#online food delivery script
Top 8 Food Delivery App Scripts in the USA
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The food delivery industry is booming, and launching a successful food delivery app can be a lucrative venture. However, developing an app from scratch can be time-consuming and costly. These ready-made solutions offer all the essential features required to get your food delivery service up and running quickly. In this blog post, we will explore the top 10 online food delivery app script available in the USA, highlighting their features, benefits, and what makes each one stand out.
UberEats Clone Script
Real-Time Tracking: Allows customers to track their orders in real-time from the restaurant to their doorstep.
Multiple Payment Options: Supports various payment methods, including credit/debit cards, digital wallets, and cash on delivery.
User-Friendly Interface: Designed with an intuitive user interface for both customers and delivery personnel.
Order Scheduling: Customers can schedule their orders for future delivery times.
Scalability: Capable of handling a large number of users simultaneously, making it ideal for growing businesses.
Customization: Highly customizable to meet specific business requirements.
Reliable Support: Comprehensive support and regular updates are provided to ensure smooth operation.
GrubHub Clone Script
Restaurant Management: Provides restaurants with tools to manage their menus, orders, and delivery schedules efficiently.
Advanced Search: Customers can search for restaurants and dishes using various filters and criteria.
Push Notifications: Keeps customers informed with real-time updates on their order status.
Ratings and Reviews: Allows customers to rate and review restaurants and delivery services, enhancing transparency.
Market Tested: Proven success in the market, making it a reliable choice.
High Performance: A Fast and responsive interface ensures a smooth user experience.
Easy Integration: Compatible with various third-party services and APIs for enhanced functionality.
DoorDash Clone Script
Dynamic Pricing: Automatically adjusts delivery charges based on demand, time, and distance.
In-App Chat: Facilitates direct communication between customers, drivers, and restaurants.
Real-Time Analytics: Provides detailed analytics and reports to help manage and optimize the business.
Geofencing: Utilizes geofencing technology to improve delivery efficiency and accuracy.
Flexibility: Offers flexible pricing models and customization options.
Robust Performance: Built to handle high traffic and large volumes of orders.
User Engagement: Features designed to keep users engaged and satisfied.
Postmates Clone Script
On-Demand Delivery: Supports a wide range of delivery services beyond food, including groceries and essentials.
Automated Dispatch: The smart dispatch system assigns the nearest delivery personnel to new orders.
Multi-Language Support: Supports multiple languages to cater to a diverse user base.
Order History: Allows customers to view and reorder from their past orders easily.
Versatility: Suitable for various types of delivery services.
Efficient Dispatching: Ensures quick and efficient delivery with automated dispatch.
Global Reach: Multi-language support enables broader market reach.
FoodPanda Clone Script
Advanced Analytics: Provides advanced analytics for businesses to track performance.
Multi-Language Support: Supports multiple languages to cater to diverse users.
Order History: Allows customers to view their order history and reorder easily.
Real-Time Notifications: Sends real-time notifications for order status updates.
Data-Driven Decisions: Advanced analytics help in making informed decisions.
Wider Reach: Multi-language support broadens the user base.
Convenience: Order history and real-time notifications improve user experience.
Zomato Clone Script
Table Reservation: Allows customers to reserve tables at restaurants directly through the app.
Social Media Integration: Enables users to share their dining experiences on social media platforms.
In-App Reviews: Customers can leave detailed reviews and ratings for restaurants.
Promotions and Discounts: Restaurants can offer promotions and discounts directly through the app.
Comprehensive Features: Offers a wide range of features that cater to different aspects of the dining and delivery experience.
Social Engagement: Social media integration enhances user engagement and marketing.
Promotional Tools: Built-in tools to help restaurants promote their services and attract more customers.
Instacart Clone Script
Grocery Delivery: This company specializes in grocery delivery services, allowing users to shop for groceries from their favorite stores.
Scheduled Deliveries: Customers can schedule deliveries at their convenience.
Shopping Lists: Users can create and save shopping lists for future orders.
Product Substitutions: Offers options for product substitutions if items are out of stock.
Niche Market: Ideal for businesses focusing on grocery delivery services.
Customer Convenience: Features like scheduled deliveries and shopping lists enhance customer convenience.
Flexibility: Product substitution options ensure customer satisfaction even when items are unavailable.
Deliveroo Clone Script
Contactless Delivery: Supports contactless delivery options for increased safety and convenience.
Promotional Codes: Allows businesses to offer promotional codes and discounts to attract customers.
Real-Time Notifications: Sends real-time notifications for order updates and promotions.
Driver App: Dedicated app for delivery personnel with route optimization and delivery management features.
Safety First: Contactless delivery options cater to safety-conscious customers.
Marketing Tools: Promotional codes and real-time notifications help in marketing and customer retention.
Driver Efficiency: A dedicated driver app improves delivery efficiency and management.
Choosing the right food delivery app script is crucial for the success of your food delivery business. Each of the scripts mentioned above offers unique features and benefits that cater to different business needs and market demands. Whether you're looking for scalability, customization, or specific functionalities like grocery delivery or contactless options, there's a script that fits your requirements. By leveraging these ready-made solutions, you can expedite your entry into the food delivery market and provide a seamless experience for your customers. Consider your business goals and choose a script that aligns best with your vision to ensure a successful launch and operation.
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Ready-Made Features Rich Online Food Delivery Clone Script
Are you searching for the best food delivery app clone script? At AIS Technolabs you get an incredible PHP food delivery script solution pre-built with trending features that allow users to order their desired food items from their comfort zone.
Visit For More Info : https://www.aistechnolabs.com/online-food-delivery-app-clone-script/
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kishanthr · 2 years
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Launch Your Online Food Delivery Business With Restaurant Ordering Script Today!
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smithjoe · 7 months
How to Build a Zomato Clone App: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Building a successful food delivery app like Zomato requires careful planning and execution. With the growing demand for convenient and seamless food delivery services, developing a Zomato clone app can be a lucrative business opportunity. In this step-by-step guide, we will walk you through the process of building your own Zomato clone app, from market research and design to development and launch.
Whether you are an aspiring entrepreneur or an existing restaurant owner looking to expand your business, this guide will provide you with all the information you need to create a successful food delivery app and tap into the booming food delivery industry.
Here's a step-by-step guide to help you build a Zomato-like app:
Market Research
Understand your target audience and market. Analyze Zomato and other similar apps to identify features and functionalities.
Legal Compliance
Check local laws and regulations related to food delivery and online platforms. Obtain necessary licenses and permissions.
Define Features
List the features you want in your app, such as user registration, restaurant listing, menu display, reviews, ratings, order placement, payment processing, etc.
Choose Technology Stack
Select the technology stack for your app (front-end and back-end frameworks, database, etc.).
Wireframing and Design
Create wireframes to outline the app's structure. Design the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX).
Backend Development
Set up the server and database. Implement user authentication, authorization, and data storage.
Frontend Development
Based on the design, create the user interface. Implement features like user registration, restaurant listing, menu display, and order placement.
Integrate Maps and Location Services
Use mapping APIs to provide location-based services for finding restaurants and tracking deliveries.
Implement Search and Filters
Allow users to search for restaurants based on various criteria like cuisine, location, ratings, etc.
User Reviews and Ratings
Implement an application for users to submit restaurant reviews and ratings.
Order Placement and Checkout
Develop a seamless and secure process for users to place orders and make payments.
Set up push notifications to keep users informed about order status, promotions, etc.
Payment Integration
Integrate secure payment gateways for seamless transactions.
Perform extensive testing to investigate and fix bugs. Check out the app on different devices and screen sizes.
Launch the app to the App Store and Google Play Store.
Monitor and Maintain
Monitor app performance and address any issues promptly. Maintain the app's security patches.
Building a Zomato clone app requires a strategic approach, technical proficiency, and a commitment to delivering an outstanding user experience. By combining these factors, you can create a successful food delivery and restaurant discovery app that captivates users and establishes a strong presence in the competitive market.
What is a Zomato Clone App? & How it Works!
A Zomato clone app is a customized application that replicates the features and functionalities of the popular food delivery and restaurant discovery platform, Zomato. Creating a Zomato clone allows entrepreneurs and businesses to enter the food delivery and restaurant aggregator market with their version of a similar service.
Here's an overview of how a Zomato clone app typically works:
User Registration and Profile Creation
Users download the Zomato clone app from an app store. They register by providing basic details or logging in through social media accounts. Users create profiles where they can manage their preferences, addresses, and payment methods.
Restaurant Profiles
Users can view detailed profiles of restaurants, including menus, prices, operating hours, reviews, and ratings.
Order Placement
Users can select items from the restaurant's menu and add them to their cart. They proceed to checkout, where they confirm the order, select the delivery address, and choose a payment method.
Payment Processing
The Zomato clone app integrates with secure payment gateways to process transactions. Users can make payments using various methods, including credit/debit cards, digital wallets, and sometimes cash on delivery.
Order Confirmation
Users receive an order confirmation with details such as estimated delivery time and order number. The app may also provide real-time tracking of the order's status.
Delivery or Pickup
For food delivery, a delivery partner is assigned to pick up the order and deliver it to the specified address. Users can track the delivery in real-time. For pickup, users receive a notification when the order is ready for collection.
User Feedback and Ratings
After the order is delivered or picked up, users can provide feedback and ratings on the overall experience.
Admin Dashboard
An admin dashboard allows the platform owner to manage and monitor user activity, restaurant partnerships, and overall app performance. It also provides tools for customer support and analytics.
Marketing and Promotions
The Zomato clone app may incorporate features for promotional activities, discounts, and loyalty programs to attract and retain users.
Building a Zomato clone involves careful consideration of each feature and ensuring a seamless user experience throughout the entire process, from restaurant discovery to order delivery or pickup. Integration with reliable payment gateways and real-time tracking contributes to the overall success and user satisfaction of the app.
Benefits of Developing a Zomato Clone App
Developing a Zomato clone app offers a myriad of benefits, leveraging the success of an established food delivery app and restaurant discovery platform. Here are key advantages that contribute to the appeal of creating a Zomato clone:
Rapid Market Entry and Brand Recognition
Building a Zomato clone facilitates a swift entry into the competitive food delivery market. By replicating a proven business model, your app gains immediate brand recognition. Users familiar with Zomato are more likely to adopt your platform, accelerating user acquisition.
Comprehensive Feature Set
Zomato is renowned for its comprehensive feature set, including restaurant listings, reviews, ratings, real-time tracking, and secure payment options.
Established User Base
A Zomato clone can attract users who are already accustomed to using similar platforms. This existing user base provides a solid foundation for user engagement and adoption, giving your app a head start in terms of audience reach.
Monetization Strategies
Zomato has established effective monetization strategies, such as charging restaurants a commission on orders and offering premium features. By adopting these proven revenue models, your app can generate income from day one.
Time and Cost Efficiency
Developing a Zomato clone is a time-efficient and cost-effective approach compared to building a unique concept from scratch. Reusing existing concepts and technologies reduces development time and expenses.
Scalability Options
As your user base grows, a Zomato clone provides scalability options. You can expand your infrastructure and services to accommodate increased demand, ensuring a seamless experience for users.
Developing a Zomato clone app offers a strategic and efficient path to enter the food delivery and restaurant discovery market, leveraging the success and features of a proven industry leader.
Features of the Zomato Clone App
A Zomato clone app replicates the features of the popular food delivery and restaurant discovery platform, offering a comprehensive set of functionalities to create a similar user experience. Here are key features typically incorporated into a Zomato clone app:
User Registration and Profiles
The app allows users to create accounts easily, providing personal information, contact details, and preferences. User profiles enable customization, order history tracking, and personalized recommendations.
Restaurant Listings and Profiles
A Zomato clone showcases a wide array of restaurants, each with detailed profiles. Users can explore menus, view prices, check operating hours, and access high-quality images, empowering them to make informed dining decisions.
Search and Filters
Robust search and filter options enhance user experience. Users can search for restaurants based on cuisine, location, ratings, and price range, ensuring they find exactly what they're looking for.
Ordering System
The app features a user-friendly ordering system where users can add items to their cart, customize orders, and proceed to secure checkout. Integration with various payment options facilitates seamless transactions.
Real-Time Order Tracking
To keep users informed and engaged a Zomato clone script incorporates real-time order tracking. Users can monitor the status of their orders from preparation to delivery, enhancing transparency and customer satisfaction.
Integration of Payment Gateway
A secure payment gateway is integrated into the app to handle financial transactions. Users can make payments using credit/debit cards, digital wallets, or other preferred methods, ensuring a smooth and secure payment process.
Admin Dashboard
An admin dashboard provides a centralized interface for platform administrators to manage user accounts, monitor restaurant activity, analyze performance metrics, and address customer support issues.
Marketing and Promotions
To attract and retain users, a Zomato clone may feature marketing and promotional tools. These can include discounts, loyalty programs, and special offers to enhance user engagement.
Order Fulfillment and Delivery Integration
For apps offering food delivery services, integration with order fulfillment and delivery services is crucial. Assigning delivery partners, optimizing routes, and providing real-time tracking contribute to a seamless delivery experience.
Customization for Local Markets
A Zomato clone allows customization to meet the unique demands of local markets. It includes adapting the app's features and functionalities to align with regional preferences, cuisines, and cultural nuances.
A Zomato clone app combines these features to create a comprehensive platform for users to discover restaurants, place orders, and enjoy a seamless dining experience.
What Should You Consider While Developing a Food Delivery App Like Zomato?
When developing a food delivery app like Zomato, several critical factors need consideration:
Market Research
Conduct thorough market research to understand user demographics, preferences, and competitor strategies. Identify gaps and opportunities in the market.
User Experience (UX/UI)
Prioritize an intuitive and visually appealing interface. Streamline the user journey, making it easy for users to discover restaurants, place orders, and track deliveries.
Feature Set
Replicate Zomato's core features, including restaurant listings, user reviews, ratings, real-time order tracking, and secure payment options. Enhance these features to add value and differentiation.
Customization for Local Markets
Adapt the app to cater to local culinary preferences, languages, and cultural norms. Personalization for different regions enhances user relevance.
Payment Gateway Integration
Integrate reliable and secure payment gateways, offering users diverse and convenient payment options.
Legal Compliance
Ensure strict adherence to data security and privacy regulations. Address legal considerations to build user trust.
Marketing and Promotion
Develop a strategic marketing plan to promote the app effectively. Leverage various channels for user acquisition and engagement.
Customer Support
Implement responsive customer support to address user queries promptly, enhancing overall user satisfaction.
By carefully considering these aspects, a food delivery app can be developed to meet user needs and succeed in a competitive market.
Wrapping up
Building a Zomato clone app requires meticulous planning, incorporating key features, ensuring a user-friendly interface, and prioritizing local customization. By embracing the proven success of platforms like Zomato, developers can create a comprehensive food delivery app that caters to market demands and offers a seamless dining experience for users.
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breed2177 · 3 months
UrbanClap clone app, brought to you by Omninos Solutions, a premier app development company based in India. Our on-demand service app connects clients seamlessly with the expertise they need, empowering them to access a wide range of services effortlessly. Whether it's home maintenance, beauty services, or professional assistance, our platform ensures easy and efficient communication between clients and service providers. Say goodbye to hassles and delays – with our app, clients can reach out to Omninos Solutions directly, ensuring swift and reliable assistance whenever they need it. Trust in our expertise to revolutionize your service experience.
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abservetech · 3 months
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Ready to dominate the food delivery industry? 🚀
Choose our RebuEats product to launch your own successful food business!
Elevate your food delivery venture with RebuEats! 🍔📈
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onmobee · 1 year
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Get Deliveroo clone script from Purbis to launch your own multi-restaurant online food delivery business now, Purbis provides you a completely customizable app with full source code to your brand name only. Try a live demo now.
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jackethen12 · 2 years
Online food delivery platforms have established their ground and now they are working (fighting) to increase their market share amongst their competitors.
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Advanced Features of Online Food Delivery PHP Script
Are you searching for the best food delivery app clone script? At AIS Technolabs you get an incredible PHP food delivery script solution pre-built with trending features that allow users to order their desired food items from their comfort zone.
Visit For More Info : https://www.aistechnolabs.com/online-food-delivery-app-clone-script/
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kishanthr · 2 years
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On-demand White-label Food Delivery Script Development Service
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smithjoe · 3 months
How to Build Your Own FoodPanda Clone App: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Are you an aspiring entrepreneur looking into the profitable food delivery industry? Look no further! In this step-by-step guide, we will show you how to build your very own FoodPanda clone app. Creating your own app can be a lucrative business opportunity with the rise of on-demand food delivery services.
Using our expert tips and insights, you will learn how to develop a user-friendly interface, integrate essential features, and effectively market your app to generate maximum downloads and revenue. Whether you are a seasoned app developer or a tech novice, this guide will provide the tools and knowledge to bring your food delivery app idea to life.
Understanding the Concept of a Foodpanda Clone App
Before diving into the development process, it's crucial to understand the concept of a FoodPanda clone app. A FoodPanda clone app replicates the features and functionalities of the popular FoodPanda app. It allows users to order food from various restaurants, track their orders in real time, and make payments seamlessly. By building your own FoodPanda clone app, you can leverage the success of this business model and customize it to suit your target market. Building a FoodPanda clone app also allows you to tap into the increasing demand for convenient, hassle-free food delivery services.
Why Do Food Delivery Businesses Need a Foodpanda Clone App?
In today's fast-paced world, food delivery services have become increasingly popular among consumers who value convenience and efficiency. With the rise of on-demand services, food delivery businesses must stay competitive by offering quick and reliable delivery options. But why exactly do food delivery businesses need a FoodPanda clone app?
Increased Efficiency and Productivity
A FoodPanda clone app streamlines the ordering process for customers and delivery drivers, increasing efficiency and productivity. By automating and optimizing these processes, food delivery businesses can operate more smoothly and serve customers faster.
Enhanced Customer Experience
The convenience of ordering food online through a FoodPanda clone app enhances the overall customer experience. Furthermore, the app provides customers with accurate delivery estimates, allowing them to plan their meals accordingly. By offering a seamless and user-friendly ordering experience, food delivery businesses can attract and retain more customers.
Broader Reach and Market Penetration
By using a FoodPanda clone app, food delivery businesses can expand their reach and penetrate new markets. The app allows businesses to partner with various restaurants and cater to customers in different locations, increasing their customer base. With a broader reach and market penetration, food delivery businesses can drive growth and increase their revenue.
Cost-Effective Solution
Developing a custom food delivery app script from scratch can be costly and time-consuming. On the other hand, using a FoodPanda clone app offers a cost-effective solution for food delivery businesses.
Benefits of Building Your Own Foodpanda Clone App
It gives you complete control over the app's features and functionalities. You can customize the app to align with your business goals and target audience. This flexibility allows you to create a unique app that stands out.
Building your app will enable you to establish a strong brand presence in the market. With a custom app, you can create a brand identity that resonates with your target audience. It can help you build trust and loyalty among your users, leading to repeat orders and increased revenue.
Building your own FoodPanda clone app allows you to integrate innovative features and technologies. By staying updated with the latest trends in the food delivery industry, you can provide a superior user experience and stay ahead of the competition.
Market research and competitor analysis
The first step in building your own FoodPanda clone app is conducting thorough market research and competitor analysis. This step is crucial for understanding your target audience, identifying gaps in the market, and gaining insights into your competitors' strategies. Start by analyzing the current food delivery market in your target location. 
Defining the features and functionalities of your app
Once you have completed your market research and competitor analysis, it's time to define the features and functionalities of your FoodPanda clone app. Start by identifying the core features essential for your app's smooth functioning. 
These may include user registration, restaurant listing, menu browsing, order placement, payment integration, and order tracking. The key is to provide value to your users and make their food ordering experience seamless and convenient.
Designing the user interface and user experience
The user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) play a crucial role in the success of your FoodPanda clone app. Start by creating wireframes and prototypes of your app's screens. It will help you visualize the flow and layout of the app. 
When designing the user experience, prioritize simplicity and ease of use. Conduct user testing and gather feedback to identify usability issues and make necessary improvements.
Choosing the right technology stack for your app
Choosing the right technology stack is crucial for the successful development and performance of your FoodPanda clone app. Consider factors such as scalability, security, and ease of maintenance when selecting the technology stack. 
In addition to the core technologies, you may need to integrate third-party APIs for features like location services, payment gateways, and push notifications. Choose reliable and secure APIs that align with your app's requirements.
Develop and test your FoodPanda clone app
Once you have defined the features, designed the UI/UX, and selected the technology stack, it's time to start developing your FoodPanda clone app. Conduct rigorous testing at each stage to identify and fix any bugs or performance issues. 
Ensure the app is responsive and works seamlessly across different devices and screen sizes. Test the app on various devices to ensure compatibility and a consistent user experience.
Launching and marketing your app
Your FoodPanda clone app is now ready to be launched. However, launching the app is just the beginning. Start optimizing your app store listing with relevant keywords and compelling app descriptions. 
Encourage users to leave positive reviews and ratings to boost your app's visibility. Leverage social media platforms and influencer marketing to create buzz around your app. Collaborate with local restaurants and food bloggers to increase your app's visibility and reach. 
Regularly update your app with bug fixes, new features, and performance enhancements to provide the best possible user experience.
Building your own on-demand FoodPanda clone app can be rewarding in the highly competitive food delivery industry. Following this step-by-step guide, you have learned how to conduct market research, define essential features, design a user-friendly interface, choose the right technology stack, develop and test your app, and effectively market it to your target audience.
Remember, the success of your app depends on providing a seamless and convenient food ordering experience for your users. Continuously innovate and stay updated with the latest trends in the industry to stay ahead of the competition. Get started on building your own FoodPanda clone app today and be a part of the future of food delivery apps!
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itechscripts2 · 2 years
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Top Profitable Delivery Business Ideas?
In today's hectic life, everything is accessible to us with a simple click on the Internet. Today, having everything delivered to your doorstep is a viable option for everyone. You can order just about anything including groceries and medicine from the comfort of your home. Many organizations are taking advantage of this and have set up profitable delivery companies to ensure on-time daily delivery of items ordered by their customers. Interestingly, you can also consider starting your own profitable delivery business. Not only will this provide you with additional income, but you can also consider expanding your business into a larger business. You don't need a lot of money to start a small delivery service. Your phone, your online presence, a few drivers, and a vehicle are all you need to get started. Here we have listed some of the profitable delivery business ideas for you.
Grocery delivery could also become a profitable business. Food is one of the most important things you need. So, starting a grocery delivery service will pay off. You need a website. You should keep a cell phone to take exclusive orders. You will also need a proper GPS on your phone to be able to track locations. Hiring delivery men can also be a good option to make your product available. You can start a grocery delivery business without much effort as long as you are armed with the right tools.
Medical distribution companies are thriving with an increasing number of diseases and disorders. People are sometimes in great need of constant medical support. Some people find it difficult to buy medicine, especially older people who live alone and cannot afford to go to the drugstore or pharmacy every time they buy their medicine. The medication delivery app is used by people who are unable to travel and those who have special monthly medication needs. Therefore, it can be one of the most profitable delivery companies that you can start. You may also consider submitting medical test reports. It is an essential thing that people need these days.
The market potential of the gift industry is growing day by day, and people are more and more eager for personalized and beautiful gifts and home accessories. Many festivals and occasions are celebrated in our country and on happy occasions, people like to send gifts. Therefore, you can approach any gift shop willing to accept your items. Gift basket delivery is one of the most profitable.
Ecommerce companies offer customers multiple vendors to sell their products online. So, if you come into contact with different locations, you can start your own courier delivery company. With a moderate investment of capital, you can start a scooter delivery business locally. But there is a lot of competition in the courier delivery industry. You have a good chance of success if you have a small space and a delivery team. This business is easy to start and makes a lot of money.
Furniture delivery is also a good option if you want to start a business. As everyone is looking for a new home or wanting to renovate an existing home, they need furniture. Starting a furniture supply business allows you to enter a market that doesn't have much competition. The easiest way to start a furniture supply business is to partner with a reliable furniture supplier. Fresh raw meat is in great demand. People do not easily find fresh meat everywhere. Even most supermarkets do not carry the freshest raw meat. Even if you sell a minimal amount of fresh raw meat, you will find success easily. You can come into contact with people who raise cattle and take care of the logistics part of the business. You do not have to invest a lot of money to start this business. If good quality meat is delivered, the customer will order more and your income will increase.
Fresh fruit and vegetable delivery is one of the most profitable delivery businesses that you can start anytime. Everyone likes to eat fresh fruits and vegetables because they are very important for the body, but everyone likes to order fruits online instead of shopping or physically storing them, so it may be an opportunity for you to start this business. One thing to keep in mind before starting is that there are perishable products. No one can store them for long periods, so building a strong sourcing and supply network is a must to thrive in this industry.
People used to go to laundromats to get laundry services, but now they like to get these services delivered to their homes. For example, a delivery man will collect clothes from neighboring households and once they are dry cleaned, the delivery man will deliver the clothes to the respective owners. It is an easy and convenient way to start this business. You can create an app to take online orders, or you can start without an app. It takes a bit of investment and a bit of networking on your part.
Many people have to move due to a job change. The biggest challenge is moving all the furniture along with the appliances and vehicles. Packers and Movers are responsible for the move. The packing and moving activity does not require a large initial investment. All you need is a truck and a group of experienced movers. It would be ideal if you had an amazing team to help you complete all your tasks efficiently. This is another company that has a large market but is also very competitive.
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allmyloveandyours · 1 year
Webb (3041) Persona Chart and your Online Persona/Content
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I wanted to make a post about a online persona to help others if they wanna make one/analyze their current one idk
DISCLAIMER: not a professional I'm just a goofy gal also this is just like a thing I wanted to do idk you cant tell me what I can and cant post
So a lot of these things may be general, but bear with me, I did mainly gear it towards YouTube shit like I say channel and video a lot just because it's general to me, translate it how you want. I'm also gonna talk about how mine manifests at the bottom you can skip it if you wanna idc it's just interesting to me.
Ascendant - The first vibe your give off, which is pretty straight forward - it can also signal what aesthetic or color you could use the most. Whatever the signs themes are is what you may get the most compliments on.
1st House - The energy you immediately give off, like if you make a video what energy may be exuded in the first 30 seconds sort of deal. What viewers may describe you as to others, and what advertisers may look at when it comes to you.
1st House/Aries Content: A channel that's about you rather than your surroundings. Think of story time channels, GRWM but more aimmed at yourself than the products, just chatting streamer vibes. You'll probably be able to do whateve you want as long as it's you based.
2nd House - Values you may push into your content like if it's self love then that may be prevalent in your content. How you may use your skills to your advantage/how you show them off. How you may feel about the money you get from your content and things you may spend it on. This house could also tell you about aesthetics as well.
2nd House/Taurus Content: Fashion, makeup, shopping hauls, you could also post about affirmations and generally talk about the things you value. This house could also mean that you could focus on luxury (like 1$ [FOOD] vs 500$ [FOOD] like cheap vs expensive things doesn't need to be food). Like idk I think of Mina Le on YouTube when I think of 2nd house content.
3rd House- How you communicate, speak, and write the things you post online. This could also signal the humor you may have and how your comedic delivery may be. This is an important house as it naturally rules over social media, so I look at this has a secondary Ascendant.
3rd House/Gemini Content: This could also be a storytime house, just more comedic. Things like sharing poetry, writings, music are all things you can do. Because of the house, having multiple content streams is recommended or at least doing 2 topics/things by yourself. Teaching people how to communication could also be something. Creating scripts for other is good. This and Libra can indicate a pairing when it comes to content.
4th House - The environment you present/your background of videos, as this could function as another aesthetic house but more in a background sense. What kind of "homey" you may present yourself as. What kind of comfort you provide for other people, and how others may view you as "familiar". If you're someone who primary wants to create content from your home rather than traveling, this is a good house to take a look at.
4th House/Cancer Content: Things that have to do with the home. Like home organization, you could do family channel content (that's ETHICAL like teaching about parenting rather than bullying tf out of ur kid for views), at home cooking, house renovations, anything that involves homes and the feeling of it. This reminds me of like ppl who end up getting cooking books.
5th House - The creativity you put into your persona, this is the Leo house so your talents are on display in your house. Any showmanship you have may be revealed in this house/give you ideas to work with, the more dramatic humor that you may have, and if your audience may be on the younger side (like if you do youtube it could be those like "dont call amongus at 3am" or that guy who interviews kindergartners)
5th House/Leo Content: Art channel, (ik I've used it before but there's like 4ish signs that would be good at them) Story time channel, things that have to do with theatre (like there's a channel that talks about all the shitty plays he can find it's great), movie reviews, dance and music content. Anything that shows off talent. It could also be generally family friendly content so keep that in mind (ngl 5th house can do a lot of shit my bad dawg). Skits is also a good one.
6th House - Your routine when it come to creating content and incorporating it into your day. How often you prioritize posting and looking at things like analytics, comments etc. Health affects it may have on you (good or bad), maybe creating content that's health based? Or maybe even how your pets are involved (like creating a instagram page for your pet or something).
6th House/Virgo Content: Health and fitness (like the people who do either tutorials on how do do like yoga or sm or who do those 30 min work outs so the viewer can follow along), mental health advocate (like an Instagram page dedicated to ending stigmas), a pet channel (like either just "it's me chillin w my dog lmao" or that like TheUrbanRescueRanch on Instagram if you don't know them pls look they have kangaroos and it's so chaotic), you could also do wellness recipes like that vegan lady w they scrappy cooking on Instagram. This is a day to day house so making a video just about your day could do well.
7th House - The partnerships you create with your online presence and the energy you put into those partnerships. Contracts you may receive due to your presence. How you may interact one on one with fans (like if you meet them in a coffee shop, signing things before a meet or something, talking in DMs). This is also how people could become a bit parasocial when it comes to you/how they could view.
7th House/Libra Content: Could be a partnership/couples channel, like it could either be marriage or just a bff kinda thing. You could make therapeutic content, whether it's discussing coping mechanisms or just making people feel as calm as possible. You may also make things that are more one on one than in big groups. This could also be legal topic (like LegalEagle on YouTube or something)
8th House - The privacy you may be "granted" by your audience, and things you simply would like to keep private. This can also rule the money you get from others because 2nd is getting money like from skills and 8th is dealing with others money (idk I see some ppl saying having something in this house isn't beneficial for online things like it is if you work with it get that mf coin). The darker topics you may like to discuss. How people my encroach on your space/what they may really like to know. Also this can tell you what kind of transformations you may go through because of this venture.
8th House/Scorpio Content: Obviously could be occult related things such as tarot readings, and discussing planets. Content could involve death (like a mortician), or just things people don't really like talking about. Another one could be a tea channel since this house is privacy. You could also never show you face or attach a face to your content. The best channel that I can think of that represents 8th house is Wendigoon (even tho his face is attached he does like darker content in a way that doesn't make you feel icky), you could also do conspiracy theories oo spooky.
9th House - The philosophy you engage in online, (how you live, laugh, and love online). How you learn/study and evolve online (Like are you good at researching topics etc). How you feel about involving religion into your content. This also can tell you about your overseas experiences/fans.
9th House/Sagittarius Content: Travel content is a big one for this house, or simply just documenting places you never been (like that one dude who just like has a gopro and just talks to the locals of areas and goes into their homes and just talks and shit it's awesome). Embrace a carefree nature with your content as well. You could show people how to loosen up and create encouraging content as well. Religious teaching and education is always something to work with.
MC - The vibe you naturally give off when it comes to your career. How others may see your goals. The themes of your success you should lean more towards (like if its Sagittarius or something they should be freedom based things). How masses may react to you/treat you. This is also how well you can read your audience.
10th House - How you approach your success/public recognition you get. How people may give you recognition for your work/how hard you work for said things. This may be how you choose to present yourself. This is also how you may celebrate milestones.
10th House/Capricorn Content: Anything that involves hard work could be involved (like "I made a boat and heres how" type of shit), things that involve Celebrities could be involved, like "high society" shit (criticism or favoritism is fine idc). Those like "I made a billion dollars and heres what you need to do" kind of videos. Content in this house is more practical and is geared towards becoming to successful rather than like having fun? So long term series/projects is recommended. I feel like people with this placement may have a foot already in something they could use for content more than others.
11th House - What your community may be like/how they consume the media you put out. What goals you may have and how you go about achieving them. What humanitarian activities you take part in/the charities you donate to.
11th House/Aquarius Content: Literally just become Mr. Beast. Things that involve groups of people while putting your own spin on it. Tech related things (like headphones reviews and such). Expressing your goals and documenting them. Making a sort of content group. This house is generally one to stick with others while keeping individuality.
Planets :D
12th House - How you affect people subconsciously (or how you live in ppls heads rent free). The things you may hide from the public/think about a lot when it comes to your content (good or bad). How your dreams may connect to your content. How spirituality affects your persona.
12th House/Pisces Content: Dream analysis related content, like 8th you may not attach a face. This content may not even involve you specifically, as you may prefer to work in shadows like with research or editing. This can also be drug related content, (like those pages that talk about how different drugs work with the human body), you could also talk about spirituality as a whole, like those channels that talk about shifting realities and such, and this can also be a conspiracy theory channel as well.
Sun - Your online persona that's seen immediately. Similarly to 1st house, advertisers and first time viewers look at this to determine if they want to be involved in your content. This can also be where you excel the most (look at da house).
Moon - The emotions you may have when it comes to creating content. Your emotional investment into the work, what things you may take to heart. How you are emotionally for yourself and audience. That topics may speak to your emotions.
Mercury - What voice you may put on/how you communicate. What kind of organization may work for you and what your mental activity looks like when it comes to creating. This is also how you may type, and topics you may love to create things for. This could also rule how others talk about you, the comments and compliments you get etc.
Venus - The style you have, aesthetics you may lean towards, and the things you may buy for content creation. This is also you could receive and give love to others. This could tell you why people may love what you put out.
Mars - Your passions. Along with mercury, this may help you pick topics to focus on. Where the most of your energy may go. Where you could face aggression from your audience, and where others may attempt to pick fights. Things you may advocate for. This could also indicate where your audience is the most active.
Jupiter - Where all of your expansions may be. A lot of your success may be anchored to this planet/how you feel about your successes. This is also an indicator what your audience may be like. This is also where others may want to see your succeed the most.
Saturn - Where you may have some delays, things may take the most time to develop in. The things you can't use shortcuts for without consequence. This is also the house you may look forward to the most (as if you work with Saturn correctly, you get abundance). This is where you are the most dedicated, and receive the most dedication from others.
Uranus - The new things you bring to the table. This is where you could be viewed as zany, a bit chaotic, and generally a bit weird. This is also where you have the most progressive views. The placement could also show where you may be ahead of the curb when it comes to other creators. This could also hint at your editing and design style.
Neptune - This is the place that people may project onto you. (This may sound bad, but when it comes to creating content, lean into where Neptune is). This is where you may have the most dreams/dream about ideas you may have. This is the part that others want you to fit in the most. This may act as a secondary Sun due to the planets nature in relation to personas.
Pluto - What things will go from one extreme to the other when it comes to the things you get from creating. What things people may obsess about it when comes to you (again, useful even if it doesn't sound like it). This is where you transform the most. Some topic you may obsess over the most. (There's already a post about it if I can find it I'll link it), but it can also tell you where you may get cancelled.
North Node - What path you may take while online, what themes/skills you may wish to bring into your profile, and generally the recommended path to take if you'd like to grow.
South Node - The things you naturally bring into into your work/what you naturally exude, your creative comfort zone. Things that may come to you with ease.
Vertex - Situations you may be put into while online, things that feel unavoidable while online.
Chiron - The placement of Chiron can tell you what you may be the most insecure about. This can also be where you get picked on/bullied the most. This can also be where you provide healing for yourself and others.
Lilith - Where you could be suspicious of/or become toxic to others. The place that others could think you have a fair amount of power/where people are drawn to you. This could also be where you break some form of conventional rule. Another thing I noticed is where people assume you're the most like Lilith when they may not be since this a persona.
Part of Fortune - Where you are the most fortunate/have a lot of luck. Like SN this is where things could come naturally for you.
Juno - Where you would like to have partnerships - in Synastry you can use to see who would be good content creator partner for you.
You could look at where Webb is in the chart itself but a part of me feels like it would be a cycle of looking at webb persona charts, maybe it could recommend what medium to start with?
#1 I'd like to mention: Make charts for your channels/blogs/accounts. Looking at the Webb in there is always cool/how it interacts with your own chart. If you'd like to check the persona chart in that as well that could work. Personally I look at the things I use the most.
ok that section is over it's selfish time
Let me know what your placements are and what your experiences have been like!!! I'd really love to hear how they manifest for you.
I wanna talk about my placements for a little bit, just because when I looked at the chart I was like omg slay that's so cool omg omg
Feel free to skip idc so the placements are:
Libra Ascendant and Cancer MC:
So through a lot of my online experience I get a lot of people either complimenting my art (for other profiles I have I use art I make as literally everything) I also get told I'm pretty a lot I was an ugly kid imma BRAG. Cancer MC seems to come in full throttle as it's really easy for me to detect if my audience cares if I do something/doesn't like the people I interact with. A good example is I was playing a game with an overly aggressive friend of mine and my viewer count PLUMMETED they hated his ass, and someone had actually gotten upset at the guy I was playing with at voiced it in chat and called him egotistical and such. Like that Mercury opposite MC makes people loud when I do something they didn't like.
Aquarius Sun conjunct Neptune in 4th House:
I get a LOT of projection from people naturally which is fine. I think they think I'm a lot weirder than I actually am, and I find that people tend to be disappointed by the fact I'm not who I act like. And in 4th house I get told a lot that I do "cozy" things (like baking, no matter how weird I get it's in a comforting manner apparently, and just playing wholesomeish games) I also get called ma'am a lot??? Like ok damn. I also get told that people fall asleep while watching me often and it's really wholesome.
Sagittarius Moon Conjunct Mars in 2nd, and Conjunct Venus and Pluto, POF, and South Node in the 3rd house (theyre all holdin hands omg):
This was was pretty cool to see especially since a LOT of people make strange comments whenever I wear makeup (like just things like how much I don't need it or that I should wear darker more gothic colors). My audience also likes seeing whatever skills I can do, espcailly art based, and a lot of my style has changed since I started creating stuff which is super nice. Idk I feel like Pluto has a chokehold on these planets when it comes to my stuff. I've also had a lot of people become aggressive over the fact I try to attach skills to my content, like one day a dude who as attempting to leach followers of me and my friend (he was not a good person lmao I cannot state that enough) got extremely upset over the fact that I had a webcomic that I advertise on my shit and the insults were reallllyy emotionally charged.
Capricorn Mercury and Chiron Conjunct in 3rd:
A thing that I get a LOT of ppl find the way I speak funny even thought I don't necessary feel confident about it, like I always have a fear of constantly sounding stupid but others seem to find it really funny and find the way I speak very comforting. Another thing I noticed is that my audience tends to parrot how I talk about myself (which is normal for everything), so if there was self deprecation, they'd go in on it, and the more I gas myself up they do the same. Something I also noticed is that whatever Mercury aspects is how I get complimented (so it's opposite MC and I often get told how I'm underrated or sm)
Aquarius Uranus in 5th house:
They just think I'm quirky with it tbh this probably meshes with the placement above really well. I am a funny little fella to others. I also have a habit of making everything goofy?? Like even on here.
Leo Jupiter in 10th:
I don't really experience a lot of negativity when I achieve something I wanted like it's really nice.
Saturn in 9th:
I get a LOT of overseas people, like out of most of my audience they're always overseas. I also hate trying to learn different tech things like editing and such, and I feel like until I learn how to do the things I need to do I wont be able to TRAVEL
North Node in 8th Gemini:
I tend to lean towards talking about and learning about more taboo topics when it comes to the stuff I create, also people seem to be okay with it as long as it's not focusing on one thing, there needs to be duality with the stuff I do.
Vertex in Taurus and Lilith in Aries 7th House:
I alllwwaaayyysss love finding people to work with, and I find people pretty easily. Like 75% of the people I want to make content with end up being longterm. The biggest issue is Lilith there, as with the Neptune conjunct Sun that predetermined view kinda makes people obsessed? Or that they know me more than I do people I'm more of an open person. I get a lot of people overstepping boundaries because they think I'd like that?? I also get people who think I'm courting them very often but I'm blaming my Libra Venus in 8th + Pluto in 11th natal.
Anw yeah this portion I just wanted to talk about my experiences a bit, I would LOVE others to tell me about theirs.
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blainesebastian · 2 years
coffee cart girl (pt8)
words: 3,586 ship: austin x female reader summary: you’re the coffee runner on the set of Elvis. Coffee deliveries run pretty easy, until Austin accidently spills coffee on you. notes: you can find previous parts under this tag :)  warnings: none tag list: under the cut! sorry if links aren’t working, refer to the link above if needed.
Time passes as it always does, days on the calendar sometimes feeling like months while others compared to seconds. As far as you know, there’s about two weeks of filming left…and then that’s it, Elvis is officially over—left the building so-to-speak. Things will move forward quickly after that for a bunch of different reasons. Not only because you’ve been on other film sets to observe the process, but your relationship with Austin will also begin to change. You just hope it’s into something positive.
It's hard to believe that in fourteen days you will no longer be stealing kisses behind closed trailer doors with the excuse of bringing coffee.
You’re excited and terrified all at the same time, looking forward to the unknown while also dreading it. Austin even has more to bring to the table because now not only does he get to balance the ins and outs of your relationship, but he also gets to wade through the film coming together, how it’s going to be received by an audience, what it’ll do for his career.
You’re beyond thrilled for him—but also can’t help but acknowledge that there’s a voice in the back of your mind that occasionally asks what happens next?
“That’s why I think your character Sydney needs to put her foot down for herself.” Austin leans over to tap on the page of the script that’s open on your lap. You’re seated on the picnic bench outside the food tent, milling over the notes Austin has left you. It’s been a back-and-forth process, mostly taking it scene by scene.
He offers to show it to someone else, like Baz for instance and you’re just…not sure if it’s ready for all that. Not sure it’ll ever be ready. Maybe you can submit online to some sort of film festival and be happy if it gets a hint of recognition.
Take advantage of your actor boyfriend, your brain supplies—and then pitstops on the word boyfriend because…that’s just a whole other can of worms. Obviously you and Austin are dating but you haven’t moved to using official titles, at least not out loud with one another. No one’s trying to make anything feel causal or unimportant, it’s just…
Labels feel like a big step.
You purse your lips, taking a sip of coffee, “Sydney is standin’ up for herself, it’s in the dialogue.”
Austin takes a step closer to you, slightly in your space but just enough distance to convey friendship. Despite Jillian knowing, you both want to maintain as much privacy as you can—the only people in your relationship are you and Austin. No one else needs to know your business, especially on set. Drama has the capability of catching fire here. Austin’s friendly with everyone, doesn’t matter if it’s fellow actors, extras, the lighting crew, or a garbage collector he met just once in passing. He treats everyone the same, it’s something sweet about him that you really like.
Hollywood hasn’t gone to his head.
You two being friendly is nothing out of the ordinary.
“I think she needs to end up with someone other than Paul.”
You snicker lightly, closing the script. “You’re not supposed to like him, that’s the whole point—it’s a tragedy that she ends up back with him, back where she started.”
“I think you need a better endin’.” He says and it’s not anything malicious, like he thought the one you currently have is terrible or something. But you think Austin’s a bit of a realist mixed with romantic—he likes the idea of your character Sydney falling in love with her best friend in the script, Alec, but the whole focus is supposed to be on Sydney realizing who she is.
And how sometimes we choose to settle instead of ourselves—hence Paul.
You open your mouth to say something else when a few extras, girls you’ve seen before on set—Ponytail and Pink lipstick, pass through the tent and smile over at Austin.
“Hey Aus,” Ponytail smiles, giving him a soft wave.
Austin’s attention is drawn away at his name and he smiles genuinely back at her, turning to speak, “Hi Chelsea,” Then he nods towards the other girl who’s lingering around the fruit. “Robin.”
You lick your lips, trying not to pay too much attention, looking back down at your script as if you’re busy. You and Austin just…passing one another in the tent too, saying hello to one another. Your ears are open, however, Robin moving to stand next to Chelsea—you can hear the soft giggle in her voice when she says,
“You were great with the performances today—I dunno how you always seem to have so much energy for those moves!”
Austin laughs softly and you can tell his cheeks are gently pink at the praise without even looking at him. Something so ironic about Austin is that he is so talented, and yet, he seems to have zero clue about how much he effects other people with his hard work half the time. He’s got the whole bedroom eyes thing down cold, knows how to innocently flirt with a camera or someone conducting an interview.
But when it comes to receiving compliments? He suddenly turns into a really cute puddle. You like the humbleness, it makes him even more attractive than he already is, but you also hope he knows how much he deserves comments like that. He’s earned them.
“Thank you,” He tells them, “I really appreciate that. Honestly it’s just lots of practice.”
And stamina—a soft smile tugs the corners of your mouth at that thought before taking another sip of coffee. Once the girls have moved on outside the tent, Austin turns back to you with a small smile, snagging the coffee that you set down next to your thigh to steal a sip.
“Hey—you could get your own you know.” But you’re teasing, you don’t mind sharing. Least not the coffee.
“Yours always tastes better…just a common fact.” He smirks, licking his lips.
Humming, you set your script aside. “You know…you do deserve those praised comments, right.” You glance around for a moment, making sure you’re alone before playfully tugging on his shirt. You leave your hand resting there along his chest, “Even though they couldn’t stop twirling their hair as they told you.”
Austin raises his eyebrows, locking his blue eyes on you. “Oh interestin’,” He drawls out, that Elvis twang sometimes hard to eliminate from his syllables, “I didn’t peg you as the jealous type.”
Your mouth opens and closes a moment, fishing for words to say but your cheeks are already splotching pink, “I am not jealous.” You laugh, removing your hand so you can cross your arms over your chest.
He grins, checking the time before putting your coffee back down. “Sure, your mouth is sayin’ one thing, your flushed cheeks another.”
You blow out a long breath that flutters your lips before rubbing at your cheeks with the back of your hands. Austin chuckles, leaning forward to steal a kiss. Too quick, far too quick—a soft sound of protest coming from your throat even though you know why.
“Even though you’re totally not jealous, as you’ve said—” Now he’s just being the worst, “But if you were…” Austin trails off a moment, leaning closer as if to tell a secret. “I think it’d be kinda cute, that’s all.”
“Go to work.” You laugh, gently pushing on his chest and causing him to take a step back.
Watching him leave, that smile stays on your face paired with a warmth in your chest that you’ve just gotten used to associating with Austin.
Most of the time you just end up staying overnight on set. It’s like a given thing at this point, spending the night with Austin in his trailer, having extra clothes in your car to change into if need be. No one really notices you anyways other than Jillian. It’s amazing that you two haven’t gotten caught yet—not that you’re really trying to hide or be sneaky but…
You and Austin are on the same page that until the movie is finished, keeping your relationship under the radar makes sense for a bunch of different reasons. He’s not ashamed of being with you, your insecurities chipping away every day with Austin’s reassurances. And it’s not so much something he has to tell you, but rather it’s in things you do with one another—touches, intimacy, small, shared looks when you pass one another on set. There’s a comfort there in being with him.
Admittedly, you’re a bit more careful about going out on dates, keeping the PDA to a minimum. At least for now.
You run a hand through your hair as you exit a pizza place nearby, Austin holding the door open for you leave. Smiling a bit as you take another look at him, sometimes you just find yourself in disbelief that so much has happened over a period of time. While you and Austin were always friendly when you delivered coffee, as he is to many people on set, you just never imagined it’d develop into something real.
That he’d share the same feelings for you.
A few topics of discussion continue from being inside at dinner, curling your hair around your ear, “Yeah but I mean—isn’t that kinda like a ‘right of passage’, taking things from set when the movie ends?”
Austin smiles a little, “You just want one of the lace shirts.”
Your cheeks tint pink because…okay, are you that transparent? It’s obvious Austin looks great in a bunch of Elvis’s looks but there’s just something about those floral lace shirts that do something to your insides. Unsure which is your favorite though—the black or the soft blue. Ugh, or the pink.
“That’s…I mean, I would never ask for one of those but,” You grin.
An amused noise leaves his throat, “Right,” He shakes his head, “Think I like the comeback special leather suit the best—might take that if I take anythin’.”
He gets his car keys out of the back pocket of his jeans, playing with them between his fingers a moment. You both took separate cars again, just to be careful—seems like there’s always eyes somewhere when you least expect it, and you know when the film finally airs it’s only going to get more difficult.
“You gonna keep changin’ the subject?” Austin asks carefully and you sigh, tipping your head back towards the sky.
“I just don’t think I’m ready for my script to be shared with anyone else, Austin.” You know he’s only trying to help and he’s right that it needs to be looked at by someone other than just him—a producer, another writer, a director, someone with the capability to make things actually happen for you but—
But it’s definitely a sensitive button to press. You’re not ready.
“You’re not gonna be able to take the next step without it,” He points out and you swallow over nerves building in your throat, “I’m just sayin’ it’s good, you deserve to have other people see you.”
You’ve put a lot of heart and passion into the piece and he knows that—you appreciate him gently pushing and prodding but, at the same time, it’s hiking your anxiety up to a new level.
“Can we just—” You put your hand up to stop the conversation where it is, “Drop it?”
Austin sighs softly—it’s not quite annoyance, nor frustration, but you can see in his eyes that he’d rather keep pushing the encouragement. You know he’s coming from such a good place and you didn’t mean to snap at him, exactly, but he has to understand that it took a lot for you to be able to even feel comfortable sharing it with him. Pushing beyond that is going to take a bit to get used to.
You open your mouth to say something, maybe apologize or explain—
You turn a bit at the sound of your name, pausing near your car. It takes a moment to figure out who’s approaching you, your eyes widening just slightly because,
“Oh Jackson,” You smile, a little thrown because it’s been a while since you’ve seen him—your ex. Not to mention that you’re slightly disoriented from dinner, the conversations with Austin, mind whirling about the possibility that you could, in fact, share your script with someone higher up and everything that might come with that.
“Hi,” You laugh gently, moving to hug him because he’s smiling too. He’s just gotten out of his car nearby, squeezing you back as you settle in his arms. It’s not terrible to see him—while things didn’t work out between you two for many reasons, you both had ended things amicably.
There wasn’t any animosity even though you hadn’t stayed friends.
“I thought that was you,” Jackson says as he pulls back. “You loved this place.”
You hum, sticking your hands in your jacket pockets. He looks completely the same, maybe a bit more clean shaven. Tall, blonde, muscular but not overdoing it. He works with kids, rock climbing classes mostly, and your life was just going in a completely different direction than his was. But he treated you right—you suppose that’s good to mention.
“Uh,” You clear your throat, turning to look at Austin who has been… quiet, which is a bit peculiar. Austin’s a friendly guy, he has no issues introducing or even inserting himself into a conversation. You realize he’s probably just being polite but…there’s also something in his blue eyes. Right along the edges, something that reaches into your body and squeezes.
There’s a hesitancy there, jaw slightly working as he regards Jackson—almost like a trick of the light because as soon as you recognize it, it’s gone.
“This is Austin.”
Austin smiles, putting his hand out to shake Jackson’s, “Really nice to meet you man.”
If Jackson recognizes who Austin is, he doesn’t say anything. He just clasps his hand and shakes, nodding his head. You kinda rock back on your heels a moment, letting out a breath. Little awkward but…could always be worse, right?
“Well I’ll uh,” Jackson motions to the pizza place. “I’ll let you guys get on with your night,” He turns to you. “We should catch up soon.”
Nodding with a soft smile, “Definitely.”
You wait until Jackson is in the pizza shop before you turn back to look at Austin, exchanging a small look with him. He clears his throat, taking the cap off he usually wears when he’s out. His hair falls a bit onto his forehead, regardless of him running his hand through it.
“So Jackson, hmm? He seems nice.”
You raise your eyebrows, your mouth opening slightly before a laugh tumbles out. “Yeah he is nice,” Taking a step closer, you touch the lapel of Austin’s jacket.
Takes you a moment to really put it together, the way Austin is angling his body towards you, the slight darkness of the blue in his eyes, chewing on words in his mouth that he won’t say as his jaw works.
“Didn’t realize that would make you jealous,” You throw back at him nonchalantly, mirroring words he teased you about earlier in the day.
There’s an eyeroll from Austin which kinda just confirms your commentary, a grin beginning to pull at the corners of your mouth.
“You wish baby,” He just throws that pet name out into the open like he’s talking about the weather and it completely disarms you, stomach twisting in heat. He reaches out and puts his ball cap on your head, playfully pulling on the bill a bit.
You bat his hands away with a choked laugh, “I don’t gotta wish, I’m right. In your words from this afternoon, I think that’s cute—”
Austin grabs at your chin with his fingers, pulling you close for a kiss. His lips are insistent, almost a bit possessive in a way that makes your heart completely drop to your knees. Leaning against his chest, the intimacy ends naturally, pressing a kiss to his lower lip just because.
He smiles down at you, your noses brushing in a bunny kiss.
Good to put that whole ‘no PDA’ thing out the window every so often.
The thing, at least, about Sal is when you do your job in a quick and efficient manner, she tends to leave you alone on your breaks. It seems like she might be loosening up a little with the end of the film on the horizon, but you’re not gonna hold your breath. You find yourself at Austin’s trailer in-between the morning and afternoon coffee runs, sitting nearby as he strums the guitar on the couch. You were editing your script but…Austin playing the guitar is extremely distracting, not to even mention attractive.
He's in-between scenes right now, sixties hair—maybe something from the comeback special era? And wearing his own clothes; light blue jeans and a white t-shirt, sweater on a chair nearby. Seeing him with the guitar is one of the most organic things you think exists on this set—he just picks it up, plucks at the strings, and begins singing. It’s mostly on and off, nothing completely put together, to practice his voice and to keep him as genuinely Elvis as possible.
Well lawdy, lawdy, lawdy Miss Clawdy--Girl you sure look good to me
You smile, your eyes drawn time and time again to him playing—it’s kind of hard not to stare, the beautiful sounds he can make with his voice when he’s not even trying very hard.
Well please don't excite me baby, I know it can't be me
He notices you watching, strumming a few more chords before he stops. Curling your hair around your ear, you lean back against the kitchenette counter, “That was nice, I don’t think I’ve heard that one before.”
Austin taps the top of the guitar with his fingers, “It was originally written by Lloyd Price in 1952 but Elvis recorded it in 1956—introducing New Orleans sound to Southern whites.”
Sometimes you forget how much research he’s done on Elvis to be able to really slip into his skin for this movie—music and films, documentaries and novels, pretty much anything he could get his hands on. It’s impressive to say the very least, two years of prep really paying off.
Austin pauses for a moment, his one hand moving to run his fingers along his jaw in thought. Checking the time on your phone, you know you should probably get going soon—you promised Jillian you’d have lunch with her. Putting the script into your bag, you turn to see him still with that same contemplative look on his face.
“What’s goin’ on?” You ask, “Something wrong?”
Austin shakes his head, a gradual smile on his face as he looks at you. That definitely makes you feel a bit better…sometimes you feel like you’re holdin’ your breath around him, waiting for the other shoe to drop. Maybe waiting for him to realize that he could be doin’ a whole lot better than this, than you. But that moment never comes.
“In a few weeks I got these interviews lined up—interest pieces about the movie before the film’s out.”
You nod slowly, “Right, to build the hype so people go the theaters.”
“Right,” Austin clears his throat. “I uh, I was thinkin’ that you could come with to a few, if you wanted. Wait in the wings for me backstage.”
You laugh softly at the expression before— “Sure, but wouldn’t that make me your—” And you stop right in your tracks.
Austin holds your gaze for a long moment, nodding, the intensity of his blue eyes somehow highlighting the sharp lines of his face—jawline, cheekbones. You smile a little, moving to stand right in front of him as he sets the guitar aside.
“Are you askin’ me to be your girlfriend?”
“Maybe—” He purses his lips, “You think Chelsea or Robin are available?”
You scoff out a laugh, reaching to muss up his hair but he’s quick to grab your wrist, tugging you forward until you’re sitting on his lap. You make yourself comfortable, straddling his legs as you look down at him. Hands on his shoulders, your one thumb grazes along his neck, causing a shiver to run down Austin’s spine.
His grasp is on your hips for a moment to squeeze, “I didn’t mean to push you before, about the script.”
God—you feel like so much has happened in such a short amount of time that you almost forgot about the small disagreement you had about your script. You know he has all of your best interests at heart…and maybe you are letting insecurities get the better of you but, it’s a lot to put out there.
Rejection is not an easy emotion to always come back from.
“I know—I didn’t mean to clam up,” You smile a little, shrugging your one shoulder. “I’m just scared.” And even that’s a bit hard to admit.
Austin draws you closer, leaning up to press a kiss to your jawline. “No matter what you decide? I got you.”
It may not turn out how you want, but with Austin’s support? It definitely feels like something you can handle—no matter what.
Thanks so much for reading! I really appreciate any comments, likes, reblogs and asks. Can’t believe there’s only two parts left to the series! Looking forward to what might come after :)
taglist:  @pearlparty, @theinvisiblecapricorn, @kittenlittle24, @andrewgarfields-girlfriend, @mirandastuckinthe80s, @nonsensical-nonce, @softlispoken, @dudinhahoff, @peterparke-r, @lottiee03, @little-diable, @therealwriter17, @bob-the-tomato, @bcofl0ve, @domaniquessidehoe, @oh-austin, @rosequartzluvr, @callthedarknessdown, @laperceval, @ghostinthebackofyourhead, @starry-night-20, @ahoyyharrington, @obsessedunicorn24, @lulu-recs, @queenotaku23, @embobemm, @milaa24, @medleyj, @myownparadise96, @butlersluvbot, @girlokwhatever, @pinkle-monade0103, @vintagebitc, @xcallmetaniax, @adoreyouusugar, @karamelcoveredolicity, @thisisntmeok, @kvcssghbjbcd, @mamaspresley, @elvismylove, @chaoticbilly, @pulisvertz, @killerqueenfan, @jasminex12
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Question. Is this medium support needs
Feel alienated from lots of online autistic creators. Focus on social struggle and work and masking. Personally talk to people online without masking much, don't work because I can't, seem to make friends easily but don't understand social cues (I just operate on the assumption that people are well intentioned and also that everyone is an individual so what is most kind and respectful to them varies so listen to them and get to know them well and this seems to have worked very well?)
Just. Have issues I have not seen people talk about. Understand why since it is difficult to articulate if you have a brain similar to mine so that is why I don't see things I relate to that often.
Examples: if I get stressed and can't do a hobby for a while, hobby often gets stressful. I haven't watched anything on TV for a month so now I am panicked at the idea of finishing watching Arcane. No longer relaxing. Have to put in effort to keep fun things fun.
Other example: am sound sensitive to the point where the sound of my breathing can distress me so I wear noise cancelling headphones inside of my flat which is usually on the quiet side because I need to.
Other: bad sounds cause me to freeze and I cannot move voluntarily if they last long enough. I wanted to go the park to escape construction work but I couldn't change clothes and just lay on the floor in a weird position.
Other: obvious concepts just do not appear to me. I have a bad memory so can't give obvious examples. I schedule delivery and it needs to be fifty pounds to avoid surcharge. This means I run out of fresh stuff before I run out of food. For years I just ran out of food and my solution was buy frozen veg to have fresh-ish things and never once did I think about going to a nearby store as a feasible option even when I was aware it existed. Things can exist but I do not really understand or take note of them.
Most of the time it feels like I'm just borrowing concepts from when I was coherent and doing my best with a mind that doesn't understand what it understood an hour ago. Very frustrating.
Really hope I can finish my book with Asran in it. (Semiverbal and autistic, some experiences similar, nice to have a protagonist not completely alien and always a challenge to write like the others.) Hopefully would make people feel less alone in the world.
Just. Thoughts individually coherent but no connection no flow and even then often chaotic and not individually coherent? Annoyed.
Does this sound like medium support needs? Seem to relate to medium support needs people most but don't want to use a term before I'm sure it's accurate.
Usually don't share thoughts when like this which is most of the time. Usually only talk when coherent. Or just share short snippets/scripts.
If you read this far thank you for reading hope you have a wonderful day. The wonderful day wishes also apply to you even if you did not read all of it as it is rather a lot.
Too tired to edit. Love you have a great day
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jackyy19 · 1 month
web applicatiom development
web application development involves creating software applications that run on remote servers and are delivered to users over the internet through a web browser interface.it typically involves front end development for user interface and back end development for handling data storage and business logics .technologies typically used in web development includes HTML,CSS, java script for front head and languages like python ,ruby ,PHP for back end
 The chief goal of mobile application should be to providing real and meaningful value to it’s users. This typically includes solving problems of the user, making tasks easy, or to providing better quality entertainment. A app is said to be treasured if it is providing satisfaction to the user ,regularly improves their quality of user life in  Mobile applications importance can be highlighted by the  smartphones as they have become one of the most crucial  part of our life because  to mobile application  development. Technology development is making our life busier  so it is difficult for us to be organized well  in many tasks. However the growth of mobile application development is making our life much easier and hustle free , compactable and well organized. Now people can download anything from Google play store. There are many apps some are  available Paid while some are free . .It has various uses  such as social media, leisure apps such as online games, music and novels ,E-commerce which plays a crucial role in buying and selling. Educational apps which helps students in understanding easier all over the globe. Online bookings ,and online food delivery apps.
Conclusion . The ultimate goal of mobile application development is delivering supreme quality Apps that users finds reliable and enjoyable and finds value to the user.
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