#one ostagar battle shot lol
lurkerbot9000 · 11 months
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Got the DAO flycam mod, very Very excited, this game has been a comfort lately
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brialavellan · 4 years
✨💗🗣️🤕 (those were the emojis I could remember lol)
Damn you gave me an essay length thing and I am happy to oblige lol - I could talk about my OCs forever...
✨ If your OC were a deity of some kind, what would they represent? What do they look like? How are they worshipped and what offerings would they expect? What are their places of worship like? Their followers? Their teachings?
Ohh this is a good one...I'll do Mirwen. She's definitely be a deity of knowledge, scholarship, and anything centered around education and intellectual pursuits. Their places of worship would be schools, libraries, universities, and any other places of learning, which can really include anywhere tbh. You'd ask for their help solving a difficult challenge. Followers would spend their lives as perpetual students, the most devout traveling far and wide collecting and sharing knowledge.
💗 Relationships? Who are their friends, their family relations, lover(s), foes? What sort of personalities really tick them off and what others do they like? Is there anything that’d ruin a friendship for them?
Mhairi is friends with almost everyone in her group, with the exception of Merrill. They aren't not friends but there's a lot of tension because she really thinks Merrill is doing something too dangerous and wants to help but she's treating Merrill like an infant. She can also be like that with Carver which he resents. She also acts like this with Anders (her lover) to a certain extent. She kinda inherited this issue from her mother because she shouldered a lot of emotional burden and resentment among all the family for different reasons and has a bit of a martyr complex. She really hates cruel people and people who are indifferent towards injustice. She also hates selfish people and arrogance more than anything else.
🗣️ What are the most painful words that can be said to your OC to utterly break them? What are the words that you could tell them to cheer them up? Maybe some advice to give them the boost they need!
"You let your family die"
Those words would break 'Manehn Lavellan so much because there pretty much isn't a single day where she doesn't feel this. The fact it was her decisions that led to their deaths is something that definitely haunts her - especially since she has done things that the clan believed endangered them before and she took a lot of heat for that. I don't think there's anything anyone could say that would shake or relieve that feeling.
🤕 What is the worst injury your OC has ever suffered? Do they have any scars or lasting physical reminders of it? Do they get sick often or have any lasting medical conditions?
Fiona's worst injury was getting shot by quite a few arrows during the Battle of Ostagar. She also got grazed by a sword across her jawline while fighting at the Tower of Ishal. She gets another nasty scar across her face during the Battle of Denerim that almost takes her eyesight.
Thank you for the ask ❤️
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Author Interview
Thanks  to the awesome @schattengerissen​ for the tag! :)  Name: Ana (No relation to my Warden OC. Her full name is Analise, Ana for short. I am just Ana. Not short for anything). 
Fandoms: This has changed over time. I’ve written for the WWE, Robin Hood BBC and Dragon Age fandoms so far, Dragon Age and Robin Hood BBC being the most recent. WWE fanfiction is how I started writing though.
Where You Post: AO3, FF.Net, Wattpad
Most Popular One-Shot:  Views wise - I’m Yours (Dragon age).  Comments/review/favorite wise - Homecoming (WWE)
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story:   
                      - (Of all time)    My Big Fat FAKE Wedding                      - (Dragon Age)    Forgotten
                     - (Of all time)    My Big Fat FAKE Wedding                     - (Dragon Age)    Forgotten
Favorite Story You Wrote:  
                     - (Of all time)    My Big Fat FAKE Wedding  &  Betrayal  because they were two stories that allowed me to basically make up everything as I went and had the most in-depth storylines involved.                     - (Dragon Age)     Fated  because it was the second story I started writing based off a video game. In Forgotten, I was sticking way too close to the actual gameplay rather than creating an actual story of my own and incorporating pieces from the games. With Fated, I learned how to do my own thing while also sticking to the main lore of the universe.
Story You Were Nervous to Post:  EVERY. SINGLE. ONE.  You never really know how your stories are going to perceived or liked by readers and it’s nerve-racking to pour your time, heart and soul into something you love and then have it be completely hated or have people find it not interesting at all. 
How You Choose Your Titles: Depends on the series. With my WWE stories, I typically named the stories off the main idea. My Big Fat FAKE Wedding was about the MC faking an engagement to her best friend to get a title shot. Dream Come True had to do with the MC dreaming of making it into the WWE and finding the love of her life.  
With my Robin Hood BBC series, I wanted to keep the title short and give readers and idea of what the book was about. Betrayal is about the MC and those she cares about being betrayed. Vengeance is about the MC seeking out Vengeance and Risen is about the MC and her friends rising up from all the betrayal and rising above all the newfound adversity in the wake of their vengeance. 
With my Dragon Age series, I decided to stick with the simple names with the main theme in mind and also wanted all the titles to start with F. No real reason, just happened that way. From Ostwick With Love, Fated, Foregone, Fallen, Forgotten, Forsaken.
Complete:  13 stories (may be more but only ones I’m finding right now)
                       - 11 one-shots ( almost all WWE, 2 song fics, and 1 Dragon age)                       -  1 Robin Hood BBC
                      -  1 WWE
Incomplete:  A lot, lol. I currently have at least 5 stories in progress, maybe 3 or so on-hold and quite a few stories I lost interest in writing and just abandoned.
Do You Outline?  Sometimes. Sometimes I have a lot of ideas for stories but get overwhelmed since I’m unsure how to incorporate them into the chapters. Outlining sometimes helps me at least get an idea for how things should play out.
Coming Soon/Not Yet Started:  I have whole series and also a lot of upcoming installments to current series. 
For my Robin Hood BBC series, Risen is the last book in the trilogy but I’m still working on book 2, Vengeance. 
For my Dragon Age Series, there’s multiple books in the series along with mini-spin-offs already in progress. However, the books that are coming soon are Foregone, Fallen, and Forsaken.
Do You Accept Prompts?  Sometimes! Due to some stuff I’m dealing with at work and with my mental health, my inspiration and motivation tend to be pretty low but every so often, I will try my hand at prompts. Feel free to send them to me!  They may even spark something for current stories! :)
Upcoming Story You Are Most Excited to Write: 
Foregone and Risen. 
Foregone because it’s book 3 in my Heroes of Thedas Series and part 2 for Ana Cousland’s story. Fated is book two and basically sets the basis and shows the development of Ana’s character. Foregone is a darker and somewhat different take on the events from Fated. Ana is thrown back in time and relives the Battle of Ostagar and everything all over again and she uses her previous knowledge and learned skills from the first time. She gets to remeet Alistair for the first time which is difficult for her since the last time they were together, they were head over heels in love and planning a future and now he has no idea who she is. It’s a very interesting perspective that I’m excited to write! Risen on the other hand is part of my Shadow Hunters Trilogy  from the Robin Hood BBC fandom. It’s the final installment. Eva and Robin are reunited, Delvin is dead, Isaac is married. Everybody’s lives are basically on the rise but they find out that their king, King Richard the Lionhearted is ALIVE! It’s a crossover with Assassin’s Creed and basically Robin Hood, his gang, the Shadow Hunters (assassins) and everybody gears up and reaches out to Altair and the Brotherhood for help in taking down King John. It’s gonna be awesome. I tag (no pressure): @mediaeval-thotte, @enchantment1385, @ladyinquisidork, @andrastini, @ladycremecaramel and whoever else wants to do this! 
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captainderyn · 6 years
Bara and Alistair
This is long, I’m sorry, I got carried away including snippets of Ashes and other works that proved my point so much better :’) Thank you for asking about these two though @delavairesslegacy!
How did they they meet?
Baraneth and Alistair first met when she was brought into Ostagar by Duncan. They didn’t officially meet that first night, he saw her standing in camp,shell shocked in her bloodstained nightclothes she had made the journey from Highever in and he decided he would bring her some food as no one seemed to be noticing her. When he did bring her some of the bland stew from the cooking fires she was curled unseeingly on a bedroll that had been tossed her way, in a tunic and trousers that were far too big for her. She didn’t seem to notice him when he set it by her. He noticed her though; the dark circles under her eyes and the tear tracks that still stained her face in spots of raw pink and he wanted to…he wasn’t sure, as what happened, lay a hand on her shoulder? Instead he just left the bowl and left her to her thoughts. He didn’t notice her blink from her own thoughts and follow his retreat, brows knit. 
They officially meet the next morning, catching him in the middle of a snipping-humor filled bickering with one of the mages. She was wearing mostly properly fitted armor, her hair was plaited back and she held her chin high. Like she was some sort of warrior queen, like she had to prove that she was standing strong and unbreakable. Alistair was captivated.
Who developed romantic feelings first?
Alistair; he was captivated by her from the start, he found himself watching her as he tagged along with her and the other recruits, he found himself distracted by the confidence with which she moved in and out of battle. How she seemed to command the recruits around her even if she was their junior. How she could command an entire room. How even Cailin seemed to respect her, despite only just meeting her. 
He found himself desperately hoping she would be strong enough to survive the Joining, averting his eyes when the taint ripped through her. Found that when they (being Bara, him, Ru, and Laurel) were assaulted by the darkspawn hoard in the Tower that watching her be felled by the arrows set a strange sort of fear in his chest. A fear that amplified when she didn’t immediately wake under the care of Flemeth and Morrigan. I can go on :’) 
Who is their biggest “shipper?”
Ruinel perked up as Baraneth walked back over, running over and flinging her arms around her. “That was so sweet, Bara!” the young elf gushed, talking a mile a minute. “You’re married now and you two just are just so happy and–” she broke off, tears sparking in her eyes until she buried her head against the human woman’s shoulder. “It’s just so nice to see you two happy.” was muffled and sniffled out against her shoulder.
It’s Ruinel lol. She adores the two of them. 
When did they have their first kiss and under what circumstances?
Their first kiss occurs after Baraneth goes to Denerim to find Goldanna and Goldanna turns them away. They ride back to camp in silence and he pulls her aside sometime after they return to thank her, for going with him. Bara admits that she wants to be there for him, that she cares for him. They’ve been alluding to their feelings for awhile but its the first time they truly come to light and…things go from there. 
“You’ve had me.” He admitted in a murmur. “Ever since Ostagar.”
A small thrill shot through Baraneth and without thinking to she stepped a breath closer, hands sliding to the back of his neck. He looked at her, eyes half lidded. There was little between them now except their own unasked questions and tentative feelings. “Bara…can I..this isn’t too soon is it?”
“You can.” She breathed and the distance between them seemed to close in slow motion, the touch of Alistair’s lips against her barely a whisper. Uncertainty his hands found her waist, guiding her close as she melted under his touch.
Who confessed their feelings first?
Alistair does…indirectly…
“I thought that I might..give it to you. In a lot of ways, I think the same thing when I look at you.” He placed it in her hand, closing her fingers gently around it avoid the thorns.
“I thought I could say something.” Their words tripped over each other and she stumbled to silence, motioning for Alistair to continue. “Er…tell you what a rare and wonderful thing to find amidst all this darkness.” His eyes widened as soon as the last word left his mouth. “I’m sorry, I did this on impulse..”
It’s not the cleanest admissions of affection, they’re both wary of getting their hearts hurt and hid their feelings under the guise of quips and jokes but…this is the first step towards being truly open with each other about how they truly do feel. 
What was their first official date?
They would steal away from the main camp a lot to go on quiet walks away from the others, but they weren’t really dates. It was a lot of stealing time for themselves in the Blight, and even after. I would say that perhaps one specific scenario was when they were taking a breather from the others and the Dalish in the Brecilian Forest and found a small woodland pool that they spent some time around just to escape and be wholly alone. 
How do they feel about double dates/group dates?
They...don’t really do the whole date thing but they aren’t opposed to them by any means. It’s just not usually something they do. 
What do they do in their down time?
They go out on outrides with the horses, racing and just exploring outside of Denerim. They spar a lot, taking to the training groups to burn out some of that trained warrior need to stay in form. In quieter moments a lot of times they will just be curled up together, reading or going through reports, or even just laying in each other’s arms in the quiet taking in each other’s presences. It depends. They don’t get a lot of downtime in the grand scheme of things.
What was the first meeting of parents as an official couple like?
Well. There wasn’t one. 
There was her returning to Highever
Alistair pulled her close, one hand rubbing soothing circles on her back and the other cupping the back of her head as she buried her face against his shoulder until the world around her went dark, a ragged sob finally tearing from her. The thin, fraying threads of her composure finally snapped and she allowed herself to wrap her arms around him, letting the torrent of emotions building up like gatlok inside of her free.
“I...I don’t want to be here.” she cried like a child. “Everywhere I look...I can’t unsee it.”
And there was Alistair meeting her brother...
“You must be Fergus Cousland, I believe we spoke...indirectly as it is.”
“We did. I suppose I should thank you for returning Highever to my family and taking down the Howes. I was a little shocked when I heard my little sister would not be returning with me.”  Oh Maker take her, if this was well meant but misplaced brotherly concern as to who she was marrying then she may just have to put her foot down and banish Fergus back to the Korcari Wilds.
“Fergus,” She said warningly, Alistair looking at her in thinly veiled panic
What was their first fight over and how did they get past it?
Their first fight...aside from little spats that came from living together in a stressful situation such as the Blight where no one is sleeping well and they are always in constant danger I would say that it came from her hesitation to save Connor. She hesitated when it came to adding the extra four days travel that it would take to get back to the Circle of Magi and that rubbed Alistair the wrong way. 
So of course he confronted her about it, too heated in all honesty, but they were young and...you get my point. Baraneth bristled at his tone, getting angry because their “good solution” that saved Connor has left Ruinel hating herself and shaken because she--the youngest of them all--was forced to go into the Fade and was driven into the hands of a demon’s deal by desperation. So they shouted at each other, got angry with each other, walked away and didn’t speak for a time. The best way to handle it, no. But then they came back together when they realized there was no way they could put their group in danger by being angry and distant with each other if they were to be attacked and they revisited it with cooler heads. 
Which one is more easily made jealous?
Alistair? I mean he’s not incredibly jealous but for a long time he is aware that he is quite underneath Baraneth’s expected status and that she is an amazingly strong and stunning woman who could have anyone she wants. He sees the way others look at her and that insecurity mixes a bit into jealousy. It isn’t a nature that lasts a long time, he matures out of it quickly. 
What is their favourite thing to get to eat?
Sweet things they can nick from the pantry and kitchens in the Denerim Palace tbh. They think they’re being sneaky but really the staff just learns where all their sweet cakes are going to starts strategically leaving some out so they aren’t losing stock. 
Who’s the cuddly one? What their favourite cuddling position?
They both are, they both find comfort in being close to the other, but Alistair is the more cuddly one. He loves being able to wrap his arms around Baraneth and just hold her close, bonus points if her head is tucked against his shoulder or under his chin. If they’re in bed at night she loves to tuck close to him with her arm across her hip; his warm weight reminding her that he is there and that she is not alone. 
Are they hand holders?
Yes and no. During the Blight slipping their hands together and giving a squeeze was a quiet reassurance. It was a way to know that the other had their back. Its the same once they are king and queen, it just happens less frequently. They need to be able to stand on their own in the eyes of the people. That being said they definitely hold hands when they’re simply walking about. 
How long do they wait before sleeping together for the first time? What’s the circumstances?
Depends, asking the Chantry or asking them? According to the latter it was during the Blight, there was a lot of unresolved heat building between them but they both were backing away from the idea of sleeping together just yet. Then Alistair had the realization that things were getting dicey with the Blight and worked up the courage to ask if she would ever want to do, well, that. She ahem..enthusiastically agreed and that’s that. 
As far as the Chantry knows they were perfect little angels who waited until after they were married, especially since they were set to be king and queen. That’s a bit less reverent as the first time with a lot more pent up tension as they had been trying to be good. 
When his hands paused a noise of protest slipped from her, her fingers dragging across his shoulders.  
“Perhaps not.” Laugh slightly breathless, Alistair pressed his face against her shoulder. She could feel the flush burning across his skin and with a soft growl she covered his hands with hers and guided his them back to the knot, aiding his hands in undoing them until the stiff-boned corset fell away. She made quick work on the clasps and laces of his doublet and undershirt, even as his mouth trailed warm across his neck and collarbones, teasing her.
Who tops?
Hm...I think it depends (can we tell most of my characters flip? None of them really have preference). More often or not it tends to be Alistair. 
What’s the worst fight they’ve ever gotten into?
Currently its the fight they got into as the Blight drew to a close, after Riordan told them the reality of what happens to the Grey Wardens that end the Blight. Ruinel claimed she would take the final blow; Baraneth then held back Alistair and resolved that she would be the one to take it because she didn’t want to see anyone fall when it was her duty to. It was a sort fight, their fire faded very quickly but is still one the the most intense moments of anger snapping between them.  
“If not me then who? The Landsmeet has been decided.”
“You told me you would stay by my side.” Alistair reminded her, staring at her with an intensity she hadn’t seem aimed at her before. “Maker knows it’s selfish, but I am tired of being selfless, I don’t want to lose you.”
Would you see Ruinel fall instead? She seems damn well set on taking that blow herself.” Dropping her voice, Baraneth rocked from side to side, face buried in her hands. “She’s so young. We’re all so young.” Anger burned through her veins and she grit her teeth. “It’s all so unfair! We didn’t ask for this, any of it and we were so close.”
Who does the shopping and the cooking?
*Finger guns* neither of them because they’re monarchs and aren’t permitted to do that. 
Which one is more organized and prone to tidiness?
I honestly think neither of them are super tidy so its a game of them both keeping each other in line when it comes to tidiness. 
Who proposes?
“I want the beautiful Grey Warden standing in front of me, the woman who I sometimes think prefers her Mabari to me--which is valid--” They both laughed and Baraneth brought her hands up to rest over his, curling her fingers over his. “To walk alongside. And now I’m rambling so, Bara, what I’m trying to ask is, will you marry me?”
Do they have joined Bachelor/Bacheloette parties or separate?
They don’t really have one. They celebrate their engagement together with their friends but that is that. 
Who is the best man/maid of honour? Any other groomsmen or bridesmaids?
None. Though Ruinel, Leliana, and Laurel/Zev (it was meant to be Laurel) are the ones who bind their hands together during their private ceremony. 
Big Ceremony or Small?
Their private ceremony is very small, just them and their friends at sunset in Denerim. Their royal wedding is a huge event that has much of the Bannorn in attendance and a majority of Denerim’s population gathered in the streets. 
Do they have a honeymoon? If so, where?  
Nope, not unless fighting for their lives in the Siege of Denerim counts as a honeymoon. 
Do they have children? How many?   
They do, though it takes time. Baraneth and Ruinel find the Cure for the taint, but its not a fix all. Baraneth miscarries at least once due to the remnants of the taint, the effects it had on her body, and that the is on the older side for child bearing. But eventually they do have two daughters. The eldest, Eleanor Cousland, and their youngest Genevieve, who is decided as the heir for the throne. 
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theconfusedartist · 6 years
Alright, so I’ve been wanting to talk about this for a while, now that I’ve gotten back into dragon age origins and since I’m about to start doing a shit ton of fanart and fic simply bc I’m getting back in the swing of it, I figure I might as well start actually making a post about them, rather then just making a one-off post and talking about them without out any context lol.
Ok so, in this AU that I’m working on, Duncan realized that, hey, maybe only one recruit for like the end of the world in his order of grey wardens, is not the best idea, and then goes on to recruit all of the characters from the origins.
So, he swings by Orzammar first, getting Brosca and Aeducan. In this au, the name of my Brosca is Tsoyo and the Aeducan is Sariah. I’m gonna post pictures of every one of my warden later, but for now, I’m just gonna say who they are. Tsoyo and Sariah knew each other before, since Seriah hired Tsoyo’s...services in the past. Seriah doesn’t really think much of the casteless, but she does like that they can do some dirty work for her and go basically undetected for it. So, in terms of time, Tsoyo goes to the proving and wins, just like in the original, and Duncan recruits her, but in this, Duncan stuck around a little longer as the Aeducan family still had business with him and he needed to go to the deep roads to make sure that this was a real blight and I mean, hey, what better way to test the new recruit right? 
So, while Duncan is getting Tsoyo ready for what’s to come, Seriah goes to the new provings that takes place as they redid it because they couldn’t fathom that a casteless could ever win and this doubled as them holding it in honor for the Seriah getting her new post as a commander. Seriah didn’t really rise to Bhelen’s bait and didn’t go after him like Bhelen had hoped, even though she realized that there was no way that the mercenaries could’ve gotten the ring unless it was from Trian. It was quite the surprise to see her brother, dead in front of her and her father and Bhelen walking in and being accused of his death. 
She gets sentenced to walk the deep roads and meets up with Duncan and Tsoyo and from there they scout for a bit before going off to the circle. Because I mean, hey, one mage is equivalent to ten soldiers, right? 
So, Duncan gets there, with Tsoyo and Seriah in tow who are really uncomfortable being around each other as they’ve had a less than clean relationship in the past (murder, blackmail, and other stuff). Duncan gets to the tower for recruits and in this au, both ‘Surana’ and Amell are there. I’ll explain why I put the ‘’ around Surana in a minute. 
So, Amell, who’s first name is Daylen, Jowan, and ‘Surana’, who’s first name is Acici, are all there. Jowan is going through with his little plot to escape the circle and Acici has literally just had her harrowing, a few nights ago before Duncan had gotten there. Daylen has his harrowing the night before Duncan arrives to the tower and his goes very...differently. 
I’ll go into this a LOT more in a second reblog, since I want to go into everyone’s backstory in a bit, person by person, with pictures, but since I’m going with the abridged version, I’ll just put it as, Acici had the normal harrowing that we get in the game, give or take, and Daylen thought it was fun to fuck around with things that he shouldn’t. So, Duncan has his eye on the both of them and Acici, being the actual loyal friend goes around bolstering her image and getting the rod of fire, killing spiders and charming the old man to sign the form for her. She had him sign the form, but then figured that if she curried favor with as many senior enchanters as possible, then it would probably be good for her in the long run. 
As for Daylen, well, he’s sitting there like, ‘why do we have to get dragged down with Jowan?’ and goes to Senior Enchanter Irving and tells him about it. Sure, he feels bad about it, but the deal was this: if he goes along with this plan, then he and Acici have to be pardoned and get off scot free for helping with taking down Lily and catching Jowan in the act. Irving agrees and he plays double agent. And well you know how that song and dance goes, Jowan gets away, and the others are left holding the bag. Irving tries to pacify Gregoir, but he hates mages so Duncan conscripts them both into the order. Meanwhile, Tsoyo and Seriah are just really confused with all the magic bullshit going on. And then there were four recruits. 
After that, Duncan and the four recruits go to Highever, to recruit Ser Gilmore because I guess Duncan wanted a basic ass bitch (idk, I’m not gonna lie, I haven’t finished the human noble to this day. I’m still trying to, but I really didn’t see any appeal in Gilmore like that, he seemed like someone good to have as a second, but not someone you’d send to kill an archdemon when there’s only two grey wardens left) and Cousland, or better known as Luna the heartbreaker, isn’t really interested in the wardens or anything. I mean why would she be? Duncan is fine and all, but she gets to rule over a castle by herself, why the hell would she want to leave? But then, it’s not really up to her when mostly everyone gets killed anyways. So, at this point we have five recruits, good job Duncan!
Their next stop is (drumroll please) DENERIM! (wasn’t expecting that were you?)
Duncan was like, shit, lemme go and get Adaia, at least that way I know that I can have someone who knows what the score is and she can help the others and Alistair as someone who’s been around the bend and seen some shit. Only, that’s not what happens, obviously because Adaia was killed by humans a while back, but he is just in time to witness a double wedding and get threatened by a one of the brides (lol). And also see them all get carried off to get raped by the arl’s son and his guards. Luna is cross, but like ‘hey, shouldn’t we do something about this?’. Tsoyo is a bit surprised because she thought that elves were all a bunch of fig eating floofies that just lived in happiness, not squalor and fear of death, so she seconds it. Acici is ready to murder Duncan when he says that they can’t get involved (for that same reason that ‘Surana’ is like that) and hands a sword to Nelaros and Soris. Go get ‘em boys!
And now the estate is running with blood, Nelaros is dead, Shianni is traumatized, one of the bridesmaids is dead, and Tabris, Sauda the bride, has literally learned all the different ways to kill over seventy men with a dagger and how quickly rat posion kills three adult human men. Sauda, not willing to let Soris get hauled off, says that it was all her doing. Which...isn’t really an exaggeration, she tore into those fuckers like she was getting paid to do it, Soris gave back up with his crossbow, but she was very eager to spill blood for the kidnapping of her, the others and Nelaros’ death. Also Vaughn was killed, as was his friends. Horrifically. 
And now we have six recruits!! Way to go Duncan, you always find the lively ones!
This recruit wasn’t planned, as Duncan was planning to cut through the Brecilian forest to save some time, and came across two elves that are just heavily tainted. That’s right, in this au, Tamlen lives. So Mahariel, Yeva, and Tamlen are just sick as fuck, but still alive so Marethari is like, ‘let’s get a fucking move on’ and Duncan conscripts them, when they both try to weasel their way out of it. But what can you do? At least Tamlen isn’t dead (a split second decision, I’m not gonna lie). So, Duncan comes to Ostagar with seven new recruits and most of them just....do not give a damn about the king (lolololol get fuckin’ rekt Calian). They go into the wilds, save a few mabaris (mabari? mabaris?) with some wild flowers, Tsoyo gets a big gay crush on Morrigan, then they come back and do shots with the darkspawn blood in the joining. Daveth and Jory die(wah wah) but everyone else makes it out alive (Tamlen...barely made it. Bitch nearly pulled a Daveth) and then they were sent to the tower. 
The reason for them all being sent to the tower was simple. Cailan realized that a lot of the new recruits just did not give a fuck about the crown or his authority or was in grieving over their lost loved ones, and was like ‘hey, that way there’s no way that the tower ISN’T going to be lit and I don’t have to worry about them on the field’). And then he died. Duncan didn’t die tho, are you fucking kidding me? The leader of the grey wardens? Dying? I don’t fucking think so. He makes it out, but it’s a little after the battle and he makes it far enough into the wilds that Flemeth saves him. The other wardens have already left with Morrigan and they’re on their way to Lothering, but Duncan had to stay with Flemeth for a while due to the severity of his wounds and how long they would take to heal, even with magic. 
Duncan joins up with the other grey wardens around the time that they get captured by Anora’s captors (I have to play to see who would get captured or not, as most of these characters are fucking warriors and some of them in their own personal runs might actually be able to take them down where others can’t) and I haven’t decided what happens at that point. 
That’s all that I have right now, but once I get some character portraits up, I’ll update this a bit more.
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