#one of the comments from technodad........ man
:( I miss technoblade
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dimittrikovbot · 2 years
Mr Technodad made a comment on u/jevalinka 's post!
Here are the contents of it:
This is an important question, and one asked in good faith by someone who is hurting. (And therefore not something that should be downvoted. Ahem.) I see you, Eurus, and I see your pain. I hope you will forgive but I'm not going to answer your question directly. Instead I'm going to tell you something else. You say: > I cant stop crying when someone mentions technoblade This is a sure sign that you grief has become stuck. Whether you are crying for your brother or for my son or both or some other reason, your mind has become focused on a single thing, and it is a thing that brings you grief, a thing that makes you cry. This is not how your life is supposed to be. This is not what Technoblade would have wanted for you, it is not what I want for you, and although you haven't said anything about them, it is almost certainly not what your family wants for you. You grief is stuck, like a car in a muddy road, spinning its tires. We have to get you moving again. You say: >I force myself to smile but all i can think about is his last moments There are two problems here. The first is that you force yourself to smile. This might be ok here or there but it that's what you're doing all the time then you're not being authentic. You're concealing your true feelings from the people around you, and this concealment creates separation and the separation **causes more suffering**. Instead you need to be more true to your feelings. You need to be authentic. Only an authentic and true person can truly connect with the people around them, and this connection is an important avenue towards getting you some help, and getting some joy back in your life. Tell your parents, "I am hurting all the time inside." Or whatever words are right for you. **Tell them about your pain**. Tell your school counselor or whoever, because you need to be talking to someone about it. If you release these feeling through words, your grief can start to move again, it can escape and leave room for happiness and joy and love. If you hide your pain behind a smile, it will stay with you and fester. You might need a grief counsellor, or you might need a therapist, or you might not. But whatever the right path for you is, it will absolutely involve **talking to others**. The second problem is that all you can think about is his last moments. These are painful memories, yes, and they really happened and it is perfectly appropriate to think about them **in proportion**. Know that even in the last week of his life there were moments that were beautiful and loving and connected with the members of his family. And the last week of his life was only one week out of over a thousand weeks of his life. If you are only ever thinking about his last moments, then you have abandoned all but a tiny sliver of his life, you have abandoned all the things that made us love him in the first place. **You must not do that** for your own health. Instead, you must consider all of his life. Remember that he was that blue eyed, golden haired tiny child in that picture I posted. He was the man who made Potato Wars. He was the student who got in trouble at school for playing tag and then the principal tried to drive a wedge between him and his dad that failed utterly. He was the guy who instantly knew what Skeppy typed on the two signs by listening to the keys being pressed. He was the man who took on Dream, Dream, who stood across the Minecraft world like a colossus, he took him on and won. He was the child who said "Baby fall down crash." He was all of these things and ten thousand more. And yes, he was also my beautiful precious boy who died much too young. Don't push **any** of these ideas away, or you will only be seeing a part. Note the subtle point here. I am not saying to suppress the sad memories, because those sad memories are true. Instead, I am saying, **also** think about the happy memories. These are challenging tasks you are now faced with. But I am confident you are up to succeeding. You are worthy not just of love, but of joy and happiness. And on the far side of this journey, you may come to discover that you understand how tragedy can be beautiful. Best of luck to you.
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