#online quran lesson
tarteelequranau · 7 months
Unlocking the Path to Spiritual Growth: Learn Quran Online for Kids in Australia
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Introduction: In an era dominated by technology and digital connectivity, the quest for knowledge knows no boundaries. For parents seeking a seamless way to impart essential religious teachings to their children, the digital realm has opened up new avenues. Learn Quran Online for Kids has become a popular choice, especially for families residing in countries like Australia, where access to traditional Islamic education might be limited. Please visit: https://www.authortalking.com/unlocking-the-path-to-spiritual-growth-learn-quran-online-for-kids-in-australia/
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farisjax · 6 months
Yesterday a man was saying that we don't know where Allah is. We never saw Him. We heard from Rasool Allah pbuh that we should worship Allah so we are worshiping Allah - The Supreme Lord. Allah claims to be the Only God and the owner of whatever is in between earth and sky and whatever Allah knows is owned by Him. We never met Allah. But we have the words of Allah( The Qur'an). Like Allah literally talks to us in the Quran and guides us and teaches us. Ever thought like that? Like the Quran is not just a religious book it's the words of Allah swt which we can read. Even the worst muslim like me .
Another person says whenever I read the Qur'an. I read it because it's the words of my beloved Allah and I feel like I'm talking to Allah directly through the Quran.
And another person says " The way Allah listens to your recitation of the Quran Allah doesn't listen to anything like that. Isn't it satisfying and beautiful?
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hazel142 · 1 year
Unlocking Quranic Wisdom: The Power of Learning Quranic Arabic Via Shia Quran Academy
The Quran, the holy book of Islam, holds a special place in the hearts of Muslims worldwide. Its teachings, guidance, and wisdom are unparalleled, and understanding its content in its original language, Arabic, is a cherished goal for many. Learning Quranic Arabic can deepen one's connection with the Quran and provide a more profound comprehension of its verses. In this digital age, online Shia Quran Academy  have emerged as a convenient and effective way to embark on this journey of linguistic discovery. In this article, we will explore how online courses can facilitate learning Arabic for better Quran comprehension.
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Accessibility and Convenience
One of the most significant advantages of learning Quranic Arabic through Shia Quran Academy is accessibility. Online courses make it possible for individuals from around the world, regardless of their location, to access high-quality Arabic language instruction. This accessibility breaks down geographical barriers, allowing people from diverse backgrounds to embark on their journey of understanding the Quran.
Traditional Arabic language classes often require students to be physically present at a specific location and time, which can be challenging for those with busy schedules or those living in areas with limited access to educational institutions. Shia Quran Academy offer flexibility, allowing learners to access materials and lessons at their own convenience. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for working professionals, students, and parents who may have multiple responsibilities.
Self-Paced Learning
Online Quranic Arabic courses at Shia Quran Academy  often provide self-paced learning options, enabling students to progress at their own speed. This is particularly helpful for individuals with varying levels of prior knowledge in Arabic or those who may find certain concepts more challenging than others.
In a traditional classroom setting, the pace of instruction is determined by the instructor, and students must keep up with the class, sometimes leading to frustration or feelings of inadequacy if they fall behind. Online courses give learners the freedom to revisit lessons, practice, and reinforce their understanding of Arabic grammar and vocabulary at their own pace, ensuring a more comprehensive grasp of the language.
Interactive Learning Tools
Online Quranic Arabic courses at Shia Quran Academy leverage technology to enhance the learning experience. These courses often feature interactive tools and resources that engage students in a more immersive learning process. For instance, multimedia elements such as audio and video can help learners improve their pronunciation and listening skills. Online quizzes, flashcards, and interactive exercises enable students to practice what they have learned and receive immediate feedback.
Additionally, some online courses offer live sessions or webinars where students can interact with instructors and fellow learners in real time. This blend of self-paced learning and live interaction provides a well-rounded educational experience that caters to various learning styles.
Diverse Instructional Materials
Online Quranic Arabic courses typically offer a wide range of instructional materials. Students can access textbooks, e-books, video tutorials, and audio recordings to support their learning journey. This variety of resources ensures that learners can choose the materials that best suit their learning preferences.
Moreover, online courses often include access to Quranic texts with Arabic script and translations, making it easier for students to directly apply their newfound Arabic language skills to the Quranic verses. This direct connection between language study and Quranic comprehension is a valuable aspect of online learning.
Expert Instruction
Contrary to the misconception that online courses lack qualified instructors, Shia Quran Academy online Quranic Arabic courses are led by experienced and knowledgeable teachers. These instructors are often native Arabic speakers or individuals with advanced proficiency in the language. They bring their expertise to the virtual classroom, guiding students through the intricacies of Arabic grammar, syntax, and pronunciation.
Furthermore, online courses typically provide opportunities for one-on-one or group sessions with instructors. These sessions allow students to ask questions, seek clarification, and receive personalized feedback on their progress. The availability of expert guidance ensures that learners are on the right track and can address any challenges they may encounter.
Cultural Sensitivity
Learning Quranic Arabic through Shia Quran Academy can also foster cultural sensitivity and awareness. Instructors often integrate cultural insights into their lessons, helping students understand the historical and cultural context of the Quran. This contextual understanding can lead to a more profound appreciation of the Quran's messages and teachings.
Moreover, online courses often welcome students from diverse backgrounds, creating a multicultural learning environment. Interacting with classmates from various cultures can broaden one's perspective and promote intercultural understanding and tolerance.
Learning Quranic Arabic through Shia Quran Academy is a powerful way to enhance one's comprehension of the Quran. The accessibility, convenience, and flexibility of online courses make them an ideal choice for individuals from all walks of life. These courses leverage technology to provide interactive learning tools and diverse instructional materials, allowing students to progress at their own pace.
Expert instruction and cultural sensitivity are additional benefits of online Quranic Arabic courses, ensuring that learners receive comprehensive support in their language journey. As more people around the world seek to deepen their connection with the Quran and unlock its wisdom, online courses offer an effective and accessible pathway to achieve this noble goal.
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Learn Quran Online in USA — Learn Arabic Classes with Expert Quran Teachers
Welcome to Learning Quran Online US Academy
Learning the "Qur'an" has reliably been maybe an awesome and productive cycle to help Muslims with executing the "Qur'an" and "Islam" all through the planet. The goal of our Online Quran Academy is to show the Quran online for adolescents and seniors with the most un-troublesome and most versatile online courses; less difficult than you could think.
By and by you and your children can find out about Islam at home before them, so with TAJWEED, you don't have to take them to distant associations or mosques to get comfortable with the Quran. We can help you with Learn Quran Online and further foster your Book of scriptures by examining using the significant TAJWEED regulations.
ALHAMDULILLAH, a large number of students all through the long haul, paying little heed to how energetic you are (4-70 years old) of course on the off chance that you are a juvenile, use our height. QARI and qualified QARI teachers, we begin to guide you little by little through the essential courses of NOORANI QAIDA, and gradually we show up at the end level of TAJWEED.
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Learning Quran Online at online Quran Academy USA
has the best plan for online learning of the Quran. More than 4,000 students have benefited and can benefit from our Academy. Online Quran Lessons Online Quran education is available with us over Skype.
You really want to endeavor it and see how the online Koran course is told, so seek a free multi-day fundamental at present, check out your own contact now for more help
Meaning of Learning the Heavenly Quran
The meaning of focusing on the Qur'an can be clearly seen from the important revelation: the meaning of focusing on the typical and focusing on the Qur'an is that the almighty God gave agreement to the last Prophet Muhammad. The holy composition "Crucial Disclosure" says:
Speaking with general society! (Examine) Made For the sake of the All-powerful and Merciful, People are made essentially by blood groups (Part 96; Sections 1-2)
Thusly, Islam has reliably maintained acquiring from the beginning, and it is a more fitting book to learn than the Qur'an (Universe of All-powerful Allah). Similarly as for the examination of the consecrated works, the Prophet Muhammad's "brilliant coming for amicability" addresses himself:
Who is amazing of you who took in the Quran and subsequently taught others? (Bukhari)
Appropriately, the examination of the and its illustrations is one of the blessed exhibits that any Muslim can perform.
Our Way of thinking at Online Quran Academy USA
Our perspective at the Online Quran Academy is to achieve the gifts and pay of Allah All-powerful by passing an excellent message on to individuals. Our vision is to introduce explicit data on Islam fundamentally. Specifically, our standard goal is to show the Holy book according to the suitable Tajid sensible regulations. We want to consider students to be genuine instances of Islam and set a real model in the public eye and society. We will probably familiarize central Islamic speculations with students (adults or youths) by introducing and showing fundamental Islamic data.
Offered Courses
Courses are proposed after the hidden evaluation is finished during free Preliminary classes. After the evaluation, students are proposed by the course they would take dependent upon their Tajweed and Quran grasping limit. In case you or your young people are juveniles, the starting will accompany major Arabic and Letter sets. We now provide the following courses:
Learn Noorani Qaida
Quran Establishment (Essential Tajweed)
Peruse Quran with Tajweed
Quran Retention Online
Islamic Examinations for Youngsters
Quran for Novices
Applied Tajweed Course
Learn Ten Qirat Online
Mainstays of Islam and Conviction Framework
Everyday Islamic Requests (Duain)
Learn Arabic Online
Expecting you want to get to know the Quran online, this heap of potential results is several means away, register with us now and join a productive model.
How does Online Quran Learning work?
Online "Quran" courses and representations are given through Skype or Zoom. It is significantly less difficult to talk with the voice and there is in like manner a screen-sharing decision and this is totally done constantly. Teachers can share the page being studied or worked on by using the screen-sharing option. Thusly, it makes live courses more smart and convincing individual Learning Quran Courses.
We similarly grant you to pick your own plan, showing time, days of the week, language decisions, and the fundamental most adored instructor, whether or not male or female, that you can pick deftly. We simply give female students the sex attitude of female instructors. We offer teachers 4 lingos, explicitly English, Arabic, Urdu, and Pashto. Using tajweed to show the Quran online to young people and adults is genuinely tomfoolery and straightforward. We in like manner offer cross-country skiing courses.
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ummo-wafi · 1 month
Private on Facebook but still revealing awrah on other social media platforms like TikTok, etc?
You said you don’t upload anything on Facebook to avoid fitnah, but why are you openly displaying your awrah on TikTok? Subhanallah, it's important to understand that all social media platforms, whether Facebook, TikTok, or any other, have the same effects on our faith and morals.
Avoiding fitnah isn’t just about avoiding a specific platform but maintaining proper conduct and behavior at all times. In Islam, protecting our awrah and being cautious about our online behavior is part of respecting ourselves and following the commands of Allah (ﷻ).
Sister, it is important to be careful in all aspects of our lives, especially in how we present ourselves on social media. You show that you avoid fitnah on Facebook, but why does it seem like you don’t do this on TikTok, even though it is also a part of social media?
Social media, like Facebook and TikTok, are both platforms where we need to be careful. There is no difference between them when it comes to showing our awrah and being mindful of fitnah. Avoiding fitnah should not depend on the platform we use but on being consistent with our principles in all aspects of our lives.
Being Honest with Principles sister's
If you truly want to avoid fitnah, you need to be consistent in all aspects of your life, not just on Facebook but on all social media. Each platform has the potential to cause fitnah, so it’s crucial to be cautious at all times.
All social media platforms—Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, etc.—are part of modern communication, and they all have the potential to cause fitnah. There is no difference between these platforms regarding Islamic laws on avoiding actions that are against our faith. Avoiding fitnah shouldn’t depend on which platform we are using.
𝐑𝐞𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 and Reform ukhtie:
If we have made mistakes in using social media, it is important to turn back to Allah (ﷻ) and seek forgiveness. Aligning with the true principles of Islam will elevate our faith and character.
May this serve as an inspiration to carefully consider our actions on social media and ensure that everything we do aligns with the teachings of Islam and our true purpose of submitting to Allah (ﷻ).
I pray that Allah (ﷻ) grants you wisdom and strength to follow His commands and avoid any fitnah. May you continue to be true to your principles and demonstrate the true conduct of a Muslim in all aspects of your life.
May Allah (ﷻ) guide us to maintain our conduct and character according to His guidelines, not only in real life but also in the online world. Being vigilant about our behavior on all platforms is a way to show our true faith and respect for Allah’s commands.
- UmmO Wafi
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Embarking on the Journey of Memorizing the Quran: The Quran Hafiz Course
The Quran Hafiz Course aimed at memorizing the complete Quran, holds a distinguished area in Islamic schooling. Becoming a Hafiz (person who has memorized the Quran) is a revered achievement inside the Muslim international, embodying a deep spiritual connection and commitment to religion. This article explores the structure, importance, advantages, challenges, and future prospects of the Quran Hafiz Course, mainly inside the context of cutting-edge instructional strategies.
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The Significance of Becoming a Hafiz
In Islam, the Quran is considered the literal phrase of God, revealed to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) over 1,400 years ago. Memorizing the Quran is not just an intellectual endeavor but a profound spiritual adventure. A Hafiz holds a special status in the Muslim network, regularly visible as a mother or father of the Quran. This function involves not most effective memorization but additionally maintaining the perfect pronunciation (Tajweed) and know-how of the text.
Structure of the Quran Hafiz Course
The Quran Hafiz Course is meticulously dependent to facilitate systematic memorization. While the exact format may also vary, the general outline consists of:
1. Initial Preparation: The journey starts offevolved with a solid foundation in analyzing the Quran with Tajweed. Students have to be proficient in recitation, as accurate pronunciation is crucial for accurate memorization.
2. Daily Lessons (Sabak): Students receive every day quantities of the Quran to memorize, commonly beginning with shorter surahs (chapters) and steadily progressing to longer ones. The each day instructions are workable quantities that construct step by step.
3. Revision (Sabki): Regular revision of previously memorized sections is crucial to make sure retention. Students frequently revise the last few pages or surahs they've memorized each day.
4. Continuous Review (Manzil): This includes revisiting all previously memorized portions on a rotating basis to hold long-time period retention. Manzil guarantees that the complete memorized textual content stays sparkling within the student's reminiscence.
5. Examinations and Certification: Periodic checks and very last examinations take a look at the scholar's memorization and recitation capabilities. Upon a hit completion, students may additionally acquire a certificate recognizing their achievement.
Benefits of the Quran Hafiz Course
1. Spiritual Growth: Memorizing the Quran is a deeply spiritual revel in that enhances one’s connection with God. It includes regular engagement with the sacred text, fostering a experience of inner peace and success.
2. Mental Discipline: The memorization process calls for rigorous mental area, enhancing memory, attention, and cognitive competencies. It instills conduct of consistency, patience, and perseverance.
3. Cultural and Communal Role: Hafizes regularly play crucial roles in their communities, main prayers, teaching Quranic recitation, and providing religious steerage. Their knowledge and competencies contribute considerably to the cultural and spiritual lifestyles of their network.
4. Linguistic Proficiency: Memorizing the Quran enhances linguistic abilities, especially in classical Arabic. This skillability aids in a deeper knowledge of Islamic texts and facilitates in addition spiritual studies.
Challenges of the Quran Hafiz Course
1. Time and Commitment: The Quran Hafiz Course demands giant time and determination. Balancing this dedication with other instructional or expert responsibilities may be challenging.
2. Retention over Time: Maintaining the memorized Quran requires non-stop assessment. Life adjustments and extended obligations can make everyday revision hard, main to potential lapses in retention.
3. Access to Qualified Instructors: Quality instruction is essential for correct memorization and pronunciation. In some regions, locating skilled and informed instructors can be a challenge.
4. Motivation and Support: The adventure to becoming a Hafiz may be lengthy and onerous. Sustaining motivation and receiving adequate guide from own family and network are critical for achievement.
Innovations and Future Prospects
The landscape of Quranic schooling is evolving with technological advancements, supplying new possibilities and addressing some conventional demanding situations:
1. Online Hafiz Courses: Digital platforms are an increasing number of presenting online Quran Hafiz guides, making memorization reachable to a worldwide target audience. These platforms provide flexibility, permitting students to study at their very own tempo and schedule.
2. Interactive Learning Tools: Technological innovations including mobile apps, interactive software program, and virtual classrooms enhance the mastering revel in. These tools offer on the spot comments, facilitate revision, and make mastering attractive and interactive.
3. Hybrid Models: Combining online and in-individual guidance can offer the advantages of both strategies. Hybrid fashions make sure personalized attention from instructors while imparting the convenience of on line getting to know.
4. Community Support Networks: Establishing aid networks and observe companies, each online and offline, can assist students stay motivated and devoted. Sharing studies and challenges with friends fosters a experience of community and mutual encouragement.
5. Research and Development: Ongoing studies into effective memorization techniques and educational psychology can further refine the Quran Hafiz Course. Incorporating scientifically-subsidized techniques can decorate retention and common gaining knowledge of consequences.
The Quran Hafiz Course is a profound instructional adventure that goes past mere memorization. It is an embodiment of religion, discipline, and dedication, deeply rooted in Islamic culture. While the route to turning into a Hafiz is tough, the spiritual, intellectual, and communal advantages are big. With the integration of present day era and modern coaching methods, the Quran Hafiz Course is poised to come to be extra accessible and powerful, ensuring that the sacred way of life of Quranic memorization maintains to thrive within the present day international.
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mosaad-m · 2 months
Islamic Platform for Kids
Hi guys! I wanted to share with you this amazing website for learning Quran for Kids Online, Check it now!
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hayyathadi951 · 4 months
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Learn Quran Online Academy UK is leading the charge in this educational revolution, offering a modern approach to Quranic studies that transcends geographical boundaries and embraces the digital age.
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abdul-wadood032695 · 5 months
n an age where technology has become an integral part of our lives, it's not surprising to see its influence seeping into realms that were once considered beyond its reach. Education, in particular, has undergone a significant transformation with the advent of online learning platforms. Among the various disciplines being taught online, the learning of the Quran, the holy scripture of Islam, has also found its digital space.
Learning the Quran online has become increasingly popular, offering accessibility and flexibility to Muslims worldwide. This shift in learning methodology has been embraced by both traditional scholars and modern learners, paving the way for a harmonious blend of ancient wisdom and contemporary convenience.
Accessible Learning
One of the primary benefits of learning the Quran online is accessibility. Regardless of geographical location, individuals can now connect with qualified teachers and reputable institutions with just a few clicks. This accessibility is particularly crucial for Muslims living in non-Islamic countries, where access to local mosques or Islamic centers may be limited. By providing a virtual platform, online Quran academies ensure that no one is deprived of the opportunity to study the Quran and deepen their understanding of their faith.
Flexibility in Scheduling
Traditional Quranic education often requires adhering to fixed schedules, which may not always align with the busy lives of modern individuals. Online learning removes this constraint by offering flexibility in scheduling. Students can choose their preferred time slots for classes, allowing them to balance their religious studies with work, education, or other commitments. This flexibility promotes a more personalized learning experience, catering to the diverse needs of students across different time zones and lifestyles.
Individualized Attention
Another advantage of online Quran learning is the opportunity for individualized attention. In traditional classroom settings, teachers may struggle to cater to the specific learning pace and style of each student, given the constraints of time and resources. However, online platforms enable one-on-one sessions between students and teachers, facilitating personalized instruction tailored to the student's level of proficiency and learning objectives. This personalized approach fosters a supportive learning environment where students can progress at their own pace without feeling rushed or left behind.
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Technological Tools
The integration of technology in online Quran learning has introduced a wide array of tools and resources to enhance the learning experience. Interactive learning modules, multimedia presentations, and educational apps complement traditional teaching methods, making the study of the Quran more engaging and interactive. Additionally, digital platforms often incorporate features such as audio recordings, video tutorials, and virtual classrooms, enriching the learning process and catering to different learning styles.
Preservation of Tradition
While online Quran learning embraces modern technology, it also remains deeply rooted in tradition and scholarship. Qualified instructors, often certified scholars or Hafiz-e-Quran (those who have memorized the entire Quran), provide authentic guidance in understanding the Quranic text, its interpretation (Tafsir), and the application of Islamic principles in daily life. This blend of tradition and innovation ensures that the integrity of Quranic education is preserved, maintaining the timeless wisdom of the scripture while adapting to contemporary learning needs.
The emergence of online Quran learning represents a harmonious fusion of tradition and technology, offering accessibility, flexibility, and personalized instruction to students worldwide. By leveraging digital platforms and technological tools, individuals can embark on a journey of Quranic study that transcends geographical boundaries and time constraints. As the world continues to embrace digitalization, online Quran learning stands as a testament to the enduring relevance of religious education in the digital age, empowering Muslims to deepen their connection with the Quran and strengthen their faith . https://learn-quran.us/
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jammiaalquranforkids · 5 months
Well-designed Quranic Lessons for Kids
Jammiaal Quran, Quran Classes for Kids
“Our online Quran classes for kids are specially designed to teach them every aspect of the Quran. Start a Quran course for beginners with our professional Quran teachers!”
In our introductory Quran course for kids, your children will learn the following:
To read Arabic confidently and fluently.
The articulation points of the letters.
The methodology of Qaida An-Nooraniyah or Noor Al-Bayan and develop a strong base.
To connect the letters to form long sentences and work towards reading and speaking Arabic with ease.
To read short Surahs and work towards memorizing them.
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jquranforadults · 5 months
Well-designed Quranic Lessons for Adults
Website: https://jammiaalquran.com/quran-classes-for-adults/
Phone: +44 (0)20 3918 8955
Jammiaal Quran, Quran Classes for Adults
“Our Quran classes for adults are designed for all levels. Our online Quran lesson makes you perfect in reading, recitation & memorisation of the Quran.” Quran classes for adults start with learning the basics, including understanding the Arabic alphabet and vowels, joining letters to create words, and reading the Arabic script. You will also learn ‘Diacritics’. This teaches you how to read Arabic words, removing the need to memorise their pronunciation. You will also be able to read Dua’a (Arabic supplications) through your work with your tutor.
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tarteelequranau · 9 months
Online Quran Lessons Unlock Spiritual Wisdom
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As the globe becomes more interconnected, spiritual growth opportunities multiply. Online Quran lessons for adults make Islamic education more accessible and inclusive. For those seeking spiritual enlightenment online, TarteeleQuran provides a vast tapestry of information. Please visit us: https://justpaste.it/avo7y
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farisjax · 6 months
Allah taught dua to Yunus a.s to save him from the belly of the fish.
Allah ordered fire to not burn Ibrahim a.s
Allah split the sea for Musa a.s to provide him a way
Allah sent down revelation for Aisha r.a when the people accused her of immoral act
Allah sent down verses and made Esa a.s say " I'm a Prophet of Allah " when people accused Maryam as of immoral act.
Allah taught Adam a.s dua to save him from punishment
Allah gave Ibrahim a.s Sarah when Ibrahim a.s was alone
Allah gave Muhammad pbuh Khadija r.a when Muhammad pbuh was alone.
Allah saved Ismail a.s from the sharp knife of his father
Allah saved yusuf a.s from the well , wolf and from Zulaikha
Allah granted Yaqoob a.s his eyesight back
Allah protected Kaaba from the enemies of Islam
Allah aided Muslims with Ababil in war
Allah saved everyone who turned to Him.
Do you really think He won't help you?
It is just a matter of time. His help is near.
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annuracademy · 7 months
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onlinequran12 · 7 months
Learn how to read the Quran better online! Join our Online Tajweed Quran Course with one of our expert teachers and become a Tajweed pro. This course is perfect for beginners and those at an intermediate level. 
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m-sharma · 7 months
मुसलमान नहीं समझे ज्ञान कुरान। Musalman nhi Samjhe Gyan Quran Audiobook ...
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