mikazuki-juuichi · 11 months
Pues que según por fin se liberó una cama en el hospital, así que me toca ir hoy en la noche. O sea que probablemente pase ahí como medio mes. 
So… apparently there’s finally a bad at the hospital, and so I’m headed there tonight. And I’ll probably be there at least half the month.
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mikazuki-juuichi · 11 months
it sure is weird how, when I was young, so many people told me said there’s absolutely no reason to study history or philosophy, and now there’s a conveyor belt of cranks and charlatans who use bad philosophy and misinterpret history to push bigoted agendas. what a weird coincidence
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mikazuki-juuichi · 11 months
Film Diary.
Watched a couple films:
- Your place or mine? (2023).
A slim romantic comedy, somewhat the textbook definition of "fluff". Delivers more or less what it promises with no further ambition. Thus, easy to watch and even easier to forget.
- Now you see me (2013).
Four stage magicians stage a series of international heists, drawing the attention of several agencies bent on stopping them. Very entertaining thriller that, like its leads, knows the importance of a good spectacle and how to use misdiection. Slim as well, but quite entertaining.
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mikazuki-juuichi · 11 months
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mikazuki-juuichi · 11 months
Film diary.
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- Looking: the movie (2016. Dir. Andrew Haigh).
Roughly one year after running away from a disastrous relationship, Patrick comes back to San Francisco for a wedding --and to finally face the consequences of his own mistakes. There may well be a light at the end of the tunnel...
Conclusion to the notable gay tv show, essentially tying up all loose ends. A very satisfying ending to the series, if naturally difficult to follow as a separate movie (really it serves as the third season). Nearly the entire cast returns, and manages to make it feel as if not a day had passed since the last broadcast episode.
In sort, recommended alongside the show itself --one of the most thought-provoking gay series I've seen yet.
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mikazuki-juuichi · 11 months
Otra lectura.
Estos días no he podido leer gran cosa. Me cuesta trabajo concentrarme, no sé si por efecto de las medicinas o simplemente paso por uno de esos periodos en que me distraigo con facilidad. Así que por lo pronto leí:
- Un camino de leyenda. Alex Herrerías.
Un cómic ópera prima, que como indica el título puede leerse como una fábula sobre fábulas --y ultimadamente como una metáfora sobre lo que realmente mueve a un artista. De muy buen trazo y atmósfera, vale la pena.
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mikazuki-juuichi · 11 months
Film (and tv) diary.
Some stuff I watched:
* - Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's revenge.
- Mortal Kombat Legends: Battle of the realms.
- Mortal Kombat (2021).
Assorted animation and live-action adaptations of the infamous video-game franchise. And anybody who's played any of the games knows these are at their best when they embrace how cheesy and silly the whole thing is. Same here, then: All of these work best when they stop pretending to be a serious story and merely have fun with the over-the-top violence and (literally) outlandish scenarios. Thus: Good, mindless fun.
- Venom: Let there be carnage.
Likewise for superhero movies: The best ones are the ones that won't take themselves too seriously and merely have fun. This, then is one of the better exampled, particularly for letting the subtext of the first film pretty much become text. A gleefully entertainin romp that requires you to sit back, not think about things too hard and just enjoy the action fest that is also essentially a gay romantic comedy.
- Looking (2 seasons).
This meanwhile is something else --a gay tv show that is quite possibly the most "quiet", low-key I've seen yet. The life of three gay friends in San Francisco told in whispers rather than shouts. In other words, a very intriguing show, followed by a movie that served as the conclusion. More than worth a watch.
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mikazuki-juuichi · 11 months
Migrate (Paradise Hotel extra)
Sixth drabble written while recovering! I guess a bit more, uh, experimental?
Either way, hope you all enjoy!
H drabbles VI: Migrate.
By: Yawar.
Canon: My 'Paradise Hotel'.
The quetzal has been sitting by the balustrade since breakfast, nearly unmoving. Or, more accurately, since reading the morning newspaper. All the beauty of the hotel's private beach can do little to dispel the thoughts repeating themselves on his head.
From space you could not see the borders that divide countries. But down on earth sometimes it seems to be all that people can see. All over history, all over worldviews. People cast out, people not welcome. Shunned, imprisoned, tortured and killed, all for not being born on the right place.
What makes him think of this? Assorted items in the news. Nothing new about it to be sure. But it's all never less than apalling.
His family would say he's not supposed to think about these things. Guatemalans in Mexico, but of the wealthy kind. The lucky. The previleged. The right way to migrate.
Well, maybe he's not the 'right' kind. Because he's gay, for one thing. Because when you are part of a minority you notice all these subtle yet recurrent signs of how much people would rather you just were not there at all. And when you belong to more than one minority at once, well!
He's created this hotel, this bluer slice of heaven, this refuge for some. A gay hotel. Off the tourist road, off the beaten path. Maybe it's just another extension of previlege. But still... surely every drop counts for at least a little.
Centroamericans in Mexico. Latinos in the US... it's only a small portion of the many, so many, complicated, uneasy coexistences in the world. To say nothing of species, of... any other differences.
Nothing shakes him out of his reflections. Until he sees a rainbow-colored beach ball bouncing across the beach. Ah, his current hotel guests. There is not as much to do in the off-season, but they manage. And indeed, now that Quirico pays attention he can hear the noises of the game itself. Oh, they are having fun!
By his side is Ikal the bear, leaning on the balcony and breathing the sea breeze in. "That's the trick," he says. "Remembering that the world is so much bigger even than destructive hate."
"Yeah..." says Quirico, just a bit forlorn still. "It's still overwhelming, though..."
Ikal walks by, patting his shoulder so briefly it feels more like the breeze itself. "Well, then keep busy. For example I think we might get another guest. You'll want to see to that."
"Yeah..." Quirico finally gets up, stretches. Turns to thank Ikal but there is nobody there. What was he about to do? Right, the reception desk, just in case. Just in time to greet an unexpected guest, somebody he knew in the past.
Maybe that's the true point of migration. Sometimes moving forward is the only way to live. Sometimes, moving forward no matter what is the only way to wake up the world, to challenge olden prejudices. To live fully in the world, to exist anywhere.
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mikazuki-juuichi · 1 year
- Beastars, vols. 1 - 22 (serie completa). Me hubiese gustado terminar los análisis que iba haciendo de ésta serie volumen por volumen. Pero se vino encima todo lo que pasó... De cualquier modo es una excelente serie que recomiendo. Y ojalá algún día llegue oficialmente a México su serie paralela, Beast Complex.
- Golden Kamuy, vols. 1 - 19. Más o menos dos tercios de la serie, que también recomiendo sumamente. Una loquísima historia de acción y homoerotismo situada en un fascinante contexto histórico.
Aunque he caído un poco en el hábito de empezar algunos libros pero interrumpiendo su lectura, pues le intento. Algo se saca.
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mikazuki-juuichi · 1 year
So yeah... hospital again.
Tomorrow I have to go back to the hospital for the third cycle, which can take anywhere from two to four weeks. I… hate it. But that’s how things are. So… take care you all, Hope to see you again soon.                            
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mikazuki-juuichi · 1 year
So yeah... hospital again.
Tomorrow I have to go back to the hospital for the third cycle, which can take anywhere from two to four weeks. I… hate it. But that’s how things are. So… take care you all, Hope to see you again soon.                            
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mikazuki-juuichi · 1 year
Cuts (Mighty Mutanimals)
Fifth drabble written while recovering, this time a Jagwar / Dreadmon one.
Hope you all enjoy!
H Drabbles V: Cuts.
By: Yawar.
Fandom: Mighty Mutanimals.
Space worms. Born out of a meteorite egg. Slimy bodies that disguise fangs and barbs sharp as steel. Miraculously, thankfully, not poisonous. Malignoid Worms, charmingly called. All were supposed to be dead. But it seemed at least two survived, no doubt late hatchers. So it was perhaps convenient, perhaps the opposite, that they happened to be on the path of Jagwar and Dreadmon when they were merely exploring the rainforest in search of a nearby water hole.
The Malignoids lay in pieces, their bodies already drying up. Soon they'd be buried. So that they'd be fully consumed by the earth itself.
The two mutants had come out mostly unscathed from the battle. Except for a flurry of cuts and slashes.
Finally on the water hole itself, they each removed his garments carefully.
Dreadmon shook his head: "Way too much red, assuming I look the way you do --and from the feel of things, we are."
Jagwar sighed as he waded into the fresh water. "Yes, well. Might as well wash up."
It did not sting nearly so much as Dreadmon would've thought. He did muse aloud: "Sometimes I wonder how clean this is."
Jagwar, who by then had waded in shoulder-deep, glanced back to say: "For humans, it'd probably be high risk. For us it should be fine. Immunne system surpassing both humans' and animals', just about." He swam closer to Dreadmon. "I can whip up something to help with the pain, though!"
"Doesn't really hurt that much..."
Nevertheless by the time they got out and lay on large boulders to sun themselves dry, Dreamon moved to rest on his right side, closer to Jagwar. Some of the cuts could still be seen up close. "I can think of a quicker way to nurse these," he said. "If you don't mind getting a bit I guess weird."
Jagwar grinned. "Never once minded 'weird'. What did you have in mind, friend?"
He had extended his hand for this. Dreadmon took it. Leaned in closer and licked the inside of Jagwar's elbow, the small laceration close to the gap. The taste was rather... funky.
Jagwar let out a small chuckle. "Ah, that! Well, then, come here!" He did a small leap, one of this feline traits. Returned the favor by mouthing Dreadmon's right shoulder, then licking the back.
There wasn't exactly pain from it, more like a spike similar to small electric shocks. The two looked at each other in the eye. Breathed in, out. Touched noses. Touched tongues. Held each other for a long, long time.
Later they were resting on the shore. Still holding each other, reluctant to pull apart and get dressed.
Until Jagwar said: "...that is one way to get your mind off of pain, certainly!"
"And probably as addictive as painkillers," said Dreadmon. "But so much better."
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mikazuki-juuichi · 1 year
Film Diary.
Some movies I’ve been able to watch recently (…ish).
- Wonder Woman (2009).
Fairly decent early foray into having solo movies for Wonder Woman. Better than the latter “Bloodlines” –but the live-action ones were better, and this one suffers from a wildly uneven script (you can practically hear the two credited story writers fencing over the tone). Overall entertaining but missing something.
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- Teen Titans: The Judas Contract (2017).
Loose adaptation of the infamous comic book arc. So-so, not nearly as fun as the version from the Teen Titans cartoon. The updated cast and setting both feel rather underused, too.
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- Justice League Dark: Apokolips war (2020).
This one is just plan BAD. Quite gratuitously gory and grim, to the point that sails way past self-parody and into “just plain sad” territory.
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- Freedom Fighters: The Ray (2017 - 2018).
Perhaps the only animated DC superhero movie to star a gay lead. Released both as movie and as mini-series, this is quite worthy of a watch –a very rare good superhero yarn released in the current century.
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- Teen Titans Go & DC Superhero Girls: Mayhem in the multiverse (2022).
Essentially the movie of the underrated tv show “DC Superhero Girls” (second version that is) disguised as a crossover film. Surprisingly fun and well-written, definitely recommended.  
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Live-action (and gay):
- The Prom (2020).
Film adaptation of the stage musical, itself loosely based on a real-life anecdote. Surprisingly good, if overlong musical. Worth a watch for the powerhouse performance of lead Jo Ellen Pellman and a couple suprisingly touching songs.
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- Behind the candelabra (2013).
Biopic about Liberace, told from the POV of his boytoy of ten years (Scott Thorson, whose memoir is the basis for this film). Tremendously underrated and more than worth a few looks.
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mikazuki-juuichi · 1 year
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For New Scientist. More of my science cartoons are here.
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mikazuki-juuichi · 1 year
Food Tour (Such terrible hatred extra)
Fourth drabble written while recovering. Hope you all like!
H Drabble 4: Food Tour.
By: Yawar.
Fandom: In continuity with my "Such terrible hatred".
0: Date.
The brown horse repeated the plan, almost lingering on each syllable. "Food Tour. Across two weeks in the City. In lieu of a vacation proper?"
"That's right," said his roly-poly fox. "Sice we can't quite afford a trip to the beach like the others and neither of us feels like spending another spring break with our families --why not have some fun of our own, in our own way?"
'The others' were only four of the neighbors --Shen and Eduardo off to Acapulco, Roberto and Benito to Veracruz --but the point kinda stood. And the plan sounded, well, feasible. Visiting each of their favorite food spots, taking turns. Leaving space to calculate expenses, and so that neither of them got sick from over-eating or drinking. A two-week date, basically.
"Okay --let's do it!" was the only thing left to said. "Whose choice first?!"
1: Burger Bar Joint.
Next evening, the first choice; David's. A relatively fancy neighborhood. Roma, downtown, within walkind distance of their Zona Rosa. Tucked between two expensive fanchises --but the 'BBJ' looked more like an old fashioned 80's place, all red tiles and industrial decoration.
The waiters knew David pretty well. It seemed he used to be a regular here, not that long ago. So they got a nice double table, well iluminated, in full view of the bar. David ordered for them --two specials to share.
Fried cheese balls covered in panko, with a white sauce to dip in. Melty and hot!
Cheese fingers in a lettuce bed, with arrabiata sauce to dip in --and this was just the entrée!
To wash it doewn, one alcholic drink, one not, both still to share. A large glass of Dr. Pepper with a scoop of lemon ice cream floating in it. And a vanilla malt shake with Frangelico.
It all mixed into a heady cloud --Moctezuma wondered if they'd fall into a food coma here and now.
"Darling," he said. "Next one's gonna be a salad place."
"Sounds good to me!" said a chipper David, offering a loopy yet friendly smile. "But first, the main event --burgers!"
A regular-sized one and a huge one, both split down the middle.
The first, fried chicken breast, mayonnaise, shredded lettuce, tomatoes. Yummy, simple and good!
The second was a thick beef patty, caramelized onion rings, fried potato chips --and a fried egg, dripping yolk into the whole thing! Well, good thing Mexico City had never had salmonella cases!
"My God!!" Moctezuma both cheered and wailed. "It'd make a perfect last meal!"
David chuckled. "Can't wait to try your salad place! Be a good respite," he said between satisfied bites.
2: Monte Kailas.
Two days later here they were --South of the city, Univerity district. The neighborhood known as Ciudad Universitaria. But at his hour, early afternoon, most of the students and teachers are safely locked in class, so it's easier to find a place to eat.
This one was a floor and a half tall, decorated kinda like a waterfall oasis. All white, minty green, bright and filled with plastic plants.
"Found this when I worked as a courier," Moctezuma explained. "Nice and not too expensive, nor too filling! Let's see now." It's his turn to order for them.
First, a large jar of watermelon juice topped with all sort of shredded berries. Refreshing, suprisingly sweet!
Tiny sandwiches. Baked multigrain bread, cream cheese, avocado, cherry tomatoes --and what tastes like honey mustard, lightly applied.
"I guess it's more for horses?" Moctezuma quips.
"No --we foxes were omnivorous back in the prehistoric days, they say," David half-jests back.
And after this tiny treat --salads!
A tiny but spectacular Caprese. Medallions of fresh white cheese sprinkled with pesto and assorted pepper slices.
And a big one, the house special. An explosion of green and yellow vegetables and fruits --mango, yellow apple, celery, green apple, guava, melon, tortilla chips, and even assorted seeds! All dipped in an incredible cilantro mayonnaise!
"I see what you love about this!!" David let out. He chewed the mango and pepper together, savoring the mix of sweet and spicy. "It's a whole meal course in a few dishes!"
Moctezuma grinned at him, reaching under the table to quickly pat his boyfriend's tight. Washing down a big bite with more ice-cold watermelon juice. When he finished gulping the sweet nectar down, he said: "What've you got planned next? More meat mountains?"
"Not at all! But it'll be powerful, you'll see!"
3. Quesadillas Abuelita Coni.
Off to the opposite side of the city, the North. Another academic district, Politécnico.
Tucked between a planetarium and an old cinema that is now used as a pseudo-museum. A tiny yet cozy place with small wooden tables and wicker chairs. Barely a floor tall.
"And it only serves quesadillas?" Moctezuma inquired, looking around.
"Yes, but what quesadillas!" Quietly, David added: "The drinks are nothing special --but even so, you'll see!"
For one thing, the meal was deep-fried to a crispy brown --the aroma was both mouth and eye watering.
Order: Two plain string cheese, two potatoes and cheese, two ham slice and cheese. Accompained by the house jalapeño sauce and by an order of half-cream. To wash it down --plain juice boxes, grape and apple.
Hot and greasy o yes --but oh! So, so creamy and it mixed incredibly well with both cream and sauce!
"NO, okay!" said Moctezuma. "I can see how addictive this could be!"
"I think I actually did get hooked up on these for a bit!" David replied halfway through a generous bite. "Had to force myself to cut back to once a month max. By the way, have you seen the other tables?"
Everyone around, to a T it seemed, was having something of a food orgasm. Eyes rolled back, tails wagging or at least curly.
Moctezuma nearly hooted. "Then, for my next choice --dessert!"
4. Helado Oscuro.
South of the city again... a little more to the East. Past second-hand bookstores, and a huge theatre. Coyoacán neighborhood. Next to a more famous but horribly expensive restaurant ("Grossly expensive!" said Moctezuma) --and then here it is, a dark small place that's easy to miss at first. Literally painted black inside, but with bright fluorecent lights overhead and purple vynil chairs. And very bright menus advertising all sorts of artisanal ice cream flavors.
Not a singe conventional one! Sangria. Doll kiss. Rum and coke. Rose petal. Rosé wine. Starfruit. And that's barely the top of the menú!
What to get, how could one possibly choose? But Moctezuma already thought of that: "Sampler. A tiny spoonful of --every flavor!"
David had braced himself for both a sugar rush and a brain freeze. No... so many of the flavors are savory --or even sour! And explosion of chilly flavors... The aftertaste was unique, too --good thing they have free sparkling water to wash it all down. And that was just the first row of the samples.  
5. Tacos El Paisa.
More to the West no, in the frontier between two very different neighborhoods, La Raza and Azcapotzalco. Now there's several taco places in these two blocks as a matter of fact. But this one is unmissable. Full to the brim, each formica table full of enthusiastic clients. And yet somehow they get a table very fast.
Two identical orders, very specific ones. Three tacos al pastor in corn tortillas, two steak and cheese in flour tortillas. Two tepaches to wash it down --a mildly alcoholic pineapple drink. Why this? Because these are too small to share, have to be tasted in full.
Pastor! Slowly roasted seasoned pork, pineapple, cilantro, onion, lemon drops. Grease dripping everwhere. Scrumptious! Steak! White cheese melting into the steak bits, cushioned by the thick tortilla. And the fruity tepache helps it all go down smoothly.
"Same order again?" says an amused Moctezuma, winking.
"Up to you," David winks back. "Once you get the first taste you can choose your own rhytm!"
"Speaking of that... I think I know the next choice. Hope you don't mind getting up early, though."
He doesn't, even if the ambience here calls for a long night. It's all so jolly, so warm. Then again, no one stays here for that long, or they'd pig out so to speak.
6. El Diletto.
Indeed: Barely dawn and they are on the way for breakfast. Where? North of the city, residential neighborhood Lindavista, about an hour from home by public transportation. Had to take the early subway train fueled only by insant coffee and half a toast each.
Here is the place, just opening now in fact. It looks like a tiny bar behind a newstand? Ah, no, up to the second story... on to a beautiful roof garden surrounded by rubber palm leaves. Very few tables, about half of them occupied by families. For them, a tiny black one with a view of the still idle street below.
Curious order: Green juice, black coffee, couple pastries to share, polvorón de naranja. Bacon and cheese omelette, sprinkled with sliced cherry tomatoes and arugula. Per Moctezuma's instructions, cut a slice of the omelette, gather it in torta bread, sprinkle a bit of green sauce on top...
"Whoah!" David lets out. "How's it so many flavors at once?"
"Chef's secret," says Moctezuma in between pleased bites. "Now, try the rest."
Bittersweet juice, firm sugary pastry, stout coffee. Smoother than David expected. "Did you use to come here with your family?" he asks.
Moctezuma shakes his head no. "This used to have live music, and a friend got the gig a couple times. But the samplers we got, love!"
"Samplers..." David says the word like a revelation, tasting it. He knows what his next choice is --dinner this time.
7. Dave's Pizza Tortas.
Very different choice for sure. This one is located in the converted basement of a housing complex deep on the other side of the City, in a blue-collar neighborhood, Pedregal. Said former basement has become something of a street  food market. All small stalls and so, so many deep-fried and sugary aromas floating up to them. Heading to a a well-lit one on the left corner, wading amongst the sea of people.
Soon they are sharing an even smaller table than last time. White formica, just outside the glare of the white halogen lamps. Two fruit soda bottles. Paper plate colding an enormous torta split in two. Big plastic bowl filled to the brim with spaghetti, topped with thick ham slices.
David and Moctezuma swirl their plastic forks in the hot, orange pasta.
"The funny part is that I usually order this as take-out," says David. "So I thought that coming directly to the source would be... I dunno, an experience. Also these are, not kidding... Mighty. Very, very filling, see..."
"No kidding indeed," says Moctezuma after slurping a couple strands. "I can tell by the amount of grease alone."
The flavor has a neat quality. It somehow expands as they chew. And then the ham slices reveal fresh avocado underneath. It all mixes into a surprisingly balanced bite. The soda is at first glance nothing special. But it's the rare kind that is not too bubbly, not two sweet. Doesn't sting the tip of one's tongue. Then, the torta. Warm, soft bread. Well-cooked meat --pork, sausage-- cheese --both string and cheddar--, bean paste, cream. One festive bite, that's the word for it!
But it *is* most definitely filling. This one they are not actually able to finish in site, have to take some of it to go.
Which amuses David. "And to think I used to gorge on these all by myself every so many lonely nights! You know, it's so much better shared like this..."
Moctezuma reaches for David's hand. Holds it. Squeezes it. "I do know it."
And so that leaves only one possible choice for the next and last place.
8. Pizza Amore.
This tiny little place in Zona Rosa, steps away from Nicho's bar... where they had their first date. When they first met, that one unforgettable night that extended all the way to the morning...
So, four slices of whatever was ready, any beverages... and it's all perfect.  Sausage, peperoni, olives, mushrooms. Basic cokes.
"So..." David ventures when they get out into the chilly afternoon. He zips up his fleece-lined jacket. "What do you think? Not bad for a vacation substitute?"
Moctezuma meanwhile seems impervious to the weather in his long-sleeved button-up shirt. "Substitute?" He places an arm around David's shoulders, draws him close. "Darling, it was the best vacation of all time!"
So they remain, close as toast and butter, all the way back home.
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mikazuki-juuichi · 1 year
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W-when did this happen ?!?
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mikazuki-juuichi · 1 year
Ballroom (Beastars fanfic --Miguno x Durham).
Third drabble I wrote while recovering. Hope you all ejoy!
H drabbles III: Ballroom.
By: Yawar.
Canon: Beastars fanfic.
It's hard running in fine moccassins. Durham knows his feet will resent it tomorrow. But if he doesn't make it in time he's gonna regret it all of today. And then before he knows it, here it is --Gulag, that small punk club that's easy to miss at first, tucked between two run-down apartment complexes. There's this small sign by the door advertising that tonight "The Carrions" are playing --that is Miguno's band. He takes just a minute to catch his breath. He's positive he's dressed all wrong for this place -- a coyote in his fancy borrowed grey suit and brown tie. Too bad!
"Guess who's Hikaru´s date for the next grand ball!" he had told the hyena playing guitar on the lower bunk bed, in his heart-patterned underpants.
"Hikaru?" said his best friend, Miguno. "That poodle girl from the gold district?"
"Fancy family! And you're looking at her next date!" Durham beamed. For all of five seconds. "I mean, she's no doubt slumming it, but--"
"All her curly fur," said Miguno, sincerely, as he climbed down from the bed. "Is not worth a single strand of yours."
"...why, thank you!" After a somewhat awkward pause, Durham added: "Huh, the real problem, though... is that I don't know how to dance. I mean not this kind of--"
"I can teach you. Hey, might be a fun project, even!"
In general, Durham did not have much luck dating. Maybe he just looked too rough or had too much of a reputation. Too unpolished, maybe a bit scary. Legosi 2.0 maybe.
The other boys in the dorm were so-so about it. Collot would date on and off. Voss and Jack were always preocupied with other stuff. Legosi was terrified of anything resembling dating.
Miguno, now, though. Dating did not seem to concern him at all. In everything else, he and Durham got along so well, were almost of one mind. They could talk for hours, hang out... enjoy each other's company. One way or another.
"And spin! Got it?"
"I still don't know if I'm playing the guy or the girl."
"The guy," said his lead. "Because you have your hand on my back. I'm holding your hand, yeah? Now, one more time! Step, step, spin!"
After only a few days using the dance room at the hours they knew it would be empty, Durham was amazed to discover how little he actually knew about dancing in general. How had he ever come to believe it was easy?
Still, he did get the gist of it, bit by clumsy bit. And then there was something so... sensual aobut it, so intimate. Whenever he got the steps right, he and Miguno felt fully in tune, moving as one. Would it feel like that with Hikaru, he sometimes wondered.
"The ball is when?"
"This saturday night, why?"
"Oh..." He saw Miguno's ears briefly go down, then right back up. "No, nothing! Just checking, really!"
But Durham recalled. "Wait. Saturday. Your band! The gig at the club, right?"
"Ah, it's not that big a deal..."
"...now your tail is down, too. Hey." He placed an arm around Miguno, drew him close. "It's unfortunate but you know I'll always attend every other gig. You know that, right?
"I do! I know. And I mean --this is important, of course! It's okay, really, it is!"
As it turned out, dancing with Hikaru did not feel quite so sensous, or intimate, or really much of anything at all. Less so once it dawned on him that she was mostly using him to tease another guy at the ball, some apparently popular German Shepherd who had brought a dreamy-eyed vixen as his own date. Yup. Slumming it with the big scary coyote. Yet again.
Coyotes, not so majestic nor impressive, except maybe in the eyes of--
...what was he doing here?
Between pieces, he excused himself to the restroom --and sneaked out.
Now, what was the name of that club and where was it?
The Carrions were just wrapping up the second number. He was in time after all, just about!!
He recognized the song. "Bloody loser". That ditty Miguno had written a couple months ago about a bleeding, bruised man who had just lost a match --but whom the lyrics described as beautiful.
How had Durham never realized who the song was about?
Miguno finished his rift, opened his eyes.
Could not believe what he was seeing. Durham, front and center, clapping. Cheering. Jumping up and down. Still in the borrowed suit!
Intermission. They ran to each other.
"What... how..?" said Miguno.
"Ball was a..." Durham began.
Another song began, different band.
Not at all a piece for slow dancing.
Durham offered his hand, had to shout to be heard. "May I?"
"I --thought you'd never ask!" But Miguno placed his hand on the small of Durham's back, just above the tail. "Only, mind if this time..?"
"I thought you'd never ask!" Durham guffawed!
Coyote and hyena, two males slow-dancing together to a rock-punk ditty. One dressed for this place, one not. They look rather out of place --and could not care less. They are in their own private heaven.
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