#ones where reader is killed the moment theyre brought into the castle
valleynix · 2 years
Can you explain more on the reality stuff please?
of course!!
so, as has been mentioned/implied, there are multiple "realities" within TPtM; this just means there are other versions of this setting going on, or perhaps past versions that have already come to pass (like with the Watcher)
in TPtM, the megamycete ("Black God") is literally a deity. it can do whatever it wants, and this includes allowing T-Miranda (TPtM's Miri) to traverse different realities by bringing her consciousness from one body to another through the megamycete, which acts as a vessel, of sorts
T-Miranda fully believes she is the one to depart one reality and go to another when she realizes, once again, she has failed, but this is not the case. it is all the megamycete's doing, and each reality is connected through this (assuming it has one), thus allowing for easier reality traveling
(does this make sense?? 😭)
the Watcher is from one many, many decades ago, who has been forced to watch each reality unfold and watch themself from another "world" fall victim again and again to T-Miranda's (megamycete's) plans. because the megamycete itself is able to store memories of those that have passed, it is also able to store the memories of other realities it has visited, which allows the Watcher to see those past events unfold over and over
honestly, with how many realities she's visited and how many times she's both witnessed Eva die in her arms and her "perfect" vessel (Reader) succumb to insanity/failure, one would think she would give up, but her god is not a kind one, and it promises the next will work. the next will be the reality she is able to see her daughter once more.
different circumstances do arise in each reality; that's why Reader and the Watcher look a bit different, or why sometimes Reader simply does not exist in a reality, or even why Miranda does not exist in a reality. it's a lot like alternate universes, i guess ? freaky
i realize this sounds like the megamycete just has a personal vendetta against Reader in any reality, but that's not the case LMAO. it really doesn't care about them, and is simply more interested in seeing how far its influence/power can spread either through them or through T-Miranda, seeing how the little bird mutant in the other realities are literally indestructible bioweapons dead set on killing anything in their path
i hope that makes sense!! sometimes this stuff makes more sense in my head and i struggle putting it into words 😭
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peachiikawa · 4 years
Caged Bird | Prince!Oikawa Tooru x Reader
a/n: if you know anything about fairytales then you might realize that the reader has the flute of the pied piper, though modified for the story. been watching a lot of once upon a time and got the idea from the neverland arc. hope you enjoy!
word count: 1.9k
genre: fantasy, romance
trigger warnings: reader gets hurt a bit but nothing graphic
summary: oikawa has always lived a lonesome life in the cage that is his castle. one day he sneaks out and a beautiful melody leads him to you, a traveling musician. oikawa is about to find out that his luck is going to change for the better.
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oikawa gazed out over the town from his balcony
he let out a long sigh as he grew bored from his studies
“why the long face trashykawa?”
his bestfriend and knight walked up next to him and leaned against the railing
“oh you know, just bored of being in this castle. theres a whole town of people out there and im stuck in here. gets tiring after a while”
iwaizumi listened to his friend and nodded along to what he was saying
“then sneak out for a day”
oikawas eyes widened
“youd help me sneak out?”
“only if you come back by sundown”
so oikawa grabbed his cloak and thanks to iwas help got out of the castle
despite being born and raised in this town oikawa had no idea where he was
and after about ten minutes he was completely and utterly lost
until he heard the faint sound of a flute
he followed the sound until he ended up in the mostly cleared out town square where he saw you playing a small wooden flute for those who were present, though you had no audience
everyone walked past you as if you were invisible like you werent playing such a beautiful song
he approached you slowly and listened until you finished your performance
“that was really good”
you looked up at him and smiled
“always a pleasure to play for those who need it”
the bright smile on your face felt warm and inviting
like he was meant to be here
“would you like to take a seat next to me?”
you gestured to the spot next to you and he gladly took it
“so...whats your story”
hes hesitant to answer your question
“ill tell you mine if you tell me yours”
you set your flute down in your bag next to you
“well first of all my names y/n and my life is nothing too interesting. im a traveling performer and play my flute as a way to pass time and help those who need it. always come across the most interesting people this way”
traveling. thats something oikawa could only dream of
“so cmon now tell me about you”
he peaked at you through his hood
“ok but dont make a big commotion..im oikawa tooru”
you laughed a bit
“thats funny you share the same name as the prince”
you stopped laughing when you saw the serious look in his eyes
“oh..oh! im so sorry for being so rude!”
you started to scramble around when he grabbed your wrists to stop your movements
“shh yes im the prince but stop flailing people are starting to look”
once you had calmed down he went on
“ive been confined to my castle my whole life and stuck to certain rules i have to follow. it seems like even if i catch a break something else comes along. i have to stay this perfect image because im the prince and it just gets so lonely. its as if im a bird trapped in a cage and theres no way out”
ah so there it is
the reason he could hear your flute
you picked a flower that was growing next to you and placed it in his hair as you spoke
“im sorry your lifes been like that but oikawa, if i may be so bold, even a caged bird will become wise enough to break free. the dream of flying is too great to resist”
Once you had properly placed the flower you smiled at him before standing up from your spot and grabbing your bag
you then held your hand out to him
but he couldnt gather his thoughts
you were so bright it was almost blinding
“now cmon! lets go have some fun!”
he looked at the hand held out to him
and with a leap of faith, he took it
he was going to get out of this cage, this perpetual cycle
and finally add some meaning to his life
day after day you two spent your time together
oikawas days that were once filled with hollow words and empty actions were now filled with happiness
filled with you
and everyday slowly but surely he was falling for you
passing glances turned into prolonged gazes
his heart could no longer stay still around you
you became the key to his happiness
but for now...he had to be content with just being next to you
it would be too selfish otherwise
to ask you to stay with him here in the kingdom...he could never trap you like that
“so what are we doing today y/n?”
you were strolling through the town on a quiet sunday afternoon like you had the last few sundays
“how about we go to the bakery? theyre usually busy but since its sunday i bet its not as packed and then i want to take you somewhere”
he was curious as to what you had in store but decided against asking questions
so you two got some baked goods and headed out towards the woods
“cmon we’re almost there”
you pushed some branches and shrubs out of the way
and one eventually hit him in the face
“watch it y/n! i keep getting wacked by you”
you just chuckled a bit which oikawa had found adorable in itself
it made his heart slow just hearing it
“just come on!”
eventually you two made it to a clearing over a beautiful lake
he didnt know that there was something like this so close by
he was absolutely amazed by it
“take a seat oikawa! we can rest and eat here!”
this moment was just too perfect to him
with you here he felt as if nothing bad could happen
that if he only could see your smile everything would be alright
being content with just being at your side...was no longer and option
he knew that if he wanted this he needed to take his chance
your eyes were full of life and he couldnt help but feel so happy next to you
and before he knew it he was closing the gap between the two of you with a hand gently cradling your cheek
but right before you two could kiss you were ripped away from him
“dont you dare touch the prince commoner!”
oikawa frantically looked around as many of his guards came out of the brush
“get your hands off of them!”
you were pressed to the ground and the sight almost broke his heart
“sorry your highness but we’re under strict orders to bring you back and throw whoever was seducing you to leave the castle into the dungeon”
the guard that had been on you lifted you up like you were a sack and bound you by rope
you gave oikawa a final smile before you were taken away even though you were so banged up that it made him want to puke
he was speechless
this is what he was talking about
being so controlled and monitored made him feel so small and helpless
and he absolutely abhorred it
“your highness your mother is waiting for you in the throne room”
oikawa was beyond upset
this isnt how he wants to live
“mother how could you throw the only good thing in my life away!”
his mother sneered at his words
“only good thing? what need to you have for that filthy peasant! and how dare you cast me aside as if i hadnt given you everything you own, everything you are is because of me! i will not allow for any of this nonsense! now go wash up. and dont you dare ever leave the castle again and i forbid you from seeing that nasty peasant again. wasting your time with such a person...”
he gritted his teeth and was about turn to leave
his emotions were running too high
he wasnt himself and he knew it
but even so...he wont allow it to end like this
he was going to end it on his terms
“what did you say?”
he stood his ground
“i said no mother. im going to live the way i want and with who i want. ill gladly give up my title because frankly, i never wanted it in the first place. and dont you ever call y/n filthy or nasty again. their so incredibly kind and full of joy and laughter. i can only hope to be like that one day. so ive decided that im leaving. with y/n.”
as soon as the doors shut behind him he let out the breath he didnt even know he was holding
but it also felt as if there was a giant weight off of him now
“im coming y/n dont you worry”
it had been a couple hours since you were brought to your cell
you didnt have any major injuries, just a few cuts and scratches from when you were body slammed to the ground
“do you mind if i play?”
you pulled out your flute and the guard nodded
“thank you!”
you started playing and filled the cell you were in with a relaxing tune
“why do you play if it doesnt make noise?”
you stopped and looked at the spiky haired man who stood outside your cell
“it takes a certain person to appreciate its music”
he just looked at you as if you were crazy
but you continued anyways
until you heard frantic running coming from down the hall
“iwa you gotta let them out”
oikawa was panting trying to catch his breath
“dude no offense but your mom would kill me and you if i just let them out”
oikawa grabbed the key from iwaizumis waist before he even realized what had happened
“dont worry about it iwa. and dont worry about me. today i start my new life. it was good knowing you buddy”
they gripped hands the way they always had. A solemn but knowing look was shared between them
“if i had known me letting you leave the castle one time would lead to this...i would have done it a lot sooner. good luck out there bud”
oikawa quickly turned to you and helped you off of the ground
“you ready to run?”
he cupped your cheek and ran his thumb over one of the small cuts
hed be sure to treat that later
you nodded and leaned into his hand
“are you sure this is what you want?”
you were happy to leave with him
its more than you could ever ask for
“y/n youre the only person thats made me feel free. and by doing this i will be.”
you two finally got to share the kiss you had been deprived of and not only was it full of love but also full of hope for your future
“then lets go”
and you two sprinted off to your next adventure together
the flute you possessed was one he could no longer hear the sound of after that day
for it was enchanted, only to be be heard by those who were lost and lonely
with you he was neither anymore
and he couldnt be any happier than living out the rest of his days with you as a free man, a bird outside of its cage
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futurewriter2000 · 5 years
Loving you
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A/N: I know. I know. I’m really not posting much and I’m sorry but I’m really trying to focus on school and passing this year. But I swear I will try more on finishing my stuff and all. I am actually writing a lot, just not finishing it. BUT IT’S THERE! I SWEAR! I love you all and I hope this is a good Draco fic <3
PAIRING: Draco Malfoy x reader
REQUEST: Hello could I get angsty Draco x reader where dracos parents murdered the readers parents but the reader doesnt blame him even though Draco feels guilty and theyre dating all that stuff. But then during the war at hogwarts Draco ends up hurting the reader without knowing it was her and he feels super bad but somehow a happy ending :) is that too much? thanks in adv
It was never easy being in the middle of the war, where Death was its ruler, Fear was its Right Hand.
You never blamed him for what his parents did. When you were grieving after them, perhaps you were furious, disgusted by him and his blood but after time you realized he did no wrong by you or your parents.
He avoided you since then and you knew why. He was afraid of you leaving so it was easier to just distance himself from you. You knew him more than anybody in his life. You knew the deepest and darkest parts of him, as well as the light that was buried underneath.
And as you were standing in front of his dorm, afraid to knock, afraid to see him, you instead opened the door slightly and peeked in.
There he was; sitting on his bed with a book in his lap and even though he could fool anybody that he was reading it, he couldn’t fool you. The moment you saw him, warmth washed over you, fear was lost.
Knocking gently, you let yourself in and walked towards him. “ Draco.” you whispered softly and his head shot immediately to you.
“ How?- What are you doing here?” he asked confused, his eyebrows furrowing and his lips deciding whether to frown or smile.
As soon as he saw your eyes the battle inside of him began. Moment of wanting to run to you, hug you, kiss you vs moment where he was the reason of your parent’s death.
“ You’ve been avoiding me and I’ve been wanting to talk to you.” you sat down at his knees and tried to catch his eyes.
So this was it for him, wasn’t it? You were about to rip the bandage he was so afraid to do himself. If there wasn’t a bone in his body now screaming, wanting to say so many things, so many apologies yet the only thing he could manage was simple. “ I’m so sorry, (y/n).”
The tears stung your eyes and the only thing you could ever do was throw yourself in his embrace, which you did, and you hugged him tightly, taking a deep breath of his wonderful peppermint smell that he always was ought to have.
He was surprised at your sudden action yet he did not hesitate to bring you in closer, wanting to say so many words yet no word has come to his mind, to begin with.
And you could see him screaming through his grey eyes and you swore you have felt his pain for a moment. “ My aunt thinks I’m mad for still being with you but I know it wasn’t your fault. “
“ Yes-”
“ No. Blame yourself all you want, it still doesn’t change the way I feel about you. Never will.” you placed your hands on his cheeks which to your realization lost the colour that was left.
“ But they kille-”
“ It’s war, Draco. They want me to stay and fight, not cry in my room for them. To be honest, it doesn’t feel that they are even gone. I guess I still don’t believe it.”
“ But when you realize they are and the reminder of their death is right in front of you, breathing- I-I don’t want that for you.”
“ You’re not a reminder of their death, Draco. You’re not a monster you believe you are or the coward that you continue to think of yourself.
“ But-”
“ Stop with the buts already. “ you now rolled your eyes and smiled at him. “ If their death thought me anything is that life is too short to live in buts.”
If only that was the case during the battle. When Draco heard about the battle, he was running down to find you. First, the Great Hall where everybody was supposed to be gathered but you weren’t there.
Where were you?
He was looking through the corridors, running when everybody was throwing curses and hexes in every direction.
A black hood turned around the corner and his reflex kicked in, stupefying the Death Eater right in the chest. He ran past and hexed two more that came his way.
His breath was heavy, his feet barely holding his body while his hand held the foreigner wand tightly in his hand. Harry Potter just had to win his wand over, now he was the one wandless.
Another dark hood appeared from the corner and before he could stop himself another stupefy spell shot in their chest.
Except the hood fell off and long/short (y/h/c) hair flew in the air before spreading on the marble white floor.
“ No.” he mumbled to himself before sprinting over to the body and picking it in his arms. “ No. No. No. No. No. No.” he removed the hair from the face, hoping it wasn’t who he thought it was thought he knew. He knew it was you. He could recognize you everywhere and this time it wasn’t different. “ No! (Y/n), wake up! Please wake up.” he cried in the crook of your neck, holding you against him.
But he felt it. He felt your pulse on your neck and he knew you were alive. With no second thoughts, with no hesitation he kissed you and like electricity entering your heart, you woke up immediately. You kissed him back, deeper and wrapping your arms around his neck but before this could revolve into a longer kiss he pulled away and moved away. “ I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” he looked at you with his teary eyes and got on his feet before walking away, leaving you alone in the dark.
And it took you a while to wrap your head around what had just happened. Your fingers lingered on your upper lip where he kissed you and you knew. You knew this was the last kiss you were given by him.
Soon, the news reached your ears and you felt relieved. The joy you didn’t know existed was inside of you yet you couldn’t be happy. No, not when the whole Hogwarts castle was filled with people, corpses; pale and lifeless.
You couldn’t be there. You didn’t want to know grief anymore. Death was what haunted since your parents, grief was what you kept denying till now.
But no tears left your eyes. Your cheeks were only covered in dirt and sweat, your legs exhausted yet walking on the marble ground until it reached the burnt dark green grass.
Despite the win, you’ve felt like you’ve lost. You’ve lost everything in this war. Your parents, your boyfriend, your friends....yourself. It was darker than it was before, no matter if there was sun coming out from its shadow.
Your thoughts, however, were distracted by the crumble of rock from the stone wall in front of you. You looked up to the cause and there he was.
He was there and he was watching; guilty? Sad?  Angry?...what was it that his eyes were showing you. Their colour, pale and blue were not resembling what he felt but what you felt. You saw the storm they were creating inside of you.
You were angry- furious that he dared to stand there and look at you.
“ YOU!” and there were the tears that you thought would never shed. “ HOW DARE YOU LEAVE ME!!” you shouted, hitting his chest. “How dare you just leave me alone! Afraid!”
“ (y/n). I’m sorry-”
“ STOP APOLOGISING! I am so sick and tired of hearing your apologies! I don’t want you to apologise! I don’t want you to leave I WANT YOU TO BE THERE FOR ME!!” you stared up at his eyes while fat tears rolled down your cheeks. “ YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE THERE! NOT LEAVE!”
You were miserable. Miserable that he was the one who hurt you the most.
“ I left for you! Don’t you get it (y/n)?! I’m bad for you! I’m destroying you!”  he started to shout yet his hands couldn’t resist cupping your cheeks. To kiss you again, to not kiss you. “ Don’t you understand that all I ever did to you was bring you pain. Why do you still want me?”
“Because you didn’t bring me just pain. You brought me love and joy and you brought me comfort. When my parents died, when your parents killed them I didn’t blame you. I blamed them because they were the one who pulled the trigger. You didn’t know and I knew if you would know that you’d stop them. And when I found out about their death and when I found out by whose hand they died I wanted to run to you! Because I felt as if you were feeling worse than me. I wanted your arms around me, your kisses, your warmth, YOU! I wanted you!”
“ Where are you, Draco?” you asked, your eyes trying to catch his as they avoided.
Everything seemed so complicated at the moment. Everything felt rushed and he wanted to pause for a moment and breathe. He knew that this was it. This was for everything or nothing. He can’t pause. He can’t think, he has to listen to whatever lay in his chest, beating so fast and not stopping.
“ I’m here.” His eyes looked at yours, which were pleading for an answer, and his hand placed itself on your cheek.
You smiled from relief, from the joy in your bones, from the love in your heart you beamed at him and hugged him tightly, crying of joy and fear, love and grief.
“ I’m here.”
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