amygdahlia · 5 days
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Thx Simone 🤍
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milflewis · 2 years
If you’re still doing the fic thing: Valewis + estranged lovers/husbands
Lewis’s head whips around, hip bumping into Jenson’s marble countertop, swearing. Valtteri laughs quietly, hand coming out to steady him, warm and gentle on his elbow. Lewis stares at it. There is no longer a tan line on his ring finger.
Valtteri steps away, hand going back into his pocket, and Lewis clears his throat. “Hey yourself.”
He smiles. Valtteri’s hair is longer than when he last saw him, at Jenson’s Christmas party a year ago, and it brushes the collar of a shirt that Lewis doesn’t recognise. “Want a beer?”
“Yeah,” Valtteri says, face unreadable. “Yeah, thanks.”
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hsuhaohsuhaohsuhao · 1 year
Trying to do that dhalsim kind of stretch technique moves but kind of onlyseeing results on my right ring toe
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speedygal · 1 year
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excerpt from a five page short comic that i drew yesterday except you onlysee fanged teeth.
is the background purple, yes, it's for the last 2 panels. The short comic wouldn't leave me alone.
I drew the comic yesterday in pencil then added a new layer, traced over it in pen format, erased the pencil outline, then proceeded to color in the feathers for the first 4 pages, the fifth page that I drew last is not in this image as that sequence wouldn't leave me be.
I drew it with like 3 other pages then deleted them and did it again with what I originally wanted but the general gist is there except for what is found. Heartwarming intention on my part for the last page.
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aire1111 · 4 months
sia furler - onlysee
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ethanryanpunal · 4 years
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popurriishere · 7 years
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Música para empezar el Sábado. 💜🎶😍💖 #Sia #SiaFurler #OnlySee LINK: https://m.youtube.com/#/playlist?list=PLUXNnmR2Ulkr-SgiDNq9VsQS7MrxNFOaA
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mymusicalnostalgia · 8 years
The Little Ebayer Who Was Stupid Enough To Unintentionally Buy A Fake CD
I am a music collector. I am also a very, very, very big fan of Sia Furler as I may have mentioned more than once on this blog. For yonks, I have been trying to find her ultra rare album “OnlySee”, which only was released in Adelaide, and only around 1000 copies. 
Want is a funny thing, and when it came up on ebay for the first time ever, I was pretty excited. Never have I ever seen it on ebay before, in an op shop or a junk store. So I pounced onto the opportunity, like an idiot of course.
The seller “tommiesunshine_9″ is from the Russian Federation. That should had been my first tip off, how in the hell would a Russian guy have a copy of such a rare Australian CD, only to put it up for sale on Ebay when Sia finally becomes uber famous? The second tip off should had been that all his listings looked dodgy, he only had 1 good feedback and his account had only opened in November, 2016.
He was very nice, answered all my questions and even told me that he received the CD 18 years ago from a friend and put it in the cupboard and just forgot. Referring to this copy of this CD, he assured me not to worry, that the CD works fine.
I recently created an account on Discogs.com and put “OnlySee” into my wishlist. I didn’t know why, but I did, not realising that the website emails peopel to inform them when a CD they “want” is for sale. A listing from “A_CD_sale” who lives in the Russian Federation was up on the website.
This made my tummy turn, but I told myself that maybe it meant the ebay page and didn’t realize the listing had ended.
On Wednesday morning, things hit the proverbial when I received my CD in the mail.
Instantly, I knew it was a fake. There were printer lines on the front cover, on the inside of the insert was photocopied crease marks, the label on the CD looked stuck down as opposed to being part of the CD and, I admit it was weird to do it, but it smelt like it was straight from the press and not as musky CD from the 90s. The audio worked fine and didn’t sound too compressed for a bootleg but most people don’t clock onto that.
In some sort of pang of hope, I turned to a very great facebook community “Vinyl and CD Hoarders United” who were extremely willing to help and support me through the process, even going out of their own way to chase the ebayer around online to find out more.
I emailed him right away. 
I received my CD today. I am a bit concerned that the CD maybe a bootleg copy. I have noticed you are selling the same copy on another website, when you told me you had a copy in the cupboard for the past 18 years. The CD also looks a bit photocopied and the disk label looks stuck on. I'm just a little bit confused and just wanted to check with you first to see what is going on.
He replied:
Hello Holly. I sold my CD. I also buy around the world the same CD cheaper and sell more expensive. I buy them at different radio stations, as there are a lot of friends. They all look the same. If you still have questions, I will gladly answer them. Thank you
Oh, as this was contradicting what he told me earlier, I certainly DID have questions and learnt that he actually wasn’t glad to answer them.
Hi Alexander, I'm just giving you the benefit of the doubt. You didn’t say that you had more copies of the cd. I thought I was buying the only copy that you had- you did say that CD (the one I was led to believe was your only copy) is in good condition. As for finding multiple other copies of the cd- I think this a bit hard to believe. The cd is extremely rare in Australia, how it could have made its way to you more than once and how I could never have found a single copy for the past 6 years I have spent searching for it is is bit interesting to me. I am just a little concerned that my CD is a copy of your original CD,  instead of an original pressing. In the description it says that the CD is in its original form but there are many signs that the CD is not an original. I am just not very convinced I have been sold an original pressing and just want to see if you can help me make sense of this all. I am happy to email you photos of why I believe this. Kind regards, Holly
His response: 
Hello Holly. You will be surprised, but this CD edition of 1,000 copies. I don't know how many of them in Australia, but you can buy them in the US and in Europe. Expensive, but you can buy. I sometimes buy on the site Discogs and other. I bought 3 of the CD. you can ask these users: Sasha_V john_kowacs VincentSound The price is different: from 90 to 120 euros. When I sell, I have only 1 CD on the purchase of the other I'm negotiating. This is my business work. I later write a history of this release. Best regards. Alexander
He kept ignoring why I thought it was a bootleg, or rather why I knew it was a bootleg. He was so insistent that eventually I came to believe that perhaps he was in some sort of belief that these CDs he was buying were real. It went like this for a bit, eventually I emailed back an apology and his response to that was:
"Thanks" for the feedback :( I bought 3 CDs in different countries and they all look the same, but not all were new. I sold you my CD that I bought in US in 1998 and immediately put on the shelf in the closet. I wrote to my friend, who worked in Treehouse Studio. I showed him your pictures. He said part of the printing were exactly the same quality. In 1997, they had little money and half the copies were printed at a cheap printing factory. So your doubts are vain. Thankyou very much, Alexander.
I tried googling Treehouse Studio’s for any trace, but to no avail. Under the advice of my boyfriend, I then emailed the producer of OnlySee Jesse Flavell who was very nice to respond, but couldn’t fully validate the CD. If he had been able to see it in person, he would have known right away it was a fake.
Now I was going to leave it at that, then I remembered that he had sent me those usernames to message on Discogs.com to validate the purchase of my CD. Two of the names weren’t registered, but “Sasha_V” was. As soon as I clicked onto “Sasha’s” profile, I noticed something was a miss.
Sasha had been nice enough to post their email address onto their profile for anyone interested in their music collection. I was interested in why this person who was apparently a whole other person to Alex had the same email address that Alex uses to receive paypal funds. Smuggly, I emailed “Sasha” pretending I thought they were a different person and of course  he replied and signed off as Sasha.
After emailing paypal, ebay and discogs, I sent him a message:
There's nothing vain about the paypal claim I have sent you. Let's cooperate with this one, please. All my evidence is in the message on paypal. I am tired, disappointed and just want my money back. H.
When confronted about this, Alexander deleted the email and then proceeded to try and tell me that it is his personal profile because “Sasha” is a nickname for Alexander. Yet again, ignoring the fact that he told me that was another persons page.
The message I sent him via paypal:
I am requesting a refund as I feel that you have sent me a bootleg copy of  the album OnlySee and have not been truthful about this.
I received a CD that appears to be a fake as the insert has a crease  photocopied, and there are two black boarders- one inside the other which  is noticeable in the shininess of the glossy paper, the label on the disk  seems to be stuck down, as opposed to being part of the CD and there are  printer marks all over the front cover.
Look, you have contradicted yourself many times through this lengthy and  exhausting process. All I wanted was for you to admit that my copy of the  CD was a fake. However, I did then convince myself that maybe you  bought them believing they are the real deal from other sellers.
Luckily you sent me through the names of some users on the website  Discogs who I could ask to validate the CD for me. Now I am more than  CERTAIN that you have been knowingly selling fake copies of CDs. Yet  again conveniently for you, the two other profile names you sent me  weren’t on the website but one was. “Sasha_V”. You have posted the same  email address on the profile of “Sasha_V” that you use for your own Paypal  account, proving to me that you have a fake profile to convince me the CD  was fine.
You also replied to me on discogs and signed off as Sasha, lying to me yet  again, under a different name to yours, Alexander.
Are you going to continue to lie to me when this proves exactly what I  suspected in the first place?
I paid $258.59 AUD ($180.00 USD) for a CD that you mislead me into  believing was an original pressing. I have screen shots of your fake profile  on discogs (including a listing of OnlySee that mysteriously disappeared  when I questioned my purchase), copies of our correspondence, and finally  I have been emailing the producer of the album to check it’s validation and  guess what? He was kind enough to email me back.
To semi quote you, are my doubts still “in vain”?
I would like my money back please.
He eventually gave me a partial refund. It was more the principal than the money for me. He also sent me an additional $6.00 and links to a drop box which holds Sia’s disography. I deleted and blocked his email and sent back the bribe, not wanting to find out if it was riddled with trojan viruses or not.
He never did admit that the CD was not real.
All websites are currently looking into his accounts.
His only follower on ebay also lives in the Russian Federation. 
If you feel that you have been stung by this same ebayer, or would like some advice, hit me up in the inbox. 
You aren’t alone, even the smartest of people get screwed over. 
Remember that you have all the power.
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flyiing-giraffe · 3 years
Update #2
Ahhh, sorry I'm late! Hope you're all having a good week!
Working my way through the revisions of the older chapters! Really glad I'm doing this; I feel like I didn't really have the time to do the sentence-level revisions because of how I set the schedule. For the next one I think I'll definitely try something else.
I've been working on a pretty time-intensive project for my family recently, so I haven't has as much writing time as I would like, but hopefully I can take a lot of time for Haunted on the weekend.
It was an unexpectedly good day for kudos! Thanks again to everyone who has commented/left kudos/reblogged/retweeted stuff! It means a lot to me!
Below the cut is a scene from ch.5. In the final version it is replaced with the turtles scene, although it takes place on the boat (the trip was longer in the original version). Also I was messing around with canva and I made a collage Anyway, have a good week! Hope you enjoy!
“Hey, hey wake up.”
Crocodile blinks slowly, looking up to see Doflamingo leaning over the bed, a hand on his shoulder.
“What time is it?” Crocodile grumbles, turning over.
“It’s five, but just come with me for a minute, won’t you? I got something to show you.”
Crocodile groans, but begrudgingly gets up.
Doflamingo looks as exhausted as he feels, and Crocodile promises himself that they are actually going to sleep tonight.
It’s just so tempting not to.
They both have two entire lifetimes of sexual experience; naturally, they’ve been putting it to good use.
As if to remind him of the consequences, Crocodile’s entire body protests when he gets up.
Doffy wraps a fleece blanket around his shoulders and hurries him out of the bedroom, up onto the steps. The sun has not yet risen, but the night’s blackness has receded, leaving a blueish-gray sky in its wake. They move to the port railing. For a moment, nothing happens, and Crocodile is ready to start complaining about being awake for no reason when a spout of water shoots up a ways out from the boat, followed by the spine of a whale.
“I’ve been trying to pinpoint them for the last two days,” Doffy says, resting crossed arms on the railing and leaning forward.
Crocodile pulls the blanket tighter around himself and mimics Doffy’s posture. The whales breach the surface, their great tails disrupting the ocean as the dive back down.
They are absolutely enormous; truly a magnificent sight. They are possibly feeding, or engaging in some other group activity, because they stay in sight of the boat for much longer than Crocodile would have expected. By the time they are beginning to move off, the sun is shimmering on the horizon, turning the sea pink.
“Are you happy?” Doffy says, suddenly.
“What do you mean?”
It’s a very vague question, really. Generally? Right now? With the vacation?
“I mean, are you… happy, here. In this life, I guess. Does it… is it—does it feel worth it? To have come back?”
“I… it’s difficult to say. Why do you ask?”
“The whales. They’re some of the biggest things to ever live on this planet, you know. But I’ve seen creatures as big as islands. I’ve see men taller than houses; people who could turn into dragons or fire, or could level mountains with a sword. I think of those wonders, and this life fades like an old photograph. I wish I could onlysee whales. As they are. Understand them entirely in their context; be in awe of them. But they seem like… afterimages.”
Crocodile looks out at the ocean, where the pod is moving away from them. A whale jumps out of the water, briefly, landing with a huge splash. It is impressive. But, of course, he has seen better.
Crocodile sighs.
“We should learn to swim.”
Doffy laughs, startled, and turns to face him.
“You are right, that there aren’t many things which can compare to what came before. We lost… so much. But there are things we can experience, that we can build, here, that we weren’t able to have before.”
Doffy smiles slightly.
“Like learning to swim.”
“Exactly,” Crocodile says with mock solemnity.
Doffy giggles, looks back out to the ocean. The whales are almost gone.
“There is much to grieve for,” Crocodile murmurs, “But there is… freedom, too.”
“Yes. I suppose so.”
They stay there, watching the sun rise over the water.
“Come,” Crocodile orders, when the whales are well and truly gone and the sun has cleared the horizon, “Back to bed.”
“To do what?” Doffy asks, eyes lighting up hungrily.
“To sleep, you insatiable wretch. I’m exhausted, and so are you.”
“Aww, is my darling Crocodile getting too old to keep up with me?” Doffy mocks.
Crocodile rolls his eyes, beginning to walk back towards the cabin. Doffy trails behind him.
“Shut up and let’s go.”
“If you want me to be quiet, I can think of a few things we haven’t tried yet that involve my mouth and your—”
“Enough,” Crocodile turns around to find Doffy at his back, grinning unrepentantly.
“Once more,” Crocodile says, sternly, holding up a finger, “And then we are going to sleep.”
“I think what I have in mind will convince you otherwise.”
“We’ll see,” he says, descending the stairs. Privately, he thinks Doffy may win this one, though. He does have a way with his mouth.
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dt-screenshots · 5 years
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[id: a screenshot from she ra season 4 episode 4. the image is showing Double Trouble in its right half, standing in the backgrounnd next to a big metal machine, something like a tank; the left half of the image shows Catra in the foreground walking out of the frame, blurred; we can onlysee her hair, one ear, a shoulder and a part of her back. Double Trouble in their turn is shown to their hips. they’re standing  up, arms hanging down along their body. they’ve raised their wide shoulders a bit, and are leaning forward slightly, head subtly tilted to one side. they’re smiling innocently, their eyes wide open, eyebrows arching up and very slightly raised. their smile is closed-mouthed, wide and cat-like. end id]
a tiny one this time... a bg baby
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ilyricshub · 6 years
Don't Get Me Started Lyrics - Sia
#Don'tGetMeStarted #Sia
Don’t Get Me Started Lyrics – Sia Song Details: Song: Don’t Get Me Started Artist: Sia Album: OnlySee Released: 1997
Don’t Get Me Started Lyrics
Don’t want to be another craze How about rather not see and I turn my face Don’t want to leave you unfinished And resting on the noise that you left I don’t want to leave you mistaken, forsaken Lying with the rest
I don’t want you to be another Touch, you…
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sabpd-blog · 8 years
when ur psych appointment gets moved....
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pwcf-moved · 5 years
wait what does my desktop theme look like i onlysee it when i'm redoing it
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freegbedu · 3 years
Mp3: Sia – Courage To Change
Mp3: Sia – Courage To Change
Sia Kate Isobelle Furler is an Australian singer, songwriter, voice actress and director. She began her profession as a singer within the acid jazz band Crisp within the mid-1990s in Adelaide. In 1997, when Crisp disbanded, she launched her debut studio album, titled OnlySee, in Australia.
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tops-fashion · 3 years
Women's Sheer Mesh Long Sleeve Bodycon Dress Club Night Out Dresses Beach Cover Up Dress
Women’s Sheer Mesh Long Sleeve Bodycon Dress Club Night Out Dresses Beach Cover Up Dress
Price: (as of – Details) Pull On closureHand Wash OnlySEE THROUGH DRESS FEATURE – Bodycon midi dress, sheer mesh see through dress, long sleeve maxi dress, colorful color block pattern, stretchy long dress, cover up for sexy lingerie.Sexy bodycon long dress is perfect for party, wedding, club, cocktail, dinner, night out, date, dancing, beach, vocation and festivals.Fashion sheer dress pair with…
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bm2ab · 4 years
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Arrivals & Departures 18 December 1975 Sia Kate Isobelle Furler [Sia]
Sia Kate Isobelle Furler (/ˈsiːə/ SEE-ə) is an Australian singer, songwriter, voice actress and director. She started her career as a singer in the acid jazz band Crisp in the mid-1990s in Adelaide. In 1997, when Crisp disbanded, she released her debut studio album, titled OnlySee, in Australia. She moved to London, England, and provided vocals for the British duo Zero 7. Sia released her second studio album, Healing Is Difficult, in 2000, and her third studio album, Colour the Small One, in 2004.
Sia relocated to New York City in 2005 and toured in the United States. Her fourth and fifth studio albums, Some People Have Real Problems and We Are Born, were released in 2008 and 2010, respectively. Each was certified gold by the Australian Recording Industry Association and attracted wider notice than her earlier albums. Uncomfortable with her growing fame, Sia took a hiatus from performing, during which she focused on songwriting for other artists, producing successful collaborations "Titanium" (with David Guetta), "Diamonds" (with Rihanna) and "Wild Ones" (with Flo Rida).
In 2014, Sia broke through as a solo recording artist when her sixth studio album, 1000 Forms of Fear, debuted at No 1 in the U.S. Billboard 200 and generated the top-ten single "Chandelier" and a trilogy of music videos co-directed by Sia and starring child dancer Maddie Ziegler. Since then, Sia has usually worn a wig that obscures her face to protect her privacy. Her seventh studio album, This Is Acting (2016), spawned her first Billboard Hot 100 number one single, "Cheap Thrills". The same year, Sia gave her Nostalgic for the Present Tour, which incorporated dancing by Ziegler and others and other performance art elements. Her eighth studio album, Everyday Is Christmas, was released in 2017 and reissued in 2018 with three bonus tracks. In 2018, she collaborated with Labrinth and Diplo in the group LSD, and they released their self-titled debut album in April 2019.
Sia wrote and directed an upcoming feature film, titled Music. Among the accolades received by Sia are nearly a dozen ARIA Awards, 9 Grammy Award nominations and an MTV Video Music Award.
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