#2 dozen tumors in his lungs by the time they found it
:( I miss technoblade
19 notes · View notes
hellofastestnewsfan · 4 years
On March 15, 2019, legions of Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s admirers celebrated her 86th birthday by dropping to the ground and grinding out the Super Diva’s signature push-ups on the steps of courthouses around the country.
This unusual tribute to a Supreme Court justice was one of the many ways a new generation has shown the love to the five-foot tall legal giant who made the lives they live possible. But by Sept. 18, her iron will and gritty determination was no longer enough to propel her to court. Ginsburg died on Friday at the age of 87 of complications from metastatic pancreatic cancer, according to a statement released by the Supreme Court, per the Associated Press.
In the early ’70s—when Gloria Steinem was working underground as a Playboy Bunny to expose sexism, and Betty Friedan was writing a feminist manifesto about “the problem with no name”—Ginsburg named the problem, briefed it, and argued it before the Supreme Court of the United States.
She was 37 then, on the receiving end of so much of the discrimination she would work to end, and she was just undertaking her first job as a litigator—as co-director of the Women’s Rights Project of the American Civil Liberties Union. In her “very precise” way, as Justice Harry Blackmun put it, she studied title, chapter, clause, and footnote of the legal canon that kept women down and overturned those that discriminated on the basis of sex in five landmark cases that extended the 14th Amendment’s equal rights clause to women. In that long, hard slog, she employed some novel devices, using “gender” (so as not to distract male jurists with the word “sex”) and representing harmed male plaintiffs when she could find one (to show that discrimination hurts everyone). And she never raised her voice.
When she was done, a widower could get the same Social Security benefits as a woman and a woman could claim the same military housing allowance as a man. A woman could cut a man’s hair, buy a drink at the same age, administer an estate, and serve on a jury.
By the time she left the ACLU, and before she donned her first black robe, Ginsburg had brought about a small revolution in how women were treated, wiping close to 200 laws that discriminated off the books. Over the next decades, first as a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, appointed by President Jimmy Carter in 1980, and then as the second woman on the Supreme Court, appointed by President Bill Clinton in 1993, she would become to women what Thurgood Marshall was to African Americans. She employed the same clause in the 14th Amendment he used to free former slaves to extend protection to the mentally ill who wanted to live outside institutions, gays who wanted to marry, immigrants who lived in fear, and, of course, females: those who wanted to be cadets at the Virginia Military Institute, have access to abortion, and, when pregnant, not be fired if they couldn’t perform duties their condition made, temporarily, impossible.
Her fans’ courthouse celebration was also a plea for the bionic Ginsburg to carry on, at least until the 2020 election. There was high anxiety when she fell asleep at the State of the Union in 2015 (a case of enjoying a fine California wine brought by Justice Anthony Kennedy to the justices pre-speech dinner) and even more when she missed the court’s 2019 opening session in January, her first such absence in 26 years. She hadn’t fully recovered from surgery to remove three cancerous nodules from her lungs. But she took her seat as the senior justice next to Chief Justice John Roberts in mid-February, picking up her full caseload. That following summer, she went through radiation to treat a cancerous tumor on her pancreas, her fourth brush with cancer. In July 2020, she announced that cancer had returned yet again. Despite receiving chemotherapy for lesions on her liver, the 87-year-old reasserted that she was still “fully able” to continue serving on the Supreme Court.
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Collection of the Supreme Court of the United StatesAugust 2, 1935 Childhood photograph of Ruth Bader taken when she was two years old.
Baton-twirling bookworm
Joan Ruth Bader was born in 1933 in Brooklyn and came of age during the Holocaust, “a first-generation American on my father’s side, barely second-generation on my mother’s … What has become of me could happen only in America,” she said at her confirmation hearing.
True enough, but what would become of her was a long time coming. In an enthralling biography, Jane Sherron De Hart describes schoolgirl Ruth, who twirled a baton but was such a bookworm she tripped and broke her nose reading while walking. Her mother, who convinced her she could do anything, died just before Ruth, the class valedictorian, graduated and headed off to Cornell. There she met the tall, handsome Martin Ginsburg, and married him the minute she graduated Phi Beta Kappa—the first person, she said, who “loved me for my brain.” She’d been accepted to Harvard Law, where Marty was already enrolled. She calls “meeting Marty by far the most fortunate thing that ever happened to me.”
What happened next is proof of her maxim that “a woman can have it all, just not all at once.” Marty was called up to active duty, so instead of studying torts in Cambridge, Ginsburg found herself working as a claims examiner at the Social Security Administration in Fort Sill, Oklahoma—that is, until she was demoted with a pay cut for working while pregnant.
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Collection of the Supreme Court of the United StatesSummer 1958 Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Martin Ginsburg play with their three-year old daughter, Jane, in her bedroom at Martin’s parents’ home in Rockville Centre, N.Y
Life threw another wrench into the works when both were back at Harvard with a baby girl, and Marty was stricken with a rare testicular cancer. Ruth went to class for both of them, typing up his notes and papers as well as her own, getting along on even less sleep than your usual new mother, all while being scolded for taking up a man’s seat by Dean Erwin Grisold. When her husband graduated and was offered a prestigious job at a white shoe law firm in New York, she gave up her last year at Harvard to finish at Columbia.
Once again, she felt the sting of the discrimination. Despite being the first student ever to serve on both the Harvard and Columbia Law Reviews and graduating at the top of her class, she couldn’t get a job at a premier law firm or one of the Supreme Court clerkships that went so easily to male classmates who ranked below her. According to DeHart, Judge Felix Frankfurter fretted a woman clerk might wear pants to chambers. Without bitterness, she calls anger a useless emotion; she noted that in the ’50s, “to be a woman, a Jew and a mother to boot—that combination was a bit too much.”
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Librado Romero—The New York Times/Redux 1972 Ruth Bader Ginsburg in New York, when she was named a professor at Columbia Law School.
Battling discrimination
She didn’t get outwardly angry and only, after many years, got even. She took a lower court clerkship, researched civil procedure (and equality of the sexes in practice) in Sweden and wrote a book on the subject—in Swedish! She returned home to teach at the Newark campus of Rutgers Law, where she co-founded the Women’s Rights Law Reporter. Despite being a progressive school, discrimination struck again. She learned she didn’t earn the same as a male colleague because, the dean explained, “he has a wife and two children to support. You have a husband with a good paying job in New York.” No wonder then, when she found herself surprisingly (given her husband’s medical history) but happily pregnant again, she took no chances and hid it.
After the birth of her son, James, she became a tenured professor at Columbia, co-authored the first case book on discrimination law, a work in progress as she changed much of it while litigating for the ACLU, until in 1980 she joined the Court of Appeals.
Then, in 1993, President Bill Clinton was elected and he wanted a Cabinet, and by extension a Supreme Court, that looked like America. Ginsburg was on the list, but so were a dozen others and she wasn’t at the top.
Even Clinton’s deliberations weren’t without a peculiar form of discrimination as he worried, “the women are against her.” He was right. To the feminists of the ’90s—who might be ignored by the White House if it weren’t for Ginsburg’s decades of opening doors—she was yesterday. The judge methodically chipping away at bias, without burning a bra or tossing a high heel, looked plodding and uninspiring; her friendship with her colleague on the district court, Scalia, looked suspect.
Enter Marty. “I wasn’t very good at promotion, but Marty was,” she told the late Gwen Ifill, a PBS anchor. “He was tireless”—and beloved among lawyers, professors, and politicians. Women came around, reminded that she was a pioneer in their fight to overcome the patriarchy and a steadfast supporter of abortion rights, despite acknowledging in an interview that the country might be politically better off if the states had continued to legalize abortion rather than have Roe v. Wade as a singular target of its foes. Ginsburg was confirmed 96 to 3.
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Collection of the Supreme Court of the United States August 10, 1993 Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is sworn in as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. From left to right stand President Bill Clinton, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Martin Ginsburg, and Chief Justice William Rehnquist.
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David Hume Kennerly—Getty Images March 2001 The only two female Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court, Sandra Day O’Connor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg, pose for a portrait in Statuary Hall, surrounded by statues of men at the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. The two Justices were preparing to address a meeting of the Congressional Women’s Caucus.
The Great Dissenter
She didn’t disappoint. In one case after another, she asked the right questions (and usually the first one), cobbled together majorities and wrote elegantly reasoned opinions: striking down stricter requirements for abortion clinics designed to make the procedure extinct (Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt), and approving gay marriage (Obergefell v. Hodges), making the point during oral argument that if you can’t refuse a 70-year-old couple marriage because they can’t procreate, how could you use that excuse to deprive a gay one.
But it was her minority — not her majority — opinions that made her beloved to a new generation of women. As the court tilted right in 2006 after the retirement of Sandra Day O’Connor, Ginsburg started to read, not just file, her dissents to explain to the majority why they were wrong in hopes that “if the court has a blind spot today, its eyes will be open tomorrow.”
Here was a shy, understated incrementalist suddenly becoming the Great Dissenter. In Shelby County v. Holder, she said that relieving errant states of the close scrutiny of the Voting Rights Act was like “throwing away your umbrella in a rainstorm because you are not getting wet.” In Hobby Lobby, she was aghast that the court would deny costly contraception coverage to working women “because of someone else’s religious beliefs.” In the Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire & Rubber equal pay case, she asked how her brethren could penalize the plaintiff, who only got evidence of the disparity from an anonymous note, for missing a 180-day filing deadline given that salaries are kept secret. One person whose eyes were opened was Barack Obama. His first piece of legislation in 2009 was the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.
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Karsten Moran—ReduxA woman attending the New York City Women’s March wears a t-shirt ​featuring Supreme Court Justic​e Ruth Bader Ginsburg on Jan. 20, 2018.
Becoming the Notorious RBG
Ginsburg’s womansplaining caught the attention of New York University law student Shana Knizhnik, who uploaded Ginsburg’s dissents to Tumblr. Overnight, a younger generation of women, and their mothers and grandmothers, were reminded of what Ginsburg had done for them. Knizhnik joined with reporter Irin Carmon to write Notorious RBG: The Life and Times of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. The justice was soon a recurring character on Saturday Night Live, with a hyperkinetic Kate McKinnon issuing blistering “Ginsburns.” The justice’s 2016 memoir, My Own Words, was a New York Times bestseller. There were more books — adult, children’s and coloring. In 2018, Hollywood released a major motion picture, On the Basis of Sex, and the documentary RBG, which won an Emmy. Store shelves groan with merch: mugs (you Bader believe it), onesies (The Ruth will set you free), tote bags, bobblehead dolls, and action figures, one of the latest from her cameo in Lego Movie 2, produced by none other than Trump Administration Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin.
All this late-arriving fame rested uneasily on the shoulders of Ginsburg, who accepted it with dignity and took some pleasure at grandchildren’s shock that “so many people want to take my picture.” She kept a large supply of Notorious RBG T-shirts as a party favor for visitors.
At the heart of Hollywood’s treatment of Ginsburg wasn’t only the case Marty and his wife worked on together—an appeal of an IRS ruling—but a marriage of extraordinary compatibility and mutual support. After he recovered from cancer and had become a sought-after lawyer, he eagerly took on his share of domestic duties, which included feeding the children since, according to former Solicitor General Ted Olson, “Ruth wanted nothing whatsoever to do with the kitchen.” Marty was the fun parent (Ginsburg joked at her confirmation hearing that the children kept a log called “Mommy Laughed”) and a big-hearted host who happily roasted “Bambi,” Ruth’s name for whatever Scalia, her opera buddy, bagged on his last hunting trip. The pair were the subject of an actual comic opera, Scalia/Ginsburg, in which one scene depicts the over-emoting Scalia, locked in a dark room for excessive dissenting, and Ginsburg descending through a glass ceiling to rescue him.
A fellow justice said that neither Ginsburg would be who they were without the other. Marty once joked about being second banana: “As a general rule, my wife does not give me any advice about cooking and I do not give her any advice about the law. This seems to work quite well on both sides.” De Hart reprints the letter Marty put in a drawer in the bedside table as he was dying from a recurrence of his cancer. He was the “most fortunate” part of her life.
Marty lived to see his wife recognized beyond what the two imagined when they agreed to marry and be lawyers together, but died just before a slight she suffered for following him to New York was righted. In 2011, she was awarded an honorary degree from Harvard Law that Dean Griswold had denied her for taking her last credits at Columbia.
The longer she lived, the wider her reach and the deeper the appreciation for her years on the bench. At the opening concert of the National Symphony Orchestra in Sept. 2019, Kennedy Center chair David Rubinstein introduced the dignitaries in the audience. When he got to the justice, women rose to applaud her. Then, the men quickly joined in until everyone in the hall was standing, looking up at the balcony, cheering and whistling, as if they’d come to tell her that they knew what she had done for them, not to hear Shostakovich’s Piano Concerto #2.
This wasn’t an audience of liberals, but a cross-section of the capital touched by a once-young lawyer who saw unfairness and quietly tried to end it during her 60 years of public service.
Throughout the decades, Ginsburg quietly persisted—through discrimination she would seek to end, through the death of Marty, through more illness and debilitating treatments than any one person should have to endure—without complaint, holding on and out, until sheer will was no longer enough.
from TIME https://ift.tt/2RHBzbQ
0 notes
cutsliceddiced · 4 years
New top story from Time: Ruth Bader Ginsburg Has Died. She Leaves Behind a Vital Legacy for Women — and Men
On March 15, 2019, legions of Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s admirers celebrated her 86th birthday by dropping to the ground and grinding out the Super Diva’s signature push-ups on the steps of courthouses around the country.
This unusual tribute to a Supreme Court justice was one of the many ways a new generation has shown the love to the five-foot tall legal giant who made the lives they live possible. But by Sept. 18, her iron will and gritty determination was no longer enough to propel her to court. Ginsburg died on Friday at the age of 87 of complications from metastatic pancreatic cancer, according to a statement released by the Supreme Court, per the Associated Press.
In the early ’70s—when Gloria Steinem was working underground as a Playboy Bunny to expose sexism, and Betty Friedan was writing a feminist manifesto about “the problem with no name”—Ginsburg named the problem, briefed it, and argued it before the Supreme Court of the United States.
She was 37 then, on the receiving end of so much of the discrimination she would work to end, and she was just undertaking her first job as a litigator—as co-director of the Women’s Rights Project of the American Civil Liberties Union. In her “very precise” way, as Justice Harry Blackmun put it, she studied title, chapter, clause, and footnote of the legal canon that kept women down and overturned those that discriminated on the basis of sex in five landmark cases that extended the 14th Amendment’s equal rights clause to women. In that long, hard slog, she employed some novel devices, using “gender” (so as not to distract male jurists with the word “sex”) and representing harmed male plaintiffs when she could find one (to show that discrimination hurts everyone). And she never raised her voice.
When she was done, a widower could get the same Social Security benefits as a woman and a woman could claim the same military housing allowance as a man. A woman could cut a man’s hair, buy a drink at the same age, administer an estate, and serve on a jury.
By the time she left the ACLU, and before she donned her first black robe, Ginsburg had brought about a small revolution in how women were treated, wiping close to 200 laws that discriminated off the books. Over the next decades, first as a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, appointed by President Jimmy Carter in 1980, and then as the second woman on the Supreme Court, appointed by President Bill Clinton in 1993, she would become to women what Thurgood Marshall was to African Americans. She employed the same clause in the 14th Amendment he used to free former slaves to extend protection to the mentally ill who wanted to live outside institutions, gays who wanted to marry, immigrants who lived in fear, and, of course, females: those who wanted to be cadets at the Virginia Military Institute, have access to abortion, and, when pregnant, not be fired if they couldn’t perform duties their condition made, temporarily, impossible.
Her fans’ courthouse celebration was also a plea for the bionic Ginsburg to carry on, at least until the 2020 election. There was high anxiety when she fell asleep at the State of the Union in 2015 (a case of enjoying a fine California wine brought by Justice Anthony Kennedy to the justices pre-speech dinner) and even more when she missed the court’s 2019 opening session in January, her first such absence in 26 years. She hadn’t fully recovered from surgery to remove three cancerous nodules from her lungs. But she took her seat as the senior justice next to Chief Justice John Roberts in mid-February, picking up her full caseload. That following summer, she went through radiation to treat a cancerous tumor on her pancreas, her fourth brush with cancer. In July 2020, she announced that cancer had returned yet again. Despite receiving chemotherapy for lesions on her liver, the 87-year-old reasserted that she was still “fully able” to continue serving on the Supreme Court.
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Collection of the Supreme Court of the United StatesAugust 2, 1935 Childhood photograph of Ruth Bader taken when she was two years old.
Baton-twirling bookworm
Joan Ruth Bader was born in 1933 in Brooklyn and came of age during the Holocaust, “a first-generation American on my father’s side, barely second-generation on my mother’s … What has become of me could happen only in America,” she said at her confirmation hearing.
True enough, but what would become of her was a long time coming. In an enthralling biography, Jane Sherron De Hart describes schoolgirl Ruth, who twirled a baton but was such a bookworm she tripped and broke her nose reading while walking. Her mother, who convinced her she could do anything, died just before Ruth, the class valedictorian, graduated and headed off to Cornell. There she met the tall, handsome Martin Ginsburg, and married him the minute she graduated Phi Beta Kappa—the first person, she said, who “loved me for my brain.” She’d been accepted to Harvard Law, where Marty was already enrolled. She calls “meeting Marty by far the most fortunate thing that ever happened to me.”
What happened next is proof of her maxim that “a woman can have it all, just not all at once.” Marty was called up to active duty, so instead of studying torts in Cambridge, Ginsburg found herself working as a claims examiner at the Social Security Administration in Fort Sill, Oklahoma—that is, until she was demoted with a pay cut for working while pregnant.
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Collection of the Supreme Court of the United StatesSummer 1958 Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Martin Ginsburg play with their three-year old daughter, Jane, in her bedroom at Martin’s parents’ home in Rockville Centre, N.Y
Life threw another wrench into the works when both were back at Harvard with a baby girl, and Marty was stricken with a rare testicular cancer. Ruth went to class for both of them, typing up his notes and papers as well as her own, getting along on even less sleep than your usual new mother, all while being scolded for taking up a man’s seat by Dean Erwin Grisold. When her husband graduated and was offered a prestigious job at a white shoe law firm in New York, she gave up her last year at Harvard to finish at Columbia.
Once again, she felt the sting of the discrimination. Despite being the first student ever to serve on both the Harvard and Columbia Law Reviews and graduating at the top of her class, she couldn’t get a job at a premier law firm or one of the Supreme Court clerkships that went so easily to male classmates who ranked below her. According to DeHart, Judge Felix Frankfurter fretted a woman clerk might wear pants to chambers. Without bitterness, she calls anger a useless emotion; she noted that in the ’50s, “to be a woman, a Jew and a mother to boot—that combination was a bit too much.”
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Librado Romero—The New York Times/Redux 1972 Ruth Bader Ginsburg in New York, when she was named a professor at Columbia Law School.
Battling discrimination
She didn’t get outwardly angry and only, after many years, got even. She took a lower court clerkship, researched civil procedure (and equality of the sexes in practice) in Sweden and wrote a book on the subject—in Swedish! She returned home to teach at the Newark campus of Rutgers Law, where she co-founded the Women’s Rights Law Reporter. Despite being a progressive school, discrimination struck again. She learned she didn’t earn the same as a male colleague because, the dean explained, “he has a wife and two children to support. You have a husband with a good paying job in New York.” No wonder then, when she found herself surprisingly (given her husband’s medical history) but happily pregnant again, she took no chances and hid it.
After the birth of her son, James, she became a tenured professor at Columbia, co-authored the first case book on discrimination law, a work in progress as she changed much of it while litigating for the ACLU, until in 1980 she joined the Court of Appeals.
Then, in 1993, President Bill Clinton was elected and he wanted a Cabinet, and by extension a Supreme Court, that looked like America. Ginsburg was on the list, but so were a dozen others and she wasn’t at the top.
Even Clinton’s deliberations weren’t without a peculiar form of discrimination as he worried, “the women are against her.” He was right. To the feminists of the ’90s—who might be ignored by the White House if it weren’t for Ginsburg’s decades of opening doors—she was yesterday. The judge methodically chipping away at bias, without burning a bra or tossing a high heel, looked plodding and uninspiring; her friendship with her colleague on the district court, Scalia, looked suspect.
Enter Marty. “I wasn’t very good at promotion, but Marty was,” she told the late Gwen Ifill, a PBS anchor. “He was tireless”—and beloved among lawyers, professors, and politicians. Women came around, reminded that she was a pioneer in their fight to overcome the patriarchy and a steadfast supporter of abortion rights, despite acknowledging in an interview that the country might be politically better off if the states had continued to legalize abortion rather than have Roe v. Wade as a singular target of its foes. Ginsburg was confirmed 96 to 3.
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Collection of the Supreme Court of the United States August 10, 1993 Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is sworn in as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. From left to right stand President Bill Clinton, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Martin Ginsburg, and Chief Justice William Rehnquist.
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David Hume Kennerly—Getty Images March 2001 The only two female Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court, Sandra Day O’Connor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg, pose for a portrait in Statuary Hall, surrounded by statues of men at the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. The two Justices were preparing to address a meeting of the Congressional Women’s Caucus.
The Great Dissenter
She didn’t disappoint. In one case after another, she asked the right questions (and usually the first one), cobbled together majorities and wrote elegantly reasoned opinions: striking down stricter requirements for abortion clinics designed to make the procedure extinct (Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt), and approving gay marriage (Obergefell v. Hodges), making the point during oral argument that if you can’t refuse a 70-year-old couple marriage because they can’t procreate, how could you use that excuse to deprive a gay one.
But it was her minority — not her majority — opinions that made her beloved to a new generation of women. As the court tilted right in 2006 after the retirement of Sandra Day O’Connor, Ginsburg started to read, not just file, her dissents to explain to the majority why they were wrong in hopes that “if the court has a blind spot today, its eyes will be open tomorrow.”
Here was a shy, understated incrementalist suddenly becoming the Great Dissenter. In Shelby County v. Holder, she said that relieving errant states of the close scrutiny of the Voting Rights Act was like “throwing away your umbrella in a rainstorm because you are not getting wet.” In Hobby Lobby, she was aghast that the court would deny costly contraception coverage to working women “because of someone else’s religious beliefs.” In the Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire & Rubber equal pay case, she asked how her brethren could penalize the plaintiff, who only got evidence of the disparity from an anonymous note, for missing a 180-day filing deadline given that salaries are kept secret. One person whose eyes were opened was Barack Obama. His first piece of legislation in 2009 was the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.
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Karsten Moran—ReduxA woman attending the New York City Women’s March wears a t-shirt ​featuring Supreme Court Justic​e Ruth Bader Ginsburg on Jan. 20, 2018.
Becoming the Notorious RBG
Ginsburg’s womansplaining caught the attention of New York University law student Shana Knizhnik, who uploaded Ginsburg’s dissents to Tumblr. Overnight, a younger generation of women, and their mothers and grandmothers, were reminded of what Ginsburg had done for them. Knizhnik joined with reporter Irin Carmon to write Notorious RBG: The Life and Times of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. The justice was soon a recurring character on Saturday Night Live, with a hyperkinetic Kate McKinnon issuing blistering “Ginsburns.” The justice’s 2016 memoir, My Own Words, was a New York Times bestseller. There were more books — adult, children’s and coloring. In 2018, Hollywood released a major motion picture, On the Basis of Sex, and the documentary RBG, which won an Emmy. Store shelves groan with merch: mugs (you Bader believe it), onesies (The Ruth will set you free), tote bags, bobblehead dolls, and action figures, one of the latest from her cameo in Lego Movie 2, produced by none other than Trump Administration Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin.
All this late-arriving fame rested uneasily on the shoulders of Ginsburg, who accepted it with dignity and took some pleasure at grandchildren’s shock that “so many people want to take my picture.” She kept a large supply of Notorious RBG T-shirts as a party favor for visitors.
At the heart of Hollywood’s treatment of Ginsburg wasn’t only the case Marty and his wife worked on together—an appeal of an IRS ruling—but a marriage of extraordinary compatibility and mutual support. After he recovered from cancer and had become a sought-after lawyer, he eagerly took on his share of domestic duties, which included feeding the children since, according to former Solicitor General Ted Olson, “Ruth wanted nothing whatsoever to do with the kitchen.” Marty was the fun parent (Ginsburg joked at her confirmation hearing that the children kept a log called “Mommy Laughed”) and a big-hearted host who happily roasted “Bambi,” Ruth’s name for whatever Scalia, her opera buddy, bagged on his last hunting trip. The pair were the subject of an actual comic opera, Scalia/Ginsburg, in which one scene depicts the over-emoting Scalia, locked in a dark room for excessive dissenting, and Ginsburg descending through a glass ceiling to rescue him.
A fellow justice said that neither Ginsburg would be who they were without the other. Marty once joked about being second banana: “As a general rule, my wife does not give me any advice about cooking and I do not give her any advice about the law. This seems to work quite well on both sides.” De Hart reprints the letter Marty put in a drawer in the bedside table as he was dying from a recurrence of his cancer. He was the “most fortunate” part of her life.
Marty lived to see his wife recognized beyond what the two imagined when they agreed to marry and be lawyers together, but died just before a slight she suffered for following him to New York was righted. In 2011, she was awarded an honorary degree from Harvard Law that Dean Griswold had denied her for taking her last credits at Columbia.
The longer she lived, the wider her reach and the deeper the appreciation for her years on the bench. At the opening concert of the National Symphony Orchestra in Sept. 2019, Kennedy Center chair David Rubinstein introduced the dignitaries in the audience. When he got to the justice, women rose to applaud her. Then, the men quickly joined in until everyone in the hall was standing, looking up at the balcony, cheering and whistling, as if they’d come to tell her that they knew what she had done for them, not to hear Shostakovich’s Piano Concerto #2.
This wasn’t an audience of liberals, but a cross-section of the capital touched by a once-young lawyer who saw unfairness and quietly tried to end it during her 60 years of public service.
Throughout the decades, Ginsburg quietly persisted—through discrimination she would seek to end, through the death of Marty, through more illness and debilitating treatments than any one person should have to endure—without complaint, holding on and out, until sheer will was no longer enough.
via https://cutslicedanddiced.wordpress.com/2018/01/24/how-to-prevent-food-from-going-to-waste
0 notes
bigyack-com · 5 years
A Timeline of the Coronavirus
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The coronavirus, which surfaced in a Chinese seafood and poultry market late last year, has spread to 24 countries, killing more than 1,000 and sickening tens of thousands of people in a matter of weeks. The World Health Organization has declared the situation a global health emergency. Here’s a timeline of what we know so far about the outbreak. Dec. 31
Chinese authorities were treating dozens of cases of pneumonia of unknown cause.
On Dec. 31, the government in Wuhan, China, confirmed that health authorities were treating dozens of cases. Days later, researchers in China identified a new virus behind an illness that had infected dozens of people in Asia. At the time, there was no evidence that the virus was readily spread by humans. Health officials in China were monitoring it to ensure that the outbreak would not develop into something more severe. Jan. 11
China reported its first death.
On Jan. 11, Chinese state media reported the first known death from the disease caused by the virus, which had infected dozens of people in China. The 61-year-old man who died was a regular customer at the market in Wuhan, where the illness is thought to have originated, and he had previously been found to have abdominal tumors and chronic liver disease. The report of his death came just before one of China’s biggest holidays, when hundreds of millions of people travel across the country. Jan. 20
Other countries, including the United States, confirmed cases.
The first confirmed cases of the coronavirus outside mainland China occurred in Japan, South Korea and Thailand, according to the World Health Organization’s first situation report published on Jan. 20. The first confirmed case in the United States came the next day in Washington State, where a man in his 30s developed symptoms after returning from a trip to Wuhan. After Chinese officials urged people not to travel to or from Wuhan, severe travel restrictions were put in place. On Jan. 23, the authorities closed off Wuhan by canceling planes and trains leaving the city, and suspending buses, subways and ferries within it. At this point, at least 17 people had died and more than 570 others had been infected, including in Taiwan, Japan, Thailand, South Korea and the United States. Jan. 30
The World Health Organization declared a global health emergency.
Amid thousands of new cases in China, a “public health emergency of international concern” was officially declared on Jan. 30 by the World Health Organization. The country’s Foreign Ministry spokeswoman said that China would continue to work with the W.H.O. and other countries to protect public health, and the U.S. State Department warned travelers to avoid China. Updated Feb. 10, 2020 What is a Coronavirus? It is a novel virus named for the crown-like spikes that protrude from its surface. The coronavirus can infect both animals and people, and can cause a range of respiratory illnesses from the common cold to more dangerous conditions like Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, or SARS. How contagious is the virus? According to preliminary research, it seems moderately infectious, similar to SARS, and is possibly transmitted through the air. Scientists have estimated that each infected person could spread it to somewhere between 1.5 and 3.5 people without effective containment measures. How worried should I be? While the virus is a serious public health concern, the risk to most people outside China remains very low, and seasonal flu is a more immediate threat. Who is working to contain the virus? World Health Organization officials have praised China’s aggressive response to the virus by closing transportation, schools and markets. This week, a team of experts from the W.H.O. arrived in Beijing to offer assistance. What if I’m traveling? The United States and Australia are temporarily denying entry to noncitizens who recently traveled to China and several airlines have canceled flights. How do I keep myself and others safe? Washing your hands frequently is the most important thing you can do, along with staying at home when you’re sick. Jan. 31
Airlines suspended service to China, while the Trump administration restricted entry into the U.S.
On Jan. 31, Delta Air Lines, American Airlines and United Airlines said they would suspend service, for at least two months, between the United States and mainland China. The Trump administration said it would suspend entry into the United States by any foreign nationals who had traveled to China in the last 14 days, excluding the immediate family members of American citizens or permanent residents. By this date, 213 people had died and nearly 9,800 had been infected worldwide. Feb. 2
The first coronavirus death was reported outside China.
A 44-year-old man in the Philippines died after being infected by the coronavirus, officials said on Feb. 2. The man’s death was the first reported outside China. By this point, the number of deaths had risen to more than 360. Feb. 5
Hundreds, mostly Americans, were evacuated from Hubei Province.
About 350 people, mostly Americans, who were evacuated from Hubei Province in China, arrived in California on Feb. 5. The group would be held at Travis Air Force Base in Fairfield, Calif., and at Marine Corps Air Station Miramar in San Diego for 14 days, which is the maximum time it takes a person to become sick after being exposed to the coronavirus. By Feb. 13, the number of coronavirus cases in the United States had risen to 15 in seven states. Feb. 5
A cruise ship in Japan quarantined thousands.
On Feb. 5, after a two-week trip to Southeast Asia, more than 3,600 passengers began their 14-day quarantine aboard the Diamond Princess cruise ship in Yokohama, Japan. Officials began screening passengers, and the number of people who tested positive became the largest number of coronavirus cases outside of China. By Feb. 13, the number stood at 218. Feb. 7
A Chinese doctor, who tried to warn others, died from the coronavirus.
When Dr. Li Wenliang, a Chinese doctor, died on Feb. 7 after contracting the coronavirus, he was hailed as a hero by many for his attempt to ring early alarms that a cluster of infections could spin out of control. In early January, the authorities tried to silence him when he was called in by both medical officials and the police, and he was forced to sign a statement denouncing his warning as an unfounded and illegal rumor. Dr. Li’s death provoked anger and frustration at how the Chinese government mishandled the situation by not sharing information earlier and by silencing whistle-blowers. Feb. 10
The death toll in China surpassed the number SARS killed worldwide.
On Feb. 10, the death toll in China rose to 908, surpassing the global number of dead from the SARS epidemic in 2002-3, which killed 774. At this point, the number of confirmed cases of infection in the country had risen to 40,171. Feb. 11
The death toll in China topped 1,000.
Chinese officials said the death toll had reached 1,016 while the number of infections had grown to 42,638 on Feb. 11. A U.S. citizen died in Wuhan, officials said on Feb. 8; it was the first known American death. Feb. 13
The Communist Party fired top officials of Hubei Province and Wuhan.
China’s ruling Community Party ousted Jiang Chaoliang, the party secretary of Hubei Province, and Ma Guoqiang, the top official in Wuhan, on Feb. 13 amid widespread public outrage over the handling of the outbreak. Feb. 13
There were more than 14,000 new cases in Hubei Province.
Officials on Feb. 13 added more than 14,840 new cases to the total number of infected in Hubei Province. That set a daily record, coming after officials in Hubei seemed to be including infections diagnosed by using lung scans of symptomatic patients. Read the full article
0 notes
charlotteswebcbd · 7 years
"Oil Pulling" – The Alternative Medcine Therapy That Cures Many Diseases 4 Virtually Free – Thank Go
As a disabled victim of MS, I have tried just about everything to reverse the debilitating symptoms of MS (Multiple Sclerosis):
From Avonix, an "Injectable" ~ self administered ~ prescription drug, that is pushed by "Traditional" neurologist's, to "Cortisone Therapy", another of the "Traditional Medicine Man's" approaches ~ have each been disappointing..
"Non-Traditional" and "Alternative Medicine" have allowed me to countless options ~ that I have faithfully pursued ~ over the last six years. Each has given me some "Hope", and an understanding of what has not worked for me.
I have used LDN (Low Dose Naltrexion), BVT (Bee venom Therapy), CS (Colliodial Silver) and God only knows how many dozens of vitamins, herbs, and supplements.
Each was said to have helped other MSers. Yet, while my body likely benefited ~ to some degree ~ its disability continued to worsen. At last, I was non-ambulitory, and totally "Incontinent."
God Healed me "Instantaneously" of Incontinence", but has been using other "Non-Traditional and Alternative Medicine" methods to effect the completion of the "Cure" ~ that My Lord "Jesus" ~ paid for ~ by "HIS Stripes".
Isaiah 53:5 But He [was] wounded for our transgressions, [He was] bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace [was] upon Him, And by His stripes we are healed. 1 Peter 2:24 who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness -- by whose stripes you were healed.
A couple of weeks ago, an "MSer" ~ that I have interacted with for several years ~ forwarded me a message from a post into one of many yahoo support groups to which I belong.
On 4/24/07, a friend of mine ~ with Multiple Sclerosis ~ wrote:
Subject: [mscured] Oil Pulling
My mother in law sent me this info from http://OilPulling.com.
Have any of you ever tried oil pulling and if so, did you notice any benefits?
Dr. (med.) Karach said the OP heals totally "head-aches, bronchitis, tooth pain, thrombosis, eczema, ulcers and diseases of stomach, intestines, heart, blood, kidney, liver, lungs and women's diseases. It heals diseases of nerves, paralysis, and encephalitis. It prevents the growth of malignant tumors, cuts and heals them. Chronic sleeplessness is cured." Send your questions and concerns to
Back Ground
Dr. F. Karach, M.D., presented a paper before the All-Ukrainian Association. The meeting was attended by oncologists and bacteriologists belonging to the Academy of Science of the USSR. Dr. Karach explained an unusual simple healing process using cold-pressed oils.
The results of this therapy invoked astonishment and doubt concerning the contents of his report. However, after further examining the workings of the oil therapy, one has but to then test it on oneself to prove its validity and effectiveness. It is most astonishing that such results can be achieved with this absolutely harmless biological healing method.
This simple method makes it possible to effectively treat the most varied diseases, in some cases enabling one to avoid surgical intervention and the taking of medications that can have harmful side effects.The exciting factor of this healing method is its simplicity.
It consists of swishing cold-pressed oil in the mouth( Sunflower or Seasme, Pl. note you don't need to go for organic oils only, A normal refined sunflower oil bought from any supermarket proven to be effective in many people). The healing process is accomplished by the human organism on its own.
In this way it is possible to heal cells, tissue and all organs simultaneously; the body itself gets rid of toxic waste without disturbing the healthy microflora. Dr. Karach says human beings are living only half their life span. They could potentially live healthy to be 140 to 150 years old.
The method
In the morning before breakfast on an empty stomach you take one tablespoon in the mouth but do not swallow it. Move Oil Slowly in the mouth as rinsing or swishing and Dr Karach puts it as ' sip, suck and pull through the teeth' for fifteen to twenty minutes. This process makes oil thoroughly mixed with saliva. Swishing activates the enzymes and the enzymes draw toxins out of the blood.
The oil must not be swallowed, for it has become toxic.
As the process continues, the oil gets thinner and white. If the oil is still yellow, it has not been pulled long enough. It is then spit from the mouth , the oral cavity must be thoroughly rinsed and mouth must be washed thoroughly. Just use normal tap water and good old fingers to clean.
Clean the sink properly, you can use some antibacterial soap to clean the sink. Because the spittle contains harmful bacteria and toxic bodily waste. If one were to see one drop of this liquid magnified 600 times under a microscope, one would see microbes in their first stage of development.
It is important to understand that during the oil-pulling/swishing process one's metabolism is intensified. This leads to improved health.
One of the most striking results of this process is the fastening of loose teeth, the elimination of bleeding gums and the visible whitening of the teeth. The oil pulling /swishing is done best before breakfast. To accelerate the healing process, it can be repeated three times a day, but always before meals on an empty stomach.
(a) Do not swallow. The oil should be spat out. But inadvertently if you swallow there is nothing to worry. It will go out through feces. Nothing is to be done.
(b) If you are allergic to a particular brand of oil, change the brand of oil or oil itself to different oil.
(c) Sunflower and Sesame oil have been found to be equally effective in curing diseases. Other oils were not found to be as good. Do not blame oil pulling by practicing with other oils. Use refined oils.
Results of Oil Pulling
The result of this healing research has attracted amazement and resulted in further research. This additional research concerning Oil Therapy has now been thoroughly documented, especially with regard to physiological similarities between individuals.
It is surprising that through this biological healing method a wide variety of symptoms have unquestionably disappeared without any side-effects. This simple method makes it possible completely heal such a wide variety of diseases which would normally be treated by an operation or by powerful or potent Drugs, usually with significant side-effects.
The simplicity of this healing system in which Oil is swirled backwards and forwards in the mouth, is due to the stimulating effect which it has on the body's eliminatory system.
Through this method it is possible to heal individual cells, cell conglomerates such as lymph nodes and more complex tissues such as internal organs simultaneously. This occurs because the beneficial microflora throughout the body are provided with a healthy continuum.
Without this natural bodily intrusive element evinced by the microflora the usual pattern of human health tends to lean towards illness rather than wellness.
Dr. Karach anticipates that regular application of this treatment by reversing this process so that wellness is the dominant state of the human body is likely to increase the average human lifespan to approximately 150 years, double the present life expectancy.
Dr. Karach is supported in this view by other colleagues in the world.
By means of this treatment {Oil } it is invariably the result that diseases like migraine headaches, bronchitis, diseased teeth, arterio thrombosis, chronic blood disorders such as leukemia, arthritis and related illnesses, neuro physiological paralysis, eczema, gastro enteritis, peritonitis, heart disease, kidney disease, meningitis, and women's hormonal disorders are completely eliminated from the organism.
The benefit of Dr. Karach's method is that the oil therapy heals the whole body in perpetuity. In terminal diseases such as cancer, Aids and chronic infections this treatment method has been shown to successfully replace all others.
Dr. Karach has successfully healed a chronic leukemia patient with 15 years of harsh treatment methods behind him. Acute arthritis in 1 patient who was totally bedridden was removed from his body in 3 days with no inflammation apparent.
* NOTE: The recommended oils to use are Sunflower Oil, Seasme Oil. We are receiving many emails about which oil to use.
Our experience with thousands of people across the globe says USE COLD PRESSED OIL as first choice, if it is not available use REFINED OIL (which seems to be effective in the process too). We have observed that any oil other than SUNFLOWER or SEASME may not be effective.
Since that day ~ I have practiced "Oil Pulling" ~ at least ~ twice each day.
I Am seeing my disabilities and symptoms of MS (Multiple Sclerosis) disappear.
And ~ yes ~ I Am also continuing to use my "THE FEAST" supplement ~ using LIFEWAVE Pain Patches ~ and taking an antioxidant that is not yet available via my website:
In the near future ~ I hope to be able o offer Free samples of this triple antioxidant ~ MLM Affiliate Program ~ As I do the other health products that I have found have helped me.
This is but the 1st article ~ on this "Oil Pulling" subject ~ that I have written. I promise that there will be more forthcoming ~ as I see more results..
I will conclude this article by using what I wrote to my MS (Multiple Sclerosis) affected ~ Earth Angel ~ friend:
I'll Begin "Pulling My Weight" In Oil ~ Right Away :)))
Please let me know how it works on Your MS ~ for you :))
LuV Ya :)
Rascal :))
[ad_2] Source by Russ Miles
Post Source Here: "Oil Pulling" – The Alternative Medcine Therapy That Cures Many Diseases 4 Virtually Free – Thank Go
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mastcomm · 5 years
A Timeline of the Coronavirus
The coronavirus, which surfaced in a Chinese seafood and poultry market late last year, has spread to 24 countries, killing more than 1,000 and sickening tens of thousands of people in a matter of weeks. The World Health Organization has declared the situation a global health emergency.
Here’s a timeline of what we know so far about the outbreak.
Dec. 31
Chinese authorities were treating dozens of cases of pneumonia of unknown cause.
On Dec. 31, the government in Wuhan, China, confirmed that health authorities were treating dozens of cases. Days later, researchers in China identified a new virus behind an illness that had infected dozens of people in Asia. At the time, there was no evidence that the virus was readily spread by humans. Health officials in China were monitoring it to ensure that the outbreak would not develop into something more severe.
Jan. 11
China reported its first death.
On Jan. 11, Chinese state media reported the first known death from the disease caused by the virus, which had infected dozens of people in China. The 61-year-old man who died was a regular customer at the market in Wuhan, where the illness is thought to have originated, and he had previously been found to have abdominal tumors and chronic liver disease. The report of his death came just before one of China’s biggest holidays, when hundreds of millions of people travel across the country.
Jan. 20
Other countries, including the United States, confirmed cases.
The first confirmed cases of the coronavirus outside mainland China occurred in Japan, South Korea and Thailand, according to the World Health Organization’s first situation report published on Jan. 20. The first confirmed case in the United States came the next day in Washington State, where a man in his 30s developed symptoms after returning from a trip to Wuhan.
After Chinese officials urged people not to travel to or from Wuhan, severe travel restrictions were put in place. On Jan. 23, the authorities closed off Wuhan by canceling planes and trains leaving the city, and suspending buses, subways and ferries within it. At this point, at least 17 people had died and more than 570 others had been infected, including in Taiwan, Japan, Thailand, South Korea and the United States.
Jan. 30
The World Health Organization declared a global health emergency.
Amid thousands of new cases in China, a “public health emergency of international concern” was officially declared on Jan. 30 by the World Health Organization. The country’s Foreign Ministry spokeswoman said that China would continue to work with the W.H.O. and other countries to protect public health, and the U.S. State Department warned travelers to avoid China.
Updated Feb. 10, 2020
What is a Coronavirus? It is a novel virus named for the crown-like spikes that protrude from its surface. The coronavirus can infect both animals and people, and can cause a range of respiratory illnesses from the common cold to more dangerous conditions like Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, or SARS.
How contagious is the virus? According to preliminary research, it seems moderately infectious, similar to SARS, and is possibly transmitted through the air. Scientists have estimated that each infected person could spread it to somewhere between 1.5 and 3.5 people without effective containment measures.
How worried should I be? While the virus is a serious public health concern, the risk to most people outside China remains very low, and seasonal flu is a more immediate threat.
Who is working to contain the virus? World Health Organization officials have praised China’s aggressive response to the virus by closing transportation, schools and markets. This week, a team of experts from the W.H.O. arrived in Beijing to offer assistance.
What if I’m traveling? The United States and Australia are temporarily denying entry to noncitizens who recently traveled to China and several airlines have canceled flights.
How do I keep myself and others safe? Washing your hands frequently is the most important thing you can do, along with staying at home when you’re sick.
Jan. 31
Airlines suspended service to China, while the Trump administration restricted entry into the U.S.
On Jan. 31, Delta Air Lines, American Airlines and United Airlines said they would suspend service, for at least two months, between the United States and mainland China. The Trump administration said it would suspend entry into the United States by any foreign nationals who had traveled to China in the last 14 days, excluding the immediate family members of American citizens or permanent residents. By this date, 213 people had died and nearly 9,800 had been infected worldwide.
Feb. 2
The first coronavirus death was reported outside China.
A 44-year-old man in the Philippines died after being infected by the coronavirus, officials said on Feb. 2. The man’s death was the first reported outside China. By this point, the number of deaths had risen to more than 360.
Feb. 5
Hundreds, mostly Americans, were evacuated from Hubei Province.
About 350 people, mostly Americans, who were evacuated from Hubei Province in China, arrived in California on Feb. 5. The group would be held at Travis Air Force Base in Fairfield, Calif., and at Marine Corps Air Station Miramar in San Diego for 14 days, which is the maximum time it takes a person to become sick after being exposed to the coronavirus. By Feb. 13, the number of coronavirus cases in the United States had risen to 15 in seven states.
Feb. 5
A cruise ship in Japan quarantined thousands.
On Feb. 5, after a two-week trip to Southeast Asia, more than 3,600 passengers began their 14-day quarantine aboard the Diamond Princess cruise ship in Yokohama, Japan. Officials began screening passengers, and the number of people who tested positive became the largest number of coronavirus cases outside of China. By Feb. 13, the number stood at 218.
Feb. 7
A Chinese doctor, who tried to warn others, died from the coronavirus.
When Dr. Li Wenliang, a Chinese doctor, died on Feb. 7 after contracting the coronavirus, he was hailed as a hero by many for his attempt to ring early alarms that a cluster of infections could spin out of control.
In early January, the authorities tried to silence him when he was called in by both medical officials and the police, and he was forced to sign a statement denouncing his warning as an unfounded and illegal rumor. Dr. Li’s death provoked anger and frustration at how the Chinese government mishandled the situation by not sharing information earlier and by silencing whistle-blowers.
Feb. 10
The death toll in China surpassed the number SARS killed worldwide.
On Feb. 10, the death toll in China rose to 908, surpassing the global number of dead from the SARS epidemic in 2002-3, which killed 774. At this point, the number of confirmed cases of infection in the country had risen to 40,171.
Feb. 11
The death toll in China topped 1,000.
Chinese officials said the death toll had reached 1,016 while the number of infections had grown to 42,638 on Feb. 11. A U.S. citizen died in Wuhan, officials said on Feb. 8; it was the first known American death.
Feb. 13
The Communist Party fired top officials of Hubei Province and Wuhan.
China’s ruling Community Party ousted Jiang Chaoliang, the party secretary of Hubei Province, and Ma Guoqiang, the top official in Wuhan, on Feb. 13 amid widespread public outrage over the handling of the outbreak.
Feb. 13
There were more than 14,000 new cases in Hubei Province.
Officials on Feb. 13 added more than 14,840 new cases to the total number of infected in Hubei Province. That set a daily record, coming after officials in Hubei seemed to be including infections diagnosed by using lung scans of symptomatic patients.
from WordPress https://mastcomm.com/a-timeline-of-the-coronavirus/
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itsfinancethings · 5 years
October 25, 2019 at 08:00AM
Pocket-size ultrasound devices that cost 50 times less than the machines in hospitals (and connect to your phone). Virtual reality that speeds healing in rehab. Artificial intelligence that’s better than medical experts at spotting lung tumors. These are just some of the innovations now transforming medicine at a remarkable pace.
No one can predict the future, but it can at least be glimpsed in the dozen inventions and concepts below. Like the people behind them, they stand at the vanguard of health care. Neither exhaustive nor exclusive, the list is, rather, representative of the recasting of public health and medical science likely to come in the 2020s.
David Abney: Drone-delivered medical supplies
Since March, UPS has been conducting a trial program called Flight Forward, using autonomous drone deliveries of critical medical samples including blood or tissue between two branches of a hospital in Raleigh, N.C., located 150 yards apart. A fleet-footed runner could cover the distance almost as fast as the drones, but as a proof-of-concept program, it succeeded, and in October the FAA granted the company approval to expand to 20 hospitals around the U.S. over the next two years. “We expect UPS Flight Forward to one day be a very significant part of our company,” says UPS CEO David Abney of the service, which will deliver urine, blood and tissue samples, and medical essentials like drugs and transfusable blood. UPS is not alone in pioneering air deliveries. Wing, a division of Google’s parent company Alphabet, received similar, but more limited, FAA approval to make deliveries for both Walgreens and FedEx. And in Ghana and Rwanda, drones operated by Silicon Valley startup Zipline are already delivering medical supplies to rural villages. —Jeffrey Kluger
Christine Lemke: The biggest Big Data
There are 7.5 billion humans, and tens of millions of us track our health with wearables like smart watches, as well as with more traditional devices like blood-pressure monitors. If there were a way to aggregate all that data from even a few million of us and make it all anonymous but searchable, medical researchers would have a powerful tool for drug development, lifestyle studies and more. California-based Big Data firm Evidation has developed just such a tool, with information from 3 million volunteers providing trillions of data points. Evidation partners with drug manufacturers like Sanofi and Eli Lilly to parse that data; that work has led to dozens of peer-reviewed studies already, on subjects ranging from sleep and diet to cognitive-health patterns. For founder Christine Lemke, one of Evidation’s ongoing projects, to see if new technologies can effectively measure chronic pain, is personal: Lemke has a rare genetic disease that causes frequent back pain. Evidation is partnering with Brigham and Women’s Hospital on the project.—Jeffrey Kluger
Doug Melton: A stem-cell cure for diabetes
Type 1 diabetes affects 1.25 million Americans, but two in particular got Harvard biologist Doug Melton’s attention: his daughter Emma and son Sam. Treatment can involve a lifetime of careful eating, insulin injections and multiple daily blood-glucose tests. Melton has a different approach: using stem cells to create replacement beta cells that produce insulin. He started the work over 10 years ago, when stem-cell research was raising hopes and controversy. In 2014 he co-founded Semma Therapeutics—the name is derived from Sam and Emma—to develop the technology, and this summer it was acquired by Vertex Pharmaceuticals for $950 million. The company has created a small, implantable device that holds millions of replacement beta cells, letting glucose and insulin through but keeping immune cells out. “If it works in people as well as it does in animals, it’s possible that people will not be diabetic,” Melton says. “They will eat and drink and play like those of us who are not.”—Don Steinberg
Abasi Ene-Obong: A more diverse global bio bank
A major limitation threatens to hamper the era of personalized medicine: people of Caucasian descent are a minority in the global population yet make up nearly 80% of the subjects in human-genome research, creating blind spots in drug research. Dr. Abasi Ene-Obong, 34, founded 54gene to change that. Named for Africa’s 54 countries, the Nigeria-based startup is sourcing genetic material from volunteers across the continent, to make drug research and development more equitable. 54gene is conscious of the ugly history of colonial exploitation in Africa. If companies are going to profit by developing marketable drugs based on the DNA of African people, Africa should benefit: so, when partnering with companies, 54gene prioritizes those that commit to including African countries in marketing plans for any resulting drugs. “If we are part of the pathway for drug creation, then maybe we can also become part of the pathway to get these drugs into Africa,” Ene-Obong says.—Corinne Purtill
Sean Parker: A disruptive approach to cancer research
One of the original disrupters of the new economy is bringing his approach to medical research. The Parker Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy, established by Napster co-founder and former Facebook president Sean Parker, is a network of top institutions including Memorial Sloan Kettering, Stanford, the MD Anderson Cancer Center and more. Its goal is to identify and remove obstacles to innovation in traditional research. For example, all of its scientists share a single Institutional Review Board, which “allows us to get major clinical trials off the ground in weeks rather than years,” says Parker, and at lower costs. Perhaps most important, Parker wants to infuse the project with his market sensibility: “We follow the discoveries coming from our researchers and then put our money behind commercializing them,” he says, either by licensing a product or spinning it out into a company. Since its founding in 2016, the institute has brought 11 projects to clinical trials and supported some 2,000 research papers.
Thomas Reardon: A watch that can read your mind
A man wearing what looks like a chunky black wristwatch stares at a tiny digital dinosaur leaping over obstacles on a computer screen before him. The man’s hands are motionless, but he’s controlling the -dinosaur—with his brain. The device on his wrist is the CTRL-kit, which detects the electrical impulses that travel from the motor neurons down the arm muscles and to the hand almost as soon as a person thinks about a particular movement. “I want machines to do what we want them to do, and I want us to not be enslaved by the machines,” says Thomas Reardon, CEO and co-founder of CTRL-Labs, the device maker. The hunched-over posture and fumbling keystrokes of the smartphone era represent “a step backward for humanity,” says Reardon, a neuroscientist who, in a past life, led the development of Microsoft’s Internet Explorer. The technology could open up new forms of rehabilitation and access for patients recovering from a stroke or amputation, as well as those with Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis and other neurodegenerative conditions, Reardon says.—Corinne Purtill
Jonathan Rothberg: An ultrasound in your pocket
There are more than 4 billion people globally who don’t have access to medical -imaging—and could benefit from Butterfly iQ, a handheld ultrasound device. Jonathan Rothberg, a Yale genetics researcher and serial entrepreneur, figured out how to put ultrasound technology on a chip, so instead of a $100,000 machine in a hospital, it’s a $2,000 go-anywhere gadget that connects to an iPhone app. It went on sale last year to medical professionals. “Our goal is to sell to 150 countries that can pay for it. And [the Gates Foundation] is distributing it in 53 countries that can’t,” Rothberg says. For example, the foundation is funding a project bringing Butterfly iQ to rural Uganda, to scan children for pneumonia. The device isn’t as good as the big machines are and won’t replace them in prosperous parts of the world. But it could make scanning more routine. “There was a time when the thermometer was only used in a medical setting, when a blood-pressure cuff was only used in a medical center,” Rothberg says. “Democratizing [health] happens on -multiple dimensions.”—Don Steinberg
Shravya Shetty: Cancer-diagnosing artificial intelligence
Symptoms of lung cancer usually don’t appear until its later stages, when it’s difficult to treat. Early screening of high-risk populations with CT scans can reduce the risk of dying, but it comes with risks of its own. The U.S. National Institutes of Health found that 2.5% of patients who received CT scans later endured needlessly invasive -treatments—-sometimes with fatal results—after radiologists erroneously diagnosed false positives. Shravya Shetty believes artificial intelligence may be the solution. Shetty is the research lead of a Google Health team that in the past two years built an AI system that outperforms human radiologists in diagnosing lung cancer. After being trained on more than 45,000 patient CT scans, Google’s algorithm detected 5% more cancer cases and had 11% fewer false positives than a control group of six human radiologists. The early results are promising, but “there’s a pretty big gap between where things are and where they could be,” says Shetty. “It’s that potential impact that keeps me going.”—Corinne Purtill
Joanna Shields: AI to read every science paper
Every year, more than 2 million peer-reviewed research papers are published—far too many for any individual scientist to digest. Machines, however, don’t share this human limitation. BenevolentAI has created algorithms that scour research papers, clinical trial results and other sources of biomedical information in search of previously overlooked relationships between genes, drugs and disease. BenevolentAI CEO Joanna Shields was an executive at companies such as Google and Facebook, and then the U.K.’s Minister for Internet Safety and Security, before joining BenevolentAI. A frequent critic of the tech industry’s lapses in protecting young people from exploitation and abuse online, Shields sees BenevolentAI as an opportunity to harness technology’s power for good. “All of us have family members, friends who are diagnosed with diseases that have no treatment,” she says. “Unless we apply the scaling and the principles of the technology revolution to drug discovery and development, we’re not going to see a change in that outcome anytime soon.” —Corinne Purtill
Sean Slovenski: Walmart-ification of health care
Whenever the world’s biggest retailer aims its gigantic footprint at a new market, the ground shakes. In September, Walmart opened its first Health Center, a medical mall where customers can get primary care, vision tests, dental exams and root canals; lab work, X-rays and EKGs; counseling; even fitness and diet classes. The prices are affordable without insurance ($30 for an annual physical; $45 for a counseling session), and the potential is huge. In any given week, the equivalent of half of America passes through a Walmart. “When I first started here … [I] thought, That can’t be true,” says Sean Slovenski, a former Humana exec who joined Walmart last year to lead its health care push. If the concept spreads, repercussions await in every direction. Like Walmart’s merchandise suppliers, doctors and other medical pros may need to adjust to the retailer’s everyday low prices. Still, cautions Moody’s analyst Charles O’Shea: “Health care is multiple times harder than selling food.”—Don Steinberg
Charles Taylor: 3-D digital hearts
For too many people with suspected heart problems, invasive catheterization is necessary to diagnose blocked or narrowed arteries. Doctors must then choose the best method for improving blood flow from a handful of options, including balloon angioplasty and stenting. Charles Taylor, a former Stanford professor, started HeartFlow to help patients avoid invasive diagnostic procedures and improve treatment outcomes. The company’s system creates personalized 3-D models that can be rotated and zoomed into, so doctors can simulate various approaches on screens. In some cases, it can help avoid invasive procedures entirely. “By adding the HeartFlow … to our available resources for diagnosing stable coronary disease, we are able to provide patients with better care as we evaluate risk,” said Duke University cardiologist Manesh Patel, at the American College of Cardiology’s annual meeting in March. —Jeffrey Kluger
Isabel Van de Keere: Rehab in virtual reality
Isabel Van de Keere was at work one day in 2010 when a steel light fixture pulled loose from the ceiling and fell on her. The accident left Van de Keere, a Belgian-born Ph.D. in biomedical engineering, with a cervical spine injury and severe vertigo that required three years of intense neurological rehabilitation. She practiced the same tedious exercises dozens of times in a row, with progress so slow it seemed undetectable. Now 38, she’s the founder and CEO of Immersive Rehab, a London-based startup whose goal is to change the neurological–rehab experience using virtual reality. By expanding the range and type of exercises patients can try, VR creates more opportunities to harness the brain’s plasticity and repair neural pathways; increases the amount of data caregivers can use to measure progress and adapt programs; and improves the monotonous, frustrating experience of rehab. Feedback from volunteer patients and therapists has been promising; the company is now preparing to run clinical trials in the U.S. and Europe.—Corinne Purtill
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jaroslavprachar · 6 years
Dog Cancer Surgery: What I’ve Learned So You Don’t Have To
As the editor of The Dog Cancer Survival Guide, I’ve been thinking about dog cancer every day for over a decade. I have been managing this website for Dr. Demian Dressler, absorbing and editing his words, and answering millions of emails from dog lovers all over the world. This is not fun work, I’ll admit. But it feels important and meaningful. In September, I found out just how important when my own little Kanga faced down her own dog cancer surgery. I hope to impart a few of the things I learned over the last few months below. There are also a few videos to share with you … don’t worry — nothing too graphic.
(I’m still quite raw emotionally so I may not be very articulate and organized. I apologize in advance for that, and hope that if you have questions or need clarity, you will let me know in the comments so I can address your feedback.)
You Can Do Everything “Right” and Still Get Cancer
Here’s the shocking truth about my dog’s cancer: I’ve done just about everything right as a dog mom. When Kanga, an eight pound Maltese, came to live with us at age 13 weeks, I took Dr. Dressler’s advice:
Delayed spay (actually, never did one, for various reasons)
Delayed her vaccinations
Never, ever fed her commercial dog food (until The Honest Kitchen started making their lovely dehydrated human-grade food, which Kanga loves and takes some of the pressure of cooking tasks)
I gave her EverPup every day starting at age 2 when it first arrived on the market.
She’s had daily walks, most days on the beach.
We give dozens of pets and snuggles a day.
True to breed, her teeth are awful — but otherwise, she’s been almost disgustingly healthy. She just turned ten in October, but routinely gets mistaken for a puppy.
So what happened?
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Finding the Lump
In late September, I took Kanga to see Dr. Dressler for a physical and a MUCH needed tooth cleaning.
I knew her teeth had been bothering her for a while. She’d become picky about food and sometimes didn’t want to eat at all. Her breath smelled like a garbage truck. I avoided bringing her in, typically, because I am always worried about anesthesia risks. Finally, when she vomited three mornings in a row, I decided we better go in.
Pro Tip: If your dog is vomiting thin yellow bile in the morning, and has stinky breath, it could be an abscess that is draining to the stomach and irritating the whole system. It could also be something worse. Don’t be like me, take your dog in for regular oral hygiene appointments. 
Dr. D examined her thoroughly, including X-rays to make sure her lungs were clear for anesthesia. (At ten, she’s getting to that age when it could be riskier.)
He put her on a round of antibiotics to clear her obvious mouth infection, advised me that she would likely lose a dozen teeth, and sent me home. I decided to wait until my husband got back to Maui before bringing her back for a follow-up. I can’t tell you why, exactly, although it had something to do with me being a wimp and not wanting to deal with the stress of worrying about her all by myself.
Delay May Have Saved Her Life
It took about five weeks for us to get back to Dr. D’s office to get her pre-dental bloodwork done, which turned out to be a blessing.
Why? Because Dr. D decided to examine her again, and as he palpated her abdomen, he paused.
“There is a lump that was not here a month ago.”
Oh. My. Word.
If we’d gone in a few weeks earlier, we may have never found that tumor. We’d have just cleaned her teeth, then waited months to “torture” her with another vet visit!
Sometimes, procrastination pays off. (Sometimes.)
But Does She Really Need Dog Cancer Surgery?
Ultrasound was ordered, and there it was — a mass 2.5cm long where her right ovary should be.
What had been a discussion about routine dental cleaning was turning, quickly, into a discussion about biopsies, prognosis, and ovarian tumor types.
Good grief.
I remained calm, especially compared to how most people feel when getting this news.
I know so much about how common dog cancer is — how stupidly, ridiculously often people lose their dogs to cancer — that I can’t say I was surprised, exactly.
After all, we live about five miles away from a field where a giant biotech company sprays cocktails of herbicides and pesticides on their seed corn to see if it can withstand the chemicals. We’re downwind, and I am acutely aware that open-air spraying of those substances really increases our exposure. Closing windows and eating organic food can help, but I can’t avoid exposure from just walking outside, breathing our air, or swimming in the ocean off that field.
Reality Check
One out of two dogs over the age of ten gets cancer. One out of seven dogs eventually gets cancer. It’s the number one cause of death in dogs, after shelter euthanasia. I’ve known this for years. I’ve been emotionally preparing for the reality that I could do “everything right” at home … and my Kanga and Roo could still get cancer.
Even with all this knowledge, though, I was gripped by apprehension and doubt. Could I really let Dr. D cut her open? Was the risk really worth it?
Was the risk really worth it?
The look in his eyes told me what I needed to know: yes, it was worth it.
“This thing has been growing quickly. We’ve got to get it out and see what else is going on.”
We scheduled the surgery for a few days later, early on a morning when he had no other surgeries and could monitor her all day after.
Day of the Dog Cancer Surgery
I’m not going to go into details about the surgery itself, because the images I saw on Dr. D’s phone are just not ones I want to think about (let alone show you). Here are the basic facts.
It took nearly 3 hours, which is a long time for a ten year old, eight pound dog.
The right ovary had “reached out” tentacles and attached itself to the kidney, it’s neighbor, and the spleen, which is not a neighbor.
There were multiple blood vessels Dr. D had to carefully cut in order to get the whole thing out.
The tumor was bleeding inside — a slow oozy type of bleed that can happen when a tumor grows so fast that it outgrows its own blood supply and starts to die off. If left inside her, that bloody tumor could very likely have erupted into a life-threatening internal bleed.
The other ovary was “degenerating” and the uterus was full of what later turned out to be endometriosis.
Kanga did much better under anesthesia than any of us thought she would.
Dr. D was also able to get her teeth cleaned and extract the abscessed tooth.
He was pretty sure he’d gotten it all out.
I was really, really grateful that Dr. D was there for us and for Kanga. Before the surgery, when I handed her over to him, he said “I’m going to take good care of her,” and I knew he was making a soul deep commitment.
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I didn’t quite hold my breath until the phone rang to tell us she was out, but I did get a little lightheaded a few times.
When we picked her up later that day, Kanga was mad at me for the first time ever. She wouldn’t look at me. She didn’t kiss me for nearly 48 hours.
She felt, and looked, awful.
Night of the Dog Cancer Surgery
That night I held her at an angle that prevented her from putting pressure on the massive, six-inch long belly scar she sported. The staples were so close together they looked like a zipper up her abdomen, and she moaned or squealed throughout the night.
It was horrible. As I lay there, listening to her whine-breathe, I truly regretted the surgery. I kept thinking “it couldn’t possibly be worth all this pain, all this trauma.”
Natural, Normal, Second-Guessing Denial
After a few hours, I realized that I was doing what I’ve seen so many other dog lovers do — second guessing myself. I worked it all through in my mind. I followed my thoughts to their logical conclusions.
I shouldn’t have had the surgery, I should have just let her be.
OK, well, then what would be a likely scenario? She would die of a catastrophic internal bleeding … and I would feel terrible because I knew she had this massive tumor inside, and didn’t take it out.
The only way that would have been ok is if I hadn’t known about the tumor.
But then I would have been mad at myself for not getting her teeth cleaned sooner!
I started to relax a little, as I realized that no matter what, I would blame myself or try to blame others for what Kanga was going through. It’s a normal, natural part of denial. I was just in denial about this whole thing because I couldn’t bear her pain.
Cut yourself some slack. You will always second-guess yourself.
So, my job was to cut myself some slack and realize that I had made the best choice I could. If she recovered fully, the surgery would have removed a massive tumor that could have killed her in weeks.
My job now was to care for her post-surgery and wait for those effing biopsy results. Both would take at least 12 days — so I just had to focus on her care.
It didn’t help me sleep, but at least I wasn’t beating myself up all night.
Post Dog Cancer Surgery Care
This is where the book really came in handy for me. While most readers will find an entire chapter about their dog’s tumor in The Dog Cancer Survival Guide, there isn’t one on rare ovarian tumors. So I focused on wound care, and absolute, 100% rest for my pup.
She has always had panic attacks in her crate, so I got a dog sling to use around the house and kept her on her leash at all times.
I tied her up on her little dog bed so she couldn’t move even when she wasn’t on my body.
I kept her cone on, even though she HATED it.
I made sure she was clean as possible, but didn’t give her a bath.
I was persnickety about her antibiotics and pain medications, absolutely refusing to take NO for an answer on anything.
When we went outside so she could relieve herself, I didn’t let her go farther than her six foot leash allows.
My husband and I both pray, and we both have Reiki, so we did a LOT of both.
Dogs don’t know they need almost total rest. Make sure your dog gets it after surgery!
Every day, thankfully, she improved. She even started offering me her belly for rubs after five days. She started eating as her mouth recovered from the extractions, and that really helped to perk her up. By the time we went back on day 12, Dr. D was thrilled to be able to remove all the staples and give her the OK for walks around our neighborhood.
He was also thrilled to give us the BEST POSSIBLE OUTCOME: her tumor type.
Granulosa Cell Tumor!
Based on what he’d seen in surgery, we were all prepared to find out that Kanga’s tumor was an aggressive carcinoma that would likely have already spread, despite her looking clear on both X-rays and ultrasound just weeks ago. In that case, we would be preparing ourselves for an end of life situation within the next few months.
But that’s not what she had. She had a granulosa cell tumor, which, thankfully, has the best prognosis. While they can metastasize, the likelihood that happens is only 20%!
As of now, we don’t see any spread on imaging, and he thinks he got the entire tumor out in his marathon surgery.
So at this point, we are breathing a sigh of relief. For now.
And Kanga? She feels FANTASTIC. She’s playing, running, jumping, and basically acting like nothing happened.
Follow Up Treatments and Check Ups
In four months we will head back to the vet (despite her literal screams of protest) to check and see if any more tumors appear on imagine. But in the meantime, Kanga will be on Dr. Dressler’s Full Spectrum Cancer Care recommendations, the same ones that millions of dog lovers have told me over the last decade have helped their dogs. And yes, for the rest of her natural life — whatever that is — we will assume that she has cancer on a microscopic level. It’s just smarter that way.
Full Spectrum Cancer Care Recommendations I’m Following for Kanga
I’m a good student, so I’m taking this cancer thing as my teacher Dr. D recommends: one step at a time.
Step One is Conventional Tools Like Surgery, Chemotherapy, or Radiation … in our case, surgery has been a success, and she is healing REALLY well. Not even three weeks after undergoing that massive surgery, she is back to her puppy-like ways, eating happily and taking walks, including, as of this morning, on the BEACH. My husband James and I have already decided that at her age, we will not likely do another surgery even if another tumor appears. She really hated the process, and unless it’s very discrete and easy to take care of, it’s probably not worth the life quality loss for her (and for us). These tumors spread to the lungs and abdomen, and we just can’t see opening her up again at her age. If we see spread in a few months, we will not do chemotherapy or radiation to treat it. The protocols are not worked out for these rare tumor types, and we don’t want to put her through it if we don’t have solid numbers telling us it’s worth it. We don’t have those, so we likely aren’t doing those.
Step Two is Nutraceuticals … dietary apoptogens may really support normal cell turnover and encourage cells to “wake up” and eliminate themselves BEFORE they become problems. Nutraceuticals are discussed in chapter 12. We use Apocaps CX, because it’s appropriate for Kanga, has no side effects to worry about, and really supports her life quality while we wait to see what else happens with this stinking thing.
Step Three is Anti-Metastatics and Immune Boosters … I’ve got her on a medicinal mushroom blend to boost her immune system called K9 Immunity (other brands work, too), plus a Transfer Factor that boosts its effects. I’ve also put her on modified citrus pectin, another dietary apoptogen that also offers good anti-metastastic support. She’s sleeping in total darkness, getting plenty of sunlight, and is still taking EverPup as her multivitamin.
Step Four is Diet … I’ve given Kanga fresh food since her puppyhood, but now I’m a lot stricter about low-carb foods, and making sure she gets plenty of liver and cruciferous veggies. This step I’ve already been doing, but I’m becoming more conscientious, for sure.
Step Five is Brain Chemistry Modifications … including daily exercise, massage, as much Reiki as she likes (and she likes a lot), and plenty of fresh air. I’m also starting to meditate with her again. I’m sorry I ever stopped!
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Seriously, if the editor of this book needed it when she found out her dog has cancer, you should get a copy, too.
Bottom Line
In all, I’m feeling much better. Kanga feels much better, too, which helps.
Thanks for reading this. I don’t think I realized ahead of time how much better I would feel after I wrote all of this down! I hope it’s been helpful for you, too.
Before I go, though, I have three videos that you might want to see.
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Videos of Dog Cancer Surgery with Dr. Dressler
Several years ago, Dr. Dressler had a cancer scare with his own wonderful dog, Bjorn. He made videos of their progress, including before, during the surgery, and after, when he finally got the biopsy results. These have been on this site for years, but I think they’re worth reviewing now, especially if you are facing dog cancer surgery for your own pup. It might help to see that even veterinarians feel overwhelmed, upset, and impatient about how long it takes to find out the biopsy results!
Don’t worry — the video of the biopsy surgery is not TOO graphic!
Even Dr. Dressler feels terrible waiting for the results!
Much Aloha and warm wishes to you and your dog. We’re all in this together!
Molly Jacobson, Editor The Dog Cancer Survival Guide
The post Dog Cancer Surgery: What I’ve Learned So You Don’t Have To appeared first on Dog Cancer Blog.
Dog Cancer Surgery: What I’ve Learned So You Don’t Have To published first on https://silvercooblog.tumblr.com/
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jakehglover · 6 years
Can Cannabis Fight Tumors?
By Dr. Mercola
Medical cannabis has a long history as a natural analgesic,1 and is now legal in 30 U.S. states,2,3 the majority of which allow limited use of medical marijuana under certain medical circumstances. The medicinal qualities of marijuana are primarily due to high amounts (about 10 to 20 percent) of cannabidiol (CBD), medicinal terpenes and flavonoids.
Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the psychoactive component of marijuana that makes you feel "stoned," but it too has valuable medical benefits, so depending on your problem, you may want higher or lower levels of THC. Cannabinoids interact with your body by way of naturally occurring cannabinoid receptors embedded in cell membranes throughout your body.
There are cannabinoid receptors in your brain, lungs, liver, kidneys, immune system and more. Both the therapeutic and psychoactive properties of marijuana occur when a cannabinoid activates these cannabinoid receptors.
Cannabis Has Long History of Use for Pain, Seizures and More
The U.S. government, through the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), actually holds a patent on CBD as an antioxidant and neuroprotectant — an ironic and paradoxical situation considering the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration has classified cannabis as a Schedule 1 controlled substance, which by definition has no accepted medical use.
This federal classification also makes it very difficult, time consuming and expensive to study the health effects of marijuana. Labs have to jump through a lot of legal hoops before being granted permission to study Schedule 1 drugs. Despite such difficulties, a number of studies have found a wide range of uses for the herb. For example, The Journal of Pain,4 a publication by the American Pain Society, has a long list of studies on the pain-relieving effects of cannabis.
Cannabis also has been used for over 80 years for drug-resistant seizure disorders. In January 2015, the American Academy of Pediatrics updated its policy statement on marijuana,5 acknowledging that cannabinoids "may currently be an option for … children with life-limiting or severely debilitating conditions and for whom current therapies are inadequate."
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse,6 which also has information relating to the medicinal aspects of marijuana, preclinical and clinical trials are also underway to test marijuana and various extracts for the treatment of a number of diseases, including autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer's disease, inflammation, substance use disorders and mental disorders.
CBD oil has also been shown7 to protect the brain of stroke patients and those with Parkinson's. It may also slow neurodegeneration caused by alcohol abuse.
Cannabis Shows Promise as Anticancer Agent
Doctors working with medical cannabis are also using it to treat cancer-related side effects, and evidence suggests the herb may even have antitumor effects all on its own, with dozens of studies pointing to marijuana's effectiveness against many different types of cancer, including brain cancer, breast, prostate, lung, thyroid, colon and pituitary cancer, melanoma and leukemia.
It fights cancer via at least two mechanisms that make it difficult for a cancer to grow and spread: It's proapoptotic (meaning it triggers apoptosis or cellular suicide of cancer cells while leaving healthy cells untouched) and antiangiogenic (meaning it cuts off a tumor's blood supply). As recently reported by Scientific American:8
"… while the available data are limited, research that has been conducted around antitumor effects of cannabinoids so far shows great promise. The International Journal of Oncology published a study9 last year, for example, indicating that cannabinoids successfully kill cancer cells, and the benefits increase when combined with chemotherapy.
An early preclinical study10 we recently conducted also found that cancer cells derived from patient blood samples were differentially sensitive to the two main active compounds in cannabis — tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA).
A number of other laboratory and animal studies have been conducted in recent years on colon, breast and brain cancers.11 They indicate that cannabinoids may inhibit tumor growth by blocking cell growth, causing cell death and blocking the development of blood vessels that tumors require to grow."
CBD and THC Combo Improve Anticancer Drug Effectiveness
According to the International Journal of Oncology study mentioned, phytocannabinoids " possess anticancer activity when used alone, and a number have also been shown to combine favorably with each other in vitro in leukemia cells to generate improved activity." The best results were obtained when the cannabinoids were paired with the leukemia drugs cytarabine and vincristine.
"Results show a number of cannabinoids could be paired together to generate an effect superior to that achieved if the components were used individually," the researchers write, noting that CBD and THC together appeared to be more effective than either of them in isolation.
They also found that the sequence of administration mattered a great deal. When cannabinoids were administered after chemotherapy, it induced greater apoptosis or programmed cell death. When administered before, the opposite effect was achieved. According to the authors:
"Our results suggest that when certain cannabinoids are paired together, the resulting product can be combined synergistically with common anti-leukemia drugs allowing the dose of the cytotoxic agents to be dramatically reduced yet still remain efficacious. Nevertheless, the sequence of drug administration is crucial to the success of these triple combinations and should be considered when planning such treatments."
Hemp CBD Shows Promise Against Ovarian Cancer
Another recent study suggests CBD from hemp may be helpful against ovarian cancer. Hemp and marijuana plants are in the same family but differ in their THC content. While marijuana plants contain varying amounts of THC, hemp contains very little or none of this psychoactive ingredient. According to a report in Medical News Today,12 Sullivan University College of Pharmacy in Louisville, Kentucky, is "a hotbed of research into hemp's potential ability to fight cancer."
Two of its laboratory researchers recently presented findings from two of its studies at the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology conference in San Diego. In the first,13 a strain called Kentucky hemp was found to reduce the ability of ovarian cancer cells to migrate, suggesting it could eventually be used to help prevent ovarian cancer metastasis.
The second study14 found Kentucky hemp reduced secretion of interleukin IL-1 beta in ovarian cancer cells, thereby lowering inflammation associated with cancer progression. What's more, the researchers found Kentucky hemp "slows ovarian cancer comparable to, or even better than, the current ovarian cancer drug Cisplatin." The team is now planning additional studies using mice, with the hope of eventually graduating into human trials.
Cannabis Versus Opioids
As mentioned, cannabis has well-proven analgesic properties, and evidence suggests it can be very helpful for those struggling with opioid addiction as well, easing withdrawal symptoms. In one recent study,15,16,17 138 seniors (ages 61 to 70) with osteoarthritis, stenosis or chronic hip or knee pain were prescribed medical marijuana to assess the effectiveness of the herb against pain, and whether it would have any impact on opioid use.
Eighteen percent of the patients moderately decreased their use of other pain killers; 20 percent significantly reduced opioid use and 27 percent stopped using opioids altogether. In all, 91 percent said they would recommend cannabis to others. Forty-five percent of the patients in this study used vaporized oil, 28 percent used pills and 17 percent used marijuana-laced oil topically. Twenty-one percent used cannabis once a day, 23 percent twice a day, and 39 percent used it more than twice daily.
The results were presented at the May 3 annual meeting of the American Geriatrics Society in Orlando, Florida. In an anonymous statement, one of the participants wrote, "My quality of life has increased considerably since starting medical marijuana. I was on opiates for 15 years, and six months on marijuana, [I'm] off both completely."
Coauthor Dr. Diana Martins-Welch, a physician in the Division of Geriatric and Palliative Medicine, Department of Medicine at Northwell Health, also noted she's been able to get patients off opioids using medical marijuana.
Cannabis Legalization Has Led to Significant Decrease in Opioid Overdose Deaths
Another major benefit of cannabis is the fact that there's no risk of overdose or death. In fact, research from the Rand Corporation shows a 20 percent decline in opioid overdose deaths in states that had legalized medical marijuana, suggesting legalizing medical marijuana nationwide could save up to 10,000 lives a year. Together, these benefits make it a lead contender in the fight against rampant opioid abuse and escalating overdose deaths.18
CNN chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta recently published an open letter to U.S. attorney general Jeff Sessions, urging Sessions to change his stance on cannabis to help rein in the opioid epidemic. "Not only can cannabis work for a variety of conditions such as epilepsy, multiple sclerosis and pain, sometimes, it is the only thing that works … It is time for safe and regulated medical marijuana to be made available nationally," Gupta writes, adding:
"[P]erhaps most important, the compounds found in cannabis can heal the diseased addict's brain, helping them break the cycle of addiction. There is no other known substance that can accomplish all this. If we had to … design a medicine to help lead us out of the opioid epidemic, it would likely look very much like cannabis."
Cannabis Eases Depression, Anxiety and Stress
Other recent research19 shows cannabis can help ease symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress. Unfortunately, depression and high stress are not recognized as a qualifying condition for a medical cannabis card in most states that have legalized the herb for medical use. The reason for this is largely due to lack of scientific support, Carrie Cuttler, Ph.D., author of the study, says.
To evaluate the effectiveness of cannabis for mental health, the team analyzed data from Strainprint, a mobile application cannabis users can use to track changes in symptoms after using different doses and cannabis chemotypes. Overall, self-reported symptoms of depression decreased by 50 percent and perceived stress decreased by 58 percent with use of medical marijuana.
Of those who inhaled cannabis, over 89 percent reported a reduction in depression; nearly 94 percent reported lower anxiety and over 93 percent reported fewer stress symptoms.
The greatest stress reduction was achieved after 10 puffs or more, while just two puffs reduced symptoms of depression and anxiety. These are rather impressive results, but the authors do note that results "may be inflated in the present sample because those who regularly have symptom exacerbation following cannabis use may be less likely to continue to use it to treat their symptoms and track symptom changes over time."
Other studies have also shown cannabis can be very helpful for those struggling with post-traumatic distress disorder.20,21 Marijuana suppresses dream recall, so for those having nightmares, it can be transformative. Marijuana is also reported to help individuals stay focused in the present, which is beneficial for those experiencing flashbacks.
THC Appears Particularly Beneficial Against Dementia
Interestingly, animal research22 has shown THC — the psychoactive component of marijuana — has a particularly beneficial influence on the aging brain.23,24 Rather than dulling or impairing cognition in the elderly, THC appears to reverse the aging process and improve mental processes, raising the possibility it might be useful for the treatment of dementia.
To test the hypothesis, mice were given a small daily dose of THC over the course of one month at the age of 2 months, 12 months and again at 18 months of age. It is important to understand that mice typically live to be about 2 years old. The dose was small enough to avoid any psychoactive effects.
Tests assessed the animals' learning, memory, orientation and recognition skills. Curiously, the 18-month-old mice given THC demonstrated cognitive skills equal to 2-month-old controls, while the placebo group suffered cognitive deterioration associated with normal aging.
According to one of the authors, neurobiology professor Andreas Zimmer, University of Bonn, "The treatment completely reversed the loss of performance in the old animals. We repeated these experiments many times. It's a very robust and profound effect." Even more remarkable, gene activity and the molecular profile in the brain tissue was that of much younger animals.
Specifically, neurons in the hippocampus grew more synaptic spines — points of contact necessary for communication between neurons. According to Zimmer, the THC appeared to have "turned back the molecular clock" in the THC-treated animals. (Previous research has also shown that the brain ages much faster in mice who do not have functional receptors for THC, suggesting THC may be involved in the regulation of the aging process.25) The team is planning tests to see if the same holds true in human subjects.
In an earlier study, researchers at the University of South Florida and Thomas Jefferson University found that low-dose THC also directly impedes the buildup of beta amyloid plaque in the brain,26,27 which is associated with the development of Alzheimer's, and enhances mitochondrial function in the brain.
Medical marijuana is also known to reduce some of the non-memory-related symptoms typically experienced by Alzheimer's sufferers, including anxiety, irritability and rage,28 so cannabis may well have multiple benefits for those with dementia and Alzheimer's.
Is Cannabis Right for You?
While recreational use of marijuana is not advocated, it seems quite clear that certain strains grown specifically to boost medicinal qualities can have a significantly beneficial effect on a number of different ailments and diseases, including chronic pain. In 2010, the Center for Medical Cannabis Research released a report29 on 14 clinical studies about the use of marijuana for pain, most of which were FDA-approved, double-blind and placebo-controlled.
This report revealed that marijuana not only controls pain well, but in many cases, it actually does so better than pharmaceutical alternatives. When cannabis is inhaled, smoked or vaporized, its effects are rapid and short-lasting. Orally, it's the most unpredictable and delayed. When ingesting it, it can take up to two hours to take effect, but if dosed appropriately, you can achieve once-a-day dosing with an edible medicine.
Compared to opioids and many other drugs, cannabis is also far safer. Cannabidiol has no toxicity and it's virtually impossible to die from marijuana. It's also self-limiting, as excessive doses of THC will provoke anxiety, paranoia and nausea. Such side effects will disappear as the drug dissipates from your system without resulting in permanent harm, but it'll make you think twice about taking such a high dose again. Make the same mistake with an opioid, and chances are you'll end up in the morgue.
Just be sure to seek out a knowledgeable cannabis physician, as the proper dosing needs to be carefully ascertained. If you are seriously considering medical cannabis for pain, please see my interview with Dr. Alan Frankel, one of the leading medical cannabis physicians in the U.S. He can do consultations on the phone if you need specific questions answered.
You can also learn more by reviewing my interviews with Dr. Margaret Gedde, who runs an alternative medical practice in Colorado where they specialize in the use of cannabis, and Todd Harrison, an attorney whose expertise is Food and Drug Law, in which he discusses the current legal status of CBD oil.
Research relating to the use of cannabis can also be found on cancer.gov30,31 (the U.S. government's site on cancer). Simply enter "cannabis" into the search bar. You can also peruse the medical literature through PubMed,32 which is a public resource (again, simply enter "cannabis" or related terms into the search bar).
from HealthyLife via Jake Glover on Inoreader https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2018/05/16/can-cannabis-fight-tumors.aspx
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ADHD is Real (Like All Mental Disorders Are)
I recently came across the unintentionally funny op-ed piece by John Rosemond, a family psychologist known for his controversial views on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and other childhood behavioral issues. In the piece, he laments how he was dis-invited from a recent speaking invitation because of his views.
In short, he says, “Those facts include that ADHD, oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), and bipolar disorder of childhood are not realities; rather, they are constructs.”
Of course they are constructs. But so is nearly everything we’ve created to navigate human existence.
Rosemond is known for being skeptical when it comes to the ADHD and other childhood disorder diagnoses. In a sense, I don’t blame him. Childhood disorder diagnoses have increased over the past two decades, leading some to claim there is an overdiagnosis of ADHD. A few years ago, I examined these claims and came to the conclusion that there may be increased diagnoses of these kinds of childhood disorders, but it’s hard to say it’s an “over” diagnosis.
After all, harried doctors giving out sloppy mental health diagnoses (and the resulting ADHD medications to help treat it) is a very real concern.
But it’s a long jump to make from these complicated issues to then claim, “Well, these aren’t even real disorders.”
You Can See a Tumor After All!
Rosemond provides a simple example to illustrate his proof that mental disorders aren’t “real:”
If a physician tells a patient that he has a tumor growing in his left lung, that can be verified with data obtained from body scans, biopsies, and other medical means. The same cannot be done with the behavior disorders in question. A therapist who diagnoses ADHD cannot provide any evidence that the child in question “has” anything. The child’s behavior is unquestionably problematic in certain ways and contexts, but that is all that can be factually ascertained.
Unfortunately, Rosemond’s argument skates over two very important points:
Most medical diagnoses cannot be verified by a specific laboratory test or scan. They are made from a simple review of the patient’s symptoms and matching them to a list of potential diagnoses, and then doing their best to rule out diagnoses that don’t fit the pattern. It’s a common misnomer and mis-perception that every medical condition has a straight-forward test that either confirms or denies the condition’s existence.
Diagnostic criteria for mental disorders is based upon some 40+ years of scientific research to differentiate between them and come up with (somewhat) reliable categories. It’s just not accurate to claim there is no evidence for an ADHD — or any other mental health disorder — diagnosis.
Just as in medicine, mental health clinicians go through a list of symptoms to discern or rule out a possible diagnosis. And just as in medicine, there isn’t a blood test or “body scan” that can pick up every diagnosis.1 The latest medical diagnostic manual — the ICD-10 — has over 67,000 diagnostic codes compared to ICD-9’s over 13,000 diagnostic codes. Do you really believe there are even 13,000 different lab tests a doctor can perform on you? (The answer is, of course not… there are just a few dozen, and even those won’t even come close to diagnosing 13,000 or 67,000 different conditions.)
Only someone who’s never seen a differential diagnosis decision tree in medicine could make a claim that medicine is somehow cleaner and simpler than the diagnostic process for mental disorders.
But Mental Disorders aren’t Really “Real”
The heart of Rosemond’s claim is similar to one made by Thomas Szasz in 1961, in his legendary tome, “The Myth of Mental Illness.” In that book, Szasz makes the claim that mental illness is simply a myth, created by perhaps well-meaning researchers and clinicians in an ill-fated attempt to help medicalize everyday human struggles and problems in living. Put simply, there’s no disease as one typically finds in medicine at the root of a mental disorder’s symptoms.
And that much is true. While mental disorders don’t take the same form as medical diseases, the past 20 years’ of neuroscience research pretty clearly shows there are significant changes going on a person’s brain (and perhaps gut as well) in people who have a mental disorder. Genetics is also a factor, but not the only factor. I believe you can’t look at this vast body of neuroscience and genetic research and simply dismiss it all because a single gene or a single neurotransmitter hasn’t been implicated as the singular cause for a disorder. As we have found out, our bodies and brains are far more complex than we had even imagined just 10 years ago.
Reality is Simply What We All Say It Is
Virtually everything we believe is “real” is simply a construct of human imagination and arbitrary labels we’ve all agreed to. The color blue is simply what we call a particular hue and shade that our eyes discern in a very specific spectrum of lighting; other animals on this planet likely perceive that as something completely different. In a different spectrum of lighting, blue doesn’t look very blue at all.
A piece of paper with some symbols and writing on it has no intrinsic value outside of the cost of the paper and ink. Yet we say a certain type of paper, with certain types of writing on it are of actual monetary value in order to make it easier to exchange goods and services. But paper money isn’t any more “real” than the color blue.
Once you agree that virtually everything in our world is a construct we’ve consciously decided upon,2 it’s far easier to understand why we have also created mental disorders and diagnoses that fit within categories that seem to make sense — at least at this point in time.
ADHD is Real, And so Are All Mental Disorders
Mental disorders are just as real as anything else in our world. To claim otherwise seems to me to be trying to split hairs that nobody but a few academics and philosophers would really care about. You can treat a mental disorder just as easily as you can treat any disease.
And that’s what’s important at the end of day — throwing off these stigma-driven views and seeking out treatment for a mental health concern. Serious mental disorders generally do not resolve themselves on their own with just the passage of time (or, if they do, it usually takes a very long time).
  Read the original op-ed from John Rosemond: ‘My views on ADHD are controversial, yes, but factual’
For instance, how does an eye doctor diagnose near-sightedness? Is it through a medical scan of your eye, or your behavioral responses to external stimuli (e.g., reading from an eye chart)?
After all, isn’t that what school is? Learning about all the things we as humans have all agreed upon as our objective reality?
from World of Psychology https://psychcentral.com/blog/archives/2017/12/11/adhd-is-real-like-all-mental-disorders-are/
0 notes
roxysbeachlife · 7 years
Cannabis is labeled by the US Government as a Schedule 1 Narcotic, meaning little to no known medical value. (Even though the US Govt holds patents that state otherwise) Marinol, which is APPROVED BY THE FDA, is synthesized THC.
Millions of people are sitting in jail for using Cannabis raw, but it’s ‘perfectly fine’ to use the plant if the Government and their corporate owners take most of the medicine out of it, then get to charge you an arm and a leg for it. Why is that? I shall explain.
The US Government is well aware Cannabis has medicinal properties. How could they not? It’s been used as a medicine for at least the past 10,000 years. Even in America, Cannabis was used as a medicine for over 100 years. It was in over a hundred over the counter medicines for a wide range of reasons. Everything from pain and nausea medication to sleeping tonics. (Why did they make it illegal? It’s a long story so I won’t go into it today.. If you’d like to read about the greed and racism that caused the criminalization of the world’s most useful plant, check out this article)
Among the reasons you will learn about on the link I shared above, the US Government has even more reason to keep it illegal today. If Cannabis were to become legalized, it would eat away at TRILLIONS of pharmaceutical profits over the years. (Not including other profits like the billions they get for keeping our privately owned prisons full.)
What most people don’t realize is, the Government(s) have been helping the major pharmaceutical companies stonewall natural cures for decades. (Cannabis is merely one of many they have tried to bury and discredit) In fact, the US Government has known since 1974 that Cannabis cures Cancer. In 1972 Richard Nixon wanted a larger budget for his war on drugs.
He thought that if he proved Cannabis caused lung cancer like cigarettes do, he would get the support he needed. He gave the Medical College of Virginia 2 years to do a study on the effects of Cannabinoids (such as THC and CBD) on the body.
In ’74 the study was completed. It turns out, when ingested in highly concentrated forms (such as eating Cannabis oil) the Cannabinoids in the oil will attack any mutated cells in your body while strengthening and rejuvenating the healthy cells. They accidentally found the PERFECT cure for Cancer!
It worked fast, it worked well, it worked on many different forms of Cancer in ALL stages and it had ZERO harmful side effects. (Unlike Chemo which deteriorates your entire body and kills 1 in 5 patients. Not only that, but other research shows it dissolves ALL forms of tumors and can even combat super-bugs like MRSA.)
When Richard Nixon saw the results of the study he was FURIOUS. He threw the entire report in the trash and deemed the study classified. In 1976 President Gerald Ford put an end to all public cannabis research and granted exclusive research rights to major pharmaceutical companies, who set out — unsuccessfully — to develop synthetic forms of THC that would deliver all the medical benefits without the “high.”
We only found out about the study a few years ago thanks to dedicated medical and law professionals who filed Freedom of Information Requests. The Government lied for many reasons.. One of the main reasons is Pharmaceutical Companies. They spend billions every year lobbying to keep Cannabis illegal because they make TRILLIONS off Cancer drugs and research. They are already well aware that Cannabis cures Cancer. They have a well thought out con going at the moment.
Cancer patients and their loved ones will spend their entire life savings or even sell their houses and businesses in order to pay for Chemotherapy and other Cancer treatment drugs. A lot of the time they spend all that money and their loved one dies anyway. If the public found out that the Government has been lying for over 40 years, that MILLIONS of lives could have been saved and that the dying could grow the cure they so desperately need in their own backyard… We all know the American public would be going nuts over it.
Here is an article about what they did if you’d like to read more, as well as an article about more suppressed research. Cannabis Cures Cancer- US Government has known since 197422. U.S. Government Repressed Marijuana-Tumor Research
Keep in mind.. The US Government also holds a Patent on Cannabis and it’s medicinal properties. US Patent 6630507 states unequivocally that cannabinoids are useful in the prevention and treatment of a wide variety of diseases including auto-immune disorders, stroke, trauma, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and HIV dementia. The patent, awarded in 2003, is based on research done by the National Institute of Health, and is assigned to the US Dept. of Health and Human Services. In the age of information, they can no longer keep their lies about Cannabis afloat.
If you want more info about the patent, HERE is a link for you.
Here are 20 more studies proving Cannabis cures Cancer. Please note that these are by no means the only studies that prove it.  There are in fact several dozens. 
In case you are wondering the difference between a few things like Hemp oil and Cannabis oil, I figured I’d explain that too. THC, CBD and other Cannabinoids are soluble in alcohol and fats only. This is why people saute it in butter and use it in things like cakes and cookies. You can make Cannabis Ghee (which is essentially Canna-butter) and use it how you would normally use butter in a recipe.
Cannabis oil is made by crushing raw Cannabis in grain alcohol (as close to 100% as possible), straining it and cooking off the alcohol VERY carefully. All you will be left with is essentially ‘pure medicine’ in highly concentrated form.
Hemp oil is made by cold-pressing the seeds of the Hemp plant and extracting the healthy oil within. It is used for things like food and fuel, but it will not cure cancer because it lacks THC. (Hence the reason it’s legal to buy at places like Trader Joe’s)
Now, I realize how badly some people are going to want to get their hands on Cannabis oil for their suffering loved ones. I’m sorry to say, the only place you can get the oil is from Cannabis dispensaries in areas where it is sold legally. Otherwise you have to make it yourself which can be highly complicated and even dangerous since you have to worry about alcohol fumes and legal repercussions if you get caught. (Here’s a video that shows you how)
Still, in my opinion it is well worth the risks since it has already saved THOUSANDS of people (and pets) from horrible deaths due to diseases like Cancer. If you would like to hear many testimonies on the subject, type ‘Cannabis cured my cancer’ or ‘Cannabis cures Cancer’ into youtube search. When you do, you will see how many people are trying to get the word out about this AMAZING cure.
If you would like info on other ways to use Cannabis, here are a few examples.
Raw Cannabis Juice, Cannabis Salve, Cannabis Ghee, Cannabis Tincture, and Grain Alcohol Extraction (aka the Cannabis oil that I mentioned above).
Here is a video on how to make the oil yourself.  If you cannot make it yourself, I invite you to check out Elixinol. It is Cannabis oil but very low THC, very high CBD. Therefore, through this little loophole of not having much THC, it can be ordered online, LEGALLY.
Please help us spread the word! Share as far and wide as you can!
Written by journalist, activist and researcher, Lara Starr
Filed under: Cannabis, Healing, Health, marijuana, Medical marijuana, Natural Tagged: 20 more studies, Cancer, cannabis cures cancer, conspiracy, Ghee, marinol, Patent, salve, tincture, US Govt from WordPress http://ift.tt/2flNPf2 via IFTTT
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cbdoilbenefits1 · 7 years
"Oil Pulling" – The Alternative Medcine Therapy That Cures Many Diseases 4 Virtually Free – Thank Go
As a disabled victim of MS, I have tried just about everything to reverse the debilitating symptoms of MS (Multiple Sclerosis):
From Avonix, an "Injectable" ~ self administered ~ prescription drug, that is pushed by "Traditional" neurologist's, to "Cortisone Therapy", another of the "Traditional Medicine Man's" approaches ~ have each been disappointing..
"Non-Traditional" and "Alternative Medicine" have allowed me to countless options ~ that I have faithfully pursued ~ over the last six years. Each has given me some "Hope", and an understanding of what has not worked for me.
I have used LDN (Low Dose Naltrexion), BVT (Bee venom Therapy), CS (Colliodial Silver) and God only knows how many dozens of vitamins, herbs, and supplements.
Each was said to have helped other MSers. Yet, while my body likely benefited ~ to some degree ~ its disability continued to worsen. At last, I was non-ambulitory, and totally "Incontinent."
God Healed me "Instantaneously" of Incontinence", but has been using other "Non-Traditional and Alternative Medicine" methods to effect the completion of the "Cure" ~ that My Lord "Jesus" ~ paid for ~ by "HIS Stripes".
Isaiah 53:5 But He [was] wounded for our transgressions, [He was] bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace [was] upon Him, And by His stripes we are healed. 1 Peter 2:24 who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness -- by whose stripes you were healed.
A couple of weeks ago, an "MSer" ~ that I have interacted with for several years ~ forwarded me a message from a post into one of many yahoo support groups to which I belong.
On 4/24/07, a friend of mine ~ with Multiple Sclerosis ~ wrote:
Subject: [mscured] Oil Pulling
My mother in law sent me this info from http://OilPulling.com.
Have any of you ever tried oil pulling and if so, did you notice any benefits?
Dr. (med.) Karach said the OP heals totally "head-aches, bronchitis, tooth pain, thrombosis, eczema, ulcers and diseases of stomach, intestines, heart, blood, kidney, liver, lungs and women's diseases. It heals diseases of nerves, paralysis, and encephalitis. It prevents the growth of malignant tumors, cuts and heals them. Chronic sleeplessness is cured." Send your questions and concerns to
Back Ground
Dr. F. Karach, M.D., presented a paper before the All-Ukrainian Association. The meeting was attended by oncologists and bacteriologists belonging to the Academy of Science of the USSR. Dr. Karach explained an unusual simple healing process using cold-pressed oils.
The results of this therapy invoked astonishment and doubt concerning the contents of his report. However, after further examining the workings of the oil therapy, one has but to then test it on oneself to prove its validity and effectiveness. It is most astonishing that such results can be achieved with this absolutely harmless biological healing method.
This simple method makes it possible to effectively treat the most varied diseases, in some cases enabling one to avoid surgical intervention and the taking of medications that can have harmful side effects.The exciting factor of this healing method is its simplicity.
It consists of swishing cold-pressed oil in the mouth( Sunflower or Seasme, Pl. note you don't need to go for organic oils only, A normal refined sunflower oil bought from any supermarket proven to be effective in many people). The healing process is accomplished by the human organism on its own.
In this way it is possible to heal cells, tissue and all organs simultaneously; the body itself gets rid of toxic waste without disturbing the healthy microflora. Dr. Karach says human beings are living only half their life span. They could potentially live healthy to be 140 to 150 years old.
The method
In the morning before breakfast on an empty stomach you take one tablespoon in the mouth but do not swallow it. Move Oil Slowly in the mouth as rinsing or swishing and Dr Karach puts it as ' sip, suck and pull through the teeth' for fifteen to twenty minutes. This process makes oil thoroughly mixed with saliva. Swishing activates the enzymes and the enzymes draw toxins out of the blood.
The oil must not be swallowed, for it has become toxic.
As the process continues, the oil gets thinner and white. If the oil is still yellow, it has not been pulled long enough. It is then spit from the mouth , the oral cavity must be thoroughly rinsed and mouth must be washed thoroughly. Just use normal tap water and good old fingers to clean.
Clean the sink properly, you can use some antibacterial soap to clean the sink. Because the spittle contains harmful bacteria and toxic bodily waste. If one were to see one drop of this liquid magnified 600 times under a microscope, one would see microbes in their first stage of development.
It is important to understand that during the oil-pulling/swishing process one's metabolism is intensified. This leads to improved health.
One of the most striking results of this process is the fastening of loose teeth, the elimination of bleeding gums and the visible whitening of the teeth. The oil pulling /swishing is done best before breakfast. To accelerate the healing process, it can be repeated three times a day, but always before meals on an empty stomach.
(a) Do not swallow. The oil should be spat out. But inadvertently if you swallow there is nothing to worry. It will go out through feces. Nothing is to be done.
(b) If you are allergic to a particular brand of oil, change the brand of oil or oil itself to different oil.
(c) Sunflower and Sesame oil have been found to be equally effective in curing diseases. Other oils were not found to be as good. Do not blame oil pulling by practicing with other oils. Use refined oils.
Results of Oil Pulling
The result of this healing research has attracted amazement and resulted in further research. This additional research concerning Oil Therapy has now been thoroughly documented, especially with regard to physiological similarities between individuals.
It is surprising that through this biological healing method a wide variety of symptoms have unquestionably disappeared without any side-effects. This simple method makes it possible completely heal such a wide variety of diseases which would normally be treated by an operation or by powerful or potent Drugs, usually with significant side-effects.
The simplicity of this healing system in which Oil is swirled backwards and forwards in the mouth, is due to the stimulating effect which it has on the body's eliminatory system.
Through this method it is possible to heal individual cells, cell conglomerates such as lymph nodes and more complex tissues such as internal organs simultaneously. This occurs because the beneficial microflora throughout the body are provided with a healthy continuum.
Without this natural bodily intrusive element evinced by the microflora the usual pattern of human health tends to lean towards illness rather than wellness.
Dr. Karach anticipates that regular application of this treatment by reversing this process so that wellness is the dominant state of the human body is likely to increase the average human lifespan to approximately 150 years, double the present life expectancy.
Dr. Karach is supported in this view by other colleagues in the world.
By means of this treatment {Oil } it is invariably the result that diseases like migraine headaches, bronchitis, diseased teeth, arterio thrombosis, chronic blood disorders such as leukemia, arthritis and related illnesses, neuro physiological paralysis, eczema, gastro enteritis, peritonitis, heart disease, kidney disease, meningitis, and women's hormonal disorders are completely eliminated from the organism.
The benefit of Dr. Karach's method is that the oil therapy heals the whole body in perpetuity. In terminal diseases such as cancer, Aids and chronic infections this treatment method has been shown to successfully replace all others.
Dr. Karach has successfully healed a chronic leukemia patient with 15 years of harsh treatment methods behind him. Acute arthritis in 1 patient who was totally bedridden was removed from his body in 3 days with no inflammation apparent.
* NOTE: The recommended oils to use are Sunflower Oil, Seasme Oil. We are receiving many emails about which oil to use.
Our experience with thousands of people across the globe says USE COLD PRESSED OIL as first choice, if it is not available use REFINED OIL (which seems to be effective in the process too). We have observed that any oil other than SUNFLOWER or SEASME may not be effective.
Since that day ~ I have practiced "Oil Pulling" ~ at least ~ twice each day.
I Am seeing my disabilities and symptoms of MS (Multiple Sclerosis) disappear.
And ~ yes ~ I Am also continuing to use my "THE FEAST" supplement ~ using LIFEWAVE Pain Patches ~ and taking an antioxidant that is not yet available via my website:
In the near future ~ I hope to be able o offer Free samples of this triple antioxidant ~ MLM Affiliate Program ~ As I do the other health products that I have found have helped me.
This is but the 1st article ~ on this "Oil Pulling" subject ~ that I have written. I promise that there will be more forthcoming ~ as I see more results..
I will conclude this article by using what I wrote to my MS (Multiple Sclerosis) affected ~ Earth Angel ~ friend:
I'll Begin "Pulling My Weight" In Oil ~ Right Away :)))
Please let me know how it works on Your MS ~ for you :))
LuV Ya :)
Rascal :))
[ad_2] Source by Russ Miles
Article Here: "Oil Pulling" – The Alternative Medcine Therapy That Cures Many Diseases 4 Virtually Free – Thank Go
0 notes
bestcbdoilshop · 7 years
"Oil Pulling" – The Alternative Medcine Therapy That Cures Many Diseases 4 Virtually Free – Thank Go
As a disabled victim of MS, I have tried just about everything to reverse the debilitating symptoms of MS (Multiple Sclerosis):
From Avonix, an "Injectable" ~ self administered ~ prescription drug, that is pushed by "Traditional" neurologist's, to "Cortisone Therapy", another of the "Traditional Medicine Man's" approaches ~ have each been disappointing..
"Non-Traditional" and "Alternative Medicine" have allowed me to countless options ~ that I have faithfully pursued ~ over the last six years. Each has given me some "Hope", and an understanding of what has not worked for me.
I have used LDN (Low Dose Naltrexion), BVT (Bee venom Therapy), CS (Colliodial Silver) and God only knows how many dozens of vitamins, herbs, and supplements.
Each was said to have helped other MSers. Yet, while my body likely benefited ~ to some degree ~ its disability continued to worsen. At last, I was non-ambulitory, and totally "Incontinent."
God Healed me "Instantaneously" of Incontinence", but has been using other "Non-Traditional and Alternative Medicine" methods to effect the completion of the "Cure" ~ that My Lord "Jesus" ~ paid for ~ by "HIS Stripes".
Isaiah 53:5 But He [was] wounded for our transgressions, [He was] bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace [was] upon Him, And by His stripes we are healed. 1 Peter 2:24 who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness -- by whose stripes you were healed.
A couple of weeks ago, an "MSer" ~ that I have interacted with for several years ~ forwarded me a message from a post into one of many yahoo support groups to which I belong.
On 4/24/07, a friend of mine ~ with Multiple Sclerosis ~ wrote:
Subject: [mscured] Oil Pulling
My mother in law sent me this info from http://OilPulling.com.
Have any of you ever tried oil pulling and if so, did you notice any benefits?
Dr. (med.) Karach said the OP heals totally "head-aches, bronchitis, tooth pain, thrombosis, eczema, ulcers and diseases of stomach, intestines, heart, blood, kidney, liver, lungs and women's diseases. It heals diseases of nerves, paralysis, and encephalitis. It prevents the growth of malignant tumors, cuts and heals them. Chronic sleeplessness is cured." Send your questions and concerns to
Back Ground
Dr. F. Karach, M.D., presented a paper before the All-Ukrainian Association. The meeting was attended by oncologists and bacteriologists belonging to the Academy of Science of the USSR. Dr. Karach explained an unusual simple healing process using cold-pressed oils.
The results of this therapy invoked astonishment and doubt concerning the contents of his report. However, after further examining the workings of the oil therapy, one has but to then test it on oneself to prove its validity and effectiveness. It is most astonishing that such results can be achieved with this absolutely harmless biological healing method.
This simple method makes it possible to effectively treat the most varied diseases, in some cases enabling one to avoid surgical intervention and the taking of medications that can have harmful side effects.The exciting factor of this healing method is its simplicity.
It consists of swishing cold-pressed oil in the mouth( Sunflower or Seasme, Pl. note you don't need to go for organic oils only, A normal refined sunflower oil bought from any supermarket proven to be effective in many people). The healing process is accomplished by the human organism on its own.
In this way it is possible to heal cells, tissue and all organs simultaneously; the body itself gets rid of toxic waste without disturbing the healthy microflora. Dr. Karach says human beings are living only half their life span. They could potentially live healthy to be 140 to 150 years old.
The method
In the morning before breakfast on an empty stomach you take one tablespoon in the mouth but do not swallow it. Move Oil Slowly in the mouth as rinsing or swishing and Dr Karach puts it as ' sip, suck and pull through the teeth' for fifteen to twenty minutes. This process makes oil thoroughly mixed with saliva. Swishing activates the enzymes and the enzymes draw toxins out of the blood.
The oil must not be swallowed, for it has become toxic.
As the process continues, the oil gets thinner and white. If the oil is still yellow, it has not been pulled long enough. It is then spit from the mouth , the oral cavity must be thoroughly rinsed and mouth must be washed thoroughly. Just use normal tap water and good old fingers to clean.
Clean the sink properly, you can use some antibacterial soap to clean the sink. Because the spittle contains harmful bacteria and toxic bodily waste. If one were to see one drop of this liquid magnified 600 times under a microscope, one would see microbes in their first stage of development.
It is important to understand that during the oil-pulling/swishing process one's metabolism is intensified. This leads to improved health.
One of the most striking results of this process is the fastening of loose teeth, the elimination of bleeding gums and the visible whitening of the teeth. The oil pulling /swishing is done best before breakfast. To accelerate the healing process, it can be repeated three times a day, but always before meals on an empty stomach.
(a) Do not swallow. The oil should be spat out. But inadvertently if you swallow there is nothing to worry. It will go out through feces. Nothing is to be done.
(b) If you are allergic to a particular brand of oil, change the brand of oil or oil itself to different oil.
(c) Sunflower and Sesame oil have been found to be equally effective in curing diseases. Other oils were not found to be as good. Do not blame oil pulling by practicing with other oils. Use refined oils.
Results of Oil Pulling
The result of this healing research has attracted amazement and resulted in further research. This additional research concerning Oil Therapy has now been thoroughly documented, especially with regard to physiological similarities between individuals.
It is surprising that through this biological healing method a wide variety of symptoms have unquestionably disappeared without any side-effects. This simple method makes it possible completely heal such a wide variety of diseases which would normally be treated by an operation or by powerful or potent Drugs, usually with significant side-effects.
The simplicity of this healing system in which Oil is swirled backwards and forwards in the mouth, is due to the stimulating effect which it has on the body's eliminatory system.
Through this method it is possible to heal individual cells, cell conglomerates such as lymph nodes and more complex tissues such as internal organs simultaneously. This occurs because the beneficial microflora throughout the body are provided with a healthy continuum.
Without this natural bodily intrusive element evinced by the microflora the usual pattern of human health tends to lean towards illness rather than wellness.
Dr. Karach anticipates that regular application of this treatment by reversing this process so that wellness is the dominant state of the human body is likely to increase the average human lifespan to approximately 150 years, double the present life expectancy.
Dr. Karach is supported in this view by other colleagues in the world.
By means of this treatment {Oil } it is invariably the result that diseases like migraine headaches, bronchitis, diseased teeth, arterio thrombosis, chronic blood disorders such as leukemia, arthritis and related illnesses, neuro physiological paralysis, eczema, gastro enteritis, peritonitis, heart disease, kidney disease, meningitis, and women's hormonal disorders are completely eliminated from the organism.
The benefit of Dr. Karach's method is that the oil therapy heals the whole body in perpetuity. In terminal diseases such as cancer, Aids and chronic infections this treatment method has been shown to successfully replace all others.
Dr. Karach has successfully healed a chronic leukemia patient with 15 years of harsh treatment methods behind him. Acute arthritis in 1 patient who was totally bedridden was removed from his body in 3 days with no inflammation apparent.
* NOTE: The recommended oils to use are Sunflower Oil, Seasme Oil. We are receiving many emails about which oil to use.
Our experience with thousands of people across the globe says USE COLD PRESSED OIL as first choice, if it is not available use REFINED OIL (which seems to be effective in the process too). We have observed that any oil other than SUNFLOWER or SEASME may not be effective.
Since that day ~ I have practiced "Oil Pulling" ~ at least ~ twice each day.
I Am seeing my disabilities and symptoms of MS (Multiple Sclerosis) disappear.
And ~ yes ~ I Am also continuing to use my "THE FEAST" supplement ~ using LIFEWAVE Pain Patches ~ and taking an antioxidant that is not yet available via my website:
In the near future ~ I hope to be able o offer Free samples of this triple antioxidant ~ MLM Affiliate Program ~ As I do the other health products that I have found have helped me.
This is but the 1st article ~ on this "Oil Pulling" subject ~ that I have written. I promise that there will be more forthcoming ~ as I see more results..
I will conclude this article by using what I wrote to my MS (Multiple Sclerosis) affected ~ Earth Angel ~ friend:
I'll Begin "Pulling My Weight" In Oil ~ Right Away :)))
Please let me know how it works on Your MS ~ for you :))
LuV Ya :)
Rascal :))
[ad_2] Source by Russ Miles
Post Source Here: "Oil Pulling" – The Alternative Medcine Therapy That Cures Many Diseases 4 Virtually Free – Thank Go
0 notes
cbdoilforpain · 7 years
"Oil Pulling" – The Alternative Medcine Therapy That Cures Many Diseases 4 Virtually Free – Thank Go
As a disabled victim of MS, I have tried just about everything to reverse the debilitating symptoms of MS (Multiple Sclerosis):
From Avonix, an "Injectable" ~ self administered ~ prescription drug, that is pushed by "Traditional" neurologist's, to "Cortisone Therapy", another of the "Traditional Medicine Man's" approaches ~ have each been disappointing..
"Non-Traditional" and "Alternative Medicine" have allowed me to countless options ~ that I have faithfully pursued ~ over the last six years. Each has given me some "Hope", and an understanding of what has not worked for me.
I have used LDN (Low Dose Naltrexion), BVT (Bee venom Therapy), CS (Colliodial Silver) and God only knows how many dozens of vitamins, herbs, and supplements.
Each was said to have helped other MSers. Yet, while my body likely benefited ~ to some degree ~ its disability continued to worsen. At last, I was non-ambulitory, and totally "Incontinent."
God Healed me "Instantaneously" of Incontinence", but has been using other "Non-Traditional and Alternative Medicine" methods to effect the completion of the "Cure" ~ that My Lord "Jesus" ~ paid for ~ by "HIS Stripes".
Isaiah 53:5 But He [was] wounded for our transgressions, [He was] bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace [was] upon Him, And by His stripes we are healed. 1 Peter 2:24 who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness -- by whose stripes you were healed.
A couple of weeks ago, an "MSer" ~ that I have interacted with for several years ~ forwarded me a message from a post into one of many yahoo support groups to which I belong.
On 4/24/07, a friend of mine ~ with Multiple Sclerosis ~ wrote:
Subject: [mscured] Oil Pulling
My mother in law sent me this info from http://OilPulling.com.
Have any of you ever tried oil pulling and if so, did you notice any benefits?
Dr. (med.) Karach said the OP heals totally "head-aches, bronchitis, tooth pain, thrombosis, eczema, ulcers and diseases of stomach, intestines, heart, blood, kidney, liver, lungs and women's diseases. It heals diseases of nerves, paralysis, and encephalitis. It prevents the growth of malignant tumors, cuts and heals them. Chronic sleeplessness is cured." Send your questions and concerns to
Back Ground
Dr. F. Karach, M.D., presented a paper before the All-Ukrainian Association. The meeting was attended by oncologists and bacteriologists belonging to the Academy of Science of the USSR. Dr. Karach explained an unusual simple healing process using cold-pressed oils.
The results of this therapy invoked astonishment and doubt concerning the contents of his report. However, after further examining the workings of the oil therapy, one has but to then test it on oneself to prove its validity and effectiveness. It is most astonishing that such results can be achieved with this absolutely harmless biological healing method.
This simple method makes it possible to effectively treat the most varied diseases, in some cases enabling one to avoid surgical intervention and the taking of medications that can have harmful side effects.The exciting factor of this healing method is its simplicity.
It consists of swishing cold-pressed oil in the mouth( Sunflower or Seasme, Pl. note you don't need to go for organic oils only, A normal refined sunflower oil bought from any supermarket proven to be effective in many people). The healing process is accomplished by the human organism on its own.
In this way it is possible to heal cells, tissue and all organs simultaneously; the body itself gets rid of toxic waste without disturbing the healthy microflora. Dr. Karach says human beings are living only half their life span. They could potentially live healthy to be 140 to 150 years old.
The method
In the morning before breakfast on an empty stomach you take one tablespoon in the mouth but do not swallow it. Move Oil Slowly in the mouth as rinsing or swishing and Dr Karach puts it as ' sip, suck and pull through the teeth' for fifteen to twenty minutes. This process makes oil thoroughly mixed with saliva. Swishing activates the enzymes and the enzymes draw toxins out of the blood.
The oil must not be swallowed, for it has become toxic.
As the process continues, the oil gets thinner and white. If the oil is still yellow, it has not been pulled long enough. It is then spit from the mouth , the oral cavity must be thoroughly rinsed and mouth must be washed thoroughly. Just use normal tap water and good old fingers to clean.
Clean the sink properly, you can use some antibacterial soap to clean the sink. Because the spittle contains harmful bacteria and toxic bodily waste. If one were to see one drop of this liquid magnified 600 times under a microscope, one would see microbes in their first stage of development.
It is important to understand that during the oil-pulling/swishing process one's metabolism is intensified. This leads to improved health.
One of the most striking results of this process is the fastening of loose teeth, the elimination of bleeding gums and the visible whitening of the teeth. The oil pulling /swishing is done best before breakfast. To accelerate the healing process, it can be repeated three times a day, but always before meals on an empty stomach.
(a) Do not swallow. The oil should be spat out. But inadvertently if you swallow there is nothing to worry. It will go out through feces. Nothing is to be done.
(b) If you are allergic to a particular brand of oil, change the brand of oil or oil itself to different oil.
(c) Sunflower and Sesame oil have been found to be equally effective in curing diseases. Other oils were not found to be as good. Do not blame oil pulling by practicing with other oils. Use refined oils.
Results of Oil Pulling
The result of this healing research has attracted amazement and resulted in further research. This additional research concerning Oil Therapy has now been thoroughly documented, especially with regard to physiological similarities between individuals.
It is surprising that through this biological healing method a wide variety of symptoms have unquestionably disappeared without any side-effects. This simple method makes it possible completely heal such a wide variety of diseases which would normally be treated by an operation or by powerful or potent Drugs, usually with significant side-effects.
The simplicity of this healing system in which Oil is swirled backwards and forwards in the mouth, is due to the stimulating effect which it has on the body's eliminatory system.
Through this method it is possible to heal individual cells, cell conglomerates such as lymph nodes and more complex tissues such as internal organs simultaneously. This occurs because the beneficial microflora throughout the body are provided with a healthy continuum.
Without this natural bodily intrusive element evinced by the microflora the usual pattern of human health tends to lean towards illness rather than wellness.
Dr. Karach anticipates that regular application of this treatment by reversing this process so that wellness is the dominant state of the human body is likely to increase the average human lifespan to approximately 150 years, double the present life expectancy.
Dr. Karach is supported in this view by other colleagues in the world.
By means of this treatment {Oil } it is invariably the result that diseases like migraine headaches, bronchitis, diseased teeth, arterio thrombosis, chronic blood disorders such as leukemia, arthritis and related illnesses, neuro physiological paralysis, eczema, gastro enteritis, peritonitis, heart disease, kidney disease, meningitis, and women's hormonal disorders are completely eliminated from the organism.
The benefit of Dr. Karach's method is that the oil therapy heals the whole body in perpetuity. In terminal diseases such as cancer, Aids and chronic infections this treatment method has been shown to successfully replace all others.
Dr. Karach has successfully healed a chronic leukemia patient with 15 years of harsh treatment methods behind him. Acute arthritis in 1 patient who was totally bedridden was removed from his body in 3 days with no inflammation apparent.
* NOTE: The recommended oils to use are Sunflower Oil, Seasme Oil. We are receiving many emails about which oil to use.
Our experience with thousands of people across the globe says USE COLD PRESSED OIL as first choice, if it is not available use REFINED OIL (which seems to be effective in the process too). We have observed that any oil other than SUNFLOWER or SEASME may not be effective.
Since that day ~ I have practiced "Oil Pulling" ~ at least ~ twice each day.
I Am seeing my disabilities and symptoms of MS (Multiple Sclerosis) disappear.
And ~ yes ~ I Am also continuing to use my "THE FEAST" supplement ~ using LIFEWAVE Pain Patches ~ and taking an antioxidant that is not yet available via my website:
In the near future ~ I hope to be able o offer Free samples of this triple antioxidant ~ MLM Affiliate Program ~ As I do the other health products that I have found have helped me.
This is but the 1st article ~ on this "Oil Pulling" subject ~ that I have written. I promise that there will be more forthcoming ~ as I see more results..
I will conclude this article by using what I wrote to my MS (Multiple Sclerosis) affected ~ Earth Angel ~ friend:
I'll Begin "Pulling My Weight" In Oil ~ Right Away :)))
Please let me know how it works on Your MS ~ for you :))
LuV Ya :)
Rascal :))
[ad_2] Source by Russ Miles
Originally Published Here: "Oil Pulling" – The Alternative Medcine Therapy That Cures Many Diseases 4 Virtually Free – Thank Go
0 notes
cbdhempoil2017 · 7 years
"Oil Pulling" – The Alternative Medcine Therapy That Cures Many Diseases 4 Virtually Free – Thank Go
As a disabled victim of MS, I have tried just about everything to reverse the debilitating symptoms of MS (Multiple Sclerosis):
From Avonix, an "Injectable" ~ self administered ~ prescription drug, that is pushed by "Traditional" neurologist's, to "Cortisone Therapy", another of the "Traditional Medicine Man's" approaches ~ have each been disappointing..
"Non-Traditional" and "Alternative Medicine" have allowed me to countless options ~ that I have faithfully pursued ~ over the last six years. Each has given me some "Hope", and an understanding of what has not worked for me.
I have used LDN (Low Dose Naltrexion), BVT (Bee venom Therapy), CS (Colliodial Silver) and God only knows how many dozens of vitamins, herbs, and supplements.
Each was said to have helped other MSers. Yet, while my body likely benefited ~ to some degree ~ its disability continued to worsen. At last, I was non-ambulitory, and totally "Incontinent."
God Healed me "Instantaneously" of Incontinence", but has been using other "Non-Traditional and Alternative Medicine" methods to effect the completion of the "Cure" ~ that My Lord "Jesus" ~ paid for ~ by "HIS Stripes".
Isaiah 53:5 But He [was] wounded for our transgressions, [He was] bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace [was] upon Him, And by His stripes we are healed. 1 Peter 2:24 who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness -- by whose stripes you were healed.
A couple of weeks ago, an "MSer" ~ that I have interacted with for several years ~ forwarded me a message from a post into one of many yahoo support groups to which I belong.
On 4/24/07, a friend of mine ~ with Multiple Sclerosis ~ wrote:
Subject: [mscured] Oil Pulling
My mother in law sent me this info from http://OilPulling.com.
Have any of you ever tried oil pulling and if so, did you notice any benefits?
Dr. (med.) Karach said the OP heals totally "head-aches, bronchitis, tooth pain, thrombosis, eczema, ulcers and diseases of stomach, intestines, heart, blood, kidney, liver, lungs and women's diseases. It heals diseases of nerves, paralysis, and encephalitis. It prevents the growth of malignant tumors, cuts and heals them. Chronic sleeplessness is cured." Send your questions and concerns to
Back Ground
Dr. F. Karach, M.D., presented a paper before the All-Ukrainian Association. The meeting was attended by oncologists and bacteriologists belonging to the Academy of Science of the USSR. Dr. Karach explained an unusual simple healing process using cold-pressed oils.
The results of this therapy invoked astonishment and doubt concerning the contents of his report. However, after further examining the workings of the oil therapy, one has but to then test it on oneself to prove its validity and effectiveness. It is most astonishing that such results can be achieved with this absolutely harmless biological healing method.
This simple method makes it possible to effectively treat the most varied diseases, in some cases enabling one to avoid surgical intervention and the taking of medications that can have harmful side effects.The exciting factor of this healing method is its simplicity.
It consists of swishing cold-pressed oil in the mouth( Sunflower or Seasme, Pl. note you don't need to go for organic oils only, A normal refined sunflower oil bought from any supermarket proven to be effective in many people). The healing process is accomplished by the human organism on its own.
In this way it is possible to heal cells, tissue and all organs simultaneously; the body itself gets rid of toxic waste without disturbing the healthy microflora. Dr. Karach says human beings are living only half their life span. They could potentially live healthy to be 140 to 150 years old.
The method
In the morning before breakfast on an empty stomach you take one tablespoon in the mouth but do not swallow it. Move Oil Slowly in the mouth as rinsing or swishing and Dr Karach puts it as ' sip, suck and pull through the teeth' for fifteen to twenty minutes. This process makes oil thoroughly mixed with saliva. Swishing activates the enzymes and the enzymes draw toxins out of the blood.
The oil must not be swallowed, for it has become toxic.
As the process continues, the oil gets thinner and white. If the oil is still yellow, it has not been pulled long enough. It is then spit from the mouth , the oral cavity must be thoroughly rinsed and mouth must be washed thoroughly. Just use normal tap water and good old fingers to clean.
Clean the sink properly, you can use some antibacterial soap to clean the sink. Because the spittle contains harmful bacteria and toxic bodily waste. If one were to see one drop of this liquid magnified 600 times under a microscope, one would see microbes in their first stage of development.
It is important to understand that during the oil-pulling/swishing process one's metabolism is intensified. This leads to improved health.
One of the most striking results of this process is the fastening of loose teeth, the elimination of bleeding gums and the visible whitening of the teeth. The oil pulling /swishing is done best before breakfast. To accelerate the healing process, it can be repeated three times a day, but always before meals on an empty stomach.
(a) Do not swallow. The oil should be spat out. But inadvertently if you swallow there is nothing to worry. It will go out through feces. Nothing is to be done.
(b) If you are allergic to a particular brand of oil, change the brand of oil or oil itself to different oil.
(c) Sunflower and Sesame oil have been found to be equally effective in curing diseases. Other oils were not found to be as good. Do not blame oil pulling by practicing with other oils. Use refined oils.
Results of Oil Pulling
The result of this healing research has attracted amazement and resulted in further research. This additional research concerning Oil Therapy has now been thoroughly documented, especially with regard to physiological similarities between individuals.
It is surprising that through this biological healing method a wide variety of symptoms have unquestionably disappeared without any side-effects. This simple method makes it possible completely heal such a wide variety of diseases which would normally be treated by an operation or by powerful or potent Drugs, usually with significant side-effects.
The simplicity of this healing system in which Oil is swirled backwards and forwards in the mouth, is due to the stimulating effect which it has on the body's eliminatory system.
Through this method it is possible to heal individual cells, cell conglomerates such as lymph nodes and more complex tissues such as internal organs simultaneously. This occurs because the beneficial microflora throughout the body are provided with a healthy continuum.
Without this natural bodily intrusive element evinced by the microflora the usual pattern of human health tends to lean towards illness rather than wellness.
Dr. Karach anticipates that regular application of this treatment by reversing this process so that wellness is the dominant state of the human body is likely to increase the average human lifespan to approximately 150 years, double the present life expectancy.
Dr. Karach is supported in this view by other colleagues in the world.
By means of this treatment {Oil } it is invariably the result that diseases like migraine headaches, bronchitis, diseased teeth, arterio thrombosis, chronic blood disorders such as leukemia, arthritis and related illnesses, neuro physiological paralysis, eczema, gastro enteritis, peritonitis, heart disease, kidney disease, meningitis, and women's hormonal disorders are completely eliminated from the organism.
The benefit of Dr. Karach's method is that the oil therapy heals the whole body in perpetuity. In terminal diseases such as cancer, Aids and chronic infections this treatment method has been shown to successfully replace all others.
Dr. Karach has successfully healed a chronic leukemia patient with 15 years of harsh treatment methods behind him. Acute arthritis in 1 patient who was totally bedridden was removed from his body in 3 days with no inflammation apparent.
* NOTE: The recommended oils to use are Sunflower Oil, Seasme Oil. We are receiving many emails about which oil to use.
Our experience with thousands of people across the globe says USE COLD PRESSED OIL as first choice, if it is not available use REFINED OIL (which seems to be effective in the process too). We have observed that any oil other than SUNFLOWER or SEASME may not be effective.
Since that day ~ I have practiced "Oil Pulling" ~ at least ~ twice each day.
I Am seeing my disabilities and symptoms of MS (Multiple Sclerosis) disappear.
And ~ yes ~ I Am also continuing to use my "THE FEAST" supplement ~ using LIFEWAVE Pain Patches ~ and taking an antioxidant that is not yet available via my website:
In the near future ~ I hope to be able o offer Free samples of this triple antioxidant ~ MLM Affiliate Program ~ As I do the other health products that I have found have helped me.
This is but the 1st article ~ on this "Oil Pulling" subject ~ that I have written. I promise that there will be more forthcoming ~ as I see more results..
I will conclude this article by using what I wrote to my MS (Multiple Sclerosis) affected ~ Earth Angel ~ friend:
I'll Begin "Pulling My Weight" In Oil ~ Right Away :)))
Please let me know how it works on Your MS ~ for you :))
LuV Ya :)
Rascal :))
[ad_2] Source by Russ Miles
Article Here: "Oil Pulling" – The Alternative Medcine Therapy That Cures Many Diseases 4 Virtually Free – Thank Go
0 notes
"Oil Pulling" – The Alternative Medcine Therapy That Cures Many Diseases 4 Virtually Free – Thank Go
"Oil Pulling" - The Alternative Medcine Therapy That Cures Many Diseases 4 Virtually Free - Thank Go
As a disabled victim of MS, I have tried just about everything to reverse the debilitating symptoms of MS (Multiple Sclerosis):
From Avonix, an "Injectable" ~ self administered ~ prescription drug, that is pushed by "Traditional" neurologist's, to "Cortisone Therapy", another of the "Traditional Medicine Man's" approaches ~ have each been disappointing..
"Non-Traditional" and "Alternative Medicine" have allowed me to countless options ~ that I have faithfully pursued ~ over the last six years. Each has given me some "Hope", and an understanding of what has not worked for me.
I have used LDN (Low Dose Naltrexion), BVT (Bee venom Therapy), CS (Colliodial Silver) and God only knows how many dozens of vitamins, herbs, and supplements.
Each was said to have helped other MSers. Yet, while my body likely benefited ~ to some degree ~ its disability continued to worsen. At last, I was non-ambulitory, and totally "Incontinent."
God Healed me "Instantaneously" of Incontinence", but has been using other "Non-Traditional and Alternative Medicine" methods to effect the completion of the "Cure" ~ that My Lord "Jesus" ~ paid for ~ by "HIS Stripes".
Isaiah 53:5 But He [was] wounded for our transgressions, [He was] bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace [was] upon Him, And by His stripes we are healed. 1 Peter 2:24 who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness -- by whose stripes you were healed.
A couple of weeks ago, an "MSer" ~ that I have interacted with for several years ~ forwarded me a message from a post into one of many yahoo support groups to which I belong.
On 4/24/07, a friend of mine ~ with Multiple Sclerosis ~ wrote:
Subject: [mscured] Oil Pulling
My mother in law sent me this info from http://OilPulling.com.
Have any of you ever tried oil pulling and if so, did you notice any benefits?
Dr. (med.) Karach said the OP heals totally "head-aches, bronchitis, tooth pain, thrombosis, eczema, ulcers and diseases of stomach, intestines, heart, blood, kidney, liver, lungs and women's diseases. It heals diseases of nerves, paralysis, and encephalitis. It prevents the growth of malignant tumors, cuts and heals them. Chronic sleeplessness is cured." Send your questions and concerns to
Back Ground
Dr. F. Karach, M.D., presented a paper before the All-Ukrainian Association. The meeting was attended by oncologists and bacteriologists belonging to the Academy of Science of the USSR. Dr. Karach explained an unusual simple healing process using cold-pressed oils.
The results of this therapy invoked astonishment and doubt concerning the contents of his report. However, after further examining the workings of the oil therapy, one has but to then test it on oneself to prove its validity and effectiveness. It is most astonishing that such results can be achieved with this absolutely harmless biological healing method.
This simple method makes it possible to effectively treat the most varied diseases, in some cases enabling one to avoid surgical intervention and the taking of medications that can have harmful side effects.The exciting factor of this healing method is its simplicity.
It consists of swishing cold-pressed oil in the mouth( Sunflower or Seasme, Pl. note you don't need to go for organic oils only, A normal refined sunflower oil bought from any supermarket proven to be effective in many people). The healing process is accomplished by the human organism on its own.
In this way it is possible to heal cells, tissue and all organs simultaneously; the body itself gets rid of toxic waste without disturbing the healthy microflora. Dr. Karach says human beings are living only half their life span. They could potentially live healthy to be 140 to 150 years old.
The method
In the morning before breakfast on an empty stomach you take one tablespoon in the mouth but do not swallow it. Move Oil Slowly in the mouth as rinsing or swishing and Dr Karach puts it as ' sip, suck and pull through the teeth' for fifteen to twenty minutes. This process makes oil thoroughly mixed with saliva. Swishing activates the enzymes and the enzymes draw toxins out of the blood.
The oil must not be swallowed, for it has become toxic.
As the process continues, the oil gets thinner and white. If the oil is still yellow, it has not been pulled long enough. It is then spit from the mouth , the oral cavity must be thoroughly rinsed and mouth must be washed thoroughly. Just use normal tap water and good old fingers to clean.
Clean the sink properly, you can use some antibacterial soap to clean the sink. Because the spittle contains harmful bacteria and toxic bodily waste. If one were to see one drop of this liquid magnified 600 times under a microscope, one would see microbes in their first stage of development.
It is important to understand that during the oil-pulling/swishing process one's metabolism is intensified. This leads to improved health.
One of the most striking results of this process is the fastening of loose teeth, the elimination of bleeding gums and the visible whitening of the teeth. The oil pulling /swishing is done best before breakfast. To accelerate the healing process, it can be repeated three times a day, but always before meals on an empty stomach.
(a) Do not swallow. The oil should be spat out. But inadvertently if you swallow there is nothing to worry. It will go out through feces. Nothing is to be done.
(b) If you are allergic to a particular brand of oil, change the brand of oil or oil itself to different oil.
(c) Sunflower and Sesame oil have been found to be equally effective in curing diseases. Other oils were not found to be as good. Do not blame oil pulling by practicing with other oils. Use refined oils.
Results of Oil Pulling
The result of this healing research has attracted amazement and resulted in further research. This additional research concerning Oil Therapy has now been thoroughly documented, especially with regard to physiological similarities between individuals.
It is surprising that through this biological healing method a wide variety of symptoms have unquestionably disappeared without any side-effects. This simple method makes it possible completely heal such a wide variety of diseases which would normally be treated by an operation or by powerful or potent Drugs, usually with significant side-effects.
The simplicity of this healing system in which Oil is swirled backwards and forwards in the mouth, is due to the stimulating effect which it has on the body's eliminatory system.
Through this method it is possible to heal individual cells, cell conglomerates such as lymph nodes and more complex tissues such as internal organs simultaneously. This occurs because the beneficial microflora throughout the body are provided with a healthy continuum.
Without this natural bodily intrusive element evinced by the microflora the usual pattern of human health tends to lean towards illness rather than wellness.
Dr. Karach anticipates that regular application of this treatment by reversing this process so that wellness is the dominant state of the human body is likely to increase the average human lifespan to approximately 150 years, double the present life expectancy.
Dr. Karach is supported in this view by other colleagues in the world.
By means of this treatment {Oil } it is invariably the result that diseases like migraine headaches, bronchitis, diseased teeth, arterio thrombosis, chronic blood disorders such as leukemia, arthritis and related illnesses, neuro physiological paralysis, eczema, gastro enteritis, peritonitis, heart disease, kidney disease, meningitis, and women's hormonal disorders are completely eliminated from the organism.
The benefit of Dr. Karach's method is that the oil therapy heals the whole body in perpetuity. In terminal diseases such as cancer, Aids and chronic infections this treatment method has been shown to successfully replace all others.
Dr. Karach has successfully healed a chronic leukemia patient with 15 years of harsh treatment methods behind him. Acute arthritis in 1 patient who was totally bedridden was removed from his body in 3 days with no inflammation apparent.
* NOTE: The recommended oils to use are Sunflower Oil, Seasme Oil. We are receiving many emails about which oil to use.
Our experience with thousands of people across the globe says USE COLD PRESSED OIL as first choice, if it is not available use REFINED OIL (which seems to be effective in the process too). We have observed that any oil other than SUNFLOWER or SEASME may not be effective.
Since that day ~ I have practiced "Oil Pulling" ~ at least ~ twice each day.
I Am seeing my disabilities and symptoms of MS (Multiple Sclerosis) disappear.
And ~ yes ~ I Am also continuing to use my "THE FEAST" supplement ~ using LIFEWAVE Pain Patches ~ and taking an antioxidant that is not yet available via my website:
In the near future ~ I hope to be able o offer Free samples of this triple antioxidant ~ MLM Affiliate Program ~ As I do the other health products that I have found have helped me.
This is but the 1st article ~ on this "Oil Pulling" subject ~ that I have written. I promise that there will be more forthcoming ~ as I see more results..
I will conclude this article by using what I wrote to my MS (Multiple Sclerosis) affected ~ Earth Angel ~ friend:
I'll Begin "Pulling My Weight" In Oil ~ Right Away :)))
Please let me know how it works on Your MS ~ for you :))
LuV Ya :)
Rascal :))
Source by Russ Miles
Post Source Here: "Oil Pulling" – The Alternative Medcine Therapy That Cures Many Diseases 4 Virtually Free – Thank Go
0 notes