#one of them asked if you were Yunobo's special someone (they learned that phrase from one of the traveling researchers)
imaginethezeldaverse · 11 months
ooughgh ok no but the 'you have to pat the rocks on yunobo's back like bongos to get him to uncurl' bit got me thinking about how like. have you ever played hide and seek with a little kid and just went really silly about it in a 'hmm... i wonder where they are? are they behind this giggly lump?' and then kinda played around them while pretending to look for them or whatever?? im imagining playing hide and seek with some of the goron kids (and actually maybe having to get yunobo after the first two sessions because the kids could blend in really well when they wanted to, i think) and being all "HMMMM i wonder where offrak and slergo are, these two giggly rocks couldn't be them, no way no how" and get all extra goofy about it and that just makes them laugh even more and jsut. god.
STOP THIS IS SO CUTE HELLO Okay so I'm thinking the first few times you play with them, they're in pretty obvious places, mostly because they're so excited to play with you that they don't think about where to actually hide lol You're not new to this rodeo however, so you really do go all out with the theatrics, hopping up on rocks and putting your hand to your forehead like you're looking out in the distance going "Slergo's got me good, I can't find him anywhere!" or "Hmmm, that Offrak is a sneaky guy! He's smart, I haven't a clue where he could be!" Meanwhile you can literally see both of them by the Rollin' Inn pretending to be pots in their curled up forms. When you tiptoe nearby they shake a little with their laughter and you turn to Yunobo, dramatically shouting, "Hey Yuno, do you hear that? The wind is awfully giggly today, huh?" to which the Goron champion has to stifle his own laughter - he knows the kids are loving this, and he's even more impressed with how much you lovingly lean into it. So when your fingers wiggle over and tickle them right at their sides, your quick yell of "Gotcha!" ends up with all three of you laughing. When it's your turn to hide you try to blend in just enough where you're not obvious but can still be found - and you even give them the option to ask Yunobo for help if they're finding it hard to spot you. To your surprise they manage to find you every time, with them throwing themselves at you to cling to your hands and legs in victorious laughter. Eventually you come to find that they get better at hiding, and you actually do really need to enlist Yunobo's help to find them. So as not to ruin their fun he always lets you actually find them, but man does it take you a while now. You've never been so proud though. 🥹 After your latest game of hide and seek, you can see that the pair is getting sleepy, so you and Yunobo offer to let them them nap at HQ since it's still early in the day. "They're good kids, aren't they?" Yunobo asks, carefully adjusting Slergo's curled up form in his right arm. You peer down at Offrak's sleeping face, and it makes you smile to know that you've become so close with them, "Simply the best."
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