#onyx twins
poketriodrawsstuff · 2 years
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With the onyx brothers as one, they are able to conduct their duties twice as efficiently!! Super Onyx has the best of both of them, being able to express themselves well vocally and physically! All that stays the same is their expression, with their mouths either a constant flat line, or a ♦️.
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klein-sodor-bahn · 1 month
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The whole family ✨
The whole adoptive family Charlie and Henry have :3
From the upper left corner: Douglas McIntosh, Donald McIntosh, Isabell „Schwan“ von Neuschwanstein, Charlotte „Charlie“ Borsig, Henry Gresley-Stanier, Percy Avonside, Alexandrina „Alex“ von Hannover and Heinrich „Jimmo“ Henschel
They are a wholesome little family. Schwan is @winterthesudrian‘s little Castle class baby. She, Alex and Percy are the little trio.
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tulipsimss · 5 months
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Harmony invited Gray over and ofc he had to stand outside and eavesdrop, he heard unfamiliar voices😬
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ceephorsshitshow · 4 hours
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Wormhole glitched out
@pogostikk @artsycooky13
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areanoodles · 2 months
Rainbow High Rewrite
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This is my rainbow high rewrite ideas and thoughts. I've been thinking about this time from time for some months and didn't think to post it until recently, since, it would be nice to get other peoples insight.
●season 3, 4, and 5 will be changed completely
●season 1 and 2 might be slightly kept the same but for certain parts of these season, they might be changed and put in another season or be done differently
●season 3 will not be focusing on rainbow vision. Originally, I was going to take out rainbow vision in the Rewrite. But then, rewatching season 3 , I decided not to take out rainbow vision
●season 3 will focus on pacific coast high since they were introduced in episode 1 of season 3 and weren’t focused on anymore
●season 4 will focus on shadow high
●then once at season 5, that’ll focus on rainbow vision. By then, you’d already have a good idea of how the characters from pacific coast high and shadow high are in the previous seasons(season 3 and 4)
●I don’t have much of an idea for pacific coast high when I decide to have them as the main focus of season 3
●I have more of an idea for shadow high in season 4. Back a few months ago, I was thinking of how shadow high could be introduced. It will be introduced through luna. Since luna goes to shadow high, and the girls(sunny’s friends, except for violet)don’t know about luna, sunny would reveal luna to them. This is a way for shadow high to be introduced before rainbow vision
●Then, season 4 can focus on shadow high and also sunny and luna’s relationship.
●project rainbow will be excluded out of the rewrite completely, as well as rainbow world
●season 5 for rainbow vision may just end up properly focusing on the rivalry of shadow and rainbow high(they’re literally the only schools that have so much against each other)
●maybe even getting some more interactions of certain characters from different schools together
●as of season 1 and 2, I didn’t have much to think about for plot but as I thought more recently about the rewrite, and how the characters could be more fledged out
●If I were to keep in bella getting expelled still, she’d probably get expelled a little later than in episode 7 of season 1
●If I were to properly fledge out each and every character of rainbow high and give them a full proper run down(like they deserve), I’d need a Simpsons amount of seasons just to do so
●I think in prior season, luna or shadow high should be hinted at a bit, just to give the idea that luna exists prior to my season 4 idea
●About being more fledged out and expanded on, neurodivergent characters, or even aspects the characters already have(pr have been mentioned in their bios or wikis) that can be expanded through each season
●For instance, violet willow. I think that having her expanded on would be good. Her little falling out with sunny in the very beginning(season 1 episode 1)should’ve been brought up a bit more. Violet is a very interesting character in my opinion. She honestly kind of depicts actual people irl in my opinion
●also, the mention of some of the characters families(like the madison family) interest me a lot. A lot of the characters have sisters, either described in their bios, or wikis(Ashton, river, karma, ainsley, lola wilde, Robin and ayesha sterling, ect). Then there’s like 3 sets a twins. The characters that do have sibling, don’t have brothers at all. It should at least be diverse in some way
This is what I have so far. I think I had more to add but these are my general ideas for each season. This is my rainbow high rewrite so far.
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topfloorprincess · 1 year
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Carti and onyx
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devastatine · 2 years
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Shadow High - The School Across the Street
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one-half-guy · 2 months
How would Blaze and Gold handle going on vacation? I figure they would go to Sonic's dimension for the peace and quiet... if it weren't for Eggman XD
It would be a very bureaucratic process imo LOL: firstly they would need to be convinced to take a (somewhat long) time for themselves, free from every responsability each one has, focus in enjoy and relax only... Not something they're used to think of, it sounds very much like a jump off their comfort zones (too stressful for comfort of course, but the zones they're used to *fingers guns*)
Then comes something that happens to be a lot harder than they could ever predict: define a destination, after all they have 3 worlds to choose (4 if we count Gold's world being somehow restored), each one with breath taking views, exciting mysteries and charming enviroments of their own, which one should they choose?? It's not like they know when they'll be able to do it again, so they are deadset in choose the best dimension for vacation (They could as well do some Dimension Hoping Vacation™ XD... ...but then by which one to start??)
Maybe in the end Sonic's world seems to be the best option for their first vacation as a couple: more landmasses than Blaze's world, there are more civilizations around than in Silver's world and the majority of their friends live in there (lots of bias favouring that dimension LOL) and can suggest places to visit + it's not the world where they have all their responsability, it seems all win, what could go wrong? (Eggman... They forgot Eggman... And he showed up... And is always happy to torment an enemy XD but it's not like a mad doctor would be enough to ruin their time together <3) (Maybe if he unleashed some new eldritch being maybe 👀👀)
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dabruzzy · 1 year
Just rewatched episode 5 of Onyx Equinox and it just gets to me how Yun was fatally wounded and still worried more about Izel's wellbeing (even though he's the one who broke his leg in the first place) and wanted him and K'in to stop fighting, and only cried and expressed his fear of dying after everyone else left. He was literally dying but he still tried to keep it together, probably because he didn't want K'in to panic more than he already was. He spent the whole episode putting everyone else's needs above his own even though he was dying and I'm having feelings about this
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mikeisthricedeceased · 10 months
I want to purchase…
Doll ™️
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sigery · 8 months
Onyx: Why is there blood everywhere? Cain: I may have aggressively poked someone with a knife. Onyx: You stabbed someone?! Cain: No, no. I aggressively poked someone with a knife.
Onyx: WHOEVER CAUSED THIS MESS IS GOING TO- Noir: It was me... Onyx: ...Is going to be forgiven because everyone deserves a second chance.
Blanc: What do you three have to say for yourself? Noir: Cain: Abel: Oops?
Cain: If I die first, promise to wait up for me, okay, Abel? Abel: Oh, Cain. When I die, I’m taking you with me. Cain: I can’t tell if that’s a threat or a compliment. Abel: I’d think of it more as a grim inevitability.
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klein-sodor-bahn · 1 year
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Happy 9/10 fellas!
I finally drew and revamped my take on Donald and Douglas. I drew them with their mother in my AU. The father is not Henry but someone by the name of Campbell. Charlie was forced to leave them behind one month after they were born. Their father died when they were 18. After his death they found pictures of Charlie and their father.
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as-good-as-held · 2 years
notes about my dragons and their genetics because that is interesting to me (making things up is my passion)
Ingo and Emmet are not identical twins! which is obvious because one of them is a standard snow and the other is an onyx, right? well actually, not at all. visually, yeah, Ingo looks like an onyx but he isn't, he's genetically a melanistic snow. now usually, melanistic snows turn out grey or even navy blue in colour, but Ingo popped out with the blackest fur i've ever seen on a dragon that wasn't pure onyx. which is weird because he and Emmet hatched from the same egg. here comes my tinfoil hat territory because i don't know what their parents were, i think they both carried the allele for melanism because it's recessive in dragons but presented as pure snows, so the were Ss. this led to Emmet recieving either SS genes (making him pure snow) or Ss genes (making him a carrier for melanism without presenting as such) and Ingo recieving ss genes, making him visibly melanistic. they aren't identical so this is definitely possible. (unless Ingo had a random gene mutation that gave him melanism outside of parents genetics, which would still result in them being fraternal twins instead of identical) Ingo and Emmet came from breeders (who could verify that Ingo is a snow because she showed me the video of him and Emmet hatching)
cucumber isn't a pure sage, either. their mama was a rose dragon and, presumably, their papa was a sage. there aren't any funny genes in roses or sages that make them present funny so cucumber has normal genes. they have the rose allele in them but the sage one is dominant, in the same way that i carry an allele for blonde hair (recessive) but the brown hair one is dominant so it wins by default. they came from a different breeder to the twins who was not very good at their job and had failed to notice that their own pet rose had gotten very friendly with the sage they owned. well they had a really runty pup that needed hand-rearing (which i absolutely did not trust them to do) and so i ended up with a very small sage-rose who is actually older than all of my others by kind of a lot
tax evasion? pure dexter. there was never a purer dexter in existence. it's a recessive allele so there is absolutely no way there's anything else in him. he was a rescue that had been spotted slinking around the back of a bookshop i used to frequent who kept shredding the cardboard boxes they had to throw away. well i trapped him in one and took him home cause he was a lil matted and smelly so clearly nobody else was coming for him. he warmed up right away and he leaves the house with me sometimes cause he's the most used to being out there but he's definitely a lapdragon. all he wants is snooze and cuddle. makes me wonder who owned him before me and why they would leave him out there. their loss, he's my special boy now
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areanoodles · 11 months
A few rainbow high headcanons?
A little headcanon I thought about, considering Naomi's personality, is that....
●If anyone were to mess, bully, or tease Veronica, naomi will be there to punch the mess out of that person(this would mainly take place elementary school, and mostly kindergarten).
Ive been obsessing over the storm twins and thought about this a few days ago, but I was gonna be busy over the weekend. But I can finally post.
I also find it interesting that they were in a tv series
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I think that's cool. I like the idea.
But, I honestly love these twins, along with the madison twins. I just love them, and I'd love to get their dolls. But, I don't know where to start. I want to get all the main girls dolls first(jade, sunny, violet, ruby, Skyler,Bella, and amaya). But I also wanna get the main group from shadow high(shanelle,Heather, natasha, luna, Nicole, and ash).
Also, does anyone else think this ship is cute?:
Natasha zima x heather grayson?
Back in the summer of this year I read a fanfic, and it had natasha x heather in it. At first, I wasn't sure about this ship, but I grew a close liking for it. Now I think it would be cute, but, im not sure. Any rainbow high fans agree or disagree?
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cry-stars · 2 years
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linking arms and doing silly poses when you’re like 25 + 35 respectively
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random thought ive been thinking about lately cuz i think it’s Hilarious
so onyx (my commander <3) had a very very brief thing with canach. like, they both were lonely and bored and tired after kralk and everything. they just kinda hung out for a while and it was much more of a friends with benefits thing than dating. they don’t really talk about it now, not cuz they’re embarrassed but cuz it was a private thing and it’s in the past now. then, years later in cantha, canach is having fun with a cute guy who’s a tourist from mainland tyria named jasper. one day, onyx shows up to talk to canach at the club, and finds him flirting with this guy, which is awkward enough, but also!! she Recognjzes Him. because that’s her BROTHER
and she’s like um????? hello????? what??? is happening????
and jaspers like oh hey onyx! oh i probably should’ve asked mid u would be cool with me having a relationship with ur friend haha….
and canach a like ????????????? you. know? each other?
onyx, with the iciest voice, informs canach that yes she Does know him. bc that’s hER BROTHER, CANACH.
canach is suddenly very worried that the commander is Going To Kill Him
meanwhile, jasper has no idea what’s going on
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