#bloodborne fanfic
subzeroparade · 5 months
I'm so excited about your upcoming work Can I find out who the two main ones will be
Ty ヽ(•‿•)ノ
First one is a two-part on the Moon Deal (creation of the Hunter’s Dream) so it’s mostly about these two being weird about each other:
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Then a one-shot from Simon’s POV, of which only a little is written but I’d like to finish it.
Thanks for reading <3
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creepysora · 4 months
Chapters: 2/8 Fandom: Bloodborne (Video Game) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Chapter 2 is up and go! I hope everyone is ready for the forest trip to go real bad real fast!
Specific triggers for this specific chapter can be found in the tags and in the chapter notes!
Journal of [ ], Parish Constable Captain
October 4th. Sky hangs low with clouds; we might get caught in rain later this day. Thick fog covered the forest this morning, so dense even on the fields at the forest’s edge that I could barely see 3 meters ahead. I suspect that, should I have moved into the forest proper, I soon would have been unable to see even my own hand stretched out in front of me. Men were restless, with some reporting hearing voices from the woods. Those who are not familiar with the wilderness may not be used to its sounds, and Michał and I both suspect that this unfamiliarity might be at play here. Told them to take heart and remember their training, their tasks, and their valor. Dogs appear nervous too, barking and snarling at the trees hidden by fog, growling at shadows. Calming them delayed us, but it is all in the interest of avoiding unnecessary risks. These canines may trust us, but I do not wish to see them act in a moment of panic and attack either us or the horses. We moved into the woods around midday in hopes of waiting out the fog, but it remains as ghostly wisps. Visibility improved, but is not ideal. 
Addendum, evening of October 5th: Heavy rain started soon enough. The canopies protect us from the worst of it. The wet forest ground should be ideal for tracking down the game. Two of the horses have been swaying the further we go, their gait unsteady and their nostrils foamy. Upon inspection, all horseshoes are still attached and in good condition, and we could find no signs of obvious illness or injury. I have sent Constables Vìtek and Lukas back with the horses to have them sheltered at one of the farms for further examination and rest. The men will catch up with us as soon as they are able to, following our tracks. We continue onwards with 3 horses, 78 men, 24 hounds, 8 sight-dogs, and 8 dogues. 
October 8th. The rain has not let up. The canopy offers no shelter to us anymore. The soil is soaked, the underbush is soaked, our boots and uniforms are soaked. Every evening and every morning, the fog is dense and heavy around us. We move through the shrouds slowly. The smell of wet dogs permeates everything, even the food. There have been no signs of the wolves yet. Constables Vìtek and Lukas have not rejoined us. My adjutant has suggested that they may be waiting out the storm. Ground is unexpectedly swampy, and getting harder to move through. Water quality low. We boil what we take, but the wetness is impeding our ability to start fires. If this weather continues, it is only a matter of time until sickness befalls all of us. Constable Andrzej found a dead snake, species unknown. Drawing attached. 
October 8th, addendum. The snake was not dead. Lost Constables Andrzej, Yannis and Gregor to snake nest. Snakes produce venom. 
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general-luce · 1 month
Celeste awakens to the next phase of the Long Night as the moon lowers and reaches into areas it hasn't been seen in centuries.Eye tree inspired by shit like this.
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ligawolfcosplayandarts · 10 months
So we are 6 chapters in now.
It took me like 7 months at least to grow a pair and write this fanfic. My sweet oc Lily and Gascoigne aaaahhh.
English isn't my first language, so be aware of spelling mistakes.
Also 17+ hits and my first ever kudos. Wehee.
Also I'll be adding some headcanons about characters like Henryk, Eileen, Gascoigne daughters and Gascoigne himself. And in respect, some of Viola headcanons too.
Smut will be when we reach chapter 8 or 9 at least. I just love writing fluff and bonding a lot, which will result eventual smut.
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grollow · 1 year
Title: sing Rating: T Characters: Kos, The Fishing Hamlet Villagers, Mentions of the Byrgenwerth Scholars, Mentions of Orphan of Kos Summary:    Listen for the baneful chants.    Weep with them, as one in trance.    And weep with us, oh weep with us…    Kos, the Fishing Hamlet, and the curse that bound those who would defile the mother and her children for all time. Contains spoilers for The Old Hunters DLC. Author’s Notes: I don’t have a banner for this since I rarely write in this fandom. Hoping to change that some this year?? In the meantime... Have a Bloodborne ... thing.
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starfolk7 · 1 year
*casually drops a fic update and runs*
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secteel · 2 months
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Sketched how I viewed Valtr when I published my fic. Honestly gave the me the drive to practice creative writing in view of future fics aaa
Link to fanfic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54670189
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karnaca78 · 2 months
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Once it was a place of wonder, when not yet given to decay. History breaks and reshapes, he knows, be it stone or bone. He likes the bone at his fingers. In the laboratory, at an hour too early for noise, when he is alone, when he hears the skin-less hum of a humerus, the past turns present and moulds his mind a time-piece. Delicacy lining his hand, he makes himself as goldsmith and cares for the dead as never have the living. Here, too: this is what he wants. The skeleton and the marrow, the fabric of ancestry and genealogies given forgetfulness— this is what he wants, to carve his name cranial along a curve, a ridge, a life ossified. To write history and become it in time.
Excerpt from Intercostal / Red, in which Micolash and Laurence go down an old underworld.
Read here on AO3
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undefeatablesin · 11 months
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The full version of the banner art from the other day lol ✨️
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subzeroparade · 8 months
Chapters: 4/4 Fandom: Bloodborne (Video Game) Relationships: Rom/Caryll Additional Tags: Gender-Neutral Caryll, Byrgenwerth-era, the latent horror of academia, grad school with the added insult of unfathomable cosmic iniquities Summary:
I would get on knees I no longer have, clasp hands that cannot hold. I would beg. But to whom? I don’t want to open all these eyes. * Rom and Caryll, before and after.
You want academic shenanigans? you got those. you want pining? it's in here. you want the realisation that it's impossible to balance an uncomplicated relationship and career and occasional eldritch horror (all while being a woman)???? that's the plot. you want savage dunking on Willem? that's in here too, as a treat.
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creepysora · 2 months
The Yharnam Missive - Chapter 7 - Gavage
Chapters: 7/8 Fandom: Bloodborne (Video Game) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Summary:
"Day 27. The stalkers have come by day, with a glow red like blood; only one loss today. We are down to 20 men and 46 eyes. We shouldn’t have come here. And now that we have, it doesn’t want us to leave alive. The trees pulse as if they could bleed. In the far distance, I can see light between trees, as if of a fire or of a lantern; we stay away from it. It’s a trick of the eye. The Forest yowls and growls, and heavy footsteps surround us."
The story goes like this: A long time ago, a group of Constables from a foreign land chased a beast all the way to Yharnam, and were promptly killed by it, except for one, who ate the beast. It's a favourite among Yharnamites.
This is that story, told in journal entries and glimpses.
I know I said I wanted to go in a two weeks rhythm, but honestly, I am just so dang excited to get this chapter out there! It's my personal favourite.
So what happens in this chapter? This, dear readers, is the chapter where Valtr eats a beast, and where the main gore lies. I hope you will enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Detailed trigger warnings can be found on AO3.
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general-luce · 2 months
Celeste reaches the entrance to Isz, but finds the Choir there as well, seeking to restore Ebrietas to the material plane.
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ligawolfcosplayandarts · 11 months
I know I do a lot of Gascoyrk art, but not everyone was aware I also ship Gascoigne with my oc.
I finally started writing my fanfic about my oc, female hunter named Lily, and Father Gascoigne. And the fact ideas were in my head since December but gladly I'm putting them on Ao3 now. hehe
I'll be also adding this fanfic onto my Wattpad as I have to reinstall it on my phone. So yea, I'm writing again.
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copias-sewer-rat · 10 months
🌕Hunter's Moon🌕 - Bloodborne/Ghost the band AU
You were a hunter, but now you have turned into a beast. What do the different Papas do after they see you turn?
Angst! Lots of angst! Also spoilers for the game Bloodborne. If you have not played it and you like Ghost, I highly recommend it. GN reader!
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Once a hunter, always a hunter. The sickness in your blood had become unbearable and from there… there was no going back. No matter how much he tried to help you, how many remedies he discovered, how much he pleaded you to rest… it was never enough. You felt yourself getting lost to the blood, to the powers beyond. The mortal life that was once your own ceased to exist. Your mind was not your own, your limbs expanded in size and covered in fur. Teeth sharpening and growing like icicles, bright and cold. And your screams so vile and loud that they drowned every other scream occurring during the night of the hunt.
It pains his soul to see you like that, but he promised that he would always protect you. However, at the most crucial moment, he could not fulfill his promise and that is what pains him the most.
He stays by your side, even if you don’t know it…even if you don’t know him. He guards the place that you have made yours: an old chapel, now abandoned.
He threats and kills anyone who dares to try to kill you. He turns the church into a sacred temple devoted to you, the best hunter he ever knew and the love of his live, now turned into a martyr.
He simply kills you, his heart breaking entirely once you exhale for the last time, turning then into dust.
You leave behind a necklace that he had given you a long time ago. Words of adoration to you once spoken have lost any meaning to him.
He is so pained and so devastated that he turns himself completely into a vengeful soul, trying to kill the God who had made this to you. However, in the process he becomes a beast himself, lost in his memories of you.
In his mind there is no blood, no hunt, no suffering, only you.
With his reputation as a scholar he tries everything he can to save you. He tries to find a cure through both blood and insight.
He thinks everything is lost, you are succumbing to the blood, loosing yourself more and more, day after day and he cannot do anything.
He decides to create a nightmare of his own. He traps you outside and goes into a deep slumber. Rom the Vacuous Spider grants his wish and now you are forever inside a dream with him. At least that is what Secondo thinks.
Part of your consciousness is with Secondo, the rest of you is outside, suffering and turning. Breaking bones and skin, transforming into the beast he so desperately tried to confine.
When you are free of your prison, you leave him be. Your same smell emanates from him, so still and pale, but you know you are with him in some kind of way.
Nonetheless, you cannot do anything. The nightmare will be eternal and he will die within his fantasy.
Leaves you be as a beast, but visits often the place you roam.
He tried so many times to kill you, but there was no use. There is so much pain inside of him because of it, so much regret. He does not know if he can keep living without you, but he cannot live with the guilt either.
He feels like it is his fault. If he had a better hunter maybe you wouldn’t have needed to help him. Maybe if he was better he could have protected you, have a normal life with you.
His heart breaks bit by bit every time he sees you in that state. Inside he hopes that a hunter has the gut to do what he hasn’t been able to do.
In the end, after inebriating himself with too much blood he battles you. The final blow is fatal for both of you.
He holds your monstrous hand and smiles, feeling your fading heat. Your heartbeat stopping at the same time as his own and now you are both at peace.
He becomes obsessed with bringing you back to normal. Right after you turned he spent weeks crying, shouting, drinking and blaming the gods.
You didn’t deserve it. You were meant for a world that deserved you. You were his love, the only one that brought him happiness in all this darkness and blood.
He makes a lot of research. He needs to find something to reverse your transformation, and he finds something, something vague, but something nonetheless.
A note saying ‘three third cords’ lies in the table of a once prestigious lecture building. Something in him knows that that is the way.
He searches, lies and kills until he has three thirds of umbilical cords that come from women about to ascend to godhood. He does not hesitate to consume them to save you. He will turn himself into God if it needs to.
The Moon Presence awaits for the new hunter that will continue the nightmare, but Copia has other plans. He only has you in his mind when he kills the old God. You are the only thing he sees when he becomes a Great One.
He resets everything and you are back as a human. The hunt is over and you do not remember him.
He becomes your invisible guardian. You have the blessing of the most powerful god, and you pray for his favor, which he gives to you freely.
He graces you every day, with the flowers of your garden always blooming, your tea always as you like it, the birds always chirping when you take a stroll through the cemetery. But sometimes it rains, because Copia remembers. He wants to live those things beside you. Hold your hand when you are cold and hug you when you are sad. There is an unknown weight in your chest that hurts you so much, but you don’t know its origin.
He looks at you from the skies, trying to make your human existence the best possible. Nonetheless, he knows one day you will perish, so he starts preparing to change that. He will make you the greatest God that ever existed.
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ofstormsandfire · 3 months
yharnam archaeology??? 👀👀👀
hi I forgot that the blog I was rbing that from was a blog I followed for bloodborne stuff LMAO
okay so. this is heavily inspired by
Me being an anthropology student (who got into it because Cynthia pokemon is an archaeologist and I adore her, I took one (1) class and then got really invested, the important thing is. Archaeology go brr)
Me taking a very interesting class this semester that focuses on paleopathology, which is as my professor put it "the study of ancient suffering" but realistically is figuring out whatever you can from human remains. Whereas archaeology as a whole is about human culture from material remains, which can be actual bodies but can also be other things like pottery and building foundations.
Me teetering on the brink of being way too into Bloodborne for my own good despite not normally being much of a horror fan or a fan of particularly grimdark things. I Don't Know What's Different About Bloodborne. (it's probably that I'm a lesbian and I like lady maria, sue me)
Anyway. I got to thinking one time after class. That archaeologists would be SO FUCKING CONFUSED BY YHARNAM.
I'm tentatively placing Bloodborne as somewhere in the nineteenth century based on general vibes (according to my dad and his deep passion for weaponry of all kinds, a lot of the things in the game would have been derived later, but tbh if I lived in a place that constantly had to deal with people turning into horrifying beasts I think I'd innovate the hell out of things to get better weaponry so I didn't die too) and this theoretical au would be set in the modern day. so it's been a Hot Minute since the game ended and I think I was considering Yharnam Sunrise as the ending for. Reasons.
There's this group of researchers who end up heading to Yharnam, bankrolled by some rich heir or something who's got more money than sense (he dies or possibly turns into a beast from stupidity very early on) and possibly they're the last in a bunch of groups who went there and died because even hundreds of years after the horrors there are still So Many Ways For It To Go Badly? Undecided on that front, I'm still trying to figure out what (if anything) would actually be preserved.
Highlights of my vague plans:
The team finds Gilbert's journal. They all get really attached to Gilbert because that just kind of tends to happen. Which is unfortunate because they know damn well he probably didn't survive very long after the last page in his diary, but they didn't find a body, so...?
It takes a while for them to realize that the very canine skeletons have human DNA. At which point everyone is just. Very fucking confused. And also are realizing that maybe all those writings about the beast plague weren't actually about rabies (which does not leave a trace on the skeleton, fun fact! I wanted to do my project on rabies but I had to pick a pathology that had an effect on the skeleton. Alas)
There are so many arguments over who that grave behind the Hunter's Workshop belongs to. SO MANY. (I personally think it's very likely that is Maria's, but the team won't have any way of knowing that! If the headstone is unreadable by game times it's not gonna be any more readable centuries later!)
You determine whether something is bone by licking it. Someone finds an Amygdala skull and somehow, through the sort of stupidity that only happens in horror movies before people realize they're in horror movies, someone gets dared to lick it. This results in a very horrified Insight increase and the revelation that the weird fucking thing is made of bone. Also, that Amygdala's ghost is interested in the team now. Oops. This probably will go fine, right...?
What the FUCK are they going to think of all the statues of Great Ones. Probably (reasonably) that they are statues portraying something with great cultural significance to Yharnam, and possibly religious significance. Less reasonable is the fact that Great Ones... actually exist... and that SOMEONE is going to get enough Insight by the end to see those Amygdalas. Possibly the whole team tbh.
There is going to be so much arguing over how the fuck to cite shit. How do you cite some guy who supposedly disappeared centuries ago and is still hanging around in another dimension that you honestly aren't sure how to leave But You'll Worry About That Later, The First Hunter Is A Primary Source!!! How do you cite a ghost. How do you cite hallucinations and visions.
Possibly the Doll sneaks onto the team by pretending to be a survivor of a previous expedition, because tbh I think the Moon Presence can do what it wants and I think it would be VERY interested in these new bitches rocking up to Yharnam after a while. And, y'know, that goes fine until someone finds a picture of her. Or of Lady Maria. (Or until they reach the Abandoned Old Workshop, depending on the situation and if there's another version of said doll there to be found.)
Every. Single. Member. Of the team. Has some connection to Yharnam. Almost none of them know this originally. They will find out. Rip to Rom the Vacuous Spider's great-great-grandniece who discovers the hard way (finding Byrgenwerth's paperwork) why she was the first in her family to graduate uni, just not the first to attend it.
(Notable exception to this rule is the person who is convinced that his great-great-great-probably a few more in there-grandmother is Lady Maria. This gets very funny when the descendant of the player Hunter trips into the Hunter's Nightmare, which still exists due to said player Hunter poking their head in and wisely dipping immediately, and who manages to prevent a bossfight by blurting out "oh shit you're Jerry's great-grandma!")
(There may be lesbianisms involved. And some light necromancy. Idk I like Lady Maria a lot and I got enabled too damn much and I think it would be very funny for the group to return to civilization with an extra person. Or two.)
In summary, I have no plot (yet) apart from archaeology and being way too invested in the game, but I really want to write this someday once I actually finish said game. And also I'm having a grand old time coming up with characters to put through the Horrors. The archaeologist is named Cynthia Parker and. Well. If you remember the superhero identity of a certain character called Peter Parker, you might be able to figure out who she's distantly related to.
Other ideas include: player Hunter descendant, someone very distantly descended from a Cainhurst exile, and Jerry who is 100% certain his great-several-times-great-grandmother is Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower and is 100% wrong about that. Jerry is the single party member with no actual connection to Yharnam and we love him for it.
Thanks for the ask I'm incredibly flattered that you were intrigued enough to ask about this from my tags given that I followed you for your BB fics :>
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blood-starved-beast · 2 months
do you have any bloodborne fanfic recommendations? i trust your taste 💌
I'll admit I haven't read too much Bloodborne fanfiction and I want to (especially on Eileen the Crow and Fauxsefka) but I do have some recs. Warning in Advance that I am a Maria/Kos shipper so if you're not into that well a good number of these are moot.
Not listed in any order except maybe latest to oldest added to my bookmarks:
Carmina Abyssi by LunarLich (@nerendus) [KosxMaria] - goes hard man. idk where to begin to discuss it. The way Kos has a pre-emptive interest in Maria (haunting her mind) and the scene where Maria finds the Orphan in the corpse and Kos takes over to touch him one last time. Kos giving Maria an "out" but also Maria digging her own grave. There are so many details and symbolism and just urgh so good. Everyone knowing something is Wrong with her but no one knows/does anything about it.
lamprey by particulate - the atmosphere in this one is unmatched. The way everything feels slimy and gross and wet. Maria being a Sad Distraught Byronic Hero misplaced from some Victorian Romantic film, Gehrman Not Getting Her, Micolash being Micolash :/. Some details are very big oof.
Come, Let's Away to Prison by captainjackspearow is perhaps the first fic to make me consider the Gehrman+Maria Kos+Orphan and Moon Presence+Gehrman parallels in a serious light. Pity them both ngl.
Facile Oceanum by 0plus2equals1 [KosxMaria] is one I think of a lot. This one is so poetic and the description of the imagery is so vivid. And very dreamlike. OP also wrote some interesting Hunter/Annalise fic if I'm recalling correctly.
Ave Maria by xeboot is a Doll meeting Maria fic and one I keep thinking about a lot. Love the unsettling vibes from the Doll here, and the very dream-like logic going on.
Water Makes Many Beds by kiyaar is a Maria-character study and how she lived during the latter stages of her life. Really like the detail that she's contemplating suicide long before she actually takes the shot figuratively speaking.
How do you solve a problem like Maria? by Mosslynx (@pumpkaaboo) has my favorite depiction of the Hunter protagonist of Bloodborne. It is as inquisitive and strange and intellectual as I expect the Hunter to be. Also really like how the Doll is written, as all the references to the world outside of Yharnam being set at least decades after Bloodborne's in-game setting. The mystery of who is this mysterious Hunter is so well thought out.
waves by thalassashells is another character study. This one is a lot shorter, but man I am a sucker for imagery for fics in this fandom.
Ask me again when I start reading fics about other characters.
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