#ooc hobie
The Secret
Crossed Chapter 2
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Hobie talked about Spider Society often over the course of your friendship. Pav, Gwen & Peter B. were the ones he talked about the most. He also frequently complained about Miguel O’Hara and Jessica Drew.
Needless to say, you thought you knew what you were walking into when you made the rash to decision to take you and Hobie right back to the people that hurt him.
Now, standing in the middle of HQ, with a shirtless Hobie leaning on your shoulder for support, you feel incredibly stupid, and regret acting before thinking.
“Woahh…” you trail off, unable to really comprehend what you’re seeing. Hundreds, maybe even thousands of Spider people are walking all over the place. By the time you take in the massive compound, several Spider-people have noticed you and Hobie.
Hobie’s arm that’s draped over your shoulders tenses, and before you can ask why, you see who’s gotten his attention.
The Spider-person standing several yards away from you has massive shoulders and a scowl that puts a bit of fear into your heart.
You gather that this must be Miguel O’Hara.
“Listen love, i don’ know what’s gon ta happen, but if I tell you ta go, I need you ta go,” Hobie mutters quietly.
“Fat chance,” you shoot back.
Miguel stalks forward in large strides, but he’s going slow enough to make you begin to regret several decisions.
“Oi, this is a bloody bad idea,” Hobie tells you.
You ignore him.
Once Miguel is a few feet closer, he flicks his gaze towards the stitches in Hobie’s side and then back at you. A flash of *something* flickers across his eyes. Whatever it is has Hobie standing ramrod straight, removing his arm from around your shoulders.
Miguel smirks at Hobie’s uncharacteristic posture.
“Leave ‘er outta this mate,” Hobie says lowly.
“It’s a little too late for that, don’t you think?” Miguel asks, his attention not really focused on Hobie, but rather yourself. Hobie steps in front of you protectively, and suddenly you find your voice, remembering why you ended up here in the first place.
“And just who do you think you are?” you demand angrily.
If Miguel is surprised by your boldness, he doesn’t show it.
“My name is Miguel O’Hara and I-“
You resist the urge to roll your eyes. “I know who you are,” you huff impatiently. You side step Hobie and advance towards Miguel. “I mean since WHEN was Spider-Man the bad guy?”
Miguel’s fuse was already short, but having a non-spider person come after all that he’s been trying to save and vilify him has him exploding.
“I do what I have to do to keep all of our universes in tact,” he gestures to the Spider spectators, “including yours!” He jabs a finger toward your chest.
“And what could have possibly made you do that?!” You swing your arm back towards Hobie. A few gasps and some murmurs traveled through the compound like a wave.
“He could have died!! For what? Helping some kid that you guys treated horribly? Give me a break. You’re a shit leader if you think it’s okay to hurt one of your own,” your voice rises, blood boiling as you witness the establishment, everything that Hobie stood against fail who they’re supposed to support.
“You think this was about helping that kid Miles?” Miguel asks, genuine curiosity buried beneath the smugness in his demeanor.
“Miguel, that’s enough,” Hobie interjects firmly.
“She really has no idea does she?”
You look back at Hobie. Was he really keeping something from you or was this asshole just trying to get a rise out of you?
“I didn’t do that trying to stop him from helping Miles,” Miguel began. “In fact, he left the moment Miles escaped.”
Webs suddenly plastered themselves to Miguel’s mouth, preventing him from continuing.
“I said that’s enough, Miguel.” Hobie’s voice had dropped and he sounded deadly serious.
Rage transformed Miguels face as he ripped the webs off.
“Hobie Brown got that,” he points to the slowly healing wound, “because he tried to get back before his next canon event happened.”
This surprised you. “But I thought your canon event already happened?” you look back at Hobie, surprised that your spunky best friend wouldn’t meet your gaze.
Miguel sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Lyla!”
A little computer woman appeared and ran the program that explains everything. Each Spider-person goes through several canon events, most , if not all of them tragedies. There was a pang in your chest when you thought about Hobie. You had always assumed that being Spider-Punk was all fun and games.
“So you see, I can’t have two people trying to break their canon events. Hobie is, believe it or not, more predictable than Miles Morales.”
Predictable is not quite the word you would use to describe Hobie Brown, but you’re beginning to think that you maybe don’t know him as well as you thought.
Miguel can see the gears turning in your head.
“I have several spiders in Miles’ world to stop him from saving his father,” Miguel explains.
The statement sounds wrong to your ears ,but according to Miguel, it needs to be done.
“I went to your world to try to stop Hobie, hence how he got… scratched up. I’m not too late, but I clearly wasn’t as successful as I had hoped.”
Miguel all but sneers at Hobie. “I’ll admit I didn’t think he would bring you here.”
“He didn’t,” you correct Miguel. “I brought us here, I just used his watch.”
“That wasn’t really a great idea, now was it?” Miguel’s tone turned condescending. “Makes my job easier.”
“I’m having regrets, but it’s not the worst thing that’s happened.”
Hobie grabs your wrist, tugging you backwards. “Love, we gotta get outta ‘ere. Now.”
Miguel shakes his head. “I’m surprised it hasn’t clicked yet.”
You look back at Hobie, who now has your wrist in a death grip. Hobie’s struggling to maintain eye contact.
A second later, he looks completely devastated, as Miguel’s claws come out.
“He wants to stop his next canon event, by trying to save you.”
Crossed Masterlist
tag-list: @hellok1ttycake
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aro-iceland · 1 year
this has been on my mind since i first saw these screenshots and i finally caved in and made the edits
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blueflipflops · 1 year
GUYS. GUYS. Had a thought. Anyone else remember that one post abt someone unexpectedly becoming friends with a punk adjacent(? Honestly cant remember) guy in their school and mentioned how she's starting her own patched jacket(??) and then he got so excited he ripped a patch from his own jacket and gave it to her??
THAT. But make it PunkFlower.
Just Miles in a patched jacket with some homemade ones along with some of Hobie's. Hobie getting excited to help Miles start his collection of patches that he ripped one off of his to start him with and they exchange patches from time to time. He gives advice on the care, repair and how to patch it up and—
[Edit: there's some additions to this idea here if y'all wanna check it out]
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veryfranticdame · 1 year
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This probably doesn't make any sense but its cute okay!!! I like the idea of Hobie making DIY stuff as a love language to his friends!!!!
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d1instigator · 1 year
i just think…
miles is sitting in hobie’s lap, with hobie’s arms around miles and his guitar resting on miles legs. hobie grabs miles hands and aligns them with his.
“keep ya’ fingers steady with mine m’love.” hobie instructs as he and miles hand grasp the neck of the guitar. hobie moves their other hand to properly hold the guitar.
“ready?” hobie asks softly.
miles nods. “very ready.”
hobie and miles thumb gently strum against the strings, sound radiating throughout hobie’s apartment. hobie ever so slightly pushes miles fingers down on the frets changing the chords. it may have been the softest hobies ever touched that guitar. miles face lights up when hobie he starts properly playing. their fingers somehow becoming one, dragging and pressing on the guitar.
the burning in miles cheeks and tummy is persistent, this was the most intimate they had ever been. miles knows he has a crush on hobie but he will never bring it up, he doesn’t want to ruin what they have. as their hands strum the last chord, hobie turns his head to look at miles and he smiles.
“you’re a proper little rocker now sunny.”
miles tries to hide his grin behind a lip bite “yeah, i guess i am.” miles looks down, he doesn’t want to face hobie, he doesn’t want him to know how much he enjoys their current position.
“y’know miles, i really like ya’. a lot.”
miles eyes snap up to face hobie, this has to be a joke. “in what way do you mean?”
“ya’ know what way i mean.” hobie inches his face closer, looking at miles lips “i think ‘bout you more than you know.” hobie connects his lips with miles.
it was the perfect moment. miles can feel his body relax as he presses his lips against hobie. the presence of hobies lip piercing makes the experience 10x better. hobie pulls away from miles.
“couldn’t wait a second longer to do that.” hobie chuckles lightly.
“i wouldn’t mind doing it again.” miles says, smiling.
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fleshwithfleas · 1 year
So, there’s this spider,,
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callmeoncette · 1 year
Currently thinking bout Hobie and his black southern gf (edit: i read over this and realized this could be for anyone so black southern boys and enbies come! Flock to your man!) having a debate about tea and how it’s made.
Like imagine it’s a hot ass day where you live even for you (so you know he cookin cuz they being frying over there when it’s 80 degrees so imagine a southern 90) so you have the great idea to make a pitcher of sweet tea. Now imma just use the way my family makes it as an example.
You and Hobie walk inside slightly panting from the heat. “Damn it’s hot. This global warmin’ shit outta control” you say not even looking as the tall dark skin dramatically collapsed on the floor in front of the couch.
While the air cooled you down you head to the fridge looking for something to drink when you get the urge for some sweet tea, maybe even an Arnold Palmer. You took out a pot to boil some water and then turned to look in the cabinets for tea bags. As you pulled them out you here a deep, “EH?!”
You turn to see Hobie staring at you looking deeply disturbed, “what you doin, love?!” He asked. That you squinted and looked around a bit confused before saying, “ummm, makin’ sweet tea??”
He scoffed, “‘LOW IT!!! In a pot?! Are you mad bruv?!” He exclaimed walking closer. You rolled your eyes and turned back to what you were doing, “don’t bring yo British ass shit in here right now. Im not playin’ with yo ‘chip chip cheerio’ ass. What happened to you not following norms? Find summ safe to do in this heat I’m beggin’ you”
“This is cuz of earlier innit? I don’t go on a mission with you an you do this? Tryna vex me love?”
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0luna123 · 4 months
Miles: This is BS!!
Gwen: This is an outrage!!
Pavitr: I'm into (Gayatri)!
Hobie: Down with the queen!!!
MilesG: WAIT! Does the queen have that Gyatt?
Miles with the steel chair: Man shut yo-
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ATSV Spiders As Things My Friends Have Said/Done
Gwen: Hold still I’m trying to make you look like a badass
Miles: Wait there’s eyeliner in my eyes is that bad for me? Will I go blind??
Hobie: Nah man that’s not a badass-in-the-making. That’s a baby deer who either had a makeup malfunction or hasn’t slept for a month.
Peter B.: I feel like I’m supposed to take charge being the oldest and most mature and all but. I don’t want to. So let me show you some pictures of the bear I knitted a little while ago instead.
Miguel: I want to yell at you so I will. But it would also be very fun to throw you into a wall
Margo: Oh yeah? Well I’m a bad bitch so your words don’t affect me 🙄 💅
-two minutes later-
Pavitr: I seem like a ray of sunshine but that’s only because I pale in comparison with these people.
Hobie, throwing random Lego pieces at everyone: FUCK THE PATRIARCHY! DIE, CAPITALISM! DIE!
Gwen, sobbing on the couch after watching a sad movie: BUT HE WAS SUPPOSED TO END UP WITH HER! WHY DID SHE HAVE TO DIE! NOTHING GOOD IN LIFE EVER LASTS!
Margo: Fuck you guys. I’m going to go sit in a tree and eat my Snickers on my own and hack away at the threads that bind all universes. When I manage to teleport straight into Middle Earth don’t come running
Pavitr: See what I mean?
Hobie: Today I woke up and chose to be a prick. The only problem is that now I’ve set up pranks for everyone but I can’t remember what they are. If your laces are tied together, or you get a bucket of water dunked on your head, then I apologise for the inconvenience but I’m sure you deserved it.
Miles: Oh, I can’t be in your exclusive little club? Well, okay! I’ll make my own exclusive little club! It’s going to be sick. It’ll have candy and video games and a treehouse. We’re going to watch The Office on repeat. Your loss, all of you.
42!Miles: Miles, I swear to God, if you introduce me as your ‘womb roomie’ instead of your twin one more time hands will be thrown.
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k-kroomie · 1 year
Miles on face time with Rio at 2:18am:
Miles, holding up a gift card: Mami! I got you a $40,000 gift card!!
Rio who is half sleep: That's wonderful Miles just bring it to me in the morn- WHERE DID YOU GET $40,000 DOLLARS!!
Hobie pushes Miles out the camera: Don't worry bout all that!
Miguel screaming like a toddler in the background.
Gwen, Pav and Margo comes into the camera: Hey Mrs. MORALES/RIO
Pav and Magro side eyeing Gwen: what? Did I say something wrong?
Miles snatching his phone from Hobie: Don't ever put you poor people hands on my phone again
Hobie: You wasn't saying that when I helped yo goofy ass
Hobie and Miles start arguing and the phone falls facing the ceiling showing Mayday crawling on the ceiling.
Rio: I swear to God I'm bout to hang up-
Everyone stops arguing and yelling: Mami/Rio/Mrs.Morales/Miles Mom NOOO!
Rio now fully awake: ...okay I guess I'll stay on the phone.
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mayhasopinions · 1 year
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they were ranting about the british government and they said something perfectly in sync idk
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chishiyae · 1 year
— MISSION IMPOSSIBLE ! [𝙛𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜] hobie brown.
𝙧𝙚𝙫𝙞𝙚𝙬 ┊hobie was bored, and you needed to get back to HQ for a mission. but he's also been wanting his brows slit, so what better way to keep you at home than to have you do it for him?
𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙣𝙩 ┊0.9k words. gn!reader. hobie mildly frustrating the reader. established relationship. suggestive themes. reader is a spider themselves & is apart of spider society.
a/n. — idk how i feel abt this but here i go posting it … using @/jasminesfury dialogue prompt
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almost everyone has an addiction, and hobie's (shameless) addiction was kissing you. he’ll seize any opportunity to catch your lips, no matter where you are or who’s nearby. truthfully? that's fine. you tend to give in to that craving, but not when you're trying to shave a clean slice through his brow.
"sometimes the urge to punch you is just — unbelievably strong," you sigh, setting your clippers on the bathroom counter.
"other times?" hobie spoke up, sitting too calmly on the toilet seat for your liking.
you simply glared. “less strong, but still there.”
when he offered the idea, you agreed only on the condition that it be quick enough for you to return to HQ in time for your next mission.
you could’ve finished all three of the brow slits he wanted by now. but, hobie kept disturbing your job by either not staying still or getting way too close to you. both were issues that lasted much too long — it's as if he doesn't want them at all.
hobie tugs on your belt loops, dragging you between his legs and, more crucially, closer to him. you push away, only for his arms to lock around you. making the idea of escaping practically impossible.
you sigh once more, your arms defeatedly limp on his chest. a brief moment of silence passes, with just the gazes you sent each other and tickling sensations of your boyfriend's fingers to remind you that you're not alone.
they also remind you that, as much as you wanted to stay in his hold, you had a mission to get to. one that couldn't easily be denied last minute.
"all you have to do is sit there and look pretty," you reach over to get the clippers. "it shouldn't be that hard.”
when he mumbles his reply, you're moving into a straddle position. both the shifting and the sound of the clippers muffled his words.
"d’ya even know how to do it? i mean, don’t you brush the brows before y’start shavin’?”
you raise your brow, the clippers in hand. “we’re supposed to be quick—”
“c’mon love, i want the full experience,” he argues, his calloused hands resting on your thighs.
your mouth opened to speak, but the sound of your watch cut you off. hobie's head tilts, his eyes scan you with interest, and you cast a short glance between him and the watch before answering the call.
for a millisecond, miguel's voice cuts in, "whe-" before your watch slid off your wrist. the slim hand that takes it away gets your attention.
“hey!” you grab for it, but he blindly throws it instead.
that shit’s gotta be broke.
you lowered your leg from his body, only to have him pull it back up. if looks could kill, your judgmental look on him would.
“‘m not worried, y’know i can make a new one,” he winks.
and he is capable. you and he are both aware of this. but that's beside the point. the gist is that you're trying to get to work, and he's preventing you from doing so. there's no getting around it. and he won't let you go until he has his new look. atleast, even if he doesn't, you'll have a better chance.
"after this? i'm never staying with you before a mission again," you mutter as you inch yourself closer to him.
you approached his right brow gradually and shaved an opening near the end of it. you cleaned it up with a razor, using a tissue to remove excess hair.
you concentrate on the hair you're working with, but your attention is drawn to the smirk on his lips. “what are you smirking at?"
“nothin’, just,” he shrugged, “got a new song idea.” at the mention of his music, he starts tapping one of his beats on your thigh. it's distracting, yet you let him do it anyway. the patterns alternate before the taps halt and a massage begins.
it's not consistent, but that's not surprising. the word even being one of his pet peeves. the way his thumbs circle the inner of your thigh was surprising — if not shocking, given how you flinched. each time they rose up, they seemed to move closer to your center.
“hobie,” you pull back, “cut it out.”
you can tell the confused look of his face is forced.
"or i’m gonna give you more than just a slit," you assert, pointing to his face.
shivers accompany his fingertips as they trace up and down your arm. "don't y'want me to look good when i'm on stage?"
"as if you need eyebrows to sing.”
"i said look good," he noted, lightly squeezing your arm.
“that either.” you roll your eyes.
the following moments are slow. everything seems slow, starting with you shifting closer to find a proper shaving position. he grunts, and you know it's because you're moving too swiftly on top of him, so you apologize.
he replies by kissing your cheek. it's comforting that even when he draws back, he stays close. dangerously close, even. it was a shame you felt his breathing. the twitching of your lips locking his gaze.
his eyelids begin to droop, as do his wandering eyes. you're trying hard not to look at him, but it seems as though your body has more control than your head. it keeps drawing into him, allowing him to press you firmly against him. allowing him to caress the side of your face and you to land your lips against his. those that don’t take action to reciprocate your movements. they do, however, smile. he fucking smiles and returns to his previous posture, "so we gonna finish my look or wha'?"
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gothpool · 27 days
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@spiderpunkofficial why am i kickin my feet like a little schoolgirl looking at this aaaaaa 💘
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sourslices · 1 year
apparently pav is like 13 or 14 that mean he's either class 9 or 10 and I KNOW MUMBAHATTAN IS LIKE MUMBAI /AND/ MANHATTAN so boards MAY not be a thing but like just imagine pavitr losing his mind over board exams and his friends thinking its just any regular exam
pav: im going to kms fr pav: fuck whoever came up with boards ka system pav: madarchod miles: whoa whoa miles: is this abt ur exams again gwen: you'll be fine pav hobie: what gwendilocks said pav: p sure its goldilocks btw pav: and U DONT KNOW THT gwen: we all knoy you'll pass pav: ITS NOT JUST ABT PASSING... pav: if i dont get above 80 ill die of humiliation hobie: (comment about how shitty the system is) miles: u wont die pav (crying emoji)(skull emoji) pav: nono u guys dont get it my reputation depends on this pav: i am a TOPPER i NEED to get above ninety or i might just end it all fr (more confusion)
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thespotted · 1 year
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i had way too much fun with this one,,,
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d1instigator · 1 year
the gentle rumble of the city could still be heard over the tv, it was a calm day for hobie and miles, a day of rest. where they could sit and enjoy each other’s company. it was miles’ favorite type of days.
hobies eyes are fixated on the the tv, miles legs long ago thrown over hobies and he’s tracing patterns onto miles shin. miles vision very quickly flickers from the stupid reality drama they’re watching, he just wanted to make sure hobie didn’t seem upset or anything. just checking in on him, however miles’ eyes linger, his sight skating up and down, up and down hobies face, torso, arms, legs, all of him. he looks back to hobies face, his eyes and lips in particular.
hobies eyes were so incredible. they could bore right through miles’ soul and read him cover to back yet, there was so much tenderness and warmth in the depths of his irises and pupils. and his lips, miles practically melted when hobie pulled that all-knowing smirk, and they were so full, they encased miles’ when him and hobie would kiss. and that lip ring? miles is gone, on a completely different planet. sometimes when hobie would pull him in by the waist, miles would shoot his hands up to hobies jaw and caress his thumb over his lips and he would stop, just for a moment, to toy with the piercing.
“‘ave i got something on my face, love?” hobie smirked.
miles snapped out of his hobie induced trance. the tips of his ears and cheeks turning pink in the process.
“nah, just enjoying the view i’ve been given.” miles swings his legs off of hobies lap and sits up properly next to him.
“do ya’ want an up close view then, sweets?” it was rhetorical. hobie already knew the answer, pulling miles over to straddle his lap. and nobody needs to know that miles shivered when hobie engulfed miles in a kiss and he could feel his piercing against his own lips.
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