#onyx equinox end title
sofiaealexander · 2 years
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Una probadita de lo que está por venir.
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arc-angel-o · 11 months
I feel sick and violent. I've been crying since I heard. I first saw the news in an article titled something like Crunchyroll axes original series and I thought it can't be Onyx Equinox and I had to check...
I had so much hope. I was certain it'd continue in some way. It's a fantastic series, how it could end end is unfathomable.
Onyx Equinox has been such an inspiration as a writer, listening to the podcast for the first time helped resuscitate that dream and I feel who am compared to Sofia Alexander?
I wanted to see these kids grow up and survive and they don't deserve this. Their story isn't finished.
I can't believe this. I thought I was gonna stop crying, but tears burst again with every paragraph break.
This is the worst news to get when AMPTP is doing all this bullshit still. I'm sinking into doomer mode, whats the point of writing. What's the point in getting invested in other people's writing.
Onyx Equinox had such a future. And y'know, maybe it still does somehow. I haven't grieved Neo Yokio like this, that's been even longer since s1. Not until we hear something as explicit as this from Ezra Koenig.
Man, I don't know what else to say. The next Onyx Equinox rewatch is going to kill me. @atlasisntdead, we gotta watch it together. Anyone who hasn't seen Onyx Equinox yet, can't understand how devastating this is. This was the most important show to renew.
At least we still have each other, this fandom has been so awesome to interact with, do not leave just because it's officially over, Onyx Equinox lives on in us. And Sofia Alexander, I'm really looking forward to her future projects.
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s1i9d · 4 years
NEW AMPHIBIA EPISODES!! (Trailer spoilers and speculation! DUH!)
Y’all have NO CLUE how excited I am!! After that huge mid season finale drop, Amphibia fans all around have been waiting for the second half of the season! I did a Speculation post based on the episode titles, and another one based off of the episode loglines for the March drop!
Check them out, cause I will be referencing them as we go!! I’m first gonna do a scene by scene breakdown, then I’m gonna see if my predictions were right, or wrong. So many theories!!! I will also be mentioning the episode titles Matt released in the AmphibiaDirect, so if you don’t want to know, leave now!
If you haven’t seen the trailer yet, click here to see it all!!! Let’s begin shall we!
00:00–00:21: Completely old information and clips from Season 2A that we’ve all seen before with the music box and Sasha-Angst. One thing I did not expect was that this trailer would be so Sasha heavy. I expected her to kinda fade into the background and we’d focus a lot more on the temples, so this makes me have theories I may not have had before.
00:22–00:26: Marcy’s new bird (as teased in the Amphibia-Big City Greens promo). We have two shots with them, one where they are flying down with only a bunch of books that would last a lifetime, or a few minutes with Marcy. The second shot is them flying in the air with Anne and Marcy riding through the sky. I am trying my absolute hardest to not hope for gay then to be disappointed, but c’mon!!! Has no one seen How to Train Your Dragon?!!?!? But Hop Pop is being held in the second shot by the Bird’s talons so I think this is a little more Marcy and Wartwood kind of situation. Maybe somewhere around “Ivy on the Run” with Marcy and her bird being the B Plot.
00:27–00:31: The First Temple. We know from the colours and the shape from the book that it is the First Temple. It seems to have water flowing out of Frog statues’ mouths, and on the temple’s walls there are imagery of brains and a vague Newt Shape reading a book! Definitely talking about wit here! Even all the mushrooms are green, and we know how much Amphibia loves to use colour.
00:31–00:33: The Second Temple! We don’t actually see the Temple, just the archway leading to the Temple. Marcy seems to have the charged green gem on the music box, which is pointing them in the direction of the Temple, very Onyx Equinox-esque.
00:34–00:36: The entrance to the Third Temple. Lava pouring everywhere and pink statues of buff Amphibians? Definitely Sasha, no questions asked. I have no other thoughts about this shot other than the jagged rocks atop of the cave, seems like it could collapse in on itself and cause people to get hurt.
00:36–00:37: Ivy and Sprig jumping on treetops, I think this is from “Ivy on the Run” where Ivy is running from her mother’s strict rules, and Sprig is trying to talk her out of it. They’re so cute! It makes me wanna hold onto them and never let go.
00:38–00:39: Bessie jumping over a ravine with Sprig and Polly at the reins, which is from “Night Riders”, the first episode we’re seeing this Saturday!
00:39–00:40: A First Temple Puzzle where you have to solve a cube to enter the next stage. Seems like Marcy is in “her own little bubble” (heh. sorry i had to) and as she’s solving the cube, the room also moves on its own, with the Plantars being shifted to another side. Kinda like Wulfric’s gym in Pokemon X and Y. This sets interesting character work for Marcy, since she’s known to have issues with connections, but she’s so into knowledge and smartness that she may not realise the issues she’s causing to the people around her.
00:40–00:41: MADDIEEEEEE!!!! Definitely from “Maddie and Marcy”. I feel like they would get together and Marcy would be so into learning about Maddie and creepy magic that they will form a bond. This is how nerds make friends everyone, they find something the other is SUPER invested in and they learn about it. Either that or an extrovert claims them both, and they know each other via association.
00:42–00:43: Giant chicken bat for “Return to Wartwood”. Don’t ask me how I know, I just do. Seems like the Plantars set up a banquet for them, and they’re running away. So shenanigans!
00:44–00:45: Okay, so I initially thought Sasha’s next episode was gonna be in episode 16 (”Toad to Redemption/Barrel’s Warhammer”) and I initially thought that it would be Toad to Redemption, because y’know... Toads. But with Sasha’s pink powers shown in her using that giant warhammer, I think it’s going to be either one of the two, but Sasha is definitely showing up in 216. They don’t seem to be on a train, but the Earth is moving very fast for some reason. 
00:45–00:46: The Newt Lady from the Bizarre Bazaar seems to be activating the tippity-top of the Second Temple, with Anne near her. The position of this is high above the clouds, and there is a blue glow coming from the writings/symbols on the ground. Perhaps this is the charging method for the gems on the box.
00:47–00:48: More First Temple stuff! Writing’s on the wall (man these visual puns just write themselves y’know!) and they are in the inside of the temple. Interestingly enough, the main floor is green like the rest of the temple, but the other side (puzzles) seems to have red and blue squares, perhaps representing the heart and strength (blue and pink) which is what the wit lacks.
00:49: The Newt Lady from the Bizarre Bazaar opens a Scroll with the Music box, the three gems (which seemingly came before the box) and three people in coats almost praying to it. This is definitely “After the Rain” with the story of the Music Box being revealed. Cause we still have no idea what “After the Rain” is gonna be about.
00:50: GENERAL YUNNAN!! Scourge of the Sand Wars! Defeater of Ragnar the Wretched! The youngest Newt to ever be named General in the GREAT NEWTOPIAN ARMY!! (Can you tell I stan her? because I stan her.)
Anyways, she seems to be in the first temple or King Andrias’ throne room. I’m mainly assuming this because the temple because the building is blue or because the spires from King Andrias’ throne room are in the way back there, but there are several Toads there defeated on the ground. Either these were people to protect Marcy at the Temple, or this is an episode where all of Grimes’ command are trying to take over Newtopia under Sasha and Grimes’ command. Quite the plausible amount for theories and plot just from a one-second Yunnan shot.
00:51: A chess board with Frog knights shooting lasers at Marcy. Another one of the First Temple’s tricks, or it could be King Andrias’ plot, since we saw him with Chess pieces of Anne and Marcy at the end of “Marcy at the Gates”, so this clip could either be “The First Temple” or “True Colors” and either or are exciting!!
00:52-00:53: A mole comes out of the ground as Mayor Toadstool walks around seemingly trying to please Newtopian guards and soldiers. “Toad to Redemption” now makes complete sense! I called that it would either be Anne and Marcy helping a battle-hardened Toad, or it would be a Sasha episode. I think its the first part, where Newtopian inspectors are coming to suprise visit Mayor Toadstool and inspect if he’s doing a good job taking care of Wartwood, to no one’s surprise find out he’s embezzling money from the town. The episode would be Marcy and Anne helping Toadstool to become better so he doesn’t lose his job as Mayor.
00:53–00:58: We have three shots here, one of each of the girls. Anne looks back in the rain, almost distraught. This is definitely “After the Rain” and I’m not ready for the angst. Marcy is visibly frustrated over chess pieces, this is either a challenge from the Temple or she’s found out about Andrias’ plan. As much as Option 2 is interesting, I think the first one is more realistic. Sasha in the Third Temple, activating her Colour Power and breaking the ground underneath her to a circle. I am constantly terrified by and for Sasha.
00:58–1:00: Polly and Sprig’s silhouettes running in the rain. Also “After the Rain” but still nothing much to say here.
1:00–1:01: Giant tentacles grab Sprig and the Plantars. I have no idea what this is, but it also appeared in the “Night Riders/Return to Wartwood” trailer/promo, so I’m assuming it’s from that episode.
01:02: Sasha is facing off against a giant golem! Probably the Third Temple’s trial.
01:03: Newt Lady from the Bizarre Bazaar reveals the secrets of the Music Box. Definitely an “After the Rain” episode. I did not expect Marcy to be there though, that’s interesting now. 
01:04–01:06: Two shots from the Third Temple. First one being Anne having a moment of realisation, and the other with the Golem roaring in front of Anne and Sasha. This freaked me out because wtf??? Sasha and Anne together?? Are they solving it together too??? Interaction equals resolution/conflict/character drama.
01:07–01:12 & 01:17–01:22: So how are we integrating baby Marshanne into this??? As for which episode, I have no idea! But some interesting details in this is that Sasha seems to have been the last out of the three to have joined. Since Anne and Marcy are together crying, while baby Sasha is one on the slide standing up (hehe) for them. Between the first clip and the second, Sasha has a bruise on her forehead, so she may have gotten hurt trying to protect them. They introduce each other and that’s the end of the clip. I’m assuming this is finale material, because otherwise I have no idea where this is coming from or going to.
01:13–01:16: Anne pulls the Plantars in for a hug. Still not sure where this is for, but it is a thing.
01:23–01:28: Two shots of Sasha and Anne, which seemed to have been slowed down to around half speed. Shot one has Anne standing, almost distraught wearing what seems to be Newtopian armour, with Sasha’s foot in the foreground. The second shot is Anne holding her sword at the top of the Newtopian Walls to Sasha who is weaponless and has her hands up in surrender. Smoke is rising from the land below, and Anne looks visibly angry. I have no idea what is happening, but this definitely has to be finale material.
A title card shows Amphibia returning 6th March!! Hype.
01:34–01:45: Of course we need happy stuff to counter ANGST! So we have a bizarre sequence of Frobo making a garden and growing flowers in a matter of seconds. Hop Pop is enthralled by this and welcomes him to the family, and Polly looks at him knowingly. This is a very big development played very casually, since we know nothing about the robot besides his goofy self being able to do this. Frobo is the most cryptic thing this season besides the King’s basement, we also have no information on Frobo so this is a striking change. This will take place in “Friend or Frobo?” and I am stupid hyped!!! I don’t know anything about Frobo and I want to know more!! Also Wartwood is on fire. It’s just a normal Tuesday everybody. 
That ends the trailer breakdown!! But I did have some more general theories and thoughts I’ll include here.
Something I did want to mention before we started was the music in the beginning of the non-speaking part of the trailer. To me, it sounded like an epic reprise of John Legend’s “All of Me”, and I’m thinking there’s one of two things happening: one is that the finale song that we’re all crying to is “All of Me” by John Legend, like how Reunion’s was “Lean on Me” by Bill Withers; or, I’m just theorising like a mad person. Who knows!
Also another general observation is the puzzles and how we’ve been prepped for them by “Family Shrub” where each one has puzzles and riddles each person who fits a specific role must solve. Each girl with each of the Temples, and they need each one to deal with their own Temple. Meaning Sasha being at the Third Temple means some form of resolution/character interaction.
As for Sasha, I don’t know if she’s gonna be redeemed necessarily, but I think she might go to the good side and Marcy goes to the bad side. I don’t wanna believe that cause I love Marcy to death, but Season 2 finales are always horrifying before Season 3 finales wrap up nicely. So I’m expecting even more drama than the Season 1 finale. I want all the girls to be happy, and it’s not happening this season for sure. So much excitement!!!
That concludes all my thoughts on the trailer for Season 2B! Let me know what you’re excited for, your thoughts and theories, and if you agree or disagree with what I’ve said here!! So excited!!!!
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superdorkcat · 5 years
Crunchyroll Originals
Crunchyroll just announced that they’re going to start making original programming exclusive to them, so I thought it’d be nice if I made a list of all the shows they’ve revealed so. All of these look pretty good, which is great since they’re all releasing sometime in 2020.
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Tower of God - A young man will battle his way through a mysterious tower as he strives to find the only friend he's ever known. A Crunchyroll and WEBTOON production, based on the comic created by SIU.
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Onyx Equinox - An Aztec boy is saved from death by the gods and forced to act as humanity’s champion and prove humanity’s potential.
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The God of High School - A high schooler and his friends will compete in an epic tournament borrowing power directly from the gods and uncovering a mysterious organization along the way. Based on the comic by Yongje Park.
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In/Spectre - Supernatural romance mixes with an enthralling, fantastical, mystery, as a duo sets out to solve a series of dark incidents plaguing their world. This one is actually already out; it was given the title of Crunchyroll Original when the concept was revealed.
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FreakAngels - Twelve 23-year-old psychics, living in the rubble of London, must check their wild impulses,and discover their better angels to rebuild society after civilization comes to a sudden and crashing end.
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High Guardian Spice - Four fierce girls train to become great heroes at High Guardian Academy, where they form allegiances, uncover betrayals, and discover their true identities while preparing to protect the world from an ominous unknown threat.
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Noblesse - A powerful vampire noble is thrown into modern civilization after 820 years of slumber. A Crunchyroll and WEBTOON production, based on the comic by Jeho Son and Kwangsu Lee.
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Meiji Gekken: Sword & Gun - A former samurai, a yakuza bodyguard, a devious spy, and a geisha assassin try to find their place in the rapidly evolving Meiji-era while escaping the sins of their pasts.
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mikazuki-juuichi · 4 years
TV diary, March 2021.
Assorted tv shows (and one game) I recently finished or am currently watching, and my thoughts on them: 
As of March 2021, finished: 
- Riverdale. 4 seasons. 
- The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. 3 seasons. 
Riverdale is still going strong for me, unafraid to be silly and bonkers despite the ‘teen dramedy’ trappings. Sabrina, meanwhile, I found underwhelming all in all. There was stuff to like, but man alive: This show is what happens when you take your dark adaptation way too seriously. 
- Tiny Pretty Things. 
- Crime Scene: The vanishing at the Cecil Hotel.
At some point YA thrillers became all the rage and now are sort of giving the last death rattles. The first quickly degenerates into a soap opera that desperately wants to be a mystery and the second is the kind of rage-bait exploitainment docu-series that are increasingly becoming Netflix’s bread and butter. 
- Warrior Nun. 1 season.
- The Umbrella Academy. 2 seasons. 
And with these I conclude that live-action superhero shows are just not for me, not at present. Both adapted from the kind of Indie Superhero comic that swears up and down it’s not Superhero, or not just that —they mostly deliver what they promised and if that is what you are looking for then by all means give them a try. The first is a religious-themed story with a teensy bit of variety thrown in and the second is essentially a super-dysfunctional  super-family run through the winger. 
No, the issue is simply that right now this genre is just… not working for me. Be it Marvel, be it DC, be whatever, right now the genre feels to me like it only works in movies or in animated shows. Oh, well. 
Still kinda interested in the upcoming live action Powerpuff Girls one, if only to see exactly what they try to do. 
Sure, it will most likely be a fiasco like the live-action Winx thing, but who knows!
- DC Superhero Girls (Netflix).
- Legend of Korra, Volumes 1-2. 
Animated superhero shows, however, are still working for me, to different degrees. DC Superhero Girls (the Lauren Faust version —there is a previous one that I have not seen) is possibly the best of the DC-derived cartoons of the last six or so years —mainly for not being afraid to take risks but also remembering to be, you know, FUN. 
Korra meanwhile is one of those cult shows that have not aged as well as the fans wish to believe, but it is still quite charming and worth a look. Plus, like the original Avatar, it gets better and better as it advances. 
And currently watching: 
- Tropical Rouge PreCure. 
- Ducktales, season 3. 
One just starting and one just ending. The first is the latest entry in the long-running magical girl franchise —for younger viewers, and so far much better than the last entry, “Healin’ Good”. Ducktales meanwhile was one of the best remakes of the 2010’s, very much worth a look. 
- Magical Girl Site. 
An adaptation that actually improves the original. Unfortunately the original manga really does not hold up and in hindsight was just —pretty bad. But the resulting anime is still a fairly exciting affair, and more or less the last hurrah for Dark Magical Girl series. Starting with Madoka Magica and its myriad imitators (Daybreak Illusion. Magical Girl Raising Project. To a slightly different degree Yuki Yuuna is a Hero and its prequels and sequels. Also stories adjacent to other sub-genres such as  Kill la kill and the Wixoss franchise), and fittingly ended with a Madoka Magica spin-off, Magia Record. Nowadays the interest seems to be towards more experimental affairs, such as Wonder Egg Priority (what a title). 
Anyway, Site is a fairly entertaining affair that while difficult to stomach at times and eye-rolling at others, nevertheless has enough thrilling action and intriguing ideas to keep one interested. 
- Onyx Equinox. 
Terrific Mesoamerican-themed fantasy series that’s best described as a MUCH gorier Avatar / Legend of Korra. It’s a kind of cartoon I wish I had seen as a teenager. 
- My next life as a villainess. 
Intriguing take on both Romance VNs and related tropes and genres —what happens when an unlucky protagonists reincarnates not as the generic protagonist, but as the villain? Entertaining all the way. 
- Housamo: Tokyo Afterschool Summoners. Chapters 1-6, plus 4 Events.
Gay furry app game that I’ve had a very strange relationship with over the years —from curiosity to repulsion, to renewed interest to, at current, genuine appreciation for it. 
The writing is uneven as hell but goddamn it has its moments. 
- Pose, season 2. 
Simply one of the best tv shows and indeed one of the best Queer / LGBT shows you’ll ever see. Also the perfect antidote to the currently-ending wave of 80’s nostalgia, being a show that slams you into the uglier side of the decade and then makes you find the genuine beauty behind it. Not to be missed. 
- The Sinner, season 3. 
Okay, so this is the thriller drama that I basically put on when I need to kill about an hour. So… it does the job, I guess? 
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millennialdemon · 4 years
Okay so! Some end of the year adjustments! 
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I’m dropping pretty well everything I haven’t started yet because I’m just not keen on watching these titles for various reasons -- either I already know I’m going to hate them (and for reasons I’ve already explained with other, similar anime), or there is some sort of personal clause I refuse to budge on, or they just aren’t very interesting!: 
I’m Standing on a Million Lives (isekai with a male protagonist and every other party member is a girl? So, every isekai, EVER?)
Yashahime (refuse to watch one second of this until I hear back about Rin)
Dragon Quest (watched some of episode 1 and it just didn’t grab me? Reminded me Magical Circle which I also didn’t follow through on)
Tonikawa (I like a good wholesome romance but not only is this super hetero even for me, the character also look like 12 years old MAX when they’re apparently adults? spits)
Iwakakeru (the designs are gimmicky and sexualized like Keijo!!!, and I doubt it has the drama of Hanebado! that could retain my interest in the midst of being insanely tacky)
So the Fall watchlist looks like this now: 
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I’m still leery on Burn the Witch and Onyx Equinox, seeing as there wasn’t much to liveblog in Burn the Witch beyond bad designs, and Onyx Equinox doesn’t have subtitles so liveblogging it isn’t terribly convenient -- and it isn’t compelling enough for me to muscle through otherwise! 
Why am I watching Danmachi season 3? Because I watched season 1 out of love for Bete Loga, and then I watched season 2 out of hatred for awful writing. I am in blood Stepped in so far that, should I wade no more, Returning were as tedious as go o'er...
D4DJ is just easy to watch, and Jujutsu Kaisen is actually really good! Noblesse... well, I watched the OVA, so I may as well go through and watch the anime. 
So yeah! After whittling it down it seems pretty manageable, I might get to finish a year on this blog with no leftovers!
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nazaninlankarani · 5 years
Cartier Unveils Jewels of Great ‘Magnitude’
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Soreli watch, Magnitude collection. Photo Cartier.
In an exhibition space at the 180 The Strand building in central London last week, Cartier unveiled Magnitude, its latest high jewelry collection. Rich in color and contrasts, the collection centered around unique pairings of precious and semi-precious gemstones that together assert the force of the storied jeweler’s inventive design and creativity, and the “disruptive” presentation style that Cartier’s audience knows well.
The gloom of the rain-beaten June day failed to dampen the enthusiasm of the small army of red-jacketed Cartier “bellboys,” who, armed with umbrellas, welcomed Cartier’s clients and international media to the exclusive show, held in the city’s Temple district. The imposing concrete edifice is one of the city’s more famous examples of Brutalist architecture and a home to gallery spaces, offices, and studios for London’s creatives. “The venue was chosen to break up with classic and conventional locations,” explained a spokesperson for Cartier.
The collection brings to light the natural beauty of semi-precious stones—which Cartier labels “ornamental”—such as rutilated quartz, opal, and lapis lazuli. As a group, they create a striking, talismanic effect when paired with their precious stone counterparts—like emeralds, colored diamonds, rubies, and sapphires—and punctuated with touches of onyx or encased in rock crystal.  
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Aphelie necklace. Photo Cartier.
Though Magnitude opened with 69 pieces in London, the collection will likely extend to 120 pieces when the show travels to Paris during Couture Week in July and to New York in November.
“This collection echoes a collision of materials and is an example of Cartier’s ability to continuously reinvent itself while staying true to its timeless style,” said Pierre Rainero, the jeweler’s director of image, style, and heritage, who was onsite to present the collection. “The term ‘magnitude’ is defined as the great size or extent of something; the degree of brightness of a star; or, in geology, the force of the movement of the earth. Cartier has used ornamental stones since the early 20th century in its decorative objects.”
At the height of the Art Deco period, Cartier created remarkable clocks and bowls using a panoply of precious and semi-precious stones. The latter, which bear traces of the earth in their irregular coloring and natural veins, later provided the French house with a rich palette of inherently unique materials to work with for its jewelry.
“At Cartier, stones are part of a greater vocabulary that is not limited to just ornamental or precious,” Rainero said.  “We transcend that nomenclature by combining them in our designs.”
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Equinoxe necklace. Photo Cartier.
As such, Magnitude itself is more about continuity than disruption. Though little is new about conjugating precious and ornamental stones, this collection revives Cartier’s penchant for creating striking color pairings in what is widely known as “the Cartier style”—famously exemplified by the Tutti Frutti collection of the 1930s. At a time when monochromatic Art Deco jewelry was popular, Cartier was setting sapphires against emeralds, then a rarely-seen combination. It successfully translated Indian Maharajahs’ taste for uncommon color combinations into pieces that Western clients wanted to wear.
Still, what is notably new in Magnitude is Cartier’s reference to kinetic art, particularly its emphasis on the play of light against moving objects. This is evidenced, for example, in the unusual carved rock crystal settings used in the Theia necklace, crafted to showcase the brilliance of Colombian emeralds.
“The contrast of colors, the geometry, and the use of transparency in this piece all borrow from the codes of kinetic art, which inspired us to explore new ways of playing with light,” Rainero said.  
Other pieces in the collection, while stunning, are less directly art-inspired, even if their color palette do seem painterly. The Équinoxe necklace sets a yellow Ceylon sapphire against large beads of lapis lazuli on a lacy bed of yellow-hued diamonds. The Aphélie necklace, with its central rutilated quartz, is laden with inclusions, creating a natural, earth-tone landscape that is enhanced by other surrounding stones, from white and colored diamonds to morganite beads, coral, and onyx.  
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Claire Foy, Cyrille Vigneron and Lily Collins at dinner for Cartier Magnitude. Photo François Goizé.
Magnitude’s main strengths are its natural beauty and the chromatic range that its natural variants add to Cartier’s designs. Interestingly, that same aesthetic was explored by the French artist Jean-Michel Alberola in a painting titled La Précision des Contraires, which was commissioned in 2018 by the Fondation Cartier art center. This is not entirely a coincidence. “Alberola’s piece brings together the irregular edges and patterns of rough stones with the perfectly polished facets of cut stones in order to question the notion of beauty derived from nature versus culture,” according to a Cartier spokesperson. “[It’s] a question that is also eternally present in the mind of Cartier’s craftsmen.”
As Cartier had done this last April with its show-stopping gala dinner in Paris that followed the launch of its Clash daywear collection, the presentation of Magnitude ended with a festive soirée at the Shoreditch Town Hall. Hosted by Cyrille Vigneron, president and chief executive of Cartier International, the dinner was attended by such celebrity guests as Claire Foy, Lily Collins, and Bianca Brandolini, while DJs Paul Sevigny and Mimi Xu, together with the singer Beth Ditto, handled the musical entertainment.
On loan from the Fondation Cartier, Alberola’s work is currently on display in the Cartier boutique at 175-177 New Bond Street in Mayfair. While high jewelry collections are rarely shown to a wide audience, Magnitude will be open to the public through June 30.
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x-enter · 5 years
Crunchyroll Unveils First Slate of Crunchyroll Originals
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For a while now, Crunchyroll has streamed anime for fans to enjoy. Now, the streaming service has revealed their first set of Crunchyroll Originals for fans to enjoy. These new anime series look pretty promising and I’m excited to see where they go from here. One really cool thing is that a number of these titles started as comics on WEBTOON and are now getting the anime treatment.
Available Now
In this Crunchyroll Original, supernatural romance mixes with an enthralling, fantastical mystery, as a duo sets out to solve a series of dark incidents plaguing their world.
Tower of God
Available Spring 2020
A Crunchyroll and WEBTOON Production, based on the comic series “Tower of God” created by SIU and published by WEBTOON, this dark fantasy action series centers on the journey of a young man as he battles his way through the mysterious Tower, building friendships, discovering the rules that govern this tower, and facing unimaginable terrors, as he strives to find the only friend he's ever known. Animation produced by TELECOM ANIMATION FILM. Production Management provided by SOLA ENTERTAINMENT
Onyx Equinox
Available Soon
In this Crunchyroll Studios Production created by Sofia Alexander, a young Aztec boy is saved from death by the gods and chosen to act as ‘humanity’s champion,’ forced to discard his apathy toward his fellow man and prove humanity’s potential in a fight that spans across fantastical-yet-authentic Mesoamerican cultures.
The God of High School
Available Soon
A Crunchyroll Original, based on the comic series “The God of HIgh School” created by Yongje Park and published by WEBTOON, this action-packed series follows a high schooler and his friends as they compete in an epic tournament, borrowing power directly from the gods and uncovering a mysterious organization along the way… With the promise of their heart’s deepest desires, motivating their tournament victory. Animation produced by MAPPA. Production Management provided by SOLA ENTERTAINMENT.
Available Soon
A Crunchyroll and WEBTOON Production, based on the comic series “Noblesse” from Jeho Son and Kwangsu Lee and published by WEBTOON, this fantasy follows a powerful vampire noble who is thrown into modern civilization after 820 years of slumber. Dangerous adventures with his new friends await as they combat a secret organization and uncover his past. Animation produced by Production I.G.
Meiji Gekken: Sword & Gun (Working Title)
Available Soon
Japan, 1870. We follow an ensemble of characters - a former samurai, a yakuza bodyguard, a devious spy and a geisha assassin - as they try to find their place in the rapidly evolving Meiji-era while escaping the sins of their pasts…Inspired by historical events. A Crunchyroll Studios Production. Coming soon on Crunchyroll.
Available Soon
After civilization comes to a sudden and crashing end, twelve 23-year-old psychics living in the rubble of London must check their wild impulses and discover their better angels in order to rebuild society. A Crunchyroll Studios Production based on the graphic novels by Warren Ellis & Paul Duffield.
High Guardian Spice
Available Soon
In this Crunchyroll Studios production created by Raye Rodriguez, four fierce girls train to become great heroes at High Guardian Academy, where they form allegiances, uncover betrayals, and discover their true identities, while preparing to protect the world from an ominous unknown threat.
source https://geektyrant.com/news/crunchyroll-unveils-first-slate-of-crunchyroll-originals
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recentanimenews · 5 years
Crunchyroll Reveals First Slate of Crunchyroll Originals
  Crunchyroll has officially unveiled the inaugural slate of Crunchyroll Originals, starting with eight series that span genres ranging from adventure to fantasy, romance, historical fiction, and beyond. With collaborators that include the likes of publisher Kodansha, anime studio MAPPA, and the brand's own Crunchyroll Studios, viewers can look forward to further expansion for the community and fresh new stories and perspectives from a global slate of creators. 
  Get a taste of what's to come in the trailer below, and read on for details!
     More about the starting lineup of exciting new productions:
  In/Spectre - In this Crunchyroll Original, supernatural romance mixes with an enthralling, fantastical mystery, as a duo sets out to solve a series of dark incidents plaguing their world. Airing now on Crunchyroll.
Tower of God - A Crunchyroll and WEBTOON Production, based on the comic series “Tower of God” created by SIU and published by WEBTOON, this dark fantasy action series centers on the journey of a young man as he battles his way through the mysterious Tower, building friendships, discovering the rules that govern this tower, and facing unimaginable terrors, as he strives to find the only friend he's ever known. Animation produced by TELECOM ANIMATION FILM. Production Management provided by SOLA ENTERTAINMENT. Coming to Crunchyroll spring 2020.
Onyx Equinox - In this Crunchyroll Studios Production created by Sofia Alexander, a young Aztec boy is saved from death by the gods and chosen to act as ‘humanity’s champion,’ forced to discard his apathy toward his fellow man and prove humanity’s potential in a fight that spans across fantastical-yet-authentic Mesoamerican cultures. Premieres summer 2020 on Crunchyroll.
The God of High School - A Crunchyroll Original, based on the comic series “The God of High School” created by Yongje Park and published by WEBTOON, this action-packed series follows a high schooler and his friends as they compete in an epic tournament, borrowing power directly from the gods and uncovering a mysterious organization along the way… With the promise of their heart’s deepest desires, motivating their tournament victory. Animation produced by MAPPA. Production Management provided by SOLA ENTERTAINMENT. Coming soon on Crunchyroll.
Noblesse - A Crunchyroll and WEBTOON Production, based on the comic series “Noblesse” from Jeho Son and Kwangsu Lee and published by WEBTOON, this fantasy follows a powerful vampire noble who is thrown into modern civilization after 820 years of slumber. Dangerous adventures with his new friends await as they combat a secret organization and uncover his past. Animation produced by Production I.G. Coming soon on Crunchyroll.
Meiji Gekken: Sword & Gun (Working title) - Japan, 1870. We follow an ensemble of characters - a former samurai, a yakuza bodyguard, a devious spy and a geisha assassin - as they try to find their place in the rapidly evolving Meiji-era while escaping the sins of their pasts…Inspired by historical events. A Crunchyroll Studios Production. Coming soon on Crunchyroll.
FreakAngels - After civilization comes to a sudden and crashing end, twelve 23-year-old psychics living in the rubble of London must check their wild impulses and discover their better angels in order to rebuild society. A Crunchyroll Studios Production based on the graphic novels by Warren Ellis & Paul Duffield. Coming soon on Crunchyroll.
High Guardian Spice - In this Crunchyroll Studios production created by Raye Rodriguez, four fierce girls train to become great heroes at High Guardian Academy, where they form allegiances, uncover betrayals, and discover their true identities, while preparing to protect the world from an ominous unknown threat. Coming soon on Crunchyroll.
  Crunchyroll Originals isn't Crunchyroll's first foray into original content. Since 2015, Crunchyroll has co-produced over 60 series, working directly with partners in Japan to fund the production and creation of shows like The Rising of the Shield Hero, A Place Further Than the Universe, The Junji Ito Collection, and more.
  In/Spectre is currently airing on Crunchyroll, and other Crunchyroll Originals will premiere throughout the year to fans around the world. 
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