wp100 · 10 months
the only oc i draw these days is oneye because he's like. the easiest
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artbypasquale · 1 year
Stay beautiful by staying you. The world is full of people who don't have a good sense of validation because they are all too busy trying to get it from others instead of by alignment with themselves.
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finalgirl3 · 2 years
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iloveyou-writers · 4 months
I kinda meant it like both? But more like the second oneyou mentioned. Reasons to keep alive connected to writing, i guess.
Reasons to Live - Writer Edition
There are many reasons to stay alive, but here are some pertaining to writing.
That euphoric Eureka moment where all the struggles you've had lately to piece it all together finally clicks and everything falls into place. It feels like heaven when it all suddenly makes sense and you can finally move forward again.
That feeling after a long dry spell, writers' block, when you finally get to start writing again.
The daydreams you get to take piece in for your favorite OCs.
Finally getting to that place in your writing that you've been so excited for, perhaps the scene you'd had stuck in your head that made you start working on your current WIP in the first place.
Getting that comment that comments on the very things you were writing for in the first place (someone understanding a deep Thing in your writing no one else seemed to catch on to, someone relating to something that you'd hoped someone would relate to, someone being inspired by your work which is all you'd ever dreamed of for your writing, etc).
Having someone tell you that your writing inspired them to start writing too.
Getting art of your OCs just because someone adored them That Much.
Having someone reach out to you about your OCs for no reason other than just wanting to get to know them more.
Someone telling you that your writing saved their life.
That feeling of complete understanding where everything clicks into place and the writing flows effortlessly.
When you finally FINALLY get the courage to post The Thing and it gets positive reactions.
Realizing your writing is amazing, no matter what kind of comments it gets, because you love your writing, which is what matters in the end.
Getting to describe something in your writing that you absolutely are fanatic over.
Getting to infobomb at someone because they show genuine interest in something in your writing you've been dying to talk about.
Having people show genuine interest in your writing.
When you've been through a depressive episode that makes it impossible to enjoy writing anymore but it finally ends and you're knocking out words like no one's business and loving it again.
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copperbadge · 1 year
The Twelve Points of Caleb Canto
Good morning readers and welcome to the latest Shivadhverse novel! As with my previous books, I’m making a draft of the novel available for public commentary, so that you all can help make it awesome. 
This is the fourth book in the Shivadh Romances; early drafts of the other three are available at AO3 and the final press drafts are available in PDF for free, or for purchase as ebooks or hardcopies. While this book features a supporting cast from previous novels, it should be possible (if not ideal) to read Twelve Points without reading the previous books. 
Constructive criticism is welcome! Tell me what you liked, what you didn’t, where my typos are. 
Caleb Canto moved to Askazer-Shivadlakia to live a quiet life, teaching music at a local school and writing pop songs on the side. The country is friendly to trans people, and the school is understanding of his desire to be kinder to the "different" kids than his own teachers were to him. What Caleb did not expect was that a song he wrote would be entered into the Shivadh National Final for Eurovision, or that he would be pulled inexorably into Eurovision and the orbit of the Shivadh royal family. On top of all that, he's managed to annoy UK rep Buck Havard, a bad boy with big ambitions, who nevertheless follows him home to Askazer-Shivadlakia, claiming he needs peace and quiet to write his next album.
Buck desperately wants to win Eurovision and Caleb desperately wants to avoid the same fate, but it's not entirely in their hands...
The chapters will be posted one-a-day at AO3, starting today with: 
Prologue and Chapter One
You can also read the entire novel chapter-by-chapter, available starting today, in googledoc form:
The Prologue and Chapter One are here, or you can access the entire novel at the folder here. 
Happy reading! 
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poibynt · 8 months
This is a really long-winded work up to a fic idea/vague character analysis BEAR WITH ME.
this'll be the last HTTYD meta post of the night. It's hard to pinpoint when Cowell fully created the later book's storyline (The seeds really start getting planted in 5, but of course 8 kicks things off, but was that the book when she first truly knew? who knows) but it's obvious the end game plot wasn't conceived by the start of the series. Cowell manages to transition from mostly episodic style adventure books to an overarching plot pretty well but there's some occasional wonkyness. The most fascinating weirdness to me is how the earlier books treat dragons and their societal standing.
I am doing a very out of order re-listen rn so I could be very wrong but while dragons are treated as 'creatures to own' from the start the slavery and mistreatment of dragons by humans starts to really become more textual rather than messy implications by like the 3rd and 4th books. But I don't think Cowell knew if she wanted to Unpack All That Right Now just yet when writing those books, so we get this weird ground where the mistreatment of dragons is there and explicit but none of the characters linger or reflect on it. Specifically in book 4 Oneye is all very "y'all are fucking pig slave drivers" and Hiccup doesn't object or anything but does not think about or engage with Oneye's rhetoric at all. This was a tad jarring coming off of listening to Hiccup giving a massive impassioned speech about how slavery is disgusting and needs to be eradicated in 10 to Hiccup meekly telling Snotlout not to whip dragons for fun in 4. Of course, Hiccup is a child and very rarely do elementary schooler age members of the oppressor class fully understand the abusive systems they profit off of (and obviously Hiccup not standing up to Snotlout is a whole other thing bc Snotlout is a horrible little shit. I'm not condemning Hiccup for not doing much here). Hiccup has all the groundwork of becoming the little leftist abolitionist revolutionary he ends up but he isn't there just yet.
This should have been ground for a bit of a character arc. And yet, it sort of wasn't?? Kinda?? It is but isnt. I think by 7 Cressida knew where the series was going enough to know that Hiccup needed to have a personal reconing with slavery & that's what the Northern Wanderers were for. Hiccup has a close brush with human slaves, gets marked as a slave and comes to see their humanity and dignity despite the rest of his friends and his culture not respecting them or their personhood. On paper, that's decent. Maybe not very good indigenous rep, but decent plot wise. However, it doesn't entirely work. Firstly because Hiccup should already know that captial S Slavery is Bad because of 5. That's a large part of 5. And yet I do not remember Hiccup ever really having much dialogue or internal introspection about slavery and the horrors of it & how it has effected Windwalker and those around him. The narration drills in it's awfulness but Hiccup sort of...doesn't super acknowledge it. Which is weird bc Hiccup is so pro dragon and such a good person you think he might be a bit angry or have some shit to say about Lavalout island or what happened to Humongous (I think there was some 'wow that's awfuls' but nothing much more then that. Or maybe I'm mis remembering grain of salt) 5 should have already done this, but again in 7 we don't get any introspection! The wanderers say a lot of things to Hiccup. They call him a devil, they say that all of history is against his kind, they think that he is inherently irredeemable and should be killed before he himself does harm. Hiccup doesn't think about any of this. And so the attempted arc kind of...falls flat for me. But cool Hiccup is in theory like yeah capital S slavery is bad. Then 8 is what REALLY starts off on Hiccup's abolitionism. Hiccup saves Furious, empathises with the chained monster against possible best judgement, and is disgusted by his torture. He wants to free all the prisoners, everyone locked away on Berserk. This is finally when Hiccup starts having a bit more of a reaction to slavery and imprisonment, and then he starts truly pushing against it out of his own accord and disgust and anger at it.
And yet. Not much inner monologue or reflection or dialogue about slavery outside of Hiccup's talk with Furious. It stays that way until book 9, where Hiccup faces the concept of being a king for the first time and then fights his father for the throne, knowing his father won't do the right thing. So, character arc! We get all the beats but I feel like we sort of don't get the development that goes along with the beats so it doesn't totally feeel like a character arc. Why the internal radio silence? Truly it's probably something about Cowell not wanting to make the books too depressing too early on by lingering on the messed up stuff too hard or something else but. I think there's a very in character and plausible explanation for Hiccup's arc around slavery. And it's all about his father.
The Hooligans are later named as one of the 'kinder tribes' who don't engage in slavery and don't agree with it morally but turn a blind eye to rampant slavery happening elsewhere. Slavery seems to really not be discussed much on Berk, but Hiccup and the other Hooligan boys his age probably grew up with some vague sense of pride in being 'the better ones', for having more honour and morals, something shared by the older tribe members. But this inaction is immoral and even though the Hooligans and other tribes aren't slave fairing, they do abuse and exploit dragons on a daily basis. Book 9 is about Hiccup finally acknowledging what has stopped him from thinking too hard or engaging with the enslavement and mistreatment of dragons. The Hooligans are still in the wrong, doing the wrong thing, upholding a bad system. Which means his father is. Stoick is the HTTYD equivalent of a neo-liberal. He dislikes the disdainful messy bits of capitalism, but he ultimately upholds the abusive and violent capitalist system while helping put down leftist organising. And seeing that in your beloved father, for someone as impassioned as Hiccup, is a fucking bitch. It's what makes their fight so heartbreaking. Hiccup couldn't let himself start down the path of unpacking the suffering of dragons and other humans until it was VITAL to do so because I think he knew things would lead back to the feet of his father, and also Hiccup's own. You don't grow up in an abusive system as a member of the oppressor class without being at least a bit complicit in violence and oppression, and I think that eats at hiccup.
ANYWAY fic idea what if I actually fleshed this all out through fic via like snapshots of Hiccup's various radicalisation moments which then focuses on the gap between 9 and 10 where Hiccup is in the woods for like a year with nothing but dragons, anti war domestic terrorism/sabotage and his thoughts for company while showing more anti war rebellion groups bc surely Hiccup and Cami were not the only ones. Cami's team getting a spotlight. ....thuggory pov??? I have vague fic soup rn and it's threatening to engulf me so I had to get this out somehow.
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wc-confessions · 1 year
discussion prompt for you and the rest of the community, who are your favourite background cats? mine are: rosetail, thrushpelt, dappletail, poppyfrost, cloudberry, shrewclaw, barkface and hawkheart!
speckletail, oneye, cloudtail, brightheart, and brackenfur if they count. annnd purdy, longtail, mousefur, sparkpelt, rabbitleap, goldenflower, whitestorm, lionheart, daisy. i think thts it!
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Stupidest most illogical thing you possibly possible to said start it all overWe're smart and intelligent and I continuously expect you to be smart not intelligent at all times no excuses yes dance blood series is oneYou are an adulterer you can have like one you are one you'll be one useless brain cells call gave you and start it all over again and keep on starting all over again until you get it right utterly visible is that
I didn't ask for paint a gallery or a basket case to be standing around behind me in the background lest down bush it third particular puzzled air and lost to me that whole when the clothes keep your whole clotheMy initial original opinion's tens and financial original opinion will continue stand now in long after gone it proceeds of returns and overall yours mine is the dominant one yours is the recessive one closure
Could of all you can't be doing that you can't be like most you can't be your block on posts you can't be post posts you can't be reposed composts and you definitely cannot be your my internet vicinity hereNaturally he's helping not be following me or somebody out there's a motion with their particularly paul's father and blossom me on any content to do his being mine seize doing what you doing me toDoesn't out in opening view of course and that is to yourself to himself terms and conditions i've still set up for you that you'll have to be betting by and following middle times noxious evasians buds or procrastinating restauAre all in or all out or nothing like a white there is no shit's greater?
Lastly of all five zero tolerance policy for teenagers like you being so until the internet could come up earnest could come earnest by comma would come as round and what goes round and what goes round therefore i eagerly wait your plot
bro put word salad in my asks. 💀
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kurocrow · 1 year
Well you can bother to figure it out you are smart and intelligent and i expect you to continue to be expected to be smarter and intelligent times no excuses it's in spud supercraft and injuries oneYou want to adult you neglect one you'll be one you'll be one you used as brain cells a gun gave you and started it all over again and keep on and studied it all a very good until you get it right readily a simple
Do not ask for a painted gallery or a basket case to be standing around behind me in the background blast the ammotion third predict minority possibly here and blast me your hole will not close keep your hole close at all timeOfficial original opinion stands anatomy initial original opinion will continue to stand now and long after you're gone it's besieged overturns and overall zeorses mine is the dominant one yours is the recessive
Never ever ever ever ever think me again that is your first frank freestykes and you'll be out or without putting mercy or mars don't get to the third struck of our view that we very nice to be violent unpleasant experience forPieces been now issued his first and far more funny morning don't get to the third stack of our U you have been
Good of all you can't be doing that you can't be like imposts you can't be logging posts you can't be postponed posts and you cannot be near my internet vicinity hereSo shirley's help cannot be following me or spending a additional motion simbertic military puzzle headed and blessed me on any content to do to me mine seize doing what you are doingThere isn't out to nobody of course and that is to sell for hear yourself do some soft terms the english english english and's eye with snails that afore you that you have to be buddy by and following at all times nokesOr all in or all out or anything like a white there is no shades grey here no wash washingness no being bothered to feel like at one moment not being bothered if you feel like that the next moment choose a side and sickThe evil i visited autonomous policy for teenagers lucky to being silent on the internet good crema earned to have come up earnest bad crema what comes around and what goes around and what goes around therefore i eagerly wa
Bro I literally can’t understand a thing you wrote but from what I did see you. Hate teenagers or sumn?? Idk but please leave me alone bc I want nothing to do with you 💀
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crystalpower · 2 years
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artleaguemdcnorth · 2 years
2D Working with Line - 10/3/22
Welcome back students , this week students will work with line to develop interesting and balanced compositions. 
I will give a brief lecture via teams at 9AM. 
After the lecture students will work on two different assignments: 
Line assignments - in class 
Franz Klein  - Homework.
Lecture will begin at 9am.
Principles and Elements of art.
Below you will find the terms we will be learning this semester.
ELEMENTS ( tools of the artists )
PRINCIPLES OF ART  ( guide for using above tools )
I have added a quick video time lapse to show you how the elements work together.
From the simple definition of line which is a dot moving through space, that line becomes the starting point of design . **
Line creates a Shape .
When that shape is given depth it develops Form.
That form can be defined further through either Value and/or Color.
Finally Texture provides visual implied tactile sensation.
Space gives objects a sense of depth and dimensionality.
Today we are going to look at different compositional approaches to working with one of the Elements of Art , Line.
Last week, students had the opportunity to see how artists such as Franz Klein are able to work with *Line to develop engaging compositions.
He worked in a large scale format.
As you heard in the videos, those canvases where large in size. When you look at his work , you see multiple ways he works with line.
Line can be expressed in both Quality and Variety .
That means they can be gestural or controlled, thick or thin, long or short , horizontal or vertical , diagonal or curved.
Line can have direction.
This means that can lines can express a  direction such as vertical or horizontal, diagonal left or diagonal right.
For today’s assignment, students will work to create a variety of compositions utilizing Line as their point of design.
Creating 4 distinct and different compositions , students will show both Quality and *Variety of Line.
Variety is one of the Principles of Art.
Principles are guidelines used by artist to make compositional decisions.
I listed all the Elements (tools) and Principles of Art (guide to use the tools) above and you will have a homework tonight related to the Principles of art.
You will begin this assignment today on Monday and you will finish the project on Wenesday.
Here is the assignment:
All work beginning today, will be done on Bristol paper.
You will use a ruler to frame the composition.
Do not cut the paper to the size required.
You need to frame it accordingly.
All four compositions will be 8 x 10 inches in size.
Use a ruler to define the surface sheet.
*In this class surface sheet defines the space where your design will be created.
Use ink or black acrylic paint and brushes.
You will work in class assignments as follows:
A) Composition 1 & 2 on Monday.
B) Composition 3 & 4 on Weds.
Once you are ready to work you will comply to the following guidelines:
Please note that *Craftmanship is important in completing class assignments as is the ability to come up with *Creative and *Original solutions to this and all assignments in class.
You will work on this assignment for the next two class days begining Monday.
Post composition A & B by end of class Monday .
Post Composition C & D by end of class Weds.
Below see some examples done in class by previous students.
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Homework assignments will be done after class and completed by Tuesday:
Students will use homework time to work on two Franz Klein inspired artworks.
Start out by playing with line as it divides the composition.
Look at your preliminary sketches for ideas.  Now look at the work done in the sketchbook. 
( If you have not done so work on those sketches now after class.)
Use whatever materials are available to you at home.
Be creative and use any material available to you if you do not yet have the class materials. 
From newspaper to brown bag from the supermaket , for today we will experiment with any suitable surface.
Based on your studies create two paintings. 
You will use the Bristol paper for the paintings as directed below:
1) In the first one you will start out with black background and you will add white shapes to it, in doing so you will leave the black to represent lines.
2) In the second assignment you will reverse the process and start out with the white background and break the white background with black lines.
Once you have finished write  brief artist statement detailing your experience. Did you use bold lines, thick lines vs. thin etc.
The Franz Klein paintings will be done in class and posted to Tumblr by end of class today along with the artist staement.
At one time in his lifetime, Franz Klein used to work on paper he would rip out of the yellow pages. 
See the examples of his works  below:
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composition 1
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composition 2
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composition 3
Class work and Homework due dates:
Post composition A & B  Monday 10/3/22 by 5 pm.
Post composition C & D on Weds 10/5/22 by 5 pm. 
All homework is due on Tuesday by 5 pm.
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prairienymph · 1 month
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sassyshaysurvived · 5 months
"Since there is only one of ME... Does that make me endangered or a limited edition???
#OneOFAKind #OneYOU #BeYourBESTYou #YouAreUnique
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washwashgalaxy · 9 months
Sometimes it happensYour favourite oneYou want to hugYou want to touchBut you can’tThat is moonOr sunSitting afarBut you are a fanMaking him your role modelLoving himWith your soul and heartWithout his knowing Cause he can’t returnYour loveStill you are overwhelmedDrenched in drippingEcstasy of emotionsLost in yourselfIn upbrimming euphoriaFor whomWho least careDoesn’t make differenceNone can…
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wapcodehubsite · 1 year
Davido & Asake – No Competition Lyrics
No Competition (My Lady) Lyrics off Davido ‘Timeless’ album. DAVIDO NO COMPETITION LYRICS No competi, competi..Competition for my ladyEh eh, uhhh no‘Cause she get everything wey I need in a woman and more My lady, if you see my lady oShe’s number oneYou go know sey people fineYou go know God design na helele(Oh, na helele, oh ai) Shey na yansh o (eh), be like mattress (eh)Shey na face o (eh),…
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outsourcingbd · 1 year
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