#one sad clown
do you ever think about when jon agreed to go through michael’s door in mag 101?
how he was willing to throw himself to the spiral, knowing full well what michael was planning to do to him? how he chose to do so after a month of terror, when no one came for him, when no one was ever going to come for him?
how in that moment, not only was he going to die, but he was going to die a twisting, agonising death at the whims of a creature he's already watched claim a victim, a victim he saw himself in?
but knowing all that, he just reached for the handle, picked what might be a quick death over a certainly slow one, all with a nod and a sigh
do you ever think about how jon, just for a second, resigned himself to an end where no one would ever know what happened to him?
do you ever think about jonathan sims?
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brittandbiscuits · 2 years
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I found an old doodle of a clone cadet I did from a comic I will likely never finish. Thought I’d share him!
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holographings · 2 years
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Play your role properly, you fool.
in what is probably the last period drama i’ll have time to watch this year, the crowned clown was a hell of a way to wrap this up. what a great show, such clear direction and framing in almost every scene like!!! so refreshing to see! and what a fucking SOUNDTRACK baby... my eyes r leaking out of my skull after finishing this i am Never painting a single dallyeong again. but time well spent i think. obsessed w/ how for half of the show people are serving a nonexistent king, serving the Idea of him. everyone is bowing but the king is nowhere to be found
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hopezzy · 2 years
Todd: Oh, so suddenly you DON'T have a death wish??
Black: I've never had a death wish, it's just that I don't believe that I personally even CAN die.
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miekasa · 2 years
it’s the way connie would absolutely wolf whistle at you every time he picks you up from your shift without fail bc you’re so sexy all the time to him
it’s the way he would send you the most random shit he sees because the laughter it gave him reminds him of how nice it is to laugh with you and he wants to share that feeling
it’s the way he thinks he’s so dumb but his emotional intelligence is so much higher than ppl give him credit for … who else would tell that stupid joke in the elevator with the sole purpose of seeing your smile underneath your n95 … like… his mission is accomplished for the day
idk mie it’s the way he believes his purpose is to make sure you’re happy in the simplest of ways … he deserves to get his dick sucked seven ways to sunday … sigh
🥀 anon
The part about his emotional intelligence, you’re so right, let’s get into it. He’s a very rare combination of being fully emotionally intelligent and emotionally available, but people just don’t see it because he acts up and is a clown; but Connie knows exactly what he’s doing, he knows exactly who he’s hanging around, and in the simplest of terms: he vibe checks everybody, and he’s very good at seeing through people even if he doesn’t come across that way.
So, yeah he might seem like he’s always trying to crack a joke or make a fool out of himself, but it’s calculated. He wants to see you smile, even if it’s at his expense. Making you happy genuinely makes him happy, and knowing that he can make you smile is literally the biggest accomplishment to him. He’s a sweetheart, truly. And it means the world to him that he can comfort you in anyway, because that means you trust him and see value in him, too.
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ettelwenailinon · 2 years
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'Today is the day someone was brought into this world, while another namelessly left it. I'm talking about my birth mother. I hear she passed away even before having a sip of the soup for mothers. The former king refused to appoint a nanny to rear the bastard son who had killed his wife, so I was nursed on this seaweed soup, instead of breast milk. I wanted to call him father just once, but he... never allowed it.'
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are clowns creatures? am i allowed to make you talk about clown eggs next season???
art you cant keep doing this to me
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miraculouslycool · 3 years
Also this was so wholesome and adorable, Adrien looking out for his friend and Alya being so open about how much she loves Nino and both of them laughing and hugging it out
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clairenatural · 3 years
omg I love au's! They make me happy :) Do you have a fic rec post by ay chance?
hello!!! I am honestly terrible with fic recs because I constantly forget to bookmark (this is something I’m working on because I do want to remember and then recommend great fic) but here are some of my fave AUs I’ve read recently (of a wide variety of genres, but mostly romcom-esque with a good helping of fluff in with the angst. although I should clarify they all do have at least a bit of angst):
Castiel Novak's Office, This is Dean by emmbrancsxx0 (very romcom. office romance)
A[ T]ypical Romcom by masked (Author!Dean AU)
Everyone's a Critic by Englandwouldfall (Chef!Dean and Food Critic!Cas, an absolute fave)
A Midsummer Night in Las Vegas by whelvenwings (Modern Royalty AU)
A Lifetime of After by Casloveshisfreckles (Queer Eye AU)
Carry You Home by Casloveshisfreckles (Baseball AU)
Everytown, USA by aileenrose (heavier. has a lot of angst but a happy ending!!!! and it’s SO good)
Sleepless in Lawrence, Kansas by PrinceMalice (a Sleepless in Seattle AU. Full rom com I LOVE it)
Forget-Me-Not Blues by noangelsinthegarrison (a classic. my comfort fic. fairly standard modern AU with firefighter!Dean)
(standard disclaimer I think most of these are M or E, enter at your own risk and read the warnings and all of that. Everyone’s A Critic and A Lifetime of After are Teen and Up so if you’re a minor or uncomfortable w/ explicit content I’d go for those💕)
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I have a whole tangent about why people calling Sora "nice but stupid" irks me, someone please remind me to write it up one of these days 🤧
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howdyboh · 3 years
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no thoughts head empty just these two
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milf-harrington · 2 years
one thing that always suckerpunches me right in the gut (in the best way) is when im reading something and character B is looking like a hot mess (maybe theyre mid-shift covered in food and hair everywhere, maybe theyre sick and theres snot and sweat and all sorts, maybe they just look like Shit for whatever reason) and character A just looks at them and thinks that theyre beautiful, or that theyve never loved them more
it just gets me everytime, i have to put my phone down and give me time to collect myself
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ribbonmiku · 2 years
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all the blueberries together :)
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marshmurmurs · 3 years
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krispdreemurr · 3 years
i ship jevil and seam. am i alone in doing so???
anon are you, like, new to the deltarune fandom or,
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Todays Cuba theory reminded me of something..
Someone mentioned Villanelle and Carolyn in Cuba, Lars being alive (and not drowned) as inspiration for their "Dare" ...
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And didn't Konstantin want to flee to Cuba in season 3 with Irina but Villanelle wanted to go too?
And also they (Villanelle and Carolyn) mentioned missing Cuba again in 4x08.
Also Carolyn helping out (and not being the ultimate Villain) might make people wanna watch the spin-off..please? 😔
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