#she is also a victim to a higher being unfortunately <3
valleynix · 1 year
Can you explain more on the reality stuff please?
of course!!
so, as has been mentioned/implied, there are multiple "realities" within TPtM; this just means there are other versions of this setting going on, or perhaps past versions that have already come to pass (like with the Watcher)
in TPtM, the megamycete ("Black God") is literally a deity. it can do whatever it wants, and this includes allowing T-Miranda (TPtM's Miri) to traverse different realities by bringing her consciousness from one body to another through the megamycete, which acts as a vessel, of sorts
T-Miranda fully believes she is the one to depart one reality and go to another when she realizes, once again, she has failed, but this is not the case. it is all the megamycete's doing, and each reality is connected through this (assuming it has one), thus allowing for easier reality traveling
(does this make sense?? 😭)
the Watcher is from one many, many decades ago, who has been forced to watch each reality unfold and watch themself from another "world" fall victim again and again to T-Miranda's (megamycete's) plans. because the megamycete itself is able to store memories of those that have passed, it is also able to store the memories of other realities it has visited, which allows the Watcher to see those past events unfold over and over
honestly, with how many realities she's visited and how many times she's both witnessed Eva die in her arms and her "perfect" vessel (Reader) succumb to insanity/failure, one would think she would give up, but her god is not a kind one, and it promises the next will work. the next will be the reality she is able to see her daughter once more.
different circumstances do arise in each reality; that's why Reader and the Watcher look a bit different, or why sometimes Reader simply does not exist in a reality, or even why Miranda does not exist in a reality. it's a lot like alternate universes, i guess ? freaky
i realize this sounds like the megamycete just has a personal vendetta against Reader in any reality, but that's not the case LMAO. it really doesn't care about them, and is simply more interested in seeing how far its influence/power can spread either through them or through T-Miranda, seeing how the little bird mutant in the other realities are literally indestructible bioweapons dead set on killing anything in their path
i hope that makes sense!! sometimes this stuff makes more sense in my head and i struggle putting it into words 😭
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1.) dressed as a sex object. far more qualified & experienced than the (male) captain yet treated as less capable. had her agency removed when her past rape was revealed against her wishes & the episode treated it as a good thing. her taking command of the ship got humanity wiped out in an alternate timeline & she "redeemed herself" by becoming a housewife. there was a scene where the captain fell face first into her boobs. whatever they paid her actress, it should have been at least 3x more
2.) i think you can most clearly see the misogyny t'pol deals with in her costuming and makeup. she is given clear special treatment to make her look "more attractive": she wears catsuits throughout the show (despite neither institution she works for having any other similar uniforms, even for other women), sexy little silk pajamas, a cropped jumpsuit one time (even tho…it's a one piece?? and makes no sense to be cropped????), and SFX makeup that doesnt make her look as "alien" as other members of the literal alien species she's a part of. enterprise's main crime is sexualization, and while everyone (quite literally EVERY member of the cast) is hit with it at least once, t'pol pretty much never gets a break. there's a difference between sexy and overly sexualized, and ent is FAR into the over sexualized side of that spectrum. love you t'pol wish your canon was better xoxo
3.) The classic “Rick Berman Star Trek needs a woman who is strong and competent and part of the crew but gets skintight jumpsuits with low necklines instead of standard issue Starfleet uniforms to show cleavage and keep the male audience on board”.
1.) Poor Kes had it so bad. She's an Ocampan, which is a kind of alien with psychic powers and a 9-year long life-span. I was pretty interested in what they were going to do with her character when I started watching because in theory with the show having seven seasons, we could have seen her go through pretty much her whole life span over the course of the show. Unfortunately, most of her character is tied up in her terrible boyfriend Neelix, who is at a lower estimate in his mid 30s, and at an upper estimate his mid 50. He met her and started dating her while she was taken prisoner after being kidnapped. Neelix is mostly meant to be comic relief, he acts like an annoying, forcefully cheerful clown for the majority of his time on-screen (when he's not having war flashbacks) except for when he's interacting with Kes. With Kes he is possessive, controlling and manipulative. He's constantly accusing her of trying to cheat on him or leave him, throwing himself pity parties whenever she talks to another man and belittling her. And worst of all he's often framed as being in the right. She hardly gets any screen-time that isn't somehow actually about her boyfriend, the Doctor she's the assistant of or another male crew member who has a crush on her (also too old for her). When she does it's pretty much always focused on her psychic powers and not her as a person.
Some of the highlights of her time on the show include the time that Neelix's lungs were stolen, and after he spends the whole episode feeling sorry for himself and accusing her of being happy about it because he thinks she wants to leave him she donates him one of her lungs. Then there's the time some space anomaly makes her prematurely fertile so she has to decide if she ever wants kids right at that moment, and for some reason, almost the whole episode is focused on whether Neelix wants kids. She eventually breaks up with Neelix. Which is great! But she was possessed at the time. So she didn't even get to do that herself.
She was written off the show at the start of season 4 when another character was added and they needed to boot someone. She "ascends to a higher plane of existence". And then everyone on the crew proceeds to completely forget her about her straight afterwards. I'm not sure anyone was actually sad about her essentially dying. She comes back in a later episode called "Fury" which is about her trying to take revenge on the crew for her poor treatment. You'd think this would be good. But for some reason, she's mostly angry at the captain for allowing her to get on the ship in the first place, despite one of her few character traits being that she's adventurous and always wanting to learn things that no one else has. So the episode mostly focuses on trying to pick apart one of the only parts of her character that was well-defined and consistent. Her past self does tell her that she's forgotten what she truly wanted or something to talk her out of her revenge plan. I'm not really sure what they were going for. She tells the captain she was only an innocent child, so she shouldn't have been allowed to make the decision to get on the ship. She is never shown to be angry at Neelix. The man who started dating her when she was according to her future self a child. And a prisoner.
2.) She's kind of the sexy born yesterday character who's already taken. She's an alien whose race only lives nine years, so when i say that she got married at two that's a bit less alarming. She lived underground her "whole" life (about a year and a half) before she left her town, to find the surface, got kidnapped and then rescued by Neelix, a middle-aged scavenger/smuggler/chef who looks like a Cats character from a regular aging alien race. Neelix promises to show her new places and they apparently fall in love and get married and then Neelix takes her to the Voyager, and she leaves her home forever. At the age of 2. She lived in a cave her whole life, then found this gross little man, married him for some reason, and then was convinced to leave everything she had ever known, her entire family and life, to get on a star ship whose express mission was getting to the other side of the universe as fast as they were able.
Once on the ship she was able to find some independence and her own interests, and eventually left neelix, but god their entire relationship was really just loser old man and naive teenager and it was soooooooo uncomfortable
3.) I rewatched the Kes parts of Voyager. The "General Observations" section can be taken as a TL;DR (sorry for the essay). Here are a few not-so-fun facts about Kes:
General Observations:
Kes was kidnapped 4 times over the course of the show.
Kes often talks like a child especially early on in the show. She acts like a classic Disney Princess; sweet, but not quite understanding what's going on around her.
A lot of Kes's character revolves around the fact that she is very young, and a lot of the more uncomfortable aspects of her treatment revolve around this too. It's not like it's an impossible concept to pull off, in the same show the EMH is actually younger than Kes, and has several romantic relationships that don't feel super creepy in the same way most of Kes's do. This is because the writers don't make him act like a child and they actually give him agency in his relationships.
Kes's people, the Ocampa, live underground on a desert planet. Kes travelled to the surface when she was less than 1 year old, where she was captured by the people living there and tortured for information using "every method of persuasion" that they know. This is where she met and started dating Neelix. He explicitly says he thinks she is dating him because she owes him for getting her out of that situation, and yet it seems like the writers think this is a cute and heartwarming relationship.
Nearly all of her screen time is devoted to emotionally counseling the men around her, helping their character development, comforting and caring for them. She is hardly ever shown to have negative emotions ("Fury" aside), and then it's generally only when a man she cares about is in trouble. This includes when she is kidnapped. Even then she has to be calm, understanding and empathetic.
Kes's established character traits: curious, smart, psychic, caring, kind, young, innocent, naive. Pretty much all of these get tossed out the window in "Fury". She kills people she's known most of her life and tries to sell everyone out to organ harvesters because she gets "confused". She decides not to do this in the end because her younger self tells her she's acting out of character. This episode is one of the worst instances of character assassination I have ever seen.
In about 10 of her 70 total episodes on the show Kes makes a significant contribution to the plot that is not focused on a man. Most of those were more her acting as a psychic plot device rather than anything about her as an actual character. There was only one episode "Before and After", which I would count as truly being devoted to Kes as a character.
Practically every man Kes comes across is attracted to her. Often her attractiveness is mentioned in the same breath as the fact that she is literally a 1-3 year old.
Kes's love interests: Neelix, the EMH, Tom Paris, Tuvix, Ameron (while possessed), Nori (while possessed), Zahir. Aside from Zahir, she has pretty much no agency in any of these relationships.
Neelix calls Kes "sweetie", and talks to her like she's a child. When he's not shouting at her, anyway. Kes unconditionally loves and adores him for some reason.
Observations while watching:
When Neelix's lungs are stolen Kes refuses to leave his side and one of the first things she does is offer to donate one of her own, refuses to let the EMH perform any medical procedures until she's sure it's safe. Meanwhile, Neelix goes on a jealous rant at her because she called another man by his first name.
When Kes donates a lung Neelix refuses at first because the operation would be too dangerous, but Kes says "you've done so much for me, let me give you something once", implying that Kes owes him a lung for him helping free her from the people torturing her.
The episode "Elogium" was apparently meant to be a metaphor for teen pregnancy. With Kes as the teen and Neelix (whose actor says that he sees him as being in his 50s) as the father.
Ocampan puberty apparently happens between the ages of 4 and 5. Kes starts the series at less than 1 year old, and leaves at 3. She is apparently at an age where it would be dangerous to conceive a child in "Elogium". She is not sure she is finished growing. She has been dating Neelix for about a year (possibly more) at this point.
When the EMH hallucinates Kes as his wife, she makes him promise not to tell Neelix, because he tends to get "a little jealous"
In "Elogium", Neelix interrogates Kes over the fact that Tom Paris says "see you later" to her because he "Sees the way he looks at (her). (He) used to look at women that way (he) knows what it means." Neelix is later implied to be in the right here, Kes is being naive thinking Tom Paris could be her friend, apparently.
In "Twisted" Kes turns two years old. Tom Paris gives her a locket for her birthday. Neelix gets pissed off because he thinks he's trying to charm her. Neelix is, again framed as being in the right here.
Kes has a very good memory and is able to remember where everyone's rooms are. When she demonstrates this, Neelix implies she knows this because she's slept with every man on the ship. At the end of this episode, Kes decides to put his photo in her locket to always keep him close.
When Kes is upset that Neelix attacked Tom Paris over her, the EMH tells her she should consider herself lucky to have two men fighting over her.
Tom Paris admits to Neelix that he finds Kes attractive, but says that he won't try anything with her because he respects Neelix. He asks if Neelix would allow him to be her friend. Because who cares what Kes wants right? I guess if Neelix had said no he would have just stopped talking to her?
Tom says Kes is very devoted to Neelix, and Neelix admits he thinks she's only with him because he saved her life and she's grateful he freed her from captivity and she owes him. He is dating her despite this. This is never addressed.
Tanis, another Ocampan, calls her innocent and naive, so she seems quite young even by the standards of her own species.
Tuvix, having inherited Neelix's manipulative tendencies tries to manipulate Kes into begging the captain for his life.
Kes gets kidnapped by caveman aliens. When someone comes to rescue her, the cavemen try to trade another woman to them so they can keep Kes.
Kes goes into a coma and acts as the damsel in distress again in "Sacred Ground"
"This is typical of you Neelix… it bothers you that I'm making friends of my own, you always have to involve yourself somehow." "You can spend time with anyone you want" "As long as I spend most of it with you… I never realised a relationship could be any different. I've never been with anyone but you." Kes when she breaks up with Neelix. Except this isn't Kes because she's actually possessed at the time. She doesn't even get agency in her own breakup.
Kes is dressed in skintight leather trousers and high heels and tries to seduce everyone while possessed by a male warlord. He describes Kes as a "little girl".
In "Darkling" Kes starts wearing form fitting jumpsuits somewhat similar to the ones Seven of Nine wears (though not quite as tight). This is possibly because she's supposed to look more mature, and she starts having "young adult" storylines instead of teenager storylines.
"Everyone seems to be treating me like a child, I'm three years old now"
The EMH kidnaps Kes in "Darkling" when he turns temporarily evil. His treatment of her in this episode includes shoving her into a wall and putting his hand around her neck, repeatedly grabbing and shoving her, holding her at gunpoint and throwing her off a cliff.
The evil EMH kidnaps Kes because she wants to leave the ship to travel with her new boyfriend. This is framed as the good inside of him because he is trying to "protect" her. Kes decides to stay on the ship because of this. She never expresses any negative emotions about this incident.
In "Before and After" Kes goes through her entire life in reverse. In the future she sees, she has married Tom Paris and had a daughter with him, and her daughter has a child with Harry Kim, who was the best man at Kes and Tom's wedding. This is by far the best Kes episode, but she never really gets to react to anything that happens in it. Soon after this she ascends to a higher plane of existence in "The Gift".
In "Before and After" Kes sees threats in advance and warns the crew about them, preventing the Captain's death in the future. This isn't really acknowledged.
Half of "The Gift" is focused on Seven of Nine and the Borg. Not even Kes's send-off episode is really focused on her.
In "The Gift", Neelix and Kes have one final scene together. Neelix gets quite self-pitying again and says she broke up with him because he was holding her back. Kes says that wasn't it but doesn't say why it happened. This is the only time they directly talk about their breakup outside of when Kes was possessed.
When Kes decides to ascend, the captain begs her to reconsider. Kes insists she has not lost her judgement or come under an alien influence. Captain Janeway tells her she's family and tearfully embraces her. Tuvok puts out a candle in mourning (everyone forgets about her after this episode ends though).
In "Fury" Kes is back in physical form somehow, despite ascending into some higher plane of existence in the last episode she appeared. She is also much older in appearance.
In "Fury" Kes gets onto the ship, starts exploding everything she can with her psychic powers, kills everyone she comes across and goes back in time to the start of the show to kidnap herself.
Kes and Neelix have a scene in "Fury". It makes Neelix much nicer than he ever was in the early parts of the show (especially to Kes). He actually notices something is wrong and asks her how she is and prepares her favourite meal for her because she had a bad day. I'm not sure he ever even asked her how she was before. I guess at this point they must have wanted to pretend the relationship was a lot less creepy and unhealthy than it actually was. Especially since Kes is the villain of the episode.
Older Kes's plan in "Fury" is to travel back in time, sell out the people she spent the majority of her life with to organ harvesters so she can send her and her younger self back to her home world because the crew "abandoned her a long time ago". I think this manages to dismantle practically every established character trait she has.
Older Kes's explanation of her actions in "Fury": "You (Captain Janeway) took her (young Kes) from Ocampa. Her home. She's a prisoner on this ship. I was a child, you corrupted me. Your ideas. Exploration, discovery. I believed you. In three years I'm going to leave Voyager in search of higher things because you encouraged me to do it. You encouraged me to develop my mental abilities. What I found, I couldn't control it, it scared me… I trusted you!" Neelix was the one who took her from Ocampa. As noted before, Captain Janeway begged her not to ascend.
Old Kes is killed by the captain. They know something terrible happened to Kes when she ascended, but apparently all that they did was get Kes to record a video of herself saying that she shouldn't take revenge because it's not who she is. This worked for some reason, she says she killed everyone because she was confused.
Kes decides to go back to Ocampa. Due to the Ocampan lifespan, everyone she knew before she left is probably dead. To add insult to injury, Neelix is the last person she sees before she leaves for good.
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onlyzhuyilong · 1 month
A mini breakdown of Ma Zhe in Only The River Flows [requested]
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1 Ma Zhe is not the culprit. He is a victim of his own stubbornness. The Chinese title of the film is Mistakes By The River (his mistakes).
Think of the River symbolising fate, a higher power etc. Things happen by the river, and Ma Zhe investigates them but goes too far leading to unfortunate events.
He doesn’t believe it’s solved so he keeps digging and more stuff happens thanks to him uncovering secrets. They have zero to do with it but he is stubborn. As Long Ge said the English Title works so well (Only The River Flows) because it gives a hint to the only constant power within Ma Zhe’s world. Expect he doesn’t go with the flow and rebels.
2 The marks on the ceiling from the elderly woman’s house he looks at makes him realise how she managed her son. He was investigating their relationship to figure out why stuff happened. He copies the motions with the cattle cain/whip. That’s why he lies down on the bed.
3) The guy puts stones on his coat to play a childish game, Ma Zhe gives him his coat to join in and communicate with him for answers if he did it. Notice also Ma Zhe’s son plays the same game in the bath at the end credits scene.
4) Ma Zhe suffers from a lot of health issues and things and these all manifested into hallucinations. He needed a doctor and a therapist, maybe a good night’s sleep and to be very hydrated. That’s why he can’t tell fiction from reality. It’s all biology baby.
5) The hairdresser wasn’t okay at all. Ma Zhe kinda ruined his life - he had lost the one thing that made him happy and it was because of Ma Zhe meddling. So he low key makes him pay, by giving him a farewell thank you gift. Side note: also Ma Zhe dresses like him afterwards. It’s very dark and sad.
6) Ma Zhe decides to give himself to the river because he is 100% done, but instead he takes his head out of the water and decides to free the town from the guy. The river is satisfied with his actions and things go back to normal, he is free, he gets his medal and yay! But no because Ma Zhe still pays with his son’s fate being the other side of the coin. The percentage for his son was kinda small but it won out in the end. And we see that his son will be the next “guy” by how he was putting his bath toys on the blanket.
Ma Zhe keeps digging and digging and all he does is annoy the flow of things and more stuff happens - to the residence of the town and himself. He is a man in need of much help but cannot let go of things and always wants an explanation or a deeper meaning. There is one but ultimately it costs him.
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jordanianprincesses · 4 months
My post is actually going to get some heat but I really have to say it
I know rajwa gets a lot of hate online and people are sympathetic towards her BUT BOOHOO CRY ME A RIVER she’s an iffing future queen and frankly I think she doesn’t give a damn (I’m not excusing bullying I’m just saying she clearly doesn’t care) here’s why I think some of the criticism she’s getting is actually somewhat justified…
Rajwa was really popular once the engagement was announced ALOT of people praised her and liked her but unfortunately here’s a list of what the JRF did to completely ruin rajwa’s reputation
1) they acted as if she was this very conservative Saudi woman from a big and important family (they literally mentioned all her family tree during the announcement) when in fact she wasn’t!
2) they literally didn’t even try to remove pictures from online and save rajwa from the public scrutiny she’s going to get once the pictures are released
3) rania spent so much time praising her and pushing her which gave people the illusion that she will be a working royal SINCE WE SAW HER EVERYWHERE BEFORE THE WEEDDING
4) they set high expectations for her without making sure that she was actually fit for these expectations (I feel like they just ignored that she might be lazy and simply didn’t want to work)
5) they spent way too much time coddling and protecting her instead of working on improving her and her work ethic. I think they did that because they were terrified she would leave otherwise!
It seems like the JRF were actually setting her up from the start l. Now now for the part that I will get hate for…I don’t think rajwa is completely innocent and she helped in tarnishing her image as well
1) she did not contact certain people to delete some of her past photos which is insane because she knows how popular Hussein was in the past and she should’ve at least used her brain a bit.
2) she enjoyed the limelight before the engagement a bit too much without thinking this will make the expectations for her higher.
3) she thought that being queen in Jordan is an easy task where you only have to play dress up and look pretty, which leads me to believe she didn’t even bother to simply google how messed things inJordan are.
4) she doesn’t even TRY to push against the royal family! She does what they want without even asking or thinking whether it was good for her or not. She doesn’t use her brain at all.
5) THE FAMOUS BIKINI SCANDAL: now now before you eat me alive I do think she was a victim and we should blame the person that invaded their privacy BUT it’s so stupid on her part to think that she can just slip under the radar and wear whatever she wants after the HUGE wedding they had! She was 100% aware of how popular she had become and still she didn’t USE HER BRAIN and think for a moment that there’s always people watching especially in public. I genuinely would’ve excused her if they were in the privacy of their own home.
6) now finally the most inexcusable of all: I think she genuinely doesn’t want to work. Now people like to come up with “theories” that maybe rania doesn’t want her to work (which is almost impossible considering how much time and effort rania put into hyping up rajwa and making her popular) or that Hussein is the one setting her up with is also not true because he is trying to push her as well… so we are left with the only option that Rajwa genuinely doesn’t want to be a working royal and just wants royal treatment with no royal responsibilities… because if she wanted to work, she would have. It’s not that hard to ask your team to give you a task to do.
7) wearing boycotted brands in the middle of genocide
Conclusion: I think both parts are at fault here they set her up and then she proceeded to set herself up as well. I wholeheartedly believe rajwa did marry for the title mainly and was so protected and coddled that she thought that’s all she’s getting A TITLE. I think she was shocked and overwhelmed with the work that comes with it. So she decided not to work at all. As if for the bullying? I honestly don’t think she cares she’s living her absolute best life and she’s set for life with the JRF stolen money and endless connections. 🤷🏼‍♀️
It’s crazy coming up with these conclusions now… I was rooting for her & Hussein so hard just about a year ago ! 💔
I agree with you in most of what you said but not all of them . Anyway, welcoome
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andresindoril · 7 months
give us the top 10 from spotify wrapped
and then like 44 or sumn
So, I do not know if that was earlier this year or if that was last year, but there was a bug that made Spotify get stuck replaying two songs in a row instead of moving along with the queue. I fear #1 and #3 might be from that? That OR just Spotify's shuffle being horrid. Mind you, I am not arguing on whether or not they are good songs, just that I do not recognize them by title.
#1. I have no memory of hearing this song. It is admirably inoffensive in that I also have no memory of hearing it yesterday despite queuing it up to see what it was and then forgot to listen for it and just did not notice it go past. Queued this up while writing the post and it is not bad. But yeah, a very mellow tune, so easy for it to slip past my attention, if it got stuck in a loop.
#2. This one on the other hand, I worked hard on. Got queued up a lot.
#3. This song also does not really ring a bell, so probably was paired up with #1 during the getting stuck bug thing. I feel very similarly about this as I do about the first spot. Not bad, but I have no memory of listening to this so many times.
#4. Yeah, I probably queued this up a few times. Did not realize I would have done that enough for it to show up here though. It is a bit nostalgic, I guess.
#5. I do adore this one, so I would have enjoyed it being higher than the two songs I do not recognize, but here we are.
#6. Clearly, I finally played Bastion this year. The music was quite good. Kept the ones with vocals for my main and jams playlists. Queued this one up quite a few times, clearly.
#7. Unfortunately I learned this year that the Dragula was actually quite a small car, but it is possible that Rob Zombie had a different car in mind. Something more hearse shaped maybe.
#8. This one Spotify kept feeding me long enough that I started enjoying it a fair bit. I love Land of Talk though, so I do not blame Spotify for this maneuver.
#9. This one is a classic, which is cause enough to say that I am happy it made the top 10.
#10. OVERKILL. I think Spotify just likes assigning Motörhead into my shuffles a lot, but I am surprised this got so high, considering I have no memory of this song either. Though the repeat bug did happen more than once, so maybe this was a victim of it at a point. I did somehow end up being in the top .0005% of Motörheads listeners. I just blame their library size to my playlist size ratio and Spotify's shuffle having preferences. Oh, it is that one. Yeah, it ain't bad. Spotify does love playing this during shuffle.
10 audios per post, so I will answer #44 in a reblog.
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traggalicious · 9 months
OKAY. so, first: thank you so much i love you. Second! Lazarus! Here’s a thingy I made for him somewhere else ^^
Character’s full name: Lazarus
Reason or meaning of name: Stole it from Lazarus (of the bible) who was a jesus type and died 4 like 3 days b4 jesus came n got him.
Character’s nickname(s): Laz, The Monster (as like. A title)
Birth date: I honestly didn’t think abt it cos it made my brain hurt
Gender: he/they dude! He’s fine w/ it/its but not 4 gender reasons.
Music for the mood: creature - half-alive, the nowhere king frm centaurworld, me and my husband - mitski
Basic rundown is he was made at a time where belos rlly wanted his curse *gone*, and had been researching ways to get rid of it. He came across that thing (the thing eda and Lilith did) to share the curse, and he’s like. Might as well try it. So he creates lazarus, and laz is a pretty loyal guy, like. Belos raises him w/ traits of selflessness and obedience, and ofc plays up the curse so when he finally tells him to do the curse sharey thing, Laz is all for it. It works well! Fortunately for belos and unfortunately for Laz. Laz is suffering, he nearly dies but the curse doesn’t let him, despite the fact that belos refuses to share palismen, and when he does (which is once) laz refuses for morality reasons. This is how he realizes “oh shit i was only made to die wasn’t i”, confronts belos, belos tries to kill him. But Lazarus is goopy. And we all know that belos being goopy means he’s still alive. And uhhh yeah he nearly dies, makes it out narrowly, and he lives in the woods on the isles, fuckin belos shit up, and experiencing a weird love-hate relationship w/ the bat queen and the locals!
Another thing that contributes to that is when he finds a scout afraid after they didn't do too well in training, and he decides to help, and he ends up having a mentor- like relationship w/ them-and one day they see his face. And at this point he's already got the rot creeping up his face, and. And they look terrified. They ask what happened. And he. He realizes. He scares them. He says it's okay, nothing's wrong- and even when they return to 'normal' he can't help but notice the glances they cast at the right side of his face, at the growing pink glow behind the mask he never takes off anvmore. <- He's so nice to the scouts bc he went thru it too. But younger. With higher expectations. And he doesn't quite get that not everyone has to deal w/ that. So he's just. Yeah. He mother hens them be he doesn't quite understand that many of them are the age he is now rather than the age he was. And they don't know he's their age physically. Like. Based on actual years he's like fuckin. He's like 5 or 6. And so basically that stress and emotional abandonment coupled with his experiences with the Curse and Belos leads to the Confrontation.
Palisman: His palisman is a jackalope named buck <333
On the topic of backstory n shit! I think that he’d have a frenemy relationship w/ Lorelei, in which she sees that he was also a victim but still resents him for her husband’s death, so its a very fragile relationship, mostly transactional in the beginning. Alas, she is a compassionate person, and over time they become…. Friends? Its an odd thing really. Also! Eda and Laz have a tentative friendship based on shitty curses and learning to deal with them. Laz helps protect the Owl House when he can, befriends Hooty (he finds Hooty So Interesting), and Eda takes the fall sometimes when Laz makes an oopsie. Also teaches him magic sometimes. ALSO. on the Eda x Laz thing, he’s around before Eda, but he ages slower and spends a lot of time regenerating after. Events. So yeah. He also ends up being the Fun Uncle of the HexSquad! Sad but funny thing is that Laz is so used to being called mean things that he hears Any Derogatory Term and his ears twitch like heh? Me? Poor guy. He does get a happy ending though! He is forever changed but he gets better.
Really wanna write smth for him at sm point -.- ANYWAY yeah that’s Laz!!! Sorry this is so long ahdgshdhddh. Here! Are some images (couldn’t find others i didnt feel like scrolling forever sorry <333)
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ragtimedrakes · 4 months
oh right here's my tierlist of my opinions on every theurgy <3 explanations and opinions under the cut because I love to talk
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S tier:
power howling + tranquility. these are a set pair because they're basically the same thing. power howling is full party charge and tranquility is full party concentrate, which is pretty damn sick. I never really used yukari after getting ken because I prefer his other utility but purely theoretically I'd imagine tranquility is probably better than power howling considering aigis is the only party member completely unable to benefit from it, meanwhile you kind of need to build a phys-heavy team for power howling to shine, but I love all the phys characters (not you akihiko sorry king) in this game
bleeding fury. I should have moved this below divine intervention but whatever. shinji is undoubtedly the most self-synergistic character with incredible characteristics giving him AUTO HEAT RISER and his signature bloody charge comboing perfectly with his gauge condition. bleeding fury is one of the many high-damage single target moves but his kit really makes it shine considering he comes innately with charge. playing catchup with party members isn't really an issue in this game. use shinjiro.
divine intervention: the full party revive and heal is pretty nice but this is solely up here for being full party makarakarn AND tetrakarn. I never got into a situation where I felt I NEEDED a heal bomb of this tier however the shields are just too good. I accidentally had nyx avatar kill himself on this skill. sorry king. ken's charateristic is also just really good, giving him sp regen that's higher than invigorate 3 on its own. proud of my boy
A tier:
blade of execution. mitsuru was another victim of my favoritism in team building so I never used her. I'm sorry women. that said, purely based on description this could probably be in s tier considering I put shinji up there. free debilitate on an attack is always good. I also really like mitsuru's characteristic which increases crit rate (FOR EVERYONE) against foes with ailments. unfortunately her ailment-based gauge building isn't super useful for bosses, but it also charges with debuffs
maximum firepower + hack n blast. I think these are theoretically the same aside from their affinity. being piercing phys skills they can always crit and be charged, which is pretty great. I love damage.
orgia mode. I'll be honest, I don't know why maximum firepower doesn't have the same "no commands" stipulation that orgia mode has, considering there's pretty high level armor dedicated to negating orgia mode's drawbacks. I guess that theoretically evens the playing field, but as it is I'd rather use theurgy on bosses where even if there's multiple it's normally more strategic to target them one at a time. orgia mode is almost completely outclassed by maximum firepower imo, but I do think orgia mode looks cooler. the post-move buff is really good (the damage reduction goes insane) but it never really felt necessary or super useful. aigis' gets phys amp as her characteristic and builds gauge by using phys attacks. she's good
blaze of life. this is one of the classic severe damage single-target skills, but considering it's a fire attack, I assume it scales on junpei's relatively ass magic stat. as such, even the free heal and epic animation don't do a ton to help. the most damning element of this attack though is that junpei doesn't get fire amp, meanwhile all other party members get amp skills corresponding to their theurgies (and koro Does get fire amp, as a treat). he doesn't get any sort of phys amp innately either, a frankly bizarre choice when his main coverage is slash damage (can also be done by koromaru). otherwise, aigis has more consistent high damage output which can be complemented by koromaru's power howling and revolution, making junpei kind of a moot teammate. what junpei DOES get is crit amp for his characteristic, which increases both his crit rate and damage. if you don't care about coverage he's very fun, just outclassed by other team members. the council says I should put his moves in b tier but that doesn't account for: I like him. realistically he doesn't perform badly, and in december when aigis is missing he's great to fill her spot. and if you don't care about having a healer or you fill that role with mc you can make the quad phys dream team.
hound of hades. reasonably this is the exact same as every skill in b tier, a single target severe damage elemental skill. anecdotally I found this to have probably the highest consistent output compared to the others, and also it's koromaru. he's a cool dog. I'll bump him up for that.
B tier:
divine retribution + blizzard edge + cyclone arrow. putting these all together because they're the same thing I mentioned for hound of hades. all good skills but not special. divine retribution in particular seems to have weirdly low output, but once ken gets light amp that's mostly alleviated
C tier:
electric onslaught + lightning spike. akihiko rolls worst combat characteristic, asked to leave sees. I really can't justify using him, his characteristic is bad, his moveset is neutered compared to previous releases, and neither of his theurgies are interesting (seriously, no strike damage? maybe heat riser attached?). akihiko feels severely underbaked. very sad considering he was the mvp of my portable playthrough
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seemabhatnagar · 9 months
NALSA’s Compensation Scheme for Women Victims/Survivors of Sexual Assault/other Crimes, 2018
"Acid Attack Survivor"
Present case is filed by the #survivor of #acidattack. Survivor happens to be the minor girl of 17 years and his brother also acid victim survivor of 14 years. The Compensation to acid attack survivor is awarded under the (National Legal Services Authority)#NALSA’sCompensationSchemeforWomenVictims/ #SurvivorsofSexualAssault/ #otherCrimes2018.
Paramita Bera & Anr. V. The Union of India & Ors. WPA 5633/2021, Before Hon'ble Calcutta High Court According to the scheme, a minimum compensation of Rupees 7 to 8 lacs is payable, with an additional 50% of the said amount, on account of the victim being a minor girl child.
Here the boy had been paid a sum of Rs.4,50,000/- as per the existing Rules.
Now the issue before the Hon'ble #CalcuttaHighCourt was addressing the claim of the minor girl. #SupremeCourt as well as the High Courts of the Country acknowledged that the Acid attack victim goes through the physical, economic, social, and psychological ramifications.
Hon'ble Apex Court in Parivartan Kendra Vs. Union of India & ors., reported in (2016) 3 SCC 571 felt the plight of the survivor and had observed that, 1. The likeliness of the victim getting a job which involves physical exertion of energy is very low. The social stigma and the pain that she has to go through for not being accepted by the society cannot be neglected. Furthermore, the general reaction of loathing which she would have to encounter and the humiliation that she would have to face throughout her life cannot be compensated in terms of money. 2. As a result of the physical injury, the victim will #notbeabletoleadanormal life and cannot dream of marriage prospects. 3. Since her skin is fragile due to the acid attack, she would have to take care of it for the rest of her life. Therefore, the aftercare and rehabilitation cost that has to be incurred will have huge financial implications on her and her family. Recently in Nipun Saxena & Anr. Vs. Union of India & ors., reported in (2020) 18 SCC 499, Hon’ble Court applauded the NALSA’s Compensation Scheme for Women Victims and added that,
1. We have gone through the Scheme prepared by NALSA with the assistance of the Amicus Curiae and we are of the view that it contains the best practices of all similar schemes and should be implemented by all the State Governments and Union Territory Administrations. 2. . ……We make it clear that the Scheme postulates only the minimum requirements. This does not preclude the State Governments and Union Territory Administrations from adding to the Scheme. However, nothing should be taken away from the Scheme.
Observation of the Calcutta High Court
1. The Apex Court’s judgement has created an obligation upon the State Governments to have similar provisions in consonance with the Scheme. 2. The NALSA’s Compensation Scheme for Women Victims 2018 provides that acid attack victims with face disfigurement, must get compensation ranging from a minimum of Rupees 7 lacs to a maximum compensation of Rupees 8 lacs. 3. The Scheme also postulates that minor victims are eligible for compensation that is 50% higher than the minimum amount specified in the Scheme. It appears that the State of West Bengal has not complied with the mandate of the Supreme Court in Nipun Saxena & anr. Vs. Union of India & ors (supra) and has failed to amend its own scheme of compensation in tune with NALSA’s Compensation Scheme for Women Victims/Survivors of Sexual Assault/other Crimes, 2018. 4. It is unfortunate that this West Bengal, which was once known for its progressive feminist discourse, with women such as Begum Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain, Sarojini Naidu Chattopadhyay and many others, has forgotten its feminist roots.
Hon’ble Mr. Justice Shekhar B Saraf J vide order dt.08.09.2023, directed the Government of West Bengal to immediately act in accordance with the Supreme Court judgement and frame its scheme as per NALSA’s Compensation Scheme for Women Victims, 2018 within a period of eight weeks from 08.09.2023.
The girl child was a minor and is accordingly eligible for a minimum amount of Rupees 7,00,000/, as compensation as per NALSA’s Compensation Scheme 2018 and an additional 50% of the said minimum amount (i.e., Rupees 3,50,000/-) is payable to the victim on account of her being a minor girl child. Accordingly, the total compensation payable to the victim is Rupees 10,50,000/-. Further, the State of West Bengal was directed to pay the further sum of Rupees 7,50,000/- to the State Legal Services Authority, West Bengal who shall disburse the entire sum to petitioner no.1 within a period of four weeks from date.
Seema Bhatnagar
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taytaythebaeslay · 1 year
someone judge this essay i wrote
The Societal Sexualization of Young Girls A group of teen girls walks down the sidewalk as three men whistle and shout at the minors. This situation is more common in the United States than most people think. The abysmal fact is that children (ages 14-17) are being targeted for sexual assault (Kuadli) and are often portrayed as “Sexy School Girls”; therefore, it is evident that adolescent girls are being recklessly sexualized in today’s society. For example, “84 percent…of females have been catcalled [whistled at, yelled at, stared at for a prolonged period of time, followed, or otherwise made to feel unsafe] by the time they reach age 17. Scarier still? 13 percent of women are exposed to it by age 10” (Hoff). Sexual violence is an umbrella term for actions that intrude on someone's sexual autonomy, such as sexual harassment, sexual abuse, sexual assault, and rape (Types of Sexual Violence). Steps must be taken to stop the sexualization of young girls in the United States. Girls who experience this violence are experiencing both mental and physical side effects, including having low self-esteem, living in fear, and developing a tendency toward self-harm. Numerous studies have been done in the US to prove the rigor of this issue. For instance, a survey conducted in 2000 by the US Department of Justice showed that people from the ages of 3-15 experienced sexual violence at a much higher rate than any other age group (Snyder). This data is represented in a series of 6 charts where viewers can see the detrimental number of young children being sexually violated. This is not just a one-time thing either; according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, in Michigan in 2019, “...the rate [of sexual assault] was 7 times higher for juveniles (371.7) than for adults (56.8)” (Martin). These statistics demonstrate the prevalence of sexual violence against juveniles. Not only is this a common issue, but it also affects today’s youth more than most think. Young people today are facing mental health issues at a very high rate, with 1 or 2 in 10 children experiencing mental health issues (Kieling et al.). In the scientific journal “Journal of Pediatric Health Care,” Gail Hornor describes how sexual violence can lead to mental illnesses and post-traumatic stress disorder. Child sexual abuse has been linked to the development of problematic behaviors. Symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can develop as a result of sexual abuse, and the child may be misdiagnosed as having ADHD (Mullers & Dowling, 2008). The symptoms are actually the result of the trauma of sexual abuse and are more accurately diagnosed as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or Anxiety. (Hornor) This means that when children are sexually traumatized, they are more prone to developing a mental disorder that may last the rest of their lives. If a woman experiences some form of sexual violence, she is at a much higher risk of developing depression and disruptions in cognitive processes (Shors). Due to sex being a taboo topic in today’s society, sexual trauma is also taboo. This issue is so under-heeded that few long-term resources are available to help these victims. While there are quite a few online or over-the-phone resources to use after someone has been assaulted, there are nearly no readily available long-term resources to help these victims. Some possible long-term options would be cognitive behavior therapy, dialectical behavior therapy, and many other forms of counseling (Types Of Therapy and Treatment). Alas, therapy can be costly and troubling to go through. Reliving the trauma through counseling can be too hard for some to utilize this resource, and others may find that therapy is not the right path. Another good way to cope with being sexually violated is to get justice. This can mean going to the police and filing a report. Unfortunately, less than 7% of sexual violence reports result in convictions (Webster). With two of the most reliable ways to receive justice made hard to access, this leaves victims to struggle with their qualms without the resources they so desperately need. Among these few resources, there are many studies these women can take part in to quantify this growing issue. These can show how often women are experiencing any form of sexual violence, such as the following statistic by “Stop Street Harassment”: “87 percent of American women between the ages of 18-64 had been harassed by a male stranger…” (“Statistics - The Prevalence of Street Harassment”). Again, many credible sources show this issue; another is the National Sexual Violence Resource Center or NSVRC. The NSVRC is a wonderful resource for those who have experienced sexual violence and those who need more education on this topic. One study they conducted shows that 71 percent of women first experienced a form of sexual violence when they were younger than twenty-four years old (“Statistics”). This means that before the frontal cortex is fully developed and these women’s brains are fully developed, they experienced a form of sexual harassment or assault. Jennifer Kuadli presents another statistic that helps quantify this issue young girls face on LegalJobs. She states that “82% of all juvenile sexual assault victims are female” (Kuadli). All these facts make it easy to see how sexual violence is an issue for America’s youth. Unfortunately, not only is this an infringement on these girls’ sexual autonomy, but to make it worse, some citizens reject this issue altogether! Though this issue can be somewhat enigmatic, that does not excuse the common fallacy in the United States that young women are not sexualized and are not large targets of sexual violence when the opposite is true! While it is true that the issue is not very well reported on, that does not mean it is not detrimental to these victims. The statistics covered thus far are proof enough, but what can be done about it? That is a question David Lee and others aimed to answer in their “Sexual Violence Prevention” article. “The goal of primary prevention education sessions is to prevent first-time perpetration or victimization by improving knowledge and attitudes that correspond to the origins of sexual violence….” (Lee et al.). With the knowledge that this type of prevention exists, it should be evident to many people that our education system needs to provide more education and transparency about sexual violence. Regrettably, because primary prevention is not widely taught in homes and schools, a girl in America is raped every two minutes (“How Often Does It Happen?”). Along with primary prevention, further education, and more transparency, there are other things American citizens can do to prevent perpetration and stop victimization before it begins. Promoting social norms that are actively against sexual violence can help, too. This means advocating for victims’ rights, believing victims when they share their stories, understanding what being a victim means, and standing up to people who use sexually aggressive behavior or language (“75 Ways to Prevent Sexual Violence”). There are many things the public can do to reduce the debilitating impact sexual violence has on young girls. Whether people realize it or not, mental health plays an essential role in everyone’s day-to-day lives. For those who have been sexually traumatized, young women especially, there are fewer neurons in the brain due to a reduction in neurogenesis (Shors and Millon). This directly means that someone who was sexually violated has permanent brain damage. In addition to this inevitable brain injury, sexual trauma can lead to suicidal ideation and self harm, as Glassman and others show. “...sexual abuse had the strongest relations with NSSI [Non-Suicidal Self-Injury]” (Glassman). Sexual violence affects America's youth in extremes, as shown here: “...compared to non-abused participants, sexually abused participants were…almost 4 times as likely to have inflicted subsequent self-harm….” (Noll et al.). Based on these numbers, it can be concluded that someone who experiences sexual violence is much more likely to self-harm. These all show that sexual violence can have extremely long-lasting effects for victims’ physical health. This chronic sexualization also instills fear in many young women across the nation. “...sexual assault may operate as a master offense among women, heightening their fear of other victimizations” (Ferraro). As this quotation from the Journal Storage (JSTOR) demonstrates, women have a high fear of all types of victimization, and it is primarily due to sexual offenses against many women. To corroborate this fact, Angela Brown and David Finkelhor declare that sexual maladjustment and fear or anxiety are very common among people who were victimized as children (Brown and Finkelhor). This further proves the physical and mental side effects sexualization has on children in America. With sexual violence being one of America’s most significant issues, primarily affecting juvenile women, we must mitigate the situation before it becomes an epidemic. Sexualization affects these young women in many ways, including lowering self-esteem, developing a tendency towards self-harm, and living in fear. To combat this, society must use all available resources and tools, such as primary prevention, education, and proactive bystander tactics. Finally, better and more accessible resources need to be created for victims of sexual assault. Taking a stand or speaking up can make all the difference in a young girl’s life.
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lunaastoir · 3 years
fluff/relationships w the mondstadt crew
characters included: diluc, kaeya, and jean
gn! reader as always <3
tw: fluff??? domesticity??? crack??? ideal relationships w people who will never be real??? also mentions of alcohol!
an: so i’m back w a sequel to my “fluff/relationships w the liyue crew” since you guys seemed to really like it <3 thank you my heart is literally melting 😩 this post was getting too long so i excluded some of the characters but expect a part. 2 (more like part 3 but part 2 to the mondstadt version)! 
man. this MAN.
that’s it, that’s the headcanon. 
he would literally be the most doting lover in the softest ways
SUCH a soft romantic like you thought you knew love??? nah this man will show you what love is
will constantly leave you things around the winery to convey his silent thank you’s and appreciation for you putting up with him being busy for most of the day
it’s always the most thoughtful things ever too like-
you mentioned how nice it would be to have some fresh lemonade with the hotter weather outside but it was too late in the day to actually go to the market in search of fresh lemons 
the next day you walked downstairs only to be greeted with a pitcher of cool lemonade with a side of lemon bars
there was a note attached to the handle of the pitcher <3 
“i recall you mentioning how lemonade would be perfect for the warmer weather so i decided to make some for you this morning. i hope it’s still cool by the time you drink it. love, d” 
pls sir your hand in marriage
he secretly loves it when you usher him to bed after waking up in the dead of night to see him working by candlelight on reports 
soft hands on his cheeks gently whispering about how, it’s been far too long and come to bed, darling and there will be time for this in the morning
his protests are light given the dark purple hues under his crimson eyes but he’ll still make a little fuss 
don’t let this man fool you tho he’s so so touched that you care enough to check up on him and drag him to bed!!
sometimes on the days he has a bit more free time, the two of you will quickly grab your dinners and race to the highest spot in the winery to watch the setting sun
these moments are always filled with laughter, something you’ve found you’re easily able to pull out of diluc, simply because it’s you 
uncontrollable sobbing
he would let you paint his nails black like the angsty man he is 
frankly he would let you do anything to him if it makes you happy <3 
ok but wait diluc w bLACK NAILS?? AND RINGS??? i would die on the spot ⚰️
on the topic of makeup, this man is surprisingly really good w it 
i like to think he learned after practicing on kaeya when they were younger bc kaeya was really into makeup
you found out after babysitting klee one day and trying failing to draw eyeliner on the sweet girl after her “big brother ‘bedo!”
you hastily grabbed some wipes, gently wiping off the messed up design before attempting to dive back in 
diluc however, had some down time so he decided to check up on his favorite chaotic duo 
only to be met with a pile of dirtied makeup wipes, your frustrated expression, and klee’s growing jitteriness 
swiftly moving to your side, he quietly asked if you needed help 
you glanced up quizzically before handing him the eyeliner, already looking around to find more makeup wipes when this inevitably goes wrong 
to your utter surprise tho the eyeliner is perfect??? two perfect winged lines??? in less than a minute??? WHAT
you just stood there like 😦 before diluc got back up and handed you the eyeliner 
you were short-circuiting, klee was ecstatic, diluc was worried about you 
ok last thing abt diluc 
crack! warning but the both of you like lowkey pranking kaeya 
for diluc it’s revenge on his annoying brother; for you it’s good - natured sibling rivalry fun 
every time the two of you see kaeya, one of you always swipes something of his 
small things really, it could be a pen or a handkerchief
one time, diluc swiped kaeya’s spare eyepatch and from the looks of it, kaeya’s only spare black eyepatch bc he was frantically looking for it yk he’s desperate when he even asked diluc if he saw it
the two of you spent an hour nearly laughing your asses off 
all in all, life w him is so sweet 
pretty boy? pretty boy. 
while i can’t guarantee stability, life would never be boring w this man that’s for sure
piggy back rides 🗣 piggy back rides 🗣 piggy back rides 
he LOVES it, the feel of you on his back while he’s walking around mondstadt most likely carrying you to your commission 
he finds it comforting especially since he can hear the rumble of your voice against him while you recount stories, or just babble on about everything under the sun 
he is SO dramatic so obviously when y’all reach the site of the commission he has to kill all the monsters even tho the both of you agreed to split it up evenly 
he makes quick work of his set before stealing some of yours much to your chagrin 
you scold him but can you really be mad at him when he looks drop dead gorgeous freezing the hilichurls the answer is no, no you cannot be
oh my god ok wait-
he does this thing where he tries to spook you in public 
so say you’re getting groceries at the mondstadt general store
you round the corner just minding your own business, looking around, taking in the sunshine 
and suddenly you just hear someone drop in behind you but before you can register anything you hear a soft “boo” and hands circle your waist 
you jump SIKE let’s be honest you shrieked 
meanwhile kaeya’s just laughing his ass off 
you can hear his rich peals of laughter while you attempt to regain your bearings 
he does this so often you SHOULD be used to it but you really aren’t bc mans is SNEAKY-
he cards his fingers in your hair whenever you’re speaking 
he doesn’t know why, it’s just a cute habit and he finds the feel of his fingers in your hair soothing
oH on the topic of comfort, kaeya really likes resting two fingers on the back of your neck???
ik he seems like the type to throw his arm around your shoulder which yes he totally is but during more serious conversations his hand automatically seeks out the warmth of your neck 
your neck feels amazing especially during the warmer months due to his chilly fingers contrasting with your warm skin  
he likes that he’s able to access such a vulnerable part of you and you would willingly let him 
no i will NOT take criticism on this i just kNOW he’s that type of guy
it would be those stupid “i’m his” and “they’re mine” sweatshirts like BYE 
it’s so cringy but for some reason it’s oddly adorable and you truly despise it but you can’t seem to say no whenever he asks 
you pretend to ignore the look of pity diluc throws your way whenever he sees you like this
kaeya really loves accessories so i think he would be the type to give you a promise ring or something similar to show that he truly does care for you 
he would brush it off, flirting a little like usual before handing you the ring 
with the way his cheeks softly darken though, you know he’s being genuine 
TICKLE FIGHTS ik i mentioned this for childe but shhhh
he has tickle fingers??? his hands just loOK like they’re itching to tickle someone so you’ll most likely be the unfortunate victim 
he will not show you mercy. at all. he’ll tickle you until there are tears streaming from your eyes, your face is hot, and your voice is hoarse from laughing so damn hard 
it gives him such a rush of serotonin its SO CUTE 
i feel like this goes without saying but he’s super into pda,,, anything and everything is on the table 
hand holding? duh. ass grabs? ofc. carrying you bridal style around mondstadt? why not 
ik he’s typically very playful but once the relationship reaches a certain stage, he’ll slowly start to let down the walls that surround his facade 
very very slowly show you the more realistic parts of him 
the real, damaged pieces of his soul 
he’ll be carefully monitoring your reaction though, any sign of fear or disgust will have him recoiling within himself again and you most likely will never see his true nature ever again 
once you’ve seen the parts of him he’s offered to you, the hushed whispers of his past, and the uncertain lines of his future, he will take off his eyepatch 
pretends like he’s not super nervous but he’s SWEATING- 
the prettiest thing you’ve ever seen though hands down 
you can understand why he covers it up but you would like it if he felt comfortable enough to take off the eyepatch occasionally when he’s with you 
also!!! sleeps with his eyepatch side facing you (in the event he wears it to bed) 
if this happens you KNOW he trusts you bc it’s his blindside <3 
anyways life w kaeya will never be boring but he is a very complicated man 
stay with him though, i promise it’ll be worth it 
the key to jean’s heart is coffee and food 
i am begging you she deserves it 😭
the poor woman works so hard bc the knights are so mf understaffed, this is literally the best way you can ever show her your love and appreciation when she has work
she will MELT if you have a hot shower and dinner waiting for her when she inevitably returns later than she promised
will completely refuse at first with, “you did not have to do this, it’s too much” but shush her as you shOULD bc she deserves the entire world 
she’s the definition of “you do something for me, i’ll return the favor ten times grander”
you leave a flower on her desk bc it reminded you of her??? you’ll wake up to find a whole bouquet of the prettiest windwheel asters you’ve ever seen the next morning along with a thank you note
she’s so sweet BYE
she gets flustered extremely easily so you obviously use this as an opportunity to tease her 
when you’re in public rest your hand on her waist and inch it higher until your hand is underneath her shirt and in contact with her warm skin 
she’ll actually short-circuit its quite adorable 
sometimes y’all will be cuddling and you’ll hear whispers of her insecurities 
“am i a good grand master? will i ever be as valiant as vanessa?”
reassure her!!! tell her that she doesn’t need to be like vanessa, she’s already amazing as jean 
if you haven’t seen her in awhile, track her down and schedule a lunch date 
she never misses appointments and if it’s for you, she’ll gladly make time to see you even if she has to stay up even later than usual 
she has so much tension and the sorest muscles from hunching over papers and running around on errands 
if you sneak into her office and quietly stand behind her before gently pushing down on the sore tendons of her neck, she’ll genuinely fall over on her desk 
so make sure you steady her 😀
after you feel how tight her muscles are though, you drag her to barbara bc she needs a healer asap 😭
while most of your time is spent in her office - you helping out in the ways you can while jean is overseeing knight duties - you still have your fair share of life outside of the favonius headquarters
jean never likes to sit still so whenever you have free time, the both of you head off looking for monsters to clear
bouken da bouken???
adventuring w jean is seriously the funnest thing you could ever do 
it’s just non-stop you accidentally getting into trouble and her having to come help you 
even tho the both of you are dead tired after fighting, what? 20 hilichurl camps now??? the laughter and joy in your eyes shows how you both truly loved every minute of it
it’s both a stress reliever, good fun, and a work-out <3
you’re definitely prone to getting dragged to angel’s share w kaeya 
kaeya and jean sometimes hang out after work at the tavern so inevitably you’re dragged along too 
all three of you are drunk out of your minds which just makes everything a MILLION times funnier 
kaeya slurring over his words makes the two of you start cackling endlessly while diluc just shakes his head making sure to not give you more wine despite your pleas 
angel’s share ft. kaeya and bartender diluc are always the best times fr fr 
life with her literally feels like y’all are married 
so much domesticity it’s so NICE ALJDKSFH
your house is always so clean and the color scheme is impeccable bc jean has such a good eye 
you have a chore schedule 😎 but it almost never works out bc jean ends up doing everything without you knowing- 
you always confront her abt it and she’s like 😁 “i had some time so i did them! no worries tho” like i- time??? where bitc-
oH- she has amazing style so you can bet shopping w her is literally the best experience 
she takes you to all of the hidden gems some places lisa recommended and helps you pick out things 
will 100% get really blushy if you come out in something and ask her for her opinion tho she’s literally the cutest
basically jean is a sweet girl who deserves the entirety of teyvat that is all. 
thanks for reading! if you have any requests don’t hesitate to send them in <3 
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thr-333 · 4 years
Just Another Class Trip :) Part 4
Marinette has a nice peaceful night, besides from having to outrun Batman, but come on thats just normal field trip stuff, and after that absolutely nothing remarkable happens.
First< Previous >Next
“It wasn't just me right?” Marinette asks her Kwamis, “Aunt Selina was acting really strange,”
“She dragged you through secret tunnels in one of the most prevalent companies in the world,” Kaalki deadpans, as she hangs something up in the wardrobe, “Everything was strange,”
“Yeah, I’m not really one to judge,” Marinette says, to the god that can fit in her pocket, “Done,”
She straightens out the portable house she had made for Tikki and Kaalki. It was made out of fabric with just a few pieces of cardboard for better support. It had bedrooms, living rooms, even a little kitchen. It was quite like the ‘doll house’ she has for them back home. She had made a replica of that one for Tikki to bring into the miracle box as a gift for the other Kwamis.
“Oh the others would love this!” Tikki squeaks, flying around inside, Marinette can see her through the little cut out windows.
“Well I can’t hold all of you,” Marinette laughs, falling back on her bed, “I guess I should get some sleep,”
“You aren’t going out for patrol?”
“I thought that was a one time thing?”
“But you had so much fun,” Tikki looks at her with thos big round eyes, “You should go again Marinette,”
“You know Tikki I was actually about to make a responsible decision and go to bed early,” Marinette sighs, getting back up, “But you ruined it,”
“It’s midnight and we both know that you would just keep designing dresses,” Kaalki pushes away one of the many wads of paper littering her bed and room.
“Touche,” Marinette pulls over her mask, “What about the miracle box?”
“It’s your choice Marinette,” Tikki assures, her smile telling Marinette there would be no hard feelings either way.
“Well it was safe last night, Hawk Moth isn't around to try and steal it,” She puts on her cape, “And it would be pretty bad if it got damaged during a fight,”
“So you’ve made your choice?”
Starling finishes zip tying the crooks hands when she feels eyes fall to her. She doesn't directly look around, instead stretching and yawning to survey her surroundings. Above. A flash of color, yellow, Robin.
Instead of going back up to the roof as planned she turns and walks out the alley into the street. The victim of the mugging is there waiting and she smiles brightly, letting them relax. When the police arrive she slips away, having no illusions of Robin, or whoever else is watching, actually losing sight of her.
Obviously they wanted her alone for whatever reason. That just means she has to stick to populated areas. Luckily she is in a seedier part of town but not enough that people are too cautious of roaming the streets. There's a few drunk people around, she’d have to find denser crowds if she wants to give them the slip.
She sees an older woman struggling with her bags, full of fresh produce.
“Hello,” She steps out of the shadows, “Would you-whoa!”
She backs up from the gun that is pointed right at her head.
“Tell your boss to fuck off,” The woman scowls
“Sorry, but I don’t have a boss, Milady,” She smiles kindly, “But I can leave if you want, just thought I’d offer to help with the bags,”
“You a bat?” She raises and eyebrow looking over Starling.
“No Milady,” She can dodge a bullet right?
“Good guy?” The gun inches closer.
“Good enough to not get shot, I hope,” Starling smiles a crooked grin.
“Eh, you would have tried to disarm me if you were a threat,” She puts the gun into her cardigan pocket decorated with embroidered cats.
“Try?” Starling picks up the dropped bags.
“And fail,” She nods, taking the bags from her.
“I’m starting to think I need your help more than you need mine,” Starling chuckles, rubbing her neck.
“Well you can still carry all of this,” She passes the bags back.
“Is there a market at this hour or something?” Starling asks, following after her leaving enough distance.
“Well you see dear late at night is actually when it’s safest,”
“Oh I see,” Starling nods along, scanning the rooftops, “Bats,”
“And you can sell nasty looking fruit in bad lighting,” The older woman cracks a grin, Starling mirroring her.
“I guess that's true,”
“Plus also works as a front for drugs,” Starling chokes out a laugh.
“And you would know,”
“Of course, your now an accessory to crime my dear,” There's a sparkle in her eye and Starling can’t help but laugh.
“I never seem to be able to stay out of trouble,” Starling sighs dramatically, sagging to the side.
“That's because you wander Gotham's streets in a costume my dear,” She says kindly, then turns a shrewd eye to her, “Just who are you?”
“Starling, nice to meet your acquaintance,” Starling bows, easily managing even with the bags.
“You’re not from around here are you dear?” The lady raises her brow.
“Am I that obvious,” Starling chuckles, a skip in her step.
“Cheerfulness is a dead give away,” Starling nods along to the advice? “You’re either from out of town or crazy,”
“I’ll pick out of town then,” Starling tilts her head to the side, “Tho I can’t guarantee the second one,”
“Batman is not hospitable to rouges my dear,” She ignores Starlings hopefully-a-joke.
“No kidding,” Starling mutters, glancing back up to the rooftops, she was definitely still being watched.
“... Well if you wanted to help more old ladies with their groceries tonight just head back the way we came go straight and take the first right,” She stops in front of a door holding her hand out to take the bags back.
“Thank you,” Starling smiles, giving another bow, “I think I will,”
“Stay out of trouble my dear,” The woman calls as Starling heads down the street.
“Sorry!” Starling calls over her shoulder, “I’m a really bad listener! Have a good night!”
She sees the older lady shake her head before disappearing into the building. Taking her advice Starling walks towards the markets. Those watching don’t approach her on the way to the market. Either they don’t know she’s aware of them or are confident enough that they can keep track of her. She’ll have to check for bugs regardless.
She reaches the market, weaving in between people. She waits for the perfect moment where she's sure she’ll be in a blind spot. The people milling around watch her curiously and cautiously, a high chance she's a villain a higher chance she's a vigilante. This unfortunately means people give her some personal space, not ideal for hiding.
It’s when a group of tall built men walk past her she sees her opportunity. She darts behind them, none backing off from her, a brief glance or two then just ignore her, part of some gang or rather. In a fluid motion Marinette pulls off her cape and scarf with one hand, flipping the skirt inside out to hide the distinct patterning. With her other hand she brings her bun down into a ponytail, being able to just pull it out.
She must of lost them for a second so she quickly but discreetly leaves the spot, not letting them connect her build to Starling. Now that she's out of costume she is able to hide in crowds. She dips behind some people pulling on her skirt quickly and zipping it up, she then unzips the hood to make it look like a pattern against her skirt. With the scarf in place around her neck turned to the pink side and a pair of glasses, she is sure she looks to the world like a different person.
The next hurtle are the bugs. They probably can’t track her in the market if she stays close to others. There's one on her skirt, shoe, elbow, and belt. She drops them off in any crates that are full of white powder that is certainly not flower. Might as well send them after something useful.
When she’s sure that she’s untraceable she heads back to the hotel a spring in her step. She does indeed run into someone on her way home that needs help with some groceries. If Marinette does indeed notice something suspicious in their bag no one needs to see her slip in the number of some people that can help out.
“Tikki! That was so great!” “My costume worked perfectly! They didn’t even see it coming!”
“Great job Marinette!” Tikki cheers, flying out of her pockets as they enter her room.
“I wonder what they wanted,” Kaalki asks, as she settles on the bed.
“They were probably going to be like,” Marinette brings her fingers up to make 'bat ears', “Get out of the city Starling' or 'don't stand on that gargoyle its my brooding gargoyle,”
“Probably shouldn’t have wrote ‘Starling was here’ on it,” Tikki sighs, more of a piece of advice than a lecture.
“Well I wanted to write ‘dibs’ on it, sooo,” Marinette falls back on her bed, lowering her voice so Adrien sleeping next door wont wake up.
“At least you’re having fun,” Tikki giggles.
“I did, but I need a sleep in,”  Marinette snuggles further into the bed.
Tikki flys off over the edge of the bed. Probably to get her little sleeping bag or something.
"What?!" She darts to Tikki's side, to see an empty backpack. An empty backpack where the Miracle box should be.
“Where's the Miracle box!”
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sachigram · 3 years
With Teeth Chapter 3
((click here to read on ao3!!))
“Is that man coming by here again?”
Izaya pauses in his typing, sparing a glance at Namie, who is staring at him from her side of the desk. She looks bored, but that's nothing new. She hides her emotions well. It's one reason he can tolerate her, despite her unpleasant personality and obsession with her brother. She's fun, hard to predict. She's a challenge.
“What man?” Izaya asks, knowing full well what she means. She scoffs at him, and he grins at her. “You'll have to be more specific.”
“That one. The one you're obsessed with. Heiwajima. He's been coming by here every month around this time, skulking and making rude comments. This will be the seventh month, right?”
“Observant, aren't you?” Izaya asks, turning back to his typing. “I can't predict what Shizu-chan does, you know that. He does what he wants.”
“Yeah, but there's a pattern now. People like him don't normally have patterns, do they?” Namie tilts her head at him, something other women might do to seem cute. With Namie, it's always a disarming tactic, something she does to seem smaller when she's actually a power player. Izaya is used to her by now, even without reading her mind.
“That's part of what makes him so unpredictable. He's random until he isn't, and then he breaks his pattern when you least expect.” Izaya waves her away. “Ask what you want to ask, and stop with the games. We're both busy people.”
“You've got something on him, right? You're blackmailing him? It has to be something like that. He wants you dead even more than I do, and that's saying a lot. There's no way he'd suffer in your company more than he had to.”
“Whatever I do or don't have on Shizu-chan is between him and me. That makes it none of your business, Namie-chan! Unfortunate for you, but true all the same.”
“Are you guys fucking or something?” she asks, and she shrugs at the look Izaya gives her. “What? There's not much else you'd keep secret. If he gave you something actually juicy, you'd be holding it over his head much worse than this. Unless you had something to lose too, you wouldn't care what happened to him.”
“You are the definition of an 'over-thinker',” Izaya informs her. “Sometimes things are what they are, and nothing more.” Almost on cue, a thundering knock raps at the door, and Izaya motions for Namie to get it. “Who knows who that could be! Look professional, would you? We're running a business, here.”
“Yeah, I'm so curious who it is,” Namie says sarcastically, wrenching the door open to reveal a grumpy-looking Shizuo. He doesn't bother greeting her, just steps around her as he stomps into Izaya's apartment.
“Shizu-chan, what a surprise!” Izaya calls. “Terrible to see you, as always.”
“Fuck off and die, flea,” Shizuo says, heading straight for Izaya's fridge. Namie watches him for a moment, and then she turns back to Izaya.
“Shall I leave you to your fornication?” she asks.
“Oh, I don't know,” Izaya muses. “You're pretty, Namie-chan, when I don't have to look at your face. Maybe you could join us for the evening.”
“I'd rather be eaten alive, thanks.”
“More like you have plans already to stalk that brother of yours. Don't bother; he's having a date night at with Mika-chan at your favorite Italian place! He made reservations yesterday.” Izaya tilts forward, smirking at her as her face reddens with rage. “Run along, won't you? Who knows what they might do for dessert?”
Rather than retort, she picks up a folder from Izaya's desk and throws it as hard as she can. The papers fly out, flowing through the air like confetti, and she slams the door behind her hard enough to make even Shizuo flinch.
“Fuck. What's her problem?” Shizuo asks.
“Lots of things. She has more problems than most,” Izaya says, going back to his typing. He makes a mental note of the fact that Shizuo went straight for the pork tenderloin Namie prepared the day before, and then he looks up at his expected guest. “How's the bloodlust?”
“Same as it always is. Too fucking much,” Shizuo replies, already chomping away on cold leftovers. He never bothers with reheating them, anymore.
“And yet, you haven't bitten anyone. It seems you either have more self-control than I ever would've guessed, or you're exaggerating your symptoms.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Shizuo says, and he flops onto Izaya's couch, giving Izaya a scrutinizing stare. “Does your secretary not know you're a witch?”
“Of course she doesn't,” Izaya replies. “Why would she?”
“She practically lives here.”
“She works here, Shizu-chan. This is an office, first and foremost.”
“Funny. I thought it was your apartment.” Shizuo takes another bite of food, his cheeks bulging almost comically with the amount he's eating all at once. When he speaks again, it's with his mouth full. “Even your place is a front. No one knows anything about you, huh?”
Izaya gives him a withering stare, grimacing at the grotesque way Shizuo eats.
“You're awfully conversational today. Why the sudden interest in my life? Usually you just barge in here, eat my food, and sit in silence until you're the true monster you've always been.”
“I guess I'm just curious about the way you do shit. Shinra told me all about how rare it is, what you are. He said you're probably keeping my secret so I'll keep yours,” Shizuo says. He finishes the last of the container of pork tenderloin, and then he goes back to the fridge.
“By all means, tell everyone what you know about me. The people who don't immediately run screaming from you will hardly care. I've been called terrible things, and for good reason. Calling me a witch in public will hardly matter.” Izaya turns back to his screen.
“Got no reason to tell anyone about you. I don't give a shit what you are.”
There's silence for a bit, the sound of Shizuo chewing, of Izaya's fingers clacking against the keyboard. Izaya spares a glance up at Shizuo, who seems to be thinking about something, his brows furrowed. Curious in spite of himself, Izaya can't help but dip into Shizuo's mind. He snorts, and it draws Shizuo's attention.
“If you wanted to go to Shinra's place for this, you should have,” Izaya says. Shizuo snarls at him.
“Don't fucking read my mind.”
“Then stop thinking so loudly.”
“You said you didn't read minds often!”
“And you said that was a lie.”
Shizuo growls, his mind going to static as he considers throwing Izaya's entire counter out the window. Truth be told, Izaya wasn't lying when he said he doesn't try to read minds very often. It would be helpful for him in his line of work, but he was always more interested in doing the work himself. It was more fun, more challenging, easier to convince himself he didn't need his magic to be as powerful as he was.
“I hate you,” Shizuo hisses. It's the truth, Izaya can sense. Shizuo hates everything about this, being here, relying on Izaya, speaking to Izaya, smelling Izaya's scent all around him. Like this, Shizuo's mind is so loud and consumed with rage that Izaya pulls back, unwilling to listen to all that incessant noise and clatter.
“So go to Shinra's, then.”
Shizuo doesn't respond, but he doesn't need to. Izaya doesn't even need to read the beast's mind to know what he's thinking. Shizuo doesn't want to be seen that way by anyone he actually cares about. Izaya doesn't count in Shizuo's simple mind.
Of course it would be something like that.
Izaya pushes it from his mind. He's always loved seeing the worst aspects of other people, seeing them at their lowest, their breaking points, and choosing to love them anyway. Part of what makes Izaya able to love mankind as a whole is being there when they break, observing them as they either pick up the pieces or destroy others as they have been destroyed. It doesn't matter how it happens, whether Izaya has to cause it himself, or not. Their choices are their own.
Even in Shizuo's case, he's choosing to come here, to rely on Izaya, to trust in Izaya to help him remain himself.
“What are you smiling about over there?” Shizuo barks, snapping Izaya from his reverie.
“Oh, nothing,” Izaya lilts.
Creepy fucker. Shizuo thinks it, so clearly it seems almost direct, as if he wanted Izaya to hear it. Knowing him, it's more than likely. Shizuo doesn't censor his thoughts or his words, after all, and he's never been afraid to tell Izaya what he really thinks.
Seemingly content with the amount he ate, Shizuo sits back on the couch, his legs bouncing in nervous anticipation. He's always filled with anxiety on nights of the full moon, and Izaya can't exactly blame him. Even if Shizuo has a higher pain tolerance than most, the transformation is still incredibly painful, and Shizuo worries about keeping his sanity more than anything else. He's terrified of hurting someone, anyone, even Izaya, and he finds comfort in the fact that Izaya would never let him get close enough to actually hurt him.
Sometimes Shizuo is so human it's sickening.
The first time Izaya was consciously aware he was dealing with a dangerous, inhuman creature, he was in middle school.
Tsukumoya Shinichi found Izaya first, of course, an incredibly tame bloodsucker, but an irritating one all the same. He was Izaya's first official client that wasn't a desperate spirit, and he also had the annoying habit of popping up out of nowhere, eager to poke and prod at Izaya like a test subject, much like Shinra, but much, much more adept at getting under Izaya's skin. Izaya was just beginning in his potion-making back then, and Tsukumoya was enthusiastic about needing to feed less. A fellow lover of humans, it had been a long time since Tsukumoya had taken a life. He knew the right amount to drink, but he also had the habit of getting lost in his work, forgetting to feed, and always risked taking too much from the first victim after a period of accidental starvation.
“That's where you'll come in. You could have an entire market of potions for those like me, those that don't want to hurt anyone in the world of the living,” Tsukumoya explained. He had popped up out of nowhere again, met Izaya on his walk home. The sun was freshly set, and Izaya was walking home from Shinra's, enjoying the rare break of caring for the toddlers since his parents were home.
“Isn't making a potion as simple as reading a recipe?” Izaya asked, already irritated by the vampire's presence. “Couldn't you do it yourself?”
“I could,” Tsukumoya said, “but it would only be a drink at that point. I'm not a witch. There would be no magic in it.”
“How fortunate for me,” Izaya said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. Tsukumoya merely laughed at him, as he always did. The vampire seemed to view Izaya as a trinket of sorts, the kind of thing one might pick up on a whim, and then keep for a long time.
“Just think about it, would you? There aren't many options in this world, or the next. Witches are few and far between, as you're aware,” Tsukumoya said. “It's been centuries since I met one as powerful as you.”
“So you've said before,” Izaya replied.
They walked in silence for a while, Tsukumoya still grinning like he was thoroughly enjoying himself, and Izaya with a small frown on his face, irritated by the fact that between Tsukumoya, Shinra, and the twins, he was always having someone trail after him. They were passing by an alleyway when Izaya's body screamed at him to RUN and NOW. He felt the pinpricks of danger along his skin, but he was rooted to the spot, too curious for his own good.
“Stay back,” Tsukumoya said, his voice calm, but tight. “That one's pretty strong.”
“What is it?” Izaya asked, straining to see through the darkness of the alley. He could see a figure, huge and looming, but he couldn't make out any details. As if in answer, a ferocious growl sounded, and Izaya was bombarded with the ugliest thoughts he ever heard in his life.
Kill, kill, blood, bite, KILL, KILL, KILL—
Izaya pulled back with disgust, and his sudden movement seemed to trigger the creature, who lunged forward. Tsukumoya yanked Izaya out of the way, too fast for Izaya to truly follow, and then Izaya got a full look at what was after him.
The creature was massive, covered in patches of thick, course fur. It had glowing eyes filled with madness, singularly focused on Izaya, the same thoughts running through its head. Teeth, sharp, jagged teeth, were in the creature's gaping maw, too large to truly fit.
“Werewolf,” Izaya said aloud, as fascinated as he was on edge.
“Yeah,” Tsukumoya answered, “and we interrupted his meal.”
Only then did Izaya notice the blood all over the creature, the viscera under its claws and in between its teeth. He inhaled sharply, and the creature lunged again. It seemed to be all Tsukumoya could do to dodge it.
“You shouldn't be out walking on nights of the full moon!” Tsukumoya said through clenched teeth, throwing Izaya over his shoulder as he ran up the side of the building, the wolf hot on his heels. “Haven't you read enough to know what's out here by now?”
Izaya had. He knew what was out here, knew the risk, but he didn't care enough to stay safe indoors. He couldn't bring himself to regret his decision, not when he could see firsthand what a werewolf could truly do. He propped himself on his elbows to watch the werewolf from over Tsukumoya's shoulder, and his stomach felt like it was dropping to his feet when the vampire detached from the building, free-falling in a careful spiral towards the ground.
The wolf fell after them, still only thinking the same thoughts as before, and Izaya didn't know what Tsukumoya's plan was, didn't wait to find out. He gripped his hand, and the wolf seized, a confused yelp leaving it as its arms and legs snapped to its sides, sending its body careening into a crumpled heap on the hard concrete. Tsukumoya wasn't breathing heavily, not the way he should've been after such physicality, but Izaya reminded himself that for as human as Tsukumoya seemed, he wasn't, and he had no need to breathe. He set Izaya down on the ground and moved towards the still snarling wolf, who snapped at them repeatedly, still trying in vain to bite them.
“Was he one who could've used a potion?” Izaya asked, watching in awe as he approached behind Tsukumoya. He felt fear, certainly, but not nearly enough to leave.
“No,” Tsukumoya said, “this one enjoys the hunt.” With that, he lifted his foot, bringing it down hard on the wolf's head. Bits of skull and brain-matter splattered onto the ground and walls as the wolf's growls ceased, and slowly, the body left behind became that of a man's. Izaya stared at the grisly scene, finding it strange that the first tangible thought he had was that he wished Shinra could be here to see this.
“Sorry,” Tsukumoya said, turning to Izaya. “He would've just killed someone else next month. It was better this way.”
“Yeah,” Izaya said, his body still thrumming with adrenaline. “I've never used my power like that on anything living before.” He didn't really even mean to. He didn't realize it was happening until he was doing it. Tsukumoya only laughed, of course.
“Oh, Izaya, that's only the beginning of what you could do.”
Hours later, and Shizuo is back to his usual pacing, his looming form weaving between the coffee table and the TV. Izaya is staring at his computer screen, trying to keep up with the chatroom conversation, but it's nothing he's interested in, and his attention keeps drifting elsewhere, his vision blurring as he loses himself to his thoughts.
He was up the last few days with another assignment. Shiki has been keeping him busy lately, definitely trying to occupy as much of Izaya's time as possible. Shiki really enjoys his petty tormenting, and Izaya has to admit he's been stepping out of line these past few months. He hasn't admitted to anything, of course, but he doesn't have to.
—like shit.
Shizuo's thoughts cut through Izaya's. Shizuo is glancing at him as he paces, his mind the usual maze of self-loathing, bloodlust, and emotional static, but it's clear he's thinking of Izaya, too, specifically that Izaya doesn't look well. Shizuo is thinking of the last time he saw Izaya in the middle of the city, and how he resembled a caged animal, manic, listless, poised to strike. Izaya's jaw tightens, and he fights to keep his expression neutral as he stands and moves to the kitchen, bypassing Shizuo.
Shizuo's thoughts continue to carry as Izaya makes tea. The monster is thinking of how small Izaya is, like this, with Shizuo's form so massive in comparison, but also all the time. Shizuo has always thought of Izaya as flea-sized, a beanpole, something annoying to be flicked away, but somehow Izaya always returns. Shizuo thinks Izaya is completely out of his mind, would have to be in order to keep coming back to annoy him.
But there's a comfort in that, isn't there? Izaya thinks, and Shizuo goes completely stiff, his body turning slowly to face Izaya.
Get the fuck out of my head.
“It's not my fault your thoughts are so loud. You're practically screaming them at me.” Izaya finishes with his tea, and makes his way back to his desk. “Besides, is it really even considered eavesdropping if you're thinking of me?”
Yes. Shizuo's ears are pulled back, his teeth bared. You've invaded enough of my life, you fucking parasite. Let me think in peace.
“Monsters don't deserve any peace,” Izaya mutters, but he grants Shizuo's request, and leaves his mind. At least, Izaya tries to. It's strange. He's never encountered this before. Izaya doesn't read minds often, at least on purpose, but most people are always subconsciously guarding themselves, even without being aware of Izaya's abilities. With Shizuo, he's both protecting and projecting his thoughts to the point that he's pulling Izaya in more than he's pushing him away. If Izaya had to guess, he'd say it's because Shizuo has never had to guard himself. For all of Shizuo's confounding nature, he's incredibly simplistic and straightforward, and his close proximity to Izaya is only making his thoughts even louder. Izaya groans and pinches the bridge of his nose.
What's wrong with you? Shizuo sends, and Izaya blinks up at him when he realizes Shizuo is now sending his thoughts freely and directly.
You're making my head hurt. Izaya thinks back. Shizuo growls a bit.
Good. You deserve it. Fuck you.
Izaya snorts and sips at his tea. This is new for them. In all the time Shizuo has spent here in his transformed state, he's never really conversed with Izaya before. The conversation isn't exactly thrilling, but it's an improvement over Shizuo's usual brooding pity party.
Izaya turns off his computer, deciding he's done playing with his humans tonight. He carries his tea with him as he pads over to the couch, passing by Shizuo again, who glowers at him the entire time. Izaya sits down on the couch and turns the TV on, flicking through some different channels before he decides on a cartoon he likes.
Shizuo isn't looking at the screen, but his ears are twitching towards the sound of whimsical music. Izaya wonders if Shizuo deprives himself of all creature comforts on nights of the full moon because he's afraid of this being his new normal, afraid of accepting this is his life now. It's laughable, and Izaya does laugh, can't stop himself. Shizuo's head whips towards him, dark eyes narrowed suspiciously, still incredibly human even in that distorted, monstrous face of his.
“Don't look at me like that. I'm only watching TV,” Izaya says, and he sips at his tea. Shizuo goes back to his pacing, his ears pulled back. He's pissed, as usual, and he wants to ask questions, but he knows Izaya won't answer them. Curiously, Izaya delves a little deeper into Shizuo's mind, wondering what it is exactly that Shizuo wants to know.
Out of my head. Shizuo sends angrily. Izaya pouts and obeys, wondering how Shizuo even sensed him eavesdropping.
You're no fun at all, Shizu-chan.
The first thing Izaya really notices when he stops floating along is that he doesn't recognize where he is. It's a normal-looking house, filled with pictures on the walls, and it takes a few moments for Izaya's eyes to focus on them long enough to make sense of the faces. Shizuo's picture is there, and he's smiling, flexing for the camera as Kasuka stands stiffly at his side. They're both young, and like this, with Shizuo's dark hair, it's incredibly easy to see the similarities between them. From a distance, they could be mistaken for the same person.
“Why are you here?” A voice asks from behind Izaya. He turns to face Shizuo, a spitting image of the child in the photograph. He's maybe ten years old, if Izaya had to guess. He's looking at Izaya like he knows who Izaya is, despite the drastic difference in their ages. “Get out.”
“I'm not sure why I'm here,” Izaya says, his hands going in his pockets. “Is there something you wanted to show me?”
“Fuck, no. I want you to get out.” Shizuo's fists are bloody, and his body is covered in tiny scrapes, his clothes filthy. He's been fighting. Izaya can't help but wonder when the fights started, how young Shizuo was the first time he was jumped.
“Am I dreaming?” Izaya asks aloud. He doesn't remember closing his eyes, but it's possible he passed out. He hasn't slept, and he hasn't eaten. He thinks of Shizuo in werewolf form, pacing around and refusing the comforts he desires and he scoffs.
“How the fuck should I know?” Shizuo's fingers twitch, and he's glancing nervously at the stairs. His parents are up there, Izaya realizes, and Shizuo is afraid of them for some reason. No, that's not it. He's not scared of them. He's scared of them being scared of him.
“Were you fighting? You're so young here,” Izaya says. The Shizuo he met was already broad-shouldered and blond, carrying a heavy reputation with that strength of his. This Shizuo is nervous, jittery, unsure of himself.
“You're in my head,” Shizuo accuses, and then he jolts as a door upstairs opens. “Why are you always in my head?”
“I don't know,” Izaya says honestly. “I'm beginning to think you want me to be here.”
A woman begins walking downstairs. She's strikingly pretty, her face similar to Shizuo's and Kasuka's, her dark eyes large and kind. She moves to Shizuo's side, putting her arms around him. She doesn't acknowledge Izaya.
“You didn't mean to,” she says, petting through Shizuo's hair. “You were trying to help.”
“I still hurt her,” Shizuo says, leaning into her and closing his eyes. He seems to have forgotten about Izaya. “I couldn't stop myself.”
“Kasuka said you were trying to do the right thing. You were only trying to scare the bad men away. You're a good, sweet boy, Shizuo.”
“Where's dad?” Shizuo asks, and his mother pulls away a little, giving him a false, gentle smile.
“On the phone with the police. Don't worry, they just want a report of what happened.”
“I already told them what happened.”
“Yes, but they want to hear it from an adult.”
Izaya looks from the scene to the doorway, which is shrouded in darkness. He makes his way over to it, stepping through, and he finds himself outside the wreckage of a convenience store, multiple people buried in the rubble. Shizuo is there, breathing heavily, Kasuka at his side.
“Was this your first time hurting an innocent person?” Izaya asks, and Shizuo snarls at him, tears in his eyes.
“Go away.”
“I can't,” Izaya says, and he walks towards the woman's unconscious body. “You throw your little tantrums all the time. Who knows how many people you've injured?”
“I don't mean to!” Shizuo shouts. Kasuka isn't paying either of them any attention, is only looking towards the distance where a cacophony of sirens are moving closer to them. “You hurt people more than me. You ruin lives all the fucking time, you like doing it. You're the real monster here and you know it!”
Izaya ignores him and looks around, deciding to explore all he can while he's here. Shizuo follows after him, face still contorted in rage.
“How would you fucking like it, huh, if we walked around your memories, all the things you don't want people to see out in the open? All the things you're scared of, ashamed of? How would you like it, flea?!”
Izaya scoffs, turns to tell him to shut up, but everything shifts around them, and they're suddenly in Izaya's childhood home, the twins both screaming in their cribs as a young Izaya curls in the corner, sobbing as the lights flicker around them and doors open and slam repeatedly. Shizuo's expression changes as he looks from Izaya's younger, terrified self, to the real Izaya in front of him.
“Flea?” Shizuo is older, suddenly, and he looks so fucking concerned that it makes Izaya's teeth click together.
“OUT!” Izaya roars, and the scene dissolves around them. He and Shizuo both wake with a start, still in Izaya's living room, Izaya on the couch, Shizuo curled up in the floor, human again, sunlight streaming through the windows.
“Wha— What was that?” Shizuo asks as he sits up, his voice unsteady. “Were you in my past? Was I in yours?”
“Get the fuck out,” Izaya hisses, scrambling to get off the couch and stand over Shizuo. “You had no right, no right.”
“I didn't do anything! You're the one with—magic. What did you do, huh?!”
“I don't fucking know!” Izaya snaps, and then he turns on his heel, marching towards the door. He steps into his shoes, throws his coat on. If Shizuo won't leave, then he will. He refuses to stay here with Shizuo looking at him like this, with pity clear in his gaze. The door slams behind him as he hurries out of the building, his skin prickling and his hands shaking more and more with every step he takes away from Shizuo.
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missskzbiased · 4 years
Getting a Roommate
That’s Actually my first fanfic here (I wrote fanfics a loooong time ago, but not about SKZ, so it’s a whole new world) So I’m kinda nervous kkk
Genre: Romance; College Au; Roommate Au; Love Triangle Word Count: ~2,9K Female lead YAYAYA: For now I only know it will have a Roommate (Not necessarily Who Y/N will end up with) , Romance and everyone is in College. Would like an opinion about who She should move in with, but don’t even know if someone will answer it KKK So maybe I just choose it randomly 
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Final)
    You couldn’t believe your luck, maybe it’s because you don’t have any. Not sure. You just needed to find a roommate for now, but it’s your life we’re talking about so of course, it couldn’t be so easy, right?
    Well, right.
    To begin with, you could only find male roommates, which could not be a bother, but also could! So you decided to go out of your way and meet all of them in person and on the renting place, because who knows what could be there waiting for you? You were very aware that psychos could exist in all forms and usually, they looked like a normal dude waiting for you to take that bait, but at least you could narrow down a bit the ones that look suspicious from the start, right? It couldn’t hurt...
    Except that yes, it could!
    You only had a day to find a new place, because your so loved old roomie made you the favor of getting both of you expelled! A really great day it was. Now, her parents wanted her back and out of college (rich brat, indeed), but you do not have the money to live alone (you wished you could be a rich brat, hm?) and happens to need a place that takes your money and your sorry ass by the night. You had four places to look up to that met your needings, that were really just being accepted by the night, you swear you didn’t even ask for a good bathroom, a bus stop or a nice place! You just needed a bloody bed!
     The roommates you saw, unfortunately, weren’t helping your case tough.
      The first place was really pretty! The guys were also quite alluring, but they were kinda... Fuckboys? It wouldn't really be a  problem if one of them wasn’t a dick!
      “ Hey, Y/N, right?” A boy asked when you stepped in. Friendly enough, you guessed.
      The place was all clean and bright, which may suggest he could be a psycho... Blood cleaners could make the walls so shiny? Maybe. Your worrying thoughts about the possibility of being murdered ended when he spoke up again.
      “ As you can see we have a really clean place” He bragged. You don’t think that a psycho would be bragging about his skills to hide evidence to a victim, but again you don’t understand a psycho’s mind “Everything has to be clean if you want to bring chicks around, right? You guys love a clean place to fuck”
     Oh, well! It was... Unexpected.
    “I beg your pardon?” You tried to be polite and smile, unsure about what to think now.
    “I and my roomie are really... How can I say it to you? Fuckable? Well, it may sound crude, but yeah! Fuckable” He was pondering really hard about the words and he still managed to choose Fuckable. Nice. He wasn’t wrong tough “And we like to do it, okay? So we bring a lot of girls here, that’s why we like to keep everything clean and shiny, so they can feel well”
    Your mind was stuck on “we like to do it, okay?” but you also noticed the warm smile he was giving, trying to be a gentleman. What in the world? You smiled back to him, feeling at a loss of words.
   “Well, you can like to do it... It’s not wrong at all, hm...” You tried to remember his name.
   “Minho” He said, smiling.
   “ Minho” You smiled back “And I can see you guys think about the girls a lot...” Well, at least they wanted them to feel welcomed, right?
   “Not really” Another voice spoke up, and you turned back to see the other fuckable roomie you could get. You can’t believe you thought that.
    And you couldn’t believe he said they don’t think about the girls at all! What a jerk.
   “ Oh, this is Hyunjin!” Minho said to you, pointing at his friend “He’s the one who cleans the stuff and I’m the one who cooks stuff”
   “ So you guys have a system... What would I do if I got to live here?” You asked, curious about the practical matters.
   Hyunjin smiled, but different from Minho, who only smiled friendly until now, Hyunjin’s smile was cocky and you could almost hear his mind talking shit right now.
  “  You could fuc—“ Before he could end his sentence, Minho rushed to his side and put a hand upon his mouth.
  What an asshole...
  “ What he means is that you can help cleaning stuff or cooking stuff, anything you feel comfortable with. Hyunjin doesn’t really like to do the dishes and neither do I... So you could do it if you don’t mind... And you could do the laundry if you don’t want us to see your stuff or something” He tried to be reasonable.
   Something was smelling suspicious here... Why would Minho be so worried about Hyunjin talking shit if he was alright with “fuckable” and “we like to do it” himself? He got his hand off Hyunjin’s mouth and you narrowed your eyes in their directions.
   “Okay, spill out” You said, crossing your arms.
    “ What do you mean?” Minho asked, confused.
    “ Are you trying to find a new fuck buddy or something? Why are you so desperate in getting a new roommate if you guys have all sorted out? I can see you think Hyunjin is disturbing your plans on getting me here” I blurted out and they were surprised.
     “ A fuck buddy?” Hyunjin laughed out loud, slapping Minho’s shoulder “My dear, why would we look for a fuck buddy that lived with us? It would only make it difficult to fuck another person later. Are you even hearing yourself?”
     “What Hyunjin means” Minho tried again, fed up with his roommate “Is that fucking our roommates would not be allowed at all”
    “ And we mean it” Hyunjin warned “I know we’re really good and all, but even if you begged I couldn't fuck you” He said sympathetically.
    Minho widened his eyes, shocked with his friend’s words, and so did you.          
    “ Why on the Earth I would beg you to fuck me?!” You let out, enraged.
    Hyunjin smiled and you wished you could smack it out of his face. Minho held his shoulder, trying to warn his friend, but Hyunjin was not the smart type at all.
    “ Believe me, you would beg so much you would be embarrassed the next day”
    Minho slapped his own face and turned to you with an apologetic smile.
    “He’s dumb but he’s a good roommate, I swear” He tried, but you were already heading towards the door.
    “ Y/N!” Minho called you, and you turned back, your hand on the door handle and the door open “The truth is that the rent will get higher and we don’t have the money to continue to live here... That’s why we want a new roommate. It’s just that Hyunjin is an asshole and doesn’t want a girl here...”
    You scoffed.
    “What? Are you afraid to beg me to fuck you later?” You utter.
    Minho let a small laugh at your retort, amazed, but Hyunjin scoffed.
    “ I’m afraid you will want to fuck us so much that when we do fuck our real fuck buddies you get all shitty and decide to move out, and we have to look up another roommate all over again” He spoke a little too high to your liking.
    “Not everything revolves around your dick” You said, a fake and sweet voice coming out.
    “ But a lot of people do” He guaranteed, mimicking your tone.
    That was it, you couldn’t deal with him any further, so you slammed the door and went to the next place. You could hear Minho fed up “Nice one, dumbass” from the other side and it made you feel a little better.
    The second place was way better if you were being honest, but the guy was a little bit... Tight? Maybe he just needed to warm up a little bit, He seemed really nice and sweet.
     “YN?” He asked simply, letting you come in when you nodded.
     He walked you through the apartment, pointing and explaining some things here and there. When he finished, he looked to you and waited.
     “It’s a really nice place” You offered, unsure about what to say “I could move in right now” You smiled, trying to be a friendly guest.
    He hummed, sitting down and gesturing you to do the same. You sat down on the sofa across him.
    “ So let’s talk about the rules” He suggested and you thought it was a really good idea. He seemed responsible and smart, different from the other roommates you met. “Neither of us can bring anybody home” He eyed you, searching for a reaction “ And we should be home at eleven at most”.
    That made you furrow your brows.
     “Why?” You asked suddenly “I mean... I would like to go out sometimes, wouldn’t you?”
    “I don’t really have the time” He answered simply “And you can go out as much as you want if you don’t come back after eleven” He shrugged.
    Hm… It wasn’t so bad, but it could be better, right? Maybe one of the others could be a better option.
    “ That’s…” Understandable? Okay? You weren’t quite sure what to say, so he just spoke up.
    “Boring?” He offered “Yeah, I get that a lot… But I have a really tight schedule and I would like to not be bothered by anyone past eleven. You may say you won’t drink much, but eventually, you will have a day when you do and I will have to hold your hair up instead of sleeping”
    Oh… That was kinda sweet, actually.
    “ Or you will get home all excited about a hangout and I will have to listen to it instead of sleeping… Or you will bring someone home and ask them to be quiet, but they will be loud as hell instead of letting me sleep…” He rumbled.
    You guessed a lot of roommates really disturbed his sleeping schedule before.
    You laughed, and he stopped talking for a moment.
    “Sorry, I can totally understand you. If I decide to be here, I will make sure to let you sleep like a king” You smiled, but he didn’t return it.
    “If?” He asked, sighing “So you’re not interested”
    “What?! No!” You tried to say, but he put his hand up, asking for you to stop.
    “That’s fine, I get a lot of it… I guess people don’t need to sleep anymore and I’m just an old hag” It sounded like a joke, but he wasn’t smiling, so you tried not to.
    “ I don’t think you’re an old hag” And the smile slipped right away “I just think that maybe I can find someone as nice as you, but a little bit less… Tight?”
    “ That’s fine” He assured “I have another person to come to check here out, tough” He warned “I won’t save it for you, okay? If He wants to stay, I will let him”
    “Understandable” You laugh “See you later, Seungmin” You said, getting up “I will probably be back since you’re the nicest old hag I ever met”
    He smiled at it and shook your hand.
    “ I hope the next guy isn’t an old hag, then, so I can live with the nicest not hag I met around here” He said, this time I laughed and went towards the door.
    “ What an honor” You said, faking a bow, and He laughed back.
    So the second place wasn’t really a disaster, right? But maybe you could do better… The third-place got your hopes down, tough. Although the guy was really nice and gentle, live with him could be a little… Noisy.
    When you knocked, He was already waiting for you and you got yourself thinking about all the murderer thing again. Was Seungmin too nice? Maybe He could kill you past eleven? You laughed at the thought and looked to your new guy. He looked nice… His smile was big and his voice really warm. When you stepped in, you noticed the house was a bit dark, though.
    “Oh, We got a vampire here?” You said smiling and he laughed.
    “ We have a lot of light here” He answered, fully opening the curtains. When the room lighted up, you saw that the place was actually cozy. “I was just watching a movie” He explained, pointing the TV.
    “Sorry to interrupt” You said, but he waved his hand, telling you not to bother.
    “Well, I will be honest with you, okay?” He started, and you could see nothing good would be coming “Before you see the apartment, I have to warn you that I bring girls here”
    Great, another fuckboy? Was the college so full of hormone like the movies pictured it?
    “That’s not a prob-“ You began to say, but he interrupted you.
    “And they can be loud” He continued.
    Ok? Was He bragging about his sex? Was he hooking up with really loud singers? What is the point here?
    “ Do you have a problem with listen other people sex?” He asked.
    Excuse me?
    “Well, yeah” You answered high pitched.
    “ That’s a shame…” He sighed “I was hoping you would like this kind of thing, but that’s fine… Actually, you wouldn’t hear much, I guess, but maybe some pet names or begging… Is it really unbearable?”
    Okay, so He was a dom who liked making people beg for him? You must have been thinking a lot because his face seemed a little embarrassed right now.
    “That’s not something to be ashamed of!” You rushed to say, kind of shouting it to his face. He got surprised and smiled at you, laughing right after.
    “ I know it’s not, I just thought I had made you uncomfortable” He said “I really need a roomie and I’m hoping to get someone that likes it” He confessed.
    “ I don’t really plan to make sex with you” You blurted out.
    You felt your face burn and you saw his ears getting red. Really red.
    “ NO! That’s NOT what I meant” He hushed “I meant I hope to get a roommie that doesn’t care about the name calling and the sounds! Not that it would be bad if you planned to make sex with me… I mean, you’re really pretty and all, but if you don’t like that kind of stuff it may be a little difficult… I mean, why am I even saying this? That’s nothing wrong with making sex any other way, it’s just…” He let a big breath out, this time he looked abashed “I will just stop talking”
     “Oh… Well…” You weren’t sure what to say. Both of you flustered in the moment, looking at each other “I guess it won’t go well… I still have one more place to go and I have one place in mind… But I wish you luck!” You rumbled.
    “Yeah, ok! Totally cool!” He said, still ashamed of his speech.
    You waved goodbye and got out of the room. Only one more and maybe you could find the perfect place.
    “Y/N!” The guy was really happy to see you here.
    “Hey” You smiled, unsure.
    “Is that her?” The other guy asked, coming to the living room. 
    Well… You could say that everything was out of place. Even tough both of them seemed ok, the place looked like it was turned upside down. Were They looking for something? You probably were staring a lot, because one of them scoffed.
    “Jisung can be like a hurricane” The one you assumed to be Changbin said, while poiting to his friend, who smiles sheepishly.
    “I will admit the place is not tidy, but we’re fine people” He assured you and you laughed.
    “Besides the hurricane guy is there something I should be aware of? Do you have a curfew or something?” You asked, just to be sure.
    “ Why the hell would we have a curfew?” Jisung blurted out and looked at you like you were crazy “You can go and come as you wish, dude”
    “Although you may have to be aware of something” Changbin started and you didn’t like it. What would it be this time? “We make music and we can be really loud sometimes” He warned.
    Oh boy.
    “How loud?” You asked, tired.
    “A lot” Jisung admitted.
    “ Could you guys stop being loud at night?” You asked, hopeful.
    “ Maybe?” Jisung wondered, looking at Changbin “Sometimes we would have to go through night tough… But we could try to arrange that, I guess”
    “ Yeah, we could…” Changbin agreed.
    “ Would you guys also help to clean up the place?”
    Jisung laughed at that.
    “Of course! I can be tidy” He assured.
    “No, He can’t!” Changbin scoffed “But I can help you and He can mess everything up all over again”
    Hm… Was it a good option? Maybe you should take it, you would have just to  put up with a messy roommate and a loud background. It couldn’t be that bad, right? If it was really this bad, you can search for a new place, having time to get a really nice place this time.
     Or maybe you should go to Seungmin… He looked tidy enough and you don’t really need to party that much. You can just hang out with your friends all night long If it’s necessary or crash in their place.
I’m not a native speaker, so if you guys have anything to suggest about the writing I am more than happy to listen (read?) about it!
Felix and IN will come next. Kept them for logistic kkk I Just LOVE Love triangles, but I still don't know who they are going to be. Suggestions are welcomed 
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bunsbunnybitch · 4 years
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
anon: i dont think i ever really post anything here, as in fanfics and so yeah, bc i postly at my wattpad in the same name, that is if i ever change it. so quick info: so like this is a project ive been wanting to do ( a blacklist x reader fanfic) and its still in the proccess, but its gonna be out in a rlly long time mosly bc my lazy ass cant do shit and im always procrastinating. and like i also made some plots of my own, change many shit in the timeline to match my own and  i sometimes question myself why i make such a big fucking effort to create a goddam fic but then i realize that fanfics are the  b a. n e of my existence noone: me: s o LiKe- anyways here is an excerp from the prologue (mind u this is a draft so it sucks ass but im too excited to share it so here ya go)
THE lecture room dimmed and the students instantly tensed at the sound of heels clicking the floor. They were excited; some were appalled, either each of the fact that they happen to be sitting alone with the most known psychologist, or preferably the most mischievous asshole on the planet-from your perspective. As for you, you were positioned near the doorway of the lecture room, gazing down from the higher seats to the lower ones, leaning against the wall as you look classy in your dark academia aesthetic. 
It consisted of a long charcoal woolen-coat, and amidst the color were small visible lighter grey hatches, adorned with polished black buttons; and beneath the facade was a black turtleneck shirt tucked into the hem of your gingerbread dress pants, a shade darker than your beige-colored boots. Your hair was styled classily, the 1930s being your sole inspiration, and on your eyes laid black shades that complimented your crimson red lipstick.
The addition to the current dark setting of the room made you a shadow to everyone, an illusion of doubt. Observing the brown-complexioned woman, a smile eased its way into your lips, as she plopped her purse onto the table. Plucking the remote control beside the wooden pen holder, she gave a quick glance around the room before turning the projector on with a click.
"On 1991, two years ago." She started, reverberating firmness and authority just off her tone. You crossed your arms in intrigue, ignoring the beeping vibration from your cell. That asshole, mind the profanity, will find you eventually. " It was a chilly day in December that seven teenagers were kidnapped from their homes. There were no leads-" She held up a finger, ticking off the points like grocery lists, while the heads of many students darted to their notepad, scribbling the information down. "-no evidence, no footprints, no DNA...no nothing. It was as if these children vanished into thin air, exploded into puffs of clouds, and disappeared."
"The locals speculated that this was some child trafficking related case, and thought that it was a bit not much of a problem to solve..." She sighed, crossing her arms, and leaned against the table with a tilt of her head"...they were wrong. It isn't."
There was a click and the slide shifted to another slide, the screen depicted the many faces of the children kidnapped on that day, along with the information on their files. Each of these files had 'missing' stamped on them with blood-red blocks of color, and on the front cover of the beige-colored file, was labeled as 'classified'. You squinted your eyes to gain a better look at it.
"Following the disappearance of these kids," She walked around the room, eyes scanning around the students meticulously like they were criminals, how ironic if you had to guess as one is inherently standing among them. ", their files were later erased from every database their names were embedded in. So, every known fact, every known thing, their background, their family were all erased. 3 months later. The FBI managed to only revive five. Those five children being: Brian Ferguson, Naomi Campell, Joan Whitaker, Henrey Amber, and Allen Jestein. The other two names were permanently erased. And as unfortunate as it seems, we too, without their names, couldn't help those two missing kids."
"We'll only wait for the time being, for them to turn themselves in, that is if they've ever escape the unsub..." She trailed, her look fell and it became somber. "....Or died instead."
Some of the students nodded and some resorted to their laptop again, typing the data furiously down onto their documents. You find it all quite amusing, to say the least.
"They were 17 at that time, very young, lively bright...and they have a life ahead of them." She said, an ounce of pity lacing her tone, but you knew it was all just for show. "However, their disappearances were only reported after Brian's school realized that one of their top-tier students, were missing from his classes. This raises some suspicion among the detectives and the police opted to stop by his home..."
She lowered her gaze and paused for dramatic effect. You shifted the weight to your other foot, once again, ignoring the beeping vibration from your cell. God, an FBI with morals.
"...only to be met with the gruesome image of his family brutally murdered, and his house ransacked." She pressed the remote to show the pictures; the students and you furrowed your brows. It was the young boy's living room, with the exception that the mess had looked liked it was done by the devil. 
The wallpapers were partially torn apart, leaving slash-like marks on some of the walls; and on the floor were blood, splattered everywhere, handprints smudging the knob of the doors, on cabinets, the floors, and walls-as if the victims wanted to flee, but they are unable to do so. And they've met their doom. The bedroom was worse, and strictly speaking, it is where the bodies of his parents were laid. You've seen the picture and it was quite gruesome. To save the students their sanity, the woman only showed the kitchen, quickly pressing the button to pass all the grim pictures. She sighed and pressed another button to show various other kinds of rooms from different houses, all with the same vicious intention.
"This too also befell the other five children. Family murdered. House ransacked. Every file and paper burnt." She articulated, nodding along her words. "This act had drove the FBI into a pit of insanity, leading us to question that has been vexing our minds..."
You heard a bang, and the door of the lecture room slammed open from the other side. Sighing you rolled your eyes as police officers spilled into the room, pointing their guns at everyone while scouring the whole place. 
"Poor trainees were scared shitless," You thought amusingly, reaching into your pocket to grab your cell. 
A familiar blond agent stormed into the room and waved his hands around, presumably instructing the officers per his requests. The professor, obviously displeased by the situation, crossed her arms and trotted up to the man, conversing with him before trailing her eyes to the other entrance of the room. She caught yours, but at first didn't notice, it was when she did a once over that she straightened her back and raised her eyebrows questioningly. You tilted your chin and gave her a small smile, placing a finger against your lips. You dialed a number and placed the beeping phone against your ear, the woman still silent per your request. The man flinched as he felt his phone ringing and picked it up, brows furrowed with annoyance and resentment combined. 
"How long did it take you to find me, Donald?" You spoke cooly, once again leaning against the frame. "Was it the chocolate chips or the fedora hat that you despised so much?"
And with that you shut the phone, disappearing amidst the shadow of the room. You heard a shout, and the pitter-patter of footsteps grew louder your way. Does yall like it ^^
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animalpetcel · 3 years
Witch AU- Metropolitan Students (First Years)
With the help of Gaiaonline (and the users' extensive guides), I have been able to create representations for the cast for this au. So I'm gonna start with our main kids, giving a little info under each one.
Before we get started, a little info:
An Ultoma is the magical mark that appears when a witch users their powers. Remember the au is mostly based off of Kousuke Satake's The Witch and the Beast. It is a great manga y'all should check out
Warlock is just a witch who betrays witchkind
While they still have to fight monsters (who want to eat their souls for their magic), more often than not, The Magic Association won't send kids on too dangerous missions unless they're either really strong (like Yuuta or Maki) or incredibly specialized for a certain case. So usually they're doing less flashy things like helping people open enchanted locks or solving some magical mishap
(This doesn't mean that they aren't getting into dangerous adventures, no that still happens a lot bc they all have a knack for rocking the boat and getting themselves in trouble, only that the higher ups are way more strict about who does what within the Association)
If you read through the fics and see that some of the descriptions don't exactly match up with the images, it's because Gaiaonline can only do so much
You can read what I have so far here: https://archiveofourown.org/series/2134044
First Years
Yuji Itadori
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Ultoma: None, but Sukuna's ultoma (the marking on his skin) appears when Sukuna is in control. Instead, Yuji has a curse mark (representing the 20 seals in his body), which are the marks under his eyes.
Our main character everyone! He isn't truly a "witch" in this au, but a "vessel", something created for the soul (lol) purpose of containing something dangerous. In this case, he contains the soul of the Warlock of Malevolence, The Double-Faced Sukuna. Since Sukuna is so dangerous, 20 seals were placed in Yuji's body as a backup in case Yuji himself wasn't enough (which he sometimes isn't), but Yuji broke the first trying to save Megumi and things just get more chaotic from there.
He was allowed to attend a Witch Workshop (their equivalent of school), if he could help the Association track down the warlock who has possessed the body of one of the Associations 4 Great Witches (like basically the best performing/crazy powerful).
Megumi Fushiguro
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Ultoma: An wheel with eight handles (like what's on the Mahoraga's back) that's on his forehead.
The Shadow Witch on the run from his Zen'in heritage! In this au, witches inherit the memories (and sometimes personalities and preferences) of their predecessors, which is why they all master magic pretty quickly. It's also why most clan witches are all pretty similar and devoted towards carrying on the wishes of the very first witch of each clan, which those resembling them the most being made the clan head and forced to carry on the burden.
In the Zen'ins case, it's to keep the Beast Demon Mahoraga sealed within the Shadow Witch's heart for all eternity. They were in a tight spot before Megumi was born bc no one else had the correct power to perfectly maintain the seal.
But Megumi kind of isn't interested in accepting his Zen'in heritage or becoming the head. He's only maintaining the seal bc he knows the world will get a lot worse if he doesn't. And also he spends like 3 days a year with the Zen'ins bc that same demon they are bound to seal also makes them transform into werewolves.
It's Gojo decision to send Megumi to save Yuji from the Association's witch hunters that gets this au started.
Nobara Kugisaki
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Ultoma: A trail of roses going from her head to her arm.
The one and only Nobara Kugisaki! I originally wanted to make her the Rose Witch, but then remembered that her power has nothing to do with roses, so she's the Resonance Witch.
In this au, she grew up in the country side, which is way more superstitious and less knowledgeable of magic then those living in the city. So she and her grandmother had to be very careful with the use of any magic.
But eventually Nobara met an older girl named Saori, who unfortunately had to leave after nearly becoming a victim of a with hunt. After Saori left, Nobara made a decision that she won't remain stuck in the village that her family has remained in for centuries.
She came to the city for a roaring good time and she'll be damn sure that she gets that.
Junpei Yoshino
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Ultoma: A series of blots with strings underneath his fringe.
What is this? Another first year? The Jellyfish Witch? I'm in the driver's seat now so why not?
So Junpei wasn't actually born a witch. He was a human who had the potential to be a pretty-okay mage, but a deal with a young demon morphed his soul into that of a witch before transferring his body into one that has all of the perks of a witch (immortality, bewitching blood, etc). However, things go sideways when the Association get involved (a bunch of murders were piling up), and Mahito destroys Junpei's original body, trapping him in this state.
So Junpei just trying to adapt to the witch lifestyle (he doesn't have the inherited knowledge like most, and isn't used to having his soul hunted by everyone, or fighting) while also making friends for the first time
Mimiko Hasaba
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Ultoma: A pattern of a rope around her neck
Okay for her and the next two, if you're anime only you won't know who the twins are until the movie drops. This is the Hanging Witch. She the youngest of the Geto-Gojo household and is the most nervous/distrusting of humans. She and her sister where almost burned alive by them after all.
Her brother and sister are trying to get her out of her shell. Also she and Nanako are trying to help Yuji tap into Sukuna's magic so he can help save their dad.
Nanako Hasaba
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Ultoma: Rope pattern trailing her fingertips
The the second Hasaba twin, the Photo Witch.. She's nosy, somehow gets in places she shouldn't and is frenemies with Nobara.
She and Megumi have an a sibling rivalry going on. Usually it was tempered by Tsumiki or their parents, but since Tsumiki is in an enchanted sleep, Getou is having a warlock joyride his body and Gojo is dealing with both teaching and the magic world wanting to revert to the Dark Ages, the only thing stopping those two from going overboard are themselves and whoever gets caught in the middle.
Nanako and Mimiko use different items as conduits for their magic because their the result of two different distant witch lines crossing. Usually it ends in disaster for the child, but they came our pretty okay. And their magic is still pretty similar; Nanako can manipulate locations and people through photos, while Mimiko can manipulate people through her dolls (also Mimiko has to kill them to release control). The similarity their magic has to Nobara is also probably why they so close to her.
Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed, and tomorrow I'll share my ideas for the second years! (Who have also gotten a size increase bc I wanted to not make it exactly like canon with the paint swapped)
Add suggestions if you feel like it!
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I’ll Meet You There (Part 1)
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Pairing: Marcus Moreno/ Wife!Reader (AFAB, no y/n)
Word Count: 2.5K
Warnings: Mentions child loss, loss of a spouse, survivor’s guilt, vague references to suicide/suicidal thoughts after loss of child (all located in the first 500 words, so it’s brief and not too dark, but please take care) and violence, swearing, and action/fighting.
Summary: What if Marcus’s wife didn’t actually die? What if she and a few others were kidnapped during an attack on Heroics’ HQ, and then held captive for years without realizing? If the only thing you “remember” from your past is that your husband and daughter were killed, well, you surely wouldn’t want to go back to the people who you believe did it. But maybe, with the help of a tenacious child and some re-awaking parental instincts, you’ll be able to break through the brainwashing and forced amnesia, and find your way home.
Tags: Hurt/No comfort (for now), ANGST, eventual happy ending, one really sad man for whom I just keep making things worse, #sorrynotsorry
A/N: This is my first We Can Be Heroes fic, and first reader fic, so please be gentle. I’ve got the rest of the story outlined, so I hope I can get down to writing and posting it soonish, but my RL is busy and doesn’t leave much time/energy for quick updates. If you like it and want me to do a taglist, let me know so you can know when I update again. Also a big thank you to the amazing Jay @disgruntledspacedad​ and her fic The Right Thing for inspiring this one, and for allowing me to use her wife!reader idea. Please go check her blog out, and give her some love <3
AO3 Masterlist
“You’ve been in a terrible accident, Doctor, and I regret to inform you of your husband’s and daughter’s passing. Our rescue and recovery efforts after the incident were unfortunately unsuccessful, and you have our deepest sympathies.”
It took months for those words to even sink into you; months before you even remembered anything about who you were... the accident, or the attack, as it was more commonly known by you and the other victims, took your entire life away in an instant. You survived, physically, but at the cost of your partner? Your child? All the memories of your life together? How could you be worth it?
“Your transcripts and accomplishments are phenomenal, Doctor, and I’m in need of talented and capable individuals such as yourself to help right the wrongs, and demand justice, from those who have committed such heinous acts against us. The Heroics are murderers, destroyers of peace, and they have gotten away with their crimes for far too long. They’ve been praised and applauded and worshipped as gods while all they truly are, are terrorists. How many more innocent lives can we allow to be lost to their carelessness? ‘For the greater good’ is quite the insult when the people saying such things aren’t the ones losing their families to the chaos, wouldn’t you agree? Join me, Doctor, and we can make a difference.”
It was easy decision for you, even in the early days of your recovery. From the distant and foggy memories of your past, your anguish in what you could recall, you knew that if you could stop someone else from having to feel the loss and pain that comes from losing their spouse and children, you would do so in a heartbeat.
Your husband had been an incredible man, your Everything, you would imagine, going by the ache in your heart when you thought of being without him. His name, his appearance; that was all lost to you when you lost him. His existence in what could be healed of your memories was just a shadow, a shade, the vague impression of the man you loved. You remembered his warmth, his kindness and gentleness, his love and devotion to you and the child you created together.
And your beautiful baby girl... if thoughts of your husband left your heart aching, then thoughts of your daughter left you in unparalleled agony, completely inconsolable. You tried to avoid thinking of her, if you were being honest, tried to leave all what-ifs and could’ve/should’ve/would‘ve’s behind... you had worked with people, mothers, who had lost children before, had seen them tear themselves apart in their grief, taking the blame for something that was in no way their fault; you had seen them destroy their lives with their hoarded guilt and perceived crimes... you couldn’t allow yourself to fall for that, those falsehoods, you had to be alive if you wanted to honour your child and husband’s sacrifice.  
“We will make them pay for what they’ve done to us, Doctor, I promise you that. Together, we can get justice for your husband, for your little Missy.”
Marcus knew something was wrong as soon as his commlink started transmitting static instead of his teammates’ conversations. The Heroics had been deployed to stop a hoard of rogue security androids that were infected by a virus or something (he couldn’t usually follow the technobabble), which had led them to escape their testing facility and target nearby civilians with their advanced weapons technology.
Evacuating the citizens trapped in the line of fire was the team’s first objective, and once the area was cleared of potential victims, they moved onto the containment and neutralization of the enemy combatants. The Heroics team was decently cohesive; they could work together to ensure the protection of innocent lives while in a firefight, but once the civilians were in the clear and the stakes not so high, the supersized egos of the members emerged with a fiery passion. This particular firefight was no different.
“Hey ‘Legend, bet you a week of incident reports that my count is higher!” Miracle Guy’s voice broke out over the ‘link, as eager to show-boat as ever, from where he was steadily piling up his deactivated attackers.
“I’ll take that action, Miracle, easy. It’ll be like taking candy from a baby!” Crimson Legend wasn’t the type of person who could ignore a bet, especially one issued from Miracle.  “You’re probably so behind already that you don’t even stand a chance, ha!”
Of course, they just had to make it a game, keep the superiority contest going; like a single mistake couldn’t cost them a life or a limb. And just to further prove how amazingly mature the rest of Marcus’s team of Adult Superheroes were, they all started in on the bet too.  
“If I beat your totals, I want a week off from training!”
“Ha! Like any of you have a chance of winning against me! I want my on-call weekend, off”
“If I win, you’re all my personal slaves for the rest of the day!”
Did Marcus say Adult Superheroes? He meant infants.  
And they had started the mission so well, communicating and strategizing, actual teamwork instead of bickering and joking around like children. Hell, even their children didn’t get into as much trouble as their parents could.  
“Guys, it’s really not the best time to be playing around. We need to focus on-” He was cut off by the loud static burst of an out-of-range radio. Shit. That’s not good. If his comms unit was fried, he couldn’t direct his teammates, couldn’t keep track of them, couldn’t help them.
They were pretty spread out by now, giving everyone room to use their powers without worrying about another Heroic getting caught in the blast zone. He knew from their most recent locational sound off that Crushing Low and Invisi Girl were working together near the intersection two streets over from him, and if he could make his way over to them, he could figure out what was going on.
Marcus needed to know if it was just his commlink that was out of commission, or if their entire network had gone down. The former scenario was a minor inconvenience, the latter was a major issue. Either he’d have to lead his team by correspondence, or he’d have to worry about them being completely alone in the field, without support from HQ, and without any chance of backup or rescue.  
He couldn’t worry about the details now, he had to keep focused on finishing off the seemingly endless wave of androids. Androids with guns. Androids with guns that he was trying to kill with a pair of katanas... Maybe he hadn’t thought his primary weapon for this mission out very well... It was just something that he’d have to come back to later. For now: sword, robot, teammates.
They didn’t pay him enough for this. He should have gone into acting like he had planned before his powers manifested. This sort of shit didn’t happen to actors.  
Marcus had destroyed all the androids delaying him from reaching his nearest teammates and was finally able to move to their location with relative ease and only minor distraction. He could see Crushing Low laying waste to the few remaining functional robots in the area, and could assume that Invisi Girl was around somewhere, disabling any downed but not dead enemies while protecting ‘Low’s back.  
He was proven right when he heard a feminine voice call for him to “hit the deck, Moreno!”.
“Thanks Vis! You two doing alright? What’s your comms sitch?” He stood back up straight, just missing being nailed in the head by a flying metal limb had it not been for her heads-up.
“We’re a-okay! Comms are out though. No known damage to them, no knocks or surges, might be the tech, or it might be the channel. We’ll have to see what Tech-No thinks.” She was still invisible, but Marcus could imagine her animated expressions and movements. She was one of the most... normal... of the Heroics, if normal could ever be used to describe any of the team. Reliable and observant, with a good sense of battle strategy. He greatly appreciated her skills and efficiency in the field; she and Tech-No being the most down-to-earth of the Heroics, most willing to help him keep the peace between the rest of them.
“I’ll watch Low’s back if you can go find Tech. We need to know what’s going on, ASAP. If all the comms are down, and Tech can’t get them back up, I need you to find everyone and tell them to meet back at the robotics facility. Get Miracle and Fast to help if you can. If anyone’s injured, they’re your first priority, okay? Thanks, Vis.”
Getting every member of the Heroics team back together took nearly an hour, all coming fresh from the fight but thankfully not too banged up or bruised. They set up a perimeter once enough of the team had arrived to their meeting spot, allowing Tech-No to deep-dive into  investigating their communications malfunction.
“It’s the network, not our comms. We’re dealing with a drop either from HQ’s side, or a forced drop here from RFI. But considering the standard distance and all the buildings and stuff around us, a radio frequency jammer wouldn’t be able to block our communications network as far out as we were. We must assume that the problem comes from HQ. which presents further concerns, obviously. I designed most of the technology there myself, so I know exactly how much work it would be to take down the whole system. We need to consider this as part of a bigger plot, and plan accordingly.” Tech-No’s eventual explanation hang heavy in the air, no one willing to break the silence following it... If something had happened to HQ… Their co-workers were there, their friends, their children…  
Marcus thought of his daughter and wife. They were both there today. His wife worked in the medical centre, and they brought their daughter there for daycare. If something happened there... shit. If he was panicking about his family already, his teammates were doing the same. He had to head this off. He couldn’t let this get out of control. He took a breath and squared his shoulders. It was time to be Marcus Moreno the leader of the Heroics, not Marcus the husband and father. Lead by example, they’re all counting on you.
“We have no proof that anything is actually wrong, and until we know for sure why we can’t reach them, we need to do our jobs. Finish the mission. We’ve always trusted our people to hold down the fort at home so we can help people out here, and they’ve never let us down before. We are not going to doubt them now, understood? Whatever happened? We know HQ is doing their best to keep our loved ones safe. So, we finish up here, quickly and thoroughly, and then we head back to base. Let’s get moving,” He met his teammates’ eyes, allowed them to witness his own fears, but also his stubborn determination. He wasn’t asking them to ignore or dismiss their worries, but rather, put it into finishing the mission so they could go home sooner.  
No one fought him; thankfully just picked their tasks and headed out.  
“Tech, we need transport. Now. I don’t care how you do it, just get it done, alright?” Marcus refused to acknowledge the slight tremble in his voice, tried to breathe around the lump in his throat and the dread sinking in his stomach. He desperately stopped himself from thinking about coincidences and probabilities. This was all a fluke, a random string of events that didn’t mean anything more was going on. They’d be able to laugh about it when they got home and saw everything was just as they’d left it. He had to believe that. He didn’t have any other choice.
Transport home turned out to be a military helicopter big enough to fit the whole team, in addition to the fully outfitted squad of soldiers already inside.
“According to the press release your director gave, there was small but powerful group of gifted individuals who invaded Heroics’ Headquarters, intending to either kidnap or kill certain “important personnel” within the building. Didn’t specify much more than that, other than that your organization would be dedicating as much manpower as they could to bring “those who would cause such destruction and terror” to justice. The address was filmed in the parking lot, but there were a lot of emergency responders and vehicle in the background. I’m sorry we can’t tell you anything more, but well, we were scrambled to your location ASAP, barely had time for the news we got...” The staff sergeant sitting across from Marcus briefed the team about what the intel they had on the HQ attack. And that was what it was. An attack. The thing they all feared most.
“Thank you for the information, and for the ride back home; we lost communication in the middle of a battle, with no clue as to why. Now, at least, we have an idea of what we should expect when we arrive.” The mention of “important personnel” jump-started Marcus’s heart into overdrive. That was the code phrase they used when describing their most vulnerable people to the public, non-combatants and injured persons usually; a smokescreen meant to dissuade targeted attacks, and shift attention away from those who couldn’t protect themselves in the case of an emergency. It was also the code that frequently represented their children.  
The families of the Heroics were classified as high-risk targets; villains and enemies of their organization didn’t often have the moral decency to leave their loved ones out of the fight. So, to afford as much anonymity and protection possible, any time the team had to reference their partners and children in physical records and documentation, it was under that code phrase.  
This attack was centred on their kids.  
What kind of monster do you have to be to go after a bunch of kindergarten and primary school children?
The only good news was that there was no mention of the attack being a success.  
So, all the Heroics knew for certain was that a group of villains had tried to get to their children, and while obviously causing significant damage to HQ, they had been stopped. Were unsuccessful. The Home Team had saved the day again.  
Marcus thanked every deity he could think of for keeping his and his friends’ kids safe.  
The rest of the flight home was quiet. Him and teammates finally able to get some rest after all the fighting and panic, and the soldiers conversing just loud enough to be heard over the headsets and hum of the chopper’s motors.  
He was pulled back from the edge of unconsciousness he had been drifting along for a while when the pilot gave them their five-minute ETA.
They were home at long last, and everything was going to be just fine.
[Next Part]
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