lunaetis · 1 year
▸▸ [ @onskningar || moved from legacy ! ]
─「ديهيا」─  the MERCENARY would've expected another desert-dweller to be the one tailing her through the scorching air, however, the moment she realized it was not, azure hues widened as she recognized the garment he had on himself. akademiya ? he posed no intention for a threat, given the way was completely caught off-guard and she narrowed her hues at him.
                was it just her or he seemed to JUST register the fact that she had her claymore ready to strike just now ?
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                " alright. " after a moment, she broke the silence on her part, especially when she noted the seal of kshahrewar darshan among his demeanor being ... harmless. as a mercenary, she had learned to read people's stature and AURA. he posed absolutely no threat, now that she thought about it. finally, she lowered her weapon, and took a step backwards, getting off of him. she planted her claymore on the sand, eyes fixated on him.
                " speak. i'm listening. "
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plymath-a · 1 year
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" boring and predictable. if you're going to judge me, use something like poindexter or anorak next time. "
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moonwaltzed · 1 year
“can you repeat that? i wasn't listening.” From Viktor
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" i noticed, that's why i stopped talking just now. conversations aren't exactly enjoyable if they are one-sided. " she tries to not be snappy, really, she does, but she can only go ignored for so long. still, annoyance aside... it is rather important that she stays civil and that he hears her properly. it isn't every day that she stumbles across someone she looks up to, after all. " i'm sorry, i just— ...nevermind, it doesn't matter. but while i still have your attention, i was... kind of wondering if maybe you had the time to answer a few questions. you know, about your career. er, your former career, i mean... "
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snzhnrisen · 1 year
“take my hand.” from nahida
The Dendro Archon must be kept from this battle, Tsaritsa thinks.
The young child (compared to you, isn't it?) was captured by humanity and even used by one of your Harbingers. Are you not ashamed? Are you not guilty? Are you not the Goddess of Love? No, you've abandoned that title to become the raging storm that would do anything to burn this current world and bring a new one forth. For all who had been lost, for all sacrifices, for all who had suffered already. If you stop, it will insult their deaths and your sins.
Buer must not be harmed, Miroslava notes at the words spoken by the younger Archon. She knows the other is a God of Wisdom, the previous Dendro Archon... what was her name? Why can she not remember? Why is memory so vague and so cloudy? She wonders if it was an alteration of the Irminsul. She wonders if the Traveler has done something else. And yet, it's not what concerns her the most.
Such bright green eyes, such a small statue, such a big heart. Nahida could easily take over as the most loving Archon as of now. The ones who had lived for centuries and thousands of years were arrogant in their own way. Tired of Celestia's rule, knowing the disasters it brought alongside what happened in Khaenri'ah.
Tsaritsa is silent at that moment, staring at the small hand extended to her. Her gaze is silver and cold, frigid in its showcase as her heart was put behind hundreds of closed frigid doors with ice protecting her past, her love, and her wish for a better future. This world will be burned to its core, but the seeds of humanity and hope will bloom again. Sumeru proved to be strong enough to walk forth as did Liyue and her own land. They will be alright.
"I refuse," she speaks plainly, lifting her gaze up from the hand extended to the one holding it out. It's cold, but Miroslava is... she cannot accept it. She cannot accept this warmth, and she cannot let it melt her resolve. No, it won't. Tsaritsa knows it, and it makes the whole gesture feel like she will insult Buer for even thinking of accepting it. Nahida must not forgive the Fatui, the ones who walk forth in her name. It would be better if Nahida doesn't wish to reach out her hand to her.
They aren't friends, they aren't comrades, and Nahida will not be asked to fight against Heavenly Principles and Celestia. Thus, she mustn't try to understand Miroslava. Her path was chosen. She will not move away from it. Nor will wish for Nahida to forgive her or her Harbingers. Their path is laced with vile atrocities, all to reach the heights that will bring Celestia crashing down.
"You must not extend your hand towards me like this, Buer. I am the leader of Fatui, the Archon who rules over Harbingers. Do not extend your hand to the one who harmed you and your nation. My Harbingers' sins are also my sins; do not let it be forgotten." Her speech was not always like that, Morax would be able to tell, and so would Barbatos as well. Before, she was a true goddess of love. Her dances were bright, her smiles were cheerful, and her competitive nature would blossom like the prettiest snowflower of Snezhnaya. It was too long ago, she thinks. "You do not have the luxury to show me your kindness. I am only here to ensure you are aware of my plans as was Morax notified as well. As a fellow Archon, I owe you that much. Now, you may lower your hand for I shall not take it. You have the right to wish for my demise, Buer, I know that much."
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mcthernight · 1 year
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      " . . . i do not have a biggest regret . i have regrets . "
   the night speaks , eyes as shining as the starlight opening slightly to look away , before they return to gaze upon the one who dared to even ask her such . not many would , so in a way , nyx has to respect it .
   " think about it this way - i am old . i have seen the rise and fall of countless of empires and worlds even , all that fell under my watch . all that fell into darkness , in the end . i have many regrets , yes , and i have big regrets , too . but life is meaningless in it's whole , so to waste it and waste your time pondering which regret might be the biggest is . . . futile . a move of a fool . one that will have you stuck to the past , and not let you grow from it - learn from it . "
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   " you were brave enough to inquire me such , and for that , i will grant you the knowledge of one of many things that perhaps i should not have done : to lie to the child i helped raise , zagreus - his reaction to finding out the truth still plagues my thoughts from time to time . i do not wish to repeat such action - or to do something that will gain me said response , once more . not only did it affect him , but a dear friend of mine as well . and because of said decision that i and the king of the underworld had , we took the chance of watching a child grow from a mother , who very much deserved it . "
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‘ TRUTH ‘  +  what is your biggest regret ? // @onskningar !
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sungracd · 1 year
original thread / @onskningar
     " Now wait just a minute ! " Hand instantly retracts , held against their chest as a cautious step is taken back . " That's hardly a fair exchange . Tree branches grow back , human fingers do not . " Not that human biology applies to a celestial being , but if they're going to play the part then they intend to keep all their limbs and extremities in tact .
     There's a moment of quiet contemplation , brief observation . The tree man doesn't seem particularly hostile . More like mildly annoyed by the situation , which is only fair . Adrian looks down to the piece of branch still in their grip , presumably now useless to the other .
     " . . . Hair . If you're truly serious about receiving something of mine in return then I can offer you a lock of my hair . It's something precious to me and , more importantly , something that will grow back . "
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akaihibana · 2 years
both tomo and kaveh from my side blog @zarays are being moved over to my new genshin multi @onskningar
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zorkaya-moved · 2 years
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“Easy there. I wouldn’t want to hurt the Snezhnayan legend so carelessly,” she laughs softly while offering the other a hand to help him get up. As another holds the heavy fabric, she makes sure to help another get up. “My bad, didn’t expect to get nostalgic over ice dancing from home. The name’s Zarina. The secretary for the Aurora Borealis theater from Mondstadt. Are you here because of the invitation Mistress Serebro sent you? Or are you here just to see what’s going on?” [Mistress Serebro] did send an invitation, but she didn’t receive a response before leaving. 
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lunaetis · 2 years
▸▸ [ @onskningar​​ || kaveh & dehya || starter prompt. ( accepting ) ] ▸▸ [  send  💀  for  a  violent  starter .  ]
─「ديهيا」─  her ears were picking up the distant footsteps that trailed her from a while back, and despite pretending to not notice anything wrong as she made her ways from SUMERU CITY towards the desert area, the mercenary was only awaiting a moment to strike. this person was good, though, she’d give them that, but she didn’t APPRECIATE being followed without permission. so the moment they stepped into the desert night sky, she sprung into action.
                without much of a warning, her form LEAPT towards the person, tackling him down to the sand below them before pinning him against the ground with her whole body, not allowing him to ESCAPE. her claymore was swiftly drawn and raised behind her back, followed by a growl rumbling off the back of her throat and fangs shown in hisses.
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                “ what do you want ? speak, now. ”
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plymath-a · 1 year
‘ TRUTH ‘  + why do you keep taking kaveh's key?
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" it isn't always intentional. sometimes our keys just get tangled up, and i don't think twice about picking up mine. but when i do it on purpose, sometimes it's because they were left out in the open. knowing him, he'd probably end up moving something around and losing them in the process. at least they don't get lost with me. "
sure, his method results in kaveh getting locked out sometimes. but nothing is stopping him from prying open a window if he's really that desperate to get back in. contrary to what he threatens sometimes, he doesn't intend to keep kaveh out.
" it's mostly to teach him a lesson about keeping a closer eye on things. ...and i also just think it's funny he never expects it. when the day comes where he knows better than to leave them lying around, i'll stop toying with him. simple as that. "
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alotinone · 6 months
added muses
i am adding 4 new muses from genshin impact and my @onskningar blog here. they are:
aether: traveler archivist of worlds. / (info )
kaveh : architect & deity ( verse dependent ). /( info )
varka :  grand master of the knights of favonius. / ( info )
tomo :  mercenary, rebel, matyr and "kasuha's friend" / ( info )
for now i am going to be having their info be linked to my old blog but i will try to move it to be like my other muses.
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fadervoor · 6 years
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#stadshuswifin #liggande_sjuan #den_liggande_galgen
Da man ar syndfri far man tala en j-vla massa tekniker att falla “sjuan” (eller “Elnath”, huvudstjarnan uti Taurus stjarntecken). Dar galler det att mot alla spelkonster komma tillratta med hur man ska undkomma Doden, den Synden utmanar i nagon sorts duell eller utmaning.
En onskan om att ta Dodens roll maste vara det dummaste man kan gora ─ ty alla vet att “Doden ska doden do” och det ar inte honom man spelar mot pa strandkanten ─ utan Dodens angel, vilket ar en helt annan (den kristna tyrannen). 
“Doden” har nere i Donostia piskar pa mot en rod gris (illasinnad brun uniform som skall vara ledaren) med den vind och det regn som givetvis skall forstora sadant jag far mota ute pa gatan. Doden har den bla ringen, den for vinden ─ och da Synden ar den som ar i mig (i buren) och grymtagen hoppas h-n att h-n kunde undkomma alla de onskningar/erbjudanden jag kunde ge honom...
...detta visade sig dock vara en omojlighet ─ da jag till slut “made him an offer he couldn’t refuse”... det lod: “Du ska dö!”. Det blev ett lofte han inte kunde tacka nej till idag...
Den liggande galgen har den legitimerade “Synden” inom svensk psykiatri sasom ansvarig sjukdomare (och eller ansvarstagare) for den motattack till min egen vilja att lamna tron till och den pastadda varden inom Per Beaffs narpsykiatri (HATO och tillhorande moderbolag Medicinsk Psykiatri i Sthlm AB) for egen vard, karlek och lakekonst. 
En polisanmalan om detta (kristallnatts-)tillslag och darmed kriminella handling (den 27 November 2015) har skickats via frankerad post (till foretagets huvudkontor i Osthammars kommun ─ samt den ansvariges privata hemadress), se lank nedan.
“Offret” inom bilden ovan sags/ses kunna vara Skonheten, Karnan for ett Orktank-torn (en kvinna) samt en bostad-/bolagsagare som intagits for ett “pastatt” brott i ett anarkistiskt spel ─ eller med speldeltagares vilja att overtaga privat egendom (exempelvis hus, foretag och foretagspositioner/-titlar). Lite “Headhunting” men pa en “stenbrottsniva”/i en dark ages-tid.
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zorkaya-moved · 1 year
I'll actually dive into plotting today as well. So I know I owe @onskningar a reply in our ims for plotting but if someone else wants to plot out interactions, you can reply with a muse to this post and I'll reach out to you via Discord or IMs.
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plymath-a · 1 year
“Spare me your pity, I’m fine.” from kvaeh
contrary to popular belief, haitham isn't emotionless. when kaveh is upset, in a way, they're both upset; he just hides it significantly better than his roommate does. he'll openly admit he knows exactly what buttons to push and how hard to push them to get a reaction, and he’s done so frequently. but the way kaveh is now isn't the result of haitham's influence. kaveh came home like that, this isn't his fault. which begs the question, who upset him? and then, a further inquiry: what is he supposed to do about it?
he's in a difficult situation here. he doesn't know what the problem is, which rules out a quick solution. judging by the way kaveh stormed off to his room after haitham's initial acknowledgment, it's probably better if he doesn't pry anyway. still, he can't just sit back and do nothing. leaving that mood alone to fester would just make everything worse. begrudgingly, he sets his book aside, pushes off of the couch, and carries himself around the corner. it only takes a few steps to get to kaveh's doorway, where he leans against it promptly, arms crossed and a brow raised.
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" for the record, i'm not pitying you, just your inability to lie. you shouldn't bother in the first place. " just another way of saying ' you know you don't have to lie to me. ' the quiet drags on for one, two moments longer, cut off only by his eventual sigh. " i didn't get around to making dinner just yet, so if it helps make you less... like this, then i guess you can pick what we eat tonight. " a pause, " or where we eat. " neither of those will fix whatever is really wrong, he doesn't expect it to. but maybe something small would make the energy inside a little less tense.
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alotinone · 1 year
i am currently mostly on my main account at the moment @onskningar but if you don't want follow it or want to plot with me some where else then tumblr pls know you can always ask for my discord .
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