanagi?”
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“ ‘s high enough t’ be safe t’ walk on, yeah. Should still rest it more ‘n usual, though.”
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“Has she been resting?”
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Not sure he has notes on that. Thankfully it’s easy enough to find Kanagi herself. She’s crouched by the skee-ball section, which appears to be where they put the drinks. 
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Would it have killed them to bring in an actual table?
...Poor wording. Anyway.
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“Hey, Kanagi.”
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“ ‘Sup.”
Aside from her ankle being wrapped up, I don’t notice anything particularly different about how she’s standing, at least.
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“Have you been resting your ankle enough?”
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“Dude, it’s fine. I’ve totally walked on worse.”
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“...Is this why your other ankle is messed up?”
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“Like, I’ll be sitting for the games, anyway, so. That’s rest, right?”
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“Y’ should ‘t least keep it up on a chair ‘r something, yeah?”
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“C’mon, dude. I haven’t seen you doing that for yours.”
He shrugs.
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“I constantly forget ‘s anything wrong with ‘t, so.”
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“ ‘s not like I’ve been doing laps every morning.” 
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“I think.”
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“Yeah, that might give you a pass.”
Before anybody else can give each other grief, Mahavir steps up next to me and clears his throat.
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“I believe Doppler said it was your turn to practice the game controls.”
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“Ah, right.” Guess I’d better get to that.
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Might as well grab a drink while I’m here. Can’t say I trust these people not to spill everything before I can come back.
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박우진, Park Woojin
anonymous asked:
I'm so glad I could make your day! Finding your scenarios made me super happy too ;u; AB6IX is so new so there aren't many fics for them yet but ahh I really liked what I've read from you so far. Could I make a request please? Something with Woojin with the themes of "coffee" and "camera"? Everything and anything else is totally up to you! I trust in your imagination~ I love the boy so so so much, he is so precious aaaaa ;u;
Group: AB6IX
Member: Woojin
She walked into the coffee shop with a sense of confidence. It was like a second home to her, so she knew her way around perfectly. 
She checked her watch. She was about ten minutes early, but that just meant that she could order beforehand. She didn’t really need to, though. The barista immediately recognized her. 
“I know you,” he chuckled. “Iced Americano and Matcha Latte, right?”
She flashed him a smile. “You’ve got me pegged,” she said with a shrug. 
The barista smiled, jotting down the order in a small notebook before slipping it shut. He glanced around. “Where’s your boyfriend?” he asked. 
“I’m early,” she explained. She gave a quick thanks before wandering off to the seating area. She pouted upon seeing that their usual seat was taken, but she supposed moving down a few tables wouldn’t hurt. 
She sat down with a content sigh, happy to rest her legs. She kicked her heels off under the table, hoping no one would notice. She had the brief thought of, “What if my feet stink?”, but luckily, no unpleasant scents came wafting.
She closed her eyes, taking in the quiet music that played over the speakers. She bopped her head up and down to the beat, her fingers joining in at some parts, tapping them rhythmically against the table. 
She was confused when she heard an off-beat couple of taps. She cracked an eye open, looking out the window, only to be blinded by a flashing light. It caught her off guard, but she wasn’t scared. 
There was only one person that would pull something like that.
Once her eyes readjusted, she immediately smiled. Outside the window, there stood Park Woojin, his eyes pushed up into crescents from his smile and a Polaroid camera in his hands. 
She shook her head at him, chuckling to herself. 
He blew her a cheeky kiss from outside before running (or as he would put it, ‘reasonably speed-walking’) off to the front of the shop. The brass bell at the top of the door rang gently when he pushed the door open. He stood at the entry way with his arm open for a hug, as if saying, “Come and get me”.
She covered her eyes. Why’d she have to fall in love with the most embarrassing person on earth? She looked at him, shaking her head. She gestured for him to join her. 
He pouted at her, huffily crossing his arms and raising a brow. 
She rolled her eyes. “I love you,” she mouthed to him. 
That seemed to satiate him enough. He rushed over to her, giving her a quick kiss before settling down in the chair opposite to her. He held up the camera. “Do you know what this is?” he asked, his voice thick with excitement. 
“The thing that just blinded me?” she suggested playfully.
He flicked her forehead. “Wrong!” he said. “This is something much more important than that. It’s gonna carry our memories with it.” He was beaming. He dug in his pocket, pulling out the picture of her that it’d already printed out. “Look at this,” he said.
She took it from his hand. “It’s actually not too bad,” she said, looking over the snapshot. There was a little glare from the window, but it looked more stylistic than anything else. Plus, he had managed to catch her at what she thought was her best angle: 3/4 view. “When’d you get so good at photography?” 
He shrugged, taking the picture back and slipping it into his wallet. “Natural talent, I guess,” he said. 
She nodded. “Sure,” she chuckled. “So, Youngmin’s teaching you, then?”
He huffed. “Nothing gets past you, huh? For the record, I’m already better than him.” 
She laughed, trying to muffle it a little with her palm. “You’re acting so strangely today,” she said. The waiter came over, setting their drinks delicately in front of them. “Thank you,” she said, giving him a polite nod.
Woojin did the same. “You already ordered?” he asked once they were left alone.
She nodded, taking a sip of her latte. “Of course I did,” she said. “We always get the same thing here—”
“Hold that pose!” he interrupted, pulling the camera close to his face. He squinted, trying to make it as steady as possible. “Don’t look at the camera,” he instructed. “It has to look candid.” She said something to him, but due to the glass in front of her mouth, it was garbled and indecipherable. 
He started counting down. “Three... Two... One.” The camera shutter clicked. 
She gingerly pulled the cup away from her mouth. “You done yet?” she chuckled, wiping some foam off of her top lip. 
Woojin waited patiently for the picture to print out. Within seconds, it did; a 3x3 black and white image from their favorite coffee shop. A memory that they’d keep forever. 
He held it up. “Look at that,” he said. “Beautiful.” 
You blushed a little bit, laughing in embarrassment. “You’re acting seriously weird today,” she said. “What’s the occasion?” 
He took a sip from his Americano. “I have a day off, and I want to spend it with someone special,” he said.
“Oh, yeah? Where is she?” she asked playfully. 
Woojin could tease right back. “She’s not here yet, I guess.” 
She kicked him under the table. “Jerk,” she said. 
He kicked her, but much softer. He still had shoes on after all. “Takes one to know one,” he chuckled. 
She stuck her tongue out. “So,” she started, “what’s on the agenda for today?”
He gave her a cryptic smile. “Fun,” he said simply. 
Their first stop was the arcade. 
They played so many games, blew way too much money on claw machines, and basically sunk back into their childhood days. They would come to places like this with their friends. They would come by themselves to relieve stress. 
But for sure, their favorite time spent there was now. Just being together. 
Woojin hadn’t been able to take as many pictures as he wanted since the lighting was pretty dark, but he still made the most of it. That including tickling her sides to try and get her to lose Pac Man. 
Yet somehow, she still got the highest score. He didn’t quite see the logic in that. He figured the universe was just trying to teach him a lesson about cheating.
They played air hockey for an unreasonable amount of time, resulting in both of them having an equal number of losses and wins, much to their chagrin. 
Next stop: the mall.
There wasn’t any particular rhyme or reason to that one. Just lots of wandering around, window-shopping and goofy pictures taken of each other wearing ridiculous hats and sunglasses. 
They basically had a fashion-show in the middle of a store. 
People were staring at them strangely, sure—but they didn’t feel any embarrassment. They told each other, “Let’s be shameless today”. 
She laughed, trying to steal the camera from him. “Let me take pictures of you, too,” she whined playfully. 
He held it above her head. “You have taken pictures of me!” he said. 
“Not as many as you’ve taken of me!” she said, trying to jump for it as they walked. 
He jerked it away from her, out of her reach. He trapped her, wrapping his arm around her shoulder and pulling her flush against him. “I need these pictures more than you do,” he chuckled. “No stealing.” 
She furrowed her brows. “What do you mean by that?” she asked.
He blew a puff air in her face, fluttering her bangs. “None of your business.”
She cringed, but he noted the smile playing at the corners of her lips. “You’re disgusting,” she said. 
He nodded with a smile. “I know.” 
After that, it was lunch at an awesome sushi joint they’d found together a while back. It was always a place they went back to. There were a lot of memories in there. 
Memories of cola spilled on white shirts, lots of laughter, lots of kisses shared behind the safety of a makeshift menu-shield, lots of resolves arguments—overall, a beautiful place to them, despite the run-down exterior. 
She slipped her hand into his, looking around the humble restaurant. “I love this place,” she said, heaving a satisfied breath. 
He squeezed her hand back. “Me too,” he whispered, pecking her temple. 
They took their first together-picture of the day there. It had to be one of their favorites. The both of them, printed in black and white, sitting at a table near the back of the restaurant. It was nice and quiet and the perfect setting for a sickeningly sweet couple-photo.
And that it was! Both of them smiling genuinely, the tips of their noses touching and a light flush to both of their cheeks. 
Finally, as the sun was setting dramatically over the horizon, they arrived at their final stop. It was a park they’d always talked about going to, but they never had the time. 
They wandered around for a few hours taking pictures of each other in the flickering sunlight. 
“You’re pretty,” Woojin said, pausing his picture-taking to just marvel at her. She was back-lit by the dying sun, all of her so-called ‘flaws’ illuminated in an exemplary way. If he wasn’t 100% sure that she loved him, he’d never take his eyes off of her, afraid that someone would steal his beloved, ethereal light away.
She smiled at him. “And you’re handsome,” she said. The way he looked at her set off butterflies in her chest, just like their first date. How did he always manage to do that? She was positive that he would be her first and last heart-flutter.
Sure, they would argue, and they would hate each other for a time, and they would sigh at each other and say cruel words that they didn’t mean, but they would always come back together. They would talk, apologize and resolve. 
Because even when they were mad at each and didn’t like each other, they still loved each other. 
After every argument, when they realized their feelings were still just as strong as before, they would fall back into ‘like’ all over again. It was a healthy addition to their lifes.   
“I know,” he replied. She smacked him in the chest for that, but it just made him laugh. He hugged her and gave her a look; the look he usually gave when he was about to ask if he could kiss her. She just nodded. 
With no time to waste, he leaned in and connected their lips, smiling into it. 
When he pulled away, he pet her hair and caressed her jaw. “I love you,” he said, voice barely above a whisper.
“I love you, too,” she whispered back. She paused for a moment, biting her bottom lip in contemplation. “I like you,” she finally said.
If he wasn’t such a tough guy, he might’ve gotten tears in his eyes...
Okay, maybe he did, but he’d never let her tell anyone that. 
He leaned his forehead against hers, losing himself in her presence. “I like you, too,” he said. “I like you a lot, especially right now.” 
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*takes deep breath* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH- 
That goes on for another few centuries, so I won’t bother you with that. 😅 I hope you enjoyed it, 1102 Anon! The request was... I don’t know how to describe it. It was really pretty. Does that make sense? Like- as soon as I read your request, I thought: “Wow. That’s a beautiful thing”. 
Your request is one of the things that makes me think human-beings are really gorgeous. They can imagine stuff like that. So simple, yet so meaningful.
Thanks for entrusting me to write this! I hope it didn’t disappoint!  
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thnks-fr-th-mngs · 7 years
run me over
So... finally got good WiFi to post this fifth part!
Part One: thump
Part Two: melt
Part Three: do you even meme?
Part Four: laugh
Part Five: fall
It’s not a date. That’s what Jack had been telling himself for a week now. It’s not a date. He was going to see Felix again, enjoy his company one more time in complete one sided emotion. They were going to hang out at the arcade. Like the good old days when the two guys were just kids, and the arcade was still a cool place to hang out. Not that it wasn’t anymore, but it was a dying oasis.
Maybe he shouldn’t have worn this shirt. Maybe a different colour would have been better. What was Felix’s favorite colour? Maybe that was something Jack should know by now, he has been working on a friendship for near a month at this point. They had been talking almost every day since having watched the movie with PJ. He was even texting the goof himself and getting advice on how to deal with the Swede.
Thank goodness for that too, because Jack almost blew it a couple times there.
Jack was in the car with Felix now and just a block away from the arcade. They had been talking about video games, and Jack’s favorite game.
“It’s a good game, not gonna lie,” Felix said. “I played it. I just like Dark Souls better.” Jack could almost feel offended at this.
“Shadow of the Colossus is so much better! It’s just boss battles over and over!” Jack looked at Felix and wanted to hold his hand so badly, but refrained. Felix winced at jack’s yelling. He still wasn’t used to it yet.
“Alright!” Felix yelled in mock agreement. “It’s the best game!” Jack faced forward again.
“Damn right it is!” the two pulled into the parking lot of the arcade and got out to walk when the car stopped. Jack was visibly excited. He almost skipped as he walked, giggling when he talked. Felix was amused to see Jack act almost like a little boy. It was definitely endearing to say the least, Felix definitely was comfortable enough with his sexuality to call the man adorable.
Stepping into the arcade, Jack and Felix took a moment to take in the blips and bells and lights from the dozens of games around. This was definitely going to be a good afternoon.
“Wanna make a bet?” Felix almost sings, his eyes twinkling and eyebrow raising. Jack loved his eyes.
“What are ou planning you meatball?” Jack squinted his eyes and put his hands on his hips. They walked to the coin machine to trade forty dollars for tokens.
“Whoever wins the most games by the end of the day wins,” Felix suggested. Jack thought about it, sure that he wouldn’t win. Felix was just as sure of his gaming ability.
“Somethings got to be at stake here,” Jack said. “Loser has to do whatever the winner wants. But only one thing!” Jack would make that win count. Felix smiled even more and gave a little laugh. Jack could feel his heart squeezing in his chest.
“Get ready to lose, Sean!” Jack wanted to die right then at the sound of Felix calling out his legal name. It was almost too much for him to handle. Jack smiled through the urge to jump Felix and kiss him, wrapping his arms around him. No doubt he’d lose him uber quickly that way. He just had to wait, lie and wait.
 “You have to be cheating!” Felix called out after. He was losing sorely in air hockey – the final game the boys would play. Jack was already ahead by wins, but Felix insisted that air hockey would be the ultimatum. The all or nothing. And he was still losing five to one.
“You are terrible at this,” Jack retorted. He hit the puck once and it landed itself in the little goal. Felix huffed as jack gained another point.
“I’m not, you're just a cheater!” He complained like a child.
“How can you cheat at this?” Jack laughed, watching the puck that Felix was serving. The two of them had genuinely been having a blast, even if Felix was sorely losing. They hit the puck back and fortha few more times until Felix made a lucky shot and gained a point. It was now six to two. If Jack made another point, Felix would lose the whole bet.
“Ha!” Felix threw his hands up in the air. “I got a point! Get ready Irish leprechaun cause I'm about to whoop your ass!”
“Be quiet you goof,” Jack laughed. “There are kids around.” Felix’s arms went down quickly and looked embarrassed very quickly. His cheeks got the tiniest hint of pink and Jack laughed more. In truth he found it to be the most adorable thing ever, but played it off as Felix being funny. “Come on, we aren’t finished yet!” Jack set the puck back on the table top. Immediately it started floating away. He hit it towards Felix, the man whom he was slowly falling for more and more.
The two men kept passing and missing hits for near a minute. Felix tried his best to keep Jack from winning. But Jack was just a little too good. Or maybe it was just luck, seeing as how he’d never heard of anyone who was genuinely good at air hockey. Anyhow, Jack made the final seventh point, signifying he had won the game. He lifted his arms in victory.
“Yes!” He cried out over the blips and shouts from other people. “Irish Leprechaun gets the win!” Felix narrowed his eyes playfully at the gloating shorter man.
“I still say you cheated,” He pointed an accusatory finger at Jack, who just laughed.
“Oh shut up and let’s count our tickets.” Jack led the way to the ticket counting machine. He had a mess of tickets in his hand which he had gotten from most of the games they played. It almost made Felix roll his eyes over the disorganization Jack seemed to have over them. It took a while to untangle them enough to insert them into the machine, and ripping the tickets was necessary at times, but eventually the machine printed a receipt that dictated Jack had over nine hundred fifty tickets.
Felix was smart about the whole issue. He had folded his tickets nicely into rows of ten and kept them in the cup they used for tokens. Neat. Jack wondered how Felix had the patience to do that. It was cute, how he used his head even at the most useless of times. Easily, Felix fed the tickets to the machine. The receipt read six hundred twenty three total tickets. Jack made the pathetic muted trumpet sound that played in old cartoons whenever the character failed.
“Shut up,” Felix muttered playfully. They made their way to the rewards counter to get things. They looked around at different stupid toys for a few minute. Chinese handcuffs, those stupid plastic hands, tops, stickers, sweets. They laughed at everything they saw. Nothing was good enough. They were a bit too old for some of these things and neither of them had enough to get the really good things like the hover boards or wii games to play with guests. Jack’s eye caught on a black plushy the size of a pumpkin.
“Fe, look!” Jack cried out pointing to the dragon plushy. “It’s a Toothless!” Felix looked to the toy. He could tell jack really liked it. Could tell he wanted it. The way Jack looked with wide eyes at the cute dragon was endearing. He was like a child.  Felix smiled.
“You should get it,” he said. Jack looked for the tag that said how much it was. Twelve hundred thirty tickets. He frowned disappointed.
“Can’t,” he said dejectedly. “It’s too much.” Felix frowned and looked at the tag. He did some quick mental math. He pulled Jack be the sleeve to get to the counter and got the attention of a girl who was working behind the counter. When she saw Felix she smiled.
“What can I get you?” She said. Felix took Jack’s ticket from him and handed them to the girl.
“Can we get the Toothless thing if we combine the two?” He asked, pointing to the plushy. Jack looked up quickly and looked at Felix. Combine the tickets to get him the Toothless? Would he really do that for him? Felix didn’t look to be joking.
The girl looked at Jack and smiled. “You’re in luck,” She said lightly. She moved to get the Toothless from the shelf. Jack just kept looking at Felix while waiting. It wasn’t such an odd thing to do, but it was so incredibly sweet, so terrifically lovable. Jack’s heart beat perfectly calm and didn’t hurt at all. Different to the usual reaction he had when Felix did something he loved.
That’s when Jack knew his emotions had gotten too strong.
“Here you go!” The girl handed over the plushie to Felix. “That leaves you with…three hundred forty six tickets.” She seemed to do the math in her head. Felix handed Jack the plushy. He took it in his hands gingerly. It was a surprisingly good quality. Had the DreamWorks tag on it. Jack smiled softly when he hugged the plushy tightly. He’d love and take good care of this for the rest of his life. A gift from the first guy he ever loved.
“Wanna get a bunch of candy?” Felix asked. Jack could only nod. He was afraid to speak, maybe his loud voice would blow Felix away.  Felix turned to the girl behind the counter. “Just fill a bag with different sweets until we run out of tickets.” The girl nodded and grabbed a bag and went to the sweets under the glass counter. She pulled out an assortment of lollipops, sour strings, skittles, Jolly Ranchers, and chocolates.
“Hey whats wrong?” Felix said noticing jack was very quiet.
“Nothing,” Jack said softly. “I just can’t believe you gave up half your tickets for me.” Felix smiled at that.
“No big deal,” he assured. “I’d rather you get something cool you want than we both get shitty little toys.” The girl came back and gave Felix the bag of candy. The two men walked back to the car. Felix was going to drop Jack off at home now.
On the way to Jack’s house, he thought a lot. Perhaps to Felix the gesture was simply an act of kindness or sensibility. But to Jack it was a whole lot more than that. It was something that pushed jack to understand the depth of his emotions. How he could never live without Felix being in his life one way or another. Even if they never got together romantically, he needed him. Without Felix, what was even the point of living anymore? So of course, he had to keep him. Even if it meant never telling Felix he was gay, or admitting his feelings to a man who believed he was incredibly straight.
If this is what love felt like, Jack was in for a lifetime of unrequited love and disappointment when Felix found a girl he thought he loved. It was definitely a fast fall for him. Almost two months since he had first been saved by Felix. Only one month of talking to him. Of course it was an incredibly short amount of time. Most people would say it definitely was not love.
But he was sure it was. How could it be anything else?
Felix reached Jack’s house and stopped the car.
“Well here we are,” Felix said. They had both been munching on sweets on the way. Felix was currently munching on a chocolate. Jack was sucking on a lollipop that he just opened.
“I had fun man,” Jack said with a smile. “Thanks for bringing me!” He unbuckled his seatbelt.
“I had fun too! Still think you cheated but it’s whatever.” Felix shrugged and giggled. That gave Jack an idea.
“Oh yeah,” he started with a mischievous smirk. “About that…” Felix’s smile disappeared. The bet had still been on and Felix just reminded Jack of it. Oh no, he thought. For sure, Felix thought Jack would make him do something horrible. Jack thought about it quickly. What did he want from Felix now? A kiss would be nice, but no doubt Felix would question it and refuse and then wonder what Jack was really around for. But perhaps a kiss on the cheek… but it had to be weird for Felix.
“Kiss me on the cheek,” Jack said with a smirk. “Since you lost.” Felix’s eyes widened and he looked confused at Jack.
“What?” He chuckled nervously. “For real?”
“What?” jack taunted. “You aren’t comfortable enough in your own sexuality that you can’t give a friend a kiss on the cheek when you lose a bet?” Felix blushed a little bit.
“How is this rewarding for you?” He asked moving his hair around on his head.
“It makes you uncomfortable, doesn’t it?” Jack laughed. It was a good cover for him. No one had to know or suspect anything. Felix thought about tit for a minute. A bet was a bet. He had to pay up. Jack apparently knew exactly what made him tick.
“Alright,” he surrendered. Jack smiled as if he had won – which he had – and closed his eyes. He turned his head and brought his cheek out for Felix to kiss when he was ready. Felix bit his pride and heterosexuality and leaned in to give Jack a kiss to his cheek. He left a small mark of chocolate on his cheek. Felix saw and was tempted to wipe it away but decided against it. Jack smiled wider, probably amused – unbeknownst to Felix he was shining with joy and resisting to pull Felix in for a kiss.
“Not so bad now was it?” Jack joked. Felix blushed a bit.
“The worst thing I’ve ever done in my life,” he playfully insulted. Jack laughed and got out of the car. After a quick goodbye, Felix drove away. It was a strange feeling; kissing a man on the cheek. He had never done that before. Felix shied away from anything that could be considered homosexual, although he could act like the gayest person in the whole city, he never acted on words or phrases he’s said or mimed.
He drove home thinking of the green haired boy and the kiss on the cheek. It couldn’t have meant anything to jack… so why was it starting to mean something to him?
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mapleleafstrash · 7 years
Auston’s Big Sister - Frederik Andersen
Anonymous said: Hey! I was wondering if you could write a cute one for Freddie Anderson! Maybe your like Auston’s older sister or something and he tries to set the two of you up when you come to Toronto to visit? Your last one with William was so cute! 😍 thanks! 
 A/N: I loved this little idea! I tweaked it just a bit but the main plot is still there! Hope you enjoy!
Requested: Yes/No
Characters: Freddie Andersen, Auston Matthews, Mitch Marner (minor Connor Brown and Zach Hyman)
Words: 2,232
Warnings: None
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“Absolutely not,”
Auston scoffed at you, “oh c'mon Y/N, it’ll be fun!”
You crossed your arms against your chest and raised an eyebrow towards your younger brother, “that’s what you said last time,”
Auston sighed. He knew you were right.
It had been almost a year since your ex-boyfriend broke up with you. He had ended your nearly two-year relationship out of no where, leading you to feel absolutely crushed. You’d had an extremely hard time moving on due to the lack of knowledge as to why your seemingly perfect relationship just ended, and due to that fact, there was zero closure. You admittedly were still licking your wounds; even today.
“Listen, I think you’ll have some fun. You’re only here for another three days and you haven’t gone out once. I swear I won’t try anything,” Auston promised, raising his hands in surrender.
Over the past few months, Auston, noticing your depressive mood, was trying to set you up with any and all of his single friends who he deemed to be good enough for you. But not one had left a good impression. He thankfully had yet to try and hook you up with any of his Leafs teammates, which was why you had a sneaking suspicion he was up to something. Apparently, a few of the players and some of the girlfriends were heading out for a night on the town and Auston had wanted you to tag along while you were visiting Toronto.
Sighing, you gave in, which caused Auston to cheer in triumph.
“But,” you spoke, raising a finger towards your brother, “no funny business,”
“I swear Y/N, no funny business,” Auston claimed, before pulling you into a side hug and leading you out of his condo.
About an hour later, you found yourself sipping on a beer while sat on a bar stool, watching your brother and a few of his teammates try and bowl. Everyone had met up at a massive entertainment complex that held a restaurant, a movie theatre, a bowling alley, laser tag, an arcade, and of course your favourite thing, a fully stocked bar.
Two groups had split up, one going to try their luck at laser tag, with the other wanting to go bowling, which is where you found yourself now. Bopping your head to the typical top forties playlist floating through the air, you leaned your chin up against the back of your hand with your elbow holding you up against the table top.
You didn’t want to disappoint Auston, which was why you inevitably came, but you were bored. A few of the girlfriends had greeted you but they were all either too focused on their boyfriends or they had wandered off to go explore the complex. You completely understood but you couldn’t help the feeling of loneliness that was swirling inside you. Despite the fact you were in a room full of people, you still felt completely alone. No matter what you did, this feeling had always found its way back to you, ever since your ex had left.
“Hey Y/N! Why don’t you come join us? Next game is starting in a minute!” You heard Auston’s voice call out to you, causing you to break out of your trance.
“Yeah Y/N! Let’s see you beat Auston’s ass!” Mitch added, causing Auston to glare at his lovable teammate.
“I’m okay!” you answered back, waving them off, “I’m quite fine staying right here!”
The two boys shrugged and turned back towards their bowling lane, where Connor Brown and Zach Hyman were arguing over how to start their next game over the manual computer. Shifting your eyes around, you suddenly noticed they were down a player. You thought there had been five of them.
You jumped in your seat from surprise when a larger body suddenly hopped up onto the tall stool next to you. Placing your hand onto your chest over your rapidly beating heart, you took a quick breath. It had been Freddie Andersen, the Leafs goalie who had joined you.
Noticing your reaction, the man next to you sent you an apologetic smile, “sorry,”
Shaking your head, you smiled reassuringly towards him, “don’t worry about it,”
He nodded and turned his attention back to the group of his now squabbling teammates. You rolled your eyes towards them, figures.
“Had enough of them?” You questioned, causing Freddie’s brown eyes to trail back towards you.
He smirked slightly, “you could tell that easily huh?”
You chuckled, “well, one of them is my baby brother,”
Freddie snickered, “guess I’ve got no room to make complaints around you then,”
You shook your head with a smile and gripped your beer, “nope,” you spoke, popping your lips before leaning your head back and finishing off your drink.
“So how’s Toronto treated you?” he asked, trying to make light conversation.
You shrugged, “I mean I haven’t done much honestly. Just gone to a couple of your games,”
“Nothing else?” he questioned, sounding slightly surprised.
You shook you head at him, “honestly, this trip wasn’t my idea. Sure, I hadn’t seen Auston since Christmas, but it was our mother who basically begged me to come visit. She claimed it was for me, but I think she just wanted me to check up on him,”
Freddie nodded, and you continued, as you stared out towards Auston and his friends, “but I can see he’s in good hands, Auston’s being well taken care of,”
“He’s a good kid,” Freddie replied, “everybody loves him,”
“And I’m glad to here that,” you said, feeling a small sense of relief.
You fell into a comfortable silence, as you both watched the boys begin their next game. Zach Hyman surprisingly took an early lead, and as suspected, Auston still wasn’t the greatest bowler around. It was a good thing he was considered elite when it came to hockey, or else the others would’ve been chirping him relentlessly.
“So what are you doing? Career wise anyways,” Freddie asked, his eyes shifting back towards you.
“Well I just graduated last fall with a business and finance degree, so job hunting is next on the agenda,” you sighed, remembering the work you’d be returning to once you got back to Scottsdale. “So if you need a financial advisor or if your agent isn’t doing a good enough job, call me,” you joked, causing Freddie to chuckle.
“I’ll keep that in mind,” he said, flashing you a smile.
You reached out to grab your beer but frowned once you remembered you had already finished it. You pouted slightly, which didn’t go unnoticed.
“Looks like you need another one of those,” Freddie’s voice said, as he pointed towards your now empty bottle and your lips curved upwards, “are you offering to buy me a drink?”
The man next to you smirked slightly, “and if I was?”
“Then I’d probably take you up on it,” you replied, sending him a quick wink before sliding off the bar stool and turning around, walking directly towards the busy bar. You heard Freddie’s chair scrape against the floor just seconds later as he trailed after you.
Approaching the bar, you leaned up against the cherry-oak stained structure and watched as the tall Danish goalie stepped up next to you, his eyes following your every movement. You suddenly were feeling much more confident in yourself.
It wasn’t like Freddie wasn’t attractive. His muscular figure showed no matter what he wore and you loved how tall he was. His ginger hair was perfectly styled, which you loved, and he held a sweet smile. Plus, he played hockey, meaning he was a total ten out of ten for you. You wished you had noticed him sooner, but it was better late than never.
You smiled as Freddie asked the bartender for two drinks and thanked him kindly once he passed you a new beer. Rather than returning to your spot near the bowling alley, the two of you ventured over to a more secluded area near the back of the bar area. Entering the booth, the two of you sat facing each other and fell back into conversation.
Two more beers later and you were having a great time. You were surprised how fast the Leafs goalie had opened up to you. You had only ever known Frederik Andersen as a shy, reserved individual. So when Freddie started joking around with you and began letting loose, his laughter felt like music to your ears.
You felt your cheeks flush every time you caught his eyes gazing into yours. You were beginning to feel butterflies, and they were the good ones. Who would’ve thought Auston’s goaltender of all people would be the first guy to click with you after your break-up? Definitely not you. Never in a million years.
Your current topic of conversation was suddenly interrupted by your phone going off, as it vibrated on the table. You were going to just ignore it until the familiar face of Auston appeared across the screen. You then realized the two of you had been gone away from the group for nearly two hours. You gave Freddie an apologetic look which he nodded to in understanding as he had also seen who was calling you.
“What’s up?” you questioned, as you answered the phone.
“Where’d you go?” Auston asked, sounding concerned.
“Uh, I’m in the bar,” you explained, turning your head to look over to the bowling area. You immediately met Mitch’s gaze, and he tapped Auston’s shoulder and pointed towards you. Finally spotting you, Auston’s lips suddenly turned upwards once he noticed you weren’t alone.
“Not a word,” you muttered coldly into the phone before you ended the call.
The pair of Leafs rookies made their way over towards the both of you and scooted into the booth. Auston sitting next to you, and Mitch sliding in next to Freddie.
“So, how’s it going?” Auston asked, looking back and forth between both you and Freddie. You discreetly kicked Auston under the table, silently telling him to bite his tongue. Mitch however, well, he was going to be Mitch.
“Mr. Andersen, what exactly are your intentions with Miss. Matthews? Just a friendly drink? A date? Perhaps someone to take home with you? Because from the way I saw you looking at her earlier, I’d definitely lean towards the latter,”
Your mouth dropped and Auston held back his laugh due to the look on Freddie’s face. His face went beat red, and you weren’t sure if it was due to anger or embarrassment.
“Mitchell!” you screeched, wanting to smack the younger boy upside the head.
“What?! I’m just making sure Freddie’s intentions are good natured. Due to the fact that you’re the resident older sister figure of the team, I’m just doing my duty,” Mitch proclaimed, like the little smart ass he was.
You turned to Auston and looked at him unimpressed. Getting the message, he sighed, before slipping out of the booth and gripping Mitch by the arm, leading him away from the table.
“Remember kids, use protection!” Mitch hollered towards the both of you as Auston pulled him away, causing strangers to turn towards you due to his words.
“Oh my god,” you whined, placing your head into your hands in embarrassment as your cheeks heated up exponentially .
You were about to open your mouth to apologize when Freddie beat you to it, “I am so sorry,” he said, shaking his head in disbelief at his younger teammate.
“You’re sorry? I’m sorry!” you exclaimed, looking towards him apologetically.
You’d never once had an inkling to murder Mitch Marner, that was until this very moment.
“Did you want to go see a movie or something? Get away from them?” Freddie asked, nodding towards the group of giggling girls, or rather, the Leaf rookies, who were no doubt talking about the two of you.
“Done,” you agreed, standing up and grabbing your phone, before walking side by side with Freddie, his hand on your lower back and out of the bar area.
Noticing your figures approaching, Zach grinned at you, causing the trio of Mitch, Connor, and Auston to turn towards you both.
As Mitch opened his mouth to speak, Freddie immediately placed his hand up, stopping the younger boy from talking.
“I’m taking her to a movie.”
Mitch wagged his eyebrows suggestively, while Connor and Zach looked at one another in slight surprise, and Auston raised his eyebrows.
“And,” Freddie spoke, “I better not find any of you following us,”
Mitch’s shoulders slumped at his words, causing the boys to laugh. Auston sent you supportive smile, and you gladly returned it.
Throughout the entire movie, your heartbeat never calmed. Feeling Freddie’s thigh up against yours and accidentally brushing hands every time you reached for the shared popcorn was enough to have you blushing like a young teenager again.
The best part of the night however, was when a bashful looking Frederik Andersen dropped you off at your younger brother’s apartment, and placed a gentle kiss on your cheek.
You fell asleep that night in total bliss. No thoughts of your ex washed through your mind. No tossing and turning. No tears.
Rather, you held a bright smile and stared at the new phone number that had been typed into your phone, and counted down the hours until you could talk to Freddie again.
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my name is mark anthony martinez and this is my day.
i vlogged today and i figured it’s kind of pointless to double down on this blog and actual youtube vlogs, so today’s blog will be a bit short considering that.
woke up. there’s a lot of iffiness around me so the first five minutes of being awake usually involves making sure i have a grasp of what iffiness i dreamed and what iffiness actually happened. like last night involved something on a boat. like i was on a cruise and like my bae kinda just decided to be with another guy, the guy was like a carbon copy of me but a lot more caucasian and thinner and less harsh features overall, the whole time and for some reason i didn't confront them until like the final dinner of the cruise and like i just remember getting into a fight and slipping off the boat and then waking up cause it turned into a falling thing where i’m scared cause i’m falling into the water. like what even is that dream. there’s definitely a lot of detail that i can't remember, but yeah i probably won't be going on any cruises soon. at least like the next week or two, ya’know? okay so anyways, confirmed my life is still iffy, but not anywhere near as iffy as if i lost a girl at sea and got into a fight that i obviously lost by falling into the ocean. i actually ate breakfast before getting into my routine of editing and uploading and transferring and whatnot, which is good i guess? (funny thing about the word whatnot, for a long-enough-to-be-memorable amount of time, my myspace name was Mark&Whatnot and people loved it, it was like the markyish before the markyish (let’s be real though, at this point Markyish is my entire brand and i could never shake it if i tried)). But yes i ate and got ready and stuff and then went into that stuff. Finished my complete write-up for “Red, Green, Or Inbetween” by WSTR (pronounced Waster, it took me forever to figure that out). It’s a solid record, but the vocals are so overproduced throughout that it legitimately annoys me at times. i think i’m giving it a 6, it could've been a lot worse, but it could’ve been a lot better. however, being the bands debut full length gives me hope that they can really shine in the future. look out for that review soon i promise. mnj got home and of course i asked him why he was home so soon. he fed my fish, that fish would be dead x10 without him. we ate and watched soccer again. that’s pretty standard. freiburg was playing bayern munich, they took the early lead, but couldn't hold off bayern’s attack and ended up losing 2-1, rip. we watched some youtube again, we don't watch a lot of the same youtubers since i’m super into vloggers and stuff nowadays, but we still both really enjoy watching the sidemen’s gaming videos so we usually watch those together. 
then omg okay i listened to potentially one of my favorite records of the year. as it is’ new release “okay.” is immaculate. like wow. they used to be that really annoying pop punk band that was way overproduced and the vocals were too whiney and they made everyone other than fangirls want to kill themselves. like they had one catchy tune, but i really did not like the rest of their music, but leave it to them to progress immensely and put out an amazing record. i’m talking potential 9 club people. it was catchy, it was poppy, it was diverse. they played around with lower tunings they’ve definitely never used. the lyricism was sick sick sick. there was hardly any songs that i was just like oh okay guy likes girl, girl doesn't like him, sad boy now. nah like there’s one about a grandparents death, and one about being a bad sibling, and ones about not being okay and that being okay, and the themes and lyricism are 100000x more than i was expecting from this band and really good for anyone’s standards. this record is legitimately quality, i promise. here’s a link to the youtube playlist. if you can't get past the vocals, darn, but really worth a listen. 
okay loved loved loved that record review coming asap as well, but it’s behind the wstr record in the line so it’ll have to wait a sec. i played fifa with logan and joey. we played pro clubs and are now at the cup final thanks to two penalty shootouts and a rage quit. literally a rollercoaster of a session. but then kyle came to my house and we went to go grab logan and came back and bags was here and hopped in his whip and we wentttttt. to a place to eat. the most un-mark place ever and i feel kinda gross supporting the business but kyle paid and it was a gift card so technically the damage had already been done. the food wasn’t that great. it’s overrated. probably never again. then we wenttttt to midway and played games (i don't think i rly need to hide this part). we spent way too much money. like you don't want to know. i was just trying to win another pokemon to be friends with pikachu but i couldnt get the markyish magic to come through in the ring toss (which is how i originally won the pikachu). I was sad. 
at this point i’ll probably just be sad forever.
then omg. (okay i need to stop acting like anyone other than me and potentially erin cranor here and there will ever read any of these). okay mark and potentially erin. WAIT before the omg part, we played hella arcade games. i beat logan in mario kart and bags beat him in boomerang air hockey and logan and kyle played this shooting game for like a yearrrrrr, they kept putting in coins to get more lives but they kept dyingggggg. but then, of course, we found our way to the basketball arcade thingies and leave it to us to become so ridiculously hooked on them and cause a scene. in our defense it was the best deal, it was only 50 cents and like every other game was a dollar plus, f that. i’m trynna ball up and get my money’s worth. okay but i went haaaaam. jk like they obvi didnt know, but i’ve always been sick at arcade basketball, i’m horrendous, disgustingly bad, cancerous even at normal basketball. but arcade basketball i’m literally lights out, it’s all in the wrist. *flicks wrist* “look at the flick of the wrist (the wrist)” but yeah i’m sick, don't ever challenge me. your grandchildren’s grandchildren will be paying off your debts. 
SPEAKING OF DEBTS HERES THE OMG PART. we’re walking the parking lot, logan pulls out a 20, slides it to bags, “put it on red” mind you this is already after spending way too much money on midway and arcade games. okay okay but then, apparently squads on the financial up, cause kyle slides in, hands bags another 20 and says to the guy, “put it on black.” OOOOOOOOOOOO WE COOKIN. BUT THEN MARK jk mark didn’t do shit, mark’s a little bitch #realtalk #fuckmarkcausehesstraightedge #eventhoughthathasnothingtodowithgambling we could talk for days about how lame mark is, but we won't. WHY cause logan has bigger balls than um those big balls that you can win in the giant cranes and midway games, those. idk how he fits them in his pants but he manages. anyways logan, hands bags another 20 he says he says he says “put it on black” ooooooooooooooo this dude logan is sooooooo feelin’ himself. Bags hasn't used his gambling ability yet so he has no idea what to do. he literally awkwardly stands at the roulette table, like right by the actual roulette thing. he does this for like 15 minutes until everyone clears out and the lady realizes he’s trying to play and kinda half helps him half thinks he’s an idiot. he then proceeds to play, we kinda chill over to the side cause technically me filming and us even being close is v much against any and all rules. he even gets a lil comfy and orders a drink when asked. legit, five minutes after he starts playing he walks over to us, lookin’ all doofy like he always does and just straight up “i lost all of it. i literally got it wrong every time” we, of course, die laughing. moral of the story is gambling is bad and if you do it you’ll probably be a disgrace to your entire lineage. jk just don't ever let bags gamble for you, instead try gambling against bags. 
we drove home singing much too loudly in the car. we made sure to drive by trump tower and play our country’s new national anthem, thank you yg for your beautiful efforts. other tracks played included freaks and geeks by childish gambino, baby blue by action bronson, and of course the wonderful bad and boujee by migos. (lol autocorrect really really really wanted that to be amigos). 
my b is bad and bougie.
do fun things. stay beautiful.
- mark anthony martinez
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