#only post i likely have in me i haven't been able to breathe since march
chitsangenthusiast · 6 months
can't believe it's been a year. i miss my dad. i love him so much
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genshinluvr · 1 year
Final Moments
Pairings: Various Honkai Star Rail Men x Isekai'd!Reader
Summary: You're somewhere alone, bleeding, and on the verge of death. Everyone is scrambling to reach out to you, but you're not picking up your phone, and no one knows where you are. Not even Nanook knows your whereabouts. You didn't think you could die in a universe you didn't belong to, but you were wrong. At least you were able to hear their voices in your final moments, right?
Note: I haven't written angst in so long. This is probably not the best angst I've written. This is an answer to an ask I received not long ago. I'm not sure how I feel about this mini-fic, but I think something sad happening for once is somewhat good for a fanfic one-shot series. To be really honest, it doesn't feel like angst to me. Idk if it's because I wrote it or if it's because it's not sad enough. Who knows. I don't post anywhere else but on Tumblr (Genshinluvr) and on AO3 (Aaliah_exo).
Warnings: Major character death, blood, probably my worst angst
Word Count: 3.9k
Your connection with Nanook has been severed. Whenever you sleep, you and Nanook communicate while you’re asleep. When you’re unconscious due to being knocked out by a flying prosthetic arm, Nanook is there— while you’re physically unconscious. You and Nanook have always been connected through body and mind since your arrival to their— Nanook, your Astral Express, Stellaron Hunter, Xianzhou Luofu, and Jarilo-VI companions— universe. However, this is the first time you realize you and Nanook are no longer connected to each other.
In the state of unconsciousness, you’re in the void. Only this void is different from the one where Nanook is covering the sun and sky. This abyss you’re in is pitch black, and you’re the only living being in the endless darkness. There’s no sky, no sun, no stars to light a path along the way in the void. At first, you’re uncertain whether you’re physically in this void or if you’re just unconscious.
That is until you hear ringing in your ears, and light starts flooding in. You gasp aloud as if you finally made it to the surface after being underwater for more than you can handle. Your lungs hurt, and so does your head. As a matter of fact, now that you have regained consciousness, your entire body aches, and you’re tired. So tired. Your eyelids threaten to shut, but you’re trying your best not to lose consciousness again.
Where are you? 
What happened?
You push yourself upward and slump against the wall, choking out a gasp and breathing heavily. Your heart hurts— you didn’t think it was possible for you to feel your heart hurting to the point where you want to cry. Your vision is blurry, and you try to rub your eyes, but you can’t feel your arms. Exhaustion soon overtakes your body, and you fall unconscious.
Meanwhile, on the Astral Express, everyone is crowding around on the Parlor Car, their phones facing upward on the table. Everyone has been trying to call you, only for them to get a voicemail, or the call would fail to go through. The monotonous beep haunts their minds as everyone frantically tries to reach out to you.
“Are you sure the signal is good? Maybe we can’t call them because of the awful signal on the Astral Express,” Caelus comments, chewing on his nails.
March ignores Caelus’ comment. She presses her phone against her ears, listening to the ringing. If the signal was terrible, then how come the phone call was going through for her? The ringing stopped briefly, making March gasp, startling everyone on the Astral Express.
“Hi, this is [Y/N]! Sorry, I can’t come to the phone right now—”
March groans, ending the call. “Never mind. I thought they answered my call, but I was wrong,” March sighs in defeat, sliding her phone on the table.
The lights on the Astral Express flicker, and the door slams open. Nanook steps into the Parlor Car, his gold eyes scanning the Parlor Car, searching for your face. Nanook sighs and stays close to the entrance, running his hands through his hair. Just as Nanook feared: you’re not on the Astral Express either. 
Welt furrows his eyebrows at the Aeon of Destruction. “Nanook. Your presence is sudden,” says Welt.
“Where is [Y/N]? Are they not on the Astral Express?” Nanook asks, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Unfortunately, they’re not on the Astral Express. We,” Jing Yuan gestures to him, Blade, Luocha, Luka, Sampo, and Gepard, “were contacted by the Astral Express in hopes that [Y/N] is on the Xianzhou Luofu or Jarilo-VI. To everyone’s disappointment, they are nowhere to be found.”
After hearing Jing Yuan’s explanation, Nanook starts to visibly panic. The Aeon of Destruction paces back and forth, taking deep breaths and muttering something under his breath. Everyone on the Astral Express gazes at Nanook worriedly. This is the first time they see him act this way. Nanook has always had this cool, calm, and collected exterior. Nothing can phase him, and only you can get a reaction out of him.
Sampo raises a finger. “Hold up. Why are you asking us where [Y/N] is? Aren’t you the one who can communicate with [Y/N] inside their dreams?” Sampo asks, crossing his arms over his chest and raising his eyebrows at the Aeon.
“Nanook, have you been able to contact them by any chance? We’ve been hitting countless dead ends, and we’re really worried about them,” Gepard says, looking at Nanook pleadingly.
Nanook sighs and stops pacing. He looks at the people on the Astral Express with a deep frown. While Sampo is correct about him being able to communicate with you through your dreams, the people on the Astral Express, Xianzhou Luofu, and Jarilo-VI aren’t the only ones whose struggling to get into contact with you.
Nanook wasn’t able to contact you through your dreams prior to your disappearance. When Nanook brought you into this universe, Nanook made sure to form this connection with you— this unbreakable bond between you and him. But despite creating this unbreakable bond, it somehow severed, and he can no longer contact you through your dreams and unconscious state.
This bond is supposed to be a way for him to track you anywhere in this universe. No matter how out of reach you are from him. Whether you’re in the Astral Express, on Jarilo-VI, the Xianzhou Luofu, the void, etc., Nanook should be able to feel your presence somewhere throughout the universe. Nanook mutters something, closing his eyes and pulling at the roots of his hair with frustration.
“What’s Nanook saying?” Himeko whispers, not taking her eyes off the anguish Aeon.
Luka whispers, “He’s muttering something about [Y/N] and the bond between them. I can’t hear what Nanook is saying, but those are the things I can pick out.”
Dan Heng stares at his phone intently, staring at your contact picture while listening to the monotonous ring. This is the fourth attempt. The fourth time he’s tried to call you, only for there to be a voicemail or just constant beeping that’s shaking him to his core. You can be anywhere in the universe, and finding your precise location without you telling them where you’re at will be the most challenging thing they deal with.
“Are they still not answering their phone, Dan Heng?” Luocha asks, approaching the black-haired man.
Dan Heng sighs, ending the call when he hears your voicemail through the speakers. “No,” Dan Heng mutters, shaking his head.
Blade stares at the panicking Nanook, frowning deeply. Blade sighs, rubbing his temples with shaky hands. As much as Blade wishes he was mishearing the things Nanook was muttering to himself, the more Blade thinks about it, the more it makes sense. Nanook is the one that brought you into this universe— he should know your exact location no matter what planet and fleet you’re on. Nanook should be able to communicate with you through your dreams or unconscious state, and because Nanook is visibly panicking and stressing out over your whereabouts, Blade concludes that—
“Your connection with [Y/N] has been severed, isn’t it?” Blade asks, breaking the tense silence in the Astral Express and bringing Nanook out of his thoughts.
Nanook clenches his jaws, nodding. “It has been severed, unfortunately. I do not know how it happened, and I’m sure [Y/N] isn’t the one that severed it. There’s no way for them to sever the connection,” Nanook replies.
Everyone stares at Nanook in horror. If Nanook is unable to contact you, then it’s very unlikely they’ll be able to find you sooner. You, [Y/N]. The same person not from their universe, the same precious star everyone holds dear to their hearts— whether as a best friend, little sibling, or a small crush that developed into something bigger— the same star that shines the brightest in the universe. You’re somewhere out there in the universe, exposed to dangers you’re not used to handling. Heck, everyone didn’t plan on letting you be exposed to any hazards that exist in this universe, but now?
“So, you’re saying there’s no way for any of us to contact [Y/N]?” Welt asks, raising his eyebrows at Nanook.
While Welt looks calm on the outside, the man is freaking out internally. How did this happen in the first place? You were supposed to be safe and sound under his watch, but you suddenly disappeared without a trace, and no one was able to reach out to you or track you down. Not even the Aeon of Destruction is able to track you down, and the Aeon has connections with you— well, had a connection with you.
“What are we going to do now, Mr. Yang? Searching for [Y/N] seems impossible at this point,” Caelus says, plopping down on the chair and running his hands through his hair.
Jing Yuan shakes his head. “I’ll have Yanqing lead the Cloud Knights to search throughout the Xianzhou Luofu,” Jing Yuan says, taking his phone from the table and sending rapid texts to his blond retainer.
Gepard nods. “And I will have the Silvermane Guards patrol the Overworld and the Underworld. If they see [Y/N], their duty is to detain [Y/N] until we arrive to get them,” says Gepard as he grabs his phone to message Dunn.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa! Detain [Y/N]? As in, keep them in cuffs and behind bars?!” Sampo exclaims, propping his hands on his hips, and looks at Gepard with disbelief.
Gepard, Welt, Nanook, and Dan Heng sigh simultaneously, rubbing their temples and pinching the bridge of their noses after hearing Sampo’s question. March snorts, rolling her eyes. The door to the Parlor Car opens. Pom-Pom waddles into the room, his eyes scanning the Parlor Car for a familiar face other than the ones that are present. 
Pom-Pom sighs with disappointment. “I see that none of you have found [Y/N],” Pom-Pom says, crossing his arms over his chest.
Himeko gives Pom-Pom a sympathetic look. “Sorry, Pom-Pom, but we still haven’t found them. They’re not answering our texts or phone calls, and not even Nanook can contact them,” Himeko replies.
Pom-Pom sighs and waddles to the Phonograph, pressing his forehead against the machine. A dark stormy cloud looms over Pom-Pom’s head as he lets out a string of whimpers and sniffles. Everyone on the Astral Express nearly forgot about how close you and Pom-Pom are. The closeness between you two is adorable, and Pom-Pom treats you like his favorite passenger on the Astral Express. Well, you are his favorite passenger. There’s no denying it. Sometimes, when everyone is asleep, you would keep Pom-Pom company and spoil him with his favorite snacks.
Of course, that was before Nanook became a passenger on the Express. Now you would keep Pom-Pom company on the nights you can’t sleep or when Nanook isn’t on the Astral Express due to his duty as the Aeon of Destruction.
“Pom-Pom?” March asks softly.
Pom-Pom turns to face them, his eyes blurred with tears. “How could all of you fail to protect someone that protected me!?” Pom-Pom wails, tears cascading down his cheeks. “What if we never see them again? They could be in danger!”
Everyone looks away, their shoulders slumping. Pom-Pom’s right. They did fail to protect you— this is the second time they failed to protect you, and they wish they could turn back time and prevent it from happening.
“There’s nothing to worry about. We’ll find [Y/N] and bring [Y/N] back to the Astral Express, alright?” Luka says, kneeling in front of Pom-Pom and patting the conductor’s head.
Pom-Pom whimpers. “But what if they’re injured?” Pom-Pom whispers.
“Then I will do everything in my power to heal them,” Luocha answers.
You’re rudely awoken by the sharp pain in your lower abdomen. You gasp and sit up, letting out a strained gasp and whimper. You look down at your body, now realizing the state you’re in. You don’t remember what exactly happened, but the more you look at your surroundings, the more you start piecing things together. You were attacked by the Mara-struck. It happened so fast that you weren’t able to comprehend what happened before it was too late.
And now you’re here, on Cloudford, bleeding out, going in and out of consciousness, with no cell signal to call or text your traveling companions. You can’t even contact Nanook due to the severed connection between you and the Aeon of Destruction. No matter how many times you lose consciousness, Nanook isn’t there— even if you scream his name, bloody murder. You will always be in the void, alone and searching for the Aeon that brought you into his universe.
You sprawl out on the ground, digging your phone from your pockets. Your vision blurs every few minutes, making it hard for you to do your task. You turn your phone on, attempting to call the first person on your contact list. Blade.
You tried to call Blade, but the call didn’t go through. You tried calling every person on your contact list, but the call continues not to go through. You push yourself off the ground, nearly slipping on the pool of blood beneath you. It’s a miracle that you manage to hold on for so long. The question is: how much longer can you hold on? Black dots dotting your vision, you’re extremely tired, your eyelids are threatening to close, and your legs and arms are tingling.
“I can do this, I can do this,” you chanted, limping as far away as you can. “I’ll be okay. I’ll be okay.”
You’re not sure if giving yourself a false sense of hope is going to do any better. Still, it’s better to do that than lay in your puddle of blood, watching the time tick away and your life slipping from your fingers. With each step you take, you feel your strength slipping away. You’re exhausted, and everything hurts. The Mara-struck did not go easy on you until they assumed you were dead. 
As much as you wanted to blame yourself for not being careful enough, there’s no one else to blame. Not even yourself. People will blame you for not being careful and watching your surroundings, but is it really your fault? The Mara-struck are ruthless, and they’ll attack anyone and anything that is alive and not Mara-struck like them.
You’re brought out of your thoughts and self-pity when your foot gets caught over the other, sending you to the ground with a loud thump. You let out a screech of pain and remain on the ground as every part of your body is stinging and throbbing with pain. The small cuts on your body reopen as fresh blood oozes from the wounds, spilling to the ground.
“Please, just end my misery,” you whisper, tears rolling down your bloodstained cheeks as you slowly drift in and out of consciousness.
The faint sound of buzzing coming from your phone wakes you up. You gingerly turn your head to see the screen of your phone lighting up and vibrating. You reach for your phone and roll over on your side to see Blade calling you. You swipe to the green button and hear a faint scream and frantic voices coming from the other end of the call.
“Blade?” You croak, wincing when you feel how dry your throat feels.
Blade sighs in relief on the other side of the call. “Thank the Aeons, you’re okay. Where are you? Are you safe?” Blade asks.
You chuckle bitterly, close your eyes and continue to lie on the ground. At least you’ll be able to hear their voices one last time, right? It’s better to listen to their voice before…. Someone calls your name, grabbing your attention.
“Huh? Sorry, I didn’t catch onto what you were saying,” you mumble, squeezing your eyes shut and fighting back a whimper that’s crawling up your throat.
“[Y/N], please tell us where you are. We’re very worried about you,” Dan Heng says.
You sniffle. The pain is beginning to feel unbearable. Everything hurts so much, and you want someone or something to end your pain and suffering already. You shouldn’t have played dead when the Mara-struck attacked you for who knows how long. You should’ve let them end you right then and there so you wouldn’t have to continue to suffer like how you are right now.
“[Y/N]? Are you still with us?” Caelus asks, his voice crackling through the speakers.
Fuck. Is the connection starting to act up?
“Yeah, yeah. I’m still here,” you reply, black dots dotting your vision. Is it normal to see a small burst of stars in your eyes each time you blink? “Sorry, I’m not feeling well right now.”
The other end of the call falls silent after hearing your response. As of now, Jing Yuan and Gepard haven’t received any reports from the Silvermane Guards and Cloud Knights about finding you. 
The General of the Xianzhou Luofu and the Captain of the Silvermane Gaurds text their trusted companions regarding the search, only for Dunn and Yanqing to reply that they have yet to find out despite the number of Cloud Knights and Silvermane Guards scrambling to find you. 
Mr. Yang walks over to Blade and takes the phone from his hands. “Sweetheart, can you look at your surroundings and tell us where you are? Even if you don’t know the precise location, do you know whether you’re on the Xianzhou Luofu or Jarilo-VI?” Mr. Yang asks.
“I’m on, uh, the Xianzhou Luofu. The Mara-struck…” you trail off, closing your eyes. Your hands are shaking— you don’t think you can hold your phone up any longer. Your arms feel awfully weak, and your phone feels heavy.
Jing Yuan’s voice crackles over the speakers. “What happened with the Mara-struck?”
Jing Yuan sounds frantic.
You shrug, completely forgetting that the others can’t see you. “They attacked me out of nowhere. They left me for dead, and there’s blood. So much blood,” you whisper, cracking your eyes open and looking at your surrounding.
“[Y/N], can you turn on the video call so we can see where you are?” Gepard asks, his voice crackling in the speakers.
You sigh, gritting your teeth as you turn on the video call. Your face appears on the screen— if you weren’t bleeding out and losing consciousness every few minutes, you would be gasping in horror at the sight of your reflection. Dear Aeons, you look horrendous. You blindly show your surroundings for the men to see where you’re at, but you don’t think you’re doing it correctly. Your arm soon grew tired, and your arms collapsed beside you.
“I’m really sleepy, guys,” you whisper, swallowing the lump in your throat. You nearly gagged when you tasted a mouthful of blood. You don’t know how much more you can hold on until they find you.
“Does anyone recognize that area? We’re not from the Xianzhou Luofu— nothing looks familiar for us,” Sampo mutters, gazing at the others worriedly.
Luocha steps forward and takes Blade’s phone from Mr. Yang’s grasp. “I know this is going to be complicated for you, but do not fall asleep, alright? Keep your eyes open and try to stop the bleeding. We’ll be right there soon,” Luocha instructs.
The men hear and see nothing coming from Blade’s phone. The camera is pointed to the sky of  the Xianzhou Luofu— they see the color of your hair peeking in the corner. You rub your eyes and press your hands against the deep gash on your abdomen. You lift your head to see various cuts on your body. All are bleeding.
You whisper, “Which ones do I cover? There’s too many,” you mumble, gazing at the gashes with bleary eyes. 
You let your head fall back on the ground, attempting to cover up as many as you can. How much longer are you going to hold on? You can hear a commotion coming through Blade’s phone as you lie on the ground, your phone lying beside your head. You didn’t think you could die in a universe you didn’t belong to.
“Stay on the phone with us, alright? We’ll be there soon, we promise,” you hear Blade say through the phone.
You can’t tell if Blade is panicking or not. He sounds so far away, no matter how close your phone is to your ears. How could this have happened anyway? It was all your fault, wasn’t it? Were you reckless like last time? No, no. Last time, the Astral Express was under attack. But this time, you left the Astral Express and ended up getting attacked by the Mara-struck. And now look at you, bleeding out on the Xianzhou Luofu while trying to stay conscious.
“You’re not mad at me, are you?” You whisper, staring at the clear blue sky above you.
Luka grunts. “We’re not mad at you, [Y/N]. We’re very worried about you,” Luka replies.
Luka is trying his best to remain calm, but his heart is racing against his chest to the point he fears it might burst. 
You close your eyes, feeling nausea hitting you. “Is Nanook mad at me?” you ask weakly.
Dan Heng looks at Nanook from the corner of his eyes as they run through Cloudford, searching for you. It’s just them racing against the clock to get to where you are— racing against the clock to save you. But will they make it on time before you lose consciousness?
Dan Heng shakes his head. “I’m sure he’s not mad at you, [Y/N]. Why do you think that?”
You crack a smile. “I… Nanook and I aren’t connected with each other anymore. Did I do something wrong for him to sever that tie between us?” You whisper, tears blurring your vision. “If I did something to upset him, please let him know that I’m sorry for whatever it is that I have done to upset him.”
Nanook snatches the phone and gazes into the camera, his gold eyes searching for your face. “I’m not mad at you, little one. However, if you lose consciousness, I will be upset with you,” Nanook states.
You laugh weakly, tears rolling down the side of your face. “I’m sorry, everyone. I’m sorry for not being strong enough,” you whisper.
Just when you lose consciousness, you feel someone cradle you in their arms. Your vision slowly turns black as the voices around you fade away— almost sounding like you’re underwater, sinking deeper into the depths.
“No, no, no, no! Please don’t leave me,” Nanook whispers, pressing you against his chest.
Your head lolls back, laying limp in his arms as blood continues to pour out of your wounds. Luocha kneels before you and Nanook, frantically trying to heal the cuts and deep gashes on your body. Sampo, March, and Himeko look nauseous at the sight of the pool of blood below you and Nanook.
March looked away, closing her eyes as a stray tear made its way down her cheeks. “Please tell me [Y/N]’s going to be okay, please,” March pleads.
Nanook presses his index and middle finger against the side of your neck, frantically searching for a pulse. Nanook buries his face into your neck, his body wracking with sobs as he holds onto you tighter. You can’t be gone. Please, please, please, please. Luocha’s hands fall to his side, and he looks away. 
“Well?” Dan Heng demands, his chest rising and falling with heavy breaths.
Luocha shakes his head, tears rolling down his flushed cheeks. Luocha grabs your cold hand and presses a kiss on your knuckles. Maybe in another lifetime, you will meet them again. But for now, stars don’t live on forever.
Note: Just because this is angst with death doesn't mean it impacts the overall HSR isekai series. This is a mini-fic, and to make it up to all of you, I will make a Nanook smut for this upcoming week! Yes, smut is finally here! Nanook got the majority of votes. Therefore Nanook is the first HSR male character to be getting smut! As I have stated in my Genshin Isekai fics, the fics in the series are like my multi-verse. Anything can happen in these fics, but it will not significantly impact the overall series. So, even if something traumatic happened to the reader in one fic, the next fic, it never happened to the reader. Some things will impact the story, but others won't be mentioned in other fics. For those who want to be on the taglist, here is the [Google Form]. For those who want to join the Discord server but weren't able to, here is the new temporary link to [Zhongli's Abode]! Please make sure to read the server rules— you can lurk, chat and hang out on the server if you'd like! If you don't vibe with the server, you can leave whenever you want ^^ To my new and/or returning readers, please keep in mind that I ONLY post on my Tumblr (Genshinluvr) and my AO3 (Aaliah_exo)! Nowhere else except Tumblr and AO3!
Taglist for the HSR one-shot series: @mompt2, @elegantnightblaze, @lunavixia, @jadedist, @reversearrowhead, @pinksaiyans, @aurelia-xyt, @lilliansstuff, @ssunset0, @starrry-angel, @kaoyamamegami, @kodzuvk, @for3very0urs, @a-cosmicdawn, @g3n0dtt, @theblades, @raaawwwr, @immahuman, @irisxiel, @siaracarroll, @crazydreamcat, @sagekun, @orichalcumthief, @dyingsweetmackerel, @rosiesareblue, @ichikanu, @hispasian-otaku, @asoulsreverie (Accounts that I was unable to tag are not tagged in this fic. Those who do not want to be tagged in a specific fic are not tagged. Remember to check your settings to see if you're allowing people to mention you/tag you in posts or not)
Read more of my works on my Masterlist / Masterlist 2 | Maybe support me by tipping me on Ko-Fi or by reblogging my fanfics! ^^ I will also be posting exclusive fanfics on Ko-Fi as well very soon! I might post all of my stories on there too, but who knows. You can also tip me on Tumblr if you'd like as a way to show support! ^^
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whatpunkin · 8 months
injury stuff and general complaining under the cut
man it's like
i know i'm only about 4-5 weeks post-injury and 3-4 weeks post-op but i'm still so fucking angry and sad and scared about it all
everyone around me sees me sitting with my boot elevated, scooting around in an office chair and generally just trying to rest and i can tell it just doesn't register for them
to them i'm shrugging and making the best of a shitty temporary situation and yay i'll be normal again in a few weeks
in reality i'm not sleeping. i'm barely eating. bathing is a full-on production that requires an extra set of hands just to make it in and out of the shower. every day is a blur that seems to last twice as long as it should. i'm struggling with a constant pain that my pain meds can't touch because it's not even real, it's my nerve endings healing. it feels like fire, it feels like i'm standing barefoot on a metal grate, it feels like someone poured boiling water down my boot, it feels like someone's cutting my foot in half, and on, and on. my incision took way too long to close and now i just have to be afraid of infection indefinitely. my latest post op x rays showed one of the breaks somehow getting worse and i just have to hope it was a weird viewing angle, not my bone refusing to heal. i can still feel the staples coming out of my skin when i think about it, one by one, all 17 of them ripping my skin and leaving new wounds in their wake. i can still feel the pain and the panic i felt when i woke up in recovery and the nurse had laid me directly on my incision and wouldn't listen to me when i was screaming for him to move my leg, he just kept shushing me and pressing the oxygen mask to my face and telling me to take deep breaths. i can still feel the fear i went through when they sedated me in the ER and i had a bad trip that felt like it lasted for hours, while they just fucking left me lying in the cold and wet cut off remains of my clothes and wouldn't give me enough pain meds to handle the fact that they were resetting my bones by hand. i can still feel the pain i felt for the week and a half between my injury and surgery, where every single time i got out of bed, my ankle separated again, forcing me to feel it break over and over and over as my foot just dangled inside the splint. i can feel the plate and the screws inside my leg agitating the nerves and tendons and have to live with the knowledge it'll just be that way unless my doctor decides to remove them years from now. i haven't been able to get comfortable since the break and will very likely just never be comfortable again. i've been told by multiple people i'm just permanently going to be miserable and in pain.
nobody comes to see me anymore now that it's not a new shiny thing. everyone gets to move on except for me, sitting and rotting in my chair.
i haven't walked since christmas. there's a good chance i won't walk until march or even april. i just get to rot until then. 31 days until my next surgery.
i want to fucking die.
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chrisbitchtree · 3 years
Thick Thighs Save Lives
@hunnystufff posted some gorgeous art on their Patreon a couple weeks ago, and lets just say there was some ass eating, and I haven't been able to get the image out of my head since, and then @geormenia posted this the other day, plus I needed someone to project my body image issues onto, so here's thick thigh Billy getting some loving!
Billy had been crying again. Steve could tell. It had been five years since Starcourt, and four and a half since Billy had been released from his extended stay in the hospital. While he had physically recovered, regaining his ability to walk and breath unsupported, the time Billy had spent laying in a hospital bed, followed by another six months of laying in bed while recovering at home, plus the addition of untreated depression and anxiety, had taken a toll on his body.
Steve loved the added cushion, but year after year, Billy vowed that he would lose it, although it never happened, life getting in the way, as it does. He worked a desk job, having taken on the role of receptionist at the police station after Flo retired, and when he got home in the evening, he just wanted to eat dinner, then curl up on the couch, watching TV, getting high, and eating snacks with Steve.
When trying to decide what to get Billy for Christmas, Steve had decided that a membership to the fancy new gym in town and sessions with a personal trainer was the perfect gift. When the other man had opened the gift certificate on Christmas morning, he’d been very excited, telling Steve that this was just the boost he needed. It was the following March, and more often than not, when Billy got home from the gym, he was red eyed, and Steve could tell there had recently been tears in his boyfriend’s eyes.
Any time he’d asked before, Billy had waved him off, saying it was nothing. Steve decided he wasn’t letting it go this time. “Baby, tell me what’s going on. I don’t want to hear that it’s nothing. We’re past keeping secrets and not talking through shit together.”
Billy sighed, sitting down on the couch next to Steve. “It’s this fucking workout and diet plan. It’s messing with my head. I count every calorie, and I keep up with the workout plan that the personal trainer laid out for me. I’m hungry and exhausted all the time, and I’ve only lost five pounds. And he measures me every week. I used to keep measurements in high school to keep track of my fitness progress. Did you know that my thighs are like 6 inches wider than they were in our senior year?”
He looked like he was close to tears again, so Steve tried to do what he did best, make Billy laugh. He pulled the blond into a hug. “Billy, do you know what those extra six inches mean?” Billy choked on a sob. “They mean that I’ve let myself go. I’m a blob.” Steve pulled back to look into his eyes. “No, baby. They mean there’s 6 extra inches of ass and thighs to love. It means more to grab onto when I eat you out.” Billy gave a weak laugh. “If I tried to sit on your face, I’d suffocate you.”
Steve weaved their fingers together and squeezed. “I would be lucky if that’s how I died, baby. In fact, if I die suffocating between your thighs and there’s no reference to it on my tombstone, I’m going to haunt you. ‘Here lies Steve Harrington, he died doing what he loved,’ with maybe a little carving of you sitting on my face. Is that too much? I’m not sure. We can work out the details later. The point is, if there’s no mention of it on my gravestone, I’m going to go full poltergeist on your ass.” By then, Billy was crying again, but it was from laughter. Mission accomplished.
Ok,” Steve said, standing up. “I think a snack is in order. What do you want? An apple? Ice cream? Both? You can have balance, baby. It doesn’t need to be one or the other.”
Later that night, sated from a snack of apple slices and peanut butter, with a side of Half Baked, they made their way to bed. They were laying down, Steve on top of Billy, and they were making out like horny teenagers, tongues sloppily exploring each others’ mouths, hands grabbing at any bit of flesh they could reach. Steve loved that they’d never lost that fire. He was just as turned on by Billy today as he’d been the first time they’d done anything together, taking the other man any way he could get him, and he knew Billy felt the same way about him. Tonight though, Steve only wanted one thing.
Keeping attached at the lips, he reluctantly pulled his hands away from Billy’s hips to start tugging off the blonde’s jeans. Billy took over when they were down above his knees, and Steve started working on his own sweatpants and briefs. He then rid both Billy and himself of their shirts before pressing his body back down onto his boyfriends, rutting softly, loving the drag of their hard dicks against each other. He would never get enough of the skin-on-skin contact.
After a few more minutes of rutting and making out, he flipped them over, so Billy was on top. He encouraged Billy to sit up, grabbing onto his ass, pulling him further up. Billy tried to stop him. “No way, I said I’d suffocate you. We’re not doing this, asshole.” Steve tried to use his most sultry voice, but couldn’t keep a straight voice as he replied with “But baby, I’m not done. I want another snack,” followed by a wink. That got Billy to loosen up, laughing even as he groaned at Steve’s terrible joke.
He started moving forward, until Steve’s breath was ghosting over his balls. “Whatever you say, princess. It’s your funeral.” And what a funeral it would be if Billy was forced to tell this story. Steve smirked to himself, then pried Billy’s meaty asscheeks apart and dove right in. He licked right over Billy’s rim, causing him to shudder and jerk. “Jesus Harrington, you’re really going for it, aren’t you?” Steve hummed, loving the reaction that it got from the other man. He could feel Billy’s grip tighten on his biceps.
He slipped his tongue in, then pulled it back out to lick around Billy’s hole, alternating the movements until the blonde’s thighs were shaking, moan after moan slipping out of his mouth, and Steve was pretty sure he was going to pierce flesh with his nails from how hard Billy was now gripping his arms.
Billy released his grip to take his dick in hand, and as soon as Steve realized what he’d done, he batted his hand away, jerking Billy himself in time with thrusts of his tongue. It didn’t take long before Billy was coming, all over Steve’s fist, on his forehead, and in his hair. It was nasty, and Steve loved it.
Billy used the last of the strength in his thighs to push himself back off Steve’s face, before he collapsed, panting, on Steve’s chest. “Holy shit, Steve, baby. Thank you, thank you.” He sounded completely strung out. Exactly how Steve wanted him. He knew he hadn’t solved all of Billy’s problem’s that night, but they would get through it all together like they always did. For now, Steve just took a moment to soak in the beauty above him and thank the lord that it was all his.
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ardent-fox · 2 years
Sleeping Beauties (the Franny ficlet)
[Feel free to skip this preface and scroll down to read the ficlet or click on the AO3 link here]
Hello, lovely humans! 🥰
Today marks 3 months since I joined this lovely fandom by posting my first Galladrabble. First of all, I'd like to say a huge thank you to all of you on here. The kindness, talent and artistry that I've been so fortunate to have you all bestow upon me has been incredibly inspiring to me over the last 12 weeks, and your encouragement and support regarding my own work has been just what I needed to give me that extra push to keep going creatively, even during times when I thought I didn't have that much to offer in that regard. This truly is such a positive, loving fandom and I am so grateful to have stumbled upon it and have gotten to know some you a little better, which I hope will only continue in the future 💖
In celebration of the last 3 months, here's a little 751-words Franny ficlet I wrote back in March, a few weeks before I mustered the courage to step out of my comfort zone as a lurker. I got the idea for it from one of the hand prompts circling at the time, 'little hands in big hands'. I originally wrote this based solely on the Mickey/Franny 11x2 "Guns!" scene before I even started watching season 11, unaware of the Ian and Mickey dispute over Mickey not having a job at the time, so I guess this could read as a slight canon divergent/fix-it ficlet of sorts. While I haven't completed anything in full since, I have many WIP snippets that I need to organize into fics in my chaotic noggin, and I truly hope I'll be able to create longer, finished fics soon ✨️
This also marks my first (independent) work posted to AO3, which you can check out in the link at the top, or simply continue reading under this (overly long, wtf Lyds) preface. Thank you for reading and love to every single one of you! 💙
"The fuck is everyone?" Mickey asks as he opens the front door and Franny follows him back into the Gallagher house, giggling at the sound her toy guns make when she dumps them on the armchair in the empty living room. A cartoon blasts from the TV and he thinks he can hear the voices of Ian and Debbie discussing something in the next room, but everyone else seems to have either gone upstairs or left already. Balloons and paper garlands sway as Mickey and Franny make their way to the couch, her pink princess dress crumpling and fresh grass stains on his jeans stretching while they take their seat, both in dire need of a break from their invigorating game of "Liquor store robbery".
A quiet moment passes before Franny impulsively puts her hand in her uncle's tattooed one, grabbing his thumb tightly and hoisting herself up onto his lap. Mickey's eyebrows shoot up in surprise at their sudden close proximity, the muscles in his legs tensing in reaction to the unsolicited affection. He makes a conscious effort to relax for the little one's sake and allow her to rest there for a moment, the sweet, powdery aroma of her rose-scented shampoo already filling his senses as he carefully wraps his free arm around her, worried she might fall if she loses her balance. A foreign warmth begins to settle in his chest when Franny snuggles into him deeper, her breathing shallow and steady against his neck, round eyes blinking lazily at the TV. He can feel her body slumping with each passing minute, sleep quickly overtaking the happily tired birthday girl.
A sense of calm envelops him, it's softness draping over him like one of Franny's plush blankets. It doesn't take too long for him to feel his own limbs growing heavy, mind barely registering the clunking of dishes as Ian and Debbie move on to cleaning up the remnants of the party in the kitchen. He can't recall the last time he felt this tired, and he wonders what the reason could be. Perhaps it was all that job-hunting this afternoon, followed by searching for the biggest toy guns he could find? Maybe it was due to the six beers he had this evening in combination with the exercise the little redhead had put him through? Or was it thanks to the fact that Franny's loose grip on him vaguely reminded him of the way Ian sometimes held him before they dozed off together, the comfort he was now surrendering to not so alien after all? Regardless of the reason, one deep sigh is all it takes for his body to give in to slumber as he continues to hold his niece, her tiny hand still clasped in his.
Minutes, days, years go by before he awakens to a clamor and the faces of Debbie and Ian staring at him, a light reflecting in the beer bottle wrapped in the young man's hand, making Mickey squint his eyes. There's barely enough time for him to note the look of annoyance on Debbie's face before she scoops her sleeping daughter up into her arms, a frown plastering his own features as he flinches at the sudden loss.
"Great, now she's overtired and fell asleep too early. She'll be up at the crack of dawn in the morning, thanks a lot," she blurts out while walking off with her child and Mickey rubs his eyes with a scoff, too dazed to come up with one of his snappy replies.
A beat passes before he manages to focus his tired gaze on Ian and notice the gentle expression on his face, that familiar smirk spreading across it as his eyes beam with mischief, ready to tease him at any second.
"Can it, Gallagher," he cuts him off before he can say anything and Ian raises his hands up in surrender, chuckling to himself as he takes another swig of his beer. He sets the bottle down on the coffee table with a clink, then extends a hand to his sleepy husband. 
"Come on, let's get you down for your nap, too," Ian presses softly, unable to resist.
"Fuck off," Mickey retorts through a yawn but takes his hand anyway, standing up on wobbly legs. Ian puts an arm around Mickey as he guides him to the stairs, pausing to let him walk in front of him as they make their way up to their bedroom, his grin never leaving his lips.
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warlordess · 2 years
*flops down next to you in my Marianas Trench shirt* what’s your favorite Marianas Trench album? And what’s your favorite song off of Josh Ramsay’s new album? I’ve only listened to it once and don’t have favorites yet !!
Ooooooh, what an ask to receive!!
For Marianas Trench albums, my fave is tied between Ever After and Masterpiece Theatre, I think. All albums have some songs that I am in love with and others that I'm in like with but I think more trend towards love between these two albums than the others. (That being said, Phantoms gave me very similar vibes to those faves so it's a close second choice.)
Special shout-outs to the following songs from the other albums:
Fix Me: Say Anything, Push, and Skin and Bones
Astoria: This Means War, Dearly Departed, and Wildfire
Phantoms: Only the Lonely Survive, Glimmer, and The Killing Kind
As for TJRS, I admit that I haven't really had the time to listen to it in full and take all of it in since I've been working wild amounts of overtime since the last week of March. I think I've listened to every song once by now but it's been more background noise while I completed other tasks.
I do greatly enjoy Miles and Miles. From the very first note, I got serious Disney/family movie vibes. And Lady Mine makes perfect sense as a first single from my American perspective (other than Fefe Dobson, Chad Kroeger is the only featured artist I recognized, plus it offered some of the punchy lyrics I love from JR, snatching my breath away). I love the instrumental additions to the album, reminding me so much of Astoria burning the heart out of me.
I may come back and reply to this at some point with updated thoughts once I've actually been able to listen deeply to the album in full.
Always fun to discuss my favorite things with a fellow fan though! Feel free to add your thoughts/opinions/responses to this post!
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anjanettexcordonia · 4 years
Chapter 11: The Crash
Tumblr media
Book: The Royal Romance A/U
Catch Up Here: The Spare Masterlist
Rating: Mature (18+); Character Death(s); language
Pairings: Liam x MC; Leo x Madeleine 
Word count: 1615 (+/-)
A/N: Please excuse any grammatical errors. I am sorry ahead of time. 
I apologize for the wait. This chapter has been completed for a little bit, just haven't had time to post. 
Disclaimer: Some characters & some scenes belong to Pixelberry. 
Tags: If you would like to be added or removed please let me know. 
PermaTags: @yourmajesty09​​​ @gkittylove99​​​ @kingliam2019​​​
Series Tags: @mom2000aggie​​​ @indiacater​​​ @sfb123​​​ @hopefulmoonobject​​​ @cordonianroyalty​​​ @texaskitten30​​​
Two weeks had gone by since Cami and Liam had called it quits. Two weeks since Drake had dropped the baby bomb that shifted Liam’s entire world. Two weeks since Cami had shut him out. Cami had cut off all contact other than information concerning their new addition. Liam had yet to speak with her about it. She sent him the confirmation via email of her pregnancy. She had made it clear the only contact between her and Liam would be about her medical care. Liam had sent flowers, chocolates and food. You name it, he tried it. Liam was coming to terms with his mistakes with Cami, but he was still at a loss at how to fix them.
King and Queen Madeleine would be heading off for their one year anniversary trip in Australia soon leaving Liam as interim monarch for three weeks. He wouldn’t be able to leave the country much less the palace. He had hoped the time away from each other would ease some of the tension between Cami and himself. 
“So no word yet?” Leo sat in his study with Liam on the other side of his desk. “Not yet. Her first prenatal visit is coming up soon. I’m hoping to be there when you come back.” Liam responded staring down at his phone in his hand. “Have you told Father and Regina yet?” “No, I doubt it’ll go over very well that I have a lovechild on the way.” Leo rolled his eyes at Liam. “They’ll be fine. Pissed but fine. It’ll just add more pressure to me producing an heir.” Leo scoffed. “Ever the selfless king.” Liam chuckled. “Better you than me.” Leo mumbled as he reached for the bottle of scotch on the desk, “Madeleine is the country's Queen and a freak in the sheets, but mother.. fuck that. She would be a terrible mother.” “Give her a chance. She might surprise you.” Liam smiled at the crassness of his older brother. Bastien knocked on the king's study door. “Your majesties,” he bowed, “the jet is ready.” 
“Safe travels brother.” Liam clapped Leo on the back. And headed out the study door to his quarters. Liam spotted Madeleine down the hall speaking with one of her ladies in waiting, Kiara. “Maddie!” Liam yelled out. Madeleine snapped her head in Liam’s direction. Immediate irritation ser in at his nickname for the Queen. “Prince Liam, and in the presence of others please call me Your Majesty.” “Uh, Your Majesty, May I escort you on your way to His Majesty?” “I’d be honored.” Madeleine spoke in her most regal voice. The two made their way to the palace garages where Leo and Bastien were waiting to take them to their private jet. “I actually wanted to speak to you about something.” Liam spoke softly. “Go ahead Liam.” Madeleine nodded. “I have some news I should break to Constantine and Regina, before the press get wind of it preferably.” “Press? What are we talking about here?” Madeleine stopped in her tracks. “Maddie, you have.. how can I put this..?” Liam paused, “you have a way with words when it comes to my father and Regina.” “What’s the news?” Madeleine raised a perfectly shaped blonde eyebrow. Her ruby red lips were pursed tight, “will this hurt mine and Leo’s reign?” Liam could see the fear in her eyes at his question. “No, I don’t think so. Camilla is pregnant.” Madeleine gasped. She took a deep breath before speaking. “What the fuck Liam? Do you know what this will do to Leo & I? The pressure now produce a fucking heir. We do not want children. We had planned to name your heir eventually.” Madeleine paced back and forth, she abruptly stopped and locked eyes with Liam, “Does Leo know about this?” “He does.” Liam diverted his eyes to the floor, his hands twisted and fidgeted together. “Of course he does. You are going to make this right Liam. Do not say a fucking word to anyone until our return. Who else knows?”
Madeleine snapped. “Drake and Maxwell.” Liam whispered. “Fucking Maxwell, you better make damn sure this doesn’t get out. The King is waiting.” Madeleine marched off.
Liam felt like a scolded puppy as he made his way back towards his quarters. The conversation with Madeleine did not go as he had planned. He had hoped she would understand and help him break the news to his father. Madeleine was right. He needed to make it right. If not for himself or for Cami, for his child. He had hurt her so many times, unintentionally but nevertheless he had hurt her. As she had hurt him. He missed her. He could still feel her touch on his skin, the smell of her coconut shampoo in her hair. God, I miss her. He sat down on the sofa in the living room and fired up his laptop planning to write Cami another email apologizing. Maybe she will respond this time. He popped the cork off his bottle of scotch and poured himself a generous amount.
“Sir, sir..” Liam was awoken from his sleep. He looked around not registering where he was. He was still on the sofa. He passed out on his computer without realizing it. “Come with me now.” The king's guard said. “What?” Liam asked confused. “I need you to come with me now.” Liam stood up and followed the guard into the hallway. There were more than usual guardsmen in the hallways. “What’s going on Tony?” Liam asked, still a little drunk from the scotch. “My orders were to get you to the bunker. That’s all I know.” “Where’s the King father and Queen mother?” “Safe house in Applewood,” the guard responded. 
Liam followed the guard to the bunker deep beneath the palace. The bunker was built in the height of the fighting in Europe during World War II to protect the a Royal family from Nazi occupation. The walls were steel reinforced concrete. It was built to withstand any terrorist attack. In fact the United States built a replica bunker following the war. Liam made it to the War Room as the Cordonian generals called it. He was the Spare so this type of thing wasn’t a familiar concept. He looked around taking in the busy guards tapping away at their screens. More guards talking into ear pieces. “The dove has landed.” The dove. Liam hated the guardsmen nickname for him. Leo was the eagle but he was the dove. 
“Sir we need you to take a seat.” Liam sat down. Olivia came rushing into the room. “Liam, what’s going on?” “I don’t know. No one has told me anything.” Liam walked around the room, confused by the commotion. The last time he had been here was during the terrorist attempt on his family's lives a few years ago. ”Sir, we need to brief you. If you’ll follow me.” Liam nodded his head. The guard led them to a small room, it almost looked like an interrogation room. Liam took a seat across from the guardsmen, Olivia took a seat next to him. The guard flicked on the large TV in the room. Liam looked up at the screen taking in the sight before him. A massive explosion replayed on the TV. “That’s not.. that’s not..” Liam couldn’t speak the words. “Sir, I’m sorry to inform you, King Leonardo and Queen Madeleine’s plane has gone down. It exploded as it made it’s ascent into the air. I’m sorry, Your Majesty, for your loss. And for the country's loss.” The guard bowed his head. Liam couldn’t breath. He felt like he had been sucker punched in the gut. Leo couldn’t be dead. Who would run the country? And then a crushing weight fell on him. The weight of the crown. Olivia gripped his hand trying to hold back her own tears. “This is a great loss to our nation.” Olivia calmly spoke. She watched the shift in Liam as he absorbed the devastating news. Liam went from a father to be dealing with his own insecurities to a king and a leader of a nation within hours. Only two hours ago was he sitting in his brother’s study and now he was gone forever. “What caused the explosion?” Olivia asked the guardsmen. She could see Liam was in a state of shock and in no way capable of asking any questions. “We aren’t sure yet, your grace. It’s under investigation. We will need you both to stay here until we know the cause.” Olivia nodded. “Was it a terrorist attack?” Liam interjected. “No one has come forward claiming responsibility. We will know more tomorrow once the wreckage is able to be investigated more thoroughly.” The guardsmen spoke. Liam lowered himself into the chair. I need you Leo. How am I going to do this without you? Father and now King. 
Five thousand miles away, Cami sat on her sofa sipping warm tea watching television when an alert came across the TV.
Cami dropped her tea cup to the floor. She jumped to grab her phone and scrolled to Liam’s name. Come on come on.. answer.. Voicemail. God damn it Liam. Answer your phone.
“The Cordonian Royal jet exploded during takeoff this evening at Cordonian Royal Airport. Casualties are unknown at this time.”
She dialed another number. “Drake?” “Wellington… you need to get here quickly.” “Where’s Liam? He’s not answering me..” Drake could hear the panic in his voice. “Camilla, listen to me. Leo and Maddie are dead. Maybe Bastien too. We don’t know. Liam’s not doing good. Is there any way you can get here?” “I’m on my way.” 
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riverxkeichains · 3 years
4 Days Later, So Far...(UPDATE!!!)
4 Days Later, After coming back from work? I looked at my Tumblr Account.
I Didn't Expect This to happen So Far, I got 50+ likes? and Some Reblogs on my Mavis x Rosie Art? Omg...
*Screams, Cries of Joy*
And you Know? I Think I got there So Far.
Okie Okie Sorry About that I got really Excited there, Because my other art and post either got little likes + Reblogs or Noun of them stuff, And This? I didn't really expect to get this much likes and some reblogs on my Mavis x Rosie Art ;;v;;.
Alright *takes a deep breath* Allow me to introduce myself For all time sake, For those of you Who don't Know? Hi My name is River K.C., However you can call me R.K.(Mainly), Rio, Keithlyn, Keith, Kei, R.K.C.M., or any nickname as long as it's not rude. I'm a user who post a lot of My Art for the most part, sometimes shitpost and Personal stuff(Not all, Since I rather not reveal most of them and Will for the most part, keep things a Secret. I'm very protective towards my Life and History, So NEVER EVER! ask me questions such as my age, my real name, or even asking me to do a face reveal -.-, So Please Don't  ask me those type of personal questions~). As of Recently I've been getting a Tons of likes, Some Reblogs, on my Recent Art and Honestly I can't Thank you all enough. This Is just Beautiful, Like Really Beautiful, That I didn't expect That I would get This much Likes. Like I said from the started I haven't get too much likes on any post form my other stuff for a very long time. Before I made this account I was once formerly using keixblade, Reason why I didn't uses Account anymore because I felt like I need a new Fresh Start of my blog and Things have been changing over the Years so That's why I decided to make a new blog and you know after making a new blog I've been starting to post again, such as my previous art, older post, welcoming myself, and I started to finally reblog for the first time which I haven't done in my old previous account. After that, I checked out my favorite artist, have plans to follow them soon. I don't usually post at the weeks but I'll definitely try my best to post my stuff at the weekends, You know Saturday, Sunday, But Sometimes Friday, I might be able to sometime post on the week of I had the free time to do so.
Story Time~! Before I made this Account and During Late March 2021, when I started to have some interest in TTTE for the first time, I looked up at some websites to research on the series and watched abit of Episodes about it(Thanks to Steve' Reviews Tugs, Thomas for PS1(Highly Recommend you all check it out if you had the JP PlayStation or an Emulator ;), and a Fan Animation That I won't tell because I'll talk about this in the Future, it's that one Fan Animation that I'll give a review on soon it's a pretty controversial one 😅 Yeah you know Exactly Why I'm Talking about, So DON'T Bash on me for this) So far It's Interesting, For the most part I Mostly got some Thomas info from the Wiki, Reddit, and Tumblr as well. When I did got to Tumblr, I check out some of the TTTE Art Most of them that I came across from my experience are really good :) But out of all the artist in the site? One Actually caught my interest and decided to check their blog out, their art is Beautiful and how amazing their Humanized Version of TTTE style is. And that blog I'm talking about is none other than @asktrio516, I always looked up to them, so much so that this was before when I started to come back to tumblr to started fresh. This blog gave me so much nostalgic feelings for some reason, not because of Thomas But Because of the human Version of these Characters, In Fact? This isn't my First Time That I look up to an artist for their art and for their humanized version form Another Show I'll take about soon(I Even alot of Fanart of this person's Human Version of these Characters, Again will make a separate post about it). So 2 months after Getting into Thomas for real, I saw the asktrio516 blog posting the Official Ships in their blog, Obviously I was very Excited when I saw it and In Fact? I Actually Loved Most of these Pairing that is Featured in this posted(Stay Tuned for the next post ;))). After reading the post, I saw one Pairing that Interested me and it was Mavis × Rosie, I always have this feeling that ngl? I always see them being together and wish they can have some Screen Time Together(Yes I know What's Going on but we don't Talk about that Disaster...yet....😤.....Damnit just God Damn You Mattle). So For A while? I've actually been planning on making an Mavis and Rosie Drawing in Emma's TTTE Human Designs. So it only took a quite for a while to get there, Reason I didn't do this sooner because of work, I had to help with my Friend, and I was very nervous yet shy at doing Mavis and Rosie being together at first. Thankfully with enough confidences and encouragement? In August, I ask the asktrio516 admin on Instagram if I can Asked something on tumblr, Fortunately they respond with yes(Honestly I was so Happy About It 😁) so at the same month, That's where I officially got my new Tumblr Account since I felt like my old Account is a bit dated and This is where I also have the confidence to ask the asktrio516 admin if I can draw Mavis with Rosie being together(Since Again they mentioned of having interested of doing this ship) and That's how the story goes c:.
I Really Apologize This is this So Frickin Long!
Again I Have to Thank all you all for the Likes and Reblog of my Mavis x Rosie Art for asktrio516 blog~ It really Means alot, and I definitely have to Thank asktrio516 She's one of my Inspiration and i'm glad they accept my permission for doing this art(I'm sorry but Thank you so Much and Also Happy Birthday Emma 🥳).
You know Because of that? I might post some more Thomas the Tank Engine stuff soon and Even at some point? Might make a Full on TTTE Side Account for both Normal and my TTTE AU(Since There's at times that I will posted other things that isn't Thomas related(Also more info of my TTTE AU Coming Soon-) Heck! I might do some more TTTE Ships Later, If there's a high demand for them from Me? I might able to do Murdoch × Arthur, Gordon × BoCo, Proteus × Lady, and Hiro × Henry Next(4 of one of my Favorite Underrated Pairings, there's more I will do but for now I'm putting the ones that people haven't heard of or haven't talked about that much, Yet~ ;;))).
Hell! I might even do my favorite popular Thomas the Tank Engine pairing soon.
(Don't ask why because I'll make a expiration soon on why I love them but for now, There's just something that They have in my taste of shipping)
Thank you for Reading this and Have a great day, Goodbye~☆.
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