amethyst-halo · 1 year
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ok here's a full proper pangolin style goron sheet!! i was inspired by @ezlo-x to try my hand at a new interpretation of gorons and i really like how they came out!!!
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dat-1-slime · 1 year
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I love gorons so much. I drew a few in "my style" along with a young Bludo design and my oc Kazagon!! :D
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ooughgh ok no but the 'you have to pat the rocks on yunobo's back like bongos to get him to uncurl' bit got me thinking about how like. have you ever played hide and seek with a little kid and just went really silly about it in a 'hmm... i wonder where they are? are they behind this giggly lump?' and then kinda played around them while pretending to look for them or whatever?? im imagining playing hide and seek with some of the goron kids (and actually maybe having to get yunobo after the first two sessions because the kids could blend in really well when they wanted to, i think) and being all "HMMMM i wonder where offrak and slergo are, these two giggly rocks couldn't be them, no way no how" and get all extra goofy about it and that just makes them laugh even more and jsut. god.
STOP THIS IS SO CUTE HELLO Okay so I'm thinking the first few times you play with them, they're in pretty obvious places, mostly because they're so excited to play with you that they don't think about where to actually hide lol You're not new to this rodeo however, so you really do go all out with the theatrics, hopping up on rocks and putting your hand to your forehead like you're looking out in the distance going "Slergo's got me good, I can't find him anywhere!" or "Hmmm, that Offrak is a sneaky guy! He's smart, I haven't a clue where he could be!" Meanwhile you can literally see both of them by the Rollin' Inn pretending to be pots in their curled up forms. When you tiptoe nearby they shake a little with their laughter and you turn to Yunobo, dramatically shouting, "Hey Yuno, do you hear that? The wind is awfully giggly today, huh?" to which the Goron champion has to stifle his own laughter - he knows the kids are loving this, and he's even more impressed with how much you lovingly lean into it. So when your fingers wiggle over and tickle them right at their sides, your quick yell of "Gotcha!" ends up with all three of you laughing. When it's your turn to hide you try to blend in just enough where you're not obvious but can still be found - and you even give them the option to ask Yunobo for help if they're finding it hard to spot you. To your surprise they manage to find you every time, with them throwing themselves at you to cling to your hands and legs in victorious laughter. Eventually you come to find that they get better at hiding, and you actually do really need to enlist Yunobo's help to find them. So as not to ruin their fun he always lets you actually find them, but man does it take you a while now. You've never been so proud though. 🥹 After your latest game of hide and seek, you can see that the pair is getting sleepy, so you and Yunobo offer to let them them nap at HQ since it's still early in the day. "They're good kids, aren't they?" Yunobo asks, carefully adjusting Slergo's curled up form in his right arm. You peer down at Offrak's sleeping face, and it makes you smile to know that you've become so close with them, "Simply the best."
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cosmosgal · 1 year
was looking at the totk characters in the zelda wiki
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why did they choose the WORST possible picture for him
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rattschmooze · 1 year
Offrak- Molli why are you painting my fireproof elixirs? Molli- Its June, Offrak. Everyone knows its when capitalism milks the hell outta this month — but we'll outsmart them because WE'RE gay and I'm trans so we'll earn MORE than some soulless company. Offrak- that is amazing molli but i was not aware i was even considered as gay Molli- wait so why are we holding hands Offrak- it helps me think.
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pixelsjoy · 1 year
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My boy not only got the best development from BotW to TotK but he
Was willing to singlehandedly revive his hometown AND DID
2. Made it possible for people in Hyrule to come to Death Mountain
3. Really wanted to help search for Link and Zelda! And he was going to after he checked on Death Mountain!
4. Also wanted to do what he could to protect his people
You go my goron dude. Keep winning king.
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totkdaily · 4 months
Day 90: The Sage of Lightning, and Hyrule Castle
Done it. The final lock. But beyond the door… a literal trial by fire. Nothing for it. I have to jump. 
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Then it's just a flick of a switch for Riju to join me. And we're done.
Now, back to that mechanism. Power on, it takes us up. The hatch opens. We're through. 
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Riju notices a dim light - it has to be her secret stone, her destiny as a Sage. But there's a huge gibdo hive up here too. And I don't think we've seen the last of the Queen. 
We fire up at the hive. And the Queen emerges. 
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We engage. 
Twice, I'm nearly a goner. We'd be entirely doomed if not for Riju's lightning. But we defeat the Queen. Her red presence is replaced by gentle golden light - and the secret stone is revealed.
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Riju's secret stone. 
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We enter that familiar dream space, and meet the Sage of Lightning.
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It's worth hearing the tale of the Imprisoning War over again for another glimpse of Zelda in the distant past. This is her true self - always thinking of others. Not this strange shade that keeps appearing. 
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Riju accepts her destiny, and I her aid, with pride and honour. The Demon King may have originated from the Gerudo, but they have only ever been my loyal allies. There's something of Urbosa about Riju as she commands the Sage's avatar to me so deftly. 
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I can't help but notice, as her ring takes its place on my finger, that one finger on Rauru's hand is still unclaimed. I wonder… there were six Sages.  We only have four. 
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Riju and I head back to Gerudo Town. She thanks me for my aid, and her soldiers salute - a far cry from the days I was escorted out for being a Voe. 
Buliara suggests I return to Lookout Landing. I should. Purah will be expecting me. 
The sky is clear above Gerudo Town again, and people are once again above ground. The kids play in the street. The road is clear to the oasis. All is right again, in this little pocket of the world. 
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But my work isn't over yet. I return to Purah. 
She's not on her usual platform. Hmm. Buliara is, though - hardest working Gerudo I ever met - and I ask her where Purah is. Apparently she's “above”. She, Offrak, Muzu and Harth are all staring at the Castle, but I can't see anything. 
I climb up to Purah's telescope to find her. But then - a Blood Moon?? In the middle of the day? 
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The sky reddens quickly, and a chill races up my spine. Purah spots something through the telescope - Zelda?? 
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It can't be. Not after all this. And she disappears as quickly as she emerged. That's what the doppelganger does, every time. 
Purah urges me to investigate. I will. But not with any expectation that here, finally, I'll be able to rescue my Princess. 
I need to stock up before I head out - food and weapons. I should be prepared for a fight.
It's been weeks since I was at Rito Village, but I mention their bridge to Karson all the same, while I'm here. Maybe he can still be useful to them.
Everyone's peering up at the Castle, trying to catch a glimpse of the Princess. I hate it. It's not her. But there's no point trying to tell them. I just need to deal with it. 
In the bunker, Gralens says there have been sightings of huge Beasts. But he doesn't want to add to my burdens. That makes one person in Hyrule, at least. 
I don't think there's a cooking fire at Lookout Landing, so I nip to Riverside Stable to cook up some supplies there. 
While I'm there, I see a dragon in the sunset. Farosh? It's hard to tell at this distance. 
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I turn to head back to Lookout Landing, and spy Penn! Surrounded by some little bird informants. As the rain sets in, he tells me the Stable chef has been waiting for some friends to arrive, but there's been no sign of them. Apparently they were coming to share a recipe from Princess Zelda. 
The chef, Gotter, confirms the story. Agus and the rest were supposed to come across Owlan Bridge to the south, but there's no sign of them. Gotter's been watching the bridge for a while - it seems that Agus has been something of a mentor to him. 
I agree with him that it's not a good sign - but I need to get back to the castle, not chase after more of Penn's wild geese. 
It's late evening by the time I get back. As I launch from Lookout Landing Skyview Tower, a Blood Moon rises. 
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But as I glide across to the castle, something about being in its proximity seems to negate the Blood Moon? It's past midnight, and still no sign. What force could be more powerful than the Blood Moon? 
The weather shifts abruptly into a rumbling storm, lightning flashing across the sky. As I land, I hear Zelda's voice - but there's something off about her tone. She's waiting for me. 
I search for her. 
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fioreofthemarch · 1 year
Finding Her - Chapter 19
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Link makes notes, takes photos and keeps time on his quest across Hyrule, in the hopes of finding Zelda and staying sane until he does. [ Previous | Next | First | AO3 ]
Log date: 17:35. 9th month, 18th day 104AC Location: Lookout Landing, Emergency Shelter  Weather: Overcast, drizzle 
Arm hurts, really hurts. A Yiga got me there. In a bad way, but getting better. 
Don’t know where to start or where to end. It’s Autumn already, but it was Summer yesterday. Talk of a Blood Moon soon. Or did that already happen? Head’s swimming. Losing my grip a little and then suddenly I’m
Upstairs, in the loft, dozing. Zelda’s downstairs. Where’s the flour? she asks, I want to bake something. It’s been over a hundred years! So we try but I’m a better cook than a baker and she’s a culinary mad scientist. No measuring cups, no recipes, just vibes. We’re sitting on the floor waiting for the cake to bake, flour everywhere, and then she’s on my lap, then her lips are on mine, then her apron is gone along with the rest of our clothes, and when I wake up in bed next to her, there’s still flour in her hair. 
Was that yesterday or the day before? Trying to hold on. Time flowing through me like air out a window. If I reach out I can catch moments in my palm: Standing with Scorpis under a sunshade, waiting for the rain to pass. He’s telling me it’s a family legend that his great-grandfather was a Knight, like me. Then I’m with Jerrin, getting my bandages changed. She says it’s a miracle I survived, or perhaps the Goddess’ idea of a joke. Then Muzu is insisting we train the soldiers harder, but Slergo and Offrak say people are already working their guts off. Gralens hands me the latest edition of the Lucky Clover Gazette. Buliara and Harth take inventory of my gear and weapons. Mubs reads me a letter from Garini, who says hi. 
I’m here. I’m trying to be here. They’re saying the Sages are on their way to Lookout Landing. They say victory is near. But all I wanted was her, and that future only half-dreamed. The one where we have a house on a hill and it’s being renovated to add a library. Zelda’s downstairs, reviewing the plans over a cup of tea, and I’m upstairs, in the loft, checking on the baby. He was a winter-born child, like me, so he’s strong. There’s a cake in the oven. And it’s a good one.
A photograph of the kitchen in the Emergency Shelter. It’s quite orderly, as though someone has recently given it a tidy, though some jars of flour, sugar, milk and yeast are still out of place. There is a fire crackling below the stove.
Caption: Does she prefer vanilla or chocolate icing? I should know this…
Log date: 19:34. 9th month, 21st day 104AC Location: Passeri Greenbelt, Hyrule Field   Weather: Partly cloudy 
Cool morning. Trees are going red now. Rode out with the Monster Control Crew at noon. There’s a camp nearby that they hit once every few weeks, but each time it gets rebuilt a little closer to Lookout Landing. We prayed at the Goddess Statue before we left. Paya is here now, leading the services. As the hours tick down, all round the clock, people pray. 
The Sages arrived two days ago. Impa and Robbie not long after that. Here to give every last Message Medallion a service, Robbie said, while Impa handed Josha a stack of ancient texts to translate. Then, an emergency meeting with the Sages. They’re fidgeting, they’ve heard the rumours. Purah starts saying something but I stop her. They won’t believe the truth from anyone but me. Don’t know what I said, only that I tried to think of how Zelda would tell them, if she were in my place. 
Felt like all hell broke loose after. Gasps, cries, bowed heads, furious tears and vows of vengeance. All that anger and grief is a torch to a powder keg. Suddenly Purah is saying we march at dawn, tomorrow we avenge our Princess and destroy the Demon King! And I’m standing there unable to breathe because I realise I'm not ready. I can’t face him yet and I don’t know why. And I’m trying to think of how to say that without freaking everyone out, because your hero isn’t exactly meant to have second thoughts… when it’s Josha who saves me one final time. 
‘You can’t go!’ she cries. She grabs some ancient book and flips through the pages, pointing to what looks like a lunar chart, with a bright red circle at its centre. ‘There is a Blood Moon tomorrow! If it happens while you’re down in the Depths, it could be a disaster!’ 
More whispers. A bit of back and forth. Purah brushes her off as paranoid, but then the Sheikah gather around a couple calendars and do a few calculations, and in the end, the attack is called off. 
So Ganondorf got himself another day, and so did I. Can’t delay forever but… there’s just something not settled in me yet. When we win this, everyone else’s lives go back to normal. 
But what about mine? 
A photograph of the night sky, clear as glass and only broken up by the pinprick lights from distant stars. Low above the horizon, almost pulsating, is a huge, crimson moon. 
Caption: She was right, the little rebel. 
Log date: 10:00. 9th month, 22nd day 104AC Location: Sanidin Park Ruins, Hyrule Ridge Weather: Fine 
They’ll have realised I left by now. I put a note on my pillow promising to come back by sun-down. Have to keep moving in case they send scouts after me. 
Not abandoning them. Would never dream of it. But I promised myself to chase every lead and this last one is for me. 
Read through the Lucky Clover Gazette this morning and a headline on page 8 caught my eye. WINGED WRITER HANGS UP HIS FLYING GOGGLES. Penn? He’s leaving the Gazette? He told me that Traysi loved his work. I have a great all-weather climbing set to show for it. 
Might be stalling. Might not. Just want to figure this one out. Penn was looking for Zelda too, after all. And maybe searching for something else along the way – a reason to wake up each morning, get back on the trail, and soar long… 
He deserves to know what happened, or at least for someone to thank him for his hard work. Or maybe I just want to see a friendly face, before the end of it all. 
A photograph of the said Lucky Glover Gazette article, held up for the camera, the greenery of Hyrule Field just visible in the background. There is an illustration of Penn literally hanging up his goggles, with a pantomimed look of resignation on his face. 
Caption: You can take the man out of the newspaper… 
Log date: 15:50. 9th month, 22nd day 104AC Location: Great Sky Island, Central Hyrule Archipelago  Weather: Clear
I found Penn on Washa’s Bluff, in a gazebo where an old friend and I sat once. Kass would sing until the sun went down, and as thanks I’d make us both dinner. His songs still carry on the wind if you know how to listen. They’re the songs of the land, after all. 
We talked for a long time. I told Penn we made a great team, that his leads were invaluable, and that chasing them down kept me on my toes. Sure, we didn’t find Zelda, but we told the stories of her people and should be proud of that. He said he’s still leaving the paper no matter my flattery. Spoke about having lost his touch, that his instincts were gone. A reporter without instincts is like a Knight without a sword. It didn’t help when he noticed that I did, in fact, have my sword back. 
‘Don’t worry about me, partner,’ Penn said. ‘I’ll get back in the air, someday.’
But I was worried. I didn’t want Penn to lose hope… I didn’t want to lose hope. And in that moment, it felt like waking up. Like surfacing from beneath deep waters. I wanted to be alive. I wanted to live a good life. I knew I still did, even without her, even with all the pain.
So I said to him that maybe wanting to be better is its own instinct. Maybe trying to find something or someone or some meaning to it all is what keeps us going. And maybe we don’t have to do any of that alone. Penn sat with that for a long time, and then pulled out his notebook.
‘Would you want to write a column for the Gazette?’ he asked. ‘Our readers would love it. I’ll edit it, of course.’ How could I say no? We shook on it then and there. So much for his sabbatical.
It’s nearly time. I bid Penn farewell, then came here. Wondered — if I could choose how to spend one last afternoon, what would I do? The answer was easy, though it took a little while to coax Zelda to join me. But now we’re here and we’re ready: for a nap, with the sun on our backs, and nothing else but us and the quiet moments we can still share. 
I miss you, Zelda, even though you’re right here. I miss you more than I could ever say. But I’m going to keep on living. I’m going to live enough life for the both of us. I think it’s what you might have wanted. 
If nothing else, I consider it a duty. What is a Knight, if not a devotee to his lady? 
A photograph of the Light Dragon, coiled around a hollow tree stump that sits atop one of the atolls of the Great Sky Island. Three Korok wind-fans are placed in front of her snout – a makeshift lure, and apparently a successful one. On her mane is Link, resting comfortably on her hair. Together, they doze. 
Caption: You deserve all the rest in the world. 
Audio log transcription date: 104.09.24  Time: 9 minutes 45 seconds.
LNK | 08:00 Gloom’s Approach in sight. All units report. Vanguard?
MIN | 08:00 We will lead the charge. 
YNB | 08:00 Launching on your command, Link!   
LNK | 08:01 Flank? 
RIJ | 08:01 Static charging as we speak.
TLN | 08:01 With some guidance. Arrows ready. Any monsters down there won’t know what hit ‘em.
LNK | 08:01 And rearguard? 
SDN | 08:02 I am here. If you are hit, fall back to me. 
LNK | 08:02 Last not but least, intel? 
JSH | 08:02 Reporting in. We’re here to help from Lookout Landing, however we can! 
LNK | 08:04 Alright, listen to me. Zelda gave us everything she had for this, but she also gave me an order: protect you all. If anything happens, you get yourselves out. Everybody lives, do you understand me?
MIN | 08:04 Link… 
TLN | 08:04 What about you?
SDN | 08:04 Zelda would not want you to throw yourself at death!  
LNK | 08:05 That’s not happening, not when I have her power right here with me.
RIJ | 08:05 Then give us your orders Link.
YNB | 08:05 We’ll do whatever you say. 
LNK | 08:05 Fight smart, hit hard. Don’t touch any Gloom, keep your Sundelions in reach. As soon as we have a visual on Ganondorf, we do whatever it takes to finish the job. Clear? 
[All answer: ‘Clear’]
LNK | 08:06 And whatever happens… I’m glad to have spent this time with you.
RIJ | 08:06 Likewise, Link.
MIN | 08:07 Yes, it has been an honour. 
TLN | 08:07 We’ll finish this together! 
SDN | 08:07 For the Princess!
YNB | 08:08 For Zelda!  
LNK | 08:08 For Zelda. Any last words? Josha? 
JSH | 08:09 Nothing at the moment, but the further underground you go, the weaker your signal will be. I’m going to disable a few processes to conserve power, like the audio transcription. Let’s hope we don’t need it.
LNK | 08:09 You heard her. Make it count. Or at least live to tell the tale.
LNK | 08:10 Okay, heading in. See you on the other side.
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Mild TOTK spoilers but like are Slergo and Offrak supposed to be Yunobo's kids?? Or just little dudes who follow him around?? How the fuck do Gorons reproduce??
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ezlo-x · 1 year
love how slergo and offrak (the bb gorons) r just yunobos kids now. he said fuck it yr our tourism ambassadors now and also my sons
SO REAL I find it rlly cute u_u
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totk spoilers for the sequence right after you complete the regional phenomena main quest but. this is driving me absolutely insane
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for one I think it’s exciting to have all the characters leave their towns suddenly and be interacting. yunobo’s check-in with slergo and offrak made me laugh too, and ofc everyone was showing some level of concern. but from this, Tulin is the seemingly the only one with injuries. it hits different than seeing Riju and Sidon being boisterous/saying they’re fine because Tulin is in a different situation than the rest of the group— he’s younger, not already a leader or a company’s president. makes me wonder if he feels like he has something to prove, even if this is just a one-off comment. and of course to a kid being told “oh, you’ve gotten bigger!” feels like condescension even if it’s more about the adult— what they’re missing, how they’re aging, or just how the world is changing. from Harth’s comment about this being a sign of the times, I think it’s that last one for him. all of the ‘elders’ here express worry, but Harth is the only one we get commentary or thoughts from, apart from yunobo’s little “you’re being good right?” to the goron kids which is obviously different. anyway. this game….
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amethyst-halo · 11 months
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reached death mountain in my botw playthru so ofc i gotta draw some gorons
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queersrus · 2 years
Breath Of The Wild Theme
names for characters from the legend of zelda; breath of the wild!
ak, akk, akka, akkal, akkala, aya, au, aug, al, ali, aliz, aliza, ash, ashe, ax, axy, axyl, aj, aji, akra, akrah, achne, ardin, ashai, aurie, ariane, amali, ami, agus, amira, aster azu, armes, anly,
bad, badd, baddek, bam, bamb, bambo, bamboo, ban, banji, bau, baum, bauma, baumar, bay, bayg, bayge, bee, beed, beedle, bol, bols, bolson, bri, brig, brigo, bai, baij, ben, benn, benny, bo, bosh, bot, botr, bore, botri, botric, botrick, bran, branli, blad, bladon boh, bohr, bohri, bohrin, bold, boldon, bree, breen, bar, barg, bargo, bargoh, blu, blud, bludo, blynne, barta, benja, babi bertri, bozai, bulia, buliara, bedoli, bazz, brokka, bugut,
cam, camb, cambo, chab, chabi, cho, chor, chork, chu, chum, chumi, chumin, chi, chiga, cal, cala, calam, calami, calamity, can, cann, canni, chuk, chuki, chio, calisa, caly, calyban, cara, canolo, cree, cecili, cleff, celessa, calip, clavia, chessica, cloyne, cima, cotera, cado, claree, cottla,
dab, dabi, da, dah, dmi, dmit, dmitr, dmitre, dmitri, dai, daim, drak, dug, dugby, damia, daz, dillie, dalia, danda, deltan, dina, dorrah, danton, dento, dunma, dorephan, dantz, darton, domidak, dorian,
en, end, enda, endai, ep, epo, epon, epona, et, ets, etsu, el, eld, eldi, eldin, essa, estan, emry, eryck,
far, faro, faroh, farosh, fy, fys, fyso, fyson, fi, fin, finn, fu, fugo, faron, fegran, frelly, frita, furosa, flaxel, falmark, finley, fronk, flavi,
gof, gofla, goflam, grey, greyson, gray, grayson glee, gleem, gleema, gran, grant, grante, glen, glend, glendo, gan, gano, ganon, got, gott, gottr, gottre, gotter, gom, goma, gomar, gai, gail, gaile, gale, gon, gong, gongur, gonguro, gonguron, gor, gora, gorae, grap, grapp, goro, goron, gar, gars, garsh, garshon, gartan, greta, guy, galli, geggle, genli, gesane, gruve, gaddison, garill, garini, giro,
hy, hyr, hyre, hyru, hyrule, hyl, hyle, hyli, hylia, hylian, hee, heehl, hes, hest, hestu, hud, huds, hudso, hudson, hesh, hesho, hag, hagi, hagie, hun, hunn, hunni, hunnie, hoz, hai, hait, haite, hal, halan, harlow, harry, harth, huck, hino,
ita, isha, izra, ivee, impa,
jan, jana, janna, jer, jeri, jerr, jerri, jerrin, ja, jen, jengo, jini, jora, jules, juan, juanne, juanne, juannelle, jogo, juney, jiahto, joute,
kab, kabe, kabet, kabett, kabette, kabetta, kan, kann, kanny, kap, kaps, kapso, kapson, kar, karso, karson, kas, kass, ken, keny, kenyo, ki, kil, kilt, kilto, kilton, ka, kah, kai, kaif, kaifa, ke, ke'nai, kash, kasho, kat, kato, katos, katosa, khi, khin, khini, kin, king, ko, kor, kori, korima, keh, korb, korba, korbah, kal, kala, kaso, kaa, kaam, kata, katah, katt, katta, kon, konba, kair, kairo, karsh, kay, kayr, kayre, kayra, kim, kima, kish, krane, ketoh, korok, kula, konora, kyra, kalani, kohm, kotta, kachoo, kaysa, kheel, kotts, kaneli, kayden, keye, kodah, karin, koyin, kiana, kinov, kampo, koko,
li, lin, link, lee, leek, leeka, leekah, lar, laro, larob, laroba, lon, lonn, lonni, lonnie, lat, lata, latan, loone, lukan, laine, lashley leena, liana, lorn lyn, lynd, lyndae, lester, laissa, ledo, laflat, laruta, lawdon, letty, leop, lasli,
me, mee, meesh, meeshy, meg, megh, meghen, meghan, meghyn, mei, mil, mils, mi, min, mina, miph, mipha, mis, misk, misko, mae, mael, mog, mogg, moggs, mo, mon, mona, monar, monari, mony, monya, my, myt, myti, mij, mija, mijah, may, mayr, mayro, mir, mirr, mirro, molo, maca, mala, malanya, makure malena, marta, merina, muava, maike, maypin, moza, mary, monkton, modar, molli, mazli, misa, marot, muzu, mimos, manny medda, mubs, mimo, magda, mellie,
nat, nay, nayd, naydr, nadre, naydre, nadra, naydra, naz, nazbi, nad, nadd, naddo, naddon, neil, ni, nim, nima, nobo, nam, namu, namut, nami, namik, namika, noy, noya, neha, natie, nali, nellie, nobiro, nott, notts, nekk, nack, narah, nebb, nikki, numar, nanna,
om, oma, oman, owa, oz, ozz, ooh, offra, offrak, ozu, ozun, ozund, ozunda, oak, oaky, oaki, onya, olu, oliff, olkin, ollie,
pel, peli, pelis, peliso, pelison, pi, pika, pikan, pikang, pikango, pit, pita, pitar, plat, plate, platea, plateau, par, parc, parce, parcy, percy, py, pyle, peeks, pepp, padok, perosa, phanna, pokki, padda, pasha, pearle, ploka, pritana, pyra, palme, piaffe, pirou, pondo, ponthos, pedra, prima, pruce, purah, prissen, paya,
qua, quince,
reg, rega, regan, rev, reva, reval, revali, rho, rhon, rhond, rhonds, rhondso, rhondson, ri, rik, ron, ronn, rex, ru, rul, ruli, rob, robb, robbi, robbie, rudi, rhoa, rhoam, roh, roht, rohta, ruv, ruvo, rot, rota, rok, roke, rokee, ray, raym, russ, ram, rame, ramel, ramell, ramella, ro, rog, roga, rogar, rogaro, roha, rohan, roscoe, riju, reez, reeza, rima, risa, roma, romah, rotana, ripp, ropsten, raegah, rivan, ralera, reede, rhodes, rozel, rensa, rola,
sav, save, savel, savell, savelle, sher, sherf, sherfi, sherif, sherfin, sho, sor, sorel, sorrel, soreli, sorelia, spoon, spoone, si, sido, sidon, shaka, shakah, stam, stamm, sea, saas, shi, shir, shira, sham, shama, shamae, shor, shore, shora, shae, spri, sprinn, straia, suzum suzuna, shabonne, strade, sud, sudrey, saula, smaude, spera sumati, shaillu, sesami, selmie, saki, seggin, satty, spinch, sayge, sefaro, seldon, sophie, senna, symin, sebasto, sagessa, shay, shibo, steen,
tor, torr, tore, toren, tot, tots, totsu, totsun, totsune, totsuna, ty, tye, ten, tenn, tenne, tu, tut, tuts, tutsu, tutsuwa, tar, tarr, tarry, tarre, tarrey, tom, toma, tof, toff, toffa, tro, trot, trott, toh, tan, tank, tanko, tray, tash, tasho, tali, tera, tauma, teake, traysi, teba, tulin, tona, tottika, tula, torfeau, trello, tumbo, teli, tamana, teebo, thad, tokk, tasseren, trissa,
urb, urbo, urbos, urbosa, uma,
vol, volc, volco, volcon, villa, varke, verla,
walton, wabbin, worten,
yam, yamm, yammo, yo, yow, yowa, yowak, yowaka, yahsa, yu, yun, yuno, yunobo, yaido, yolero,
ze, zel, zeld, zelda, zy, zyl, zyle, zu, zum, zumo, zuna, zal, zalt, zalta, zo, zor, zoro, zoron, zorona, zooki, zumi, zuta.
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Tsk, tsk, we'll fix that.
Some slight TOTK spoilers below
It was subtle at first. A skipped breakfast here, an hour less of sleep there. Yet when business began to rise, there was more and more to do. He enjoyed helping people, as someone with his title should. The people of Goron City and all its passerbys were important to Yunobo, especially when the town's economic renewal rested ultimately in his hands. A responsibility he was more than willing to take on no matter the cost. Even now, as he ran himself ragged some days, did he not notice that the cost would be him. That he would have to skip meals to take care of a business matter or lose sleepover the long hours of mining he chose to partake in. But you noticed. You didn't know Yunobo to be as soft spoken as he was now. His tone delicate and heavy with sleep. His eyes, even sleepier as you began to notice the deep crags sitting under them. Of course you'd ask him if he was alright, his answer always usually an enthusiastic "Yes! Just fine!" but the exhaustion in his voice and the immediate slump of his back afterwards was more than enough for you to know he wasn't being honest. It wasn't until you quite literally found him asleep at his work desk, stomach angry from hunger that you knew something had to give. You took it upon yourself to make several arrangements for the next few days. Quiet conversations about what's been going on with your Goron beau turned into friendly helping hands. For all that he's done for Goron City, they were all willing to give back. Upon wake up the next day, Yunobo began his routine as he usually would. Boulder Breaker at his back, he made his way to the entrance of HQ to prepare for another lengthy day of a some trade deals and plenty of mining. "Hold it, Sage of Fire" your voice called after him, stopping him in his tracks. He froze at your words, you didn't ever really call him by his goddess written title, so he knew you were serious. Your arms were crossed over your chest, though your smile was far more gentle, "You're not going to work today." Yunobo tilted his head in confusion, "Huh? But I have such a busy ahead." Your hands slowly slid into his; with a worried brow your voice grew quieter, "Don't think I haven't seen the way you haven't been taking care of yourself, Yuno...you barely sleep anymore, barely eat even. And I know what the importance of a rockfilled belly to a Goron is." His large fingers curled around your smaller ones, guilt bled into the roundness of his face. You leaned over, trying to catch his falling gaze, "I've already arranged for Slergo and Offrak to work with the crew and take care of a few things for the next few days...everything else Bludo promised to step in for." The sigh Yunobo lets out is lengthy, but you can see in the way he looks at you that he understands he's not escaping your plans. He nods with a small smile, "Okay, okay. I'll take a few days off." In those few days you make sure he gets three square meals - all taken care of by Cooke, who was eternally grateful for the timely supplies of stone cuts YunoboCo he receives on a weekly basis. The hours he spends chipping away at the mines is spent instead soaking in the hot springs, a much needed luxury to ease the tension and tiredness that plagued him. You would find out from Yunobo that he spending all that time in the mines to give his crew a break. Meanwhile, a little digging let you know that the YunoboCo team was actually also concerned their boss was doing too much work (and that they were more than willing to do their fair share) - they just didn't know how to bring it up with him. On the third day of Yunobo's staycation, you were pulled into a extraordinarily warm embrace, "...Thank you for all this, really. It's been nice to take a breather." Your heart rattles in your chest, and you try to will yourself not to tear up. He really does deserve to rest with how much he’s done not only for you but for everyone in the city. Returning his embrace you lean your head on his chest, " I’m glad...keep in mind I'm not the only person you're important to, Yunobo...there's a whole community that depends on you." He begins to explain that he knows, and that that's exactly why he's been going as hard as he has - but you put your finger to his lips, "But they won’t have you if you don’t take care of you first.” Yunobo sighs once more, but it ends in a knowing smile. You’re right and he admits it. Your hand finds his cheek, “You do so much already - you don’t need to everything all at once.” His palm lays over your hand, you can see endearment swimming in his irises. His opposite hand lifts you easily at your lower back and you’re swept in a quick, tender kiss. When he lets you go, he still holds your frame close, his expression soft as he scans your face, “I think I needed the reminder.” 
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sombersummerskies · 8 months
A Champion's Love: Chapter 29
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Chapter 29: Baited Word Count: 5963 CW: Blood, injury, violence
Want all the chapters? -> Masterlist
~~~ <> ~~~
You can feel your heart begin to pound in your chest. Your eyes are frantic as you watch the scene unfold before you. In the city below you watch as the Goron become panicked, children running in fear as adults panic and attempt to usher them to safety. You feel Zelda shake your arm.
“We must get everyone to safety!” she shouts beside you.
You nearly lose your footing once more as the rumbling of the ground increases. Your expression is stern as you turn to face Yunobo. “Get down to the city and make sure everyone gets inside their homes. I’m going to take the princess to Bludo’s house,” you instruct him, “once we get everyone inside, you and I are going to go up to Rudania and investigate.”
The young descendant nods, his hair bouncing. “On it!” he replies, running off and rolling into a boulder to get down to the city faster.
Zelda takes your hand and together you run off of the bridge. The rocky ground is uneven and you do your best to keep yourselves from tumbling right off the edge. You hug the wall of the cliff as you scale downwards, praying to the goddesses that no flaming rock should come down and crush you both.
Once your boots land on the metal walkway of the city you sprint. You see Bludo outside the front of his home, ushering a younger Goron inside to safety.
“Princess!” the elder shouts, “get inside!”
Both you and Zelda reach the shelter of his house. You pant for air as you look around, noticing a few other Goron huddled inside as well. The building shakes and trembles as another screech from the Divine Beast rings through the air. Concern laces your features, and then you feel a tug at your leg.
You look down and see a young Goron clutching onto your leg, his eyes wide with fear. “My friend is still out there,” he says, casting a worried gaze outside.
A frown etches its way onto your face and you glance over at Zelda. She nods, reading your expression. You kneel down and hold the child’s hand, his skin rough and rock-like. “I’ll go out there and find him, okay? What’s his name?”
He nods, his bottom lip trembling, “it’s Offrak.”
You give him a smile before standing at full height once more. You unhook the shield from your back and grip it tightly. “I’ll be back,” you announce, “everyone, stay here until this is over.”
Another rumble shakes the ground beneath you as you run outside. You call out Offrak’s name, desperately searching for the young Goron. The metal bridge above the lava flow wobbles precariously as you dash across it. The heat in the air is more intense than ever, you feel the sweat drip down your back. You know that your elixir will be running out soon.
You can practically feel the heat of the ground through your boots. Another strong shake of the ground brings you to your knees, and you hiss as you scrape your palms against the sharp rock. You ignore the droplets of blood that form and continue running.
“Offrak!” you scream, squinting as you try to peer through the hazy air, “Offrak!”
You finally hear a reply, a small outcry of “help!” coming from beyond the entrance gate.
Your feet move swiftly as you run down the path. You gasp when you see a small orange Goron running uphill, clutching little glass bottles in his arms. You keep an eye on the sky as you approach him, carefully watching out for falling rocks.
“Offrak, c’mon, we have to get you to the city,” you say as you hold the shield over his head, “let’s go.”
The little Goron sniffles and tries to explain, “I’m sorry, I was trying to sell these elixirs, but then Rudania-”
You gently shush him, “it’s okay, no one’s mad at you, but we have to get you home, I’m sure your family is worried.”
He nods and continues uphill, back towards Goron City. You jog beside him, keeping the shield held above his head. The elixir bottles in his hands clink together as he runs. When you turn the corner of the hill and see the entrance you see Yunobo standing there, waving his arms at you.
“Come on!” he cheers, “almost- WATCH OUT!”
You stop in your tracks and look up, gasping when you see a flaming rock tumbling down- headed straight for you. You grab Offrak and pull him close, kneeling down as you lift the shield above your heads. You shut your eyes tight and focus, willing forward the ability of Daruk’s Protection.
The tell-tale red sphere spawns around you just in time. The boulder lands right above you, crashing against the shield which Daruk’s power afforded you. You scream after feeling the force of the impact, fighting the urge to recoil as the flaming rock shatters around you. As soon as the coast is clear you put your arm down and the sphere dissipates.
Offrak runs up the hill as fast as his legs can take him, running straight into Yunobo’s arms. You follow them back into the city and ensure the young Goron’s safety. A small smile graces your lips as you watch the two friends reunite, but another cry from the Divine Beast quickly ends the happy moment.
“Is everyone sheltered?” you ask Yunobo.
“Yes, I made sure,” he replies with a nod of his head, “what do we do now?”
You turn to look at the princess. “Zelda, I’m going to borrow the Sheikah Slate. Rudania’s teleport should still be active, it’s the fastest way for Yunobo and I to get to the top of the volcano.”
“Are you sure it’s a good idea? If the Divine Beast is moving, then-” she begins to argue, but stops herself, “no, you’re right, this is far too urgent. Here, but please, stay safe.”
She hands you the slate and you quickly hook it onto your belt. You grab a few elixirs to combat the extreme heat and take a swig of water before looking at the map. Just as you’d thought, Rudania’s icon on the screen is still a bright blue.
“I will warn you that since it’s your first time using the teleport, it will probably make you feel a bit sick,” you warn Yunobo as you return to his side, “but it’s the quickest way, climbing up the mountain will take too long.”
“I can handle it,” he replies semi-confidently, but you can still hear the nervousness in his tone.
You give him a nod before tapping the lizard-shaped icon on the screen. You grab onto the Goron’s large hand as blue particles begin to gather around you. You feel weightless as the light covers your bodies and suddenly you’re whisked away.
Your boots hit uneven ground once you land. You choke as you nearly stumble backwards, a queasy feeling in the pit of your stomach. You kneel close to the ground as you attempt to regain your bearings. It had been quite some time since you’d used the slate to travel, you’d almost forgotten what it felt like.
Beside you Yunobo is fairing somewhat worse, digging his fits into the side of the mountain to prevent himself from tumbling right off the side. You look around and do your best to take in the surroundings. It’s obvious that you’re on the side of Death Mountain, though you’d ended up on a rather steep incline that made your stomach churn.
The air was hazy and sizzled with heat. On either side of you were flowing rivers of lava. The ground shook, this time more fierce than you’d experienced in the city. You finally look up and-
“Rudania,” you gasp, eyes wide.
The Divine Beast was above you, its machinery whirring as it took another step forward. One of its large feet slammed down on the molten rock, resulting in the mountain shuddering once more. You look towards Yunobo nervously, formulating a plan in your head.
“Can you climb?” you ask him.
He nods, though you can tell he’s still feeling the sickening effects of teleportation.
“Then let’s go,” you instruct, “if we can get inside without alerting anymore, we can ambush whoever it is that’s controlling Rudania.”
With a grunt you dig your fingers into the rock and start your ascent. After months of traversing the land you’ve built up the arm strength to hoist yourself up, even at these grand heights. You try to ignore the soot and smoke you inhale, eyes watering as your throat begins to dry.
You warily eye the tail of the Divine Beast. Whoever is inside controlling it seems to be taking great joy in using the tail to cause a ruckus. Above you, one of its four legs begins to move again. You realize a moment too late that it’s about to land right on top of you.
You quickly roll to the side, doing your best to hold in your shriek. Beside you the mechanical foot lands with a resounding thud, shaking you to your core. Your chest heaves as you stare wide eyed at the beast, before returning to your senses and scrambling onto its body.
“C’mon,” you say, “let’s climb up the leg.”
As a pair you and Yunobo climb up the side of the Divine Beast. It’s smooth-stone exterior is slick, not giving you much leverage, but you persevere nonetheless. Eventually you reach Rudania’s back, at the intersection of the tail and the interior. You recognize the pedestal you’d initially swiped the Sheikah Slate on, where you’d first heard Lord Daruk’s voice.
“The central unit is on its back, up there,” you explain, “whoever is controlling this will be there.”
You move quietly, guiding Yunobo upward. You unsheathe the Master Sword, the hilt warm in your hands from the heat of Death Mountain. You keep the sword in front of you as you climb onto Rudania’s back, looking curiously at the main unit. There, you find your culprits.
A group of Yiga members are crowded around the pedestal. A Blademaster watches over three Footsoldiers, and the trio seems to be bickering over what to do with the machine.
You gesture for Yunobo to keep quiet, watching the way his eyes widen at the sight of the soldiers ahead of you. Through some wordless gestures, you manage to communicate your plan to ambush them and that you want him to act as your back-up. He holds up his cobble crusher in agreement.
As stealthily as you can manage you move across the back of the Divine Beast. Crouched, you take advantage of the various structures that jut out of Rudania’s back to give yourself cover. You were reminded of the times you’d crept through the Yiga hideout, hopping from corner to corner to avoid being spotted by a Blademaster. Momentarily you lamented the lack of mighty bananas in your reach.
You peer around the corner and look towards the central unit. The three Footsoldiers were still fighting over the controls, now pushing at one another and yanking on the tufts of hair that stuck out of their costumes. They couldn’t reach a consensus on what to do next with the Divine Beast.
‘Wait a minute…’ you think, counting the Yiga members in your head, ‘shouldn’t there be a-’
“Hello, puny hero.”
You practically jump out of your skin when you hear a voice beside you. Out of instinct you move your arm, launching your first in their direction. You wince as your hand is grasped and held in place, and finally turn your head. The Blademaster is standing there, and you can feel his gaze through his mask. The symbol of the upside-down eye bores down into you.
“... oh,” you whisper, “uh, hello there.”
The Blademaster doesn’t seem interested in small talk. His grip on your hand tightens, painfully twisting your wrist in a direction it likely shouldn’t bend in. Your other hand, the one that holds the Master Sword, reacts. You let the hilt of the sword go and it clatters to the ground, confusing the Yiga member.
You snap your fingers. A grin spreads on your face as lightning strikes the Blademaster, causing him to crumple at his knees and let go of you.
“Yunobo!” you shout, no longer feeling the need for stealth as you grab your sword, “let’s get ‘em!”
The three Footsoldiers are startled, first by the strikes of lightning you’d brought down, and then by both you and the Goron descendent running straight towards them. 
You launch over the control unit and use the hilt of your sword, slamming it into the sternum of one of the soldiers. He falls to the ground, the wind knocked out of him. With a grunt you swing your sword, slicing another soldier across the vest. Beside you Yunobo uses his strength to his advantage, swinging his crusher around and sending the third soldier flying into one of the nearby structures.
With a grunt you grab onto the soldier who’s vest you’d sliced. You grab onto the straps of their armor and haul them up off of the ground before shoving their back into the control unit. You glare down at them with a fierce expression.
“Yunobo make sure the rest don’t make a run for it,” you say sternly before turning your attention back to the Yiga member, “now tell me, what’s your plan?”
“Oh, gracious hero of Hyrule, please, spare me-” the soldier begins sarcastically, but a snarl forms on your lips as you tighten the grip on their armor and slam their back into the unit even harder.
“Innocent lives are in danger because you idiots are trying to control a machine you don’t understand, I’m not feeling particularly gracious right now,” you frown, “so fess up.”
From behind the mask a chuckle emanates, though it sounds pained, “you’ll see, soon enough-”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” you question.
The soldier laughs again, “we really lucked out when we were able to send that fish prince running back home, we didn’t know if the letter would work or not.”
Your heart plummets in your chest and without realizing it, your hold loosens, “... what?”
Before you can ask any further questions, the sky fills with light. You whip around, keeping one hand on the soldier as you look towards the west. Though it was far, and the volcanic air was hazy, you could make out the small silhouette of the Divine Beast Vah Medoh in the distance.
And, to your horror, Medoh had just shot a bright blue beam of energy into the sky.
It was the same beam you’d witnessed in test-runs a century ago. The same beam that had once, accidentally, blew a massive hole straight through Hebra Peak. It was the same beam that had aided you in defeating the scourge of Hyrule Castle.
As the sky returns to normal you turn back to the soldiers. “What did you do? What have the Yiga done-”
But before you can get your answers there’s a symphony of laughter and clouds of red smoke. The four Yiga members had vanished, running off to who-knows-where. You don’t realize that you’re shaking until Yunobo walks up to you and places a hand on your shoulder.
“Champion…?” he asks softly, sensing how tense you are.
It takes you a moment to ground yourself. Your heart and mind are racing. You’re full of anger and confusion and fear. Your hands shake as you lift them to your face, covering your mouth in shock. “It’s not just Rudania… they’ve gone for all four Divine Beasts… but how…?”
“I thought only pilots who did the trials could use the controls?” Yunobo asked in confusion. 
You shake your head, “no, no when we were first testing these, the Sheikah scientists could control them as well. The trials were to make sure you were worthy, so you could forge a bond with the Divine Beast. But… but how did the Yiga find out how to…”
Your sentence trails off as you think, the wheels turning in your head. You had a theory, but before you could investigate you’d have to make sure the other Divine Beasts were secure. 
Potentially selfishly, Sidon was at the forefront of your concerns, above anyone else. He’d gone back to Zora’s Domain, and now you’d found out it may have been a ruse. If the Yiga were interfering with all four machines, he’d be in danger as well. There was no doubt in your mind that if Ruta began to rampage, the prince would be one of the first to attempt to put a stop to it.
“We need to get back to Zelda,” you say, unhooking the slate from your belt, “we need to stop this, before things get far worse.”
Your boots pound against the ground as you run towards Bludo’s house. Surprised expressions look back at you as you storm through the entrance, practically out of breath. Yunobo arrives right after you.
You're met with a multitude of voices, questions from every direction, and your head starts to spin.
“What happened?”
“Are we safe?”
“What did you see?”
“Has Rudania stopped?”
You watch as Zelda politely pushes her way through the crowd and reaches out to you. You take her hand and pull her aside, not wanting to cause any more panic. Luckily, Yunobo steps forward and tries to calm his fellow Goron as you and the princess have a hushed conversation.
“It was the Yiga,” you whisper to her, “they were trying to hijack Rudania, and they’ve already taken control of Medoh in the west.”
Her eyes go wide as she shakes her head, “no, that’s not… how could they possibly know how to handle the controls? That information has been protected by-”
“The Sheikah,” you interject, still trying to keep your voice low, “and… well… the Yiga have stolen from Impa before, they took the heirloom once. It’s not impossible to think that they’ve stolen more.”
Zelda nods, “we need to go to Kakariko Village, we need to let Impa know.”
She reaches for the Sheikah Slate, which is still in your hands, but you hesitate. You wince when you realize that your first instinct was to keep the slate. “Yes- yes, but, the other Divine Beasts. There’s more people in danger, we need to… to…”
You have no plan. There’s three more Divine Beasts, and you cannot be in three places at once. You know where you want to go, you want to ensure Sidon’s safety.
The princess stops and sighs, placing a hand on your shoulder. She speaks your name gently. “I understand. I know that you want to go to Zora’s Domain. But the quicker we work to solve this, the faster we can prevent further attacks from the Yiga.”
You begrudgingly agree, doing your best to conceal your frown. You turn to look towards the elder Goron. “Bludo, until we can find a solution, is it possible for you to keep Goron soldiers near Rudania as surveillance?”
Bludo nods, giving you a smile as he crunches his hand into a fist, “O’course, Champion!”
Yunobo turns to face you with a nervous expression, “you’re leaving already?”
“I’m sorry,” you reply sincerely, “but we have to find the cause of all of this… the trials will have to wait for now. Keep everyone safe.”
He nods, giving both you and the princess a salute.
You open the map on the slate as you turn back towards Zelda. Your finger hovers over the Ta’loh Naeg Shrine, just outside of Kakariko Village. “Ready?” you ask her.
“Not entirely, but it’s the only way,” she responds, holding onto your arm.
You tap the blue icon.
The air inside of Impa’s home is heavy with the scent of  incense and candles. Your leg bounces nervously as you stare at the tapestries on the wall. The people of the village have been ushered into their homes by the Sheikah soldiers. A storm brews in the sky, dark clouds matching your mood as heavy droplets of rain begin to fall and hit the roof.
Impa and Princess Zelda are deep in conversation with two of the guards, Cado and Dorian. The four are attempting to solve the mystery of how a Yiga member stole such precious information. You were far too anxious to participate, so you opted to sit to the side silently and wait for news from the other regions.
“Champion?” a quiet voice asks.
Your expression softens as you turn to face her. Paya, Impa’s granddaughter, kneels beside you with a tray in her hands.
“You- you seem upset…” she whispers shyly, stumbling over her words, “I hope I’m not- um- bothering you- but would you like some- some tea?”
A soft smile replaces the permanent frown you’d been wearing. You reach out and take the cup of tea, “you’re never a bother, Paya. And thank you.”
Wind and rain lash against the side of the building. Distant thunder rumbles. Your grip on the cup tightens.
“Sounds like it’s- it’s getting ugly… out there…” Paya mumbles. You briefly notice the blush on her cheeks.
You nod as you lift the cup to your lips. You take a sip and hum. It tastes like it’s made from safflina.
Just as you try to take another sip, you’re interrupted. The doors to the house are shoved open, and in the entrance stand another Sheikah guard and a Rito soldier- both drenched by the rain.
“Is there news?” Impa asks, lifting her head and looking towards the men.
The soldier, a Rito with brown feathers and a spear in-hand, nods his head, “yes, we were able to rid the Divine Beast of the Yiga who attempted to hijack it. Our forces were led by Teba, of course.”
You finally speak up after having been silent for hours, “was there any damage? When they tried to shoot?”
The Rito shakes his head, “no, every beam they fired missed, they seemed to know how to activate Medoh’s weaponry but they could not aim it.”
“This must mean that they lack crucial instructions,” Zelda interjects.
Impa nods, lifting a hand to her chin, “yes, that would make the most sense. The schematics and notes our scientists gathered are not held in one place. Rather, they are split up amongst three. The Akkala tech lab, the Hateno tech lab, and here.”
“So, they likely only infiltrated one place,” you offer, “and not all three. But they still tried to attack.” You turn your attention back to the Rito soldier, “is there anymore news? From the Gerudo… or… the Zora?”
“We received word from a Rito who lives in Kara Kara Bazaar. It seems their Divine Beast was kicking up a dust storm in the desert, but we do know that the Chief and her guards were traveling to intercept it,” the soldier explains, “but… there is no news from Lanaryu.”
Your heart pounds with anxiety. The fear on your face must be visible as you look toward Zelda. Your hands shake as you set down the cup of tea and you reach for your belt. You still had the slate.
“I’m sorry,” you say, not just to the princess but to everyone else in the room, “I have to go- I can’t just stay here-”
“_____, wait-” Zelda calls out your name, abruptly standing as you unhook the slate.
“Please,” you plead with her, “don’t try to stop me-”
“I’m not,” she replies earnestly, “all I ask is you keep yourself safe. Please.”
You nod as you open the map, “I will. I promise.”
Your finger hovers over the icon for Ne’ez Yohma Shrine. You take a deep breath. You tap the screen.
Your boots pound against the smooth flooring as you sprint through Zora’s Domain. Various Zora seem shocked and surprised by your presence. You nearly trip, the ground slick from the rain, as you run up the stairs to the throne room.
“Champion!” King Dorephan’s voice booms as he greets you, “why, this is a surprise! My son said you’d be in the Eldin Region.”
He’s calm. Far too calm for your liking.
You catch your breath as you look up at him in confusion, “have… have you not heard? About the Divine Beasts?”
“Ah yes,” Dorephan nods, “my son arrived earlier today, speaking about a traveler who’d delivered a letter to him. Well, none of us knew what he was speaking about. But mere hours later we witnessed the beams of light from the Divine Beast of the Rito. So, Sidon and a squad of guards ventured to Ruta to ensure that it was functioning correctly.”
You shake your head, struggling to remain calm as you speak, “no… no- it’s not that the Divine Beasts are malfunctioning- it’s a hijacking- it’s the Yiga-”
The King’s expression drops as he leans forward, “the Yiga?”
“Yes, that's why I left Goron City, they’d tried to attack Rudania, and they'd already attacked Medoh and Naboris. If Sidon goes to Ruta, then-”
You’re cut off by a loud, sudden trumpeting noise and you quickly turn on your heels. Upon its perch in the highlands you can see the Divine Beast moving, lifting its trunk into the air.
“It’s a trap,” you say as you turn back to the king, “I’m so foolish, this was all a trap- they’ve been planning this.”
You fumble for the Sheikah Slate and give the King one last fearful look, “I’m so sorry. I’ve put your son in danger. The Yiga, they- I think they’re going to try to use him to try and get to me…”
The words feels bitter on your tongue.
To your surprise, the King does not look mad or upset. Instead, his expression softens as you apologize. “Young Champion. If you are attempting to apologize to me for the simple fact that you dearly love my son, you have nothing to apologize for.”
Tears well in your eyes and you nod. “I’ll bring him back home, I promise.”
The King bows his head. On the slate’s map you select the elephant-shaped icon. As blue particles and light surround you, you wipe at your tears with the back of your palm. 
Your surroundings change as you’re sent to another location. White and blue palace structures melt into green and brown dirt and grass. Beneath your feet the smooth flooring turns into gray rock. As your boots touch the ground you find yourself standing in shallow water.
High above you the storm clouds continue to churn and heavy drops of rain pelt your body. The Divine Beast vah Ruta stands before you, tall and intimidating, its blue light piercing through the fog of the rain. Your heart aches as you hear a roaring sound emanate from within. It’s haunting, as if Ruta herself is crying out for help.
Her trumpet sways back and forth and the cogs on her back turn. You walk forward, cursing yourself for not bringing your paraglider. With brute force you scale the side of the Divine Beast, frequently slipping on the slick surface. Eventually you’re able to reach the platform that serves as the entrance.
As you climb atop the platform the sight you see makes your stomach drop. Four Zora guards are strewn about on the floor, lying in puddles of their own blood. You recognize them immediately. Bazz, Tottika, Dunma, and Rivan.
You spring forward and kneel beside Bazz, grunting as you turn him over so he’s laying on his back. Across his chest is a deep gash with blood rapidly leaking from it. You blink through your tears as you hold your palm against him, willing forward Mipha’s Grace.
“Please, please… please let me heal them, please,” you whisper, a sob spilling from your throat. 
The relief is palpable once your hand begins to glow blue. You work quickly, moving to each guard and healing their injuries. Dunma was sliced across her thigh, Tottika was slashed across the back, and Rivan had a stab wound in his side.
Despite their wounds being healed, the four are still unconscious, most likely from the blood loss. When you check though, their hearts are still pumping, meaning they’re still alive.
“Good, that’s good…” you whisper, “no one dies on my watch.” 
Your utterance bounces off the walls of the machine. It makes you realize just how quiet it is inside. Too quiet.
‘Something’s wrong… I need to find Sidon.’
The Master Sword shimmers in the low light as you crouch and move forward. You keep an eye out for the Yiga but see no signs of them. You walk further into the Divine Beast before entering the domed room where the control unit sits.
Aside from the gentle blue glow from the central pedestal there’s no light, making it far too dark for you to see anything within the chamber. You take a step back and angle your arm so that you hold the Master Sword up, before flinging it forward.
A beam of light shoots forth, momentarily lighting up the room. It gives you just enough time to examine what lies within before the light fades once more. Your heart stops.
Sidon is slumped on the ground, sat against the control unit. His head hangs forward and he’s littered in scars and gashes from a fight. Worst of all, though, is the spear that juts out of his abdomen. Not just any spear, but the ceremonial trident- a replica of Mipha’s lightscale trident.
He’d been stabbed with his own spear and left to bleed out on the ground.
“Sidon!” you cry out, unable to keep quiet.
You dash forward, your boots splashing through the shallow water of the room. In the dark you manage to find him, shuddering as you place your hands on either side of his face. He’s cold, but beneath your fingertips you can feel the faint pounding of his heart.
“I’m so sorry,” you sob, “I took too long, I’m sorry- I’m here, I’m here-”
You can’t stop the tears that fall as you fumble, hands shaking as you try and think of what to do. You try to calm yourself so you can think clearly, but it doesn’t work. Your breathing is frantic as you reach for the hilt of the spear.
“This is going to hurt,” you whimper, “I’m sorry- I should’ve told you- I should’ve said that I love you before you left- I wanted to but I was scared-”
The arm of the spear is slick, both with water and the prince’s blood. It’s difficult for you to find a solid grip. Another sob spills forth.
“I love you so much, I should have said it sooner,” you whisper, “I should have said it a hundred times.”
“Well isn’t that sweet.”
Your blood runs cold when an unfamiliar voice speaks up. Two pairs of hands wrap around your arms and you shriek as you’re pulled back, away from Sidon.
“Let go of me!” you scream, though from how hard you’d been crying it feels like your throat’s been ripped.
A lantern is lit, and you squint as your eyes adjust to the sudden bright light. You find yourself surrounded by Yiga Clan members, multiple Footsoldiers and Blademasters alike. On either side of you is a Yiga soldier with a tight hold on your arms, inhibiting your movement.
“Wasn’t expecting to hear a love confession today,” one of the soldiers chuckles, drawing laughter from all the rest. The same soldier who spoke takes a few steps forward to stand in front of you, “really pathetic performance, I must say.”
He reels back, and before you have a chance to react he lodges his fist directly into your gut. The wind is knocked out of you and you wheeze, choking back further tears from the punch. 
“Who knew all we needed to lure in the Hylian hero was some fishy bait,” A Blademaster laughs lowly, “and what’s this I spy? That armband isn’t one made by Hylian hands. What do you all think?”
“Definitely looks like a Zora creation to me,” another clan member pipes up, “what do you think? A gift from the prince?”
The previous Blademaster nods his head, “yes, yes I think so. We can’t have that, can we?”
You watch wide eyed as he takes the Master Sword from your grip. He curiously examines the blade, tilting it back and forth in his grasp. Then he lifts it up high above his head and slices downward.
A scream is ripped from you as he slashes across your bicep. Blood flows forth through your armor, and when you look up you see that the band Sidon had given you has been cut apart. The pain is indescribable as the silver band is wrenched off of your arm by the Blademaster.
“Please, don’t-” you choke out, but are cut off when you receive a swift kick in the back.
“Awh, what’s that? Hylia’s chosen one is begging? Maybe if you keep begging we’ll spare the fish,” one of the other soldiers chuckles.
It’s becoming more difficult for you to tell who’s speaking. The room is beginning to spin.
You grimace as a hand clamps around your jaw, painfully squeezing your face. “You hear that? You wanna beg some more to save the prince?”
Rather than speaking you make a feeble attempt to bite at the hand. You’re far too slow, however, and in turn receive a slap right across your face.
“This is becoming a waste of time. Someone finish her off so we can move forward with the plan.”
“Shame our master isn’t here to do this himself. To slay the hero of Hyrule with her own sword would be such an honor.”
You’re forcefully shoved to the ground, groaning as your head makes contact with the hard floor. The world around you seems to fade in and out of focus. Any attempt to crawl away is met with further kicks to your side.
When you try to get one last look at Sidon, you’re stunned to see his bright yellow eyes looking back at you. His gaze flickers over you, distraught. You can’t help but think that he looks awfully tired. Perhaps that’s your bloodless speaking.
With all the Yiga members keeping their attention on you, it seems none of them have realized that the Zora prince was awake.
You watch in confusion as he slowly lifts an arm towards the control unit. Out of the corner of your eye you see one of the Blademasters lifting your sword above you. Sidon mouths something, but you can’t make it out.
Everything happens so quickly.
As the Blademaster swings the Master Sword, the Divine Beast begins to rumble and shake. There’s the sounds of panic and confusion. Ruta’s trunk lets out a loud, trumpeting noise. 
And suddenly the room begins to fill with rushing water.
The Yiga Clan members all begin to disappear in clouds of smoke, and the Master Sword clatters to the ground. You reach out for it, ignoring the pain that courses through your arm. You attempt to stand but the current of the water is too strong and you panic as you’re pulled under.
Whenever you manage to bring your head above the water you gasp for air, but with your sliced arm you don’t have the strength to swim. The force of the water pushes you downward, far below the surface, and you choke out your last few bubbles of air.
Your chest burns. 
You can’t see.
But you feel an arm wrap around your waist as everything fades to black.
~~~ <> ~~~
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hoodie-prince-kid · 1 year
Totk??? Tell???
i dont even know where to begin
i think i'll just talk abt totk Scarnobo because A!
in totk, Yunobo and most of the gorons get mind-controlled by Ganon's puppet-Zelda, and as a result Yunobo becomes really aggressive and mean. totk is like five years after botw which thus means that Yunobo and Scarlet had been together for that much time and Scarlet had even set up a shop of her own there, so after Yunobo gets mindcontrolled, they get into an argument and Scarlet ends up leaving Goron City because it's obvious to her that she isnt wanted around there
she travels with Beedle, who subtly tells Link that even if she may act like she's mad, Scarlet is really worried about Yunobo. and after the main quest when Yunobo goes back to normal, Slergo and Offrak (a couple of Goron kids who Yunobo sent out to Lookout Landing as representatives of the Gorons) tell him what happened between him and Scarlet. he panics, and asks Link to update Scarlet if he happens to run into her. he also gives Link the blue scarf he used to wear (which previously belonged to Daruk) to give to Scarlet as proof that he's back to normal.
when Scarlet gets back to Goron City, she walks in just in time to see Yunobo helping with some kind of issue. and just after that's done, Yunobo sees Scarlet and panics. she steps closer and begins to profusely apologize and rant about everything that happened, and Scarlet just shuts him up by tackling him in a hug. it's hard to tell who's more relieved, but either way Scarlet is more than happy to help get Goron City back on its feet.
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