#though one of the elders in the city recalled Yunobo being really really red in the face a lot that day
imaginethezeldaverse · 11 months
ooughgh ok no but the 'you have to pat the rocks on yunobo's back like bongos to get him to uncurl' bit got me thinking about how like. have you ever played hide and seek with a little kid and just went really silly about it in a 'hmm... i wonder where they are? are they behind this giggly lump?' and then kinda played around them while pretending to look for them or whatever?? im imagining playing hide and seek with some of the goron kids (and actually maybe having to get yunobo after the first two sessions because the kids could blend in really well when they wanted to, i think) and being all "HMMMM i wonder where offrak and slergo are, these two giggly rocks couldn't be them, no way no how" and get all extra goofy about it and that just makes them laugh even more and jsut. god.
STOP THIS IS SO CUTE HELLO Okay so I'm thinking the first few times you play with them, they're in pretty obvious places, mostly because they're so excited to play with you that they don't think about where to actually hide lol You're not new to this rodeo however, so you really do go all out with the theatrics, hopping up on rocks and putting your hand to your forehead like you're looking out in the distance going "Slergo's got me good, I can't find him anywhere!" or "Hmmm, that Offrak is a sneaky guy! He's smart, I haven't a clue where he could be!" Meanwhile you can literally see both of them by the Rollin' Inn pretending to be pots in their curled up forms. When you tiptoe nearby they shake a little with their laughter and you turn to Yunobo, dramatically shouting, "Hey Yuno, do you hear that? The wind is awfully giggly today, huh?" to which the Goron champion has to stifle his own laughter - he knows the kids are loving this, and he's even more impressed with how much you lovingly lean into it. So when your fingers wiggle over and tickle them right at their sides, your quick yell of "Gotcha!" ends up with all three of you laughing. When it's your turn to hide you try to blend in just enough where you're not obvious but can still be found - and you even give them the option to ask Yunobo for help if they're finding it hard to spot you. To your surprise they manage to find you every time, with them throwing themselves at you to cling to your hands and legs in victorious laughter. Eventually you come to find that they get better at hiding, and you actually do really need to enlist Yunobo's help to find them. So as not to ruin their fun he always lets you actually find them, but man does it take you a while now. You've never been so proud though. 🥹 After your latest game of hide and seek, you can see that the pair is getting sleepy, so you and Yunobo offer to let them them nap at HQ since it's still early in the day. "They're good kids, aren't they?" Yunobo asks, carefully adjusting Slergo's curled up form in his right arm. You peer down at Offrak's sleeping face, and it makes you smile to know that you've become so close with them, "Simply the best."
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So I Don’t Forget Again: A Breath of The Wild fanfiction
Entry 60: Goron City
The Gorons sure know their rocks. They do a lot of mining, but not for gems, they couldn’t care less about those. They mine to get specific rocks that they find delicious. I’m not sure whether this is cannibalism or not, but the Zora eat fish, and they’re aquatic creatures, so I guess this is fine.
There’s a mine right before the city which is where I first found some Gorons. They’re big round people made of stone. I actually found two workers in the mine who’s names end in ‘son’ and I convinced them to help with Terry Town.
As we traversed through the mine lava rocks suddenly came crashing down after an ear-splitting roar rang and the ground quacked. The Gorons were able to quickly calm Friend. Though there are not many animals here, their very… relaxed demeanor is calming.
The city and just about everything, even the people are made of stone. Lava flows like rivers through the city. There are even metal bridges that cross over them. Many ambers and ash flitter about. Though this place is not as elegant as Zora’s Domain, it still has it’s own rustic charm. Frankly it’s the exact opposite of Zora’s Domain, even down to the demeanor of the people.
From the city you can see the peak of Death Mountain which is still so far off in the distance, and the Divine Beast, which looks like a giant lizard, scuttle around the volcano. Though It’s much smaller than Vah Ruta, seeing it constantly move is more disturbing. I can’t imagine what it would have been like for Sidon and I if Vah Ruta constantly marched around the Domain.
When I got to the city I found an armor shop which sold clothing made of stone so I didn’t have to keep constantly drinking the elixirs, so now there’s more for Friend. With the constant eruptions Friend is a little shaken. The inn keeper was kind enough to offer to look after Friend so she doesn’t have to be outside when the eruptions occur.
Though I hadn’t been there long, I already felt at home, like in Hateno, or with Sidon.
After I immediately went searching for the leader of this place, which turned out to be an elder named Bludo. He told me this Divine beast is called Rudania. Because of it, the eruptions have become extremely dangerous, even for the Gorons. When he said that it used to protect the Gorons, it was clear he didn’t believe that. He says that if this keeps going the lava will soon overflow to the rest of Hyrule, completely destroying everything. Apparently, they have been able to use cannons to temporarily stop Rudania from moving but it never lasts long.
As he spoke to me it seemed he got hurt. Apparently, he suffers to back pain. It was only then he asked who I was. When I said I’m the Hylian champion he laughed, almost falling over then asked who I really was… Nobody knows me. It seems that their life span is similar to that of a Hylian. You’d think that being made of rock they’d live for a long time, but no, the Zora’s still live for much longer. It’s… very strange. To them I’m just a traveler and nothing more. In a way it’s almost relieving. There’s not this ghost of a past life I can’t recall stalking me. I’m just me.
When I said I was a traveler he assumed I came to pay my respects to him and already liked me.
He was just about to drive the Divine Beast away with the cannons when his back pain flared up, making traveling anywhere difficult. A Goron named Yunobo who also helps drive off the beast was sent to get Bludo’s medicine but has not returned yet. The medicine is at a place called the abandoned North Mine.
The ‘mine’ is a large body of lava with several stone island/hills like things. On the furthest one is a building. On the islands were many red Lizalfols. They unfortunately have the ability to swim in lava. The best strategy I could use was to use the lava’s updrafts to shoot them from above. I am so grateful to have the Zora’s crystal weapons. Metal ones would have burned me and wooden one would have immediately been lit aflame. Well, the arrows go on fire, but if I shoot quick enough it’s as if there’s no difference.
I had to use the Sheikah Slate’s bombs in order to activate the cannons. Using that I was able to blow up some rock formations and find new updrafts to use. The cannons are set in place, but they can be moved to face a different direction. In order to do this you need to use this lever, but it’s impossible to move on my own. I had to freeze it in time, then hit it a few times for it to finally flip. Clearly these things were only intended for a Goron to use. They’re unbelievably strong.
When I reached the building, the entrance was collapsed in on itself. I could hear a voice, but I couldn’t make out what they were saying. I had to use another cannon to open it due to the Sheikah bombs not being powerful enough to open it.
Inside were many supplies, but at the very back I found a Goron with his hands covering his head, huddled in a sphere shape. It may have been my eyes tricking me, but there appeared to be an orange glow surrounding him till he stood and turned around. Around his neck he wore a blue cloth with silver threading. It looks so similar to my tunic, and to the other champion’s clothing. When he first saw me he assumed I was a monster. When I got him to slow down and breath he realized I’m a Hylian.
He asked how I did it and was shocked to hear I had used the Boss’ cannons. Turns out only he is powerful enough to use them.
He’s a real kind guy, just is spooked easily. This may be a weird thought, but he really reminds me of Friend. They even have the same big, dark, liquid eyes. He’s taller than me, but not as tall as Sidon. More like a little taller than Kass.
He thanked me for helping him escape. It turns out that during one of the eruptions that were caused by the Divine Beast a lava rock hit the entrance sealing him in. He then asked why a Hylian was out here. When I told him the elder nicknamed Boss sent me he started mumbling to himself, he does that often.
As he began to leave more Lizalfols appeared. The moment he saw them, he immediately curled up into a ball shape and that orange glow had returned. He was shocked to see me fight them off without hesitation. Other things like Chuchus and Keese appeared so I ended up escorting him back to the city.
When we returned to the city Boss was elated to see us. Yunobo swiftly gave him the pain killers. He also spoke of how I helped and protected him. The Boss was impressed saying that he didn’t know that there were warriors like me among the Hylians. He gave me lots of fireproof elixirs as thanks. Now if I need to stay longer Friend can stay for a while longer too.
It will take some time for the medicine to take effect so nothing can be done about Rudania till then. I asked why Yunobo was needed if only Boss could use the cannons. He’s used as ammunition. Because he’s a Goron he’s denser than regular rock, and unlike the other Gorons he won’t get hurt because of a power he inherited from Daruk. The Goron champion.
They were surprised by my reaction of confusion. That name. For a moment I heard something echo in my mind. “Brother”. That word. I felt a tugging in my breast.
They turned me to face an entire mountain side they had carved in his likeness. The warm wind raced past me. My footing was a little unsteady, but not enough for me to fall or lose my balance. The view was unlike anything I had ever seen. I heard a cheer. He said he was finally getting the hang of controlling the beast. Even said it was fun to do so. He told me to tell the other champions that they better work as hard as they could to keep up with him. His presence was loud, yet there was also a strange serenity to it. He was also impressed with the view, just as I was. He then said that though he didn’t know much about Calamity Gannon, he’d protect the land to his death. Then said “Right, little guy?” and hit my back. I took a few steps to regain my balance causing him to laugh. Surprisingly it was quiet. Seeing him like that filled me with an at ease feeling, taking away all the anxiety that was choking me in an instant. He then congratulated me on becoming the princess’ appointed knight. He said it was a big deal but placed his massive hand on my shoulder saying there was no pressure. Then he spoke more seriously, saying that she had a strong personality, can’t see the range for the peaks as he put it. He said that if I remembered that, I’d be fine. Then the ground began to quake. Some peaks that were over us, came crashing down. He stood before me, that orange glow enveloping him. When the rocks made impact, they were crushed into pebbles. He then turned around and spoke to me as if nothing had happened, the orange glow gone.
Despite being surrounded by lava, when his image faded, I felt a chill. Like something had suddenly gone missing that should have been there. I was desperate to say something, but all I could say was what still lingered in my mind then, and even now as I write.
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