#only caryl
zehiiro · 2 months
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New clips of our Queen herself from today's TBOC teaser ♡
Her using Daryl's crossbow and riding his bike😫she just looks so natural, like they belong to her just as much as him ♡♡♡
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horrifying realization i just had: if the book of carol ends up not being a dumpster fire (yeah we'll see), does that mean i'll have to actually watch the first season of that show? bc i've seen the gifs of daryl in suspenders and y'all? from the bottom of my heart, yikes 😬
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butchladymaria · 1 year
could you draw rom? spider or human, i just think shes neat :)
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as you wish 🕸️🕷️🕸️
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katyahina · 1 year
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Hey guys!!
For a while I've been doodling portraits of Bloodborne characters as self-reference - to avoid the sameface, to design unshown characters, to study existing data and whatnot...
I was doodling them as I had the need for them, but recently I realized I've had so many of them piled up that I could share them already! I added some notes and also clarifications (as it is possible to skip some characters depending on the playstyle... or on lacking a PS for that matter....).
It is still not everyone, of course; I am still missing characters like two boss Witches of Hemwick when they were younger, Clocktower patients, the door NPCs (despite having full headcanons for two of them), some cut content names and what not. I hope I'll get to others some other time as I don't like leaving characters out, but I just feel like that's enough for a post!
Again, it is the SELF-reference. Some colors were altered from the data according to how /I/ draw the character (for example the 'greyish red' eyes looking grey or purple on most NPCs that use them, Edgar being more orange-haired than in the data, etc). For the 100% accurate colors, refer to the compilation from this post: ( x )
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Special thanks:
Zullie the Witch for dataming all the ingame NPC face data ( x ) ( x )
Sanadsk / Omega Fantasy for adding everything in accessible matter ( x ), and for the corpse models ( x )
Mephistophea who made that wiki ( x ) (their Twitter)
AstralLace for mining Gratia's model specifically ( x ) (it is just a link to their Twitter, I didn't find the Tweet with Gratia but the model they datamined is in fandom wikias. Let me know if you find the exact post though!)
Sinclair Lore (Sophie and Sinclair) for showcasing many models in this video: ( x )
Tokami-Fuko for extracting some models, like Mico's ( x )
Saintmicolash for doing hella research on characters' proper names that was helpful with interpreting several characters ( x ) (this links to my reblog as he no longer has a Tumblr tho. explanation on Gracia (ガラシャ) isn't in the post but he made research on that one too)
@val-of-the-north for lending me two designs and helping with naming several characters
The Cutting Room Floor for finding and archieving cut names ( x )
Val (again), Crow and Fantomette for urging me to draw more of these and post them even though I hesitated
(correct me if made a mistake with the links!)
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a-hackneyed-premise · 8 months
Post 9 of your favourite characters and let people guess your type.
I was tagged by @norbertsmom - thanks lovely!
Here we go...
1. Carol Peletier - The Walking Dead
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2. Daryl Dixon - The Walking Dead
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3. Dr Mrs the Monarch - Venture Bros
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4. Jonathan Strange - Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell
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5. Eddie Munson - Stranger Things
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6. James "Sawyer" Ford - Lost
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7. Handsome Jack - Borderlands
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8. Leia Organa- Star Wars
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9. Faramir - Lord of the Rings
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I mean - it's pretty apparent to me what both my male and female types are from this, but we'll see what everyone says 😅
I'm tagging @finneganhart @epiphytecanopy @obsessivedaydreamer @omgwowhahah @lola-andheruniverse @owl-by-night @twolargepepperoni-and-a-calzone and honestly anyone else who wants to play
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lola-andheruniverse · 8 months
Things I'm excited about S2:
1. canon caryl
because a couple who (says) fuck together stays together ajdhsgdjfkahdkshislahkflajdjakhhaghfjd ignore me pls I haven't slept for 30 hours 🤗
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subzeroparade · 8 months
Chapters: 4/4 Fandom: Bloodborne (Video Game) Relationships: Rom/Caryll Additional Tags: Gender-Neutral Caryll, Byrgenwerth-era, the latent horror of academia, grad school with the added insult of unfathomable cosmic iniquities Summary:
I would get on knees I no longer have, clasp hands that cannot hold. I would beg. But to whom? I don’t want to open all these eyes. * Rom and Caryll, before and after.
You want academic shenanigans? you got those. you want pining? it's in here. you want the realisation that it's impossible to balance an uncomplicated relationship and career and occasional eldritch horror (all while being a woman)???? that's the plot. you want savage dunking on Willem? that's in here too, as a treat.
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tullytruther · 9 months
i’m currently debating writing an essay on why i’m confident angela kang was planning on making caryl cannon. it was so clear to me in the way that she wrote both carol and daryl’s individual and collective arcs in s9 & s10 what she was setting up; the culmination of their 11 season long journey, and the answer to what it was that they wanted, was going to be their love for eachother.
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lab-gr0wn-lambs · 6 months
Oh jesus wait! Only now that something might finally be starting with Carol and Daryl did I suddenly think.. what if Daryl was aroace tho. and now I'm just-
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minimoefoe · 2 years
starting to think some ppl in the walking dead fandom don't know that ppl can platonically say 'i love you' 💀
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indigoraysoflight · 1 year
Maggie, Negan and Daryl during the Reaper arc.
Maggie: Tell me what you know about Leah so we can make a plan.
Daryl: A'right. Gray hair. Blue eyes. Would do anything to protect her family. She's got this one dude wrapped around her finger. He's so dumb. She's like "I'm gonna do something stupid" and he's like "I hate it but I still got your back". Pfft. Dumbass.
Maggie: ...
Daryl: ah shit. Wait.
Maggie: Yes, Daryl?
Daryl: I forgot. She had this kid who died tragically.
Negan: ...
Negan: I'm gonna tell him.
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katyspersonal · 10 months
Caryll has an interesting position and would fit Mensis, probably...
Me and [a mutual] hit some interesting discussion about Karel/Caryll and their potential (because they've mentioned working on him), and basically?
It is an interesting point about Caryll that he might be as... "apolytical" as the setting goes? Whereas not all runes are Caryll's (Guidance and Milkweed, for example), but most are. And one of them is Corruption, a rune of Vilebloods! I think it could serve as an idea for who "traitor of Byrgenwerth" was, but more importantly, it is further evidence that Caryll doesn't care what knowledge they spread! He will do anything - Church (holy blood), Vilebloods (UNholy blood), beasts, 'nice' Great Ones, 'scary' Great Ones, hunt, magic... Doesn't matter! Their concern is that people could see truth how it is, without interpretation or translation problems, and effectively utilise the inhuman knowledge however they themselves see fit.
It also reminded me of School of Mensis approach. Whereas Choir appears to be adamant on following a particular Great One and worship the 'stars' and evolving to understand this guidance, Mensis prioritises seeing the world 'how it really is'. And their cages is just a caution measure to not collapse from the horrors they as humans might be not ready to see. Choir is more about Eyes Inside, but Mensis is more about Insight. Evolution as species to see vs evolution through seeing. And Willem must be the last one to remember how to balance between these both - "we need more eyes, but also could level with Great Ones as humans". Caryll is said to be similar with Willem in terms of not relying on the blood, though.
But whereas Willem entails a more "proper" approach of the Choir, that current institution have lost (except for maybe Julie/Yurie), would not that make sense if Caryll entailed a more "proper" approach of School of Mensis? That rather than being a mimic of Willem's philosophy, Caryll had his own. Like how Willem was preaching trusting the Great Ones but in a more efficient way, Caryll was preaching seeing the "profane world how it is" in a more efficient way. Willem would approve of gradual approach and shielding people from things they're not ready for (probably hence Rom's concealment), whereas Caryll would approve of dumping all tools and knowledge on humanity without any filter. Even if they will use his knowledge (Communion / Moon) to abort a divine infant and ruin everything - that's not his business, his business is to UNCOVER knowledge and tools!
Yet the two would be effective in their approaches. And like many people with actually good points and too ahead of their time, they were not listened to the majority, and institutions that were supposed to share their philosophy collapsed on themselves!
P.S.: Damn, though... Although lore states that Caryll was a scholar, with this train of thought, it'd be pretty awesome if Caryll was same age as Willem and second next influential headmaster in Byrgenwerth.
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absolutely no hate toward the richonne fandom, i am très happy for you and hope you remain well-fed, but jfc, seeing those gifs on my dash makes the sleeper agent that lives in my internal organs start to roll around and threaten to wake from its slumber bc i Cannot think about anything but how badly i want to be well-fed as a caryl shipper, and i am so resentful at how much this show/ship still has a hold on me. 99% of the time i can suppress it, but the second something reminds me of caryl i start to become unhinged. this ship has permanently rewired the circuits in my brain and i will never be truly free 💀
(if caryl ever gets a sex scene or a proposal i think i will be fundamentally changed as a person 💀)
(i don't even watch towl!! i've just seen the gifs 💀)
(i miss caryl 😔)
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my-mt-heart · 2 years
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Two birds, one stone. 
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katyahina · 1 year
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Decided to doodle some height comparison with the main Byrgenwerth scholars! This dabbles on the idea that Micolash and Rom used to have brown eyes, and they became blue after their intro to Kos (or some say Kosm)
Also, I finally grew enough balls to draw Julie accurate to her character data. I already draw all chatracters with ‘bald’ hairstyle with their data color whenever I picture them when they still had hair, so it is only more consistent. She does look better with brown hair I tend to draw her with, though, so... let’s presume she dyes her hair sometimes, okay? Using natural ways like herbs or fruit.
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Working my way through drawing every Caryl hug
Season 5, episode 1 : No Sanctuary
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