#one piece x black yn
sunshineting · 1 year
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Sleeping w the monster trio
Luffy- you know what sleeping with a kid is like? Yeah. He rolls, he kicks, he somehow ends up diagonal across the bed. At some point, he’ll decide he wants to cuddle and wrap his arms around you like three times. Has a silly sounding snore and drools sometimes, but it’s cute.
Sanji- he has to be touching you in some way. He loves being big spoon but being little spoon comforts him in a way he’s never experienced before. If either of you decide it’s too hot to cuddle, he’ll still try and hold your hand or reach his leg out to you. Hell, if y’all are faced completely away from each other he scoots his butt up against yours so they’re touching.
Zoro- the man sleeps like a brick; we know this. He snores so loud. You get used to it pretty easily, but damn. It's really only bad when he’s got you locked in his arms and starts snoring right in your ear. He gets hot so easily when he sleeps that he starts sweating and its gross
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jesterwriting · 11 months
scenario: stuck in a timeloop and the only way to restart is to die
pairing: sanji x reader, law x reader, ace x reader (separate)
contents: hurt/comfort, angst, gore, im serious about the gore tw, graphic description of death, post traumatic symptoms, maybe a touch of survivors guilt, breakdowns, time loops, if youve seen rezero you know whats up
word count: 1.6k words
note: okay if theres one thing i love, its angst and hurt comfort, and if there’s one thing i do when i write it, i go crazy with it. my hands were genuinely shaking while i wrote this. hope you enjoy! [evil laughter]
playlist: eleanor by cake bake betty
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No matter how many times you died, you couldn’t help but scream when you woke up again. You lost count how many times it happened, and it wasn’t like there was any point in keeping count besides depressing yourself with your numerous failures. This was your power; horrible and nowhere near worth the cost of losing your ability to swim. With every death, you would restart back at a random checkpoint, beginning anew, able to change the way the timeline went. All it took was to die, and lord above, did you die. Sometimes it was quick, other times it was an agony that would haunt you for many loops after.
Your power left you lonely. Friendships you made in one timeline, didn’t exist in others. You remembered when you were young and greeted a friend from a past loop with a hug. Of course, they didn’t know who you were. They no longer remembered the adventures you experienced or the trials you endured, only you held those memories now. They pushed you away with a look of distress, and you cried for hours after that, burdened with the knowledge that whatever friendship you had before, was gone forever now.
You isolated yourself after that.
It wasn’t until recently that you found yourself with a crew, though no one knew of your ability. You hated talking about it, hated reliving each death again and again. Every time you felt strong enough to speak about it, you always ended up dying and resetting everything back to the status quo. You were surrounded by friends, but so completely, and utterly alone. It was a worm in your gut, chewing on you from within and tearing you apart.
Now, here you were. Dying again.
Failing again.
Your eye spasmed in your skull, the other nothing more than jelly in your socket. The taste of iron pooled in your mouth as you hunched over, organs squirming like maggots from the wound on your abdomen. Sobs wracked your body. With shaking hands, you scooped your entrails into the crook of your arm in hopes that you could put them back inside of you. They were slimy and warm, and you were reminded of eels, or perhaps hagfish.
Everything hurt. You were so afraid, you couldn’t breathe. There was a loud bang and a heavy pressure on your chest. Or maybe, your inability to catch your breath stemmed from the bullet that had pierced through your ribcage and into your lungs. When did that happen? You didn’t know, you didn’t care, all you knew was that you didn’t want to die.
Of course, you didn’t get a say in the matter. Before you knew it, your muscles were going slack and your body was crumpling to the ground. Blood poured from between your lips as your tongue wagged numbly in your mouth. If you weren’t careful, you might bite it off. It had happened before, and you died drowning in your own blood rather than to the slow drain of your wounds. Maybe, if you were lucky, you could have been saved then.
Not now, though. Your guts were supposed to be inside you, not spewed and steaming on the ground.
And, just like that, it was over.
You awoke in bed and screamed. With gasping breaths, your hands frantically felt the intact skin of your belly, and your bulletless chest. Though you were safe, the ghost of your pain lingered like a knife against your back. Sobs tore from your throat as you curled in on yourself.
It had been a long time since a death this bad. So lost in your own misery — again, again, it happened again, why won’t it stop? — you didn’t hear the door open until it was too late.
“Black Leg” Sanji
Sanji was across the room, scooping you into his arms before you were able to blink. You gasped and squirmed slightly as he rubbed your back. A part of you was still there, bleeding out on the ground, and your heart wouldn’t stop hammering wildly in your chest, even as Sanji murmured sweet nothings into your ear. Phantom pain gripped you, and your stomach clenched when you remembered just how slimy your insides were as you tried to put them back where they belonged.
“I’m here, love, I’m here.”
That only made you cry more. Your breath hitched as you gripped the back of his dress shirt in your fist and buried your face into the crook of his neck. You were hyperventilating, afraid that the bullet in your chest followed you into this loop, threatening to drag you under again. You died in Sanji’s arms once before, and the terror on his face had etched itself into your brain forever. It couldn’t happen again, you would drag yourself away to die alone under a rock if you could help it.
Sanji’s hand shook as he stroked your hair. “What happened? Tell me what’s wrong.”
Finally, you caught your breath and wiped the tears from your face. With a watery smile, one you were sure was nowhere near as convincing as you wanted if Sanji’s worried expression was anything to go by.
“I had a nightmare,” You said.
If Sanji knew you were lying, he didn’t say anything. He only held you while you desperately pretended that you had stopped trembling.
Trafalgar Law
Law was the last person who you wanted to see like this. He carried too much already. You were sure that he would crumble if he knew the weight you had been carrying right under his nose. Frantic, you pawed at your face to remove the evidence of your breakdown as if he hadn’t heard you screaming moments before.
“Hey,” He said softly, crouching beside you to gently grab you by the shoulders. Law squeezed, and you took a shaky breath and remembered where you were. You weren’t dying alone in the middle of nowhere, you were on the Polar Tang, with Law, somewhere on the Grand Line.
You sniffled and cracked a small smile. “Hey.”
Unwanted visions of your previous death assaulted you from behind your eyes. A sharp gasp tore from your throat as your arms snaked around your middle to hold your organs inside. It still hurt, why did it still hurt? You were safe now, it wasn’t fair. It wasn’t fucking fair.
Gently, Law pried your arms from your abdomen and pulled up your shirt to inspect it. “I don’t see any external injuries…”
You watched the possibility of an internal injury flit across his face. Before the word ‘room’ left his lips, you shook your head and choked on another sob.
“I had a dream I died,” You admitted the half truth with the sour taste of bile on your tongue.
Law’s brows knit and he let out a small, “Ah.”
Awkward, not yet used to the affection you bestowed upon him so readily, he wrapped his long arms around you with a small pat on your back. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“If I died, you need to know I would never blame you.” It came out of nowhere, but it was the only thing you could think to say. The truth was, you would blame yourself, you had a lot of experience doing that, though you thought better of saying that aloud.
Law didn’t say anything in response, his thumb rubbing gentle circles between your shoulder blades.
Portgas D. Ace
“What happened? Why are you crying?” Ace was talking before he even reached you, pulling you against his bare chest before you even had a chance to realize he was here. His scent filled your nose, filled your head, until you were hysterical and pulling him as close as possible.
“Was someone here? Did someone hurt you?” With his righteous anger, his body temperature rose as harmless flames licked your fingers. All you could do was cry, so captivated with the man in front of you, your death was all but forgotten.
“No, no, I’m okay.” You pulled back to study his face, your own stained with snot and tears. He practically glowed in the moonlight that streamed through your window. Even at night, Ace shone like the sun. Your clumsy hands found his freckles, sweeping across the bridge of his nose and down his cheeks to his lips. Flesh and bone, alive and whole. You sobbed harder, low keening whines ripping from your throat before you could stop them.
“Had- Had a dream you were gone.”
Ace pulled you tighter against him. “Oh, babe, I’m not going anywhere anytime soon.”
With your fingers tangled in his hair, Ace rocked you back and forth, hushing you softly while you wished to tear open your ribcage and keep him safe inside your body forever. The only way to get to him would be to rip you apart, and even then, you would come back again, stronger than ever. No one would be able to take him from you. You had died too many times to count, faced pain time and time again, there was no torture you wouldn’t endure if it meant you wouldn’t lose your sun.
How many loops had it been? How many times have you had to watch Ace die?
You’d save him this time, you would make sure of it.
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kaizokuniichan · 4 months
Poker Face
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Pairing: Roronoa Zoro x Reader
Summary: A cocktail waitress in the Gran Tesoro casino takes a liking to Zoro and you can’t stand it. Reader is toxic. Pettiness ensues.
Note: Takes place during Film Gold although it’s just the backdrop. No canon characters apart from Zoro.
Word Count: 4.6k
Warning: Basic toxic behavior, degradation, spitting, hair pulling, devious back shots
Tags: @eelnoise @bby-deerling @kibblz-n-bitz @sunshinescribes @sleepymarimo
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You were going to kill him. You were going to throttle him if he didn’t get that busty cocktail waitress’s hands off of him.
All night you’d been trying to convince yourself that the woman was simply doing her job of preying on the weak-willed desires of male patrons in exchange for their lecherous ogling. But Zoro wasn’t just any male patron, and her needling went far beyond a means to an end. She wanted him, and she’d done everything outside of plop herself into his lap to make her point.
Cacophonous hoots and hollers from the other Blackjack tables dulled in your ears as you watched the woman scratch her talons up and down the starched sleeve of his cream suit jacket. He remained infuriatingly obtuse while draining another glass in his typical, uncouth manner. Though he continued to ignore her advances, you still ground your teeth when her blood red, coffin-shaped claws dug into his arm. There was only so much of his obliviousness you could take—after all, he wasn’t the type to allow just anyone to put their hands on him. At this point, it appeared that he was playing some sort of game to fuck with you. For what reason, you couldn’t say.
The urge to ruin her perfectly installed lash extensions with a violent slam to the table spread like venom in your veins as an envious green serpent curled and coiled into a hiss behind your darkened eyes. He was more than aware of the murderous intent licking at your fingertips, yet he refused to spare you any glance or make any move to shove the woman off. Yes, he was most certainly fucking with you.
Another roll of dice bounced softly onto the felt tabletop and the man beside you raised his glass with a jubilant shout. He’d been hopelessly trying to win your affection by purchasing all of your drinks and asking you to blow on the dice as his “good luck charm”. He is quite handsome you thought to yourself as you admired him. A bit on the older side, and much more clean cut than what you were used to, but cute enough all the same.
With wicked ease you ran your fingers down his arm to mirror the wretched tart on the other side of the table. You caught the polite man’s warm smile and tried to picture yourself falling for someone more elegant like him, but unfortunately your heart had already been claimed by the rugged, classless oaf sitting on the other side of the table.
Before you could stop yourself your feet carried you to the other side where the two of them sat—her head resting on his shoulder, and his eyes flitted to you when you stood in front of them.
“Well, isn’t this cozy.”
He’d only been mildly thrown off by the acid in your tone, but she had more sense to cower.
“I’m sorry, is there something that you need?”
You couldn’t decide if you were satisfied with the tremor in her voice, or annoyed that she’d even dared to speak to you.
“This doesn’t really seem like very “professional” behavior.”
The woman was an idiot. Anyone with half a brain could see you weren’t in the mood for mindless chat, especially with someone as irrelevant as her. You chose to ignore her and returned your attention back to him.
“Are you really doing this?”
He remained silent while little flickers of amusement tickled his lips. The woman eventually gained enough sense to disentangle herself.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t realize he was your-“
“He’s not. Have at him sweetie.”
You placed a palm to his face and mushed it as you walked past while simultaneously knocking your shoulder into hers. Under her breath there was an utterance of some sort that involved the word “bitch”, and it took everything within you not to whip back around and hurl your purse at her head. No use damaging a perfectly good bag.
As your heels clacked across the marble floors your body trembled with rage. A stiff drink probably would’ve done you some good but you weren’t in the mood, and the rest of the crew were off gallivanting around the casino but you had no desire to join them.
As luck would have it, a stool was vacated right as you arrived, and once settled in your seat, you plopped your purse on the counter and rolled your shoulders. The tension in your muscles slowly faded, and the heat simmering beneath your skin was cooled by the vent blasting overhead.
Your short-lived luck soon met its end as your attempts at flagging down the bartender were unsuccessful. After several fruitless waves, you made the decision to just end the night, but your movements were halted when a warm hand softly touched the small of your back. The touch was much too unfamiliar to be anyone from the crew—and certainly not that damned swordsman. You geared up to tell off the unwelcome guest but when you turned around you were met with the sensual gaze of the handsome man from the previous table.
“Need some help?”
You flashed him your most dazzling smile. He deserved it.
“From you? Of course.”
You heard his short intake of breath and knew you had him completely hooked—not that it took much effort really. From appearances alone it was obvious he was someone who easily garnered lots of attention. And yet you were the one who’d bewitched him, and he longed for your company. He wished to serve you, and you began flirting with the idea of allowing it. Hopefully that shitty asshole a few tables over had a perfect view.
The harried bartender finally arrived with your seltzer and lime, and your prior annoyance was quelled by his sincere apologies. The gentleman stopped your hand when you offered a tip, sliding his card over instead.
“Someone as pretty as yourself should never open their wallet.”
You snapped your clutch closed with a smirk. The guy was completely entranced.
He sat down beside you and began to ramble about his name, where he was from, and whatever it was he did that made his pockets long. You were sure it had to be interesting, but all of his words were diluted by the fog of your lingering jealousy. It was unfair to him, but you needed the distraction to keep yourself from being vexed for the rest of the night.
The squeak of Handsome Stranger’s chair blew aside your bitter thoughts when he tried to subtly inch closer, so you threw him a bone and adjusted yourself to allow the slit in your skirt to reveal more skin. Embers of his desire glowed deep his eyes, and he took a nervous gulp of his scotch before speaking.
“I hope I’m not being too forward but I would love to invite you back to my penthouse suite for a little nightcap, if you were so inclined?”
Your suddenly rose when you felt a piercing, steely glare from somewhere off to the side. Observation haki was not something you were completely practiced in, but it always seemed to appear in the most convenient times.
It was unfortunate that this sweet man was an innocent casualty in the toxic web he’d been ensnared in. The dim lights of the casino reflected in his enlarged pupils as he waited expectantly for your reply—as did the gruff man in the distance.
“Oh I would love to. But I have my nightly upkeep that I must maintain. Lots of serums and oils and creams to remain all nice and soft and sweet for tasteful men such as yourself. I wouldn’t want you to catch me looking anything less than perfect.”
He leaned closer and gently placed a cool hand over yours.
“If you come with me tonight I’ll have people that can handle your every need. Just stay with me. Let me take care of you.”
The guy was smooth, you’d certainly give him that. His thumb brushed lightly over your knuckles and he cocked his head to the side as if to bring his lips to your cheek, but a large hand grabbed his shoulder and forcefully shoved him back.
“She’s not going anywhere with you.”
Well. That barely took any time. You’d planned on at least allowing the man to walk you to the elevator.
“Excuse you,” you pouted theatrically, “that was very rude.”
Zoro slipped between the two seats to block the man from your sight.
“You done having your fun?”
Still playing nonchalant, you removed your lipgloss from your clutch and applied a few swipes across your lips.
“I don’t know what you mean. Please step aside so I can finish chatting with this lovely gentleman.”
Zoro side-eyed the man still gathering himself from being nearly toppled over and let out a dry laugh.
“You’re kidding, right? You’re gonna have to do a lot better if you wanna get a rise outta me.”
You sniffed and pretended to touch up the rest of your makeup though you knew it wasn’t needed—you looked absolutely divine.
“Well clearly it has, otherwise you wouldn’t be over here harassing my-“
“Your what?”
The man finally straightened himself out and stood by your side.
“Miss, is this guy bothering you? Shall I call security?”
Aw, what a sweetie. You began to feel a little bad for him when he was shouldered aside by Zoro’s massive body.
“So,” he scoffed, still ignoring him, “not only are you tryna piss me off, but you’re doing it with someone who thinks you’re weak?”
“Not everyone needs to use brute force to get their point across Zoro. We’re not all Neanderthals.”
Zoro’s face morphed into a taunting smirk that filled your belly with lava.
“True. But I know someone who needs brute force when they’re being a hypocritical brat.”
You fought the urge to tug him closer by the lapels of his suit jacket and bite his stupid lips just to shut him up.
The head of the unsuspecting man ping-ponged between your prickly jibes, and he stepped back as the realization of his use as a ploy began to sink in.
“I think I’d better just go.”
Zoro flashed him a maniacal grin as he stumbled away, and you began to gather your things when his arm hooked around your waist to drag you back into his chest.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
“Well,” you sighed as you tried to pull yourself free from his grasp, “you’ve effectively ruined my fun for the evening so I’m off to bed. Maybe you should go find your little girlfriend from earlier.” You heard him snicker as you walked away.
A sea of affluent casino-dwellers parted as you lead him back to the elevators, and he pressed his hard body into your back as he reached out to push the button. His warm breaths against your neck melted your glacial attitude, and his closeness was so foreboding that the levy of your sanity nearly collapsed.
The elevator doors slid open and he pushed you inside as a crowd of elaborately dressed guests exited. The night was fairly young so it was unlikely that anyone from the crew would come looking for you.
The lift climbed the floors with smooth efficiency and paused occasionally to allow more guests to enter and exit. The excitement in the box was palpable though it couldn’t quite penetrate the curtain of tension separating the two of you from the rest of the crowd. His fingers curled firmly around your hip and the subtle poke in his slacks left you breathless. Glancing at your glossy reflection in the gold-plated walls proved to be a mistake as you were met with menacing eyes and a callous grin that promised retribution.
You were under no impression that you’d part ways once you arrived at your floor, and your hands shook as you searched your bag for your key. Anxiety clawed at your chest when he swiped the key from your hands to slap it onto the card reader, and the soft click of the locking mechanism signified the final nail being hammered into your coffin. You were fucked.
Before you could gain your bearings you were shoved roughly into the wall with your arms pinned behind your back and a harsh mouth pressed to your ear.
“Bet you’re real proud of yourself, aren’t ya?”
Your heart pounded in your chest as you wobbled on your heels.
“You’re the one who started all of this with that slutty harlot downstairs.” Your sane mind would’ve admonished you for using such degrading language towards a woman, but your morals had been cast aside the moment he’d stepped out in that delicious cream suit—effortlessly sexy as always.
His low chuckle carried the rumblings of an approaching storm that rippled down your spine. “All I did was sit there and mind my drink. I can’t help it if a random woman has some kind of agenda.”
“Come on Zoro, you’re not dumb. You know what her agenda was, and you could’ve shut that shit down, but you didn’t.”
He loosened his grip on your arms when he felt your muscles strain but then re-tightened it when he remembered you mushing his face earlier.
“Why should I have shut her down,” he asked smugly. He obviously was living for your embarrassment.
“Because she’s not even someone you’d be interested in fucking.” He quirked a brow in surprise.
“Oh, she’s not?”
You chose not to speak and he pressed himself into your backside—the imprint of his arousal nestling between your cheeks.
“And who’s someone I’d be interested in fucking then?”
You had no witty reply as he pulled your long skirt up your thighs, so slowly you could almost feel every satiny fiber rub over your skin. He bunched it around your waist and gave your ass a squeeze.
“You played too close to fire the sweetheart. Now I’m gonna fuckin ruin ya.”
With a swiftness even you weren’t prepared for, he ripped off your lacy underwear and tossed it aside where it lay in tatters on the marble floor. He turned you around and shoved a thigh between your legs to prevent your escape. Not that you ever would.
“You chose the right guy to piss me off you know, knowing full well he wasn’t gonna rough you up the way you want.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, I was just having an innocent conversation.”
“Don’t play cute with me, you knew what you were doing.”
He forced your head back to leer at you through those stupid green-tinted sunglasses and you wanted to smack them off his face. Dick. How could he make something as tacky as wearing sunglasses indoors look sexy?
“Why have you been fucking with me Zoro?”
“Someone had to wake your ass up,” he murmured with a satisfied smirk.
You realized just how foolish you’d been—you were never the one who was in control. The man was an analytical genius, and you were always meant to be the prey. Your carefully curated web of petty games paled ten times over in comparison to anything he could construct.
“Okay. Since you’re the one that’s clearly in charge here, whatever am I to do?”
He rolled his eyes. “Quit the blushing good girl act and get your ass on the bed.”
“Couldn’t I at least get a kiss first,” you pouted and fluttered your lashes. You knew he hated when you pretended to act sweet and demure.
“No. Clearly you don’t deserve it yet.”
You must have taken too long for his liking for he took matters—and you—into his own hands by hoisting you up and throwing you over his shoulder. The weight of your body had hardly ever been an issue for him—what was an issue was your smart ass mouth.
“I’m surprised you could even find where the bed is.”
Your suite was fairly large so realistically it could take more than a few steps to actually reach it, but he clearly wasn’t in the mood for your diatribes. With a scoff, he roughly deposited you onto the luxurious bedding.
“The worst thing I can do right now is leave you here unfulfilled and unsatisfied, so maybe you should keep your mouth shut.”
You buttoned your lip and began unbuckling your shoes, and his eyes softened as he watched you wince while wiggling your toes.
“Dunno why you even bother with those things anyway, you know you can’t stand on them for more than an hour.”
“It goes with the outfit,” you sighed, tossing them aside.
“It’s a shame you’re not gonna get anymore wear outta that outfit.”
You leaned back on your elbows and watched him pull off his suit jacket and unzip the jumpsuit underneath down to his waist, though he didn’t remove any more than that.
He grasped your ankle to pull you back to the edge of the bed and tore your skirt apart at the slit as if it were rice paper. In the blink of an eye you were left bare and splayed before him like a feast waiting to be devoured. And oh how ravenously he would devour you—gnashing his teeth as he pulled you apart, and leaving nothing but the entrails of your bleeding heart behind. And then he’d sink his teeth into that too.
With his length completely exposed he flipped you over and propped you up on your elbows. His hand pushed your head down into the mattress, and he slapped your ass a few times, smiling to himself as you yelped from each impact. You felt him bite into the meaty flesh of your ass before following it with another harsh smack, and you hoped a reddened imprint of his teeth and hand would remain on your skin as a dirty reminder.
“I know you can do better than that. Spread your legs and arch your back more.”
Annoying as always, he demanded more while giving you virtually nothing. Your first instinct was to display disobedience, but his threat of leaving you high and dry made you compliant.
“Please Zoro, I’ve waited so long.”
You heard a clattering behind you that you assumed was his sunglasses being tossed aside. His rough fingers slid up and down your opening, and you whined when he refused to probe any deeper. You wiggled your hips in a wordless command.
“You’re such a needy girl, aren’t ya? Where’d all that fake innocence go?”
His fingers continued to tease you while he taunted, and your annoyance gave way to desperation.
“Zoro please. I’m begging you, please.”
A harsh smack on your pussy made your knees buckle.
“The begging’s nice, but I’m still waiting to hear an apology.”
You’d do anything but that. He was the one who started all of this.
“No?” He sighed in exasperation. “Alright then. Guess I’ll just leave you here to take care of yourself.”
“No wait!”
His hands crawled up your spine to grip your shoulder and the back of your neck, and he leaned over to tickle your ear with his lips.
“You want my dick that badly?”
Your tears wetted the sheets as they spilled from your eyes.
“I do, I want it so bad. So fucking bad. ’m sorry for being a brat.”
“Yeah?” His voice was strained. Clearly he was also holding himself back from giving in until you’d truly earned it. After a final swipe of his fingers along your slick folds he tapped your ass with his cock a few times before positioning himself.
“There it is. Keep begging for it.”
He gifted you with his tip, but your euphoria was short lived when he refused to fill you any further. You needed to feel every pulse that beat along the veiny underside of his length. As he stretched your walls torturously slow, your relieved whines were muffled by the silken sheets. The wait had been torturously long.
He slid his cock between your lower lips and the lubricant of his precum mixed with the wetness leaking from your pussy. One of his hands grasped your wrist to twist it behind your back and he repositioned himself once again at your entrance.
“Even though you don’t deserve it, I’m gonna fuck this needy pussy anyway.”
You gasped and sighed thankful whimpers as he pressed forward and stuffed you with a burning stretch. You’d have to adjust to his girth—every single part of his body was impossibly thick and wide. Calloused fingers tripped over your clit in an attempt to loosen your muscles, and before you knew it the two of you were fully connected.
His fingers crawled into your scalp and hooked around your tresses to tug your back, and you clenched walls and you unhinged your jaw with a deep moan. Finally, for the first time tonight, your desires were being fulfilled.
His hips snapped against your ass and all you could do was lay there and take it. The stillness of the room was rattled by the harsh slaps of your skin connecting and your rhythmic whiny moans. He was quiet, save for a couple of low grunts as he held you in place to mercilessly slam into your sex. He seemed disconnected—using you as his own personal toy to get himself off, so you were then taken by surprise when his gravelly voice finally acknowledged you.
“This what you needed to get you to behave? You’re something else. You know this is only meant for me, right? This is all mine, understand?”
He pulled your head further back and cupped your jaw, and you could see his eyes glow red from your peripheral.
“Yes. I understand.”
“You understand what,” he demanded as he smushed your cheeks together.
“My pussy is yours. I’m all yours. Only yours.”
You felt his cock throb inside you and he cursed under his breath. His groans rose in volume when your tongue slid and curled between the two fingers he’d stuffed inside your mouth, and he pressed them further down your throat to make you gag.
“Fuck, you’re so needy. Look at you tightening up around me.”
You heard him chuckle and he removed his fingers to caress and grope your curves—pinching your nipples and squeezing bruises into your skin. He never ceased his thrusts as his hand slid between your legs to circle your puffy clit. Jolts of pleasure electrified your nerves as he defiled you—hammering away until your foundation crumbled to dust.
He finally let go of your hair to hike his knee up on the bed and your body flopped bonelessly onto the mattress. The bed frame knocked noisily against the wall from the merciless onslaught, and you mourned the definite loss of your security deposit.
He sunk his teeth into your shoulder to draw out more of those precious sounds he loved so much while his tongue licked to soothe the raw skin. You could hear the faint tinkling of his earrings clinking together when he nuzzled the crook of your neck.
“Stop being so quiet. Use that big mouth of yours and let me hear you.”
You gulped, filling your lungs with muggy bits of air.
“I don’t…want anyone to hear.”
His movements stilled.
“Yes you do.”
The air in your lungs was trapped as you held your breath.
“Why would you stop?”
“Because I know you’re lying.”
His cock twitched and he relinquished some of his practiced control by sensually grinding his hips, achingly slow. A totally different rhythm from what he’d started with.
“I know you wish that waitress could see us now.” His voice had dipped to an intimate murmur as he stroked your walls. You could hear the crude sounds of how slick and slippery you were at the base of your connection—he’d reached so deep that he prodded your delicate center.
“You want her to see who all of this belongs to. That I’m all yours.”
You whimpered with every rough slam of his hips, and he picked your head up to crush your lips together. His tongue invaded your mouth and you gripped the sheets as trails of saliva trickled down your chin.
He ceased his invasive overtaking of your mouth to lick up the wetness dribbling down your jaw.
“Open your mouth.”
His voice was a puppeteer that held the strings to control your body. You opened your mouth in a stupor and stuck out your tongue, and he chuckled at your immediate compliance before spitting the remnants of your saliva back into your mouth.
“Hold it there and keep your tongue out.”
You dared not disobey. He kept your head in place to examine your face and you rubbed your ass against him in an attempt to get him to fuck you harder. He smirked and finally let go of your jaw.
Immediately you closed your mouth and gulped, savoring your tastes mixing together. He continued grinding against your ass until he pressed you back down into the mattress to resume his rough thrusts. You went to bring your fingers to your clit to help yourself along but he yanked your hand away and pinned it back onto the bed.
“Nuh uh,” he tutted, “you don’t get to finish. Be good and lay there.”
You whined and begged him to let you cum but he smiled wickedly and selfishly chased his own high. Even if you weren’t permitted to touch yourself, his cock still reached the deepest depths of your insides—kissing that fleshy patch of bliss which left your body immobile. His grunts became faster as his balls slapped against your ass, and the squeaks of the weakened bed frame synchronized with his frantic thrusts. You chanted his name and arched your back as he gripped your waist to pound you into the mattress.
He fucked you in a frenzy—biting incoherent curses into your skin. And with one last slam into your abused pussy his body seized and he groaned as he released inside of you so fully that it spilled out to form a ring around the base of his cock. Your walls fluttered as you desperately rubbed your clit—still keeping your back arched to hold him in place as you rushed to follow. It only took a few firm circles around your bud before the muscles in your core tightened and your legs shook as electricity spread throughout your body to shock every one of your nerve endings. You let out a cry into the sheets and Zoro thrust lazily to help carry you along until you sighed weakly and relaxed.
He pulled out smoothly and the warmth of his cum slid down between your thighs and onto the floor. After straightening back up he turned you around and finally pressed his lips to yours. You hummed and wrapped your arms around his neck, and his hands came down to squeeze your ass a few times before giving it a smack.
“That’s my girl,” he smirked as he laid you back down onto the bed and laid next to you.
“That was so mean,” you giggled as you rested your head on his chest and dragged your fingers over his pec.
“You deserved it. Acting like such a brat, as if it wasn’t obvious that I’m already yours. And you’re mine.”
Your body buzzed from his words and you cupped his cheek to kiss his jaw.
“Yeah, I’m yours. And you’re mine.”
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coconut-cactus · 16 days
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Don't mind me, just randomly finishing artwork I put off
(This is so rushed)
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decorativetrashbag · 7 months
Cup of Coffee, and a Tall Glass of You
Parings: Sanji x Female Reader Summary: Zeff hired a barista for the restaurant, FINALLY, but Sanji wasn't expecting a girl, let alone one as beautiful as you. He can handle his coffee, but can he handle a dollop of falling in love? Warnings: None! like 2 instances of Y/N Genre: Fluff, Modern AU, Barista AU Words: 3.7k
a/n: this one's been asked for, and at my barista job, i had nothing better to do BUT write this. I think this is the only story i started writing, then rewrote all of it lol. enjoy it! <3
“I wonder if we have potatoes…” Sanji mumbled to himself in the empty kitchen as he whisked the eggs He had just cracked into the bowl. It was about 5:45 am now, but Sanji always came to work early to prepare breakfast. Most of the other chefs start rolling in about 6:20, and as much as Sanji loved the sound of a bustling kitchen, he'd be lying if he didn't say he enjoyed the quiet, empty moments too. Even though he had to follow the menu Zeff always posted the night before, cooking in the kitchen alone gave him a bit of freedom. He was pulled out of his thoughts about what dish to make with potatoes when he heard the door open and Zeff entering the kitchen. 
“Morning, old man,” Sanji said, adding the seasonings to the eggs. 
“You’re always here so early, Sanji,” Zeff replied with a thunderous chuckle. 
“Breakfast isn't going to serve itself,” Sanji stated, incorporating the scrambled egg mix again. 
“We have chefs that can do that too,” Zeff said, hobbling over on his fake leg to look over the blonde's shoulder. 
“I know,” Sanji said, rolling his eyes. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Zeff nod at his work and lean on the counter. 
“Trust in the kitchen Sanji, they do hard work,” He said. Sanji chuckled. 
“I would if they knew what they were doing most of the time,” the comment made Zeff laugh and pat Sanji’s back. 
“I'll give you credit for that I guess.” 
“Why are you here so early? Are we getting a shipment in or something?” Sanji asked, setting down the bowl of eggs and fishing his phone out of his pocket for the time. Zeff hummed and walked over to a shelf to grab another mixing bowl. 
“I’m here early cause we have a new hire. Finally got us a barista to handle the morning crowd from that hotel ‘cross the way,” he said, as Sanji’s ears perked up with interest. 
“You hired someone?” He asked, raising an eyebrow. 
“Yeah, and without your opinion either,” Zeff chuckled. 
“Well, is he any good?” Sanji asked, getting out a pan to preheat it on the stove. Zeff sighed as he set down a bag of flour.
“She has experience, so she knows what she's doing,” Zeff said, which caused Sanji to stop what he was doing and look up at the older man. “I've already trained her on the basics, she's got a cheat sheet if she forgets.” 
“Back up, she?” Sanji asked, now fully turning towards him. “Is she here??” 
“She is, she walked in after I did.” Before Sanji could even start walking towards the kitchen door Zeff grabbed his arm to stop him. 
“Don't go flirting with my barista,” He said in a low and stern tone.
“I'm not gonna flirt with her, what makes you think that?” Sanji laughed nervously. 
“Cause the second I said she, ya got heart eyes. Eggplant, I know you're a ladies man. If you weren’t complaining about being a waiter for the first couple weeks of us opening, you were laying charm on the women sittin at tables.” Sanji frowned a bit at the call out, but Zeff wasn't lying. He knew he was a little girl crazy, and was the cause of a lot of fights. Zeff let go of his arm and sighed. 
“You can introduce yourself to her, just don't make her uncomfortable.” Sanji grinned as Zeff turned him back to the pan on the stove. 
“Scramble these eggs first, since you're already here. You can check out the station after, and I need your help making the pastries to sell out there.” Sanji sighed but turned on the stove anyway. 
“Fair point, finishing cooking what I started. I'll greet her on my smoke break.” Zeff hummed in approval as the two began cooking breakfast and making the pastries. Slowly but surely more chefs started rolling in for their shifts and before Sanji knew it they were open for the day and the kitchen was bustling and busy, the quiet morning evaporating like the steam off the fresh pastries Zeff pulled out of the oven. 
Around 10:30 am Sanji wiped his hands on the towel draped across his shoulder and walked through the kitchen over to Zeff, fishing the cigarette box out of his pocket. 
“I'll be back in like, 15,” Sanji said, waving the box to him and Zeff nodded. 
“We'll take it from here,” he said as Sanji left the kitchen. He briskly walked by tables of people dining, stopping occasionally to ask customers how their meal was. Walking out of the second room of tables, Sanji reached the front of the restaurant, starting to pick up with the brunch crowd, the host trying to seat people, waiters bustling around the tables to meet people's needs. And there, in the corner of the front of the restaurant, next to the bar, was the new barista. He watched your set down a couple to-go cups, lidded them, and sent a customer on their way with a smile, doing the same for someone who ordered a pastry, judging by the to-go box you handed them. Though he was known to be a little girl-crazy, and seen his fair share of beautiful women, he admitted he was a bit taken aback. You were definitely up there with some he found beautiful. He made his way over to you as customers exited the restaurant or went to be seated, greeting them as he passed them. Sanji finally made his way up to you, placing his hands on either side of the register and looking up at the menu, studying the options. He looked around your little corner as you served people, you were pretty set up for handling customers. A dishwasher, two sets of fridges, one with windows in to see the bottled stuff, a countertop oven, a place to brew more coffee, the big espresso machine he knew Zeff poured a lot of money into, syrups, cups, lids, ice maker. All you needed was a stove and you'd have a whole kitchen. 
“Have a good one guys! Oh! Hey you work here right?” You asked him, pulling Sanji back to reality and you leaned on the counter in front of him. He blushed a little being up close to you, quickly trying to study every detail of your face before he answered. 
“I do, yeah!” He started sticking his hand out for you to shake. You took his hand and gave it a gentle handshake, Sanji could almost feel the sparks from fingertips brushing and hands meeting. He took your hand and gingerly kissed the back of it. “I'm Sanji,” He winked, watching your cheeks grow a light pink dust of blush. 
“Oh, you're Sanji,” you chuckled, “that makes sense now.”
“You know?” Sanji asked, it tugged at his heart to hear you say his name. 
“Zeff told me all about you. I'm Y/N,” you said as he let your hand go, feeling the electric tingle sizzle away as you left his touch. He cursed Zeff in his head for filling your brain with info about him, for probably exaggerating how he acts towards women and silently thanking Zeff for putting the idea of him in your thoughts. 
“Y/N, well it's nice to meet you! Zeff told him he hired someone, didn't know it'd be a beautiful rose like you,” Sanji said, really laying on his quintessential charm.
“Yeah! He trained me all weekend so I feel pretty familiar with everything.” All weekend? No wonder he was out of the loop, he took the weekend off to spend time with Luffy and the gang.
“How are the pastries doing?” Sanji asked, the chef side of him curious about the work he put into helping make the pastries today. The both of you looked at the case, the fresh pastries sitting on plates ready for the perusing eyes of people. 
“Good! Had a lot of to-go's for them, they must look as good as they taste,” you said. 
“Well Zeff and I did bake them this morning, so I'd hope they'd be enjoyed.” He said, watching you blush a little and look at him.
“You made them this morning?? Oh wow! Usually the places I've worked at make them the night before!” Watching your amazement at the idea of them baking the pastries fresh made his heart squeeze in his chest. He was smitten, you were adorable to him.
“Well, glad you're settling in just fine! It can be hectic but if Zeff trusts you, then so do I,” he smiled, finally pulling a cigarette out of the box, about to make his leave.
“Oh! Sanji! Did you need anything from me?” You asked, leaning onto the counter and looking up at him, tilting your head a little at your own question. Sanji looked at you, blinking a bit as he felt his cheeks get hot. Not only did you call him by name, but asked him if he needed anything from you. Of course he could think of a million flirtatious answers, he felt like he might be thrown back in happiness and a nosebleed, or that he could drop dead right now and be the happiest he's been. Sanji, cleared his throat, cheeks burning with blush as he just smiled. 
“Maybe I'll grab a coffee later! Just wanted to say hi and all that,” he said, feeling like words were just falling out of his mouth. 
“Nice to meet you!” You said giving him a wave as he walked outside. 
“Pleasure's all mine!” Sanji waved back, once he got out of view, he lit his cigarette and leaned against the wall. He ran a hand through his hair, still feeling the heat of blush on his face. He exhaled a stream of smoke, but to him it looked like hearts, and it might as well have been. 
“God, she's so cute,” he mumbled, a bit lovesick already. 
~4 months later~
Sanji always looked forward to work. He loved cooking, he loved that he could cook for others and see that happy smile on their faces as they ate. He loved the creative freedom Zeff would let him have once in a while for a dish and be lucky if it made the daily special. He loved getting to work early to start prepping for the day, and he loved you. Of course he hadn't told you yet, but he loved getting to work at the same time as you, he loved when you asked for his help, he loved getting the coffee on break and opening it to see the heart in the latte art. He adored when you asked if he needed anything else from you, he'd hold his tongue and say something polite, but in his dreams he'd pull out the lines he wished he could say. 
On a slower day, You and Sanji were talking as the few tables used were cleaned off. Both of you leaned over the counter as you watched Sanji carefully ice one of the delicate pastries. 
“I don't think I've ever seen it so slow in here,” you remarked as Sanji pulled the piping bag away. 
“It's an early weekday, it happens every now and again,” He said, leaning back over the pastry.
“You wanna coffee?” You asked, “I feel like I should at least look busy.”
“That sounds amazing actually, usual vanilla latte for me,” He said, looking up at you with a smile as you nodded and went off to make it. He pulled the piping bag away one last time and admired his work, finally setting it down and watching you work. It has been about 4 months since you started here, and Sanji has never skipped a beat in saying hello to you every morning and taking in every word you had to say on his break. Since your shift ends around noon, he felt it best to soak up every ounce of you before you'd run off for the rest of the day. Even then, he still thought about you, he was a flirt and a ladies man, sure, but when it came to you, he didn't know how to act, what to say, how to express himself. It made him a mess, a love sick mess. Sanji was brought back to reality with the mug being placed in front of him with that heart shaped latte art. He smiled. 
“You always give me a heart,” he said, taking a sip. 
“It's one of the few I've got down to a habit,” you chuckled, looking at the pastry. “Wow, you did a great job! If no one eats it, I might!” He felt a tug as you pulled at his heart strings. He wasn't worthy of you eating his food, and he certainly wasn't worthy of the praise. 
“You'll have to tell me how it is,” he said, watching you put it in the case. 
“Well, you should cook for me sometime, since I keep hearing how good of a cook you are,” you said, resting your hand on your cheek. 
“I'd love to, dear, say the word and I'll do it,” He flirted, happy to see you laugh at it. He has slowly been trying to be more bold with you, and it seemed you were used to it at this point. 
“Coffee's good?” You asked as he finished the rest of the small mugs worth. 
“Perfect as always, I'll make you food, if you keep making me coffee,” he said, leaning on both his arms resting on the counter. 
“Sounds like a deal,” you chuckled, pink dusting your cheeks as he looked at you. 
“Need anything else from me, Sanji?” God, it killed him every time. The sweet look you gave him, saying his name sounded like honey dripping into tea, his heart squeezed and did flips when you asked. It felt like you were teasing him every time you asked, just pushing his buttons to get him to confess. He needed you, and all to himself. 
“Well, maybe your number?” Sanji flirted, unable to help himself anymore, he was wrapped around your finger whether you knew or not. Your cheeks get rosy as you blinked. 
“My number?” You asked, a little stunned but raise your eyebrow with a small smile in reply. “4 months of us knowing each other, Sanji, and you just got the courage to ask?” 
“Well it felt weird asking you out right, and Zeff warned me against flirting with you, buuut you keep teasing me and now I have to ask,” Sanji admitted, leaning closer to you. You rolled your eyes with a smile. 
“I'm a tease?” You chuckled and Sanji nodded. “You know, when they said you were a huge flirt and a playboy, I definitely saw it, but man, you can be a mess.” 
“Only around you, I don't know why, I'm just smitten by you,” He said with a softened tone and look in his eyes that made you blush. You managed to fumble pulling the pen out of your apron pocket and rolled out some receipt paper and began writing. He had never seen you so flustered unless you messed up an order, one in a blue moon, it was adorable, it made him swoon inside. 
“Plus, you're like one of the main things I look forward to coming to work,” he explained, causing you to look up from your writing. 
“What's the other main thing?” 
“Cooking,” He said plainly. 
“Cooking?” You asked, certainly not believing him. “You like cooking that much?”
“Of course! Look, everyone that comes here enjoys their food. Right?”
“Yeah, customers always tell me, always a rave review.”
“I love cooking and seeing the happy smiles on their faces eating my food. To make good food, to not ever let any go to waste, and that no one walks away hungry.” Sanji explained as you looked at him paying attention to every gesture and word he said. You chuckled a little. 
“I don't think I've seen or heard anyone be as passionate about cooking as you. You must be amazing at it.” You said, finishing your writing. 
“I'll have to cook for you sometime,” Sanji smiled, taking out a cigarette and sticking it between his lips unlit. 
“That's what you can use my number for,” You teased, snapping your fingers like the idea just came to you. Sanji happily played along.
“Oh yeah! Just call you to come over and try my cooking! Didn't even cross my mind.” He said. 
You pushed the piece of paper over to him and he took it, folded it and put it in his pocket.
“Gotta keep it safe,” he said with a wink. Suddenly the moment was interrupted by Zeff calling for Sanji.
“Sanji! What'd I say about making googly eyes at my barista??” Zeff interrupted thunderously, chucking a ladle at him. Quick reflexes cause Sanji to kick-box it out of the way back towards Zeff.
“I'm not making her uncomfortable, old man! Watch where you throw!’ Sanji shouted back. 
“All that kicking doesn't do anything for this kitchen except break up fights!” You then chimed in and said;
“It's fine Zeff, he's not bothering me.” Zeff softened at your comment and nodded, picking up the ladle and pointing it at both of you. 
“If he makes you uncomfortable, I'll take care of him,” he said, hobbling back to the kitchen. 
“Mmm, you're in trouble now” you teased the blonde cook, who chuckled in reply. 
“Well, duty calls, thanks for the coffee!” 
“Let me know if you need anything from me!” You waved and Sanji almost swooned at the idea, of course he could always need something from you, just for the excuse of taking your time. 
~2 months later~
Sanji awoke to the sound of his phone alerting him that he had a message. Fighting every part of him telling him don’t look, just lay here and try to fall back asleep, he rolled over and picked up his phone anyway. The time of 9:00 am looked back at him. Normally he’d be up at the crack of dawn to get to work for Zeff’s restaurant, but he slept in enough today. It was a message from Zeff with the photo of the menu for next week’s specials attached. 
“I'm not even gonna worry about that right now,” he said, putting his phone down and sitting up in bed. “It’s my day off, I'm going to enjoy it.” With that sentiment in mind, he got out of bed and got ready for the day. He pulled on a black t-shirt and gray sweatpants, nothing compared to his usual look of dress pants and a crisp button down shirt. As he got dressed the smell of coffee wafted through the air, and he put his phone in his pocket, following the enticing smell into the kitchen. The sight of the kitchen made him smile, sunlight was already creeping through the apartment windows as you stood in the kitchen, pouring espresso into a couple mugs and steaming milk on his espresso machine. He admired your concentration that he'd normally see when you're working. Instead of the regular uniform, you were wearing one of his dress shirts with the sleeves rolled up, it was just big enough to pass as a short dress on you. Being as quiet as he could, he came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist. Feeling you standing up straight, he nestled his head into your neck. 
“Hey, I didn't know you were awake,” you said, tilting the mug as you made a design out of the milk. 
“I didn't hear you get up,” Sanji said, intently watching. He knew how to make latte art, but he liked watching you do it. 
“Well, lover boy, it seemed like you needed sleep, so I didn't want to wake you.” You explained as you moved to the second mug. 
“You didn't have to make coffee, the restaurant's closed today, we're off,” he teased as you chuckled. 
“I'm aware, I just thought you wanted coffee. It's not hard to do, it only took me like, 10 minutes to figure out your machine.” Sanji hummed, planting a kiss on your neck. 
“You're all the morning coffee I need, love,” he purred, and you laughed. 
“You love sick dork,” you said, turning to face him in his arms, handing Sanji the mug as he broke the hug. “I didn't know you had the same coffee as work.” 
“Of course, who do you think told Zeff to get it in the first place?” He asked as you rolled your eyes. 
“Should've known.Are you gonna cook for me today?” You asked, looking up at him as you sipped. 
“Princess, I'd cook for you, even if you didn’t ask,” Sanji winked, making you smile. 
“I can cook too, ya know,” you said and Sanji chuckled. 
“You'll have to show me sometime.”
“You have my number,” you teased as he set the mug on the counter and pulled you back in his arms. 
“God I love you,” He sighed happily. You set your mug down and put his arms around your arms around his neck. 
“I'd hope so! You've texted me everyday for the past couple months, call me over. I'm not sure how a big handsome flirt like you managed to do it.” You chuckled.
“You're no better! Everyday I looked at your sweet face and asked me if I needed anything from you and I could've died on the spot, or said a flirty line! But I braved it.” He laughed. 
“I wasn't trying to tease, I was asking! You always came over to talk to me!” You laughed.  Sanji just smiled, taking one of his hands and putting a finger under your chin. 
“I'm just unworthy of you Princess,” he purred, leaning down and kissing you gently. You happily kissed back, letting your fingers play with the back of his hair. You tasted like coffee, he tasted like cigarettes. He hoisted you up and sat you on the counter, his arms around your waist, your legs around his hips. And as he kissed you, Sanji swore he could die happy, flirting with the cute barista was a million percent worth it. 
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chososbabymama · 1 year
the edge.
-he takes his sweet time with you, wanting to making sure that you're prepped completely before you take him. long, thick fingers work their way in and out of your core as he litters soft kisses along your neck and collarbone. with every flick of his finger on your aching bud, you feel your body being brought closer and closer to the edge. desperately craving for him to make that final push, you beg him through broken moans to end what felt like torture to you. rough lips trailed up to your ear and nibbled on it softly before consoling you.
"shhhhh mama, i jus' wanna make you feel good~ you been so busy this week, keepin this pretty pussy from me. i missed my girls, jus wanna take care of you. you gon' lemme take care of you baby? lemme show you how much i missed you? cuz i know you missed me too baby. poor little cunts so fuckin wet~ didn't even do much before the poor thing started cryin for me. don't worry pretty, imma make up for it."
{connie, nanami, zoro, choso, eren, uzui}
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inlovwitluffy · 3 months
anyway i just posted on wattpad for the first time. because sometimes there are things i want in a story but im to pussy to ask. so i just started to do it myself. its for BLACK GIRLS!!! because i definitely don’t see to many stories for us and its upsetting. its not about just one character and you guys can also request who you would like to see in these stories
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nabi-hana · 1 year
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Roronoa Zoro x F!Reader
➪ wc: 5.2k || SFW (suggestive)
➪ warnings/tags: none except suggestive language, heavy petting, and kissing.
➪ notes: after Nami introduces you to her gang during a virtual game, your biggest fear finally came knocking at your door, meeting him in person.
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"I'm so fuckin' nervous, Nami."
"Babe, you look fine. You're overreacting! That idiot is definitely gonna love what he sees, [Name]."
"What if he thinks I'm ugly? I'd be so embarrassed."
"Girl, I doubt he would. You're gorgeous. Plus, I'd beat his ass, simple."
Currently, you were in the bathroom attempting to catch your breath which resulted in failure, because your nerves were getting the best of you. You were at the hugely prominent party that one of your friends had decided to throw on a Friday night. Well, wasn't exactly randomly thrown. Precisely, you attended this party to meet a certain someone for the first time, face to face.
You already met the rest of the crew twenty minutes after you arrived, excluding Nami since she's a long-time friend of yours.
What's funny is, you had met her crew through an online game. She had asked you to come and join their lobby while they played a session because they were missing a member and needed an extra person to start their game. Over the months, she introduced you to them after adding you to their group chat. As soon as you told Luffy that your favorite food was meat, he automatically made you a member of their friend group.
At first, you were too nervous to talk into the mic so you would be muted, but once you get comfortable, you spoke with them almost every day. At times Sanji would flirt with you and ask you to send selfies of yourself so that he can shower you with compliments, describing how your voice sounded 'angelic' over the mic.
However, you never showed them your appearance because you were insecure and didn't want to be judged. You also wanted to meet them in person because you felt like you looked better in person. Nami respected your wishes and told you to only show them when you're comfortable.
You knew what most of them looked like, except a few, which included Roronoa Zoro. At first, you and Zoro didn't really interact much. It seems as though he was weary of you, or he just had trust issues. It was understandable, but you saw it as a challenge. You started pestering him in the group chat, always teasing him, which led him to directly message you for the first time.
It started out as him bluntly stating that you were very annoying, which honestly kind of hurt your feelings at first, but you would always rebuttal. You both had started arguing, throwing playful insults at each other which ultimately led him to calling you. You were astounded by it, asking him why he even dialed to call you. His statement was even more baffling,
"I just wanna hear your voice."
That text alone had your heart jumping, as butterflies fluttered inside your chest. Honestly, you didn't want to pick up. In your defense, you felt jittery because his voice was undeniably attractive. It was deep, and gruff which would always have you tingling inside whenever he did speak into the mic on the game. It was just so... sexy.
Ultimately, you did decide to pick up, and let out a soft 'Hi?'. He chuckled, making your heartbeat gradually quicken. It's as if he sensed your uneasiness and proceeded to tease you on your shyness. 
"You talk all that shit in text, but sound so innocent once you're on the phone."
"Shut yo' ass up."
"You ain't bold enough to say it in person."
Ever since then, it was like a sacred routine for the both of you to have playful arguments in direct messages and occasionally, on the phone over the months. You still get anxious whenever you hear his voice because you still aren't used to it. You just knew that he must've been an attractive person. Eventually, you did see his appearance, and lord have mercy.
You actually discovered it by looking him up one day out of curiosity. He claimed that he didn't really use social media much, but once you saw his Instagram, he had so many followers. You had no idea that he was such a popular man, dare say that he was even a celebrity figure. Matter of fact, THE WHOLE CREW was well known. You saw them in his tags, clicking on each of their profiles.
Seeing Zoro made you so self-conscious that you actually started to distance yourself from him. You were way out of his league; he was such an unbelievably attractive man. Unworldly, even. Especially when you looked through his comments when he posted his workout videos. The people were head over heels for him. The simps were horrendously down bad.
You had just... sat there. Thinking to yourself, why was Zoro even wasting his time talking to you? He doesn't even know what you look like, other than the time when Nami described your appearance to them once, yet he still seems to be so interested in conversating with you.
Unfortunately, he took notice of you ignoring him very quickly since he's an observant man. He questioned your intentions at first, which led to you both having quite an intense argument, but ultimately he respected your boundaries and left you alone.
The crew also noticed you both avoiding each other. Zoro would barely speak into the mic now but would still listen to the sound of your voice. Even though he had no clue what he did wrong, he still wanted to at least hear you talk, because it calms his nerves, soothing him. He liked you; he already came to terms with that fact internally.
You, on the other hand, were struggling.  You thought distancing yourself would've been the best thing to do yet turns out to be the worst possible decision. You felt awful because you worsened the situation and realized that you harbored feelings for him. Ignoring him was like a stab to your heart. If anything, it was a wake-up call for you. You missed him badly, and wanted to talk to him but weren't sure how to go about it.
Eventually, you stopped being a pussy and called him instead of doing it over text. Apologizing over the phone felt more authentic to you because you wanted him to know how sorry you were. You apologized, saying that you were an over-thinker and thought it was best to distance yourself from him because you discovered who he was.
In short, he was taken aback that you hadn't searched him up by now, assuming you did it the moment you heard them say his name.
"You're such a crybaby.. come on, don't cry, princess."
"I know, i'm sorry.."
You didn't cry often, but you did humiliatingly shed some tears after telling him about your insecurities and thought he wouldn't want to talk to you anymore once he discovered what you looked like. You also told him your experiences with your ex, who just so happens to be your first and only boyfriend that would comment inhumane insults about your looks. That's also why you didn't use social media as much as you used to anymore because he would belittle your looks and call you a hoe for your pictures.
He went as far as deleting them because he didn't like certain comments from people. It was honestly ridiculous, which made you think he was insecure. Nevertheless, you're glad to have left that toxic and verbally abusive relationship.
Zoro talked you through it that whole night, comforting and complimenting you, making it known for you to believe that you were breathtaking inside and out. He was such a gem, and it was a foreign feeling to you. Your last relationship ruined things for you, yet Zoro made everything so surreal and genuine. Now what were you and Zoro exactly? You weren't sure. You were both friends, but it felt so much more on your end.
You didn't want to ruin that friendship though, because you cherished him. You did attempt to bottle up your emotions, but he wasn't making it any better. He'd always have these pet names to call you, like 'princess' or 'mamas', even 'peaches.'
You weren't sure if it was intentional, but it did make your heart swell. About six months have passed since you met them, and they all wanted to meet you so badly. You finally gave in, and you all planned to meet at the party their mutual friend was having.
Since they were scattered at the party, you met them one by one, and they immediately discovered who you were whenever you threw a subtle hint at them. Luffy, literally threw himself on you, giving you the biggest hug. He knew it was you after you called him by the nickname you gave him. He was giggling so much, pushing your cheeks together in adoration. Chopper was with him, as he cried happy tears, latching himself onto your leg. Luffy was taller than you thought, surprised that he was actually taller than you.
After that, Nami guided you to Robin, who was with Franky at the time. They both literally towered over you, since they were taller than 6 feet. Franky immediately called you a shorty, also dramatically crying tears, quoting he was happy to finally meet his 'little sister'. Robin smiled warmly, as you both hugged each other. She complimented your appearance, stating that you looked absolutely breathtaking. She also whispered into your ear, saying Zoro probably wouldn't be able to control himself after he sees you. It made you blush hysterically since she knows about your crush on him.
You then met Brook, who was sticking out like a sore thumb in the crowd because of his astonishing height. Of course, he automatically asked to see your panties, which resulted in you smacking him. Nevertheless, he laughed loudly and hugged you tight, complimenting your appearance by calling you angelic. He was one of the members of the crew that you related to so much since you both loved music and had similar tastes. He would even send you his music playlists, asking for your opinions on the workpiece.
When you saw Sanji, he didn't realize it was you at first. He was in the kitchen, cooking meals for the party since the host's main chef abandoned his cooking. The first thing he had done was obviously flirt with you, calling you a beautiful maiden, asking for your hand in marriage. You giggled at the gesture, shaking your head to refuse the proposal. When he asked for your name, you simply told him to guess it. Randomly, he chuckled saying your name, thinking it couldn't possibly be you until you smiled at him, not answering.
He was so bewildered at your beauty, immediately having a heavy nosebleed then and there. It was so bad that he was literally drenched in it. You did indeed help him, leading him to the nearest bathroom. You felt bad for him, but it was honestly hilarious how much of an effect you had on him.
By chance, when you came back to check on him, Usopp was there helping him clean himself up. Usopp already knew what you looked like because of a dare that was made in the group chat. Plus, you considered Usopp to be one of your best friends since you two had instantly clicked the moment you spoke with them on the game. He paused for a second, blinking as he flickered his eyes between you and Sanji, then solely resting his eyes on you.
"Oh my god, [Name]!"
He did the same thing Luffy did, latching himself onto you, rubbing his cheek against yours as he laughed loudly. He then pulled back, staring at you once again in disbelief, before pulling you right back in to another bone-crushing hug.
"I can't believe I'm finally seeing you in person, you're so adorable!"
Hearing him call you adorable made you blush slightly, cheesing at him.
"Shut up, you're gassing me up too much."
He lets out a boisterous laugh, playing with your hair a bit, letting you part from the hug. You both spoke for a bit, catching up on everything, and explained that Zoro was looking for you even though he didn't want to admit it. You bit your lip nervously, not ready to face him. You were so nervous that you even considered going back home, but that would make you a pussy.
The only person you didn't meet yet was Zoro.
That led you to your current situation, in the bathroom exasperatedly trying to calm your nerves down, as Nami praised you and gave you some pensive encouragement.
Little did you know, Nami was planning on having you meet Zoro unexpectedly. She was informed by Robin that Zoro was upstairs in the arcade room, which was surprisingly empty after someone had passed out on the floor from losing a drinking contest with Zoro. It's a good thing that he only drank a minuscule amount, (well what HE considers small) because he promised himself that he would be sober so that he can meet you properly. Believe it or not, he was also a bit nervous. He had no idea what you looked like, not that he cared for looks anyway, making fall solely for your personality.
Your phone began to ring in your pocket, which you took out to take a look at. Robins's name flashes, and you slide it open to answer your phone.
"Hi, [Name]! you left your jacket behind when we departed, but don't worry, I have it with me. I'll hold onto it whenever you'd like to come get it. I'm upstairs inside the arcade room."
"Oh shit, thank you, Robin. I was looking for it too. I'm coming to you right now, be there in a sec."
After you hung up, you let out a sigh of relief. That jacket was expensive as fuck. You don't remember leaving it behind, but you didn't think too much on it and remained grateful that it wasn't stolen. While you were putting your phone in your pocket, you noticed Nami smirking to herself, trying to contain her laughter."
"Girl, what are you laughing at."
"Don't worry about it, go get your jacket."
"Bitch, How did you know-"
She immediately pushed you out of the bathroom, locking it up as you stumbled, catching yourself from falling. You grumbled to yourself, vowing that you'd get her back for that.
You made your way upstairs, avoiding the drunken couples that were sucking face against the walls. As you passed some rooms, you saw the sign 'Arcade Room' in huge bold letters, seeing the doors closed.
For some unknown reason, you felt chills run down your spine. Nevertheless, you opened the door, and slipped inside, shutting the door behind you. You took a quick look around, noticing how empty the place was.
'Why the fuck is it so empty in here.. usually the arcade places at parties are surrounded by people.'
"Hey, Robin? You in here?"
There was an eerie silence for a few moments, indicating that no one was there. You sighed, thinking she had left this room after growing bored. She could've at least contacted you to let you know that she was moving to another location.
Before you could turn around to leave, the door to the arcade opened, and slammed shut. It startled you, making you turn around to face whoever entered. As soon as you looked at the person, your heart dropped. You felt as if your heart was going to burst right out of your chest.
"Ah, sorry. Didn't know someone was in here."
The person who entered the room was Zoro, in the flesh. He was so breathtaking.. not only were his pictures attractive but seeing him in person was a whole nother level. The man stood tall, at around six feet, with enormous biceps. His black shirt was also unbuttoned, giving you a glimpse of his strong-toned chest, along with the long scar on his chest and endless abs. The scar on his eye complimented his appearance even more. The man was just so attractive, it made your nerves skyrocket. He also had a prominent frown on his face. He was like a walking sex god.
He must've noticed you checking him out, scowling a bit as he cleared his throat to catch your attention.
"O-Oh! Sorry.."
You immediately turned around, facing the TV in embarrassment. You shut your eyes, releasing a breath of air out of your lungs.
'Fuck, why did he have to be so damn handsome. He is way out of my league.. I'm gonna combust.'
He narrowed his eyebrows suspiciously, wondering why you were in this room in the first place. Everyone had left after the drinking contest, so there was no reason for another person to be in here. Unless you wanted to play games by yourself.
He huffed out, walking over to sit on the couch, closing his eyes to take a short rest. His eye opened a bit to take a glance at you after he noticed you not moving an inch from that spot, seemingly standing there frozen.
"Oi, you just gonna stand there all day?"
Hearing his name being called from you made his wary glance deepen. It made him wonder how you know who he was. It would make sense if you knew him from the media since he was a pretty popular guy.
"Do I know you?"
You turned around, feeling his heavy gaze on your figure, as his eyes trailed up to your face. He thought you were an attractive woman, but another person was on his mind, who was quite literally standing in front of him.
"Yea, you do. You dumbass."
His eyebrow arched in confusion, having no clue who you were.
"No the fuck I don't. Where do I know you from?"
"Look at my damn clothes."
His eyes raked over your clothes, thinking back to when you had asked him what to wear for the party so that he could spot you easily.
"I better catch you wearin' that so I can find you, princess."
His eye widened, immediately jumped up onto his feet to stare intensely at you for a few seconds.
You smiled at him brightly, giggling to yourself that he finally realized who you were. It took you so much courage to even hold a regular conversation with him right now. You were still just as nervous as you were before.
"The one and only."
He was in disbelief, cursing at the fact that he was obliviously talking to you in this room. No wonder you were standing there. He felt like such an idiot. He walked over to you, which made you promptly turn around to face the TV once again. You were still nervous, but you attempted to shake them off.
"Give me a second."
He could sense that you were internally shaking, the nerves overcoming your body as he grinned, chuckling out loud. Hearing his chuckle in person made your heart jump. It was so sexy yet adorable at the same time.
He stood right behind you without you even taking notice, leaning down towards your ear to whisper a word that would cause your insides to discombobulate.
You gasped as he grabbed your waist, guiding you to turn around and face him, while you struggled in his grasp to resist him. He was undeniably strong, so he held you in place by force. You couldn't run away at all, even if you tried. Due to the proximity, you closed your eyes shut, not wanting to face him, to prevent yourself from doing something stupid.
"[Name], look at me."
"No way."
You shook your head in refusal, not wanting to open your eyes to look at him. Opening your eyes would make you come to terms with your feelings for him.
"Come on.." He leans down towards your face, placing a soft kiss on your cheek. "Open your eyes for me."
"Why should I."
"Because." This time, he places a kiss on your nose. "I wanna see how pretty your eyes are."
He continued to kiss your face gently, from your forehead to your cheek, and your nose, avoiding your lips altogether.
"You're so cute, just as I expected."
Shivers ran down your spine as one of his hands, trailed up to place onto your neck, softly gripping it as his thumb rubbed slow, soothing circles on your throat.
Just from that, you decided to open your eyes, staring right into his. He was smiling, which is something that he rarely does. His smile was so beautiful and genuine, something you never thought you'd witness in real life. He was known to be quiet, blunt, and aggressive, but from your point of view, he's a selfless gentleman that would willingly do anything to protect the people he cared about. Your heart didn't think it could take anymore. He let go of your neck, opening his arms, gesturing for you to hug him. You wasted no time, wrapping your arms around his neck as his wrapped around your lower back, holding you flushed against his chest. You both let out a sigh, basking in the lovely moment of holding each other.
He was so warm and big, you had to stand on your tippy toes just to even hug him properly. You buried your head onto his neck, as his aroma inhaled your senses. He smelled so good, the scent was very pleasant indeed to your nostrils.
You both laughed in joy, content in the happy moment of serenity. He tipped back, lifting you slightly off the ground as he twirled around, with your laughter increasing.
"Zoro! I'm gonna get dizzy."
"But I wanna keep holding you.."
"I know, at least put me down."
Zoro looked at you for a second, seemingly in thought, until he smirked, wiggling you in his grip.
"Nah, I got a better idea."
You let out a small squeal, as he suddenly grabbed the back of both your thighs, lifting them up to have you wrap them around his waist.
"Mhm.. much better."
You rolled your eyes at him, as he slightly lifted you up into the air to bounce you in his arms, dropping you back down again to wrap your legs around his waist firmly.
"What if somebody comes in?"
"Too fuckin' bad.” He scoffed, nipping at your neck playfully as you gasped from the sudden intrusion. “I've been waiting way too long to do this."
You laughed, poking his cheek with your pointer finger. "Didn't realize you were this affectionate."
His smile faltered, as he glared at you, airing it as a warning sign to you. His menacing look at you made you feel hot inside. Honestly, anything he did turned you on.
"Don't make me drop you, 'cause I will."
"You wouldn't."
"Try me."
You narrowed your eyes at him, sighing in detest. "You drop me and I'll kill yo' ass."
"Who says I wasn't gonna do that after this.." He mumbled under his breath but stopped to hold in his laughter after he sees the glare you sent his way.
"Zoro stop playin' with me."
He chuckled and ignored your empty threat, walking over to set you down onto a cleared table. He pushed your thighs apart, settling to stand in between them, as you re-wrapped your arms around his neck. For some odd reason, he was staring at you so intently, with you not being able to read his blank expression. It definitely made you nervous, since you weren't used to seeing him in person. You looked behind him, avoiding his face altogether.
"What? Am I that good looking?"
He scoffed, not wavering his intense stare. "You're gorgeous, but that's beside the point. I'm waiting."
You reverted your eyes to him, confused about what he meant by waiting. What was he even waiting for?
"Waiting for what?"
"Don't act like you don't know."
Your eyebrows furrowed, confused even more.
"I actually don't know, you moss head. Tell me."
He grunts, lifting his hand up to flick your forehead, making you flinch from the slight sting. "What you said you'd do when you first see me."
When you'd first see him?
You hummed in thought, attempting to reminisce if you ever say anything about that. The only time you ever said anything about seeing him was a few weeks ago, him teasing you that you'd pussy out on meeting him. Once he said that you got irritated, stating that you'd kiss him on the first link-up just to prove your point.
'Shit..' you were only bluffing when you said that.
He noticed your eyes widen, his smirk deepening knowing that you figured out the root of what he was talking about.
You took your arms off of his neck, folding them together once you noticed his taunting demeanor. "I don't know what you're talking about."
"Nah, you know exactly what i'm talkin' about, [Name]. Don't play dumb."
"Nope. Not a clue."
His hand trailed up to reach for your chin, grabbing it sternly and tilting it towards him. His thumb was slowly rubbing circles on your chin, soothing your nerves and letting you relax. "Don't lie to me, sweetheart.."
Your heart skipped a beat, letting out a staggering breath as he leaned down towards your ear, nibbling on it gently.
"Or I'll have to punish you."
Internally, you were fighting with yourself from being in this situation, you're usually a brat towards him on the phone, but in person he was making your insides melt. Fuck, you felt disappointed in yourself with how much he was affecting you.
"Loss for words?" Letting out a laugh as he leaned back, observing the submissive look on your face. He could get used to this, satisfied with himself to see you so acquiescent and submissive just for him. Only for him. Zoro's a very possessive man, even with his own enemies.
"You're so fuckin' cute. It's driving me crazy."
"S-Shut up!"
You hated to say it, but you honestly didn't mind this. You felt like you were crazy for even admitting it in your mind because anyone being able to tame you was a hard task, even for your parents. You were known to be a brat, having a smart mouth. So to witness him having you in such a trance, was devastating to say the least.
You tried to hide your face this time, lifting your hands to cover it but he swiftly grabs them, placing them back onto his neck.
"Aw, getting all shy on me again, princess?"
You didn't respond, simply ignoring him in annoyance. If he was going to continue teasing you, then you'll just stop paying attention to it.
"You don't have to kiss me if you don't want to, I don't want to make you uncomfortable." He cups your cheek softly, squeezing the chubby cheek as he spoke to you.
"It's not that Zoro, I want to, badly even. I'm just scared to."
"You think I'm gonna do the same shit your ex did?"
Your silence clarified his answer, him sighing as he pulled you closer to him by your waist, having your legs on either side of him. You spread your legs a bit wider to adjust to his size. Zoro was huge compared to you.
"You're worth much more than to ever treated be that way. Everything about you is beautiful to me, [Name]. From the top of your head to the tip of your toes."
His eye trailed down to your plump lips, licking his lips as he resisted the urge to lean down and taste you.
"Even I don't deserve you, You're fuckin' perfect. I'll praise you every damn day just to remind you how gorgeous you are." You bit your lip from hearing those words, feeling your erratic heartbeat increase. Zoro is such a sweetheart and felt so grateful to have him in your life.
"Maybe I need to start by showing you how much I do."
You were confused by his words, opening your mouth to say something until he leaned down, his warm breath caressing your face as his lips captured yours in a gentle, sensual kiss, sending your eyes fluttering from the soothing draw of his skin against yours. His hand on the back of your head cradled you, keeping your face flushed against his.
At first, you were shocked that he was kissing you, giving it a few seconds until you started to move your lips against his, lips heavily locked. Once he felt you return the kiss, he smirks into it, tilting his head to deepen the kiss. He loves the way you taste, and now that he has gotten a taste, he's never letting you go. It was as if nothing else mattered. He poured all of his feelings and emotions into the kiss, biting your bottom lip, sucking it into his mouth, stroking your lips with his tongue for you to give him access, which you did. You pulled him closer, feeling his tongue brush up against yours and engulfed it completely, letting out soft moans that were swallowed up by his mouth.
As your soft hands brush along the nape of his neck and pinch at strands of his mint hair, you feel his huge calloused hands run along your thighs and waist. When Zoro roughly gripped and squeezed the round cheek of your ass, you gasped for air as his other hand started to trace intricate patterns over your back. Slowly, he moves his hand up to the front of your neck, wrapping his rough calloused hand around your smooth throat. He grips it, resulting in you letting out a small gasp as he gently sucked on your tongue.
'Damn, he know how to snatch a persons soul out just from a kiss.'
The whole thing was mind-blowing to you, this was the best kiss you ever fucking had in your life. Scratch that, best make out session too. Your ex was horrible at it, always having drools of spit, teeth clashing, and everything. He even almost bit your tongue off. Plus, he was the first person you ever kissed, so having that as a learning experience was blasphemy. This was exactly what you'd been fantasizing about ever since you first met him all those months ago when Nami first added you to the game and you couldn't believe that it was actually happening right now. It felt so surreal.
"You're so fuckin' pretty... so pretty, baby."
He whispered against your lips between the heavy kisses, the table creaking from his bruising onslaught. He wants you, needs you. Needs to see you, touch you, taste you, feel you. He grunts, stealing your breath away with every kiss. He doesn't want to be away from you, chasing after your lips after you pull away.
"I don't wanna ever make you feel insecure while you're around me. I'ma make sure you never feel that way."
He pulled back, a thin line of saliva connecting you both as it broke apart. You are panting, face flushed and blushing deeply, with your lips puffed out due to being bitten on from a heavy make-out session.
He leaned down and licked a slow stride up your neck, pampered soft kisses over your jaw until his mouth hovered over your ear.
"Now that I have you, I ain't ever letting you go."
Part 2 below:
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sunnywrites101 · 4 months
Ei, como vai?
Gostaria que você imaginasse onde o leitor é literalmente uma versão masculina de Jessica Rabbit, onde ele é extremamente bonito e apreciado por todos, até marinheiros, almirantes e piratas por ser tão sedutor e poderoso, ele é um pirata novato que Luffy o sequestrou para se juntar a sua gangue e desde então ele está com Luffy e a tripulação, ele também tem duas Akuma no Mi, uma sendo a Fruta do Caos e a outra sendo a Fruta do Sangue, os casais românticos poderiam ser Luffy , Sanji e Zoro, sendo um relacionamento poliamoroso, poderiam ter um toque de ciúme onde mostram ao leitor que são todos deles.
Também pode haver algum tipo de cena +18 no final, não sei se você faz isso tipo de tema, se não, tudo bem, não me importo e me desculpe se te ofendi de alguma forma.
Estou usando o tradutor então não sei se escrevi certo, desculpe😅
Sailing with a deadly beauty
Pairing- monster trio x male reader
Genre- slight smut
Word count- 730
CW- Again slight smut
A/N- holy wow this was a lot I hope you enjoy and I hope I got the Jessica rabbit male reader right I also had to use a translator to read your request so I hope this is at least close to what you wanted! :)
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Luffy had sailed the seas by himself for a while before he met Koby, and then he headed to Shell Island where he met Zoro, who would be his right-hand man, and then he met you… His flower, as he called you. Luffy was enthralled with you. You were pure seduction and power. Even though Luffy didn’t understand what those words meant; he heard other people admire you with such praise and couldn’t help but agree. You were amazing in his eyes. Your body was perfect, even the marines marveled dumbstruck. People wolf whistled wherever you went. Walking with a slight sway in your hips with your shirt open and tucked into your belt; people couldn’t help but stare. You were a man who deserved to be carved in stone, preserved for all to see.
Zoro had locked eyes with you back at Shell Island while you fought marines who could hardly stand against you due to your ability to render their knees weak with indecent thoughts. And to have been fighting for his freedom with Luffy? To say Zoro was enraptured by you was an understatement. Controlling their bodies through their blood so they fell to their knees at your command, and he seemed glad to stay there. Glad to be under your thumb. Marines, Pirates, and villagers, it didn’t matter, you were beloved and beheld by all.
Then Sanji met you at the Baratie. To him, you were a deity, a god, a man with a woman’s beauty, and Sanji was no stranger to beauty, but you’re otherworldly. Something from beyond the Grand Line. He fell at your feet and was overjoyed when you gave him a smile. Your smile changed the trio forever. Nothing was ever as breathtaking. Luffy felt full like he had all the meat in the world and then some. He was glad to smile back at you unashamed. Zoro had pretended to be aloof about the moment, but you had his knees wanting to give out from under him. The way your body moved was mesmerizing to all three. After some time of sailing away from the Baratie you and Nami had decided to play dress up with her clothes, even though your arms and pecs were too big for many of her shirts, the one thing that did fit you was her bikini tops. When you walked into the kitchen of the Going Merry silence fell upon the three men as you laughed softly with Nami.
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It was then that Luffy realized he was hungry but for the first time not for meat. He was hungry for you, and so were Zoro and Sanji. This filled their bodies with fire. And it all started that night. Luffy had approached you first as the clueless boy he was. With wandering hands, he started to paw at your skin, sticking to you like wet clothes. Zoro had found you both pushed against the wall and growled but relented for his captain and smirked when Luffy bit down on your skin causing you to give a low growl. Luffy could feel it in his chest. He waved Zoro over to join you both with a giddy smile. Both men had their hands and lips on you. Zoro had his lips on your arms as Luffy bit into your neck, not hard enough to break the skin but hard enough to elicit a verbal response from you. Zoro was about to steal your lips with a kiss when Sanji appeared to get you all for dinner, but he was met with the sight before him. Sanji was furious that they were ravaging you and kept you pressed against them and the wall with no room for Sanji, so he asked if you were ok and he was about to start yelling at Zoro when Luffy bit your neck again, causing you to growl back at him, but Luffy didn’t pay you any mind, just going back to sucking spots on your neck.
Sanji stopped and his insults got caught in his throat. You were enjoying this, and the look in your eyes said all he needed to know: you still wanted more. So, Sanji thought to himself he’d help these buffoons please you and God they all felt so good. They didn’t stop till your back was arched and you were sobbing for more, more, more…
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kristlewrites · 1 year
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“Shoot! Take a Panorama”
CW: semi-public sex, degradation (slut, whore, bitch), oral (m!receiving), slut-shaming, nickname (mamas), dacryphilia, rough sex, but dw aftercare at the end!
PAIRING: TattooArtist!Law x Blk!FemReader
WC: 1.9k
🫧🗯️: Thank you so so much for all the support on my lastest fics, it means alot to me!🫶🏽 uh ive never gotten a tattoo yet, so if the tattoo experience isnt accurate... oh well! I had to watch a video to get as best as i could ijbol. Also way off topic but has anyone watched bottoms, like its probably one of my fave movie releases this year.
Hand in hand you and Perona skipped down the cold sidewalk. It was just a little past midnight and both you and Perona were all jittery with excitement. While you guys were at Peronas apartment, she had this insane idea that you guys should have matching tattoos. "It'll be so cute!” She squeals, holding up her phone showing some ideas. Searching through pinterest you guys had finally come to an agreement on the design, matching stars in hot pink ink right on your waist. You guys spend about thirty minutes looking for a parlor that's open this late.
“Ohh it's gonna be impossible” Perona sulks, throwing her phone across her bed. Laying down in defeat
“No, look! I found one and look they take walk-ins too!” You exclaimed you show her, her mood quickly changes while she springs up from the bed and starts jumping
“Well let's go!” She shrieks, opening for her closet revealing all different shades of pink and black clothing pieces. She put on a cute two piece outfit and you were ready to go!
You guys approach a small store, built with red brick decorated with neon lights flickering ‘Open 24/7’. Deserted parking lot, with only two cars assuming that they both belong to the employees.
“Is this the right place?” Perona questions. 
“Umm, It should be” you reply with a little uncertainty in your voice “It should be fine though”
In sync you guys make your way towards the glass doors, met with a cold breeze sending yall into a shiver.
“Hey what can I do for y'all?” A woman's voice vibrated through the room, capturing your attention. “My name is Bonney”
“We wanted to get matching tattoos.” answered Perona, her arms tangled around yours squeezing them.
“Awh, that's so cute. Give me a minute, I have to tidy up the studio.” Bonney existed the counter and headed into a room towards the left
“Ahhh! I'm so excited” Perona shrills, making her way towards some chairs lined up against the brick wall.
“I know right!” You respond admiring all the beautiful artworks lined up against the wall varying with color and realism. ‘The people here must be really good’ you thought to yourself, sitting next to perona.
Bonney comes out of the room waving to Perona letting her know it's time. “Wish me luck y/n” Perona whispers, clearly nervous but also excited at the same time.
“Law should be ready for you anytime soon” Bonney reassured you, closing the door behind her.
Now that you were alone, you finally realized the severity of the situation. You didn't think about the consequences till now, and how irresponsible it may seem that this was decided just on impulse. But not just that but what about the actual process? Your pain tolerance was below average.
“You can come in now.” you hear a rough voice from across the store. Reluctantly you grab your purse and get up from your seat making your way slowly into the room.
 Hesitantly Knocking on the door, “Hello” 
The door opens wide to reveal a tall melanated man littered with tattoos from head to toe.
“Show me your design” He asks, not even giving you attention. Pulling out your phone, you show him the design. He pats onto the chair gesturing for you to sit down. You lay down onto the chair facing towards the ceiling while he fishes for his tools. “Where do you want it?” He asks, still searching for his tools.
“Right here” You lower your shorts and point down towards your waist. 
He moves his chair towards his desk and quickly starts sketching out the design, “Is this alright?” he asks, displaying his outline, you nod at his impressive work. You flinch at the coolness of the alcohol. Which he wipes down the area of your stomach making sure that it is nice and prepped. He sets down his stencil sketch on the region where you want the tattoo to be, tearing it off gently leaving the ink on your skin.
A few seconds later you hear the intimidating buzzing noise of the machine coming closer. “Let me know when you're ready” Law asks, wiping down the tip of the needle. You nod nervously. ‘Its now or never’ you think to yourself. 
You squirm from the contact of the needle converging on your skin, you tense up a little from the pain but with time the pain becomes much more tolerable. It takes no time at all, you finish as quick as you started. He pats down the area of the tattoo with care then gets up “Don't make any sudden movements, I'm gonna grab a bandage real quick” he declares standing up leaving the room. 
You reach for your purse, digging for your wallet. But it wasn't there!!? ‘Ohmyfuckinggod; you thought to yourself immediately you sat up “Shit!” you whisper shout from the pain of the freshly inked tattoo. No way you left your wallet at personas apartment are you kidding how does that even happen. You were sure that it was in your purse when you left.
You hear Laws footsteps come closer and lay back down, you're so fucked.He comes in setting down the bandage and running through the aftercare steps. You are not even paying attention, worried about how you'll be able to even leave. “Did you get that?” he asks
“Um, yea.”
“So cash or card?”
“Well about that…I kinda sorta left my wallet at home.”you say  “Do you guys take apple pay?”
“No.” he says bluntly
“Well h-how about I cash app you?” 
“I'm not allowed to receive tips”
“Pleaseee” you were pleading for you life
He shakes his head no
“Well, how am I supposed to pay you?” you say whining a little bit.
A devilish smirk sneaks up across his face “I have an idea.”
Next thing you know, your knees are on the cold hard tile,tears streaming down your face, nose running, and your mouth is stuffed with laws long filthy dick. He viciously grabs your braids pulling you back, “Do it correctly whore” he seethes
“I-its t-too much” You say sniffling 
“I don't want to hear it bitch, you will take it all.” He says while slapping his slimy cock on your face then pushes you back onto his dick causing your eyes to roll back. You continue to suck on his dick, twirling your tongue around the tip. Using your hand to make up for the rest of his cock twisting it round and round. You look up to him with your big brown eyes pleading. And my oh my is he enjoying the view, your crystal teardrops flowing down your beautiful face, you breasts spilling out of your tank top, it's like a masterpiece to him.
He thrusts his dick more into your mouth causing you to choke, “You dirty lying bitch, saying you can't take it all, well look at you taking me in so well” he snickers. Seizing your head he pushes you back and forth, your mouth rocking against his cock, “you need to go faster, I'm getting bored up here” law says. Mindlessly you obey, rocking vigorously on his cock, gagging you go faster and faster taking him whole. He pulls your head once again and jerks your head in a smooth rhythm, your tongue rotating in a fluent pattern on his penis sending him into a state of unconsciousness. Without warning you feel his warm gooey cum shoot down your throat. You open your mouth, rejecting the feeling “Nuh uh don't even think about, swallow it all.” nodding eagerly you gulp it down, shivering from the weird sensation traveling down your esophagus. “Open wide” Law orders, obediently you do just that.
“Ah” You open your mouth wagging your tongue, he sticks his thumb inspecting your mouth.Your face was a wreck, saliva and drool smeared all across your face, nose running, stained trails of your tears.
“Good girl, now get on the chair and get on all fours for me”
Without a second to think, you remove your clothes leaving them on the floor, you jump onto the chair raising your plump ass in the air. (If yall are confused it like those chairs that can retract down like this)
“You filthy slut, your pussy is leaking like a goddamn faucet are you not ashamed?” Law whispers into your making you even wetter. Even when you had just met him, you were already so attracted to him. His deep rough voice, his tall figure, slim long fingers, and his tattoos crawling in every corner of his body. It was hard to keep your composure when he drew the tattoo on you, and now seeing him underneath his clothes was enough to send you over the edge. You have to admit this was definitely not how you imagined this night would go – poor Perona is probably already done with hers waiting for you in the lobby– but you can't say you're mad about it. 
Grazing his fingers across your already slimy clit pacing it back and forth teasing at your entrance. He slowly slips his lanky fingers into you, moving it slowly and steady taking in your warm embrace. Going in out into your melty cunt, preparing for his aching dick itching to enter you. Releasing his fingers a smooth ‘pop!’ sound pronouncing itself. Effortlessly he pulls on a condom, gears it straight towards your hole. Gradually, he inserts himself into you returning into that warm enclosure.
“Mmph” your eyes roll back at the fulfilling sensation of his cock into you, pulsing your cunt begging for more. You arch your back a little bit yearning for his whole dick.
“You're such a greedy bitch, arching your back like a greedy little slut. You want me so bad don't you?”
“Mhm” you mutter
“Nuh-uh use your words lil mama or else I won't be able to help you”
“I want it! Pleaseee”
“Good girl” law says in a rewarding tone then grabs your hips violently thrusting into you relentlessly showing no signs of slowing down. You reach the ends of the chair, trying to keep yourself supported from his endless stamina. “Im gonna fuck you so good, your pussy wont forget my dick.”Law grunts as he hits your g-spot repeatedly, it sends you over the edge, drooling spilling from your mouth, eyes rolled back beyond, brain turned to mush. You can't even speak, being an incoherent mess. 
“L-law, i-m gonna c-cumm” you mumble out disorderly a trail of spit spilling onto the chair.
“C'mon bitch, come on me like the dirty slut that you are” Law muttered. “Agh” ,without a second to waste your orgasm comes flowing through your body. You shudder at the sensation of it crashing down. Panting hard, Law continues until he himself releases into the condom.
You wake up with your whole body in shambles, ‘what the fuckkk’ you mutter to yourself. Trying to lift yourself up you feel a great surge of pain in your back. You look around the unfamiliar scenery to realize you're not in your bed, or not even Peronas?!?!? Panning your eyes down to the chair that you were sleeping in, the memories come back to you like a flood. “What the fuckkk” you say even louder, understanding the severity of the situation. Law enters the room with a towel. You stare at him in disbelief, you cannot believe what you have done.
“Don't worry about your friend, I sent her home already” Law winks
You raise your arm towards your forehead, hiding in shame of what you have done. You can hear Law chuckling in the background and you just wanna drown yourself.
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zolawffy · 7 months
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Backstage. - Portgas Ace (Punk/Rockstar) part 1
Smut is in part 2, part 1 is the build up.
Not proof read, Still editing 🚧 from time to time.
The bar was loud with chatter, and you sat at the stool, taking the last sip of your wine. Suddenly, you were snapped back into reality as you felt a cold hand on your thigh. "Gonna keep ignoring me all night, pretty girl?" a monotone voice whispered in your ear from behind.
You moved out of the way and slapped his hand. "I already told you, I don't want your attention, or anything else from you," you said, leaning over the bar counter, putting as much distance between you and him as possible.
This time, his cold rough hands crept onto your shoulder. He smelled your empty wine glass before ordering from the bartender. You rolled your eyes at him. Why is this guy not taking the hint? You already rejected him At least five times? As the unwelcome touch sent a shiver down your spine, you swiftly recoiled, asserting your boundaries with yet again a firm slap and a clear refusal.
Yet, despite your obvious dismissal, the intruder persisted, his voice dripping with entitlement and disregard for your wishes. The bar doors busted open, not sure why, but you got goosebumps. Apparently everyone did, everyone looked at the door except for you and the guy trying to get your number. He slid the wine towards you. “Here, have a drink, love.” He said, with lust lingering on his words.
You then realized how silent the bar was besides the occasional whispers and muttering that was mostly inaudible to you. You heard slow but attentive footsteps approaching the counter.
“How about you have a taste of your own concoction?” A random guy said sliding the wine glass back towards the pervert.
You watched with weary eyes. The pervert didn’t say much, he just glared at the stranger. He clearly felt threatened. You were definitely not expecting what happened next, especially with the whole bar watching.
The stranger slowly emptied the wine onto the floor before slamming the empty glass on the counter. He nodded his head at the bartender, the shy bartender threw the mop to the mysterious stranger.
And he shoved it into the pervert's chest. “Clean it up.” The pervert didn't hesitate to do what he said. You guessed this guy really is intimidating. He sat next to you on the barstool and you stared into your reflection through your wine glass.
Today is not your night. You side-eyed the guy next to you. It's not usual to see a guy shirtless in the bar. It didn't take long for you to notice his tattoos as he downed whiskey. You wanted to say thank you. But you were drunk and nervous.
“Got your attention, huh?” He said laughing. His voice, rough and edged with amusement, pulled you out of your thoughts. You glanced at him, caught off guard by his sudden acknowledgment. The faint glimmer of mischief danced in his eyes, contrasting with the stern exterior he had displayed moments ago.
Despite his intimidating presence, there was something about him that you couldn’t quite resist. “Don’t worry, I'm used to it.” He said downing yet another glass.
"Yeah, you could say that," you replied, a faint smile tugging at the corners of your lips. "Thanks for... handling that." You spoke quietly.
He indeed made a scene, other girls were wanting to be in your shoes..?
His grin widened, revealing a hint of dimples and you took notice of his freckles, he raised his glass in a mock salute. "No problem. Just couldn't stand by and watch. “ he said, his tone laced with playfulness.
You chuckled softly, appreciating his attempt to lighten the mood. "Well, I appreciate the rescue, even if it was a bit...extreme” you nervously added. "Extreme is my middle name, baby." he quipped, taking another sip of his whiskey. "I'm Ace, by the way,” he added.
"Nice to meet you, Ace," you replied, offering a small nod. "I'm Y/N.” You fell into an easy silence, it was because you started putting two and two together. the reason the bar got silent, the whispers, it wasn’t cause he was shirtless. But because he’s the leader of the famous band performing tonight.
“You’re apart of that band, aren’t you?” You ask curiously. Ace's grin widened, a glint of amusement in his eyes. "Guilty as charged," he admitted, running a hand through his tousled hair. "Guess the cat's out of the bag now." You couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement.
Here you were, sitting next to the charismatic frontman of the band you had been a bit eagerly anticipating seeing perform. It was surreal, to say the least. Or is it because you're drunk?? "Wow, that's... impressive," you replied, struggling to contain your surprise. "I had no idea." Ace chuckled, a rumble of laughter that reverberated through the air.
"Yeah, well, you never know who could be sitting next to ya, lucky for you tho, it’s me. " he remarked with a tilt of his hat. Just then, you heard the drums roar and ripple through the crowd. You both watched as everyone began to push and shove to get as close up as possible. “Thats my cue,” he chuckled. He shockingly handed you two things.
A backstage pass and a ticket to the reserved area below the stage. You gushed at the tickets as he ran off. As the realization sunk in, you found yourself viewing Ace in a new light. Behind the rebellious exterior and the confident swagger, there was a person—a person who, despite his status, had intervened to help you in a moment of need.
And you ended up smiling very very hard. "Must be wild, being up on stage in front of all those people," you mused, taking a final sip of your drink at the bar counter. Before approaching the reserved area.
Some people were there but not many. You saw ace on stage, in the light you finally took a better look at his features. He had one of his eyebrows slit, an eyebrow piercing, a lip piercing, freckles, cheek dimples, and his tattoos.
One tat on the side of his upper chest, one on his back, and the other on his muscular arm. Ill admit he is really hot. “You ready alabasta?” Ace said hyping up the crowd. And boy, was the crowd screaming.
He paced around the stage before putting his hands on his hip. “Cmon Alabasta, you can do better than that.” He teased. There was people lined up on the block wanting to come in, people outside even responding, what more does he want??
You braced yourself for the loud screaming as they responded to him. People had poster boards and someone even threw their bra on stage. “Were not here to play it safe, so if you cant handle the fire you better leave now!” He teased.
The band started playing. Ace was the lead singer as well as the guitarist. You enjoyed his show very much. As it came to an end, the fire sprinklers went off. Ace’s show was hype as hell but damn did he have to wet your hair that you worked hard on??
He took off his black leather jacket that he put on mid-show. It was all black with rhinestone that spelled out Ace along with the spade symbol. He hit his signature pose on stage and handed you his jacket.
He tipped his hat at you and winked before standing up. And god, did your hear flutter. At least the girls were cheering you on rather than hating. It was the end, so ace was posing for pictures as well as taking selfies on his fans' phones.
And tell me why ace took a selfie on someone’s phone holding the lace pink bra someone threw on stage… Anyways, you went backstage after a pat-down and scan.
Ace had his own lil dressing room even though he's barely dressed. He was lounging in a white chair, sweat clinging to his abs, pants unbuttoned, legs spread, and chest heaving. He didn’t notice you came in. “Knock knock.” You spoke.
Ace's head snapped up at the sound of your voice, and a grin spread across his face as he caught sight of you standing in the doorway.
"Well, well, well, look who decided to join the afterparty," he said, his tone playful as he gestured for you to come closer.
“More like a pity party, no ones here but us.” You said sitting on the arm of the chair.
“Ouch.” He replied, holding his chest like he's in pain.
Ace's grin widened as he leaned back. "Well, consider yourself lucky, sweetheart. Not everyone gets an exclusive backstage pass to the Ace show," he said with a wink. You couldn't help but blush at his flirty banter, feeling a rush of warmth spread through you at the intimate setting.
Despite his larger-than-life persona on stage, there was a sense of vulnerability in the way he lounged there, his guard momentarily down. You took the time to notice the red LED signs around in the room, the weary brick wall, and the lewd magazines as well as posters on the wall. There was also a large collection of his own CDs and vinyls on the wall. Although there seemed to be CDs everywhere.
He didn’t have much on his vanity since you decided to ignore the box of condoms and ashtray. I mean, THIS IS his band’s room. Not only his. Plus it’s his business, right?..right??
"So, what did you think of the show?" Ace asked, his gaze locking with yours as he awaited your response. You paused for a moment, gathering your thoughts before replying, "It was incredible, I loved it Ace. It was my first concert.
You guys really know how to put on a show." You smiled. Ace's grin turned into a satisfied smirk at your words, a glint of pride shining in his eyes. "Damn right we do," he said with a chuckle. "But it's even better when I've got someone like you watching me."
The compliment caught you off guard, and you felt a rush of warmth flood your cheeks. "Well, I-I'll definitely be cheering you on from now on," you replied, unable to hide the smile that tugged at your lips. AND YOU STUTTERED NOOOOOOO!!! you were crying inside. “You implyin’ you wanna be by my side more baby girl?”
Ace's voice had dropped to a low, husky murmur, sending a shiver down your spine as his words hung in the air, heavy with innuendo. You swallowed nervously, feeling the heat rise to your cheeks as you met his intense gaze.
"Maybe," you replied, your voice barely above a whisper, your heart pounding in your chest.
Ace's grin widened into a mischievous smirk as he leaned in closer, his breath warm against your skin.
"Well, lucky for you, sweetheart, I've got a few more shows lined up. Maybe you'd like to stick around and see where things go?" He said confidently inspecting his hand.
You bit your lip, unable to tear your gaze away from his as he stood up and approached you, "I-I think I'd like that," you murmured, your voice barely audible over the pounding of your heart.
Ace's grin softened into a tender smile as he reached out, his fingers gently tracing the curve of your cheek and down to your chin, lifting it. "Then it's settled," he said softly, his voice barely above a whisper.
"Looks like you've got yourself a backstage pass to all my shows, sweetheart." And as his lips met yours in a lingering kiss, you placed your hands on his muscular shoulders and rubbed his arms. “Damn, you’re a good kisser.” He said deepening the kiss.
You moaned softly as he moved down to your neck, leaving a trail of kisses. He then backed up and looked you in the eyes. He had an entirely new look in his eyes. “fuck, what type of spell did you put on me? Cause i can't get enough.”
and to clear it up guys ace was sweaty with his pants unbuttoned because he was tired from all the movement on stage, not cus he was handling some business.
Sneak peak of part 2:
His hands gripped ya jaw firmly n forced ya to look at him. You noticed the muscles of his flexing along with the veins coursing throughout his arm. You wanted him, now. But anyone could walk in. He pulled out a pocket knife and..
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sunshineting · 1 year
Thinking of how much Sanji loves to hear you say his name 💙
Your lover never tires of hearing you call for him. He loves the way his name sounds coming from your lips.
“Oui, mon amour?” He approaches, placing a hand on the small of your back.
“Can you reach this for me?”
“Anything for you,” he says with a kiss to the top of your head.
“Five more minutes, Sanji,” you mumble. His arms are wrapped around you in your shared bed. He loves how soft and raspy your voice gets when you first wake up. He loves the light snore that emits from you when you’re in a deep sleep. He loves how you know when he stops cuddling you, no matter how deep into sleep you are.
“I wish I could, but I have to make breakfast for the crew. You know Luffy will be awake soon, begging for food.”
You whine as he removes his arms and gets out of bed. The lack of his warmth prevents you from falling back to sleep. With your eyes still closed, you reach an arm out of the covers. You wiggle your fingers and make grabby hands for him, causing your acrylics to clack. You hear him chuckle.
“Aww, ma moitié(my other half), I’ll be back soon,” your partner says before grabbing your hand and kissing it.
“Mmm, Sanji, this is so good!” You moan. The octopus yakitori he made is scrumptious, so good it makes you do a small happy wiggle at the table. The grilled meat tastes so good with its slight char and the caramelization of the sauce. Hearing your praises sends blood rushing to Sanji’s dick. Your moans of satisfaction don’t help the situation, either.
“I’m glad you like it,” he rushes out after clearing his throat. No matter how long you’ve been together, Sanji still finds himself absolutely fawning over you and any positive attention you give him.
Hearing you like this is his favorite. All needy and fucked out. He’s pounding into you from above, one hand balancing his weight while the other holds your hand. His fingers are interlaced with yours and you can’t help but give a cock-drunk smile. ‘He’s inside me and he still wants to hold my hand? How romantic,’ you think.
“You’re taking me so well, my love,” Sanji grunts out. He looks so sexy with his curly eyebrow furrowed, mouth slightly agape, and the faintest layer of sweat dusting his forehead. As he feels his release coming, he ruts into you extra deep, wanting to hear you moan his name just one more time.
Authors note: sorry if the French is bad lol I used a website to look up French terms of endearment
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jesterwriting · 11 months
jester dear!! I had an idea, had some thoughts about it, and if you want you can make a drabble or a one shot, is really up to you.I heard an audio from tktk, that had some hurt/comfort?? So, maybe you could write a Law/Crocodile/Sanji/literally anyone you would like, the dialogue is like:
Character A: I'll take care of you.
Character B: Its wrotten work.
Character A: Not to me. Not if its you.
Hope that gives you an inspiration, I really just kinda want you to write something to have fun and all, but if not, totally fine, art has a strange way to present itself in our lifes, hope ya day/afternoon/evening is good, and remember to rest and eat a little!!!
pairing: sanji x reader & law x reader (separate)
contents: reader is depressed in sanjis, sleepy law, fluff, hurt/comfort
word count: 1.1k words
note: OH MY GOD I LOVE THE ROTTEN WORK QUOTE. literally got your request and had to run in circles for a second. i only did sanji and law, though i would be open to doing crocodile another time >:3 those two just came to me the easiest right now. thank you so much for your request! i seriously loved it <33
playlist: tire swing by kimya dawson
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“Black Leg” Sanji
For some reason, you haven't been doing very well lately. Maybe it was the weather, or maybe it was because the sun was setting earlier than usual. You didn’t know. You didn’t care. The only thing you knew was that you were tired. It was getting ridiculous how exhausted even the simplest tasks made you. Eating shouldn’t leave you a husk, crawling back to your bed with a trail of slime in your wake. It had been a week since you last showered, and you were sure you stank to high heaven. Your hair sat odd on your scalp, greasy and unbecoming.
You let out a heavy sigh and buried your face deeper into your pillow. Another thing you needed to wash. At this rate, you’d get pimples, then you would look as gross as you felt.
Light flooded the room and you blinked wildly at the figure that had intruded in your very important mildew session. Sanji stood in the doorway, one hand on his hip, the other holding a plate of food.
“You need to eat, Y/N, darling. You missed breakfast,” He stated, always serious when it came to matters of food. As he made his way into your room, he turned on the lights, making you groan and shove a pillow over your face.
“Not hungry,” You mumbled.
Sanji ignored you and set the tray of food on your bedside table. It smelled delicious, bacon and eggs covering the smell of human sweat, though you knew it would inevitably turn to ash on your tongue. It was a shame you couldn’t taste Sanji’s delicious cooking right now, he made the best food you had ever eaten. Whenever you got the chance, you reminded him of that, if only to see him blush and swoon.
You knew he wouldn’t leave until you ate. Exhausted, you gave in and sat up against your pillow. With a sigh, you pulled the tray in your lap and shoveled a forkful in your mouth. You were wrong, it didn’t taste like ash, instead, it was entirely flavorless. Frowning, you shot a glance at Sanji, who sat on the edge of your bed, barely concealed worry shining in his eyes. He was smoking. You handed him an ashtray you kept nearby, just in case he dropped in.
Lighting up, Sanji gave you a bright grin. “Aw, thank you, Y/N.”
You snickered to yourself. There were practically hearts in his eyes at such a simple gesture. As you watched him swoon, you couldn’t help but feel the beginnings of guilt claw at your throat.
“You don’t have to do this.” You took another bite, fighting a grimace. “Take care of me, I mean.”
Sanji blinked at you like you just said the sky was green and the sun set in the east. “I want to take care of you.”
“It’s rotten work.” There was a smile on your face, as if to offset how miserable you felt. Like most smiles these days, it didn’t reach your eyes.
He took the fork from your hand and scooped a bit of egg onto it. Snorting, you leaned forward, mouth open.
“Not to me,” Sanji said as you swallowed. “Not if it’s you.”
Trafalgar Law
You found Law sleeping face down at his desk. Over the past several days, he had looked exhausted, only getting worse and worse as time passed. The dark circles under his eyes were almost black, so bad, he looked more raccoon than man. If he wasn’t wearing his hat all the time, you were sure his hair would be spiked in every direction from lack of care.
Humming under your breath, you knew what you had to do. There was no way you were going to leave him there to wake up with a nasty crick in his neck on top of everything else. You ducked under his arm and helped Law to his feet. He jolted slightly, startled by the sudden intrusion, but once he saw it was you, his eyelids sagged and he slumped against you. You laughed to yourself as his head lolled against your shoulder, hat falling to the floor. You would have to get that later.
The next few minutes were spent half-dragging, half-carrying Law into his bedroom. He was awake enough that his legs didn’t give out, but still too asleep to move them. You had to lead him forward, shuffling under him so you could coax him to put one foot after the other.
This was not the first time you had found him asleep at his desk, and you doubted it would be your last. It was, however, the first time he was too exhausted to take himself to bed without your help. If he was awake, he would be mortified. You didn’t look forward to the morning when he would inevitably remember being carried to bed, and decide, instead of addressing it like a normal human being, to avoid you for the next several days.
“Let go, Y/N-ya, I can do it myself.” Law tried to sound stern, but it came out as more of a tired whine than anything. You choked on a giggle. He must have gone without sleep for over a week if this was where he was at.
After what felt like a century, you made it to his room. Plopping Law on the bed, you smoothed out his hair, ignoring how he slapped your hands away, and moved to help him take off his shoes. Without you there to hold him up, Law flopped backwards with a snore. Fine, it was easier if he wasn’t awake to complain.
You set his boots down beside the bed where he would easily find them when he awoke, and lifted his hips by his legs to slide him fully onto his bed. The manhandling woke him up enough for him to groan and hit you with a glare that would normally send you running for the hills. Right now, however, it was sort of cute.
After twenty minutes of leading, sleepy glaring, and shoe removing, your captain was finally in bed. With a soft smile, you said, “Don’t worry, I’ll always be here take care of you, Law.”
“‘S rotten work,” He muttered, though you watched his eyes open to search your face. You tried not to think about that glimmer of something his sleepy gaze.
You grinned and brushed your thumb against his cheek. “Not to me, it isn’t. Not if it’s you.”
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writerwithnofreetime · 5 months
Try Again
Pairing: Law x black!fem reader 
College! au 
You and Law were both willing participants in a summer fling that turned sour. You make it your life's mission (for three months) to make him regret tossing you to the wayside so carelessly. It all comes to a head at this party. 
wc: 4.025k
cw: mentions of alcohol, inebriation, smoking (weed and cigs), i say vape smoke like once, shit gets angsty at the end, crying 
a/n: this one is for my college girls :). I was planning on writing an Ace x reader, but I found a random draft and the spirit of Law took over me lol. I got way too into this, so I plan on turning it into a series (hopefully max 5-6 parts). Please please pleasee! Feel free to give me feedback and let me know how you feel about certain writing choices/ plot points. I hope you guys enjoy it!
Part 1- The idgaf War
He was not expecting to see you here. 
You knew it. You were counting on it. Law most likely remembers you as the super introverted girl who’d much rather stay inside with a glass of wine and a good book than go out partying with friends. You knew he viewed you as a fledgling of a woman, too naïve to be taken seriously.
It should also be known that all the heaviness in the atmosphere that contained you and Mr. Trafalgar (is what you called him in your head, using his first name feels far too intimate than he deserves) was mainly his doing. You always knew he existed. He was a friend of a friend of a friend, and you would see him out now and then, but there was no reason to speak to one another. The two of you officially met at a train station during the summer. After a week of sharing the frustration that train delays brought, he came up with the idea to exchange numbers. To- you know, let each other know about the status of the train. After a week of turning texts like ‘trains five minutes late’ into conversations about anything from tastes to relationship statuses, he suggested you guys catch dinner together.
Thus began a summer whirlwind romance, which swiftly swirled its way into a tornado as the fall semester's start was approaching. Law, who was interning at a hospital seemed increasingly busy at times he had previously allotted for you. He canceled plans he made. Phone calls went from once a day at lunch to twice a week- if you were lucky- at odd hours. You had no idea what to make of the situation, other than look at the optics and realize that you would be left in the cold if things went on this way. You made the call to end things, and to your dismay, he agreed. Although your fear had played a pivotal hand in the way fate fell, it could have been sated if the asshole had offered a sliver of reassurance at that moment. The two of you agreed to stay friends, but neither of you meant it. 
Staying friends was code for ‘let’s still follow each other on social media and kind of act like nothing happened, though we’ve seen each other's bare asses.’ It would be much easier to play it cool than to explain to any of your mutual friends why the two of you might not want to be around each other. 
The recluse version of you had played the front for 90 days so this plan would be most fruitful. To social media- and by proxy, Law- you were busy attending class, working, and studying. When you would post a selfie (semi-rare), Law would like it but never felt compelled enough to text you. Maybe the reminder of how gorgeous you were wasn’t enough for him. 
There was the possibility the two of you would run into each other, yet you accounted for this. It pained you, but you avoided the quaint cafe you introduced him to that quickly became your guys’ spot. The cafe (Puddings’) was not your favorite- you were smarter than that- but a former safe space. You also passed up on several parties and random outings Nami or any other of your friends invited you to if you so much as got an inkling he would show up.
Only you knew that those 90 days you went unseen were preparation for this month. You planned for this night to be the season finale of the fiasco that was you and Law’s (situational) relationship, and you would go out with a bang. For 90 days, you planned, scrapped, replanned outfits, and worked out ferociously. You salivated at the thought of this night. Your objective was simple- you would pop out looking like a knockout and the realization that he fucked up would hit Mr. Trafalgar so hard he would spontaneously combust. 
D-day was a party your buddy Luffy was throwing. Nami, one of your closest college friends was adamant that you made an appearance tonight, complaining about how long it’d been since everyone was together. You didn’t object. Luffy was known for throwing the best parties in the area, especially after winning a big boxing match. You knew of Luffy through Nami (his manager) who told you Law had recently become a part of Luffys medical crew for the biggest fight of his career thus far- against some guy named Doflamingo. He would be present for this party, even if only to stand on a random wall with his arms folded like Nami described on one of your Facetime calls a while back. 
Since you were here, like this, Law knew that it only meant one thing: A declaration of war. The scales were already tipped in your favor. Your armor of choice tonight was the tightest little black dress in your closet and a pair of black Converse. The dress had a square neckline and showed just enough of your chest, and if anyone got close enough, they'd see the frills from the lacy white bra you wore underneath. Your hair was piled on top of your head in a perfectly picked puff, with face-framing coils on either side of your face, right in front of your ears. Your lips were glossed clear and your makeup simple- the embodiment of cute and casual. To others, it always appeared like you were effortlessly beautiful. Mr. Trafalgar probably thought you didn’t know how to wield your beauty like a sword, to make him kneel at your feet with an offhanded glance. But he was going to learn very soon.
The smell of weed, vape smoke, and booze slapped you in the face as you made your way into the function. The two Buzzballs you pre-gamed with hit you halfway into your Uber trip, so the flush of party wind was disorienting. You pushed- well shimmied, it was pretty packed- on. Clung to your left shoulder was a small black purse with your necessities- lipgloss, debit card, ID, and some dum dums (real bad bitches keep candy in their purse). In your right hand is the unopened bottle of Bacardi Tropical you promised Nami and Vivi to bring. 
It didn’t take long to find them in the kitchen area of the party, with the usual crew- Luffy, whom you heard before you saw, solo cup raised with his signature smile. Sanji has a cigarette in his mouth, a blunt behind his ear (you would question him about that later), and a pretty brunette under his arm you hadn’t seen before (typical). Zoro is leaning against the counter closest to Luffy chatting with…. Law? Well, you couldn’t see the dickheads face, but you knew damn well that was the back of Law's head you were looking at. You smiled devilishly to yourself. This was just the situation you were expecting. You stride over and greet your friends. 
“Y/n!” Luffy exclaimed as soon as you set the bottle on the counter by the other ones. “I’m glad you could make it!” He put an arm around you and smiled even wider. “I feel like I haven’t seen you in ages!” You giggled. Luffy is always great vibes when you’re around him. 
“Yeah, I guess I have been a bit mia…” You trail off with a playful smile. Nami yanks Luffy’s arm, chastising him for almost spilling whatever was in his cup on you. Vivi laughs and greets you with a hug. Sanji introduces you to the girl you know for a fact he met no longer than a week ago as the ‘love of his life”. Her name is Viola and she has your blond-haired friend wrapped around her finger. Someone taps your shoulder, and as you turn to see who, your eyes transiently focus on Mr.Traflagar’s visage. It was hard to tell if he was looking at you, the brim of his hat was pulled pretty low tonight. His face was facing yours. It was pretty dark, but you noticed his lip twitch into a scowl as he took the joint from Zoro’s hand. Law clearly senses the bloodlust in your demeanor. You quickly adjust your gaze to the person who requested your attention.
“If I knew you were bringing more liquor, I would’ve texted you. We ran out of sake about thirty minutes into the party,” Zoro says, peering at you with an easy grin. You roll your eyes and display a cheeky smile of your own.
“Oh, please. You’ll drink anything you get your hands on so shut up, and let's take some shots.” You turn to face the counter full of liquor and grab a cup. Zoro moves past you and fills his cup with the Bacardi you just brought. Nami forces him to pour a shot for the girls before he makes off with the rest. The four of you cheer, then lean your heads back to take sips (in Zoros' case, gulps) of the vodka. 
The burn produces heat in your throat, forcing you to part your lips and exhale. However, it seemed the side of your head would catch fire long before your windpipe. Maybe the incoming tipsiness had you imagining things, but you swear you could feel his eyes on you, dancing across your body and soaking up your frame. Still, you refused to acknowledge his presence. 
No one has noticed that the area y’all are conjugating in had suddenly become a war zone, let alone the blaze emanating from Law’s stare. Your target was now to your immediate right since you and Zoro had traded places. Zoro and Luffy are going shot for shot, entertaining Nami and Vivi. Sanji and his new lover had quietly disappeared after you all took a shot together. 
“Y/n.” He said it loud enough for you to hear it over the music, but it wasn’t like he was raising his voice. His tone was firm and even, and clearly laced with the influence of weed. It seemed to ring in your ears and vibrate in your brain.
You faced him and scanned his countenance with your eyes. He looked… okay. Fine, more than okay. He looked the fuck good. He wore a black hoodie with a white top underneath, his favorite pair of jeans, and black Jordans. There was a decent amount of space between the two of you, but you were close enough to see that he was, in fact checking you out, with his eyes trained on your ass in particular. Shit, it was poking in this dress, which was the defining factor in you choosing it tonight.
You quickly downed the rest of your cup.
“Trafalgar,” you replied cooly, not faltering under his punitive gaze. Seriously. Law looked genuinely bothered by your presence. He was squinting at you, almost as if you were some mirage. The look in his eye made your chest burn with feelings you were actively trying to suppress. Still, he would not win this battle of wills. Not when you knew that simply being here was enough to ruin his night. You craned your head to the side and gave him an easy smile. A smile that you know for certain would weaken his composure. 
It strikes him, you’re sure—his right eye twitches.
“I…..” he trails off, scanning your figure again. You clear your throat and turn to face him. “I wasn’t expecting you to be here tonight.” 
The statement stunned you because it was exactly what you wanted. It also seemed- dangerously honest?  Law was never this forthcoming in the past. He’s the liar-by-omission, roundabout truth-telling type. What is he playing at? You glance at him, brows furrowed.
“Why wouldn’t I be here? Luffy and I are good friends.”
“You weren’t at the match.”
“I couldn’t make it. Besides, I’m here now, having a great time with my friends.” The two of you hold a gaze. Law parted his lips but quickly decided against whatever he was going to say. A chuckle escapes you. “Aren’t we friends, Mr. Trafalgar?”
He raises a brow at the use of his surname. 
“No,” He says after a ten-second pause. He takes one step toward you, and you have half a mind to help him bridge the gap. “I’m not your friend y/n.” His tone is resolute and his eyes, though half-lidded, reflect the same. 
The closeness of his voice resurfaces dangerous memories. Heat rose in your cheeks and the pit of your stomach, but you would not let that control you. You steadied yourself, remembering why you were in this position in the first place. How easy it was for Law to distance himself from you after the night the two of you almost crossed the line. How he responded to your rant at Zepplins with ‘ if that’s what you think is best for you’ then immediately left when you told him you wanted to end things. The text he sent you after saying the two of you would always ‘be cool’. He didn’t fight for you then, so he doesn’t get to make you horny now.  You smile sweetly, but the sentiment turns sour by the time it reaches your eyes. He recoils at the look. 
“Good,” you say warmly. There was more you could say, more you wanted to say, but you knew it would sting more if you kept it short. You spin around, not wanting to spend another moment looking into the asshole's eyes. You rejoin your friends' conversation as if you have never been missing. 
Zoro pours too much tequila into your cup, and you can’t even be bothered to scold him for it. You immediately down half and chase it with a Gatorade, hoping that the electrolytes will be enough to save you from a hangover in the morning. Zoro glances at you, one brow raised.
“You okay there?” Your moss-haired friend has always been extremely perceptive. You press your lips together and nod your head.
“I’m great. I just want to make the most of tonight.” He looks at you again, straight-faced. Zoro’s not buying your shit, but he won't pry any further. Not tonight at least. His eyes focus just past you, then back on you again. “What?”
He raises his cups to his lips to hide his smirk as he nods in Law’s direction. You feel your cheeks burn and a finger at your shoulder, followed by the side of Law’s head. You refuse to move anything but your eyes. Zoro turns around to give the two of you as much privacy as possible. 
“Y/n,” Law starts. His breath is heavy in your ears and his voice reaches every part of you. “I get the feeling if I don’t ask you to speak to me now, I’ll never hear from you again. Please, talk to me.” You lift your chin and pout in frustration. Law wasn’t playing fair. He straightens himself as you turn to face him, arms folded.
“You want to do this right now?” 
“Not here.” You squint. “On the porch.” He adds. You shrug at him and Law visibly relaxes. Two gulps emptied the contents of your cup. You grab a water bottle and previously opened Gatorade and make your way out of the party. Nami and Vivi catch you on your way out. You tell them you were going to get some air. They ask if you want company, but you shake your head and stride out of the party into the night air. Not once do you look back to see if Law is following behind you, though you hear his footsteps once under the plywood of the porch. 
Luckily for you two, there was no one outside- at least anyone who would care to listen in on this conversation. You move to the ledge and wait for Law to join you. You soak in the ambiance around you as you take sips of water. It was pretty, the audio blend of the bass and drums from the party mixed in with the night sounds. There was a light breeze you let wash over you as you closed your eyes. Law clears his throat, but you remain as is. 
“Hey, you alright?” 
“I’m fine.” You were not fucking fine. You’re racking your brain for a strategy, or any indication of how he would play it. This was a shocking turn of events. The Law you accounted for would never draw you out of a party to talk, where several eyes could witness. You played with the cap of the bottles you placed on the ledge. 
“Is it too much to ask you to look at me?” 
“Yes.” Law sighs. You place your hand on your chin and glance at him. He takes his hat off and runs his fingers through his messy waves before pinching the bridge of his nose. He looks up and his grey orbs widen, shocked that yours are staring back at his. 
Fuck it, you thought. I’ll just do whatever I want tonight and pretend it never happened later. 
You bit the inside of your cheek as the silence pressed against the two of you. The tension was so palpable you could see the air currents moving between you. You wish you could grasp it and throw it across the street.
“Y/n….” He straightens up and leans against a support beam. 
You followed his movement with your eyes. “How many times are you going to say my name?” 
He chuckles and looks up from the brim of his hat in his hands directly to you. The sincerity in his eyes softens your heart. 
“I know what I’m about to say might be too late, but please. I need to tell you this.” His words made you straighten up and turn to face him, fingers awkwardly drumming at your sides. The both of you were clearly out of your element here. Law clears his throat and continues, his eyes never leaving yours. “I tried to push you away back then. I’m sorry. After that night when we almost-”
“You don’t have to say it”
He rubs his shoulder with this free hand. “Yeah, sorry. Listen y/n, it wasn’t your fault. I panicked. I don’t know. I knew then that I liked you way more than I felt I should have, and I didn’t want to. I don’t know why- maybe fear- I don’t know. I just,” he exhales. “I thought that if I let you any closer, it would devastate me if I lost you. I didn’t account for losing you when I was icing you out. I wasn’t thinking about how my actions would affect you, only about saving myself. Leaving without talking about it was a big mistake, and I knew it as soon as I got up. But I couldn’t let you in back then. I was…. terrified.” 
The heaviness of the indignation boiled and anviled inside your bosom. Your hands were balled into fists at your sides. Tears prickled at your eyes, but you refused to let any fall. You refuse to hide your pain either.
“Law, I-” you started, unconsciously stepping towards him. “ I don’t believe you. This doesn’t make sense to me.” He raised his arms slightly as if to grab you, but lowered them again as his face studied yours.
“I- I know.”
“No, you don’t know.” you took another step. “Why didn’t you tell me this when I told you how I felt that day? Or any moment after that? You-” Your fist was raised, and two tears fell down one side of your face. “How dare you come and tell me you let me go because you were terrified! You? I thought you didn’t care about me. I thought you discarded me because we didn’t-” You were holding back sobs at this point, and your fists weakly hit Law's shoulders with every sentence. “You made me- I- I felt.” 
He pulls you into his arms and you collapse—everything you held inside escapes you in the form of silent tears against his hoodie. The faint smell of his cologne and weed fills your nose. You were too overwhelmed by the release to be ashamed of yourself for crying in his arms like this. Law presses you tightly as he whispers a slew of apologies into your ear. You honestly don’t know if you believe him. Right now, it didn’t matter. 
Laws hold felt like a steady anchor in the new waters that was the vulnerability between the two of you. He presses his lips to your forehead and you pull away slightly to look up at him. He grimaces and pulls away a little more, using his hoodie to dab at your eyes. 
“Fuck, y/n. I-” He pauses. “I don’t want to keep apologizing. I know it doesn’t do much for you. But it’s tearing me apart inside that I made you feel like this. I fucked up.” You inhale sharply.
“Yeah,” you whisper. Law lifts your chin to his gaze. You could see that a few tears had escaped him as well. You lifted your hand to his jaw, which clenched slightly at your touch. 
“I missed you so much, y/n.” You sniffled as you looked at his lips, suddenly wanting to watch his mouth formulate every word. You were soaking in this new side of Law, not caring about its potential expiration date. You ran your thumb over the outer corner of his eye, wiping away the wetness that gathered there. 
The sound of police alarms pierced through the night and the tender moment. You jump away from each other as Lieutenant Garp slams his car door and walks up the porch. 
“Evening, L/n.” He looks to Law and furrows his brows a bit. “Trafalgar.” His eyes train back on you, a bit of surprise mixed in them.
“I suggest the two of you get ahead of the crowd that’s about to disperse and call for your rides now. This party is over.”
“Uh, okay.” Garp walks away from the two of you and into the party of unsuspecting youth. You chuckle and shake your head, wishing you could be inside to witness the conversation Luffy and his grandfather would have. You’re sure Nami will tell you the next day. You turn back to Law, who had jumped back a respectable distance at the sight of Garp. His hat was already back on his head and he tapped at his phone screen awhile before looking at you”
“I’ll call you an Uber home.”
“You don’t have to-”
“Correction,” he interrupts. “I’ve already called you an Uber home. It’s ten minutes out.” Your body temperature went up five degrees. 
“Well, thanks.” He shrugs and looks off to the side, his jaw clenched again. Another five degrees. You pull at your dress and play with a pebble under your foot.
“Y/n,” Law starts, commanding your gaze back to his. “I know I don’t deserve it, but please, let me make it up to you. I want to try again. I want to do it right this time.” 
“Law…” He shook his head.
“You don’t have to give me an answer now. Text me when you get home safe. Goodnight.” He plants a quick peck on your forehead. Before you can respond, you hear Vivi call out your name from the doorway as the crew approaches you. When you look back in Law's direction you find his spot vacant. He disappeared in the growing crowd. You pull your phone out of your purse and two notifications stand out.
The first is the Uber details.
The other- is a text from Law’s Number. You deleted his contact in anger in August, but that combination of digits is burned into your memory. 
hey, it’s law.  sorry for stealing a kiss. couldnt help myself. brunch on me at Puddings tomorrow to make up for it. text me when you get home. please 
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lovelywetdreamer · 9 months
~🎄🎅Christmas Gift from Sanji🎅🎄~
Homade cookies with love
Getting you the pretty dresses
He paids to get your braids donw
He paids to get your nails done
Stuff your stocking with his big fat cock
Letting Grinch Zoro takes a turn of fucking you. Legends said his cock grew three time big inside your gummy walls.
Eating you out like you are his last meal
He gaves you too much eggnog to swallow in your pretty your mouth its spill all over your breasts.
He lets his fellow crewmate watched you get creampie. He then let them gets a turn in. Christmas is for sharing with loves one.
He holds you close as you both watch the snow fall down.
Merry Christmas everyone. Please enjoys with your loves one.
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Killer x Black! Fem Reader
Warnings: Stalking, Rough sex, slight choking ... A Michael Myers AU
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Rhythmic breathes left your mouth as you sprint through the wooded area. He was closing in, and your feet were growing tired from all of the running. I .. have to hide some where.
Ducking behind a tree while your heart pounds inside of your chest. Only to be disturbed by the sound of a twig cracking the distance, your body froze. Curiosity getting the best of you forcing your eye to look in the direction of the sound.
There he was the "Silent Killer" standing over six feet tall. Muscles so defined from the bodies hes collected  they were practically bursting out of jumpsuit. You passed a small gulp, attempting to suppress the sheer lust that was coursing through your veins.
Coming back to your senses blinking yourself back to reality, he was gone. Oh no. You quickly turned around and there he was. Towering right above you, he placed both of his hands on the side of your head trapping you against the tree. Heart thumping loudly in your ears but you weren't going to let him get the best of you.
"So what ... are you going to kill me now?" You asked. He looked down at you, the holo holes in his mask stared back at you. He responds with no words simply slipping the top half of his jumpsuit off. Revealing his scared body muscled form, he roughly grabbed your hand and trailed it down his down his abs leading it right to the erection that was currently throbbing eagerly.
Your body temperature begins to rise but how could you be attracted to a masked murder. There was no explanation for it, "Do you want to fuck me Mister Silent Killer?" You questioned, slowly rubbing his clothed crouch. He quickly grabbed your hand and turned your body around, the sound of his zipper fell onto your ears.
His dick fell right out, pre cum leaking out from the small touch of your hand. If only you knew that he killed all of those people just for you. Only you mattered to him he'll gladly cut down anyone that stood in between the two of you. Tonight was his chance to show you just how much you meant to him.
Thankfully tonight you were dressed in a skirt, although the "Silent Killer" which days you would wear such an item. He is after the only one that can love you properly in his eyes.  "I .. I just want to say this is a one time thing." You say, knowing that deep within your gut your lying. He spoke no words only lifting your skirt above your waist.
The cool night air ghosting your clothed cunt causing your body to slightly shiver. Easily sticking his fingers in the rim of panties ripping the cloth right off. Wasting no time he pushes his dick between the folds of your thighs. Your cunt juices shameless coating his dick while a small moan left your lips. He took it as a signal and gave you no warning shoving his full length inside of you.
"Silent Killer" couldn't help but to slightly shiver as he started to pound your poor hole to the form of his dick. It was just as he thought your cunt was made for him, tight and slippery enough for him to slide in. He tilts his head back while the hold onto your waist tightened. His thumbs pressing so hard it threaten to leave indented marks behind.
You could help but moan his dick was penetrating that sweet spot with each stroke. The "Silent Killer" couldn't feel more proud than in this moment. He finally got his hands on his prey. The one that continued to get away but no more after tonight. His dick pulsate inside of rapidly, that only meant one thing. Your mind was to busy relishing in the orgasm that was on the horizon and thats what he wanted.
One final stroke and the two of you came as one, his entire seed filling your hole to brim. He slightly wiggled his hips deeper into your making sure not to waste of drop of his seed. The woods filled with the panting from your lungs.
He pulls out of you with ease watching your body fall limp to the ground. Only for the masked killer to scoop you his long awaited prey was finally his and hes never going to let you go.
©luffysgomugomuprincess do not repost or modify my works without permission, I will beat your ass©
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