#one of the only other ocs from this story was my sisters oc naru who had a picodevimon who evolved into devidramon and finally lilithmon
beepsbees · 2 years
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someone on twit requested i drew bearmon which reminded me of my digimon oc Koharu i had when i was a kid who was stuck in the digital world since kindergarten and was protected by a grizzlymon she rode around on
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viatrix-glow · 2 years
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I HAVE FINALLY FINISHED MY RENDERS/LAYOUTS/WHATEVER FOR MY ENSTARS OC….. and now i will dump a bunch of information about her 🤲🏽
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here’s some outfits for her!! tbh the winter one was made on the spot soooo idk if it’ll actually stay
here’s the faux scout cards <3 they took way too long to make and yes i stole the bg of the second one from mika’s card (the first is also from the game). i’m not drawing a background
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heres some more info about her. no organization im just gonna spout some rapid fire facts. keep in mind she is a little bit (a lot bit) of a self indulgent oc <3
-she is what i am dubbing a fill-in idol. essentially, she’s an idol who fills in for other units when they’re missing a member for a performance . this is why she works with valkyrie most often (she can take the roll of shu or nazuna for ex songs)
-her first name comes from a song (hikari by royal scandal). no real reason i just like the song lol
-she left switch on very good terms (she’s still besties with all 3 of them). she just left because she thought the unit functioned better as a trio (“you three shine brighter on stage without me~”) she still performs with them from time to time though (usually for smaller audiences, or she just joins them for practice)
-she’s been friends with mika since before they entered yumenosaki (they applied together), and became close to arashi in her first year too. she had planned on trying out for valk alongside him, but got caught up with switch
-speaking of switch! she runs into tsumugi on the day that he first visits the library (with the key rei gives him to get into the secret area) and recognizes him as one of the fine members . she goes with him to the library and meets natsume there (same scene as canon just. she’s there .) she gets along really well with him (and with mugi), which is why she ends up as a member of switch during her second year.
-she used to have a crush on nazuna (product of watching the performances and going to mika’s practices) . not really relevant i just wanted to throw it out there. does she have a crush on someone now? i don’t know
-her last name (yuuta) is intentionally the same as my twst oc, aurelia . they are sisters (aurelia is the older one by a year and a few months -(her bday is 2/2)). my thought is that when aurelia is sent to the world of twst, somehow the people who know her in her or world forget about her, so hikari doesn’t remember her as of now .
-she works part time at the same diner/restaurant/whatever as niki. he has to teach her a Lot about cooking though (she’s getting better)
-she absolutely Hates hates hatesssss rinne and crazy:b when they first start to cause trouble. she’s very protective over her friends and the other idols at es. even though she dislikes eichi for everything he did, she recognizes and appreciates the work he’s put into making es. she doesn’t like how crazy:b throws themselves into others live shows (live shows are so important and personal to units!!), and she gets very snappy and upset with them for it. however, she does her best to keep the peace when she’s around them because they’re under the same agency. after the main story stuff in !! finished though she begins to understand the position rinne +the bees were in, and she starts to forgive them and grow somewhat close to them. i would put them in the frenemies area
-i think her shuffle unit would be flambé!…? i tried to make it branco since they only have 4 members, but since she works with sora so often i think that disqualifies her. i really would like her to be in blend+ but again. same problem
-i think she’s close with anzu too. girlies gotta stick together! her, anzu and naru can go out for girls nights together
-the only unit she doesn’t really fill in for is 2wink because . the whole twin dynamic. kinda hard to replace one . and mam/doubleface obv
ok i’m running out of thoughts it’s 12am but that’s my oc!!!! if u read all of this thank you i love u <3
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myaekingheart · 3 years
For Thirsty Thursday. Tell me about your fav oc! Anything goes, ramble away! Infodump me, baby!
[thirsty thursday]
My favorite OC is definitely Rei 😂 But she's also the one I talk about the most and focus on the most, too, so I should probably pick someone else for this, but...
You're all gonna hear it again because I love her.
Basics are that she's the only daughter of Hana (née Yamanaka) and Yuruganai Natsuki, who own the local bookstore Kaminoki Shop. The bookstore itself was founded by Rei's grandfather, Oku Natsuki. She grew up in a little house on the outskirts of the village with her parents and her paternal grandmother, Teiko Natsuki, with whom she shares a really close bond. Their next door neighbors were Hana and Yuruganai's childhood friends Sakumo and Aijo (née Inuzuka) Hatake, so Rei and Kakashi grew up together and were super close. Rei really admired Kakashi and she desperately wanted to pursue a career as a ninja just like him, but she had very little support at home except for grandmother, who was actually the one who signed Rei's permission slip to enter the academy behind Hana and Yuruganai's backs. Kakashi supported her, too...until he didn't. When he started losing everyone, he did a complete 180 and basically told Rei "forget it, you're too weak, you'll never make it as a ninja so quit while you're ahead" and basically just detached himself from everyone. So that of course broke Rei's heart in pieces. Her childhood best friend, one of the only people who ever supported her, just leaving her in the dust. So she took this as an opportunity. She took that anger and hatred she felt toward him and everyone else who told her she wouldn't make it and she used that to fuel herself further to prove that she belonged there. And by the time she was 18, she was appointed into the ANBU. To train under Kakashi. Things were really tense at first as the two of them tried to navigate this abrupt reunion but ultimately, they couldn't avoid the fact that they still cared very deeply for each other after all these years. And as they grew closer, Rei discovered that sometimes things aren't always as they seem, that Kakashi never actually stopped caring about her, that he detached himself from her because he cared about her. That he tried to deter her from her dreams because he didn't want her to put herself in danger, he didn't want to risk losing her, too. Throughout the years, he'd peer around corners and from behind trees sneaking around to check on her and make sure she was safe. He of course missed her deeply and desperately wanted to spend time with her but he felt that keeping his distance was what was best. Now that she was in the ANBU with him, though, he knew that was no longer possible and neither was avoiding the way he felt about her. At 18 and 20 respectively, Rei and Kakashi ultimately had to admit their feelings to each other and started pursuing a romantic relationship.
Even when things seemed well and good, they were reunited after so many years and Rei had felt like she had finally proven herself to him and her family, things were still rocky. Rei lost her best friend in the line of duty, thanks to her own leadership skills, and spiraled into a deep depression that led her to temporarily break up with Kakashi under the excuse of needing space. It took almost a year for Rei to finally return to him and Kakashi decided quickly afterward to ask her to marry him. And even then, things still manage to go haywire as they try to prep for the wedding and cope with some very rapidfire changes that occur during this time, like their decision to try for a baby being very quickly scrapped by Rei making ANBU captain which is then in turn very quickly scrapped by Rei unexpectedly getting pregnant right after her and Kakashi decided to stop trying. And that's about the point in the story I'm at currently, but things are also about to get even more hectic for reasons I won't delve into now for the sake of ✨spoilers✨
But ultimately Rei and Kakashi do eventually get married and have six children together across a span of ten years: Nariko, Rokurou, Sutego (who is adopted), Katsuro, Keiko, and Kazuhiko.
Personality-wise, Rei is intelligent, a little sarcastic, guarded but also deeply caring, and []. Her paternal family's kekkei genkai is actually founded in empathy through a jutsu called chakra tethering. It's basically the ability to not just channel one's chakra into an object but lock it there so that you and that object are linked, and wherever that object is, you can sense what's going on around it--which is very useful for espionage. Rei can also use herself as a vessel to channel other people's chakra into objects, which is something she uses for a personal thing she has called chakra plants. Her chakra plant project is actually a deeply personal and special thing she reserves for only those she cares the most about like Kakashi, her family, and her closest friends. It involves a very intimate ritual of choosing the perfect flower to represent the aforementioned person, the perfect pot to house that plant in, and then the chakra channeling itself. Once this is complete, the cherished person and their chakra plant are intrinsically linked so that based on the chakra that's locked in the plant, Rei can estimate the morale of that cherished person no matter where they are in the world based on the wellbeing of the plant. So for example, with Kakashi, he and Rei picked a cornflower because it reminded her of scarecrows, she planted it in a pot, and then she siphoned a bit of Kakashi's chakra from his body, channeled it through herself and into the plant, and then locked it in the plant so now if Kakashi is off on a mission and he gets seriously injured, Rei will know something is wrong because the plant will respond to the wellbeing of his chakra and begin to droop or dry out or wilt depending on the severity of his injuries. I feel like it's all kind of complicated, and I should probably draw a diagram of something one of these days to make it a little clearer, but I'm doing my best 😅
And then training-history wise, Rei entered the academy at 6 and made genin at 10. She was placed on a team with her schoolmate and best friend Naru Fuzuki, the daughter of local socialites involved local government and finances, and her bully Sekkachi Fumeiyo, a girl from a downtrodden clan known for being liabilities in battle thanks to a chronic illness that runs in the family. Their sensei was Chikara, a wise and proper woman with a background in, believe it or not, dance. She used those experiences in dance, however, to strengthen her students' teamwork, espionage, and awareness skills by having them create a group alter ego as young idols/rave dancers and perform choreographed dances at a club where they learned how to disguise themselves, change the way they act, and discretely keep their eye on large crowds while doing something else. And of course the importance of being in sync both on the stage and on the battlefield. Despite the fact that they have all since grown up and grown apart in ways, however, they still keep in touch as best as they can. Chikara is out of the village often but she and Sekkachi, specifically, share an extremely close, sisterly bond so Chikara is always the first one Sekkachi goes to for advice or some tough love. And over time, Naru brought Rei and Sekkachi closer together, too, to the point where the two of them are now damn near inseparable and like sisters--they butt heads a lot but there's nothing they wouldn't do for each other and they are always there for one another which is great since neither of them have biological sisters themselves but they're close enough and have known each other long enough that they might as well be sisters. And in the future, Sekkachi ends up becoming sensei to Rei's firstborn, Nariko, as well as Mirai Sarutobi.
There's honestly even more I could say about Rei, her story, her relationship with Kakashi and my other OCs, etc. but by now I feel like this response has gotten long enough so I'll stop it there but the ask box is always open for even more information if anyone is curious enough 😅
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sleepysailorghost · 4 years
some stuff about my ocs! these are not my fallout characters, these are some characters I've had for about a year. actually hold on I need to worldbuild for a moment. The world that my characters live in is not exactly our own.
In the age undreamt of, humanity had an enemy. An enemy that was stronger and faster than any human could dream, a creature of infinite night and shadow.
Somehow, humanity managed to seal away that enemy and vowed that they would not forget the danger that once lurked in the shadow. But the did forget. Within a hundred years, the story of humanity's vanquished enemy became nothing more than folklore. A story to tell to children, and nothing more.
The thing to remember about seals, of course, is that they wear away.
When the seal finally broke and the enemy was released out into the world, it was a very different world. It crept into the cities and the homes and the neon-lights and it found itself insatiable.
The government was initially scornful of the idea, and then it very rapidly came on board. This was a country who had been at odds with another for a long time, although it never came to blows. For once, the countries of the world were able to band together in order to prevent a mass panic over the Old Enemy. Mainly, they made it so nothing was published about it.
One day, something happened. A young girl was walking home when she was attacked by the Enemy. She had no way of defeating such a monster-and then there was. And within her, a spark caught. When asked about it, all she remembered was the radiant light. She ran home as fast as she could.
Her brother was the person she confessed the events to. He was young, and had taken responsibility for her after their parents had died during the war. He had a position on the project that searched for a solution to the Old Enemy. Knowing how significant this was, he brought her in to his supervisors.
It seemed to be that some girls had the ability to go beyond human limits, and defeat the Old Enemy. While this has only been found in girls, there were girls with this ability found throughout the world. This nixed the idea that she had gained these abilities from exposure to some element during the war.
The nations that had agreed to destroy the Old Enemy vowed that they would send forth the daughters who had such an ability. Eventually there was a small team formed, tightly knit and close as sisters with military training. The spark that was lit that day has turned into a blaze, and the time had come to destroy the Old Enemy for good. In the process, they forfeited their lives, but the monster was gone. Only one girl still trained, the youngest member of the team, known by the training name "Metal Mouth". She had been left in case the girls had failed.
However the project did not totally disband, only refocused. The enemy had changed. These girls-and there would be more girls-would train to take out any target assigned to them. But children aren't likely to do that. There was a need for motivation.
Eventually, it was decided that the best way to motivate girls into becoming deadly assassins was to hold their families hostage. To threaten the lives of people they love.
Metal Mouth ran shortly after that. To this day, she still hears the screams of her mother and the gunshots that rang out.
Other girls arrived to train. Nana and Doe were not the first, and they would not be the last. Through their actions they would lead to the end of this, however.
Nana was a good magical girl assassin-good enough that she was gifted a new eye. She loved her girlfriend, and talked almost ceaselessly about how when they got out of this place, she would make Doe her wife. She also took on the role of mentor to some girls, even though she hated it. Two such girls were the twins, Naru and Naomi. They were sweet innocent girls and did not deserve this fate.
When they passed, it was like the color seeped from the world.
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ffamranxii · 5 years
I draw a manga/write a light novel series based on that manga, which is essentially an amalgamation of my favorite series and giving some of my favorite characters, who I feel were shafted in their source material, a better ending. That series is called C’est la Vie 5, because it originally featured five fandoms that I LOVED enough to have created an original character for.
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Now, like many people, I’ve created a fuckton of OCs for a fuckton of series. However, unlike, say, Dragonball Z and Pokemon (RIP to Son Mei and Cissy the Eevee breeder), I still use these characters. I am still active in these fandoms. Some of these characters are nearly as old as I am. Some have gone through so many iterations that they’re nearly unrecognizable from their original forms (looking at you, Haruhi, Suzuka, and Kinoko). But they have ALWAYS been there.
C5 the way it is now started as a fun little project in college to help me memorize my Japanese vocabularly. It was a series of one shot or 4koma doodles in the margins of my notebooks, featuring PGSM+Hina. Then the doodles got mutated. I replaced Makoto with an original character named Sun Hwa, who then was replaced with Ayumi Yamada from Honey and Clover. I added in Hagumi Hanamoto from H&C too. Ami was renamed Moeco, and her appearance changed. I ended up splitting Ami in two, because I loved her Dark Mercury arc so much, and ended up with Moeco and Akumi. I added Mio Kuroki but called her Arisa Kuroki, because my Usagi at the time was called Mio. I added Mikasa from Attack on Titan. Misa Amane (named Erika after her actress in the live action). And it spiraled from there. C5 went through a TON of iterations as well over the past ten years. There was a character called Haruhi, but she was from the Haruhi Suzumiya series.
Now it’s pretty ironed out. The cast is so big I’ve split the series into a set of volumes into one big volume, so it doesn’t become Naruto. Each volume has a set of plots, two of which are contained within that volume. It’s pretty easy and I like it.
HINA is a mishmash of three fandoms (two if you count PGSM and Sailor Moon as one fandom). I fell in love with Boys Over Flowers (the Korean version) after discovering the live action Sailor Moon, and had a complete fit the entire time that Jandi chose Junpyo. (WHY, Jandi. WHY. Jihoo was BETTER for you. BETTER!) I had a Korean friend in my Japanese class, and it was at this period that my Makoto doodle was replaced with Sun Hwa (another Korean) and that Hina Kusaka (who is exclusive to PGSM, and whose name I stole for my OC) became Hina Ku (after the actress who played Jandi, not Goo Junpyo). Hina and Sun Hwa had small side conversations in Korean that my friend taught me, while the group as a whole reinforced my Japanese lessons. C5 has plenty of Boys Over Flowers characters (a mix of the Korean, 2019 Chinese, and Japanese versions), but I never made an OC for the series. Hina filled both roles. In PGSM and Sailor Moon I kept her name as Kusaka, but in C5 it’s Ku, and she is a zainichi - Korean-descended. Hina also plays a different role depending on which series I’m using her in. In PGSM, I used her as Sailor Sun. Sailor Sun has been a character I’ve had since I was five years old. She’s changed style and looks considerably over the years, but she’s always been there. In every other iteration of Sailor Moon, I prefer the theory that Naru and Unazuki are Sailors Earth and Sun, and Hina is one of Usagi’s many friends. In the pre-C5 era, she, Usagi, and Erika were part of the 3 Bakas, for their bad grades. 
AKIHO is my newest OC and holy shiiiiit I have cleaved to the Persona series hardcore. Rather than create a new OC for each entry in the series (though I may change my mind when Person 6 comes out), Akiho’s look, style, and role in the story changes (I reconcile this to be something akin to Clara Oswald in Doctor Who). In P5, which she was created for, she’s a Phantom Thief. The idea came to me when I learned there has never been a playable character of the Temperance arcana, Hifumi was supposed to be a PT, and the general consensus that Mishima and Shiho should have been PTs. Akiho has been through several iterations herself but her general look is based on Tae Takemi from @scruffyturtles ‘s Adult Confidant AU. Her personality seems very calm and serene, but she is a secret metal head and a huge fan of Eikichi Mishina’s band Gas Chamber. Her PT mask is based off a butterfly. Her role in C5 is a shrine maiden, where she gets along with Rei (Sailor Moon), is the sister of Akira Kurusu (who is a separate person from Ren Amamiya), and the daughter of a pair of mobsters.
KINOKO is my second oldest OC, having been around since I was twelve. Her original name was Cherry (like every other Tokyo Mew Mew OC) and her original animal is lost to the sands of time. Luckily, my favorite animal is a red data animal, so she can be fused with that now! Kinoko has been through so many iterations it isn’t funny. In the TMM world, her hair is an auburn, a dark brown with red undertones, mimicking how some mushrooms (where her name comes from) appear. (It’s a callback to her original name). Her Mew outfit has also changed considerably and I still haven’t settled on it completely. The Mew Mews are not a unit in C5. Zakuro is a model with Ann and dating Minto, Ringo (LOVE Ringo) is a middle schooler who hangs out at an arcade and is best friends with Bu-Ling, Ichigo is a waitress with Berii, Retasu works with Ryou. And Kinoko works at a karaoke bar, chasing troublemakers like Bu-Ling out. She also interacts with the new Au Lait boys.
SUZUKA is also an old OC, her name having originally been Meiling. She’s from Fushigi Yuugi, which I was obsessed with as a child. She’s nearly as old as Kinoko - I was introduced to the series at around the same time. Suzuka’s original role as Meiling was Miaka’s attendant and general Mary Sue, and she was one of my first attempts at exploring fanfiction (along with Kagami the cat demon and Teiten the Thunder Sister from Inuyashs, RIP), because I couldn’t decide which of the original Suzaku warriors I loved most. Everyone had such a wonderfully tragic, lovely backstory, and I needed to give them all blankets and hugs, and Miaka was just a dumbass, okay? (I think I settled on Tasuki. Love me some Tasuki.) Anyway. Suzuka eventually morphed into the Priestess of Kouryuu once I learned that Fushigi Yuugi was based on real Chinese legends, and one legend sometimes included Koryuu, the Yellow Dragon of the Center. (Fun fact: There’s a video game that explores this option, but in it, Kouryuu, is treated as a false god.) In my OC world, Kouryuu is the Great Unifier, only able to be summoned once the first four priestesses have summoned Suzaku, Seiryuu, Byakko, and Genbu, and it is he that will stop the war that threatens the four countries of the Book of the Universe of the Four Gods. In C5, Suzuka works at a bookstore owned by Hifumi Togo that specializes in rare books.
HARUHI is the last old OC, but she’s also new? Haruhi was, for the longest time, existant in a stage of limbo. Fruits Basket was introduced to me as a teenager, when I was about thirteen or fourteen, and I didn’t quiiiite embrace the message, behind it. I couldn’t get past the art style (I was very picky about what I visually consumed back then), I couldn’t get into the anime for the same reason, and I couldn’t quite get past the whole “it’s called Fruits Basket wtf and also they turn into animals? And it’s not a magical girl anime? What in the actual fuck?” But like many things I of course loved the characters, I adored my baby Kyo, and I of course made an OC specifically for him, because I back then did not ship Kyoru (sacriligious, I know). I don’t even remember what Haruhi’s original name was. I just decided that she was a Sohma and the rooster, because the curse of the original rooster was broken, and broke a long time ago, so it was entirely possible for Kyo to have a love interest who was a Sohma and the rooster who was around his age (in my teenage mind). That old Sohma OC, is of course, RIP. I can’t even. And recently, I discovered Fruits Basket Another, and I somewhat resurrected that OC in the form of Haruhi, but as the child of the OG cast. Sawa needs more friends, more protectors, and there’s no tsundere besides Hajime. It always bothered me that Kagura never got any canon love interest or story wrap up after she let go of Kyo, and then in Another she doesn’t have children. :( I love Kagura, so Haruhi is hers! I’m also sad that no one in Another dresses in kimonos when so many in Furuba did (Ritsu, Akito, Shigure, Kazuma, Kunimitsu), so Haruhi dresses in them when she isn’t in school. 
KEIKO is special. Not only is she the newest, but she is also the only character exclusive to C5. While the other characters in C5 are based on characters from other fandoms and have their personalities and such shaped by the new series, Keiko is entirely unique. Her name is a combination of the two things that birthed the series: Sailor Moon and Persona 5. Keiko is for Keiko Kitagawa, the actress who played Sailor Mars in PGSM; and Makigami is for Kazuya Makigami, a major character in Persona 5 the Daybreakers. Kazuya is also Keiko’s brother in C5 and he is... not a great person lol. Neither is Keiko. Her appearance is based on how I wear my hair irl and the clothing of Jim Hawking from Outlaw Star, my favorite anime of all time. (I sadly never made an OC for that series. I tried but I am not good at space opera.)
None of the OCs ever cross paths in C5. It would create a temporal paradox and probably result in one of them fainting or dying lol. Since they’re all essentially the same person. Fun fact: I, Ffamran (known in-universe as Bideru the author) also occasionally make cameos, and I also cannot cross paths with the OCs. Luckily Tokyo, where C5 is set, is a very big place. 
If you stuck with me through this very long post about OCs, thank you! I just really wanted to go off about them since I’ve been in a writing mood and I’m on volume 2 of C’est la Vie 5 now. 
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pastelbatfandoms · 4 years
O.C Character Survey
1. Your first OC ever? My WWE one Roxy,I wrote her when I was 13. I also made Naru aka Molly from Sailor Moon a Sailor Senshi named Sailor Sun. She had a yellow sailor fuku with a blue bow. 
2. Do you have a personal favourite among your OCs? I’m not sure. I will say that my easiest one’s to write are Renee from The Flash and Suzanna from TWD.
3. Have you ever adopted a character or gotten a character from someone else? Kinda. my Ex let me use his OC’s in stories. He has Alien Races called The Cartanians and Tarians and a Vampire Nightmare lord named Shirowen. Who is based off of the lead singer of Dimmu Borgir.
 4. A character you rarely talk about? Carrie aka The Carrion Crow just because I haven’t been interested in finishing My Gotham fic,or I have been but just never wrote anything down...
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5. If you could make only one of your OCs popular/known, who would it be? My Vampiress Levathia for My Original story. Just because then I can make all My other OC’s known by extension. 
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 6. Two OCs of yours that look alike despite not being related? All the Tarians and Cartanians look like each other lol (it is a race that has all white hair and red eyes and a race that has all different shades of green hair and purple eyes)
Image Photoshopped by me of Tessa,Soven and Aahren 👇👇👇👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
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Otherwise I think that the actresses I used for My Characters Esme (From Descendants) and Helena (From AHS) look alike. 
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7. Are your OCs part of any story or stories? They’re part of all kinds! I guess I could list My Non Original stories lol (only going to put one Actress for each,although My Characters are played by multiple Actress’s.)
Mughead (Riverdale)-Michelle Riley
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  Wells of Hearts (The Flash)-Renee West
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The Carrion Crow (Gotham)-Carrie
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Mischief on Wings (Marvel/Loki)-Amara 
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The Alpha (Teen Wolf)-Marianna Mccall
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Kings and Queen of Destruction (TWD)-Suzanna Greene
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Half God Half Devil (AHS Apocalypse)-Helena
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The Dream Lovers (Freddy Krueger)-Rika
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Strange Days (Stranger Things)-Mandy Moorington
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Gods and Pirates (The Descendants)-Meghana
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The Snakes and The Raven (Harry Potter)-Rihannon Hickleberry-Black
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Ash Vs Evil Dead-Ashlee
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8. Do you RP as any of your OCs? If you do, introduce one of your RP OCs here! No.
 9. Would you ever be willing to give any of your OCs to someone else? Maybe.
10. Introduce an OC with a complicated design? Looks wise I assume, I’m going to go with a non Fanfic Character and say Shirowen,He still looks like a vampire with long black hair and fangs,but he also is decayed looking,like he might have the plague and is pretty terrifying really. But being the lord of Nightmares that suits him just fine. He also has a very Black Metal look to him. 
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 11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a “sunshine”? lol no
 12. Name an OC that isn’t yours but who you like a lot 
13. Do you have any troublemaker OCs? I have tons lol 
 14. Introduce an OC with a tragic backstory. All of My Characters have a bit of a sad past.Mandy,Renee and Suzanna’s parents died,Marianna’s parents left her ect. But I think the saddest is probably Helena,read My AHS story to see what I mean!
 15. Do you like to talk about your OCs with other people? Yes
16. Which one of your OCs would be the best at biology (school subject)? I don’t know
 17. Any OC OTPs? I mean I pair up My OC’s with my favorite character of the show usually. So I’ll just list those.  (Crackship gifs make by me)
MichellexJughead Jones
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I love Renee with ALL The Wells’s but I feel like Eobard Thawne was her OTL. 
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MariannaxPeter Hale
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had a hard time picking between Suzanna’s Current Bou Negan,her ex The Governor or Merle. But in the end I think Merle was her ride or die,he was her first in basically all aspects and if he hadn’t died they would still be together. 
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HelenaxMichael Langdon
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RikaxFreddy/Robert Englund (Their basically the same person in My Fic)
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Steve Harrington was Mandy’s first crush but I really think despite there ups and downs that Billy was her OTL,even though her and Steve became endgame after Billy died.
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MeghanaxHadesxHarry Hook (because I can’t make up my mind!)
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EsmexChad Charming
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18. Any OC crackships? Already did lol
 19. Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why) 
20. Do any of your OCs sing? what kind of songs do they like? Only ones that sing are In My Descendants Fics. So Esme and Meghana.
 21. Your most artistic OC. I would say Michelle since she’s loosely based on me,also Renee since she went to collage for Fashion and Graphic Design. 
22. Is there any OC of yours people tend to mischaracterize? If yes, how? 
 23. Introduce OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like? I don’t really change my characters rough drafts lol if I have idr how. 
24. If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why? I should say Helena or Carrie so...yeah them.
25. The OC that resembles you the most (same hobby, height, shared like/dislike for something etc?)  Michelle,we were both Goth in HS,had a big group of friends,dated someone “misunderstood”,wrote poetry and fanfiction and like dancing. 
26. Have you ever had to change your OC’s design or something else about them against your will? Against my will?! lol no
 27. Any OCs that were inspired by a certain song? Not certain characters but Relationships or stories definitely.  TWD Kings and Queen of Destruction title is based off of Queen of Destruction by Lana Del Rey,Esme and Chad Charming’s song I wrote was inspired by Taylor Swift’s Miss Americana and The Heartbreak Prince. But yeah I have entire playlists revolving around My Fics and Characters. 
 28. Your most dangerous OC? Helena obviously. She is married to The Anti Christ,and is pretty much the queen of hell. 
 29. Which one of your OCs would go investigate an abandoned house at night without telling anyone they’re going? Michelle,though Jughead and Betty would show up,wondering why they weren’t invited.
30. Which one of your OCs would most likely have a secret stuffed animal collection? Marianna or Mandy.
 31. Pick one OC of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like (what they reblog, layout, anything really) I have a headache and don’t feel like going into that much detail. 
32. Which one of your OCs would be the most suitable horror game protagonist and why? Helena for obvious reasons.  Also My Original Story character Seezee,she’s pretty much created from a horror story since she has a split personality and killed her father. Although Ashlee would make a perfect protag. Considering she’s a part of The Evil Dead universe. 
 33. Your shyest OC? Mandy at first,until she moves to California. Amara when she’s younger. 
34. Do you have any twin characters? No
35. Any sibling characters? Yes. Marianna is Scott Mccall's Adoptive Sister and I also made Aladdin and Jasmine Daughters,as well as a son Ali. 
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 36. Do you have OC pairs where the other part belongs to someone else (siblings, lovers, friends etc)? No...?
 37. Introduce an OC who is not quite human  Well Helena’s a reincarnated Witch who later becomes half demon,Amara’s a Valkyrie,Marianna is a Hybrid WereWitch,Levathia is a Vampire,Renee has Lightning powers,plus there’s all the Aliens,Gargoyles and Half Were’s running around. 
 38. Which one of your OCs would be the best dancer? Michelle
 39. Introduce any character you want 
 40. Any fond memories linked to your characters? Feel free to share! 
41. Has anyone drawn fanart of your OCs? If yes, maybe show a picture or two here (remember sources & permissions!) 
42. Which one of your OCs would be the most interested in Greek gods? I mean Meghana obviously,seeing as she is one.
 43. Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? I suppose I have an affinity for Brunettes and Redheads lol 
44. Something you like about your OCs in general 
45. A character you no longer use? All My Original story Characters,i should use them more,I just never get inspired too. 
46. Has anyone ever told you that you treat your OCs badly? Nope
47. Has anyone ever (friendly) claimed any of your OCs as their child? lol No
 48. OC who is a perfect cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure. Um again probably an OC I haven’t used in forever,Windy. She is half Demon/Cartanian (Alien) but is actually really sweet (unlike her Mother) and wants to become a part of The CTA (Cartanian Tarian Alliance) when she grows up. 
49. Which one of your OCs would most likely enjoy memes 
50. Give me the good ol’ OC talk here. Talk about anything you want
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hyuuchiha-a · 5 years
What are mun’s ships for their muses?
[ Anon ]
     [ A good question, nonny! In truth I don’t have that many...? A lot of the charries I write here I consider either VERY difficult to ship, or have one set ship for them. I’m gonna put this under a cut cuz it’ll probably be long, lol ]
Itachi: So this particular Itachi, by default (as with all the muses here, actually) is from a very long RP before Tumblr with two friends. In that RP, he was paired with the main muse from @kusunokihime! And because of the nature of how that story went (which I call A Light Amongst Shadows, the primary verse here), I don’t have him open to ship with anyone else. T’is just how the narrative works!
Sasuke, by default, I ship with Hinata (typically mine, but also with @historias-multorum in our little blending of verses). I...really don’t see him ever shipping with anyone else simply because of how closed-off I write him? I could talk about it for days but in short, he’s just not really a shippy kinda guy.
Hinata is probably my most openly-shippable canon bean! By default I do write her with my Sasuke, but honestly she’s a very loving girlie, so I can see her opening up to other muses! I actually do love Naru///Hina, but not so much the canon version. I’d love to write out a romance with them from scratch! Otherwise, with her, I don’t have much planned / established beyond with my Sasuke, but she’s very compatible imo!
Shisui is...complicated. I’ve shipped him twice in the past, on a different blog I had: with @wanderingmelodies‘ Rin, and @quiet-kunoichi‘s Kimiko. In all honesty Shisui’s a very charming, flirty guy? But he’s actually really flighty when it comes to actual relationships, and he’s not about hookups. He just likes to tease. In actuality he’s very hard to pin down, mostly because of how I write his time between his “death” and his reappearance post fourth war. He’s got some unpacking to do. So while he might flirt with a muse, it wouldn’t be easy to actually ship with him. Otherwise, I don’t have anything set up! And I’m not sure if either of those ships are ongoing with the new blog~
Neji I by default ship with Tenten - I have another muse who is his biological child with her, and another they adopt! Given how prim and proper he is (very...old-school. Kinda conservative?), it’d take some work to get with him in an AU. He’s haughty and proud. Proving themselves to him for another muse would be hard, but...not ENTIRELY impossible?
Hanabi I don’t really ship. I think Kono///Hana is cute, but I’ve never actually written it. I don’t have her paired with anyone in the ALAS fic as of yet! She’s a bit like Shisui: a little precocious, but also conscious of her role as Hyūga heiress.
Tenkai (my older Sasu///Hina babb) I pseudo-ship with Akane on my other blog, who is a Naru///Saku daughter! I say pseudo cuz...they only get up to 14 in the fic, so...not really the age to fully date, imo lol. I haven’t gotten to write him much, so I’m not fully sure how well he’d open up to other ships? But we could try!
Chikyū (the younger Sasu///Hina babb) is...a strange bean. I don’t ship her with anyone, and...I’m not sure how she’d react to shipping lol (tho again, since they stay minors, it wouldn’t be anything hot and heavy unless written at a point in their timeline where they are adults). But again, I haven’t written her much, so we’d have to just see!
Higure (Neji’s adopted pseudo-clone...see her bio for details cuz it’s a long story lol) I pair with Fugaku II on the main blog. I’ve...never really considered shipping her! But she might give it a try. They’d have to be very patient though, she’s a fragile bean.
Hinode is the Neji///Ten bean, and by default he’s with Reika II on the main blog. But he’s a good kiddo, he’d probably get along with someone else all right! Keyword is kid, tho - just fluff unless aged up!
Manami is my OC I made to be both Mikoto’s older sister, and Shisui’s mother! I write her with another OC, Junichi, meant to be Kagami’s son. But she IS originally slated to marry Fugaku, so...that’s something I sorta ship? Otherwise she’s pretty chill, so honestly I’d say she might consider a ship if she got on with someone okay! I also guilty pleasure ship her with Reika on the main blog, but...that’s a major AU lol
Hanako, Hinata and Hanabi’s mother, I really only ship with Hiashi. But I haven’t had any inklings of other ships? Maybe with Mikoto in a random AU, I dunno!
Hotaru, Neji’s mom...I dunno. She’s very staunch in her beliefs, so she’d probably only ever get with another (male) Hyūga. But hey, things happen!
Mikoto’s primary ship is, of course, with Fugaku. But I dream of a modern AU (or maybe even canon >w>) where she and him end up seeing things differently and divorce...and she ends up with Kushina. At first as friends, but then things...y’know...it’d be cute xD LET NART AND SAUCE BE ACTUAL BROTHERS. Otherwise, I’ve never planned or plotted anything with her!
Fugaku is again with Mikoto, maybe Manami. Otherwise...no idea. He’s a bit of a grump, but just...overly serious (as laid out in his bio). I dunno how he’d get on with other muses. We’d have to see!
Obito I don’t really ship. Maybe in an AU with Rin, tho I kinda prefer Kaka///Rin, tbh. I DO sometimes indulge @abyssaldespair‘s anons about OUR ship on THIS blog, but otherwise...I just don’t see him derailing his plan for a romance. It just doesn’t seem viable to me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Madara I also don’t really ship? I only write him in a few AUs, and...they’re not too flashy with him. AtLA he has whatever NPC wife to carry on the main Fire Nation family. Pokémon he’s too busy running Team Rocket. DL, he’s kinda lost it. And OMaM...he’s open to brief flings, but not anything solid. He sort of treats partners like...an entertainment. And things get old. Heck he even treats the one ship I have on the other blog like that. So...actual romance? Prooobably not. MAYBE flings in OMaM, but...I’m not that great at writing random smut? So I doubt I’d actually write anything out.
     Anyway...I guess that’s everyone? There’s a lot of...variety in how I perceive each muse and their ability to form relationships. My more “main” muses (those toward the top on the muse page) tend to have very severe mental and emotional trauma. Forming bonds isn’t easy. And I don’t wanna make anyone ooc of how I write them just to ship, y’know? But thank you for asking! I’ve actually meant to make a post about this, so...you get one step ahead of me xD I hope your curiosity’s sated, lil nonny :3 And always feel free to ask anything else you’d like to know! Obviously I love to ramble xD 
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