ropesbypatricia · 1 year
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If you can't find the dynamism you want in your relationships, but have you tried finding it in your foods tho?
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devonjwerkheiser · 2 years
onomy.co “Should we make an entire adulthood survival guide with @devonwerkharder? 👀”
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bellabandida · 1 year
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Witch Upon a Star is an interactive novel set in a magical universe of multiple planets and galaxies.
13+ Violence and gore.
You are Tali, a space witch from the planet Lunetta. When the evil Creepopple explodes your planet, your beloved coven sisters are sent flying through space! Can you save them all before Creepopple destroys the entire universe?
Pirou (she/her) - one of your coven sisters, she specializes in dance magick!
Emera (she/her) - your motherly roommate who primarily works with her cauldron.
Onomi (she/her) - another coven sister, her specialty is with astrology and astronomy.
Voya (she/her) - your coven sister who is gifted in communicating with the dead and those in other dimensions.
How to Play
Play it only on StoryLoom.
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Manuscript Search Tag
Thanks for tagging me, @constellationandcompendium, @ahordeofwasps and @oh-no-another-idea! :D
Words: glass, taste, trust, held, cold, bold, fold, mould, ring, time, notice, force and piano. These are from Like Snow on Hungry Graves, The Power and the Glory, and Uneasy Money:
Back then Hariye had accepted this explanation without question. He'd spent weeks being insufferably smug because he was more important than his brothers, in fact. Now, after being away from his family for almost a week, he looked back at that and began to wonder. What on earth was so special about him that he was treated like he was made of glass? And for that matter, how had he managed to sneak out unseen? It had seemed like extraordinary luck at the time but now made him wonder if his servants had just plain been sick of watching him all the time.
The absurd part of his mind, the part he steadfastly refused to give free rein to because all his life he'd needed to be the only sane person in the entire family, suggested he should fake being sick. The much more logical part of his mind shouted that idea down before he could seriously consider it. The foreign doctor was Zi Yao's physician and no one else's. He'd just end up being poked and prodded at by all of the royal physicians. Anyway, it was in bad taste to fake an illness right after his cousin had died of one and while another cousin was still sick.
"How do you know you can trust Ketevan?" she asked. "You said she keeps you safe from the pirates, but who keeps you safe from her?"
Running footsteps passed the cart. No one stopped to examine it. Hariye held his breath to keep from sneezing. The straw tickled his nose. He risked poking his head out of his hiding space. Then he dived down again, because two Peacekeeping officers were at the top of the alley.
Without thinking he lunged forward and grabbed the necklace. It was cold. He could almost imagine it was wet with blood. He flung it at the wall with all his might. Then his stomach twisted and he fell to the ground retching.
He finished the letter with a very emphatic "You idiot!" written in the boldest letters he could draw and underlined several times in case she somehow missed seeing them.
Kitri scowled and folded her arms. The effect was ruined by the wind that kept blowing her hair over her face. No one could look menacing when they got a mouthful of their own hair every time they tried to speak.
Mould Seaweed:
The rope went slack. The boat stopped abruptly. It lay motionless for long enough to make Ketevan begin to wonder if the mysterious eel-like creature had left. She looked over the side. Black shapes moved beneath the surface. Then she realised they were only seaweed.
Ring (yes, this design is a Silmarillion reference! Feel free to imagine Ketevan's family as followers of Fëanor 🤣):
She removed her ring. It was stamped with the crest of Onomi, the lands always given to the queen's third child. To a foreigner it would look only like an ordinary metal ring with a design shaped like an eight-pointed star. The captain glanced at it, then looked again with more attention. Her eyes widened.
The voyage back to Vakaryan passed much more quickly than Ketevan wanted. She spent the whole time lost in thought. The most important thing on her mind was still the question of Hariye. Publicly reveal he was a mer? Have a special swimming pool constructed on her land and keep him in it? Take his scales or keep him safe from everyone who wanted them?
And that was why Ketevan was out here on this boat in the middle of the sea. If anyone did cause trouble, the nearest kingdom immediately dispatched its navy to deal with them. Since in this case it was a group of pirates robbing merchant ships, a small battleship disguised as a trading vessel had been sent out as lure. Vakaryan's coast had long since disappeared behind them. They were sailing aimlessly in circles, waiting for the pirates to notice them. With each hour that went by it looked more and more like the pirates either hadn't fallen for the deception or had moved to a different part of the sea.
Ketevan lay so motionless that he strongly suspected she was also awake, waiting for him to make a move. He wanted nothing more than to jump up, stab her in the heart, then take the key and unlock the door. But he forced himself to do nothing. Ketevan was armed with a real weapon and she was much more experienced in using it than he was. Even if by some miracle he managed to kill her, he still had to run the gauntlet of all the guards outside who believed he was a criminal. No, he couldn't take action here. He had to wait until they left tomorrow.
In the background Gilbert opened the piano lid. He played a series of scales as the argument continued. He struck up Handel's Dead March as soon as Eric stormed out.
Tagging @haunted-orange, @tabswrites, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @whatwedointhecraft, and anyone else who wants to do this! :D Can't be bothered thinking of new words, so pick whichever you like from mine!
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periastra · 8 months
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When you're a girlthing but stars and astr(onomy/ology) are also a fundamental part of your gender.
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When you're a boything but stars and astr(onomy/ology) are also a fundamental part of your gender.
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When you're gender is neither boy, nor girl, nor enby. It is simply thing, but stars and astr(onomy/ology) are also a fundamental part of your "thingness."
You may feel like an unidentifiable astronomical entity, or you may feel simply feel like the manifestation that fills the nothingness between planets and solar systems.
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docgold13 · 2 years
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365 Marvel Comics Paper Cut-Out SuperHeroes - One Hero, Every Day, All Year…
November 13th - The Wizard
Bentley 23 is an enhanced genetic clone of Bentley Wittman, the ingenious super villain and foe of the Fantastic Four known as The Wingless Wizard. Wittman had created numerous clones of himself to act as test subjects and minions.  The twenty-third such clone he created (designated ‘subject 23’) did not turn out as planned.  The clone had no rapid aging and possessed enhanced intellect and a will of his own.  Wittman stated he planned to dissect the clone to see how this had happened, but never got around to it.  
When the Fantastic Four thwarted the Wizard’s latest scheme and invaded his lab, they discovered the child-aged clone.  Reed Richards decided to take the child in and offered him a home at the Baxter Building.  The young clone often referred to himself as Twenty-Three; this was because he believed he had not yet earned the right to call himself by his father's name. Although the Fantastic Four and the rest of Richards extended family still called him Bentley. After some time, the lad came to accept who he was and believed he had earned the name. Although now he called himself ‘Bentley 23’ so to distinguish himself from his father whom he planned to surpass in accomplishment and self- actualization.
Young Bentley possessed all of the scientific genius as his genetic father. Learning under Reed Richards and alongside fellow prodigies such as Val Richards, Onomi and Alex Powers, however, enabled him to quickly elevate beyond what the original Bentley Wittman could ever have hoped to achieve.  
As a genetic copy of The Wizard, there were concerns the lad might become a villain.  These concerns were compounded by young Bentley’s mischievousness, his boastfulness and interest in building ultra-destructive weapons and death rays.  Nonetheless, Bentley has proven time and again to be one of the good guys.
Some time later, The Wizard reappeared and attempted to sue the Richards family for parental custody of Bentley 23.  The case did not go well at first despite the excellent legal council of Jen Walter, The Sensational She-Hulk.  Daunted by the prospect of becoming his father’s ‘property’ young Bentley decided to take matters into his own hands.  He created a lifelike android duplicate of his father who succeeded in causing the original Bentley Wittman into believing that he too was a clone.  In the end, The Synthoid known as Dragon Man was made the legal guardian of Bentley 23.  
Feeling as though he had finally and decidedly defeated his father, Bentley assumed the name of The Wizard and began his career as a science hero.  
The youngster first appeared in the pages of Fantastic Four Vol. 1 #570 (2009).  
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drewssam · 6 months
Onomy Protocol Onboards the Touchpoint Open Builders Program
Onomy Protocol, a layer 1 blockchain network, has recently announced its participation in the Touchpoint Open Builders Program. This collaboration aims to enhance the Onomy ecosystem by bridging the gap between crypto-native users, institutions, and the broader public.
Operating on the Cosmos platform, Onomy Protocol plans to introduce a bridge, a hybrid decentralized exchange (DEX), and stablecoins into the Shimmer and IOTA ecosystems across three distinct phases.
In the initial phase, Onomy will focus on building the necessary infrastructure to establish a highly efficient first layer and facilitate interoperability with other networks, including Shimmer.
Phase 2 will see the launch of Onomy's Access Wallet and Hybrid DEX, incorporating bridged chains such as SMRandIOTA into its products.
The third phase will involve the introduction of Onomy's decentralized stablecoins, aiming to create a robust ecosystem capable of handling forex-level volumes in DeFi.
The Touchpoint Open Builders Program, leveraging Assembly and Shimmer, brings together developers, industry leaders, and investors to develop and expand Web3 decentralized applications and infrastructure. Onomy joins a growing list of initiatives in the program, including the recent addition of HiFi Gaming Society, focusing on easing newcomers' entry into the crypto gaming space.
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lizg4ever · 7 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Onomie Bright conceling elixir Light Nutral.
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yhwhrulz · 10 months
Morning and Evening with A.W. Tozer Devotional for December 5
Tozer in the Morning Knowing Our Weakness and God's Power
Moses was not a fluent man. His words spoken to God must be accepted as being a sincere and fair appraisal of the facts: "O Lord, I have never been eloquent, neither in the past nor since you have spoken to your servant. I am slow of speech and tongue" (Exodus 4:10). The Lord did not try to cheer up His doubting servant by telling him that he had misjudged his ability. He allowed Moses' statement to stand unchallenged. But He said to Moses, "What about your brother Aaron the Levite? I know he can speak well." God gave Aaron an "A" in speech. He was undoubtedly an eloquent man. Yet it was the halting Moses, not the fluent Aaron, who faced Pharaoh time after time in defense of Israel; it was Moses, not the eloquent Aaron, who wrote the brilliant and beautiful story of the creation; it was Moses who penned the Book of Deuter onomy, one of the most poetical and moving books ever written. Was Aaron too fluent for God to use after all? I do not claim to know why, but whatever the reason, we have but few samples of Aaron's words in the Bible and countless pages of Moses'.
The reason back of all this is that great emotions rarely produce fluency of speech, whereas shallow feelings are sure to express themselves in many words. We tend to use words in inverse proportion to the depth of our feelings. Some of the profoundest emotions of the heart utter themselves in a chaste brevity of words, as when John tells us of Christ's sharp grief at the grave of Lazarus. He says simply, "Jesus wept." With exquisite good taste, the scholars who divided the Bible into verses allowed those two words to stand alone. Nothing more is needed to reveal the mighty depth of Christ's love for His friend.
Tozer in the Evening Knowing the Incomprehensible
The glory of God has not been revealed to this generation of men. The God of contemporary Christianity is only slightly superior to the gods of Greece and Rome, if indeed He is not actually inferior to them, in that He is weak and helpless while they at least had power.
If what we conceive God to be He is not, how then shall we think of Him? If He is indeed incomprehensible. . . how can we Christians satisfy our longing after Him? The hopeful words, "Acquaint now thyself with him, and be at peace," still stand after the passing of the centuries; but how shall we acquaint ourselves with One who eludes all the straining efforts of mind and heart? And how shall we beheld accountable to know what cannot be known? . . .
The answer of the Bible is simply "through Jesus Christ our Lord." In Christ and by Christ, God effects complete self-disclosure, although He shows Himself not to reason but to faith and love. Faith is an organ of knowledge, and love an organ of experience. God came to us in the incarnation; in atonement He reconciled us to Himself, and by faith and love we enter and lay hold on Him.
"Verily God is of infinite greatness. . . more than we can think; . . . unknowable by created things; and can never be comprehended by us as He is in Himself. But even here and now, whenever the heart begins to burn with a desire for God, she is made able to receive the uncreated light and, inspired and fulfilled by the gifts of the Holy Ghost, she tastes the joys of heaven (A. W. Tozer, The Knowledge of the Holy, p. 16-17).
Now, Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You before the world was. . . Father, I desire that they also, whom You have given Me, be with Me where I am, so that they may see My glory which You have given Me, for You loved Me before the foundation of the world. O righteous Father, although the world has not known You, yet I have known You; and these have known that You sent Me; and I have made Your name known to them, and will make it known, so that the love with which You loved Me may be in them, and I in them" (John 17:5,24-26).
Copyright Statement This material is considered in the public domain.
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babyawacs · 10 months
@dubai .@dubai #cop23 #cop @france24 @bbc_whys must know on #merkosur .@eu_commission @eucounc il @euparl_en @euparl_dk : what @greenpeace and .@brazil @brazil  must know on #merkosur: #key point the solution to ecological problem letalone take them serious against economical systems i s the (!)ecological_transformation of economies and this is surgery on open beating hearts #keypoint the t r a n s f o r m a t i o n of ec onomies is your hedge point. seriously. take the highest standards and hedge these else you dro p down as roadblock to the must transformation of economies you c a n choose to fall down and behind on others thatjust must export hydrocarbs as must whatever is and even them try and should atleast hydrogeneconomy stop combusting the stuff
@dubai .@dubai #cop23 #cop @france24 @bbc_whys must know on #merkosur .@eu_commission @eucouncil @euparl_en @euparl_dk : what @greenpeace and .@brazil @brazil must know on #merkosur: #keypoint the solution to ecological problem letalone take them serious against economical systems i s the (!)ecological_transformation of economies and this is surgery on open beating hearts #keypoint the t r a n s…
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semitrack · 1 year
aáC@^]Ãg #Mars #Moon #Sun #Stars #AI #quantum #astronomy #Science #news #Uni verse #ESA #NASA #space www.dlr.de/os/en/ #Mars #Moon #Sun #Stars #AI #quantum #astr onomy #Science #news #Universe #ESA #NASA #space www.dlr.de/os/en/
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devonjwerkheiser · 2 years
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onomy.co Some life lessons we think you should know, straight from @growingupwithdevon 👉 (Psssst today’s episode w @jax just launched, head to Apple or Spotify to listen to it now!)
#growingupwithdevon #nedsdeclassifiedschoolsurvivalguide #lifetips #lifehacks #adulthoodproblems #podcastersofinstagram
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cointahmin · 1 year
Uniswap, Polkadot Blockchain ağında canlı yayına geçmeye hazırlanıyor. IOVLabs 2,5 milyon dolarlık hibe programını duyurdu. Crypto.com MATIC, USDC ve DAI için ödeme takviyesi ekliyor. Ve daha fazla altcoin projesinden sıcak haberler var.UNI, MATIC, ATOM ve daha fazla projeden son dakika haberler…Uniswap, Polkadot’ta canlı yayına geçecekÖncü merkezi olmayan borsa (DEX) platformu Uniswap, her iki protokolün birlikte çalışabilirlik özelliğinin bir göstergesi olarak Polkadot Blockchain ağında canlı yayına geçmeye hazırlanıyor. Bu doğrultuda, Polkadot bir açıklama yaptı. Buna nazaran DEX, birinci paraşütlerinden biri olan Moonbeam Network aracılığıyla devreye girecek.https://twitter.com/Polkadot/status/1658820737384292352 IOVLabs 2,5 milyon dolarlık hibe programını duyurduMiami, Florida’da birinci sefer düzenlenen Bitcoin Builders Konferansı sırasında IOVLabs temsilcileri, yaklaşan üç aylık hackathon ve erken basamak Bitcoin (BTC) geliştiricileri için hibe programının detaylarını paylaştı. IOVLabs, Bitcoin tabanlı dApp’ler segmentinde önder bir teknoloji şirketi. IOVLabs’ın paylaştığı resmi duyuruya nazaran, 2,5 milyon dolarlık devasa bir hibe kampanyası başlattı.https://twitter.com/buildingonbtc/status/1658804915311976449 Decentraland (MANA) %10 yükseldiMANA, son 24 saatte değerli bir fiyat artışı kaydetti. Bunun akabinde bugün altcoin hamlesine gözle görülür bir formda liderlik ediyor. Bu vakit diliminde, metaverse odaklı token 0,5193 dolarlık spot fiyatının üzerine %10,26’lık bir sıçrama yaptı.Ledger Live, ATOM ve Cosmos eko-projeleri için takviye ekliyorKripto para cüzdan uygulaması Ledger Live, ATOM’un yanı sıra Cosmos eko-projeleri Onomy, Quicksilver ve Persistence için takviye ekliyor. Böylelikle, kullanıcıların Ledger Live aracılığıyla ATOM göndermesine, almasına ve rehin vermesine imkan tanıyor. Ledger, Axelar’ı iki hafta içinde destekleyeceğini açıkladı. Ayrıyeten, yıl sonuna kadar 20’den fazla yeni Cosmos ekosistemi için dayanak ekleyeceğini kaydetti.OpenDAO’nun BRC-20 DAO’su, 2,1 milyon Majo dağıtacakOpenDAO’nun BRC-20 DAO’su, 2,1 milyon Majo tokeni Ordi ve Majo holder’larına airdrop yapacak. Bunun için trade platformu Gate ile güçlerini birleştireceğini duyurdu. Bu meblağ, toplam token ihracının %10’unu temsil ediyor. Buna ek olarak, BRC-20 DAO’nun launchpad’i yakında yayına girecek. Bu da Majo holder’larının yeni altcoin proje yatırım kampanyasına katılmalarına imkan tanıyacak. cointahmin.com olarak daha evvel bildirdiğimiz üzere, OpenDAO’nun BRC-20 DAO’su, token’ın %50’sini direkt Ordinals ekosistem mutabakatına katılan oyunculara airdrop’la dağıtılacağını belirtti. Bunu BTC Ordinals ekosistemini büyütmek emeliyle yapacağını kaydettiFind Satoshi Lab, stratejik yatırım kolunu başlattıResmi kaynaklara nazaran, STEPN geliştiricisi Find Satoshi Lab, akıllı kontrat cüzdanı Versa’ya yaptığı birinci yatırımla stratejik bir yatırım kolu kurdu. Bu doğrultuda, Nisan ayında FSL, Mooar Launchpad Season1 kazanan projesi HypeSaints’e de yatırım yaptı. Gelecekte, FSL’nin stratejik yatırım kolu, kullanıcıya yönelik eserler yapma dileğiyle daha fazla takımı destekleyecek. Ayrıyeten, gelişmelerine, büyümelerine ve bir sonraki kitlesel benimseme döngüsüne hazırlanmalarına yardımcı olacak.Bitpanda’nın Pantos’u Multichain Token Creator’ı tanıttıPantos, multi-chain tokenlerin oluşturulmasını ve dağıtımını kolaylaştırmak için tasarlanmış sezgisel bir web uygulaması olan Multichain Token Creator’ı tanıttı. Bu araç, Pantos Dijital Varlık Standardı (PANDAS) üzerinde çalışacak. Böylelikle, kullanıcıların temel tokenlerini oluşturmalarını ve kontrat kodunu indirip özelleştirerek daha da geliştirmelerini sağlayacak.https://twitter.com/PantosIO/status/1658838978416500747 Story Protocol, tohum tipinde 29.3 milyon dolar topladıWeb3 teşebbüsü Story Protocol, Andreessen Horowitz’in kripto fonu A16z Crypto liderliğindeki 29,3 milyon dolarlık tohum cinsini muvaffakiyetle tamamladı. Finansman çeşidine Hashed, Mirana Corp, DAO5, Samsung Next Fund, Two Small Fish Ventures, Berggruen ve SLVC üzere önde gelen yatırımcılar da katıldı.
NEAR Protocol, Wormhole ile işbirliği yapıyorYüksek performanslı Blockchain protokolü NEAR, platform için bir sonraki resmi köprü olarak Wormhole’u seçtiğini duyurdu. Bu iştirak, birinci emniyetli Sıfır Bilgi (ZK) NEAR ETH koridorunu başlatacak. Altcoin projesi, böylelikle cross-chain birlikte çalışabilirlikte ihtilal yaratmayı amaçlıyor. Bu koridor faaliyete geçtiğinde, büyük NEAR varlıklarının 20’den fazla Wormhole irtibatlı Blockchain’e problemsiz bir halde köprülenmesini sağlayacak. Ayrıyeten, yüzlerce Wormhole takviyeli uygulamadan toplulukları NEAR ekosistemine getirecek.https://twitter.com/wormholecrypto/status/1658534648585261056 Beşinci en büyük SHIB ve DOGE balinası tıpkı kişi!Kripto para dünyasının her vakit birkaç sürprizi vardır. Bu seferki büyük bir sürpriz de geldi. Shiba Inu (SHIB) ve Dogecoin’in (DOGE) en büyük beşinci holder’larını içeren ve her iki cüzdanın ardında da tıpkı varlığın olduğu anlaşıldı. Jump Trading ya da Jump Trading’in bir ortağı olduğundan şüphelenilen kelam konusu kuruluş şu anda 176 milyon dolar bedelinde 20 trilyon SHIB ve 248 milyon dolar kıymetinde 3,4 milyar DOGE’ye sahip. Değişik bir formda, bu devasa holdingleri neredeyse tıpkı anda gerçekleşen bir dizi süreçle elde etti.https://twitter.com/lookonchain/status/1658725330000187392 Coinbase yarın SUI’yi listeleyecekÖnde gelen kripto borsası Coinbase, SUI ağında Sui (SUI) için dayanak ekleyecek. Borsa, kullanıcıların bu varlığı öteki ağlar üzerinden göndermemesini konusunda uyardı. Aksi takdirde paralarının kaybolma riski olduğunu kaydettihttps://twitter.com/CoinbaseAssets/status/1658862508680126466 Uniswap, Moonbeam üzerinde konuşlandırılacakMerkezi olmayan borsa Uniswap, Moonbeam ağı aracılığıyla bir Polkadot versiyonuna kavuşuyor. Uniswap kripto borsası yakında Polkadot’un bir parachain’i olan Moonbeam’de mevcut olacak. Bu istikametteki teklif, Borsanın idare forumunda 17 Mayıs’ta onaylandı. Öneriyi Michigan’daki Blockchain eğitim kümesi ortaya attı. İştirakçiler, neredeyse oybirliğiyle öneriyi kabul etti.https://twitter.com/Polkadot/status/1658820737384292352 Crypto.com MATIC, USDC ve DAI için ödeme dayanağı ekliyorKripto para borsasının DeFi cüzdan ve Ödeme hizmeti, daha fazla ülke ve token için dayanak ekleyen yeni bir güncelleme başlattı. Singapurlu kripto para borsası Crypto.com, kısa mühlet evvel merkezi olmayan finans (DeFi) cüzdan hizmetinde, daha fazla ülkede prestiji paradan kriptoya satın alma dayanağı için güncelleme başlattı. Bu doğrultuda Crypto.com, MATIC, USDC ve DAI için takviye ekliyor.
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Last Line Tag
Thanks for tagging me, @on-noon! :D
Here’s an excerpt from LSOHG:
There was one main consequence of the way the manor regularly changed hands. All of its staff were loyal to the Diashamijë family, of course, but the majority were more loyal to the family's current head -- which was not necessarily the current monarch, illogical though it seemed. The head of the family was whoever was oldest. Currently that was Great-Aunt Gulisa, who cordially detested Ketevan.
If she brought Hariye to Onomi the news would reach Great-Aunt within hours. From there it would go immediately to Ketevan's mother, who would barge in and demand to know exactly what was going on.
Tagging @drippingmoon, @fearofahumanplanet, @kaiusvnoir, and anyone else who wants to do this! :D
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soraoferd · 1 year
(cï^)j,± #Mars #Moon #Sun #Stars #AI #quantum #astronomy #Science #news #Uni verse #ESA #NASA #space www.dlr.de/os/en/ #Mars #Moon #Sun #Stars #AI #quantum #astr onomy #Science #news #Universe #ESA #NASA #space www.dlr.de/os/en/
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evgenychernyavskiy · 1 year
;B »5e^Ï #Mars #Moon #Sun #Stars #AI #quantum #astronomy #Science #news #Uni verse #ESA #NASA #space www.dlr.de/os/en/ #Mars #Moon #Sun #Stars #AI #quantum #astr onomy #Science #news #Universe #ESA #NASA #space www.dlr.de/os/en/
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